Has anybody tried looking into their brains and seen what makes them tick?
What is it about fags, trannys, and dykes that makes them so dysfunctional?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not their brain, it's their environment that makes them this way.
I've seen research that suggests that being a faggot is caused by epigenetic factors induced by hormonal imbalances in the womb.
For some of the hardcore fags the thought of societal dysfunction itself is a turn on. This is true Sado-Masochism. Once you reach that point your mentality shifts to think that everyone outside your fetish is a normalfag while you are the rightous one. People who just like leather are posers, people who think that bugchasing is wrong are moralfags, people who are truly like you whether sub or dom are ultimately in the clique.
First they are brain damaged.
Then they 'choose' what concept defines them.
Loss of biological purpose. Fags and Lesbos will never breed, hence they engage in self-destruction.
Damn. Gamergate was a blast. So many redpills. So manny lulz.
I think Jeffrey Dahmer did….
Probably that they're dysfuntional.
am i close?
They have no spiritual Telos to draw upon.
Transfaggotry is the last stop on the train ride of Atheism, Materialism, Utilitarianism, and Moralistic Relativity.
Holla Forums and bluepilled fence sitters can whine and moan about "Conservative Communism" and "the old 'real' Liberalism" all they want. At the end of the day, everything we are seeing now is the logical end-result of putting the individual over the group in terms of value. This is where it was always going to end up. It was just a matter of how long it took.
Individualism is a lie. It isn't real. It's a cancer and a poison. No one exists in a vacuum. You didn't come into this world as an individual, but as a part of this family, you weren't brought up in this world as an individual, but as a member of a familial, cultural, and ethnic in-group, and you won't die an individual either.
Individualism as an idea is based on a lie. It tries to scrub people of the context in which they exist, which is impossible. Bulldyke trannies who sexually identify as animals having pride parades down main street is nothing more than the ultimate and logical extrapolation of the idea that there is a fictional brotherhood of man between an Ottoman and an Anglo.
This is why the French Revolution was cancer. This is why Atheists are wrong. This is why Materialism and Individualism are rhetorical lies. Life has a purpose and a meaning beyond base survival. To reject this is to take a position that cannot rhetorically object to nigger trannies spirit cooking with your daughter's 4 year old asshole in a public restroom.
Left-wing politics is a mental disorder
What do you expect out of people who attempt to live so perpendicularly to their nature? It's like being a manlet and acting as if you're some 6'6" alpha-male. Your brain chemistry isn't wired for that, neither are other people's. No matter how much you attempt to simulate the life of the opposite gender, or pretend that *sexual relationships actually work normally- you're going to get hit in the face with mixed bodily reactions and end up being an evolutionary/social dead end. Faggots maim themselves while blaming others when it's really all down to their poor adjustment to having "preferences".
I've met quite a number of them since I studied in a liberal college We have small as fuck university so all is grouped together
What is similar with all of them is that they have all been abused in their childhood by their parents or caretakers.
They basically live against their biological goal and their subconscious knows it. If you break it down, they are all castrating themselves.
They try to remove themselves from the gene pool since they are taking away resources from the rest of the healthy population. And they know that they won't be able to care for their offspring in an effective way.
And wew, you wouldn't imagine how abusive they are to their partners. Constant gossip, constant cheating. I feel sorry for them.
Gee, I wonder
No future time orientation due to the impossibility of offspring, therefore no real maturity beyond pubescence, therefore stunted people.
1. They're mentally ill.
2. Cultural marxism not only enables their mental illnesses but promotes them endlessly.
It's that simple. It should be obvious to anybody.
Shit. Wrong pic.
child neglect and xenoestrogens
I think the issue is heavily over-analyzed. Abuse is the biggest trend, then fetishism lifestyle takes it from there. I had a troubled child hood myself and dove into fetishism as both a form of escapism and to find like minded people to befriend. If there's one thing I've always been good at though, its reading people. No matter how much time I sunk into it, searching, investing time in them to try to build relationships, I was always disappointed by one thing.
They're all batshit fucking insane or retarded. Especially when it comes to BDSM. You could refer to BDSM as 'psychopaths abusing retards' and it wouldn't be untrue. I don't try to escape that label being put on me, the only thing that separates me from them is I was never willing to allow my sexuality to define me as a person and dominate my life. Which made it easier to let go and distance myself from the whole thing.
Now? Well, I started lifting weights and I'm pretty sure I'm straight. I'm a lot happier and have more motivation and energy. Being objectified as a twinky male was nice when I was an attention starved teen, but it turned dark and horrifying later in life when I realized I needed real relationships.
Not living in accordance to dharma always yields bad outcomes.
That pic is what the chimnies are going to look like when we bake those fags.
Nice trips
Almost all homosexuals are traumatized straight people. If you've ever met "healthy" homosexuals (normal acting, not into domestic violence or sleeping around) you'll know what I mean.
In men, the patterns from childhood are always one or more of the following:
- Neglectful or absent father/ father-figure
- Rejection from other male peers
- Rejection of one's body image (too skinny, too small, too ugly) Goes along with severe bullying
- Victim of sexual abuse by older male
Is this a joke?
No poo-in-loo shitskin religion shilling please
Oops Saged. Meant to Bump
the normalnormalfags are just a victim of insanity and an orchestrated effort by (((them))).
Why are pride parades so in your face and gaudy?
They have to be as offensive as possible so everyone gets offended and is therefore a target for "yer a bigot".
While also damaging culture the most.
It's a bit like CF/CFs followers posting here.
Same old bait, be as obnoxious as possible.
Two sides of the same shekel.
Why are these people so dysfunctional that they become fags, trannies and dykes?
To be a little more constructive, a good way to fix the root problem is organizations like the boy scouts. Which may or may not have already been subverted in recent years, but the original concept is a good one. Take all that twisted dysfunctional emotion, channel it into constructive activities that build confidence rather than further erode it by perpetuating victimhood. Nowadays there's a lot more to do than just learn survival skills, this could branch out into computer sciences and things that will actually lead to productive careers.
As others have pointed out: Mental illness and abuse.
Take note of the blatant degeneracy that happens at pride parades. Now, take into consideration what you know about "the gay community"… Lots of anonymous sex. A combination of older and younger men. Lots of drugs and alcohol. STDs running wild (bug chases). Lots of short term relationships. High levels of domestic violence. Widely glorified as being lively and creative and cultured by the (((MSM))).
Younger "confused" men, encouraged by the media and even high school activist groups seek out "The Gay Community" where they are plied with sex and drugs by older men who were likely lured in the same way they were. Emotional and physical abuse follows, but since the victim is a stupid teenager, they stick around, because they feel to ashamed to tell anyone what happened. So they stick around. They get passed around between multiple older men, encouraged to take part in the degeneracy.. and if they don't die young from overdosing on some party drug, they go on to become exactly like their abusers, preying on younger men and traumatizing them into the Faggot way of life.
They're all mentally ill. That's why they can't function.
Good morning, have you satisfied your globalist approved bean addiction yet?
that's like a penis that shrinks when erect
double dubs of simple truth
This has been scientifically proven, user
Why did you make a thread for this?
I haven't ever met a faggot that wasn't mentally ill. Some hide it better than others.
It's like visiting a school for the deaf. You quickly find out that these poor kids aren't just normal kids with deafness, they are all sorts of retarded and fucked up.
I have no science on it, but there was a theory that there was an actual parasite or bacteria that changed brain chemistry and behavior. Dumping my Holla Forums "LMNOP" folder.
They have a deranged central nervous system we know this from autopsies. Is it any surprise that a disorder which causes androgynization and deformity in the brain has effects other than where these freaks want to stick their dick? A fundamental change in brain structure will have effects on all sorts of behaviors.
This is why faggots and dykes don't live past 47.
Since faggotry appears to be only 20% inheritable it is likely that some inherited trait is being acted upon by environmental stimuli like a disease(pathogen spread by other faggots through child abuse perhaps?, injury, or inuterine conditions. That would explain the low heritability and the link between faggotry and child abuse. The disease infects through abuse and facilitates its perpetuation by creating a predisposition toward those behaviors in the infected organism. It is no surprise that homos account for 30% of those arrested for child abuse.
I have to agree on the mentally ill/abuse victim angle. I have personally known twelve "alt sexuality" types, and only three of them were remotely "stable". two of them were lesbos, but they had horrible substance abuse problems. One was an in incredibly timid guy who was a beta but you would have never of guessed he was gay. He could be catty at times if you pissed him off but was a genuinely cool guy.
I remember my liberal friends encouraging him to "explore the gay community more" like there was somthing wrong with him. I hope he never did for his sake.
I was coerced into going to a drag show in college once, nothing about that event made me think anyone respected the preformers on stage. It was confused men desperate for attention being jeered at by "supporters" like they were court jesters. The entire community is self-destructive and operates on thinly veild "support" which is dehumanizing and at its core abusive.
Whats sad is most of these people know they have flaws, but believe without question that they cannot self improve. Thats the main reason they all act unhinged. They are miserable because humans arent engineered to acceptance if we know we have the power to change.
Ah there we go. I was bullied a lot during public school because I cried a lot, and easily. It went away in high school.
Yes, I'm gay. I'm not into sleeping around, I just want a respectable partner to be with.
because we gave women & non-whites the right to vote so now instead of throwing the fucking trash in the bog were it belongs we have to give them welfare. fucking bullshit tbh.
kill yourself
You need to go in the bog.
HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men
Everyone who is not an exclusive heterosexual makes up about 2.1-2.7% of the population. With about 1% being homosexual. So the number of dudes that fuck dudes would be around 1.3% at most. So if they account for 56% of new infections they are 43 times more likely to be infected.
The total number of these dude-fuckers shall we call them who are infected each year is 28,200. Given that sexual activity occurs between 15 and 45 that means that in that time 846,000 of the sexually active dude fuckers will be infected. Their total population is about 4.095 million at the most. Of which 55% will be within that 15-45 age group. So about 2.25 million of them are sexually active in a given 30 year period of which 846,000 will be infected. So about 37.5% of their sexually active population will be infected in their lifetimes. Now before you say “but that is just niggers and spics”, look at the data, even when only accounting for whites the rate of infection is still 31%. Which is admittedly better than 37% but still not great.
Homosexual Men Have 50 Times Higher Rate of AIDS
One in Five Gay, Bisexual Men in U.S. Cities Has HIV
Report Finds Black Gay Males in US Worst Hit By HIV-AIDS
STD Facts - Syphilis & MSM
Viral Hepatitis Populations - Men Who Have Sex with Men
“Didn't your study reveal that 40 percent of the homosexual men claimed to have had more than 500 partners?
Being raped as children by other fags, usually closeted family members.
Good luck. You're going to need it.
People who think that you shouldn't fuck underage twinks are 'moralfags' too as I've found out.
Don't kid yourself: fags are always recruiting and they want to poopdick your son's virgin asshole.
Gamergate taught me that tranny hormones available OTC are a baaaaad idea.
50 shades of fucking gay. This.
I find BDSM actually funny. What, you pay someone to hit you? Go on.
Thanks user, I almost forgot to take the bog pill today
what a terrible picture. gender is a made up term coined by a psychopath that experimented on twins that killed themselves.
Out of curiosity, are you a pitcher or a catcher? If you are a catcher, then chances are very good that you are not a homosexual. You're simply a confused straight man.
Yeah, I pretty much had to start telling people about the super cute but totally chick that stalked me for a few years to get them to stop shipping me with faggots. Of course I've since solved the problem by getting a new group of friends.
And this is the worst part. I had a friend go nuts recently and pointed out that her uncle sodomizing her as a child didn't help. She chose to freeze me out and expose her children to abuse rather than upset the family.
A few months ago, a friend of mine had me meet up with one of his friends. She seemed cute, so i added her on (((skype))).
After a couple of days of chatting over text, I learn she's actually a trannyfag in a relationship with another trannyfag, 2 dealbreakers in one. Hiding my power level, i stick around in the tranny's groupchat, which turns out to be full of trannies. From there, I learned a lot about "her" and how she suffered an aneurysm a few years back which triggered the dysphoria. I also learned she had Disassociated Identity Disorder, and lashed herself daily for fun. Then she tried to kill herself twice while her "boyfriend" was at work or asleep. I don't know if other Holla Forumsacks had to talk someone out of suicide before, but it's not fun. Before she could an hero, she snapped out of it and called an ambulance before the bottle of pain meds could take hold. I know Holla Forums likes them to an hero and go off with a bang, but I saw her as human, and did everything i could to prevent the loss of life. I was pretty transphobic in the past, but that experience cemented my views on the subject. No child of God should be misled to destroy themselves by kike doctors and post-modern thinking. It's a cancer on this Earth.
Agreed user. It's when they try to brainwash children that my pity stops and my anger begins.
Holy shit this. I never really realized what felt "off" about the homo community and their "support" structure, but you nailed it. The "support" is destructive and dehumanizing, and seeks to make the subject more dependent on the group to draw them in. Definitely a BDSM/mindfuck angle on that. Damn, perfectly put.
Bottom, but I'm also a furry.
I don't fuck animals or wear fursuits, or even have an OC, I'm just in it for the porn, really.
Individualism is the fucking FOUNDATION of the US Constitution you stupid fucking cocksucker. Take your liberal whine and kill yourself.
Interesting. Did you watch sonic the hedgehog or fox and the hound when you were between the ages of 5 and 7?
He's not a homosexual in the sense that he was not born to be a homosexual. Had he had a healthy childhood he would not have the urge to have gay sex.
My dad was always working as a chef until 10 pm, so I didn't see a lot of him growing up, unless I stayed up late or it was the morning before school, so I might have lost out a bit on having a father figure during childhood. I did have a bit of a troubled time at school and did not get along with a lot of my public school teachers.
I don't know about my first "furry memory" but I grew up with Nintendo consoles. Around grade 10 (say 2006 or so), I was introduced to Furcadia by one of my friends, and learned the word "yiff" by looking at other profiles, though I didn't RP; I did quickly find Digimon porn on Limewire at that point, though.
I'm also Canadian but I would have voted for Trump if I could. He really does need to wash the refugees away and clean up the system. Gay culture is disgusting, that's why I refuse to participate in it and keep mostly to myself, introverted. I look forward to the day of the rake
No one is born to be a homosexual.
Given the way nature functions, I think it very likely that a tiny fraction of human beings are born to be homosexual, but it;s probably 5% of the 2%. It's a minuscule percentage.
I would recommend meditation with a small amount of magic mushrooms in nature (like park or quiet garden) every few weeks, with the intent of releasing whatever unprocessed passed experiences you have.
Having a mostly absent father, and being bullied as a kid, are two things I can relate to. I also had homosexual urges for a few years. I then began following a regular meditation program with natural psychedelics. I started it looking for a cure to my severe depression ( I was also very sensitive as a kid and got bullied for it).
After a few years of this I've changed radically. No more depression, or homosexual urges. In fact I've become quite the dominant man. You should look into it as a possibility. Natural psychedelics, taken with proper intent, can help dislodge blocks in your thinking patterns that result from past traumas.
You're a good man, user. Hate is a side effect of the black pill, a poison people ingest when they've given up on the idea of a better world. Obviously, not everyone can be saved. There are those too far gone to ever be brought back. But don't take the worst of Holla Forums's advice and relish in their suffering. Keep your eyes turned upward, be optimistic, and always remember your goal of a better world.
I don't hate gender dysphoria any more than I hate cancer. They're both diseases in need of cures, and even if everybody who suffered from those diseases died right this instant, the disease would just develop naturally once again. All we can do is minimize the spread, educate people as best we can, and try to support those finding real solutions.
All porn is gay.
For more information visit the MPC Institute for Advanced Homophobia, the World War T Superthread, and the Center for Scientific Antisemitism.
Bonus Points: Jews Reject Logos
What are some sources on dykes in particular? I ask since a lot of the talk so far seems to focus on fag men?
You mean "he" don't you? There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits. Sorry I had to quote that degenerate movie but you're literally looking to bang a dude. Get a hold of yourself.
I think that, most times, it's easier for them to go with the sunshiney-rainbow version of things rather than take a good hard look at themselves and say "I need help."
The mental illness?
He's a really nice and smart guy, though it's extremely hard for me to have respect for him, despite all of his academic accomplishments. I would have been able to bond with him more if he wasn't such a wussy unassertive quiet genius. Very awkward to converse with.
Given our modest upbringing, it pains me that he became another left leaning apathetic Cosmopolitan fag. It pains me that he'll never give my parents grandchildren, while he's very financially stable. My parents are both retired and getting up there in age, its so sad to me that my brother in his 30s won't have children because he'd rather make out with asian boys. A grandchild would make them both so happy, and he's so fucking selfish and doesn't even consider that.
I'm a broke fucking NEET and he's the one with the means to start a family and continue our name. Hopefully one day I'll have a family of my own, but my kids won't have cousins to play with.
I resent the fuck out of my brother for this.
That humility is beautiful user. But remember, your metacognative abilities are worth more than his academic or intelligence ones. Just like in a gang, a society, or a race, those who can realize the situation and act accordingly are worth more than those who only satisfy a specific function. After we have a set of people who are trustworthy/cohesive, then we can focus on reaching the pinnacle of intelligence and strength.
w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4718836
w ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1586258/pdf/brmedj01568-0031.pdf
Male faggotry even in adulthood is probably curable through hormonal therapy and its been known since at least the 70's. Kikes swept it under the rug though.
The main hormonal difference between healthy normal men and degenerate fags is the ratio between androsterone and etiocholanolone.
They are both neurosteroids that are downstream metabolites of testosterone, but the ratio can change if the pathway for one becomes damaged or accentuated. Why pathways can get can get damaged is another question that I haven't researched, but our toxic environment and advanced maternal age are two likely causes.
Overtime the ratio will influence brain regions to grow or atrophy that are associated with sexual orientation even as an adult. So there you have it. Faggotry has a cure, but in order for it go mainstream we have to get rid of Kikery in academia so it will be an acceptable treatment and receive more study.
get out
Extreme r-selected reproductive base psychology
There's a difference between RP and reailty though. You need to make that distinction. Those that do it IRL are pedophiles, those who use MUDs or IRC to rp their degenerate lolicon/shotacon/cub bullshit are just blowing off steam, I feel.
Since I can't find an OC thread to ask, anyone got some edits of this cancer? Specifically the one where the on the right calls the one on the left a kike puppet.
Sodomite is dumb term for describing fags. If you fuck your wife in the ass, that's still sodomy and I guarantee you won't get HIV from a woman if she's not a nigger.
not sure how to edit it other than ben garrisoning it.
Jacobins, Bolsheviks, post cultural revolution American progs, all make or have made great political use out of defectives, both higher and lower degenerates, sadists, murderers, thieves, perverts, drug addicts, homosexuals etc. It's a hallmark of revolutionary leftism.
A lack of shame. We live in a world of fanaticism. The almost religious fanaticism of victimhood.
The current liberal ideology tells people that no matter what they do they aren't responsible. Pedophiles aren't responsible for their desires, they are victims. Gays aren't responsible for spreading aids, they are victims. Niggers aren't responsible for the crime they commit, they are victims.
They have slowly but surely enforced such an extreme version of "live and let live" to the point where anything short of raping a mother and her children is deemed to be completely shameless. Everything is written off as a mental disorder by the snake oil peddlers in the psychiatric fields. No one is actually responsible for what they do or think. You're depressed? It's a sickness, feeling sad is a sickness. You are sick, trust me. It's not your fault. You don't have any control. Buy this pill and it will fix you. If you create a society where judgment is hate speech you get a pretty brilliant recipe for disaster and degeneracy.
Instead of the boy being punished for being caught jerking off his cousin they are given condoms because they aren't hurting anyone.
The left isn't what you need to worry about. The most problematic people are the apathetic moderates that refuse to draw the line.
I say this as a complete fucking degenerate who spends almost every day fantasizing about becoming a tranny.
Did you even bother to notice that OP is most of the thread? Or that OP spends half of it talking to himself? I don't know what to make of this shit show of a thread, but I do know that fags=pedos which means they all need to be thrown in an oven.
Everyone having the same ID's is a bug that happened the other day when the servers went down for maintenance or whatever. It's happened in virtually every thread that was up before the servers went down.
user, that's a site bug that happened some time ago
Daily reminder that HIV in straight, non-IV drug using males in the USA is effectively not a thing, per CDC data. It's damn hard to contract HIV & AIDS without being a degenerate.
Kek, you need Rockwell my nigger.
My bad I wasn't here that day.
Bump to make up for it.
But still, all fags should be subjected to scaphism or given the Vlad method of treating sodomy.
What is it about niggers that makes them so black?
To answer OP as quickly as possible coz I be busy, both queer men and women are inherently dysfunctional. They are sexually, physically and mentally, dysfunctional, as opposed to the hetero who is sexually functional. As sex is such a big and intrinsic part of our lives and being, it stands to reason that homos are largely dysfunctional because of their sexuality. Take that and combine it with their hedonistic and nihilistic culture of unrestrained sex and rampant drug use, and you have super dysfunctional degenerates.
Off the top.
I didn't mean to imply fanaticism was bad. Just very poor wording on my part.
I just don't subscribe to the theory of faggotry being biological, at least on a larger scale. Being on imageboards all my life and seeing the spiral of sexual deviancy in myself and in thousands of other people, to me, proves that being a faggot is a choice.
Perhaps biological faggots and trannies do exist, but they are irrelevant their numbers are so small.
The modern day faggot is the cultural faggot. Rome had cultural faggotry. Rome had cultural trannies. Given enough incentive and oppression men turn to faggotry quite quickly to deal with their miserable pointless existence. Submissiveness is very enticing the a lot of men because they are lazy. So when you couple that with basic sexual dimorphism, jobs and labour going out of stock due to technological advances, and the death of Christianity, it becomes a question of when, not if or why men become faggots.
Self check for Orwell digits.
I'm checkin these trips, but you can't check your own digits faggot
I don't really care at this point, as far as I'm concerned the question isn't when or why, it's scaphism or the Tepes treatment.
But user is right you need to stop sucking your own cock.
At that point, all that is left is self-mutilation and suicide. Individualism, as it is presented in modern society, is a lie. The goal being to separate people from others so they can be transformed into something more destructive. Freedom of thought is important. If a person cannot think for themselves, then they are nothing more than an indoctrinated tool. Unfortunately, we live in a world where 90% of people are incapable of doing that.
+2 powerlevels from reading this
Non cucked and fucked women are hard to come by, friend. You seem like a caring lad, much like myself, and seeing someone as human is an alright feeling if you truly care about someone. But, with that being said, if there's nothing you can do to save this one person, you have to learn to let go. Our fight targets the ones not yet swayed, as the ones under control of Moloch are beyond saving. I'm sorry, man. I too have seen the effects of Cultural Marxism on ones I have loved. I hope you find a qt white waifu in this life - I did, but I fucked up big time.
I could kiss you.
That degenerate lived on welfare, right? Who would employ something like that?
you some kind of fag?
I don't really know how to approach this gender topic. In the mainstream the whole movement against this gender issue revolves around defending the term gender and it being synonymous with sex. In reality, to me, it seems as a subversive base for the very issues we're now facing. However trying to undermine it undermines the counter movement by completely undermining their core point. So do you just go with the flow of things, i.e., there's only two genders, or do you take up the whole "gender is a social construct, but not because of these ridiculous reasons." You kind of have to just go along, because at this point the whole "only two genders" thing has only further solidified the place of gender in society. I think at this point we need to forget its origins and just hammer down the point that it's synonymous with sex.
Just tell them the truth, gender is a word made up by a pedophile so he could take nude pics of little boys for science.
That's the thing. If you dispute the existence of gender, then you cede massive ground to the Marxist filth until everyone can unify around this new ideal, which is unlikely.
That's why you frame so that the ball is in their court, either they support a pedophile and gender is a thing or they don't and gender is a made up word that is when you reintroduce sex as the only metric because genetically there is nothing else. It's not disputing the existence of gender, you're dismissing it as a valid concept nullifying it's palatability to normalfags by associating it with an insane pedophile and using leftist filth to set the stage to do so.
Just fuck my grammar up
Should be
How the fuck have these double dubs gone unchecked.
Checked the fuck out of them
gay people have a tiny brain defect, it s a medical fact. tho this information is not emphasized, as being not-politically-correct
just like there are physiological differences in male and female brains.
mice have been turned gay, and then turned-un-gay in labs already. a cure for people is still years away however.
once a real cure is available, most of these people will take it,,,,,, and silently walk away from their train-wreck lifestyle forever.
most of them would much rather be "normal", despite whatever they may claim now.
People only have 2 sexes, male and female, but gender isn't a made up word (other than the fact that all words are "made up"), it's just misused. People don't have genders, nouns do. And there are 4 genders: masculine, feminine, neuter and indeterminate.
You know what. It's been so long since I've encountered the proper usage of the word that I actually forgot there was one in the first place.
Dykes chimpinout.
What should be done with the freaks?
Even this idea has been corrupted and shamed by feminists who think that it's sexist for nouns to have genders. They want to abolish that system in languages that use it.
Requesting sources on lesbians.