And on the issue of THAAD payment, a foreign policy advisor to South Korea's presidential front-runner, Moon Jae-in, said that Seoul shelling out for the missile defense system is an "impossible option," according to Reuters.

Other urls found in this thread:

Haha, this is going to be a very hilarious 8 years with Trump in office. It's like global shit posting.

Twitter fags need to be all over his twitter asking when Israel is going to pay the $38B that obama and congress gifted them

Also why the fuck do all the (((news))) organizations write like Reddit posters this fucking awful formatting whenever something needs to be posted.

If the gooks cuck he might just start the shit between them Syria and Iran so he can shake them down for shekels.

Reddit is basically a data mining program founded by elitist journalist. It's how they feel the winds of what young goys want to hear.

Well, that's the last piece of the puzzle in my head. Have you ever read The Art of the Deal? All the trouble with Nork was staged to pucker the Souk's assholes and force this deal. They'll pay, otherwise we "threaten" to toss them to the wolves.

Cap this: Tensions with Best Korea will miraculously ease right after we get our money.

We should take our money, attack South Korea and give it to North Korea. Make Korea Great Again.

Self detrimental statement given purely as a political weapon, of course stocks will fall as a result, its like saying "Oh shit! Dump your stock, you might lose your money otherwise!" when its your job to make sure people dont dump their stock.





gooklovers should be killed


This shit is fake news goy, kek


Shill please go

Mods I'm not sure we need two threads on the NK situation.

go eat another dog, Yung-Sook

South Korea is run by 6 feminist billionaires who sacrifice their people and are using kpop to feminize the entire country. NK is a nationalist, authoritarian ethnostate which brags about how pure its people are, saying no other country has purer blood than they do. North Korea is more conservative than the US is, their entire culture is conservative. Its not a real communist country, its hardly pseudo communism, even. When youre bragging about your race, and youre a protectionist, nationalist state… that promotes individual betterment, instead of state run everything… youre not communist.

Even if Trump is not /ourguy/ the sheer fucking level of chaos he is causing both at home and internationally brings a tear to my eye as a shitposter.

Anime isn't worth it


Nice try, goon

South Korea should cancel this trade deal with the US and instead collaborate with China on removing Kim Jong Un so that they can eventually reunite with North Korea. That is the only way to restore balance in that region.

NK is a bizarre dystopia and a corrupt oligarchy where the Kim family is just a figurehead propping up the round table of elite generals who actually own north korea and use it as a personal harem, nobody is self-reliant they all have to commute to pyongyang or the other two cities to get anything done.
Go read some NK literature and you'll see nothing but GREAT LEADER REVOLUTION MASSES GREAT LEADER parroted ad-nausea, and naive twats like you will think this is pure natsoc, too dense to realize NK wants the citizen to WORSHIP the great leader instead of becoming great like him.
It's pure mental and spiritual slavery with a flawless image to follow without one thought of your own, all disguised in national pride to fool the sheep into feeling proud of being sheep.

Have a little quote From The Ten Principles for a Monolithic Ideological System, by Kim Yong-ju (brother of Kim Il Sung)
"The working class is not to think for themselves, but instead to think through the Great Leader. The Great Leader is the "top brain" (i.e., "mastermind") of the working class, meaning that he is the only legitimate representative of the working class. Class struggle can only be realized through the Great Leader, and difficult tasks in general and revolutionary changes in particular can only be introduced through, and by, the Great Leader. Thus, in historical development, it is the Great Leader who is the leading force of the working class. The Great Leader is also a flawless human being, who never commits mistakes, who is always benevolent, and who always rules for the masses."


Yep, that's what initially drew me to him, he was legitimately a "Chaos Candidate" I believe that was one of the first overtones in Trump memes way back in the primary days. Kinda funny that the declinists got their wishes granted…
I'm not gonna go full contrarian tho, because I bet with Hillary we would already be in war with Russia (at least by proxy if not full scale) as well as up NK's ass, full regime change mode in Syria, being flooded with fugees etc. It just gives me more time to get /fit/ while making a stockpile to brace for 2020/2024 or 2050 when RAHOWA should start.

wait, but all the shills told me that I should hate Trump.
how am I supposed to hate a man that shitposts this hard, pisses off NK and tells SK, see ya later thanks for all the fish.

Bunch of crap, the uncle was off'd because he diverted funds from Un's private black market. He is in total control, I could have stopped at oligarchy. Totally ignorant.

I also never said it was NatSoc. Tumor.

South Korea to 'wait and see' after Trump threat to scrap free trade deal

Can't come up with enough lies to defend your little pseudo-commie circus, Wook-Yang?

You pretty much made a bunch of bullshit and unsupported claims and fallacies, including suggesting I said it was NatSoc. Youre just cancer. Its authoritarian, nationalist, protectionist, an ethnostate. People are encouraged to do for themselves, instead of punished for getting ahead. The self reliance they espouse on a national level is also extended to the individual. Does that mean its National Socialistic? Of course not, but its also opposed to communism in about every way it could be. North Korea is superior to South Korea.

Lol, I 100% support the fleecing of Asia. Not so much Japan cause they have been our niggas for 60 years, but all the rest can pay the fuck up.

Let's get some of Norway's oil money while we're at it.


You are one dumb yellow ape, go sing more praises for Kim Chong before you have to carpool to Pyongyang again and choke on a dog spine, Sang-Long

Even their logo raises up intellectuals. Communism is about farmers, not intellects. Mao killed anyone with glasses.

In the USSR, they eventually ended up killing anyone who had to use their brains at all. They eventually started rounding up the engineers even, too much of a threat to the revolution.

National Socialists support other countries in their quest for their own nationalist states. NK can run their nationalist state however the fuck they want, as long as it doesnt mess with Europe etc. Youre just a tumor, and I highly doubt you give 2 fucks about white genocide. I guess we should throw a couple million more of our best stock into the Korean meat grinder, to replace their nationalist ethnostate and enable the flood of niggers, hmm?

This coupled with the laughable idiocy of you believing in gook propaganda pics proves you are not only illiterate, but also incredibly fucking stupid.
If you aren't a gook, you certainly have the subhuman IQ of one


Nationalist ethnostates > being sacrificed by feminist cabal to tranny gods


Kim could be an ally with one trip to Mar-a-lago and a trip to disney world.


also a shithole.
also omnicidal
etc. etc.

This really, though I would find it funny if he is just turning NK into a psuedo-American puppet state, existing so he can fleece countries in that region for protection money lest they attack.

Pay up China, or my friend Kim might have to teach you some manners.

how would this be bad and not just plain funny? China funds antifa, they would deserve it.

It would be beautiful chaos.


I refuse to be a contrarian is what I mean, I don't like what Trump is doing, but god damn is it better than what we'd get from Hildabeast.
The liquid jew is cucking my frontal cortex.

under rated


Except, being a communist shithole, what few resources they're allowed to accrue all automatically belong to the state. That's why Un looks like the Staypuft mascot and the rest of his country is constantly on the brink of starvation. They're "self reliant" in the sense that the government isn't helping people, but you can hardly claim they're allowed to get ahead. And fuck off with this "They're not communism" bullshit, you sound like Holla Forums on damage control. It's one more failed communist state, get over it.

No one's saying Norks aren't better than SKum, but that's a race to the bottom

- US President Donald Trump has asked South Korea to pay $ 1 billion ($ 1.13 trillion) for the cost of deploying Sad.


Can anybody translate that comic?
Also, South Korea shouldn't have fucking asked the US for that defence system if they couldn't pay for it.

Some shithead translated 3 panels in the tweet replies but apparently gooks can't tell left from right.


I don't give a fuck what shills say, I love my president.

Are you actually retarded?

He truly is the president of our kind.

That IS proper formatting you fucking idiot. Did you never learn in elementary school that paragraphs are proper formatting and that a paragraph doesn't have a required length?

Trump is an idiot just throwing relations away with south korea away. He would never pull this shit with the chosen ones. Fuck you shills defending him

South Korea is WEAK after their shadow government was exposed Trump is smart for capitalising on this weakness.


You don't know how gooks work do you?

If you treat them like shit they will respect you. If you are a pussy nigger like obama they don't even put stairs on your airforce 1 plane when you show up.

good fuck these faggots who depend on us for protection but dont want to pay

Youre a fucking retard. That was china not south korea. They are important allies but redditors in this thread do not understand that.


Can someone save these for posterity? It's really quite something. I don't know what, but it certainly is "something".

when you have multiple threads up and post in the wrong one

This is the first step towards ending globalism. If we are providing security for a country, because of previous leader's fuck-ups they need to provide for us by standing up for themselves by flaunting such a weapons system and being a non cucked ally, or giving us cash to pay for said weapon system…or we take that shit from them and make them fend for themselves like we should have done ages ago. America first you commie fucking shills.

- Yes, goyims, South Korea is prosperous because capitalism while North Korea is starving just like in the late 1990s!
- You can´t make them pay for the THAAD, they can´t afford it!
- You can´t make them pay their own defense budget!
- You really believe their soldiers would successfully defend their country against a North Korean invasion?!? Foolish!
- You can´t cut the free trade agreements, they would collapse!


No, foolish goyims! Norks are your enemies as well, they are ebil communists! Don´t you hate communists?!?
They have orgie rape camps where school girls on acid eats babies alive!!

the Hidden Root has not been exposed

user, did you not notice CNBC is spacing almost every single sentence. It looks fine on a news article with an entire page to take up space in though it looks shit on an imageboard. If school taught you to put every sentence on a new line or one sentence long paragraphs as a norm I don't know what to say.

They didn't give them the 38b yet?


Appropriate that the rockets that defend Japan are named after the madman himself.

Pretty sure South Korea will send THAAD back to the US rather than pay for it. Their people don't want it since China gets antsy in the pantsy about it being there and it won't protect South Korea against anything, it's meant to knock down Chinese and Russian ICBMs while in an easy stage to hit.

Now that is some smug

Goy and Goyim are the singular and plural forms of the word. Goys isnt a real world.

Fuck off you retarded LARPer

If that's suppose to be Korean currency then that would only be a hundred thousand or so worth of burger-land bucks.

I would laugh heartily if that happened.

That would immediately bankrupt SK and I sure as hell know the chinks do not want America on their borders again.

$ 1 billion (KRW 1.13 trillion)

Waiting for my free Samsung TV and S8 anytime now. Sure gooks will not mind?

SK is in deep shit because of China economic boom. Already Chinese entered markets which were traditionally Korean - ship building, mobile phones, electronics. If they lose markets in US and EU, they can become a rice-producing country to feed China

Maybe he's trying to unite Korea through hatred for America?

What I don't like about this is removing US influence over South Korea.
Believe it or not, the US still are the best world police. Not perfect, but far better than any other country in power.

Rothschild or not.

Where were you when US became a neighbourhood racket operation?

My guess is that the budget is looming and they have to make ends meet (but not in a real sense) to maintain good faith with Congress. Republicans know they can freely break ranks at this point because no one has any idea of what Trump is doing and the DC climate has broken both dems and reps.

Keeping companies here is a short term cost for long term gain, the mideast bullshit is also putting additional strain on our already fucked finances.

I've been saying it all along.
If the msm or anyone who critizises the don for what he's doing would simply read the book, they would be able to understand his reasoning though even then they would shit on him nonetheless.
Hell, if I were the head of a forgein state I would read it to better anticipate his next move and by doing that I'd be playing directly in his hands by buying the book in the first place.
The longer you think about it, the more you start to see the genius in him.

kill yourself faggot.


The guy is a fucking legend.

Good, fuck this shithole.

Every fucking nigger on this board forgets that this is the US. We have a hell of a lot of clout on the world stage. Any nation would be fucking stupid to throw friendly relations with the US away.

This is what will happen, as we've seen happen in different circumstances literally hundreds of times at this point.

Trump can go eat a dick, he has cucked out of every threat he made.

Checked for dubs of reason.

Like pottery

Yeah 4D chess and all that. Fuck off.

100% this.

I love maga'ing while the shills are in utter discourse.

So, what kind of dent'll that make in the ND, and why are we still giving $137 billion to juland?


Stupid Americans also believe the sky is blue and grass is green.
A stopped clock is right twice per day.

oh so they wanna know if trump has teeth or not huh?


Sounds to me like they should never have gotten it in the first place then.

Dubs of truth.

Careful with that goal thinking. Trump sets up systems. There is no "end goal". What he is doing is setting up situations with many ways for the US to win, and few or no ways for us to lose. Extracting defense money from South Korea is just a consequence of the system that will also wind up eliminating the huge amount of money we spend on troops defending the peninsula, no matter how things turn out.

Hi Scott.

I did read that a few months ago. It was a good read, its great to see this is how he has been operating all of his adult life. (like a fucking boss). Do you remember that part when Trump said he worked with this little jewish guy collecting rent for an apartment building, and the jewish landlord made a pass at someones wife and the husband came into their office to yell at them? Do you remember what happened and how Trump responded to the whole ordeal?
Trump basically thought "oh, if someone threatens you, you should act crazy as fuck, they will leave you alone." and if they dont, even a big guy will be in the fight of his life against you.

The average Anerican adult has a 6th grade reading level.
That translates to 7 words per sentence, 1.4 syllables per word. Maximum of 3 sentences per paragraph.
In news stories, sentences are often long so they space after one 20 word sentence.


Media, marketing gurus have noted that millenials have short attention spans. They space so sentence can be read while washing down a gluten free bagel with a vanilla chai in between lane changes.

And again they've been had by the greatest dealmaker in our time.

A definition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results, how many times must Trump prove to you that he has a motive for the things that he does? When you feel he's "cucked again!", think about a few times, he's most likely preparing another strongarmed bargaining session.

I'm not saying he shouldn't be held accountable, but this man is a genius, he's proven it dozens of times so far… give him a chance to show you his brilliance.

And read the Art of the Deal if you haven't already, it shows how Trump sets up his deals in such a way to manipulate his opponents into having to negotiate from a position of weakness, desperation and/or a false sense of urgency.

"Important allies" they're our quasi-colony, we fucking do as we please with them.

We can throw them table-scraps and they have to thank us for it.


They have the money to pay for it, but when you've gotten something for free for so long you freak out when you finally have to pay a fair price for it.

I will get that double please with extra cheese.

3456788765435678876543234567899876545678909876543567890098765567890987654567890987654324567890876543456789987654345678909876543456789009876545678900987654323456789098767899876545678909823456789987654323456787654345654323456787654567898789878987654343456789876545789789456465456445645454848888879556154948946321564898745312322156489875123159515951591987894233322115444447D chess at its finest. #ourguy #notstupid

Isn't he in prison over CP now?

What the fuck do you think South Korea is going to do? They have no other option but to be America's satellite state.

Put short, this is a positive development.

It shows that (at least on this issue) Trump has not sold out yet.

Nice argument.

What the fuck are they gonna do, Schlomo? Stop being a satellite state? They would need some backbone to pull that off!


This isn't some bullshit I'm pulling out of my ass because I'm some shill who thinks Trump can do no wrong.

This is literally the same strategy he described 30 fucking years ago in "The Art of the Deal". It's public knowledge.

There are more talmuds in South Korea than in israel. Fuck yourself, moishe

Are you ready to go Holla Forums?

That's at least 50 qts.

So many women to rape on the battlefield.

Fucking commies… always sending their women in to fight the battles.

trump could beat the norks by offering them all a tasty turkey sandwich if they kill their leader.

My friend blew a gasket about this claiming it makes us look "Tacky"

We've been the fucking world police with nothing in return for a decade. Half the policies and muh socialisms that certain countries enjoy is because they don't NEED a military budget.

Well the bill has arrived to the table fuckers. Get out your wallets.

Why are you friends with faggots?

Anyone else sad that Trump is probably going to be the most fun president of their lifetime? I don't think I could name anyone else who could fill his shoes.

you betas probably wouldn't survive in a one-to-one fight against one of them hahah

There are a fair number of people on Holla Forums who cannot read his moves. I imagine his enemies only see chaos. Not all anons can identify the components of meme magic and why it works. I'm sure they are equally puzzled by Trump's tactics.

I lol'd.

Oy vey! That's only $6,333.34 for each jew gassed by you parasitic white people in WW2! Gifted?!?!?! You should pay more!!!

what happens if they have their periods?

Benutzen Sie ein Konzentrationslager

Not yet born.

The enemy soldiers see blood and hit harder.

Jesus Christ, spoiler that shit.

They're coming to sex America, guys. You know that all the basement dwelling cucks will throw any sort of patriotism or national pride out the window for a QT3.14.


Didn't that already happen? I live in a military town and every old vet I know is married to a gook.


Yep. I've met many young and old, married to gooks. So North Korea has a pretty sound plan. These are not soldiers intended for war. They're sending their women to fuck.

those are strange looking batons their twirling.

Yoo fuk mi or I shoot yoo. Me ruv you rong time.

u cum taste rike a white rice

I love this timeline.

And now you understand why China sent it's soldiers to the border.

1/10th of me would hit that. I will gas the kikes and then myself. Heil Hitler.

it's deflect and pivot to foreign affairs. Trump did this with Syria, and he is now doing it with North Korea. It is a very old tactic when domestic affairs are un-winnable. May work for you 'cause muh CHAOS but frankly Trump has lost me as a voter. I was for Trump because of his domestic policies which are sadly failing like ducks in a row

Let's consider Pyongyang to Washington, DC

When you look at pictures of Pyongyang, North Korea can you find the niggers on the street? what about the homeless people? how about the prostitutes? How many random shootings occur in the DC metro area compared to Pyongyang? What about armed robberies? I would honestly much rather prefer to live in an american city like Pyongyang than any city that currently exists in the United States because every US city is a cesspool of violence and degeneracy.


Anons are always looking for red flags in shills like never posting reaction images or whatever, but I gotta say, the almost-but-not-quite colloquial English is the best one by far.

Goon. :^)

Truth. I may garner hatred from the following statement from blindly patriotic Holla Forumss, but I honestly do not care. I'm too old for the draft. When the invasion comes, I will not take up arms against them. I welcome almost any takeover of America, the current pile of shit. Besides of course, the current takeover. Israelis

Have fun voting for Hillary then. That said, it's ridiculously premature to judge a whole presidency on a few months worth of shit, especially when he has been getting opposition left and right. Then again, this sounds like one of those situations where one decides to be mad at Trump only and not all the other people who presented opposition also.

May work for you 'cause muh FUN but frankly you've lost me as a shitposter.

prior to the Trump Hillary election I began to say that the last 5 US Presidents have failed the American people. Now I can safely say that the US election system is so corrupt that the last 6 US President i have voted for have failed the US citizen. Odd how you feel my appraisal is based on the short-term…. you must be a young person to feel that way. My appraisal is based on the long term failures of so many past US politicians. If you're new to the game I can see it from your point of view….. but if you see it from my point of view you'll see it as a long slow downward slide into the mess that it has now become. Maybe you'll be as rich as Mark Zuckerberg but I seriously doubt it.

Sorry gramps, the kike takeover is the only takeover. Fight or die.

Without fun there is only
I need fun.

like the person you are commenting to I also feel the same way. In any upcoming war between China, North Korea, Russia and the United States I hope the United States loses. This way US citizens can take back America by themselves. It will mean killing the Jews in the streets, and the niggers, and the spics, and the degenerates. I am all for a total "End of the Bronze Age" anarchy to become the norm. I do not need internet, cellphones, cable news, GPS, electric, frankly I am tired of waiting.



This. I'm all for Hitler's ideals on fighting or dying, and not showing signs of defeatism. That's for National Socialism, however. I will not fight for the Jews by fighting against their enemies. If the war does break out on U.S. soil, you have given me such a great idea I wonder why I never thought of it. I'll shoot the Jews, niggers, spics, faggots, trannies and liberal hipsters. Then blame it on the Koreans. "Friendly" fire. Sounds fun.

t. fbi

No more shilleckels for you.

You Jews keep playing that card, like you're on our side. Typical tricks, Schlomo.



God. You're done.

Sure thing, kike.

It's like you're not even trying anymore.

AFTER it's too late. I know your tricks.


After it's too late? Son, the streets are filled with these degenerates. It's already too late. I'm waiting until there will be no consequences for my war-permitted murder spree.

Well, I hope you're wrong.

Am I?

I find find myself like the samurai beside the river taedong

As infuriating as that video may be, the nigger problem will sort itself out when the kikes are removed.

Of course, but what makes you think they will be removed without a major force from outside? Within, it is already compromised. Unless you believe new Hitler is going to be a single man coming to his senses to rally us. Which, by the way, I should add that he himself explained there were numerous persecutions and bans on his speeches before he came to power. It seems like a slim hope, unless our economy falls completely apart. Then it is risk of death to starvation, desperately hoping for new Hitler even though he may never come. If one such as him arrives, I will support him. But I will never capitulate to the Israeli enemy, despite sentiments of patriotism. Israel's enemies are my allies.

Pol Pot killed anyone with glasses… faggot.

Communism is about the vertical integration of wealth into the inner-party. What's left after the nice shit is gone is redistributed to the proles. Fucking faggot - how come the inner party always lives like kings while everyone else suffers? Yup. Just another fleecing scheme cooked up by (((them))).

neck yourselves niggers

Obama is the only one a case could be made for but even then, one could see how shallow his rhetoric was originally, without true intellectual backing or merit.
Sage for derail.

bump locked?

Hitler, as he would remove jews. Imagine their kvetching and their realization that complaining and lawsuits aren't going to work……HAHAHAHA!

But your right Trump is going to be the most fun president to date.


has Trump accomplished anything to any effect?
I know a Jew who will play with finger puppets for as long as your attention lasts.

Trump is A Hero of Our Time.

careful. war where the us is taken over by other nations is a complex timeline that mostly does not end with americans retaking the country and purging it of the problems.

we don't need a hostile country taking america to permit you, defeatist retard. stick on this timeline, we're nearing the beer hall putsch.

Actually i was taught that a paragraph was a minimum of 3 sentences and if you couldn't come up with 3 sentences, they should be incorporated into the previous or next paragraphs or eliminated entirely.