Alex Jones Just Lost His Kids

The shitty American divorce court system shows once again how biased it is towards women.

Say what you will about Alex, what his ex-wife did was nothing more than kikery at its worst. The divorce courts once again sided with the woman even though the husband did nothing wrong.

Will Alex finally crack and address the JQ?

Bet Hoffman is (((Hoffman))).


Of course not, he has another Satan-spawn on the way with a jewish escort.

Snake oil filter salesman, Alex "pray for Israel" jonestein loses his yidlets
There you go op, more accurate title.

You think that yogurt company waited to file the lawsuit in order to fuck him over the most?

So does she keep the kids or is a joint custody thing?

Hmm, maybe he'll break the conditioning once his second kike wife divorces him

Now that he's free of the Juden in his life perhaps he'll finally unleash himself and go 1488, or go all Hal Turner and expose himself as Bill Hicks.

Which will happen, because she was a legit escort.

He's not free. He was seeing an escort, got her pregnant (SUPER MALE VITALITY) and has now married her.

*Jewish escort.

Should have put more fluoride on their water

Thats because she is actually a kike.

Not as long as there are still more shekels to make.

Frankly, not my fucking problem. Not worth a Holla Forums thread.

Lost his kids and destroyed his "reputation", he should just kill himself

I think Cernovich will become the new filterman.

He should kill some pedos first tho

Jesus fucking christ. This man is lost. Fuck his whole operation.

I would pay anything to watch filter man blow his brains out live on air.

This is the escort.

I'm pretty sure he'll still have lower-iq autists lapping up his every word and buying his "products".


Blowing your brains out is never the answer.(When there are Mikvas in every city)


Lost his kids and destroyed his "reputation", he should just kill himself
Sadly very true, seems like your average goy nowadays has a 2 second long goldfish like memory and an even shorter attention span.

I doubt they give a shit that he fucks hookers, and only the truly densest wouldn't know that he hams up his act playing a "character".

Shit, he outright admitted it on joe rogan's podcast. I don't think his listener base will be meaningfully impacted by this at all. Though it will probably experience a post-election drop, like everything else.

I feel for anyone who loves their kids and loses them to this shitty anti-male divorce court system. Alex should have known better though and not trusted the oven magnets.

I bet they played the gay fish shit and this mp4 in the court room to make him looks absolutely bonkers and threat to his kids. He is going to have to beef up the prices on his all natural boner drops to cover the kike divorce rape. Family courts are beyond fucked.

I don't watch it, but the show homeland had an "Alex Jones" type character. I think the mannerisms are pretty spot on.

Will Alex's show turn even darker now?



>Alex Jones is staring seriously at the judge, betraying no emotion.


What a crazy fucker, love how he calmly parts his hair and starts up again

I doubt it mattered in this case much what Alex Jones does on his show or in his private life.

They had a jury that heard some story about a mother not getting to see her kids and felt sorry for her.

But something people aren't noticing is that they still have joint custody so it isn't like Alex never gets to see his kids again, which is how some people seem to be reading this.

Of course it doesn't matter. It's the jewish-run american court system. The woman could be a rapist crackhead and still be considered the default option for custody.

Reported for eceleb/CIAnigger asset worship.

If this asshole has a radio show that reaches millions, what's stopping Holla Forums? I would donate to it to keep it running because gg with advertisers. Hell why isn't there a Holla Forums youtube channel. Why isn't there a Holla Forums congressman? I was born in the wrong country I tell you because I'd be out there preaching it.

Everyone involved with family courts will hang the highest, and disinfo artists controlled by jews will get gassed




I guess this meme is outdated now lol

it’s actually pretty biased AGAINST women. if youactually went through it yourself as a kid, you’d know that.

What is alimony?

Put the crack pipe down.

What kind of lie are you peddling, Schlomo?

I didn't because my parents were not degenerates. Sucks to be you kike



No dipshit. He married another kike.

great, now in 3 years he will pay another double alimony than he got to pay now.

Tots or gtfo femanon

They were never his kids to begin with on account of them being kikes.

lol i bet you don't even have foreskin you cuck
also men get paid alimony if they can prove they were stay at home dads

Fully intact, no jewish mutilation Schlomo.

Who cares? Alex Jones is a fucking idiot. Do you really consider someone who calls Hillary Clinton a globalist nazi to be an ally?


You type like a fag and your point's all retarded.

jesus christ that is a new level of degeneracy

Oh no, it's the Jews again, gotta be

easy to spot the newfag

In this case they can truthfully make the case that he is unstable!

You should stop calling them men or women, they aren´t human.

Kampfy is always obvious.

Jones is a CIANigger 100%

If you marry a JEW, what do you think the outcome is going to be????????????????

I will never understand this. It's right up there with black athletes and white women. They are going to get knocked up, get knocked out, then take all the nigger's sportsball money in divorce, rinse and repeat.

Looking forward to seeing all the Jonestein ==JUST== OC tbh



You fucked a Jew, covered for their attack on 9-11, and got Jewed

ahahahahahahahahahaha acckkkk emm

His kids are Jewish. How do you think they allow him to say the things he does?

Alex Jones.

Kill yourself

Oh ahah fuck. That's pretty brutal to be honest.

Could it be that his jewish wife was just some liability he was forced to take in order to be controled so, now that he has triumphed with Trump's victory, they decided he was too much of a bad goyim to serve as an asset and used this to try to shut him down?

There is a lot of alphabet-soup consorts, like "Obama's" mother…


exactly, this is a case of socialist destruction of the family unit and interceding in the raising of children for statist ideology.

well at least we know that shit works then

Colbert? Those are Alex's own words you deranged faggot.

Source for the quote. Go to 46:55

He can start blaming the "globalist Nazi death cults" for this. Fucking scum.

Pretty wild theory, user. I like it

Jury always sides with women.
Law sides with women.
Laws of man are laws of God.
Laws of women are laws of Satan!
Change divorce laws now!
End women vote!
Down with the matriarchy!

annnd the problem is..?

Would be funny if this is what made him actually take the redpill on jews.

Our great grandparents fucked up so bad when they gave them the vote.

Even if he was working to turn the kids against her it is not like she would not have done the same if they were in her custody at the time.

Yeah its kind of funny, "The kids can barely tolerate their mother, this is all their father's fault so we're going to make the kids live with the person they can't stand."

I heard he had/was worth $87 million dollars so I'm guessing he will be just fine. Plus he's a willing tool of the jew, if he isn't one himself which is doubtful.
Plus he's a freemason with some rather well connected friends.

I can't find sympathy for him currently but hope his kids are ok.

That would be a good reason.

Fuck off slave, the Aryans are talking

Careful of that edge kid



Alex commented on it and said that it was an attempt to make him look like a fool. This was after he watched the preview. It had not yet aired. He then compared it to when the new X-Files had a character like him and he said he thought it was based off him and then everyone called him stupid. Then the creators of the new X-Files said that they liked Alex Jones and it was based off him.

I feel bad for Alex, but this is what he gets for marrying a fucking kike, and then what does he do?


This makes me feel less bad.
I'll listen to his show, I don't know of any other alternatives, Fox News (no), Rush Limbaugh? (no), Glenn Beck?(lol).

I'm not going to buy his shit just so he can pay off his kike ex-wife and give the remainder to his new future kike ex-wife.


Nice argument user, I'm sure that took a great deal of pre-thought.

Why not listen to RBN? It's owned by the guy who founded GCN, but unlike Jonestein, he identifies the enemy and doesn't lie about WWII.

Fuck you get out. You feel bad for a guy who covered up 9/11 and leads everyone down false paths.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

If dubs he finally cracks up and names the jew for 2 hours straight.

Even if he had kept custody over his kids, they would eventually meld with the hivemind and carry out their crypto programming after being sent to a yeshiva by (((mom))). Maybe her goal all along was to subvert his brand? We know they marry into power structures for power or wealth.

Why do we care about Alex 'It's not the jews' Jones getting stiffed by his jewess wife?


Reminder to filter D&C Kikery

polite sage for PSA

Yes g-oy- I mean guy! Women are the enemy. I mean why you would ever need women when you have your pocket pussy and all the degenerate porn by your side! Think of all the effort and heart ache goy! If you ask a female out she may say no or or she'll cheat on you! It's not because you’re a emasculated beta who doesn’t give the impression that he's in control and doesn’t know the difference between good and bad women it's because you’ve outsmarted them! Yes, the only way to win is not the play!
Just sit in your room masturbating to anime, don't develop your social skills and body. You wouldn't want to be a bad goy, would you now?

If I’m going to be serious for a second I appreciate the fact that most women aren’t pure maidens with love in their heart. And more to the point if you’re an ugly mother fucker you’re not going to get a bombshell blonde, so you need to have realistic expectations. But if you’re not just a LARPer you'll know that our race is on the precipice of extinction. We need as many white boys and girls in the future fight for the existence of our race. If you truly believe the principles of NATSOC then you know it's your duty (Unless you have some genetic disease / < 4/10) to reproduce and improve the condition of our people. A lot of guys get disheartened by female disloyalty, but the media and current culture have only perpetuated the problem. Not all women are shameless whores.

Get out, Shlomo.

I mostly feel sorry for the children, being raised by a single mother is bad for them. Although women are generally compassionate towards children, there can be too much of a good thing. It can lead to a spoiled, undisciplined child.

Good, the guy is a lunatic. The kids are already completely fucked up though. Fat man will now make some new ones with his yoga/escort whore gf. Just watch, he doesn't care. It was about fucking the wife over not the children. He's psycho like that. If am wrong, he'll go full 1488.

That's what you get for getting kids with a jew.

god damnit.
When is one of you faggots going to go out and lead these people? The normalfags are fucking blind and need leadership!
Fuck anons don't make me do it, I'm a fucking degenerate god damnit.
