Ill just leave this here
Pt. 1:
Pt. 2:
Antifa Degenerates BTFO'd
Other urls found in this thread:
Antifa btfod
That was pretty boring. Even the "right side" was nothing but obese and meth head degenerates.
The alt-kike is our latest chanology or gamergoy.
Still kinda funny though.
Have to build up the suspense before you get to the (((Media))) and Zog arriving and making it a city wide scene
Where's part three then?
I'm not meaning to shit on you guys in particular, and that guy out in Oregon with the white genocide truck has nothing but my respect, but kekistan is a sarcuck meme and it is pathetic. I saw the real flag too.
I'm probably just still triggered by the cuck orgy at Berkley earlier.
Also your ID confirms too much caffeine,
Low energy communists vs cuckservatives.
I wish. Antifa is getting pretty shocked with a right wing that actually stands up to them. I remember when conservofags would act so proud about getting face stomped by "MUH VIOLENT LEFTIST, I GOT MY ASS KICKED SO I HAVE DA MORAL HIGH GROUND HURR DURR", not anymore Antifags.
Yes, it's a bit cucky, but seeing their response to it and the kreigsmarine was fantastic. A mix of confusion and anger.
*Literal Nazis (fixed that for you)
Pt. 3 is about an hour out, with part 4
We showed up expecting someone to try something, all just non binary, gender fluid kikes and gender studies majors (literally)
The only reason this major exist is just to bill students for being in college. It would be easier if the college just robbed them at gun point.
I really want to support this, OP. I do.
Quit smoking and lift. Look like clean cut, respectable people or don't show up at all. We have to lead by example. Who the fuck is going to join this side of that street? has a point.
Don't engage. Don't curse. Don't salute. "Whore"? Clever rhyme, but drop it. Stand up for things all Americans can stand for and watch our numbers swell. Swing the swasi too soon and watch the other side get free troops. Let's be smart. Let's be tactical.
No black pill here. The 14 words are too goddamn important to fuck this up again, there will not be another chance.
I really don't believe the greater Israel thing. Israel is quickly becoming a muli-culti hell hole and it's pretty funny. The very way that the Jew infested Palestine and took it over, is the same way that Israel will fall. Jews pushed multi-culti around the world and their own country gets BTFO by shit(ier) Skin savages
I honestly wonder why more people aren't pointing this out.
He means roll with the times
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is actually a pretty good battlecry
I sometimes can't believe we live in a time where democrats are so fucking insane they think a frog and the hand signal for "okay" are white nationalist symbols. I love this.
It's a cucky meme that we can use to subvert, and, by proxy, coopt people.
To be fair, we are all White Nationalists.
I'm okay with this
Yeah. Pepe the frog wasn't a White nationalist until we made him one. These people trying to dissuade us from using and commandeering memes are very suspicious.
Indeed. Perhaps we should come up with a……solution, for them?
The milk thing is funny, LARPing as a -stan nation is the bad kind of 'tism.
Nobody LARPed as a -stan. Troll flags are for trolling. Nazi flags are for saluting, which is what took place both when they yelled "No one wants you here" (Nazi Reich is here) and "Who's streets? our streets!" (Who's streets? Nazis!)
It's a combination of the fact that it's cringey as fuck, and that it's more associated with the "sepdick community" that gets me. Also that the original premise is that kekistan is an ancap nation.
But, I get your point.
What else is antifa good for, if not a good laugh m88?
Don't fly a swastika, don't salute. Hide your power level. Jesus, this is like Holla Forums 101, has the board fallen this hard?
We need the average American on our side at this point in time. Whites need to rally behind something socially acceptable.
Israel continues to grow, study up on attached.
To throw all my buddies under the bus, I never saluted until we chanted "good night left side"
Top fucking Kek, the left were the ones who came to the conclusion that Trump's shitposty "okay" gestures must be a nazi symbol.
As far as the videos go, seems rather typical, always good to get antifa on camera and triggered though.
this is such an awful meme
yeah, like all 4 of you guys are gonna have a successful revolution, you need the support of your people
Don't forget to cuck your political beliefs and move to the center, cuck.
Got it
Are you a newfag or something? You seriously missed gamergate, the event that PROVED your PR fagging does nothing to draw followers in, and does everything to weaken your side until it's full of namefag goons, trannies, and leftists?
Traps r gay. Faggots in ovens.
The keyword here is MY PEOPLES. Jew and degenerates are not. This nigger have more balls than you
I started making this symbol after the dumb fucks "discovered" it means White Power. Who else does this as a frog whistle?
Kekstan should be bilded on israeli land.
kekistan is a shit jew meme
Never forget, communism is illegal in the USA.
(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, § 3, 68 Stat. 776.)
I don't even think he's trying to make OK symbol, I think it's just how he holds his hand while talking. I don't think it's without purpose though, and I think Adams mentioned it in relation to persuasion. I believe that.
Ad hominem, not an argument.
Ad hominem, not an argument.
Mate, I'm talking about rallying around concepts like freedom of speech, etc. Places where NS and Americana overlap. That's where we find allies, and we need them.
I agree with this guy
If you're going to represent us out in public then don't constantly memespout and don't hurl insults at the zogbots who genuininly think they're fighting the noble cause of anti racism
Then the police show up and the 'right wing side' has people wearing masks and shit looking like criminals. Clean up your act.
WE called the police.
Cannot NOT wear masks around degenerates who will dox you all over the internet. I've already been fired once for being a nazi
Why does the guy has his lip pierced like a nigger?
because skinheads are genetic scum
Why does the appearance of one person detract from the entirety of the counter, or for that matter, the image of the others? LARPing in an SS uniform isn't something anyone does, and unfortunately the (((skinhead))) look still exists. Not my job to police people, just advocate for what is best for our people. Not everybody there was fascist. You know, by watching, who is.
Someone tell me what this is. I have a feeling it will make me cringe so I don't want to watch it.
Why are you posting cuck/leftist shill bullshit?
here's a tip
you'll be executed in the American Reich too
if you dont think a greater Israel is on the agenda then you havent been paying attention. Ultra nationalists in Israel and New York say it's from "the Nile to the Euphrates".
Pt. 4:
I used to think the way you did but man the kekistan meme is powerful, it's an incredibly effective way to mock the stupidity of leftist oppression politics.
Have a clip of some dude ina visor dropping a faggy antifa fucker
I fucking love these
Allright but what is the music used in the vids
Obviously Shadilay. Behemoth is the artist in Pt. 2. Forgot to link. The next few will feature cyber nazi, some SS anthems
Behemoth sounds a bit heavier than whats in part 2 :P I guess Ill try to find the song, unless you can gimme that.
Regardless its pritti entertaining, was stumped when it said more in part 4 but there was no part 4
Pt. 4 is a separate upload coming in the next few hours
Go away
I like what you lads are doing but please clean up your aesthetic throw out that kek flag and stop using the U.S flag