Reinhard Heydrich, in his own words

We have all heard the propaganda: hater of jews, helper in the holocaust, bloody sow.
We have heard how he combed for jews in the east and west of Europe.

But what about the real Heydrich? It seems his history is totally muddled in jew propaganda to the point where he is only recognized as a Nazi bloodhound. Who was he? What were his words? Did he keep a journal?

Who was the REAL Reinhard Heydrich?
His name was pretty badass too, almost as good as Adolf Eichmann's.

Other urls found in this thread:

"One of the best national socialists, one of the best believers in the German ideology, and one of the greatest opponents to all enemies of the Third Reich." ~ Adolf Hitler

If even Hitler recognized his greatness, why does not much exist as to his historical record?

Have a rare smiling Heydrich, we need more of these types of threads where people pool their lesser known information into one place, so that everyone can expand their knowledge without having to pour through 5 books on 1 man.

Youre actively shilling this board trying to D&C why? Go to /polk/ if its so great. We dont miss you, just quit shilling behind a proxy about your board in a Heydrich thread.


This is probably the /polk/ shill shifting IPs and trying to support his own argument.

Why is this happening? I know very little about this guy and I am trying to create a non-jew profile on him and these fags have to come in and ruin it.

The thread was started with rhetorical bullshit in an attempt to draw people in instead of just putting facts down. The whole thread reads like a fucking clickbait article. it's garbage.

Your journalism degree isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Lurk the fuck more.

Draw people in so I could have more information. There isn't much out there for Heydrich. Go to any search engine and try to find information on him, its neigh impossible to get a clear picture. I will be dragging my ass to a local library this weekend but I would at least want a point in the right direction.

I'm doing this for my book you faggot.

I saw an entire (((documentary))) on him once. The parts I remember were the historians being unable to reconcile that he would go to work, shoah the jews and gypsies, then return home to where his family reported him to be a loving, devoted father and a peaceable man who played the violin very well. Sounds like someone who would lurk here tbh

You write like a fag and should be embarrassed. If you want to write well you should take notes from actual authors, not Cracked.

What a waste of dubs.

Its a vessel which is supposed to be filled by those with knowledge on the subject. The OP doesnt know about Heydrich, neither do I, and I doubt you do either. Instead of lurking, you decided to shit it up in the first few posts, destroying its potential. Fuck off, you are cancer.

Its happening because kikes will ruin anything they are let to. Instead of learning about Heydrich, you get artificial sperge designed to prevent meaningful discussion.


In brief: Reinhard Heydrich (1904-1942) was second in importance to Heinrich Himmler in the Nazi SS organization. Nicknamed "The Blond Beast" by the Nazis, and "Hangman Heydrich" by others, Heydrich had insatiable greed for power and was a cold, calculating manipulator without human compassion who was the leading planner of Hitler's Final Solution

Heydrich proceeded to create the intelligence gathering organization known as the SD (Sicherheitsdienst), or SS Security Service.

It began in a small office with a single typewriter. But Heydrich's tireless determination soon grew the organization into a vast network of informers that developed dossiers on anyone who might oppose Hitler and conducted internal espionage and investigations to gather information down to the smallest details on Nazi Party members and storm trooper (SA) leaders.

Heydrich also had a taste for gossip and maintained folders full of rumors and details of the privates lives and sexual activities of top Nazis, later resorting to planting hidden microphones and cameras.

it's just the tip that's fucked up, looking at it just looks like a roman nose

This is the face of a man that has zero time to fuck around.
Time for a Funtime with Dr Goebels thread?

Someone should tell the kikes that isn't an argument.

I would look at those (((insults))) as badges of honor. The blond beast and Heydrich the Hangman are fucking hardcore



I think Ill save myself the shill sperge and just actually read several books on him, sounds like the kind of guy Id be interested in.

The SD is a criminally overlooked apparatus of the 3rd Reich. Heydrich has, I assume, been historically tainted by kikes to shroud whatever he was up to, even if it was just novel military intelligence gathering.

Thats why you can never read just 1 or 2 books on someone like him, if you actually want to learn the real history. Otherwise, you just get some distorted bullcrap slant. Its why these threads are so valuable, you have dedicated and interested Holla Forumsacks who have already weeded through all the bullshit and kike propaganda, who can lay out the gems that everyone would be interested in knowing. You take something that only 1 or a few Holla Forumsacks know, and turn it into general knowledge.

This tbh.
The SD will discover the enemies of the National Socialist concept and it will initiate counter-measures through the official police authorities."

Pic related was from a similar thread on Himmler, which actually worked out.

Ernst Kaltenbrunner

Pics related. KMS for multi posts.

There is very little on him in the same manner that there's very little on Himmler other than whats been fabricated by the jews.

What we do know is that both were great leaders who got shit done for Germany working for a greater cause than themselves without seeking the spotlight.

honestly I can't quit from my mind when I look at these pictures that fencing is a really noble sport.

I really wish I could take on that sport, but is hard to find any way to embark on it.

Speaking of fabrications.
Do you think any of the quotes that leon goldensohn at the Nuremberg trial interviews can be trusted?

Yep. Still would rather live in the white heartland sans fencing than do that noble sport but be stuck in lefty urban hell

Mm, thats not actually fencing I dont think, it has its own name.

Well, okay, maybe it's actually fencing. Its a specific kind of German Fraternity dueling fencing, where you are not allowed to retreat from a slash. It teaches people to stand their ground etc, wish I could remember where I read about it. Seem to recall it possibly coming from Keitels memoirs… it surely couldnt be Goebbels… thats frustrating.

Forgot the link.

Academic Fencing

It is a traditional, strictly regulated épée / rapier fight between two male members of different fraternities with sharp weapons. The German technical term Mensur (from Latin, dimension) in the 16th century referred to the specified distance between each of the fencers.


What I know about it is that the swords are held over the head, from above.. and you slash at the enemy. Youre not allowed to retreat, or flinch at all, and have to accept being slashed if you fail to deflect it. It left large scars on peoples faces, Im trying to figure out which Nazi with a big scar I was reading about. They had to have a lot of power, because they were influential in disbanding the fraternities or whatever, despite having been a part of one. Im pretty sure Keitel didnt have one, but in my mind its being related to someone who is Prussian, and a military guy who wasnt flinching in Poland. All suggests Keitel, but again, he doesnt even have a scar I dont think. I only skimmed some of the memoirs so far, I havent dug deep into them.

Might have been Himmler. Says he had a fencing scar. If so, I don't know where the material is that I was thinking of.

that academic fencing sounds awesome, I saw something similar among officers on that Ana Karenina movie.

Yeh, I went to jwtube looking for fencing matches and I was disgusted. the french athlete is black Cuban that gained citizenship, the sport itself looks kinda of stupid compared to what you linked

That would be Otto Skorzeny aka the most dangerous man in Europe

Going to be seeing a lot more of that shit in the future, unless something changes.

Might have been Otto Skorzeny. He had a huge scar on his left cheek from dueling and was Hitler's favorite commando. His whole life is like a James Bond movie come to life.

this pic can better illustrate it.

OH so that is how he got his scar?

Yea, I saw him come up, he just happens to have the biggest scar, or the most famous one. Lots of people had scars though, it was fairly common. I think it was Himmler, and I probably read it after that thread with the cap of the himmler bits.


Great. Now I'm going to find Himmlers scar and his dueling records

Otto is one badass motherfucker.

Ernst Kaltenbrunner had huge scars on his face and head from dueling wounds

William Joyce comes to mind. Though he was slashed by a marxist.

The significance was that whatever I was reading, or watching, described the German dueling fraternities and this persons experience in them. Again though, cant recall where it was. Thats why I was trying to remember.

forum.axishistory. com//viewtopic.php?t=46591

Or Karl Sauke

If you google "My Commando Operations" you can read his memoirs translated to english. Should be the second or third result. He's a fascinating guy and gives a lot of insight on the war from his perspective.

Guy looks like Nathan Damigo.

Karl Lorenz

guess I will have to dirty my fingernails on jewgle, thanks guy.

actually that was fast. thanks.

This man pulled off a 1940's mission impossible with the rescue of Mussolini.

Isnt the SAS credited with being the first commando unit? They were formed in 41.

Huh, Nathan looks like Joyce reincarnated.

Check my animu faggots.

Yea, its like bang on. I cant find a perfect angled picture, but I saw it immediately. Im not a big fan, I actually thought he was a cunt for that fbi comment he made about reporting people.. but then he punched that hair antifa cunt.

Right. Navy SEALS didn't exist before SAS. You can guess where they got much of their tactics from.
Skorzeny was not known as the "most dangerous man in Europe" for nothing.

I saved it.
but I am not happy.

The story of the founding of the SAS itself is very interesting, about how they pretty much went on a suicide mission, ramming the entrance to a port with a ship filled with explosives, jumping out and stealing the enigma machine/hardware they needed to crack the code.

Then you find out they arent actually the first commandos, and they stole that claim from Germany. Fucking cunts.

I immediately shouted, "Steep approach! Land as close
behind the hotel as possible!" The other seven gliders flying
behind me would surely do the same. Radl, who reported
our maneuver to the pilot of machine number four, later
admitted to me that he thought I had gone mad. In spite
of the braking parachutes, our machine landed much too
fast. It bounced several times and there was a frightful din,
but finally it came to a stop about 1 5 meters from the cor-
ner of the hotel. The glider was almost completely de-
stroyed. From then on everything happened very quickly.
Weapon in hand, I ran as quickly as I could toward the
hotel. My seven Waffen-SS comrades and Leutnant Meier
followed. An astonished sentry just stared at us. To my right
there was a door: I forced my way in. A radio operator was
at work in front of his set. I kicked the stool out from under
him and the radio operator fell to the floor. A blow from my
submachine-gun destroyed the radio set. Later, I learned
that at that very moment the man was supposed to send
a report to General Cueli that aircraft were approaching
to land. The room had no other doors, and so we dashed
along the back side of the hotel looking for an entrance:
but there was none, just a terrace at the end of the wall. I
climbed on to the shoulders of Scharfuhrer Himmel. I moved
up and found myself standing at the front of the hotel . I ran
on and suddenly caught sight of Mussolini's striking profile
in a window frame …

S korzen y

Germany pretty much pioneered modern day camo. That alone should tell you all the truth you need to know when it comes to dick measuring of who was first.

The line between "commando" in the modern day sense, compared to the traditional, military, spies of old at that time is very small.

well I think I should say my piece about Reinhard,I know Heydrich worked on the navy and did many other things, but I think his work with the social aspect of the NatSoc is where he became pivotal and outshined the other men who didn't consider what he did consider.

As a natsoc myself, I know the hardships of networking, the eternal struggle of dancing and tiptoeing around fence sitters and simple minded people. he managed to bring the ideology into synergy on a hostile land, I can't even fathom how much of a social butterfly, puppeteer and a mastermind he had to be to pull that off.

Ask yourself, user.

noice timequads OP
basically what sez
we "know" a lot about him unrecorded in the usual "do the opposite of what the jews say" way, and what can be inferred by that.

and would also have singlehandedly finished off GG most likely.

In other instances, they play up an admirable quality as a deplorable one, such as always going on in homo-erotic tones about his "cold eyes" and "stony face" and how his personality shifted on a dime and "frightened even Hitler!!!1!! zomg" He's got the mindset you'd see in a cop who preferred working the shittiest damn neighbourhoods (because it prevents the cancer from 'leaking out' from the metro) Go on the beat, 3 shootouts, fill out the paperwork, take the kids to recital.
The ridiculous mythos the jews made for him is almost as interesting as the real deal, since it portrays everyone else as skirt-shitting schoolgirls in comparison, where instead of mastering social graces to build the network it sounds like he did it through pure fear. You'd think he were Griffith. It's the kind of "scary jew tale" that actually helps more than hurts, especially with so much kebab to remove lately.

hooohohoho ohhhhhhh!!
At least France's "greatest national fencers" (or so (((they))) claim) are men unlike America's
(also do not GIS either of them, they've done "nude" shoots since the last time I looked them up. Fucking really? Does every sport have to be debased by harlots now?)
The push is so hard there's fucking clipart of them. They're the default sets for anyone looking up "female fencer" images for whatever silly book report they'd throw these on.
I do longswords/broadswords with HEMA so not quite my forte but I think I'd still whip'em even going 2 on 1.

I had to double-check your post because I was sure you hit it the first time I saw.
I'd advise against ever following a DA link unless it's a direct image btw, those deviants have quite the obsession with Heydrich. If he came back like in that Hitler movie in Germany, it'd look more like a Beatles movie than anything else, Tartlets screaming like banshees and chasing him everywhere, tearing pieces of his uniform off as mementos.
And, actually, Antifa going in trying to disperse the groups by reading off his 'list of warcrimes' just makes them (even the jewish ones) schlick that much harder. Hilarious, and a bit scary. I guess with the (((media))) "advertising" for us all, our greatest heroes replaced the serial killer fandom.

It really is. Anytime someone caught him they kept trying to recruit him! Perhaps they should change it to "Europe's Most Desirable Man" since he wasn't blowing up 10 tanks a day like some other smug motherfuckers out there.

OP, why did you shoop that Nazi dude's nose to be so big in all those pictures?

OP. There is a thread regarding a false story about Himmler which may make a good story before the facts are lost.

What is so noble about it?

Yes, it's the current year

pic related

From the book "My Commando Operations" by Otto himself. Ill probably pick that up, sounds like a fun read. The pdf is on archive.

archive. org/stream/OttoSkorzenyMyCommandoOperations/Otto_Skorzeny_My_Commando_Operations_djvu.txt

I love how these scars show that these men were not vain, these men were men of action.

Calhoun experiment with "the beautiful ones" haunts me. The nazi were beautiful but not without focusing on function and education instead, their beauty was mostly to their nature.

I believe his trick was getting the first and second shot perfectly right



A Nazi bloodhound, psychopath, monster, architect of the Holocaust…

I task you with determining whose eyes and disposition you trust more…


What was funny was hijab fencer's team was BTFO by the Russian team, which consisted of bouncy, qt Slav women.

Thanks for the rare smiling Heydrich. I think he looks very English. Does anyone else think that he looks like an English man?

He just has a unique look to him, and of course his nose has a bump on the bridge, which does not always signify jewish ancestry. He was not Jewish.

Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich [5] was born in 1904 in Halle an der Saale to composer and opera singer Richard Bruno Heydrich and his wife, Elisabeth Anna Maria Amalia Heydrich (née Krantz). His father was Protestant and his mother was Roman Catholic. His two forenames were patriotic musical tributes: "Reinhard" referred to the tragic hero from his father's opera Amen, and "Tristan" stems from Richard Wagner's Tristan und Isolde. Heydrich's third name, "Eugen", was his late maternal grandfather's forename (Professor Eugen Krantz had been the director of the Dresden Royal Conservatory).[6]
Heydrich's family held social standing and substantial financial means. Music was a part of Heydrich's everyday life; his father founded the Halle Conservatory of Music, Theatre and Teaching and his mother taught piano there.[7] Heydrich developed a passion for the violin and carried that interest into adulthood; he impressed listeners with his musical talent.[8]
His father was a German nationalist who instilled patriotic ideas in his three children, but was not affiliated with any political party until after World War I.[9] The Heydrich household was strict. As a youth, he engaged his younger brother, Heinz, in mock fencing duels. He excelled in his schoolwork—especially in science—at the "Reformgymnasium".[10] A talented athlete, he became an expert swimmer and fencer.

In 1918, World War I ended with Germany's defeat. In late February 1919, civil unrest—including strikes and clashes between communist and anti-communist groups—took place in Heydrich's home town of Halle. Under Defense Minister Gustav Noske's directives, a right-wing paramilitary unit was formed and ordered to "recapture" Halle. [13] Heydrich, then 15 years old, joined Maercker's Volunteer Rifles (the first Freikorps unit). When the skirmishes ended, Heydrich was part of the force assigned to protect private property.[14] Little is known about his role, but the events left a strong impression; it was a "political awakening" for him.[14] He joined the Deutschvölkischer Schutz und Trutzbund (National German Protection and Shelter League), an anti-Semitic organisation.[15]

n 1931, Heinrich Himmler began setting up a counterintelligence division of the SS. Acting on the advice of his associate Karl von Eberstein, who was von Osten's friend, Himmler agreed to interview Heydrich, but cancelled their appointment at the last minute.[23] Lina ignored this message, packed Heydrich's suitcase, and sent him to Munich. Eberstein met Heydrich at the railway station and took him to see Himmler.[23] Himmler asked Heydrich to convey his ideas for developing an SS intelligence service. Himmler was so impressed that he hired Heydrich immediately.[24][25] Although the starting salary of 180 Reichsmarks (the equivalent of 40 USD) was low, Heydrich decided to take the job because Lina's family supported the Nazi movement, and the quasi-military and revolutionary nature of the post appealed to him.[26] At first he had to share an office and typewriter with a colleague, but by 1932 Heydrich was earning 290 Reichsmarks a month, a salary he described as "comfortable".[27] As his power and influence grew throughout the 1930s, his salary grew commensurately; by 1938 his income increased to 17,371.53 Reichsmarks annually (the equivalent of 78,000 USD).[28] His NSDAP number was 544,916 and his SS number was 10,120.[29][a] Heydrich later received a Totenkopfring from Himmler for his service.[31]

On 1 August 1931 Heydrich began his job as chief of the new 'Ic Service' (intelligence service).[25] He set up office at the Brown House, the Nazi Party headquarters in Munich. By October he had created a network of spies and informers for intelligence-gathering purposes and to obtain information to be used as blackmail to further political aims.[32] Information on thousands of people was recorded on index cards and stored at the Brown House.[33] To mark the occasion of Heydrich's December wedding, Himmler promoted him to the rank of SS-Sturmbannführer (major).[34]

If it was from actual duelling it would be one thing, but considering how much it was imitated and how it was conducted, it is vanity in many cases. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but the tradition is clearly to give people visible marks signifying their social status. Visible in a way that can't be missed or covered.


This is why each and every man worth anything and all Holla Forumsacks need to write their own autobiography.







SAVE Holla Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hah, really? Thas vunderbar.

while some records like Milch's were embellished I'm definitely sure he's 100%
Self-hating jewry is all about goading the goy into

time sez yez!
exception: literal ghosts. Throw in some generalities about childhood but leave'em guessing for fun. Make it start the moment you get e-famouse and instead keep track of your past acquaintances
One thing they love to do is make shit up and have some old pals corroborate it for cash.
You know how jew elites keep each other in control? Yeah, do that! Keep'em afraid from signing onto some BS like that. Maybe they cheated on an entrance exam, maybe they lost something their parents valued and never told them. Those kinds of "safe" yet humiliating stories ought to keep'em clammed up.
Good example: Beria: debates over how many disappearances he caused, highball is five times higher than the lowball, as he encouraged those that wanted to stay hidden to do things in his name. A lot of them did this but he also encouraged this for accident reports too.
Saddam: While Castro ran himself ragged often to keep a paternalistic image about him (to the detriment of cuban efficiency as they started putting off urgent projects or sweeping decisions until he okayed it) Saddam used his body doubles and a well planned semi-realistic schedule to look like he was way more active than he was. [spoiler]And sometimes shot anyone who could say otherwise. Kek[spoiler]
This level of "ceaseless activity mythos'' really unnerves (((them))).
Emprah example: Anytime he missed his regularly scheduled 3 AM twatposting, (((people))) started freaking out about what he had planned the next day. Primary regulars might recall a few of those.
If your primary online activity is here, news comment shitposting, and usenet/P2P/torrenting, you can probably pull that off. Offline, slightly harder but if your public appearances are at a minimum but you can make every rally or other event in the area, they start getting spooked and send obvious 'shadows' your way. I remember someone claiming possibly on halfpol) that they got to troll some CIA people acting like a racemixing couple that way.

doing it for them*
bah slipped

I've read a bit about this guy, apparently he was always made fun of for having a high voice and being lanky. He was also made fun of for supposedly having Jewish ancestry. He was in the Navy but fucked some commanders daughter and they kicked him out and from there he ended up joining the SS. ( I think)

At one point Hitler had a long talk with him and said that he was a very intelligent and extremely dangerous man.
Pic related is his brother.

Cute but Otto Skorzeny went on to become one of the JEWS BEST HITMEN. Because of men like him the jew was able to resist all its enemies in the 60's and I'm sure gain nuclear weapons.

heydrich is a filthy jew and a liar

>trying to create a non-jew profile on him and these fags have to come in and ruin it.

But he was a Jew according to what i have read, why are you scheming? Wtf is the point? Yes, we know Hitler gave several Jews amnesty and special privileges for their absolute belief in National Socialism, some even had honorary positions within NatSoc Germany. These Jews too recognized the danger of Kikes screwing society for their short term gain.

Holla Forums is filled with stormderp idiots who shit on other races out of hatred, lots of the cancer came during 4cuck flight 2.0. They have no clue what our ideology is about.

Mass deportations are coming!

Succinct old Holla Forums post.

That line is something youl find in Jewish propaganda. They loved calling Heydrich a "kike" in the miniseries "holocaust" from 1978. Its already been covered in this thread, the National Socialist government put it to bed at the time too. So youre denying official National Socialist government lines, and calling people "stormderp idiots"

Youre obvious cancer, probably that same retard who thinks National Socialism is libertarian.

In 1932, rumours were spread by Heydrich's enemies of alleged Jewish ancestry.[35] Wilhelm Canaris said he had obtained photocopies proving Heydrich's Jewish ancestry, but these photocopies never surfaced.[36] Nazi Gauleiter Rudolf Jordan claimed Heydrich was not a pure Aryan.[35] Within the Nazi organisation such innuendo could be damning, even for the head of the Reich's counterintelligence service. Gregor Strasser passed the allegations on to the Nazi Party's racial expert, Achim Gercke, who investigated Heydrich's genealogy.[35] Gercke reported that Heydrich was "… of German origin and free from any coloured and Jewish blood".[37] He insisted that the rumours were baseless. Even so, Heydrich privately engaged SD member Ernst Hoffman to further investigate and dispel the rumours.[35]

Thats according to the PARTY RACIAL SPECIALIST. Get out.

A gentle reminder that a lack of hatred is exactly why Hitler lost the war. Love of your own people isn't enough. You need to hate your enemy too, and other races are absolutely the enemy in case you haven't looked at the interracial crime statistics in Germany and USA as of late.

The purpose of the thread is to get facts you unbelievably dumb nigger.

It's looks like it is foil fencing from the lame and sword. The hilt is to small for epee and it isn't a sabre. He looks to be using a Belgian grip, but I can't be sure of the specifics.

It isn't hard to get into. Find a local club and try it out. Most clubs will have communal equipment until you decide to commit. Invest in some equipment- just practice equipment until you feel like competing in circuits. It really is a rush and high speed chess.
