Mfw traditional thanksgiving nap

are europeons even trying?

does turkey make burgers retarded?

t. jelly eurpoor


who's the retard now

if you were not retarded you would know that what we celebrate on thanksgiving (peace talks, sharing techniques and culture) happened AFTER the native american apocalypse





imagine releasing your semen into this anime chicks womb haha

I wonder what her farts smell like just curious haha


why even live fam

why even not live


No they aren't

fucking dumb faggots

If the holocaust had a set day I'd celebrate if it didn't mean I was also celebrating along with all the jews in remembrance of their big pay day of 14 billion dollars.

How big is your guy's manga collection?
Here's mine btw

Were your family fucking you silly? What's with the image?

The "cropped hentai image" meme is so old and overused reddit fags on Twitter use it now give it a rest.
I honestly prefer the old weebs instead of these ''''ironic"" tongue in cheek weebs

I'm gonna crush your boipussy fag




this is just the new anti weeb angle of attack. you can't tell who is an ironic weeb based on one picture of cropped hentai. this is just Holla Forums's new strategy to get people to hate anime and imageboards by extension. the only way you could tell if someone who posts anime is being ironic is if they do something totally autistic like post hundreds of pictures of their waifu, essentially spamming a thread with one anime character. only then can you know for sure they aren't being ironic

stop being schizophrenic

Kill yourself.

Holla Forums bans you if you make fun of anime, retard.

for a board that's so skeptical of false flags ya'll are fucking retarded when it comes to yourselves. top kek you know the mods only put on a show. for ever (this user has been banned) do you REALIZE how many silent bans are being distributed? retard

Yes yes you were banned there two years ago and you’ve shit up Holla Forums ever since.

Holla Forums bans you if you make fun of ameriniggers, coincidence? I think not.

Nobody likes weebs. Get over it, faggot.
Anime girls are a shit meme. Your shit has been tested where mods aren't friendly to it, and you don't win. this "there are no real weebs we must try real weeb communism" shit is just that, SHIT

Maybe give up and go away now.


Topkek. You have to go back weeaboo, Holla Forums is anti anishit.

fuck off, degenerate.

What kind of fucked up naps does your family take , user?


You have to go back.

If you post anything negative about Trump or Anime on nu-Holla Forums you get spammed smug little anime girls and banned.

heroin naps

But I literally spammed two threads in the last week with hundreds of anime girls just to shitpost and make people hate weebs. Hell I made the crabkino thread just to take a one note joke and turn it into the most insufferable weebshit just to make them even more hated.

cuckimagine cuckibeing cuckithat cuckiretarded

What is your endgame here?

Oh wow u made me h8 weebs?
LOL u totally got me bruh ur rilly clever we shud fuck

To delude himself into believing he has any control over Holla Forums's shitposting habits.

You've missed out.

jokes on u, i actually enjoyed those cute anime images u spammed