A thread in which we share/discuss both the vile sins and righteous punishments of the most loathsome creatures in the sea (as depicted in cartoons).
The common Rapefish.
A thread in which we share/discuss both the vile sins and righteous punishments of the most loathsome creatures in the sea (as depicted in cartoons).
The common Rapefish.
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The Tick knew what was up.
had to fight his gambling addiction in the same episode, that's just damn good writing right there.
"The Tick vs. Reno, Nevada" was through the looking glass. That dolphin was dia-fucking-bolical.
Hank's dolphin encounter changed his life, not for the better though.
This dolphin at least had proper motivation for going bad.
Reminder that bottlenose dolphins are the niggers of the dolphin family ant that their abhorrent behavior should not extrapolated onto the gentler members of the lesser beaked whales.
This episode freaked me out just a bit as a lad.
Cherry is pretty fucking degenerate.
Same guy.
What the hell is this stupid shit and where can I buy it?
So what's with liberal people and dolphin rape?
One loves to rape and the other loves to get raped.
Rex doesn't fear filthy rapefish. They bow to his will.
Remember kids, the best way to fight rape is with MORE RAPE!
In the words of The Bard, and by The Bard of course I mean Meatloaf, two out of three ain't bad.
The Filth, a Nick Fury pitch by Grant Morrison shot down by Marvel and reincarnated as a debased spiritual sequel to Doom Patrol , Flex Mentallo, and The Invisibles.
This is kiked shit.
Because Welz is such a good Jewish name, right? Go back to the suburbs.
Nice try, Chaim.