/brg/ Boston Rally General: PERMIT APPROVED

On May 13th, a free speech rally will be held in the Boston Common on 139 Tremont St from 12pm-5pm.

Libertarians, conservatives, traditionalists, classical liberals, or anyone else who supports Trump or just hates leftists are encouraged to attend.

Bring Stickman basics at LEAST. Boston is saturated with Antifa or Antifa sympathizers. Expect a shitload to be there. They WILL be violent. Remember, Boston is the birthplace of liberty! This is our town, progressives are just squatting in it. Time to take it back.




To support free speech and show the world Boston isn't completely cucked.

Likely. Some are on our side, but they may have orders. Do not expect help.

DO's and DONT's:

DO NOT: Bring guns, knifes, bats, or weighted gloves.

DO NOT: Come to this event if you're a skinhead or plan to act like one. If you are a skinhead, dress like a normie, but assist during skirmishes.

DO NOT: Come planning to instigate violence. Any fights must be strictly defensive or after Antifa have thrown smoke into crowd etc. etc.

DO NOT: Let Antifa beat the shit out of you because muh media coverage.

DO NOT: Wear a mask, We are not antifa thugs. Don't act like them.

DO: Bring items that can be used for self defense, IE Strong Flag and Sign Poles, Mace, Anything legal.

DO: Helmets, shin guards, goggles, respirators, and other body armor.

DO: Make a Shield with a patriotic symbol on it (US Flag, Gadsden, etc). Make more than one shield to share and form squads.

DO: Make signs and (removably) attach them to your sticks/shields.

DO: Bring water and food to share to make friends.

DO: Form Doxing Crews, get high quality cameras and pictures of Antifa members faces.

DO: De-Mask Antifa whenever possible.

DO: Get a battle buddy! Safety is in numbers.

DO: Get the message out there! We need as many people as possible attending to counter Antifa.

Other urls found in this thread:


We have the Permit being approved, use this space for /hype/ and general planning.

Locals, get time off work, pool your friends and be ready to show. I assume BPD will do a good job at keeping the peace, but numbers will be key

My brother is a fag and live in Boston. He's pretty apolitical but I can tell he's left leaning.

I hope he doesn't participate in this faggotry.

a fag in Boston…


General reminder: Boston cops hate your opponents more than you. Don't be complete assholes and you'll be okay.

There are situations where this is a good thing though - for example, if an old war vet is beaten bloody by antifa while wearing an American flag.

The reaction of normies will be that Antifa are literally anti-American terrorists.

Discounting the importance of PR is a huge mistake.

A single good PR opportunity could bring 10,000 more people to our side.

This is a cultural war. Creating symbols, spreading our narrative and changing the way people interpret reality is our ultimate goal.


im honestly disgusted i have to even say this

goddamnit. I'm going to have to take work off aren't I?

Why don't antifa have jobs to go to?!

This is the same mistake Hitler made and we are all still paying for it.

plenty of them are students, hopefully they will skip their graduation to watch us have a comfy picnic with right wing speakers


I do personally like the OP poster best, nice and simple. If anyone is local, print out a few and set them around towns. Boston, Commiebridge, North and South Shore.

Hell its worth it to put them up in NH and western MA too.

inb4 boston rally bombing


Imagine if Antifa or any terrorist org pulled that off. The shitstorm would be of monumental proportions.

Because you and I and every man of good character here works and antifa suck assholes as the parasites they truly are

Hoping I get the chance to knock some antifas fucking teeth out.

Pro tip: local Antifa have a kikebook page called "north shore Antifa". Worth keeping tabs on it.

Get fucked.



this is great, best posted in the thread

Truth is more important than freedom.


Classical liberalism confirmed for not even Civ. Nat.-tier.

it attracts normies to swell our ranks

t. propaganda master

nice ID tho

How new r u

But yeah this is a good idea. I just hope somebody has an actual plan instead of letting anyone grab the mike and shout civnat platitudes to the high heavens.

Working on actual speakers as we speak.

Stop, you're making me blush.

I know that the size of ranks is important to the classical liberal belief system. But classical liberalism is a political theory of the past, it was only ever a stop-gap to get the United States on her feet.

If anyone says shit just say "This is a free speech rally, if you don't like it go join antifa you communist piece of shit"

Attaboy. I know Boston has antifa up its ass and New York isn't that faraway either, but doesn't Boston have some real rowdy boys able to throw down with the best of them? I'm not from the North or any big city.

As long as they aren't the majority and don't waste time speaking, they should assimilate pretty nicely.

As long as you get some people talking about the "Anglo-Saxon roots of the United States" or even the "European roots" you'll be moving away from classical liberal, civ. nat. territory and into a place more substantial, so try that.

Don't make it into merely an open speech forum, user. You want to give the anti-white thugs something to cry about, after all.

Nice job with the permit. Bump. Will make a shield soon.

what are you thinking for your paint on the shield?

Also if Antifa doesnt show like recently in Berkley, dress as a normie with your gear stowed in a backpack

Even hitler had to get the support of the german people.

If swastikas make that harder, than drop them for eagles and american flags and other imagery that inspires an emotional response in Americans. I don't understand the nazi fetishism.

That's a good idea. Pre-founders history, the Founders themselves, and the presidents will get people in a American patriotic mood. But remind them that Washington was not a Haitian and the Constitution was not made for Liberia. If you want to talk about immigration discuss how you support limited immigration baby steps Taking the cream-of-the-crop from developing nations keeps them in poverty, things like that.

swastikas would probably turn some people off and I wouldn't recommend getting photographed while holding one but that doesn't mean you have to cuck out for civnat faggotry. Fuck non white immigrants, period and don't be afraid to say it especially to some lolbertarian fuck face.

"Free speech" is something even the foreigners who are coming to replace you will be in agreement with, because they know when they eventually outnumber you then they can change the laws to prevent things that they don't like from being said. But change it to speech against policies of massive immigration and Politically Correct indoctrination and you have something.

"America First" is a better cause than

Yes, all of that immigration stuff the State is pushing right now is completely terrible. Remember A.G. Sessions has written that he wants a complete moritorium on immigration, but I would also mention how Political Correctness destroys institutions of this country.

I could totally come. Although the only helmet I got is a German stahlhelm, which would not look good.

What symbolism does it have on the side?

I like the "America First" idea and that should be used more often, but I also feel exposing more people to propaganda by luring them into a Free Speech rally is also an effective strategy

That's why I say you classical liberals are not even at Civ. Nat.-tier.

You could say "Make America Great Again," but you probably wouldn't have the stones to say "Make America Safe Again."

Likely something flag related, haven't settled on it.

If I get fancy, maybe a celtic eagle with patriotic colors.

You could go full on green shield, gold harp

lets hijack this event. The goal here should be less about fighting antifa and more about redpilling normies / civnat faggots. If antifa shows up well fuck them up and I'm not saying don't be prepared but the theme here is free speech which means people are going to be in a frame of mind to be more open to "fringe" ideas. Fuck everything else, we should be talking to people about far right ideologies. Hold a sign that says "do you have a moment to talk about national socialism?" This is a perfect opportunity to gain support. Let the T_D and 4cuck retards larp around in their American flag capes having a circle jerk of memes. Let's do what we do best; be intelligent, respectable, and spread knowledge of white nationalism.

Emerson college, the closest college to the commons, gets out on the 3rd of May. BU gets out on the 13th. I don't know about Suffolk (also near the commons) or Northeastern but they're probably out around the same time, meaning that if ANTIFA decides to come, they won't have as many members because college is out.

It's got nothing on the side, which is nice, but still the media would be all like "Nazi helmet". It is a World War II model (M35 I think)

Protestors would probably just kick you out. Having blatant National socialists in the commons would also mean Antifa would have more people on their side. Nobody walking by cares about right-wing protest, but if they walk by and see guys with National socialist stuff they'll probably join in on the other side. What's going on in Berkeley is working fine, we shouldn't change it.

People have been at other rallies with Stahlhelms I wouldnt worry about it as long as you dont have the Swastika or SS on the side

It really isn't. It's mostly all the college kids, who are mostly from other areas. Boston actually has a bit of a history with…dare I say it, racism. And about 30-40 miles south of the city are the old indian swamps. You'll find plenty of deplorables down there. Go down to New Bedford antifa while you're at it. You'll get stabbed regardless of whether they know you're antifa or not.

This. It's a peculiar place. Located in the stronghold of the Democrats, yet its too old and historic to be completely cucked I think. A lingering sense of tradition still exists below the college surface.

But will antifa even show up here? All the boston antifa pages on goybook are trolls. The real group calls itself north shore antifa, but I don't even think they're that big at all. Any info?

Good one. Antifa can't fight, can't even post correctly. Communism is bad for your brain you shit.

I don't even think this is antifa's plan. I think the free speech rally was planned first. Antifa may only show up because they hate freedom.

Good idea because Boston has a ton of Pre-founder history. Shit was established here like 150 years before the revolution. Great history of massacring indians too. Everyone just thinks of Custer and the Sioux, but it all started here.

America was born here.
Antifa dies here.

Sorry to keep posting so much. But if you want good symbols for Boston think about maybe some Irish Pride or some shamrocks or something. Nobody would think anything bad of that here, and it's a form of white pride…I guess. Speaking of which, lets contact the Irish gangs, or the Outlaws. If they're not too busy dealing dope, they usually like their country.

Not legal w/o a permit in MA. Just a heads up.

I think what happened at berkley today was a shitshow. Civnats and antifa stared at each other while crazies took the megaphone and ranted about obama the communist. Meanwhile browns and blacks with MAGA hats took center stage. Having a swastika flag and dressing like the SS ins't the right way to go, but the envelope needs to be pushed and soon.

Some antfags could get bussed in from Providence. They seem to have a lot of 'anarchists' there.

There are many conservatives in MA, but not as much as in NH. If any Massholes here have New Hampshire friends, bring them down here. I had friends who went to the women's march in Trump hats and with signs and surprisingly they did not get mobbed, so something tells me that if there is a real Antifa presence here, they are pretty lazy.
Also, apparently a Trump supporter in armor was at the Boston's women's march. If hope he would come here.

Today I don't think was Trump supporters fault, Antifa jut kind of got lazy. I think they've either learned their lesson or are planning something big…maybe on May Day.

If they agreed to go, meaning they're not busy, I could have like 5 or 6 people who'd love to at least watch antifa get stomped, and we're only like 30 miles out of the city. SE swamps have some deplorables too. NH doesn't have them all that's for sure. We all still love NH though, for cheap cigs and fireworks and freedom, but we're well aware you hate us.

Great idea. I'm from Mass too for the record, I am from one of the white Middlesex county towns that are mostly Democrat. I don't know too many people I could bring, but I'll spread word. Bring as many people as you can.


I will be ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED if you burgers don't have old timey fife and drum battle tunes blaring all the time when the fighting starts

the blue collar non shitlib white population is pretty high in the outlying neighborhoods of boston. Charlestown used to be one of the whitest places in boston but it's ethnic make up has changed a lot to my dismay.

I don't know what "other" means but I spend a considerable amount of time in Charlestown and it's one of the whitest places in city. It's also really fucking expensive to live there so aside from the projects you rarely see a non white.

Ok wasn't sure the graph scared me when I saw it on citydata

That's a negative. South shore here, let me tell you about Massachusetts police. If I had to describe them in one phrase, I'd use god complex. Most cops here consider themselves as higher up on the caste system than the peons. True, if you don't earn their ire then they'll leave you well enough alone because they don't want to actually move; not because they like you more than your enemy. But if you even imply that they aren't the coolest kids on the block, than they will go out of their way just to make your life difficult. There's a big problem in the smaller towns with cops following and harassing certain individuals. That makes this state more like the 3rd world than all the cape verdian niggers running around; IE, the police here are nothing more than a state sponsored gang.

Nepotism is standard operating procedure for cops here. If you aren't in the know, you get told to pound sand.

It's a fucking joke. I've seen cape verdean immigrants fresh off the boat get unrestricted licenses by the BPD, and I've seen lifelong citizens get turned down. The exact reason I've seen a few people get is "We don't give out unrestricted licenses here." As someone on the inside, I can say from first hand experience that this is a flat out lie. I've seen a caribbean immigrant on the firing line that was so stupid he repeatedly tried loading the magazines into a pistol backwards (yes backwards with the bullets facing the wrong way). With a look of anger he kept slamming the magazines in the well even though they won't fit backwards. He walked out at the end of the day with a dopey grin and a license to carry that was refused to a white american because the licensing officer didn't accept "All lawful purposes" as a reason for him wanting a gun.

Bottom line here is that while a few individual officers here or there may be sympathetic, no, police in Massachusetts are not on your side. Ever.

This state is 100% bullshit, and this is coming from a Fascist, lol. But if you're going to concealed carry in boston, city ordinance states that you can only have eight rounds in your magazine within city limits, so knock out the top two before you get in. God speed, brave anons.

P.S. Sorry for blogposting, but that felt really good to type.
P.P.S. If you ever want to piss off a cape verdean, call them black, they HATE that. They insist that they're spanish, even though they're black as coal. It's almost their version of argentina is white.

I used to have a cop that would harrass me and my friends in a town on the south shore. Got pulled over one night, he was ready to fuck with us again, and this kid I didnt hang out with much shouts "Yo officer Mack!" The cop looks at him and tells us to get the fuck out of here.

That being said, most cops around here ive dealt with have been decent folk

Nobody wants to see a tired old man get beaten, but if he does, we need to capitalize on that opportunity.

Seriously dont get the vets bullied

Sounds like you live in a real shitty town user. I'm a Massfag too, but I live in a green town that's 93% white and votes overwhelmingly Republican. The cops here are good people. You should move.

Heh, that's the plan in the somewhat near future. But im heading waaay north. Sorry for being a dirty refugee, NH anons.


Dress up like Indians and bring "traditional" weapons haha

I think blood will be spilled from both sides. To anyone user that goes, stay safe and don't do too retarded shit. You're all faggot but I love you

Berkeley user here, been to all the events.

I see you have a facebook event page, but it might be good to get a real human being on the organizers list.

The Berkeley rallies were a process. It began with the Milo riots, then the March 4 shitshow (rise of based stickman), climaxing at April 15 when all the e-celebs and oathkeepers showed up.

Do you want to get some e-celebs to speak, like maybe lauren southern? They can bring a lot of attendees.


boston sucks i went to bps hs i should honestly get an iron cross for my valor

Maybe they'll come to the party?


Always welcome North, friend. Come get your guns and land. I'd rather have you as a neighbor than some dirty commie bitch living off her ex-husband's alimony check.

Come North. We're not perfect but at least you get to own funs – as many as you want.
we can also get suppressed Sig Sauer MPXs

It's happening.

Be ready to those who are coming. Stick together so you don't get swarmed. We stood up to red in 1775 and we'll stand up to red in 2017.

Yeah, OP you should try getting someone to come speak.

Lauren Southern might be good to get, she actually seems to fight and isn't afraid of Antifa.

north shore antifa is just a bunch of drugged up losers with art school degrees who live in Salem because they can't afford to live in Cambridge and think graffiti = activism. Wow so revolutionary. Wouldn't be surprised if half of them were junkies as well. Maybe they'll show up maybe they won't it makes zero difference. Boston may have a faggot mayor but I can't imagine the police force tolerating their faggotry here.

I appreciate the offer. I'm gonna pick up a piece of land when the older folks I'm taking care of finally pass.

And I've got my raifu for laifu already. The AR/AK ban didn't say anything about H&K pattern ;^)

You've got to not cause work for them. If they have to do something then they hate you and everything you stand for. The fact that they are going to have to police the event means they are going to hate everyone there by default, antifa or not. Give them a wide berth.

when do you propose that we should ever stand against the jews, instead of taking one side of the jewish political false paradigm?

Kay dude. You're welcome to go take care of things yourself; no one here is stopping you.

I'm working on getting people to come. I expect good attendance. Let's teach those Salem fags Boston is not antifa turf.

Stay based and fashy goy

The benefits of not needing an alias.

These people should be gassed and then grinded up for fertilizer. They have no inherent worth in the capitalist, laissez-faire system of American economics.

So what can we expect from the police? I know MA cops, but I don't know…what do you think would happen if I hit an antifa goon with a makeshift baton in self-defense?

You'd probably get arrested just to show that the police aren't putting up with anyone's bullshit and to avoid any kind of PR backlash. Maybe you'd get charges dropped later but you'd definitely get cuffed and stuffed. If you aren't willing to take that risk then stay out of the front lines.

MA is pretty pozzed but free speech and protesting is important here; it's ingrained in the culture of the state. There's a huge difference between having a rally here in the Commons vs having one at Berkeley College. There's been a lot of protests in the city and they usually never get violent. We only have riots when sports teams win things and even then the police have dealt with that so many times they're highly prepared. I know you should never underestimate your enemy and all that, and I would certainly say be prepared, but I just don't expect there to be any (significant) violence at this event. That's why I've been telling people in this thread to focus less on trying to fight antifa who probably won't show up, and more on redpilling the civnat faggots in attendance.

So basically you have no solution. Kay, cool, gg no re.

I know Stickman got arrested before, but what about the other guys at Berkeley? Did Damigo get arrested?

Yeah, I am going to wear a face mask. I got one of those skull mouth face buffs that most far right groups wear

I'm not an idiot who wants to get doxxed after knocking the fuck out of a communist piece of shit for simply defending our God given 1st amendment right

Why am I getting the sinking feeling that these 'free speech rallies' are bad Jews?

Why are we suddenly having all these 'free speech' events? Because a bunch of Marxist scum got violent when a gay race-mixing Jew wanted to talk shit about feminism at a liberal campus, and a bunch of CivNat retards showed up and got slapped around?
I don't believe in free speech anyway - who the fuck does on Holla Forums? - so why should I even care about this?

Something about this seems off to me. This isn't a hill worth dying on, yet these people - who wouldn't lift a finger to protect the ethnic demographics, in most/many cases - are coming out in droves to fight on that hill. Feels like normies are being redirected away from nationalism and back into the standard republicuck talking points that go nowhere. Free speech has generally done very little except provide our enemies a legal platform to claim the right to spread their agenda - for us, its only value at this point, conceptually, is to help us gain power, to let us do exactly what the libshit Marxists did to get us here in the first place.
Free speech seems to be nothing more than part of the see-saw mechanism via which the goyim of the United Servicers of Israel are pushed from left to right and back again, over and over and over.

Nathan did not get arrestrd

Piece of shit Chopstick man did get arrested. I wish none of us donated for his attorney because he deserves the oven

Somebody should punch him for calling for Proud Fags to doxx /out guy/ who showed up to Berkeley with a Sonnenrad shield made out of skateboards. He was seen charging at antifa and trying to pull people out that they were beating on. He's a hero and lost his shield in the process

Chopstick man is an 8th Jewish, has Elliot Rodger children and said we are all going to die like whites in south africa

One thing any MA residents with an LTC or FID should also be aware that if you get into a scuffle and busted (even if not convicted), their are police chiefs that can and will use that to revoke your license, or deny you upon renewal based on "suitability" issues.

You may or may not beat it in court, but it will cost you $$$.

Fuck Trump. This is so much bigger. We have to show up so we can prove that we are superior to these cucks

We are only showing up to steal their members who are not red pilled yet but have proven themselves ready for street activism

Like Goebbels, you control politics by controlling the streets. That's what the left had always understood

I don't support free speech
Why the fuck not?
Why? Why are you faggots so passive?
And get pepper sprayed?
oh boy more power ranger proud boy autism

Pushing so hard for this optics PR "we are the true liberals" shit is just going to cause some of you fags to internalize your own propaganda. Soon you will see "white nationalists" supporting things like the white privilege conference because "free speech dude XD".

/ourbuilder/ has some good ideas;



You're not a fascist if you support free speech.

Tell me nigger are you actually OK with annual events like the white privilege conference? That is free speech after all.

Man, I wish I could join in the rally, but I live all the south in Georgia, and I don't have the time or patience to assemble a bunch of gear and fly over to Boston.

I'll be cheering you guys on though. This is one for the history books. The Antifaggots will fall. eventually with enough effort.


This is the worst bit of consensus cracking I've ever seen. I think perhaps facebook is more your speed, both you and them can hate free speech together.

They already are falling, look at Berkeley they lost the riot then didn't bother showing up to the next rally, they didn't do shit in Pikeville when they easily could have overrun the League of the South guys at the beginning, and they didn't do shit in Auburn either. They are basically like a bully that got punched, they thought they were tough before but after Berkeley they realised that conservatives are actually fighting back so now they won't start shit but of course they will pretend like they will. (See pikeville)

Fuck off OP, I'm coming with a nazi flag and a swastica tattooed on my neck.

I'm coming with a neck tattooed to my swastika.

Pretty accurate about the God-complex and nepotism around here. My family's been affected by it. I think it depends on how much is going on in the towns. The more bored they are, the bigger pricks they can be. Like it someone pulls you over in Brockton, they'll probably even get a call right then about something bigger going on. If you're a pothead in Freetown or something, the one lonely cop roaming around at night might want to watch you squirm for awhile to pass time. Other than that I haven't had any problems with them in my town. We've purposefully fucked with them a couple of times too. But the next town over, Bridgewater, they are all huge assholes. Probably, like I mention above, because they have a college and shit to deal with.

Hey, do what you want, I wish I could show in my SS uniform, but I'm not going to because that would hurt our cause. Someday soon we will reveal what we want, but that day is not coming in the next few months.

Antifa has been getting a lot more violent and desperate recently.
If you're coming to Boston, be ready for a fight.

So whats the deal with this? Has the permit actually been approved? Any speakers lined up? How many people are actually attending?

Permit's approved. Seems a good deal of people are coming. As for speakers, OP hasn't said anything about that.

Uuhhhh OP, are you SURE you got a permit?


LARPers will be in Boston common too the same day at the same time and chances are some will go over to the ANTIFA.

I have also thought this same thing.
An additional purpose this all has served is to keep normies glued to the soap opera on the evening jews…. the normie attention span is one of a parakeet and keeping this "war" going long enough will negate the "fake news" moniker and keep people tuned in.

Yes, because clearly these are folks who are able to think logically and walk out a scenario to a reasonable conclusion in their minds.

Do you think this resolves itself peacefully? I'm waiting to hear the next "shot heard round the world" but I seriously doubt the normies are going to raise up pitchforks anytime soon. Perhaps once the lights go out and the fridge wont keep hotpockets cold anymore and this shit actually reaches into lives and affects people, maybe then, but I doubt before. This just invites in the judens martial law plots that were exposed so many times before.

As much as I want to believe, and I certainly would rather fight this war now so my kids dont have to fight it later, I dont see anyone willing to really throw down the gauntlets.

This, is it 4cuck or 8cuck tier free? If youre gonna bother with all this you better name the jew, or someone else will and you will look bad fighting them. And I don't want to hear "normies will leave" either. All I care is that you are not some colossal you know what trying to get insta followers for "muh trump muh freedoms muh look at me qts I'm standing up to mask men".

There's gonna be a huge medieval combat LARP thing that's open invite on the exact same day at the same time. It will cut into our rally, and people might be stupid enough to join in the fight because they see us battling with antifa. Again, OP, are you sure you got the permit?

Welcome my fellow endgame poster. Try meguca pol sometime it's pretty neat.

How it will end.

A lot of the people going are lefties from the nearby colleges. This "conveniently timed" LARP fest gives people an excuse to come to the commons with homemade weapons. Meaning if they decide to go check out the little squabble between dressed up Trump supporters and masked leftists, then those masked leftists are going to get extra muscle.

We do NOT want headlines like "Neo-Nazis meet in Boston, are driven off by Live-Action Role Players"

OP allegedly booked the freedom trail part of the common for this protest. Which means we are right in front of the T exit and smack dab in the middle of all of Boston's niggers. This place is crawling with niggers, and they will get aggressive if someone has a swastika or something.

So if this place is booked, like OP claims, why the freedom trail? Why not the civil war monument or the rotunda? Much better places with more room.

The LARPers will be at the NE area of the Common. Discord mod says the rally will meet at the Bandstand rotunda.

So they will be near the T exit?

The berkeley rallies were all scheduled in a bad part of berkeley. Patriots showed up early and drove off the opposition. You should only have to worry about masked antifa

Oooh I moved out of Boston in 2012 but I'd love to go back and fuck up some degenerate Allston faggots who I'm sure will be out in force.

Suggestion: Blue Lives Matter flags/shirts/wristbands/signs.

I never saw Allston as being very degenerate. I guess I better pay more attention to it.

So it looks like Boston is going to have a pretty good turnout after all huh? I've been nervous there was only going to be like 15 of us

Bro, it's on a Saturday.. stop working in retail




I got as many people to come as I could. It looks that way.

Holy sweet of Jesus, that's literally right now. They went to "Bash the Fash" but the Fash bashed back.

Whose dying? Antifa got their asses kicked every time and although it gives civnat cucks annoying prominence/moral high ground there is no political capital lost from these battles. I agree that there are bigger fish to fry than low level commies but there is no reason not to beat the shit out of commie thugs also, and the normalization of political violence on both sides will make the fire rise and is absolutely a good thing.

OP if you made the Faceberg group you need to get in there. People are black polling and suggesting this is a fake event/ploy by Antifa because we don't have any official confirmation this is real.
If their convents are not addressed, the black pill will spread, causing confusion, and less people showing up.

I didn't see any blackpilling but I did see that there was some sort of medieval LARPing going on at the same time in the same location

It's in the comments. But yeah, I just made a post that got approved that pointed out that LARPers are gonna be in the common at the same time.

I'm bringing a wooden katana with me, along with a helmet, and a scarf and goggles (in case of pepper spray). What else would be good for weapons?

DO NOT wear retarded Nazi signs or slogans (ie no swastikas, black suns, crosses, 14/88s, lightning bolts or any other larping Nazi shit, no sieg heiling).

You're white nationalists/supremacists disguising yourselves as libertarians or civic nationalists to attract people (don't worry, they will eventually move on to white nationalism anyway) and to beat the shit out of Antifa. Those are your objectives. This isn't a Holla Forums meetup and this isn't an opportunity for you to rock your swastika armband in public for the first time in your life. This event will undoubtedly be on the news and almost nobody on the right feels sympathy towards Nazis, so don't wear anything or do anything that is related to Nazis.

PR is important and if you disagree, you aren't paying attention. The Berkeley riots were huge for attracting people to our cause. When you're at the rally, ask yourself: is what I'm about to do going to look good on camera? If yes, then do it. If not, and you don't have a good reason for doing it, don't.

Happy hunting and crack a few Antifa skulls (in self defense of course :^))

cane or maglite

extremely effective but with plausible deniability.


Drill hole in rod 1/64" smaller than the shaft of the bolt on the trailer hitch. Pour a decent amount of gorilla glue into the hole. Pound the hitch ball into the hole you drilled, wait 24 hours before use.

You just made a shilaleigh that looks exactly like a flagpole.

Wow, you're a huge faggot.

I want my people to leave this fine nation.

WE PERMIT NOW youtu.be/K9zmiF810rw

I will be there and both my gym buddies will too so no antifa will push us around :]

I might also bring the thick end of a pool stick and this plastic thing that is shaped like a medieval mace I found in high school.

Nice outfit

As other anons have said, MA cops all think they are tacticool spec ops operatives with God complexes, if you get in a scuffle with anarchists, what's a good way to not get arrested? Will you get arrested just for fighting or only if you attack with a weapon?
I'm just wondering about the law surrounding all of this street fighting stuff

Tactical scuffles.

You look like a retard. I hate your faggy gym-right goonery. I hope antifas beat the shit out of you and your gay friends.

What's that?

you had one fucking job

Please don't actually wear that you look retarded.



Looking on the Boston Parks nd Rec website, I'm seeing no permits pulled for the 13th. I'm just looking for details so I know what I'm heading into/how to prepare.

A lot of people are wondering about that too. Is there any real proof of a permit?

Ill drop the mardi gras beads but im gonna keep the three corner hat because its boston bro!

I'd wear a tricorne too but I'll stick to just a helmet

I love that the right-wing, regardless of type, is actually protesting. This is exactly how communists took power.

Is the future ours?

Yesh, the fire risesh

The Pepe and Wojack patches make you look autistic. I'm just trying to give you some advice. But if you want to look like alt kik 4cuck that's your business.

Sensible and absolutely spot on comment, I only wished more real genuine anons like you posted here still instead of getting chased off by the endless stream of "fight for ZOG" cunts flooding into Holla Forums the last year or so.

Fuck the jews and their artificial engineered street battles with two misguided zog-controlled factions.

Getting out and wrasslin a little don't hurt nobody. It increases your testosterone and makes the ladies swoon. You won't get arrested if you keep your wits about. I look forwards to seeing yall saturday!

I am pretty damn autistic but I manage to function well and have a nice job. I love memes and am of the evidence based opinion that hitler did nothing wrong!

Seems things are coming together on this. Permit has in fact been approved, logistics and speakers in the works. Looking forward to seeing how many of our guys actually show.

I hope some of you bring sonnenrads or some identifying insignia so I can find you in the crowd. Fuck these civnat faggots, I want nothing to do with them and don't listen to the shills telling you not to show your true colors. We're way past that stage.

Yeah I'm coming. Ready to finally fight Soros's foot soldiers.

Found this on pinterest. Maybe remove the 1776 and add confederate style design throughout.

so dress like a low class idiot?

Here's a german and irish version. Pays homage to our ancestors and reminds the opposition who build this place.

but can you argue for it?


The day is coming soon

Someone needs to go undercover to this thing.


I'll be there faggots!

Luckily it's three days before our rally, so they won't be there. Although North Shore antifa will probably be there. Let's show them what Boston is made of!

Remove the 1776 add a 1488

fucking cowards won't even rally when we rally!

They are fucking scaried

show antifa the kinetic potential of the boston people so that they will say, "that was like a boston bombing in my mouth"

Tweeted a standard flier out.

Fuck the commies!

You realize that's a planning/organizing event for their side, right? So they can prepare for Saturday?

Just to save curious anons from going to goybook:

Organize Boston To Stand Against Hate
Hosted by Stand Against Hate-Boston


Wednesday, May 10 at 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT

Encuentro 5
9A Hamilton Place, Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Boston organizing meeting to plan a mass mobilziation in response to Alt-Right initiated hate rally on May 13. Hate has no place in Boston!

On May 13th, Alt-Right forces have called a rally and march in Boston that they are billing as a "Free Speech" rally. However, the call on this website invites neo-Nazi's to the demonstration, advising their side to dress like "normies": thegoldwater.com/news/2407-Boston-Free-Speech-Rally-MaY-13th-EDITION

Their plan is to rally and march on the Freedom Trail, but their claim for freedom and free speech are entirely hypocritical when what they want to do is instigate violence and attack the rights of oppressed people.

Their rally will create a climate of hate in our city and we don't want people to live in fear of being Muslim, immigrant, Black, Brown, Asian, LGBTQ or any number of other people who are threatened. Recent racist attacks at a Red Sox game against African-American Orioles player Adam Jones are the latest example of an escalation of threats against our side in the city of Boston.

We think these neo-Nazis and reactionaries should be publicly opposed with a non-violent mass mobilization on the same date and time as their rally. If they are allowed to go unchallenged, there is real danger that they will grow in confidence and in their attempt to appear legitimate. Exactly what kind of a non-violent counter-demonstration our side organizes should be democratically decided through an organizing meeting that's open to anyone who wants to voice their opposition to these neo-Nazis.

A similar rally called by Alt-Right forces at UC Berkeley last month physically attacked activists, and now they feel emboldened to call this rally in Boston as the next one of many. Unfortunately, left-wing activists took the bait at UC Berkeley when they were violently provoked. We don't think that small numbers engaged in street battles with these goons are effective means to stop their far-right politics. Rather, we need to bring out our side in as large numbers as possible to non-violently drown out their hateful voices and publicly demoralize them in order to demobilize them.

We cannot allow reactionary politics to be the order of the day in our town! Our strength lies in our solidarity and in our numbers!

Sponsored by:
Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association
Democratic Socialists of America- Boston
International Socialist Organization- Boston
Massachusetts Teachers Association
Socialist Alternative- Boston
UMass Boston Students for Justice in Palestine

I got curious about the location, which seems to be some project space – Encuentro 5, or "e5" as they call themselves. Here's their site: encuentro5.org/home/

Some quick details:

It might be a good idea for someone to pop in, if only briefly, and see what they're up to. Just a shame it's on such short notice. I've got a lot to do tomorrow, but maybe I'll try to sneak a peak at what these subverters are up to and post about it later. In the meantime, I implore any nearby anons to head there as well. Just smile, spit out some simple rhetoric if approached, and focus on the speakers. Maybe try to say hello in a free moment, shake their hands and try to get some personal info and contact numbers & addresses. If possible, avoid going alone.

LOL what about 1st amendment?

Fuck I like that place

And yeah, good idea. Just have someone check it out, especially to see if they mention our rally on Saturday

suck a dick fag

You retard

I hate this liberal city and the dirty-faggot mayor who currently governs it. Over crowded and over priced. Smells like shit and is infested with roaches, everywhere. Boston is a sanctuary city, just one of many in this shitty state.

People should go to this rally with posters of those two doctors who were murdered by the bank robbing immigrant just the other day.

If it's wrong then it's easy to disprove. You know why the right is rising so quickly? Because people can hear us, and what we say is the truth. If you have to silence dissent by force, then you have no argument, and your legitimacy is questionable.

Gas yourselves, kikes.

To those asking about the permit, yes it is approved there was a 400 dollar fee and they made us get insurance as well. This was all done couple weeks ago. As of right now we have several large groups bringing their members from around new england in support, just in their numbers alone thats around 200. Our facebook, and twitter also have a ton of people saying they are coming. Follow the twitter or facebook for better updates.

Whats the general feeling on Confederrete Flags?

Only people who can't spell "confederate" wave them.

Confidence is growing no matter what they do. All they had was fear and intimidation and now they've lost that angle as well.

The worst part about their BS is the mountains of video evidence to the contrary.

Are there any laws about public service employee organizations sponsoring political demonstrations?

Is it just me, or have the antifa faggots been very quiet since their pet nigger stabbed that UT student? Kind of wondering if they have been told to stand down by their commissars. I hope the family is getting good advice and pursues a civil suit against all the soros umbrella orgs that are funding them.

Pick one. Only kind of antifa that ever got even slightly organized was in the Japan during 70`s.

Everyone needs to get as many of their friends, family, whatever going as possible. Try to get two or three people to go with you. Stay in small groups and watch each other's backs. Give a rundown of basic tactics, escape routes, etc. Know your enemy, know your surroundings.

You'd think they'd organize the protest for the day of the rally, instead of a few days before. If anyone goes, tell us what they talked about.

Saturday will be the day we show antifaggots around the world, we may have a faggot mayor, but reds are not welcome in Boston.

No reading comprehension, eh? It's a meeting to organize the counter protest on Saturday.

I read that, I'm just wondering why they wouldn't just protest on the 13th, instead of having a different protest a few days before that's just to plan for the second protest. Why not just have one protest on the 13th and leave it at that? They could easily just plan with Facebook.

They aren't protesting tonight, they are organizing and planning. Saturday they're protesting.
8nt gr8 b8 m8.

We NEED to know how many people are at that meeting tonight. They're gonna come Saturday and shout autistically at us. We need to know their numbers, I don't think the facebook "going" and "interested" are enough to judge.

Since they are planning to shout at us throughout the entire thing, we need something to chant back. USA! USA! is sort of the common one, but we should think of something else too, maybe have a "Men of Harlech" moment where we sing a great war song, like "Battle Hymn of the Republic"

You all know Yankee Doodle?

I'm a Massachusetts man, of course I do. That would be fun to sing but isn't as "epic" as some other options.

Don't let your MEME's be Dreams.

First public confirmed speakers - Kyle Chapman @BasedStickMan_ - Stewart Rhodes @Oathkeepers - Mike PBMA @ProudBoysMA #BostonFreeSpeech

Conservative Leadership Institute @LeadershipInst, Will be bringing 3 speakers to #BostonFreeSpeech - This Saturday May, 13th!


It's gonna be dirty because I need to run and get some work done. Maybe some autists can dig through my audio and catch something I missed.

Just got back. Friend of mine and I went over disguised as a spic and a sandnigger. We left early because I wasn't able to access their main room for the meeting where all the speakers were. Mainly I stood at the door to it, mingled with the "bodyguards" and listened to what I could. Also got a decent recording of some of the speakers and I'll add a link to the file at the end of this. I hope others were there and could share their own notes, but here's what I gathered:
- Their meeting room was absolutely packed, so much that I couldn't get in, and it was clear that plenty more couldn't make it. We're looking at big numbers. Assume a few hundred.
- For the most part they kept repeating that they want to severely outnumber any rightists and "Nazis" and "Alt Right Trolls" in order to avoid another Berkeley. It's clear that they feel they have to make a real demonstration and push the idea that nobody can stand up to them due to their sheer numbers. It's up to us to prove them wrong.
- They want to "Surround them" with a swarm of leftists, violent and otherwise
- In the (unlikely imo) event they can't do that, they still plan to confront people "peacefully but directly."
- Some head nigger mentioned they'll have "cop watchers" for the rally. So expect them to feel confident when they go for hit-and-run strikes. Don't be blindsided.

Expect cancer. Expect dirty tactics. They didn't even pretend they wanted to be mature about this at all. You are all irredeemable monsters in their eyes, and given the opportunity they will hospitalize you and make your bloody nose their rallying call


Audio recording: soundcloud.com/user-34426326/stand-against-hate-hyde
Give it a few minutes to upload.

Fun side note:
Sam Hyde was there. He was sitting at this couch in the entrance and trolling the freaks and geeks over there until they kicked him out. Ran into him on the street on my way home. Really nice guy in person.

Holy shit, it would be great if we could get Sam Hyde.

And that is troubling. We need as many people as we can. I feel they might have more muscle here than at Berkeley.

hello officer

Don't wear black masks, because we will think you're one of them. Wear a skull mask or something.

How many are you expecting to join with you? You could call on the civnats like oathkeepers to reinforce your numbers. But yeah this looks like a volatile situation.

There will be many right wingers, even Chapman is coming. We need as many men as we can.

If, say hypothetically you're an actual cop you safe saying if the chief is gonna make you guys turn a blind eye? Ya know. Hypothetically.

They didn't say Don't drop redpills

That's right. Don't go unprotected. Jockstraps, padding on arms and legs, and helmets if you can. Remain on guard, but don't let that keep you from making friends on scene. Don't be afraid to ask someone who you've been near for a while to watch each other's backs, should you show up alone.

More details from goybook while I'm on the move:

Up-to-date list on the sponsors:
-Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association
-Democratic Socialists of America Boston
-International Socialist Organization Boston
-Massachusetts Teachers Association
-Northeastern University Students for Justice in Palestine
-Northeastern University Progressive Student Alliance
-Socialist Alternative Boston
-UMass Boston Students for Justice in Palestine
-Communist Party USA Boston

Fevan Benz (Irvin Burns):

I was also told that a final plan should be made public some time after the meeting. Should show up on either that original page, or maybe on the Stand Against Hate goybook page (facebook.com/NoHateInBoston/). I also suggest keeping a casual eye on that Encuentro 5 spot. Seems to be a regular launching off point for progressive bullshit in Boston and nearby spots.

I wish I was a cop. I doubt MA cops will turn a blind eye

This is getting heavy man. How pozzed are the cops in Boston? I think I heard the mayor is a red so are the police going to hold back and let antifa get away with hit-and-runs?

So basically they're going for zergling tactics. If you're there folks do NOT go anywhere solo and always pay attention to where everyone else is. Both to bail them out if one gets dragged off and to make sure you don't get caught exposed because they will go for it. I'm sure it's already been state but for gods sake guys don't let them mob you and remember a solid line will break them up and if they get cheeky doing shit like toss smoke bombs at you throw it right back at them before it fills the area. They're not only trying to choke you out but also blind the cameras so they can rush in and seriously hurt you without media coverage on them.

Hope not because after their rout at berk town I bet they're gonna get alot more vicious about things. I'm expecting fatalities this time as they go completely overboard or try to set someone on fire with pyrotechnics.

Seriously folks if you're in Boston and see someone get dragged off help them. Odds are if he isn't gotten to in time they might literally kill him outright this round. Them fuckers want some blood no matter what they preach. Just remember they're a pack of hyenas if you come in swinging they'll break after enough whacks just make sure someone has your back while like always.

Oh and watch for those home made pyrotechnics they might take a note from that shit in europe and Molotov the crowds.

No longer, that was revised relatively recently

Mayor Martin Walsh makes me weep for this great city. Yes, it's going to be heavy, but that's exactly why we need to stand tall, even if we're outnumbered. I'd love to just stay in bed on a Saturday and do nothing, but what will I tell the youth should everyone else do the same, and the flame of our civilization turns to an ember? Don't let these monsters think they're the top dogs. Show them that even in what they consider to be "their territory," they will face resistance.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Walsh is a commie faggot. I doubt he'll take out side, but the BPD may be more sympathetic.

Since I haven't been to one of these before, when do we go home? Like, once Antifa leaves? Once the police break tell us to? I do not want to leave in the middle of things, I want to see things through to the end.

DO: Grab belligerent Antifa, pull them away from the crowd, unmask and photograph. Restrain, but do not beat on them once they're isolated. Prevent them regrouping.

If you must wear a mask, wear something that marks you from the commie fags. (Gadsen, US flag, etc.) DO NOT abuse your anonymity.

Oh I hope they try shit. This is gonna be funny.

I just got back from their organization meeting. I have a lot of phone vids, what's the best way to webm convert from my phone? I'll be posting my notes and all the names I collected in 30 min

Doesn't look like there's too many of them, it looks like a small room.

Get the video on the PC and use webm for retards

That is the most half ass nigger shit I've ever heard of

This fat fuck is apparently the liaison for Bay State Antifa

OK all my WEBMs are huge. What are some good settings?

I mean you act like Melissa Click never happened.

First WebM Ive ever created and uploaded. Would really appreciate some feedback

Heres one of the 4 sign up sheets I managed to snag.

Nice webm, user. That room is way smaller than it seemed from the outside. Even so, remember that people are coming from all over, even outside of MA. We'll be dealing with real numbers on Saturday.

**>virtue signalling and doing the OK sign to show affiliation and for attention to/on a Mongolian throat-singing venue
In the future, just grit your teeth and pretend to be the average poz-loving faggot. Who knows who's watching you.**

You also mentioned that you have notes and names. Care to dump them before making more webms?

Also, anyone know where I can get some decent hardhats and flagpoles in downtown Boston? Found a few places online, but maybe someone can save me the time of checking them out.

Fucked up the spoiler. Make fun of me.

Over on /a/ there is a webm creation guide in image form. It gets very complicated and autistic but I think that would be a good place to start. Search for the 'webm thread'. I'd post it myself but i'm on a different computer

Fucking newfag

Good job man. Love the WP hand signal. How many people you think were in there?

I have four more videos and a write up.

I counted 81 people in the room after the 5 antifas left. The antifas were pissed off that the DSA and other commies would not commit to direct action. I am working on a programming project and eating dinner, sorry for taking so long kameraden please give me another hour.

Take your time, good job

Heh, I'm not too far away from this, but seriously fuck Boston, hate that faggot city. Best of luck though

Great stuff. Looking forward to it. And yeah, I remember running into freakier visitors, including Antifa-types that were annoyed at the idea of an actually peaceful event.

Come on, user. Take the rail into town and join in the fun.

Don't be a poop

Naw, I really hate commies and I'd probably kill one

PArt 2

A guy in segmentata got beaten by a bunch of confederates a few days ago. He claimed to be alt-right, so I assume the alt-kike is fighting against racist statues now?


Part 3

It's like they refuse to learn from past mistakes. Let's be good teachers this Saturday.



Great idea:)

AHAHAHAAH OH MAN. I'm sorry but they actually drag the Jones Sox thing into this. Other players even agree it probably didn't happen. You know antifa, that's all just media bullshit to try and stir up a new rivalry after the one with NYY has been fizzling recently. All just to get more viewers. Falling for sports stories ha.

FIRST NAMES I SEE….Arabic and Jewish. Hot damn. I looked at only 2 lines but hell, right in my face.

Who are these faggots? Just low t communists or what?

last one! (in which the brown cow comes to shut me down)

Funny thing is I played innocent and they just let me stay in the meeting and take notes.


The rest of the commies are NOT planning on supporting the ANTIFA in taking direct action against us. They want to start their non-violent protest at 10:30 AM at the SOLDIERS AND SAILORS MONUMENT. They are also going to get the media to show up at that time. We MUST HAVE SOME EARLY PEOPLE SHOW UP AT 10 AM IN ORDER TO MAKE A PRESENCE AND GRAB THE HIGH GROUND OF THE MONUMENT.

Also the huge amount of division I witnessed during this meeting exceeded my wildest expectations. These idiots took two hours to finally come to a vote that they didnt want to officially take direct action against our rally.

During this laborious blathering, the couple of Antifas that showed up basically gave up and left. A girl named AMANDA who IS THE MAIN CONTACT FOR THE LIBRARIANS AND MASS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION said that THEIR SUPPORT WAS CONTINGENT ON THE PROTEST BEING NON VIOLENT.



Other notes I took:

The trans-jew-disabled "woman" railed about how there must be violence. It was hard not to laugh at her.

All these commies basically talk shit about Antifa when they are not in the room. The Democratic Soclialist Association thinks Antifa is trash, as well as most of the other orgs represented in the room. PLAY THIS TO OUR ADVANTAGE ON SOCIAL MEDIA. PISS OFF THE ANTIFA. WE NEED THEM TO FLIP SHIT AND LOOK LIKE IDIOTS.

There are two antifa groups, expected to bring 80-120 people total, the Bay State Antifa and the North Shore Antifa. Apparently their Liason is someone named Kay.

A negro named NINO (spelling?) is organizing a "cop watch" as they expect the police to side with us. Even if the police retaliate against them, they will try to capture video and twist it to fit their narrative.

Their marshalls and medics will be working in pairs, I say 16 people volunteer for marshal and 8 medics. A 40is y.o. woman named Miranda is coordinating medics.

John with the Communist Party of Greater Boston is networking the unions and associations funneling financial support into this group, which in turn diverts some to Antifa.

They expect around 200 of us to show up, there were 80 of them in the room, but supposedly they will get much more of a turn out by tapping their associated supporters.

They will try to drag us into conflict and SPECIFICALLY mentioned faking injuries on their elderly members in order to create a media scene. They are trying to play propaganda chicken with us.

Thankfully we are smarter, and the truth is on our side.

shadilay brothers, you can reach me at dog0fwar on skype.

also that skinny pinko is one of the small handful of antifas that showed up.

There are more names in my second video that I caught when they were passing the sign up sheet around.


Also I saw SAMUEL HIDEO OF THE WHITE SHARIA get blocked at the inner door… I tried to signal but had to hold myself back in order to collect intel.

Gentlemen, I hope it helps. I am going the fuck to sleep.

quit reading there, tbh.

Dropkick Antifa

last 1

I'm worried about them faking injuries. I only want to see them in real pain, so they can't say we attacked old people for no reason. I hope we aren't outnumbered.

we likely will be, but as long as we get good footage for propaganda purposes we will win shadinshallah.

Looking ok in the SE. Just don't go too far down into New Bedford. Probably oldest part of the country around here too.

Sweet dreams, user. You're doing God's work.

So we have a few things we can do in the build-up to Saturday:
- Harass names on the lists and build them into a frenzy/keep a few from coming;
- Contact Mass Teachers Association and Librarians Association and make them believe that things will get violent, thereby severing their official support;
- Enrage Antifa (Bay State and North Shore) so that they make regrettable mistakes
- Use the above to further divide them from "more peaceful" groups like the DSA
- Ensure that Oathkeepers arrive by 10am (apparently that's their plan) and specifically take over the Soldiers and Sailors monument
- Investigate & Dox:
*"Amanda" of the librarians and teachers
*"John" of the Community Party of Greater Boston
*"Kay" of the local antifas
*"Nino" the Cop-Watching Negro
*"Miranda" who will lead leftist medics. Convince her to not show up or otherwise impede her ability to think straight and we'll hinder their backup

I'll help with the prank calling, if we can get Miranda's info I could harass her so she shows up tired the next day

I'm sure all of these group's members are linked one way or another. Anyone who wants to hunt should start on facebook. Better sooner than later, in case you need time to join a closed group.
I'll look into Commie John. Might not do much in the short-term, but if he's a hub between unions and different sponsors we might be able to climb the ladder and get a better scope of overall operations in the East-Coast.

This negro keeps posting in the Free Speech facebook group, unwittingly letting us know who he is: facebook.com/LuciferTheLight666?fref=nf

Here's another, says they are there to protect non-violent protestors. Bullshit:

Someone should probably upload the webms and information to the facebook group, let the non-Holla Forumsacks know what's up

And for reference, those 2015 numbers are already off. For children under 18, Whites are now under 50%. Happened late last year around September I think

Jesus fucking christ that shit would never fly where I live.

Damn all these teacher's associations make me want to go even more now. I have a relative on a school committee who has to negotiate with these people and I assure you teacher's unions are monstrous entities built on greed and getting out of as much work as humanly possible. Imagine, they already get summers off along with at least a couple other weeks vacation. And hell, they're constantly asking for more days off and more money. They abuse sick time, demand "prep periods" before actually working, and act indignant and insulted if you even attempt to confront them. Does anyone else get prep periods at their jobs?? I realize the job is tough and important as well, but your greed takes from the children you claim to help. End rant.

Also, opsec would be good for contacting these people I suppose right? If they are part of the non-violent groups, they would probably notify authorities if they felt harassed by phone or email. Would using a payphone (if I can fine one) be a better option to call them up?

Disposable VOIP and a VPN should be plenty. The goal is just to get their phone to ring incessantly anyway.

Found a match on the Gwen Andersen phone.

Kristian Huynh Green Needle Dr Pine Point Maine 207-289-8661

Seems to be only one Peter John Berard in MA


its a saturday …

I've brought this up in other threads, but if anyone didn't know already, the outlaws mc has a significant presence around here. They have a few chapters scattered around, at least south of Boston. Does anyone think reaching out to them would be at all fruitful. I know its a risk, because them and cops don't usually get along, but they're usually at least patriotic, don't tread on my types. Often they're war vets. I think that would really put some fear into the other side. I just don't know if they would care enough. I think club comes before all with them, and they probably are busy being degenerates too. I'm not talking about bikers for trump or w/e. I mean the real, 1% filled gangs.

Ha, he was probably secretly mad the pats won.

Possibly? As long as they're down with the plan to let the leftists initiate violence, and only ever respond to that violence, in order to generate better optics for nationalists.

On second thought, probably better we don't, as biker gangs might be bad optics.

Am I missing something?

It was something to do with the site shitting itself and apparently a lot of earlier thread IDs ended up merged. Happened in other threads, too. Don't remember the details.

I had initially thought this was all a hoax, but they're pulling it together. Going to need some popcorn for this one.

Just got off the phone with the mass teachers association, they are pulling out. Looks like amanda may be getting in some hot water too :]

Looks like some nigger/jailhouse shit to me.

Nice, I was just about to drop them a line. Guess I don't need to now.

Please do call. They need to be freaked out. Mention amanda getting very frustrated with the violent antifa.

I didn't sleep for 36 hours, so I decided to skip the planning thing and get some sleep. I didn't think anything too interesting would be happening. It's been two hours since I found out Sam Hyde was there and I'm still kicking myself for not going. I'm such a fool. Thanks a bunch for recording the event, Cameranon. I'll watch it when I get out of class.

So, uh, I know disclosing my status as part of the (((tribe))) usually derails the thread, but this is actually important. My mom was thinking about coming with me dressed in an obviously Orthodox outfit so she could create lulz by siding with "literal Nazis." She thinks that it'd be funny for a member of an "oppressed group" to explain to a bunch of protesters why the idea of "hate speech is not free speech" makes no sense. I agreed with her that it was a funny idea, so she's trying to clear up some time in the morning to go. Thing is, she's pushing 60. She qualifies for some of those elderly discounts that stores have. Would antifa be above beating up an old Jewish lady?

Wait, I thought it was just my school's internet connection not being able to handle webms. Were all the files removed or something?

If you meet any of the "magic dirt turns wetbacks into wasps" crowd, tell them to read Adios America by Ann Coulter. She's considered an acceptable conservative figure, but she writes in the book about the importance of keeping America ethnically white.

I thought about doing that, but I decided to bring a poster about how wearing masks is illegal instead. Looks like I'm not the only one who had that idea, though.

Wearing masks for the purpose of intimidation is illegal in Boston. If mass arrests happen, anyone in a mask will be targeted.

It's supposed to end at 5.

Got a link? I'm gonna be pissed if that's true. The alt-light is supposed to be "I don't agree with what you're saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." Knowing they've been co-opted by antifa would be disheartening.

And that's why Trump needs to ramp up his deportations.

THIS. The other side has brought up in their letters or w/e they are the horrible 'racist' actions of red sox fans calling one of the Orioles players a nigger. To them, this is worse than some shitskin slashing two doctors' throats. This could be excellent progaganda. My two parents are doctors. This transformed me into a real racist. Meaning now I admit it to my parents and the like. I got significantly triggered tbh.

Antifa are useful idiots, but I sure as hell like an useful idiot with his legs broken.


"I am in a world of shit, yes, but I am alive. And I am not afraid."

She will absolutely be of value to our side. She should show up.

Any word on Amanda the Medic?

Sorry, I meant MIRANDA the medic?

I'm rallying a buncha Stormer bookclub guys and anyone I know. Wish I knew of this sooner. I've just been away from the internet. We have confirmed 3 so far on my end.

Good work. Antifaggots are ready for violence and are coming out with big numbers. We need men.


One day before it happens. Looks like Antifa has more boys than they did at the MAGA march. Get ready, stick together and kick ass.

Worth it for the lulz

We'll gas you last

Alright, so battle strategies? How do these fights usually begin? We know Antifa is planning on attacking us, so once the fighting starts, should we stick together and fight them off or just charge at them and start breaking bones, while being separated from one another? I'm not sure how these fights go.

A lot of people on the Right don't even know this is happening. Please spread the information in this thread to as many people as possible if you haven't already. We need all the numbers we can get.

Form a wedge-shaped shield wall and charge in hard and fast to scare off their skirmishers, then beat the shit out of them without losing formation.

Be aware they are trying new strategies. The first is to turn Trump supporters on the nationalists by demanding they separate themselves from "the evil racists" This actually works because of the eternal boomer. Secondly antifa are monitoring this thread right now.

Here is the video of the alt-right being turned on by the Trump supporters. Cops were cool though.
Here is them discussing the Boston march and this thread.

Anyone bowing to these faggots demands was a pussy to begin with. If Trump supporters don't agree with WN then stay out it.

Im going tomorrow. See some of you there. I heard this was reported in the Boston Globe so Antifa will be there for sure. Should be safe though.

Everyone who is going try to get someone to come with you. We cannot be outnumbered.

The rally will begin in just over 12 hours, show up early if you can, if you dont live in New England, share the info with people you know that do and would want to go.

and here is a good website that has some good info for those that still think this isnt going to happen (it is)


That website is literally the OP

What about the ones who don't agree with white nationalism, but think defending your right to be a white nationalist is more important than virtue signalling?

Goddamn, now I'm drunk and kinda want to go. Oh well, it's gonna be fun to watch



I looked up a few.

Didn't find anything particularly useful.

If you want to pay the $5 you can probably get more on this guy

see u faggots tomorrow

Proud Kekistani soldier. My car is POS, and will probably break down on the way to Boston but I will do my best to show up.

Here is a semi-rare pepe. Just kidding it's trash.

May Kek be upon all of you.

That's the fucking spirit. HIGH HIGH HIGH ENERGY BOYS

My car is great, but this shit is always over 1000 miles away.

I'm signing up their phone numbers and e-mails for a bunch of marketing shit.

I'm going to start creep-calling them in like an hour or so.

Don't fret, fellow keki. Man the phones with me! We need to spread the great word of Kekism, the one true religion of peace!

Your post made me think.

I wonder if anyone has ever tried pranking people by reporting do not call list violations? The maximum penalty is $40,000 per instance.

Obviously don't do it, the thought just popped into my head. I'm not sure why I'm posting it, just bored I guess.

We should definitely reach out to local biker groups. Outlaw mc are a little rougher but true patriots, they won't start shit unless antifa does first also their are a lot of veterans in their club. They are also on friendly terms with boston trackers mc who have veterans and even former LEO's. They will ride in loud as fuck and with U.S ,of course and most likely confederate flags too which will trigger the shit out of antifa and maybe even cause them to attack first which will destroy their 'help muh elderly citizens are being attack strategy.

Don't forget to be filming at all times with as many devices as possible so that we will have evidence if they attempt to stage crimes.

This, 100% this

Time to send in the late night water filter telemarketers

You mean report these normies to this?


I mean, it's definitely possible, I would highly recommend using a great VPN. Be safe, fellow Keki

A note about the filming -

1 - Get a FULL or PARTIAL facial image?
2 - Step back INTO the crowd
3 - Immediately upload it somewhere in case they try to break your phones!

I have 4 friends that have cleared our entire schedules for the weekend + Monday to Dox these cunts ASAP!

I'm still hard from the first time I read that. My blood pressure is dropping so hard :(((

Shadilay brothers.

Also try to get any distinguishing gear. Lockfag was ID'd from his backpack, pen and shoes.

The media will shill against you anyways. Use them to attack antifa and leftists while they are traveling to the protest or leaving the protest. Burn/vandalize their cars, egg them or throw rocks at them, or physically intimidate them. These people are nothing without their support group.

Up and ready to start driving there. I'm a leftover from the Tea Party before it turned into a SuperPAC. I don't fully understand what you kids are doing, but I'm glad you're on our side.


We have no reason to pound our chests like apes. We have the moral high ground and we should keep it. If the media portrays us initiating violence then anyone "on the fence" won't be persuaded. We just need to stand our ground and only defend ourselves.

This is a great idea. Anything distinguishable - Tattoos, shoes, thinking more on this…. actually… People should just send as much footage as they can so we can create ID numbers for the Antifa and we can build a profile of them containing front/side/back images….

This is getting autistic. Just record them a lot and upload the footage as much as you possibly can, if you get something good, upload it immediately.

What exactly do you not understand? I can explain if you like.

Looks like Max is a faggot too.

I've watched most of these rally streams and every time I wonder how funny it would be if a big group of 1%ers rolled up on Antifa :^)

Unfortunately it's best not to just walk up to a full patch member and say "hey guys! wanna come to our rally!?". It's late in the game but I can post some tactics on how to reach out to clubs in the future if anyone is interested.

t. former Confederate Gypsy MC and Outlaw MC patch holder


I'm not quite sure where on the common you guys will be , but be advised, BPD is sending out plain clothed officers dressed as homeless. That's their absolute favorite method of snagging out of towners doing something stupid. There is ALWAYS one camped out on Winter street, because that alleyway is a fuggin shithole, lol. Be careful out there. No martyrs. I like you guys way to much to hear bad news.

Copy that. Keep an eye out for homeless Holla Forumsacks. Only engage to defend oneself.

On the way there, will post a periscope within an hour


Be advised… Theres a game today. Fenway is gonna be a nuthouse.



Isn't it supposed to rain today?

Baseball helmet: check
Respirator with P100 filters: check
Shatterproof and anti-fog swimming goggles: check
Greaves: check
Level III-A soft body armor: check
Patriotism: check

Yep, though according to the weather report it shouldn't be until 4ish. Could start anytime though. Me and my guys are bringing umbrellas. Took a spare to give others


Glad to see we got their early.

That old dude looked like he was scouting for info.

Damn. I'll have to stick to this thread for updates. God speed.


That pepsi meme has run its course.

Now they're trolling antifa from afar.

I know people are opposed to the kekistan/costumes people show up with but if it makes the entire event enjoyable, the younger gen will gravitate to it.

Liberals entire platform is based on misery and black pill.

We've got a uber patriot who sounds like vintage Dan akroyd fucking great

The stream is hilarious.

Poll is such an idiot.


"Oh they're serious about nazis being here"
Complete idiot.

Even worse

Tim Pool gets threatened by antifa. Now hes crying like a bitch about it.

Tim Pool stream: youtube.com/watch?v=4yJTbBEozXo

Still going at it with the antifags

The faggot who threatened Pool


Yeah, just saw that


This fuck just threatened Tim Pool openly on his stream.

Was called 'Ryan' or 'Brian' or 'Bryan' on stream.

Get to work.

Seems to be live tweeting the event: twitter.com/AltRight_Report


you are a hero, user

I need that stamp pepe

Great idea bringing a guitar speaker.

I assume these guys in the brown baseball hats and bullet proof vests are cops?

Seems so

Too many people without head protection.

Oh man, now I wish I went there. Shit

Fucking retards.

Chanting "black lives matter". The necro movement.

"My wifes son"

A few of these guys walking around the patriots side are clearly antifa scouts.

which stream; where'd you see them?

It was on tim pool stream.

Great now they gave the streamer the worst fuckin job standing off in the middle of nowhere.

From now on its best for WN to skip these faggot events where oath keepers show up. Blatantly controlled opposition and only serve to document who shows up.

Yes, it is very strange that they are over where the "alt-right" people are, rather than near the riotous commies.

"Right wing death squads"

Finally a cheer I could get behind.

Stream from my roommate's periscope:


Just look at the way they're patrolling the patriots and facing them instead of participating in anything. Fuckin embarrassing.

They're oblivious to these randoms walking by solo right through their crowd. People need to wake the fuck up.

Almost there, just gonna get parking

Antifa charging the police line.

Antifa wearing guy fawkes mask.

>Another periscope - pscp.tv/witlessX/1eaJbYwkEQVGX

lol, Sam Hyde is there now

Is Sam Hyde legit or an altkike?


On all accounts, he's one of us.

Thanks I'll look him up.

150-200 people in Virginia. Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, Nathan Damigo, demonstration at statue, completely planned behind the scenes it seems, so no antifa. Just ended. Good show of strength and good optics.


Antifa chant: "America was never great, death to the imperial state."
It was pre 1965

LOL. They always skip the main events (except for Damigo).

This guy deserves a branch.


This guy is a retard.

I appreciated the attempt at a Rockwell cosplay in the center.

This is better than I expected. Worst Antifa I've ever seen

guess the StarTrek-con was out of town

Any more reliable streams? The lag on this one is unbearable.


Tim Pool on youtube seems okay.

I think the phone battery died, I'm hoping they can get it back up soon

He's amazingly neutral.

I don't mind his forced neutrality, I just wish he'd get more crazies on camera and talk a bit less.

An antifa arrived at the thing in Virginia.

I am disgusted and appalled

Sorry for double posting but that's Heimbach isn't it? In the back left

Woke up late. Is it still worth driving up? I could make it before 5. Anyone here still there?

That fucking kike kvetching on the bullhorn is comedy gold.

Yes it is. There's some tradworker guys there, I saw some of the flags in the stream.

bull horn bull dyke kike

try saying that 10 times fast!


Wrote this for a thread mods deleted, fuck it. Deserves to be known.

Jews created and perpetuate the notion that Southern whites are inbred, why? Because they project, the evidence is in the bevy of diseases which primarily inflict kikes.

We've known for 30 years that Southern whites are no more or less inbred than any other whites in America - read Night Comes to the Chromosomes: Inbreeding and Population Genetics in Southern Appalachia.

We almost got in a fight, we charged forward at the ready.

Does anyone have a different angle of the altercation.

I can't even rewind the video on Tim's stream.

All the backup batteries died, we should be back up soon

Fuck, that's weird.

thx m8

What's the closest parking garage to Tremont Street?


Yelling, a skirmish (Trump supporter punching unidentified toothpick creature and both getting arrested, and Tim lying about it).

Does anyone have a webm? I don't want to fuck up my connection to the stream.

Something has got to happen. We need massive PA and megaphone wars. Need giant flags, wtf

The video won't rewind, so if Tim doesn't release the full video at the end, then no.

>Boston PD is holding the line against Antifa, while militia and Oathkeepers are holding the line against #MAGA supporters - twitter.com/AltRight_Report/status/863426665975865345



Let's get this shoah on the road.

Boston PD doesn't fuck around. This ain't Berkley. I have personally been threatened with arrest by the BPD for merely singing on a public sidewalk during a protest, and they had the paddy wagon standing by to toss my ass in if I failed to comply. They will not allow a riot to erupt under any circumstances. They will arrest everyone there if they have to.

Really this boils down to a persistence exercise, then. Might as well be soccer

That's exactly what would have happened if the cops weren’t on both sides. They've gone out of their way to exclude the muscle so these peaceful protests will be the norm.

He's a case worker in Lynn. Probably refers to juvenile offenders, so start with places that deal with that.

"I want to meet people in the mushy middle". Sure you do faggot. The cuckservative days are over.

he said he works with kids in prison gangs i think

Yeah, pretty much. Boston isn't the best place for protest if you're looking for conflict. Recall the police response to the marathon bombing. The police there will not hesitate to shit all over the Constitution to maintain order.

I think he was just addressed as Shaun.

Why the hell is Tim trying to debate with this guy. He does not give two fucks about anything he has to say or that antifa are terrorists.

And is the self proclaimed media person for "Boston stands against hate"

Is this him?

Makes sense, actually

do we have a name? He's only writing down what the antifa organizer says


So is that Antifas new plan. Create new "moderate groups" who can protest? We're not with them, yet they stand behind them. Sad.

could this be him?

He just said "Shaun/Sean Handson"

that's the only sean name that's like anything on the stand against hate-boston facebook page in the week it's been up


Any streams going?


That dude on Pools stream was killing me.

Shit is getting heated. I smell a powderkeg.

If they take off the masks, will they die?




Why? I'm getting really fucking tired of these boomer "patriot" organizations getting in the way of actual progress for us and our ideals. And why the fuck are these people starting to show up now? Where were they during the election era riots?

This guy is swapping between streams NTA style


America is a powder-keg.

Oathkeepers/Mallcops whatever

pscp.tv/oathsvoid/ back up in 5 min


Oathkeepers are very "check out this black guy in a trump hat…fucking based"

I had to do some shit in the middle of the screeching earlier. What did I miss?

I understand that, since they are a boomer patriot organization. The comment also referenced militias though, who I'm assuming are non-Oathkeepers related. Does anybody know which ones?

what the

Mystery meat tranny marching with an imperial Japan flag. This is 110% C I V I C.

it's another example of why race mixing is bad

I'm deeply concerned that I can't travel to the U.S. to kill this subhuman for descerating my ancestors' heritage with such a blatant and vicious manner.
t. feta nigger

The jew IS the samurai…

I don’t remember those symbols on his helmet. Probably photo shopped.

In case you're a newfag there really is a program called webms for retards.

They are either cops or working for kikes.


Why? I'm getting really fucking tired of these boomer "patriot" organizations getting in the way of actual progress for us and our ideals.

They came in and hung their garbage sign and were giving orders throughout the entire rally. Who the fuck made these guys in charge?


Oh shit the "end is near" sign guy was there. He's a local Boston character that hands out chick tracts.

That made for a really convincing shoop though. I even looked thrice at the pic because I also remember that helmet, but still didn't find any weird shooping edges or anything.

Antifa and the leftists won today. Be sober about it and admit it

LOL. That guy was a fuckin bad ass.

Typical fag behaviour that I expect from these LARPers. Did the crowd ignore them?

Won what exactly, the cheesy screaming match? Keep hiding behind the same law enforcement you loathe so much. Thank them for allowing you to spread your communist agenda.

Saying this as tough love Holla Forums
This could have gone better today in Boston. Oathkeepers and establishment conservatives disorganized and distracted us and antifa humiliated us. Plan better next time you all are a disgrace to our project

I'm not a commie I just know what winning looks like and that's not what I saw today. Weakness fucking disgraceful

The younger ones obeyed. Understandable when you have these older mil/cop men barking orders at you. This is another reason why they don't want "the nazis" to be part of these protests because they'll tell them to fuck right off.

Yes these oathkeepers are disgraceful. That's why they show up.

What project? Who is "us"

Antifa already bailed by the way.
Not chasing these "nazis" out of a town they supposedly own is embarrassing especially without the muscle behind them.

What the fuck are you talking about?
All I see is trump/USA/Kek marching unopposed.

Yep. But we gota badass over here.

Is that the "you're going to hell" guy that is somehow all over New England? I've seen him in Hampton beach too. I bet it is. There's only one guy and we all know exactly who he is. This rally must be a fucking page out of Where's Waldo with all the characters in attendance.

Isn't that what he just said? Antifa left and the patriots are marching just fine.

What am I looking at

Antifa is walking away. Free speechers are walking around unopposed. This shouldn’t happen in boston.

Won what? Where are the muh 100 nazi scalps? Who got beat up? Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

Yep. I was wondering if the loud black street preacher guy that walks through South Station sometimes was going to be there.

No he said

The one skinny dude in black chirping.

A lone Antifa that was at the end of the march. Everyone ignored him.

What can we do about the Oathkeeper problem? Antifa are just low-t subhumans that can be easily intimidated and out-muscled. Oathkeepers on the other hand are actively trying to hinder us and people let them because they're "conservatives".

My pardon. Thought you were responding to . Time to commit honurable Sudoku

in hindsight, glad I didn't commit to this shit show

speaker "this isn't a White thing, this is an Amurica thing", kike flags in the crowd

it's these type of faggots that we'll have to flatten first in order to get to antifa

it looks fake but it's still the guy wearing a corinthian helmet, which is further into right wing identity politics than the normie would have ventured 10 years ago.
greek coast = literal paradise btw and I'm fucking jealous that you get to live there

I've been thinking about this. Honestly nothing. Let antifags show up to their events while the WN stage their own without the nonsense. Without violence antifa is useless and nothing will happen at these events since its all one big set up against the WN. Altkike had a great idea today by staging a march somewhere else (even though I criticized it).

I recommend tearing up Israeli flags and handing them a fresh new USA flag to wave around. Also, oathkeepers are walking garbage.

Antifas are easilly triggered, hell, they even lashed out at pepsi-man.
Just bait them into a wrong spot and they will destroy themselves.

A few minutes ago

I had a great time today guys. It was a pleasure… Could have been more exciting, but you can't expect antifags and commicucks to have a backbone. The worst threat made to me was that people found my Twitter account. I said then follow me and smash that MF like button! Loved it!

In that context, I'd excuse the use of Hellenic aesthetic, despite its user being American. Hitler did it all the time too.

For good reason. If you're on an island here, any island, you can pick and choose whichever pristine beach you want that suits your free camping needs (or just a day's bath). The ridiculously fuckhueg coastline across all over the country helps too.

Reminder that oathcucks and the like think that WNs are infiltrating "their" movement. They would steal everything the white movements have worked for and then declare that they built it themselves. Look at what happened in New Orleans, archive.fo/PrbE2. These people see nationalists and anti-nationalists as the exact same.

It really isn't. Let two irrelevant groups (oath and antifa) duke it out with each other while others are off doing their own thing. As race politics becomes more intensified, muh based black man will become muh enemy. Instantly irrelevant.

The important enemy are the people funding and organizing these scumbags. That's the string that will unravel the entire communist enterprise.

How much of this is the same problem that the GayPrideBoys have?

Their organization is full of spics, kikes and queers, but at least half their number (from what I've heard) is full 1488 in private.

Oathkeepers are all vets, tons of spics and nogs, but mostly white. I wouldn't be surprised if they constantly have to deal with groups of actual WN in their ranks.

If that were true there’s no way they could associate with them.

Wasn't that one idiot who got arrested from the gayboys group?

Tim tries to stay neutral but in all honesty it makes him look like a huge faggot. He constantly contradicts himself, sometimes just minutes apart, and he loves to downplay the lefts violence and then be concerned about right violence. Tim is a shekel snake.

Just woke up.

What happened? Did Antifa get BTFO?

Another way is to properly vet people before allowing them in. Eliminate all the mixed, gays, people married to mixed, etc. They'll never see your side of the story. Don't advocate violence or take part in any of it (how they always get taken down). Keep spreading the word and educating.

Reading and talking aren't illegal yet so there’s nothing to hide. The minute people speak to any WN they soon realize what a load of crap the MSM/antifa has been feeding them.

NEET life.

I wanted to go and pass out coins, but I fucking forgot fml

Actually today he was doing the complete opposite. These e-celebs are starting to catch on to where the shekels are going and are jumping aboard. Still don't trust him though.

I like to give him the benefit of the doubt. He's just not smart enough to see through his programming. He still believes most of the leftist lies he's been fed his whole life, so he's confused that 90% of the violence comes from antifa. He's not wrong that many of ourguys are chomping at the bit to crack skulls, he just doesn't understand what's going on and why the sides are so different.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jimbo

Jesus christ


This guy is on the fucking prowl

I've heard that there's a few chapters that consist entirely of /ourguys/ who just use the ProudBoy label and barely talk to McInnes at all.

Also, can someone give me a quick rundown? Any violence yet?

Entirely peaceful.

I got in the stream half way through, but he was actually saying quite the opposite. Especially at the end with that lone antifa with a red flag, when the trump crowd just moved around him. He was going on and on about how the left is violent if a Trump supporters goes towards them.

Earlier in the stream he was commenting how much more quiet and obedient to police orders the right is compared to the left.

We're on our own side old man.

Stop with the fucking Kekistan shit.

Getting really fucking tired of that heretical garbage.

From what I've heard Antifa were outnumbered, so there wasn't any significant action.

Oathkeepers sided with antifa (I didn't see it, vid plz post)

Bunch of shouting and chanting. Then antifa left and ourguys went on a peaceful march and did some cucky speeches. It was so peaceful most streamers stopped.

Feel free to correct anything I got wrong.

Definite antifa. Soon we'll hear "do these idiots even understand that’s a communist flag"


Pic related will uncuck the oathkeepers

Looks like the real happening was in Charlottesville

All the proof you need. Wearing a Trump hat of course. Hope people take note of this (and anyone connected to this group).

Honestly i'm starting to think that cuckservatives are the bigger problem than antifa at this point.

They always have been.


They are learning. No neo-nazi flags or uniforms but everyone in strait lines and nice clothes. Nicely done

The fuckers would side with Antifa over us.


Say, is there any spartan blood in you?

The women look like women too.

Imagine a million whites marching like this down the street. It would be almost as beautiful as pic related.

These are all TRS faggots, but I gotta say I approve.

Not Spartan as per the city-state itself, but Dorian (the wider ethnic group Spartans, Hellenic Macedonians, Rhodians etc. share).

Civnats are nothing but leftovers from the French revolution, first to put someone in the guillotine for unpatriotic behavior like racism or religion.

What's the flag with the fascist on it? the black and white one

In a heartbeat.

So what are we going to do about the eternal cuckservative? How did fascist movements historically deal with this bluepill jewery?

One way pic related. Another would be to research how we uncucked the USSR.

I think the fall of the USSR deserves its own thread. They uncucked themselves from communism and fell headfirst into cronyism. Like a merry-go-round of jewish influence.

The fall of the USSR was brought about by blue jeans and good thootpaste, and that sweet Adidaas. Pretty much what is making us numb, but way better than living in a superpower while having the living conditions of hell.

There's certainly no chance of retaking the country but there's hope to push for a group of states (succession). If we become a bigger problem then we're worth dealing with.

Peoples biggest fears are their livelihoods. If we could find a way around that (or become desperate enough where we have nothing to lose) then we'll take that next step.

By that, I mean normies wanted their tendies. Germany was also being fucked hard and sideways by the victorious powers of WW1 and what led the mass change was the goods now in a sovereing Germany being produced internally: new cars, clothes, housing, full-rebuild and end to debt slavery (consider that in the USSR the debt of an individual was infinite as he was pretty much state property).

(forgot to sage)

The easiest way to bring about a new age under similar conditions is to have normies take (or at least feel like they've done it themselves) back their dignity and make sure they know you done it and why.

tl;dr: if you wanna fix this mess, you gotta Make America Great Again and make damn sure normies realize who did it and for what.

To do that, I suggest you research the prophecy of Our Lady of Fatima, which accurately predicted the future of Russia, as well as WW2 itself, back in 1917.

IMO hyperinflation is just a matter of time. The key is to be ready when this or another opportunity arises.

I fear that people will wait around for some event to take place that will never happen. Its usually a gradual erosion of our liberties.

A Republican sweep in 2018 could drive the left over the edge. To the point where they start making mistakes.

This thing was the biggest fucking letdown and waste of time. For those of you who think you might have missed something, this is what went down:
A bunch of chantology 2.0 cancerfags with kekistan flags and pictures of pepe.
Oathfags forming a line facing us barking orders and constantly demanding we "MOVE BACK" any time there was some good banter between us and antifa.
Entire rally leaving to do a walk around the block accomplishing nothing.
Coming back to the spot where we started to listen to oathkeeps and the like giving cliche cucked speeches of meaningless platitudes and affirmations about how we are not against diversity or equality.
A collective verbal fellating of the police who along with oathfags stood between us and antifa preventing any confrontation which most all of us came looking for. "BPD BPD BPD BLUE LIVES MATTER BLUE LIVES MATTER!"

it was entirely pathetic

at least I got to snap a pic of this incredible beak

That beak was worth it.

West coast fag here. unfortunately i slept through the whole thing as i was up all night fucking with the antifa members who got doxxed. This looks like a real let down. Were there any clashes at all and did outlaws or trackers mc boston show up?

LOL what a cuck. Men are in the room boy, we aren't just going to let history take its course without intervening. Oathkeepers need to be crushed

Antifa as well as the "left" has effectively faded out of power and is nothing more than autistic screeching idiots in liberal pockets across the US whom has become the laughing stock of the political community.
I'm not saying count antifa out and never take your foot off their neck but the civnat and cuckservitives are who needs to be dismantled and eroded next. Full fledged white nationalism has to grow and take over and it has to be done in Trump's first term. Let's keep this freight train going.
Fuck civnats. Fuck lolbergs. 14/88 heil victory.

Hollywood is jumping right now around Trump Star.


This has reminded me of something. If you ever go to a protest, PLEASE DO NOT dress up like stickman because you will just look like a larping faggot. Come wearing nice clothes (polo and khaki shorts) with a nice sturdy flagpole and if there is a fight you will look much better beating antifa. See the Charlottesville protest by IE, Richard Spencer, TRS, and TWP that went down today as a perfect example of how to come dressed to a protest

By all means, take a swing at the cops.

Freedumb of speech is classical liberalism which has already died, began to rot and is starting to small.

Another feed


LOL..pure shitfit on the streets of LA. Cops have horses on the ground now.

You're correct, sitting in your basement with beans and bullets waiting for SHTF is a bad idea.
The approach should be 3 pronged.

1) Culture.
Normalizing traditional values. Normalizing being pro-white and anti-jew. Creating songs, podcasts, movies and games that promote our values. Boycott jewish content. Expose the jew when ever possible.

2) Politics.
Try to work in the existing system. Try to take over the republican party and make it explicitly pro-white or getting elected to local governments on a pro-white platform. Pressure Trump do kick out the shitskins and stop cucking to Israel.

3) Prepare for SHTF
If it happens be ready to take advantage. If there is hyperinflation or some other disaster be ready to make sure whites and whites only are fed and taken care of while muds starve in their cities.

All of these can be done at the same time and in many ways be interrelated. Most pro-white groups are doing some or all of these things.

Middle aged antifa threatens tim pool at 19:15


Agree with all of it especially prepping.

People just need to bring whatever skills they have to the table and contribute. Fighters deal with antifa, geeks/autists dox and research, speakers - politics & speeches, mil vets - planning & strategy….Coordination isn't even necessary in most cases. Pick a lane and run with it.

I feel like I should clarify the prepping. I mean it less like building bunkers, and more like building relationships and support networks. White man loses his job? He's back to work in a day. Need some roofing done? Entirely white crew. But also knowing how to use a gun and having people you can trust by your side.

Im never doing anything like this again.

Take a whole saturday and drive into the city to MAGA and maybe troll commie antifas.

Spend the whole day getting yelled at by cuckservatives and out-trolled by fucking commies. The oathkeepers were the worst. Walk around the block once chanting "USA" everyone just stares or looks away as we go by.

It was so embarassing. I hate the cuckservative MAGAtards.

Not much different than the monument rallies down here. Lot of slogan shouting and sign waving, but the monuments still come down.

Did you mean to post this on Holla Forums?


I have a right to Freeze Peach, kys cunt.

What are they going to do, shoot you?

This. Oathcucks ran when the situation at Bundy ranch got too hot for them. I believe they stayed at a hotel for the majority of the standoff. Complete pisses.

Night rally in Virginia Lee Park. Police are there now and locked down the park. Aesthetic was again good though. Some video.


oy vey look at those NAZIS with torches it's like the kkk lynch mob all over again

Third one is comin' down soon. There will be a rallying call and people will show up … and not do a damn thing. Sad, really.

"I think it wiser, moreover, not to keep open the sores of war, but to follow the example of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, and to commit to oblivion the feelings it engendered." General Robert E Lee, 1869


Because they're controlled opposition. Here to infiltrate and disarm any right wing movement before it gets out of hand.

I was somehow able to get an unrestricted license from Somerville despite only living here for 2 years.

No fucking clue how I pulled that off. I wrote "all lawful purposes" on my app as well.

Something very spiritually European about torches, perhaps in our genetic memory of caves or the dark north? From twitter: "A Antifa protester came in and attacked Spencer's body guards and ripped several torches in half." I imagine he didn't fair too well afterwards, considering all of the body guards are veterans.


That sounds like something he'd immediately regret doing.

Showing how many of ourguys are there.

They have their shit together on this one.

I think we're witnessing history. This may go down as the moment.

lol wut? 8pol hates spencer, trs and pretty much anyone who does anything irl

You mean the JIDF threads where Spencer, Duke, TRS, Anglin, Weev, Damigo and Hitler are all jewish shills.

You do realize that the imkikey and the rest of the mods fully support it. And any thread remotely supportive of it is bumplocked at best if not outright deleted? Go show me a single thread in the catalog which is supportive of them. The closest thing out there is Angelin getting sued by the SPLC.

We hate TRS because they turned out to be led by a Jew, completely different reason. If the shills weren't here trying to convince us that these guys were actually our enemies, we'd be doing something wrong.

Mike Enoch was married to a jew, not that he was a jew you retard.

nice false flag leftypol shill

this was posted on cuckchan

any ideas guys??

current thread boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/125428816

thanks user, just woke up, still trying to get upto speed

I looked through like 30 of the TRS dox threads when it happened and there isn't actually any evidence of Enoch being a jew. His wife certainly was but afaik she filed for separation, and his family isn't on great terms with him. He certainly messed up pretty bad, but it's going to be a messy ride when you consider our demographics and how completely deracinated we are in our thinking and actions before the red pill. They've become explicitly fascist since the dox on many of the TRS shows, including Enoch and SeventhSon, so it's not like things aren't heading in a productive direction. What you might call the "white nationalist clans" are uniting in a big way lately, and it's beyond any individual or group ego.


Dignity and Hope. Better to die like men than live like mice.

There are things I find fishy about Spencer and trs. Holodomor denial and his comments about queers always put me on edge. If he could just clarify his statements if he hasn't already my mind would be at ease. As for IRL movements you know there's always going to be paranoia about them. Even if a movement goes from LARPing to actually making progress people will still bring up their faults and parade them like their brand new. Just look at National Action.

I still don't know about Weev.

In my opinion that's evidence enough. Jews don't generally marry outside the tribe, and even in New York a goy would have to go out of his way to marry a Jewess. And he's on camera taking part in Jewish religious celebrations. Then there's the times he's referred to himself as Jewish - they might be dismissed as innocent slips of the tongue, but they serve to corroborate all of the other evidence.

In my opinion, it is almost certain that he is a kike.
Remember - if you are a Jew, you believe that the goyim should be enslaved, Christianity wiped out and that the Amalekites (who they believe are the bloodline of Charlemagne) be genocided.
Such a person, or even someone married to such a person, has no place in the leadership of any pro-white or pro-western movement.


Only shills try and further their political agenda irl

True, proud, white, Aryan men post infographics in an echo chamber about how everyone with views similar to mine are shills

You dumb shill

And Enoch is a kike. He admitted it clear as day on the post-dox interview he gave, which was then subsequently deleted off their site. He looks like a kike, he acts like a kike, he's married to a kike. He's a kike. If he wants to prove he's not, then let's see those fucking DNA results.

Oathfags have no authority. No one has to listen to them. Their whole deal is to act commanding. Of course, if you are assaulting someone they can try to stop you, just as anyone else could.

Cops, on the other hand, you should probably listen to. Unless you're trying to get arrested for whatever reason.


Name ends in "vich". That's Cyrillic for "witz". That was an easy one.



Holy fucking shit that's some high attention to detail. Well done user.

cuckchan mods remove any raid threads and shock imagery now which leaves it opened to fucking normies to flood in.

it's not that they're "siding with antifa", it's that gookmoot is a fucking nigger.

Now to be fair, Jews like to play the name game. Not everyone whose name ends in -vich or -witz or -berg or -stein is a kike - they just adopted those names from their host populations. I have a Croatian friend whose name ends in -vich, and I'm sure he's not a kike.


I completely ignored them, but the vast majority of people actually listened to them. So I was left standing with like 3 other people on the line directly across the pathway from antifa, and it was all just pointless.

found these
[email protected]/* */
[email protected]/* */

One of the emails is protected.

[email protected]/* */ …com

singer cuck looks like aids skrillex in a skirt

Great rally today. Lots of new ANTIFA faces to add to our list… More updates soon…

yfw you wanted to go and support the cause but you still had to work and needed the jew bucks

Do you just make shit up user? I've met the Vandal brothers and they are White. Two white brothers raising White children. Can you say the same? I doubt it. you don't deserve those dubs, and you are a faggot

Good on Spencer et al, as long as he keeps his faggy mouth shut he can do good stuff. Looks like a bunch of normies in their Sunday best with cool edginess at night for fun.

That Jon Hanson guy from Lynn was making some good points Holla Forums, he might have gotten the best of Tim. Not saying I agree with Jon but Tim sounded weak and Jon was the alpha for most of it.

This is serious Holla Forums we are in danger of losing out to cuckservatives in our midst and cuckservatives like Tim representing us. He's not "unbiased" he's a con artist. he's a sleazy little cuck who gets emasculated and owned while representing "our side" to the normal public.

If Tim Poole does more whiny interviews at rallies he's a fucking antifa as far as I'm concerned. If you're on our side don't get cucked or we'll toss you out like the Spartans did to weak newborns. That's in our blood as Evropeans.

hey its way past time but I know some outlaws from middleboro bridgewater area.
Be advised these guys are crazy and would have no problem killing someone. I think we should keep them in our back pocket for now.
But if reached out to in a respectful way, they would come out and help.



It was a great idea. The scumbag media narrative will become "Its literally the KKK !1!"

Still waiting for this moment: youtu.be/zLngvPQfzdA?t=43s

Go kys you filthy fucking degenerate.

1%'s are some of the biggest faggots to walk the earth. You faggots suck each other off while high on meth at your biker club and think that makes you "crazy".

You're masons without any respect from the community and filth like you will see a fucking rope and hear your neck snap.

Fuck skinhead faggots and fuck biker faggots.

t. William Luther Pierce

The hat wasn't fooling anyone Tim.

Mustachio "Hitler did nothing wrong" Matt scared Tim.

Torches are comfy as fuck. I think you're right about the ancestral thing. They provide light in dark and warmth in the cold.

[email protected]/* */ was pwned in adobe, last.fm, myspace, tumblr, wiiuiso that leaked emails / passwords. But I wouldn't know how to find those

semi-kidding, people brawling and starting shit is unneeded, though it might be funny to see how the oathfags would react to 1%ers

Where can I find pictures of the march and rally? It looks really neat.

The Confederates have always been on the side of civic nationalism, that's why Holla Forums doesn't support them…

Anyone find anything on that fat chick with the megaphone who cried about "I REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID TO MY FATHER! MY FAMILY! I WONT LET YOU TOUCH MY STUDENTS!"? Damn, she was annoying

Just another thing, I think the lack of violence was actually a good thing. The moment Antifaggots tried to charge us, BPD scooped them up and put them in the Paddy wagon, showing Berkely police might be corrupted, but Boston is not Antifa turf.

One of the organizers here. Ill like to touch on a point i saw in this thread and from people speaking to me at the event. Our goal was to get numbers at one point we had them 5 to 1 outnumbered so we won there, However yes the OathKeepers did cuck us. They thought it was their event and shut down a lot of good interaction with the other side as many of you seen even at one point trying to talk some of the younger org out of doing the march (i called them out on that) In the future plan for this on who you invite that a power grab wont happen.

So THIS is where the boys with the tiny penises post their vitriol. Hide behind your guns and swastikas, you don't scare those of us who are gainfully employed and who care about our brothers and sisters. I'll bet a lot of you are living on the government dole, too, but don't want your fellow militiamen to find out.

With all due respect greater numbers actually hurt us if we're being cucked at the same time and elevating the oathkeepers profile above our own. It looked like antifa versus the cucked republicans out there and it wasn't good optics for us.



You're screaming, user. You are an anti-white screamer and you scream to try and stop discussions you disagree with. It's against the freedom of speech.

You're screaming, man!

You did good, just don't invite oathcucks. Acted like they ran the place.

~30% of the Antifa faces from the rally. Need links to more videos and/or photos.

example of face detection from YouTube video using a convolutional neural network





What's wrong with swatikas and the SS? Cuck.

Sixteen beautiful seconds.

Of by civic nationalism you mean segregation and denying rights to niggers as they are subhuman then yes you're right. Did you not watch the NOLA protest? Confederates were fighting with civnat faggots and doing CSA chants while some guy with a megaphone basically said fuck it if you want to call us Nazis we'll be Nazis then.

Why is anyone taking orders from these faggots?