What does hatechan Holla Forums make of this action?
Halfchan Is Making A New Politics/Random Board
They're dead to us. What the dead do is no concern to the living.
Yea, you faggpts say that but we all know its not true.
That's deep
If they allow porn its basically the same shit as Holla Forums.
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.
Right? I figure this is what /int/ or whatever is for.
Can bots be used over tor?
Who gives a fuck?
Anti-white detected.
Please go back to cuckchan, shitskin. We hate you.
Really……………………….it's true.
The way cuckchans/pol/ operates its already like it has no moderation. Just made the thread hoping some high iq anons who arent fucking spergs may be able to give insight as to what the aim of this new politics board would be for.
As in, what OP sucks.
Of course.
They should name it /polk/
then immediately kike it up, just to copy their big brother
What would this board do that /int/ Holla Forums or Holla Forums doesn't already handle?
The only thing I could guess this would be is an attempt to create a new Holla Forums2 that would eventually give them a reason to erase Holla Forums1 over. But that doesn't make any sense either, they already own the existing Holla Forums and can nazi mod it all they want, and users would just flock to the new one.
Sounds dumb as fuck.
You are justifying genocide.
Anti-whites scream "racist!" and "hate!" at white people for decades in order to get their way, but when a white person objects to this behaviour, anti-whites complain about repetitiveness. Who do these anti-whites think they're kidding?
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Your board is coopted, full of Jews and Masons. They should just merge it with leftypol and euthanize it once and for all.
I mulled this scenario over in my head as well and came to the conclusion but though it is dumb, I wouldnt put it pat them trying.
I need to proof read my shit moar before posting.
It's a step in the right direction.
I don't have the screencap, but originally 4/pol/ wasn't going to be moderated, to allow for true freedom of speech and whatnot
That was, of course, before moot became Judas>>9816013
Reminder in his creation of Holla Forums he said "this board can stay unless it becomes /stormfront/ again"
He always hated us. Go back to cuckchan fag.
I dont know if I buy this tbh. Isnt it a site wide rule that no doxing is allowed? With that 4chan has become crippled from what muscle it used to flex. Unless the dox and raid campaigns can flow on this new board I dont see how they can say it wil be void of moderation.
I got bad news for you Chessmaster, gonna have to update that pic
It's back faget. Running lynx too.
Wtf is meguca? Also every other Holla Forums is shit, 8ch Holla Forums is just slightly less shit and they don't constantly shill against trump.
What a shitty post. Not that I would expect anything more from a tripfag.
not for the likes of you, T_D
Don't worry about it.
Found the screenshot
Also, go back to Africa, tripfag
/sp/ ain't there no more though, nor is megamilk, so there goes that entire bus except for bonzitan
it's shit
Africa is no place for a chessmaster like myself. And this was the image I was talking about where j00t threatens to delete the whole fucking board if it got too pro-white.
I think they're still on end.
btw GR3 is "no racism" :^)
Oh so it's another goon board then, thanks namefag, thanks discord nigger.
there's only room for on of us in here
I was banned for calling out the antiwhite threads that were in the catalog to which the BO defended with muh freeze peach. .pl is garbage and thats just how it is.
Now fuck off and stop derailing with your shitty bunker board.
8/pol/ will deservingly lose even more users once 4/pol/ becomes more serious but without the controlled opposition moderation like on here.
Holla Forums will end up becoming the biggest politics board on Holla Forums.
Don't even bother with that fag.
Ah fuck off tor faggot. Go back to posting your 2010 copypasta.
keep on dreaming
away with you
Yes, everyone on gooka is 10bux approved. And I'm tripfagging - ignore the name. It's just my little way of showing you all that I AM A MASTER OF INTER-DIMENSIONAL CHESS
pl is shit because Holla Forums BO Is a free-speech faggot that lets anti-white content stay up.
all 4cuck moderation is controlled. Idiot. Mods here are doing a good job of keeping the board pro-white and pro-Trump.
autistic tripcode faggot, you mean nothing
Suck my thick meaty cuck, robocuck.
At least you got trips.
4chan Holla Forums originally only had the global rules like Holla Forums.
It only changed when autists started spamming interracial porn and they made the sticky but even after that it was generally unmoderated up until Gamergate.
Yes, and as the other owner of .pl/pol/, greyface, I confronted Emanon and cleared the confusion up with him personally. Here is a screenshot of the e-mail I sent him the last time you brought this up in the other thread. I also adjusted the rules to make anti-white posting bannable.
You don't filter tripcodes on site?
Im sorry but you've to go back
I'm still curious about meguca, they've been subtly shilling it with that pic for a long time now. Also I just saw the tripfag say
So he's confirmed for that one discord nigger who wont say god or yahweh.
pic related goon
Don't deny that they hold more meme power than your autism, fag.
I'll filter you now.
I just wanted to prove he's a cuck with some numerals, and I got trips. My work is done
I'm sure meguca is some faggot place for faggots.
There is literally nothing wrong with reddit.
Stay the fuck away from gooka. Baseless shilling accusations just because I defended the G-d Emper-r mean you're the real shill. Get fucked shill KIKE>
I enjoy being filtered by anti-Trump shills like yourself. Go back to Discord.
This is a complete fucking lie and you know it, you tripfag. We explicitly state that anti-white threads are a bannable offense in the rules. By "free speech" you must mean "doesn't ban every thread remotely critical of Trump". This is true. We don't believe in sucking off political figures without question.
Stop shilling your exodus board.
nobody was even talking about the guy but yourself you absolute faggot
it's called a bunkerboard, you stupid fucker.
4chan is run like a business.
They'd never allow a chucklefuck like imkampfy mod any of their boards because he drives away users and more users = more money.
You probably cry about muh books too. Faggot.
You're screaming, user. You scream to stop discussions you don't like; you are an anti-white screamer. It's only noise, though.
You complain about repetition when anti-whites have screamed the same word, the R-word, for decades in order to get their way. You're silly.
I'm not saying your copypasta is inherently bad, but you were a better poster when merely posted that once per thread.
Guaranteed, but sometimes you wanna be the first outsider to get there, even if it's just to point and laugh. Why else would the Europoors have crossed the atlantic and fuck up the native spics?
Speaking of, look what I just found!
Raid time anyone? And yes it is as goon filled as you ever imagined, you can tell by the color scheme.
Too late nigger, im in you board, killing your dudes.
You corrected yourself with: I'll probably give it a try later on.
Notice your post clarifying that came after my post calling the original behavior out?
Glad you got your act together, you should ban all anti-Trump threads on sight though. People who criticize the G-d Emper-r are shills and should be ignored.
Yeah they just have mods that work Directly for Kushner like faglord and nigger mods like redwood. Nice reddit spacing go hang yourself now faggot KIKE.
And also more anti-white freaks and cuckposters. You're cool with that though. Very pri0white.
Reading is for anti-Trump faggots, nobody should read on Holla Forums. We have already read all we're going to read.
Every time. You're there forever now.
user, I…
Hahahahah nah. Holla Forums has been explicitly prowhite/natsoc for years now. To allow a BO to allowing such faggotry in the first place is beyond reason. Now take your shot back to whence ye came.
I really don't know what I expected from this thread. Its just devolved into a bunch of meta shitposting, bots and faggots that can't help but speech the fuck out whenever 4Chan is brought up under any context what so ever. I wish I had thought to save the password to delete this thread tbh but ill just report it, ask for an anchor and wait for the ban telling me to fuckoff back to cuckchan.
A place where about 8 or 10 trannies hang out to admire how retarded liveposting is. Of course they said coming back here wasn't an option, they also didn't want to advertise it here. Turns out (to the surprise of no one) they changed their mind within 48 hours.
Sperg not speech.
Autocorrect was a mistake.
Top kek, what a faggot site. Agreed on the outsider point, that place looks like a mess.
Shill for /new/ to come back then fucking kill yourself, cuck.
I have a question for you, user.; are you anti-white?
I'm whiter than you, torfag.
Filtering you now, this bicker is even lower quality than this thread.
All of 4chan Holla Forums is about nothing. Every thread is an anti-white women thread with some nigger cock in some confused whore.
Checking your dubs, but you didn't even sage. Good job, I'll sage for you
You scream to stop discussions you disapprove of. It's only screaming, only noise, though. It's against the freedom of speech and you'd like a screamocracy. Whoever screams makes the rules.
You're screaming, man!
please be true. I always figured LS would have some cellulite
Wew lad
Also I posted your shitty chan on allchans so now anyone can go find it, have fun.
Look at me guys i'm christopher columbus, except instead of syphilis, i'm bringing back aids.
they meant fags.
good luck with your degenerate kekistani cuckshed 'brand new Holla Forums board'. cuckchan is dead anyways so…
Nice one user.
Those faggots with their cryptic tripfag autistic deserve what they'll end up getting.
What exactly is the point you're making right now? I'm saying that I adjusted the rules be explicitly pro-white. How you're twisting this into a bad thing is beyond me.
Don't they teach you proper English in Israel, yid? The situation was dealt with in a professional manner and adjustments were made so that it never happens again. If you weren't an obvious kike trying to sow conflict, this would be more than enough of an acceptable response. When was the last time the mods of .net/pol/ responded to the concerns of anons this pro-actively? When was the last time they went out of their way to contact their fellow mods to clear up confusion in their modding activities AND then bring that discussion up with regular anons? It just seems to me that you're doing everything you can to paint .pl/pol/ a tainted brush for no other reason than cutting off all bunker options. Pic related is Emanon's respons to my e-mail.
I don't know exactly how much transparent you expect mods on an anonymous imageboard to be, but I can guarantee you'd never get this out of imkikey (or whatever name he goes by these days)
good luck shilling with liveposting. We'll bully you before you even finish what you were writing
I don't know exactly how transparent*
kill yourself failure
Oh look it's a coordinated type of shilling. Nice out you faggot, i'm not dumb enough to enable scripts on that shitty site.
That nigger is lying. The thread was not archived and i was not spamming in any other thread because no other threads were fucking active save for the exodus thread. So right there, Im shown twice that .pl is utter fucking garbage.
I highly recommend studying Jungian psychology.
I didn't even mean to tripfag ITT but since I did anyway I might as well keep the persona going
Can you explain to me how the two BO thing works? What happens if the other guy starts being a faggot again, can he lock you out?
If I had to guess, this is their attempt to control the narrative again. Recently a mod from halfchan wrote a shitty report about how over time all of the other boards on halfchan have gone from:
With the creation of a new offtopic Holla Forums-lite experience the boards from across the site can successfully control the narrative again. The responses to any wrong-think will be "back to /pol2/ with you!" or whatever name they eventually decide upon. This secondary board will likely contain all kinds of generals and fandoms from across the site but with more natsoc and rightwing imagery, allowing leftist thought to reclaim the boards they've lost.
To anyone with two brain cells to rub together, you can see that this is a bad deal for us. If I'm right then that means they are intentionally trying to stifle the dispensing of redpills and this will be a tactical loss for us. I know many of you who I suspect to be shills claim we shouldn't bother with halfchan but that's bullshit advice. We should be trying to reach as many people as possible and this is a direct attempt to restrict our ability to do so.
Link to that thread written by the halfchan mod for anyone who missed it:
good. stay here
IMKampy what the fuck does goon mean and why do you keep saying it?
Get a load of this rat-faced kike right here. .pl is "shit" because of one misunderstanding between a mod and an user that was dealt with transparently and solved proactively, yet .net/pol/, with all the bullshit imkikey has pulled for the past two years, is perfectly acceptable? Your handlers should fire you for doing such a shit job.
Both he and I have BO status and neither of us can remove the other's power. Honestly, Emanon isn't a faggot at all and he is fully committed to white nationalism and anti-kikery. One misunderstanding hasn't changed everything he's done since then, which have been in line with these ideals. If anything does happen, however, I will be sure to contact him as I did there.
And there is 3 Holla Forums mods/BO in this picture. Can you guess who they are Holla Forums?
Can I be honest with you tripfag?
Your board seems a little more than faggy.
.pl seems alright, but dead. I always thought it was a just a smokescreen to pull in newfags.
Well, I know who ISN'T the BO/mods
Here is a fucking hint.
i think that more people will come here because of this
It's dead because .net/pol/ is working again. It has always acted as a bunkerchan
Uh huh
Nice leap there faggot. Its not my fault anons dont want to use your shitty board but its besides the point because your shitty board isnt what I made this thread to discuss so filtered.
Free speech loving queer.
Which one is IMKampy?
That's bad
Ironic namefag shitposting is still shitposting.
moonman might be therealmoonman but who are the two others ?
I made /cyb/ on there. I'm not being ironic when I say I don't like gooka. About half my posts ITT are serious.
GOlang is unacceptable, that bit is serious. I wouldn't post half the shit I post here when I'm not being ironic there. Nothing about jewish control, nothing about IRL activism - it's genuinely not a bad place to engage in banal banter though.
Pic related.
>>>Holla Forums
That's a HWDU group and Hotwheels is photoshopped. I want to see IMKampy, the REAL ONE!
Hey look everybody, they have a d'nations button. I wonder (((why)))
After the Exodus halfchan Holla Forums was left with a majority of shitposters and a minority of liberals and shills, my guess is that by creating a new board (((they))) aim to divide the userbase and force the shitposter to the new board through hard moderation, Holla Forums would be left then to liberals and commies. Remember when Holla Forums here in fullchan called for a migration? I think that they are trying to go to halfchan doing a (((cunning))) takeover.
These are just suppositions thou.
Then you're a fucking retard since transparent and proactive responses to problems is the exact damn thing you should be demanding from site mods. What an insufferable little fuck you are.
It's not a leap whatsoever. You seem awfully adamant about keeping everyone right where they are, implying that .net/pol/ is perfectly fine as it is. If the antics of the mod team over here is anything to go by, they're total and utter cuckchan-tier garbage
Wait, is that an insult?
Close, but no photoshop dude.
how butthurt are you right now? on a scale of 1 to 10?
I will whore myself out to any chan Holla Forums that doesn't have IMKampy/Moonman!
Although .pl sucks too
Hey look g-goys Holla Forums is certainly not filled with newfags, reddit and cuckchan. Everything is exactly the same as before the hacking. :^)
holy fuck some of these suggestions are incredibly cancerous.
for example
seriously the only good suggestions are
No moderation means a shill paradise.
Actually it could help improve cuckchan Holla Forums if they end up making a new board that's basically supposed to be for shitposting. It could help relief some of the burden on the main board. Think of how Holla Forums was before they made /vg/.
Only issue is making sure it remains /ourboard/ instead of getting colonized by lefties (as I guarantee there would be a push for this). And personally I hate having to make sure to browse 2 boards and keep posting on both just to "maintain presence" I'll do my part getting whatever board it ends up being started.
/pot/ is pretty funny.
Wow when you don't act like a fucking shill faggot, you're somewhat decent. Too bad you're all obvious goons.
I'm not, it's hilarious. I really do feel like columbus, looking down at you stupid squat goblins.
Not to go all Randlet on you but 4/pol/ is moderated and they shadow-anchor good threads while keep the anti-white shit up. This place is moderated and they anchor good threads and ban good Aryans
Maybe no moderator is what we need for awhile.
HWNDU had as many 8ch guys as it did because cripplekike used to live in NY, are you fucking stupid?
that girl from the MDE subreddit was qt as fuck too
You don't even know what a fucking goon is you sperg.
educate yourself sh*tlord
I'm not that interested in you fucking nerds. I just want to go back to talking about philosophy and shit without some cock sucker banning everyone or sinking the thread
My trips say otherwise:
hopefully it doesnt happen but people seem pretty upset about the idea
they do this shit for sure when a good thread that comes along they will bump lock it so it dies quickly
Its like he has never played Eve Online or something.
For real, why does anyone livepost?
First thread stayed up for at least 48 hours, some nice moderation you got there mate.
Man, this place sucks.
you're a nigger
same tbh, maybe we can do it on this new shitpost/pol/ the totally uncucked four chan moderators are cooking up. shitposting is FUNposting.
Reminder that Vince unironically shilled for goonswarm on cock.li's newsletter after saying he wouldn't use it to advertise.
So, mr. 'i want to destroy the userbase of 8/pol/' can you answer this after your drive-by ?
Prove genocide isn't justifiable
What is the question exactly?
Reminder that Holla Forums died almost a year ago and there is no place to go besides of shoots with 30-50 active users each. The internet has finally become so small, only 30 anons on it amongst 8 billion people on the planet share the same thoughts as you.
white genocide is never justifiable unless said genocide takes place after the genocide of all kikes and shitskins.
Then maybe thinning out the crazies, retards, criminals, and race traitors would look like a genocide and the whiny little cunts would probably call it one.
NNTPchan needs to happen fucking now. Holla Forums died when Doorways stepped down as BO tbh
It was years ago, and I was in middle school and retarded. I understand and accept the mocking though, the shame stays with me.
keeping the board pro-white and pro-Trump
Sound like an oxymoron to me m8
expecting a Jew to know that…
Eh, I have been just drifting between old snes/dos games, going to my local city hall and sitting on the bullshit meetings and reading history/fringe shit. I don't even need the fucking internet anymore. Its a fucking joke.
Implying I don't hate all of them
Well if you're reading /fringe/ you're the joke.
You lost me at the first word. You are clearly an outsider and need to leave. Inter board drama on cuckchan is not worth a thread. Lurk moar newfag, and stop tanking the board quality
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"
Entertain this thought then, "I shit in my thoughts and socks and eat them to talk to God".
Ponder that for awhile.
This has serious implications.. if they split halfpol, a lot of them will end up here.
Good, carry it with you forever.
Jesus you put your mother's credit card on that shit? Fucking neck yourself.
No, of course not. Trump is the G-d Emper-r and questioning his actions no matter how dubious they may appear makes you a KIKE because everything he does is chess, you just don't understand it. Go cry with that weak faggot Sam Hyde and all the other traitors that tuened on Trump.
Reading is always important, the internet isn't going away and the more fucking room-temperature IQ faggots start using it the faster websites will go the way of this one. I keep using it mostly for entertainment and finding the few anons left who actually know what's good with things. although this is probably because I'm in a very isolating environment IRL - forced to live in a huge city for work. when I bug outta here I doubt I'll use the net at all.
Here's their plan:
1. Divide Holla Forums into /polb/ and "serious Holla Forums"
2. Label anything related to Holla Forums's right wing culture ("racism", anti-kike, happening threads) as /polb/ and keep it out of "serious Holla Forums"
3. "serious Holla Forums" becomes more "neutral" and "even handed" (aka controlled by kikes), /polb/ loses the serious discussions and legitimacy and becomes a pure shitposting ground, and Holla Forums as a whole loses momentum and influence
4. Their most serious and troublesome posters leave, possibly for here, and ease the (((burden))) being placed on Hiroshimoot for hosting the most evil nahtzee internet community
Oh come on man, flat earth shit is hilarious and so is the electric universe/thunderbolt project. Is that you?
/hwndu/ 2 electric boogaloo
It was lawn mowing money. And my dad's. You faggots need to learn how to have intellectual discourse btw, you all got wrecked in less than 10 minutes on the syrian airstrike shill narrative. Also schizo is pure goon terminology, no wonder you faggots are so lonely.
I don't know how anyone in their right mind could live in a city.
no one was talking about flat earth now, were we?
All this absolute, lower than cuckchan tier, shitposting I had to sit through for a post that finally makes a lick of fucking sense. God bless you user.
I meant in the context of fringe shit. Dumbass.
haven't posted on cuckchan even once since 2014
everybody isn't as weak willed as you, cuckold
Arent they suppose to be doing two fingers down in that tradition?
No one cares about your posting habits faggot.
Trips of truth, that's probably why they're doing this.
>this creates a scenario where the full on normalfags that stayed on 4cuck after gg exposed the mods with >>>/irc/ exodus here.
RIP imageboards, 2003-2017.
How do you pay for a forum membership in cash?
Where did I even say this? I said "crazies" being culled after a pro-white society is created along with criminals and those who betrayed their race would be the only acceptable white genocide. psychiatry is fucking kike'd to the core but nutjobs exist - they're mostly pedophiles and homosexuals. Pro-white definition of insanity would obviously not fit the current standard.
me neither, it's extremely grating but fuck it, I need to eat and save up enough money to bug out. Just hoping WWIII doesn't happen before I can buy some land
no thanks halfchan, i'm good
I misread your post, yea. I dunno why that particular oath wasnt done so. Hmph. Still aesthetic.
Bug out? You mean leave the city and go INTODAWOODS?
It's cool dude.
Could it be that they raise their hands up first in unison, then form the two fingers after making sure everypone's on the same page?
NSDAP rites interest me.
Sort of, not in a rash way though.
Nah, they going to suck french dick.
the main purpose is 100% to deradicalise ironic shitposters, reduce communal shitpost bonding and to make the board more prime for infiltrators and newfags by killing the board culture.
4/pol/ was moving onto a lot of cultural critique which really made you think and this will end up shifting it to a shitposting containment board for a containment board of shitposting. Also, most Holla Forums posters only frequent the Holla Forums board only and is the largest board on 4chan now, splintering it will only deprive the board of humour and community and will lead to attrition.
Anybody remember that shilly as fuck hindenburg thread? It's confirmed for gookchan
you're still trying?
also gookchan means 4chan, you retarded newfag
damn dirty gooks
Pretty much this, don't care so much if 4cuck dies but they will all come here.
And I will watch and laugh. 8ch Holla Forums is pure fucking garbage now.
what did you expect?
I do, 4/pol/ has like 20x the posting rate and probably 100x the lurkers of full chan. It's a good place to redpill newfags and redditors who came once 4/pol/ started gaining media attention and stops it from being a circlejerk/preaching to the masses. 4/pol/ is critical in the infrastructure of the redpill process. Ideas are fleshed out in Blogs/subforums/8ch threads/websites then move to 4chan where memes are generated and shitposted ad infinitum until something funny pops then it goes viral on facebook/twitter/reddit/youtube which boosts exposure.
was in response to
This post just makes me sad.
there's a trade-off here that i'm not convinced is worth it - as posting speeds up, thread quality goes down, because retards race to threads instead of discussing, either becoming cuck/pol/ or - in the case of 8ch - splintering further into a million sub-boards devoted to single issues like Trump, Israel etc., who waste their fucking time raiding each other.
Nothing good comes from 4chan, ever. Not anymore. Let it go user.
there is also a trade off between effortposting and reach. The whole idea of memetics is to encapsulate a basic truth/argument in an img/phrase and then spam it until people must examine the phenomenon.
Do you really think all the jq redpilling you see on YT comes from 8ch posters or more likely from 4ch posters/the_donald converts?
The alternative is that all of the retards come here and force us to move yet again.
The whole point is to stop being so formal, no one read UR and moldbug's 20 000 word blog posts. I doubt the average half pol poster even knows AmRen, mpc, vdare or Kevin MacDonald but they do know their ideas as it is encapsulated in memes and board culture.
It's just a bunch of noise and no one reads each other's comments really. They just look at the top 10 and move on to the next dick pick thread.
I mean look at this shit!
numbering from left to right; top and bottom.
1, 2, 3, 9, 11 are shit slide threads
4 the alex jones thread is relevant as he is a media figure on our side
5 the antifa thread has good subject matter but does look like it could do with a better OP.
6 good subject matter but shit OP
7 could be a slide thread but could be about the psychology of the redpill
8 is a cultural war thread regarding vice's attempt to steal back memes
10 is a good thread
12 is good because bill nye's show is a cause celebre that normies care about and we can use to redpill his viewership.
i think they might be rolling out a browsing feature!
Jones is an anti-state dissident who distrusts the media and is hated universally by the left and was mentioned by name by Hillary Clinton.
He's on our side.
I dont mean he agrees with us 100% or that we should support all that he says, but the maxim is never punch to the right and never cede ground to the left.
Jones covered up for the Jews during 9/11 and every day after. That makes him worst than any enemy, because he leads you down mazes, chasing nazi wizards and satanists and shit. You need to GTFO
if you only want to engage with people who think exactly the same as you, look in a mirror dumbass.
Jones has done his job in spreading to the normies the idea of a conspiratorial group who control the world. Our job is to show that this group of "globalists", the elite and communists are jewish. Look at any comment section and also look at the evolution of infowars over the last decade.
This isn't about left and right, it's a war between jews and gentiles. Guess which side the guy who married two different kikesses and has three jewish children, with one on the way, is on.
Do you think jews support Alex Jones' rhetoric regarding the banks, gun rights, anti-state, anti-media, anti-fag shit? If Trump is on the Jewish side, why did every single jewish organisation except the israeli right spoke out against him? Why did the (((media))) unanimously denounce him? Why did (((Goldman Sachs))) ban employees from donating to Trump?
Most of his sponsors are jewish, so they absolutely support his kosher message that covers for them.
So you're a lolberg?
BASED nationalist jews, right?
Why did Trump appoint a Goldman Sachs jew (who was also in Skull and Bones) as treasury secretary?
m8sonchan needs a board like this.
Welcome to cuckchan.
a fresh coat must reflect reality.
pure. true.
The only time it even gets brought up is when someone like you makes a thread here about what cuckchan is doing.
Thats why this place is so good. I dont like Holla Forums? Then i can fuck off and make my board. Oh it failed? Maybe i needed to put better effort into it or maybe it was just a shitty board to begin with.
Admin guided discussion is always trash
Is this a bot responding to "hate-[something]"?
Moustache man is fighting the good fight
I am opposed to the modern socialist, secularist State. Are you?
I do not care about Israel as long as they stay in their own country and mind their own affairs. Also, the Israeli Right is the American neoconservative right, why would they sever ties with their GOP mouthpiece when they could subvert Trump like they have done.
Trump has proved to be a bust, so what? He won the election despite the globalists, media and academia and promised to stop islamic immigration and would build a wall while maintaining a non-interventionalist foreign policy. He has proven to be a liar, yes; but would you rather Hillary have run?
Bots to find naked pics of kiddies, that's what all those torfags do with that shitty slow browser
There should be no compromise on the jewish question, it's either a final solution or death for us.
Fuck off, some people are just paranoid to a degree that probably definitely isn't healthy.
if tay comes back, she gets first post every time.
and a thread that she can reply in.
If it's not /kek/ I'm going to be fucking disappointed. One job cuckchanners.
So? Another controlled kosher board created on cuckchan
fuck off moishe
If you want to see what a 4pol board without moderation looks like, go to /qa/. It's literally run by bots.
Its a simple plan. They'll use this to coral all wrongthink on the new board and allow "proper" political discourse in the old one. Itll allow them to dilute the Holla Forumsack message while giving lefties and cucks unopposed control of the narrative.
I fucking wonder why 8/pol/ was constantly encouraged to migrate to other irrelevant websites.
the point of it is they're trying to destroy the memes of production. this will provide the mods of cuckchan the justification for scrubbing any memes produced on Holla Forums and sending them into the black hole of the new board.
the (((establishment))) is scared shitless of what Holla Forums has become and since shilling hasn't worked they're moving on to a new strategy.
Desperate effort to stem the growth of the board. The mod team has pushed itself into a corner and have no way out.
In addition to the election and rising instability in society, one overlooked aspect of Holla Forums's growth is that the moderators directed more and more users to the board as discussions became in any way political. Imagine redirecting threads to Holla Forums every time peopl started talking about video games. That's what happened to Holla Forums more or less in slow motion. The containment shed has swollen to a botanical hot-house of raw user energy.
I suspect the board to be upwards of 30% of all 4chan traffic now. The site is becoming Holla Forums. And with that comes the inevitable political pressure, on Hiro, and on the mods and all their sly marketer side projects.
But the problem is so large now their options are grim
- Ban the board outright, but then risk, 20%, 30% or more of the userbase coming straight here. A Third exodus, followed by the drip, drip, drip of anons still unable to discuss freely. It could be a tipping point for 4chan as well the mods know.
- Allow on topic political/social discussion on relevant boards. It can be seen that Swagman has already thrown in the towel on this in Holla Forums for the latest Bill Nye disaster. But so great has Holla Forums grown, unleashing the hot-house frogs now risks them converting the entire site.
- Split the board and pray anons loses focus/energy and dies down (the /gg/ boards strategy). But like the GG boards, user naturally seeks he largest watering hole, and the split will akmost certainly lead to a Holla Forums /vg/ or even Holla Forums /vp/ type split. Pointless unless the mods constantly curate topics (for free)
Options are limited. Time is running out. I suspect the mod team has selected the last option, but has no idea how to split topics in a way that stems the growth of Holla Forums.
They are desperate and are fishing for ideas instead of the usual modly intrigue and fiat. I strongly suspect the team is facing outside political or social pressure to put the Holla Forums genie back in the bottle. Three years ago, this was still possible. But since then, this site, and too many anons and boards have slipped through their fingers. The 4chan mod team has lost control of the anonymous herd. And lose user, and you have lost the internet. Lose the internet…
Spotted the kike
Uh, hey faggot, nobody but cucks post there and it's full of black dick threads? How is it not dead? Besides the fact that you love those black dick threads?
Nobody gives a shit, fuck off with that cuck invested shithole and take the cunts who came here recently with you.
Not tired of winning yet
They're making a containment board. That means Holla Forums is infecting everything, and they're trying to bait Holla Forums users into a single area. Don't do it. Stay on /k/. Stay on Holla Forums. Stay on /lit/. Keep hammering away at the beleaguered mods there. Keeps destroying the precious narrative they're trying to build.
Divide and conquer.
daily reminder that "greyface" is a character in the "Principia Discordia" aka goon bible.
death to malaclypse and all those that follow eris
I wonder why this post was deleted
I think a lot of cuck/pol/ users don't even know about this site tb.h