Female Genital Mutilation Prosecution

So, now that the US is going to have an enforcement of the laws against female genital mutilation, can we expect protection against male genital mutilation finally being enforced as well?

I'd hope we're not so far-gone that we'd admonish the mutilation of one sex and allow the mutilation of another. Right?

Harvesting the filthy goyim's foreskins is big shekels.


~$10,000 ~2020 Italy

You're absolutely right that it should be illegal, but America doesn't give a shit.
Feminists are only concerned with transgenders at this point, and men's rights aren't a prominent force in the US.
If Feminists were Egalatarians like they claim, they would support banning circumcision, but they​ won't because they think they deserve to mutilate the other gender's genitals to be more A E S T H E T I C to fit their preconceived notions of what a dick should look like.

Looking forward to this, but oy vey $10k for a decision made hastily by new parents and a bluepilled doctor is fucked.

why stop it?
i guess you could say "it's a ritual that involves blood, making it a blood ritual, which is satanic"


Stop projecting this onto Femicunts when you know damn well that you were circumcised because you are Christian… and this is the mark they gave to Egyptian slaves.

Abraham essentially enslaved his son Issac to his psychosis and everyone after.

Fuck off with your Facebook faggot memes. None of you sad drains who speak about suicide have the balls to actually kys.

Better, friendo?

Good point, I guess I'm just bitter when I hear the cunts talk about how they are really about '''''equal''''' rights when we know damn well what they actually mean.

What do you expect, for insurance to cover the repair of integral functions of your sexual organs? Haha, cosmetic procedure GOYIM. Fucking GOYIM. All kikes should fucking die.

If someone else made a decision that cost you $10k fucking dollary doos to fix, I hope they would at least think long and hard about it, maybe consult with medical professionals or do research beforehand.

doesnt make sense

Nigger I'm saying the kikes are evil, circumcision is evil, and being forced to pay 10k just to correct retarded mistakes that should literally never have been made no matter how fucking bluepilled someone was is also evil. Hitler should have won and stopped this shit before it started.

the indoctrination is strong

my father is strongly against tattoos and piercings because it's destructive to your body.
he still had all his sons mutilated



No, you’re using kike words now. “Amputate” implies reasoning. “Cut the tip off” implies no reasoning.

Fair enough.


im so happy please cut the tip of his penis off for no reason*


I'm gonna start doing this to trigger people who scream about "You're from site X reeeeee" Every time I see it they're going to get a random 9gag meme.