Is Fallout 4 promoting white genocide?

So I am at the point of the game now where you have to choose a faction to take town the Institute with, and I noticed that two faction leaders are black / non-white and one is a woman! Like wtf, why are there no white males? Only the Institute (evil faction) leader is a white male. Typical anti-white male propaganda! The bad guy is a white male and the good people are blacks and women!

We should boycott this game. Don't buy it unless you support white genocide!

cool slide thread

you can just chose to kill everyone in the end you stupid nigger
slide thread

Yeah I noticed that too. We are the evil white males that want to commit genocide. I think Bethesda became cucked since the release of Skyrim.

Also why is there no option to create a white ethnostate settlement?! The developers are probably Jews


Video games is white genocide. Go outside, read a book, learn martial arts.

Low effort OP. You should try never posting again. Your thread is shit.

I was not old enough when the game originally came out. :(

how old are you?

This game has been out since November of 2015 dumb fuck. Take your slide thread and leave.

18 now.

Clearly you have never heard of gamergate
slide thread. sage

At least I get to finally post this pic
sage for shit thread tbh

What a shitty thread, with that said, Falout New Vegas is still the best 3D Fallout, all the rest is shit, just like you OP.

Uh, yeah. Don't you realize how important video games are in our time? And you just choose to ignore how young people are actively brainwashed into multiculturalism and interracialism by games like Fallout? This is how the hatred against the white male is brought to society!
Seriously, go back to Holla Forums and make a thread about how you love being a man bossed around by Desdemona!

At least Vault Boy is an ARYAN with blonde hair

But they will probably replace vault boy with a nonbinary fat genderqueer lesbian disabled black woman

If you're going to shill at least be a little less obvious.

lol samefag

I've been "boycotting" this game ever since I made the mistake buying it and played it for an hour.

It checks out, commit sudoku.

Also if you like Fallout series more than Stalker you have objectively shit taste.

Papers Please is communist propaganda since you have to let blacks and other nonwhites into your country if they have correct passport. This is not how a true white nationalist Aryan would do it. Glory to Kolechia

old enough to not have that kind of faggot hair or bracelet.

lol you don't know how to sage

They really didn't give you a proper briefing on this place before dispatching you, huh?

Sage goes in the email field user…

I know this place, I'm a pol oldfag

so you started using the chans at like age two?

Well not at age two but I started when I was in elementary school. But I was sadly kind of a cuck in first grade. Glad I've grown out of that

Okay see now you're just not even trying, if you're going to be a faggot at least be an entertaining faggot, or put some level of effort into your trolling attempt.

user you forgot to reapply sage.

Next question.

Yeah right if I point out how (((((((they))))))) are subverting otherwise good video games like Fallout 4 I get accused of being a troll. Do you even care about your race?!

How is having a black character promoting white genocide? You just sound like an insecure racist/sexist. If the mere presence of a female and or another race frightens you, you need to see a therapist.

Allright that's enough for now, OP, I hope you know how to use a VPN, cause you're going to need it if you want to keep posting here for the next few days.

I'm just wondering where you got your information from? Butthurt user from Holla Forums? Or are you someone from Reddit? Maybe a lost Tumblrista or someone from TRS?

OP you're really not very good at this so just stop.

Holy shit user, use sage stop bumping this retarded fucking thread. The OPs entire goal is to plaster the front page/upper catalog with useless crap.

Like if some liberal Hillary loving fat glasses waring college nerd game developer decides to virtually shit on your race by making all the good people female or not white, you are just standing by doing nothing!
When I am confronted with a tough moral choice, I ask myself
What would Hitler do?

He would KILL the fuck out of Elder Maxon and Preston Garvey and take Desdemona as his housewife so she will be cooking instead of thinking about fucking synths all time

But THAT is not an option in the game, typical.

go back to leftypol with your shitty low energy falseflag OP, you cocksucker

What's TRS?


I bring dishonoru to Holla Forums for not saging this thread

you're gonna look back on yourself posting this night and cringe

If you think about it, the Fallout universe blames the political right for everything bad in the world. Of course this message wasn't that strong in the first two games. But, the backstory for the blame was there. I haven't played Fallout 4 and nor do I plan to. But, I've played Fallout New Vegas many times. While the game is enjoyable, I get sick and tired of meeting yet another stronk womyn ranger type. It shatters my immersion as I have to think about a woman being something like an actual army ranger. And then there is the Legion. I don't think I need to state how absurd and over the top ridiculous mock up they are here.

In a real apocalyptic wasteland women would predominantly go back to being mothers and homemakers as repopulating the planet would be more important than making sure the ladies give Caesar's Legion hell.

And then there are the romance options: Two fucking homos. Cassidy Rose is the only one I would want here. But even after you help her, she is a frigid cold cunt who wants nothing to do with you.

Anyway, I see the hole in my life that vidya has left. I'm addicted to the damn things. I wish I could go back. Fug, I'm so sick of it.

what do you guys think about

Wasteland 2 ?

See now I can't tell if you're actually retarded or if this is the most elaborate troll I've seen in months.

thread is bumplocked, redditor. you have to go back

lol GTFO with your low effort sliding, Holla Forums


Since this thread is bumplocked, give us the third derivative of Y=2x^4+cos(5x^3)

you have twenty minutes…

OP is an assmad lefty/pol/.

OP is for white genocide.


Uh hate to break it to you but he's not white. Looks kinda Arab, but not white.

What's a slide thread?


If what you say is true/accurate, why are you playing as a non-white, user?

blame the developers. he is certainly white as a kid in the previous game.

>he doesn't know the race of the institue's leader is based on the player's race because he's his son