What did kek mean by this?
The most important record of all time goes for sale
Other urls found in this thread:
It's the little things.
Have any anons attempted to decipher what the head and the clock mean?
fuck off OP
Or why the cover is named shadilEy and the record is shadilAy
Praise Kek!
You typo'd there, dumbass.
Wait, has it always been Energing? Oh god, we just crossed into the bearenstain universe didn't we?
Ask me how I know you're not from around here.
No, it has always been "emerging" you kike.
fuck off OP
stay mad user
how do i get one btw?
It's already up to 222.22, some jackass T_D poster will pay $1000+ for it
dunno, i didn't buy it, i got it as a gift
dubs confirms t_d scum pays $1488 for it
All these digits people keep bidding…
If it turned out to be "Never Gonna Give You Up" but made to look like Shadilay, my sides would be in orbit.
Without compromising OPSEC, how?
My gf gave it to me
Anyways if you really want it go on 4/k/ in to their patch thread and look through the like 30 different stores and you can find the merchant she bought them from
ya something is weird here
"Energing" on the front and back sides
Seller probably made this shit himself
The image I posted was from discogs through google image search dude. I didn't edit anything. It's legitimately been that this entire time. We spent entire threads that hit the 750 post bump limit talking about this & nobody ever noticed. I am legitimately spooked.
wasn't accusing you of doctoring anything, I suggested the ebay seller might have.
If that's how it always was, it is indeed strange how it was never noticed before
Stop avatarfagging, faggot.
Is skelleton-posting against the rules now? It's ok, they're not real.
Avatarfagging is degenerate cancer. That 9b9b6d posts the same skeleton meme character attached to his posts very often.
Skeleton memes are faggot shit anyway. It's how the Doom community ended up being filled with horsefuckers and goons that ban you from online servers for saying nigger.
seeing as its vinyl, you can probably reprint them
you could probably reprint your own custom vinyl with more meme songs than just shadilay on it, you could add a redording of bane and CIA
if you had access to the equipment or someone who prints vinyl
I thought most record printers were destroyed, & that's why so few are produced these days.
https:// www.onecutvinyl.com
52GBP's for a 1 off.
well its still likely you can find someone who can private runs
all you need is the press and to create substrate with the audio pattern to press
it's already at $460 lol
Money down right now its a shit fucking kids rhyme with a pepe sticker plasterd over the top
somone about to get rekt
T-560 homecutter $4000
Except its not "emerging" its "energing". Look at the pic again.
It was a misprint?
Chrischan's sweater sold for something like $10,000 didn't it?
The record itself has Emerging
Front and back are different or how I learned to stop worrying and love the chaos.
These people underestimate the power of autism. I wouldn't be surprised if people made new accounts just so they could try to win the rarest Pepe of all. Who knows how many bids were from Schlomo wanting to destroy this piece of history, and how many were from legimitimately wealthy Holla Forumsacks whose powerlevels are thoroughly hidden? We've had many people say they are high up, and we've no way of knowing the truth, so who's to say we don't have wealthy shitposters willing to pay serious shekels for a meme vinyl? Someone had to pay for the Trump ads at least.