Judge, Jury, and Executioner

More of a heterosexual environment.

Other urls found in this thread:




Everyone turn up the gay to 11

No need to be sad but Im a fuckboy what do I know

Why not?

I'm not sad, just intrigued

let's kiss

You're generally against crudeness in public

gayest thing i have besides dick pics

Only when Grim is looking

We need to make him as uncomfortable as possible


my cock is about to burst through my pants
get on your KNEES

Now throw your hands up to the sky~

I needed to get my message across.


Just start fucking everyone in sight

Okay that's like a 15 I'm gonna need you to bring it back down

Oh. Lame excuse



Can you not turn the gay to 11 without having sexual intercourse?

What sort excuse would you come up with mr retail.


I've a feeling you'll do something unspeakable if I do that

You can only go up to 10 without intercourse

I'd just go with honesty tbh


Can't breathe

Once you've gone chinless, you never go back

Okay, can I just keep it at 10 then?

Why me?! why me even?


Youre my waifu

Where you keep your homosexuality is none of my business



If you desire heterosexual threads to post in. Then go to a Christian image board you fucking idiot.

They're cute?


Me too actually
to be honest


You want to feel yourself from the inside? That is doable.



Use your words, love.


It's late and I'm drained what more do you want from me

i wanna wake up to the sensation of someone petting my head while I cling to them

calling dudes love all the time is a bit creepy tbh

Man, even the crabs are armed now.


Crab people



Alright, love.

This is the best you get from my drunkeness, colbs.




Pretty damn drunk sounding tbh

I can't tell if my reaction would be Accelerator's or something else at this point

What even


doesn't happen to you?
sometimes people send me broken up texts


You never hinted before!!


No one texts me lol

Yeah kinda

Proove to me this is a shitpost

Protip: [spoilers]youcant[/spoiler]

I call bullshit. Name a song!




So when and where?

Bard you magnificant bastard

whats good my d00d

Ytse Jam by Dream Theater

This is what happens when you don't really try to connect with people

Gettin' stoned and learning rmpt servers, good shit

I miss [Poster Redacted]


me too but without the coding lmao

not me
they were a dick


Get a dakimakura

You know who I'm talking about?

Like I've been streaming Deadpool using Windows Azure, it's some GOOD shit man

I miss Haikus the most.


I once fucking wrote that bitch a yearbook haiku about zombies and not even a word came out of that bitches mouth



Of course
If I don't know, I will certainly before too long
they were during my time most certainly

What the fuck is windows azure

I'm fucking dying

This is so perfect lol


Oh it was canibalism, fuck

Kind of like web site hosting service, but through Microsoft


See, how can I be THAT awesome AND be drunk? I call bullshit.

The last top tier poster.

I'm glad that era is done and gone
The superposters weren't very kind people

I'm often awesome when I drink so I mean

I will stream Watamoe

but I can't keep that in my room without my family thinking I'm a weirdo.....

But I am not you, colbs. Nobody can be you, except for you. I mean, you are great.


wtf my trip was gone

Yeah bro, but it's probably on crunchyroll...

and goodluck

Spoiler: They already do

But if I can do it, you can do it

Havent watched anime in forever lmao


Don't sell yourself short.

Watamoe was a good ride, fucking akward though

I already knew you were going to say this in reply

Tomoko is my spirit animal tbh

But that's like my entire M.O.

Originality is not my forte

Well change it for me. For this one night.

No can do, friendo

where is erio when you need him

Guess I am going to go cry myself to sleep.

tfw no gucci thc syrup nearby

Why would you do that

Don't do that

Because you won't acknowledge your awesomeness.



I enjoy the ice ferret

I enjoy your enjoyment, my love.

vac wave please please please

only thing cuter than that ferret is red panda

or you.....

Go the fuck to sleep

There is no need to be upset over that tho

There is......

Could you accept it so I can go to sleep without crying, please?


But not entirely sincerely

I would quit threading forever. I am considering it.

but I wont. I am too important here

But I don't trust you.

What could I do without my london love?



But I can't do that.

Exactly. I would be hurting too many people. I must be selfless.

Do what?

reach for the snowflakes little ferret buddy!

I mean, you are the best of the UK....

Trust you enough to go to sleep.

I'm afraid you're going to have to

But your perfection is too far away, love!

But I can't....


Yes you can, for me

Please say something, m'lord.

...I am feeling manipulated...

That's because you are

At least I'm nice enough not to hide it

What if h3h3 was mexican?

Sweet dreams, Spoils. Hope to see you in mine

I don't know what to think about that. Maybe I will think on it more when I wake up.....

I don't even understand.

I got hungry so I'm eating quinoa and kale before bed

bite me

Sometimes manipulation is necessary


That is the faggiest combination of words I've ever read

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the power of flustering 2stronk, mandy!

Im sure this is the only picture that needs to be posted here from now on

you too mandy! sleep sweetly!

nin is not wrong


are you saying gay stuff is bad?

We could leave forever. Tomorrow is when I leave hopefully.



Its cute


guess you don't want to kiss my tummy (or vice versa)

Someday. Someday I will leave and go back to where I belong.

I'll be back down the road maybe.
Maybe not. Who knows?

This is bait

I am no fish

Bebop, you here?

It is now the time for work.
Later alligators.


adorable would totally have one as a pet, even if they acted like bitches.... so ironically like cats, not dogs lol

I know they usually make everything smell to high heaven, but they are neat

id guess that there is some way to manage that and if not then i guess you can hope to become nose blind to it

i am now

I like ferret smell

You reminded me that had downloaded the GoW4 beta.
I forgot what it was like to play a shooter that basically just relies on luck and shotgun cover bouncing.

Is Kanra still here?

sleep is hard

i havent actually played it yet but i will later today. gears of war is actually one of the few games i will say is actually good on xbox.

Well, daily maintenance and shit lol
I dont think anyone sane would do things that hardcore tho

It's always been fun to play with friends but the multi has never been anything over than shotgun rolly polly funtimes.


whats it like?

i dont know a thing about ferrets so this smell thing in general is news to me lol

All you need to know is that this one is the best

Well, that last boss was fun.


Ever walk into a petco?
It is that smell

tbh out of all of the games i've played on xbox i can only say i liked cod4/5, bfbc2, all the gears of war games, and halo ce/2/3/wars

oh right, i used to play them all the time with friends. rip all my irl friends are gone in the military now..
tbh i never got into many shotgun fights online, always got in lancer duels though

i have 3 copies of halo 3 right now because people kept coming over and either standing up my xbox while it was on or putting it on its side
said fuck it and just bought extra copies JUST IN CASE

dibs skyrim

and i now know it!

eyes for days chii eyes for days

oh so kind of like sawdusty mixed with some stuff?

Chii, we both beat the end boss.


wow, i broke my halo 3 disc doing that lol


the first time it happened was because of my sisters bf
i made her break up with him

oh that is not too bad then....




good, deserved it the cunt. yeah i was connecting to the internet cord and it wouldn't fit sitting down but would sideways and brrrrm it chewed my disc. then it red ringed.

thinking i need to buy a new keyboard aaand since its been shit lately a new computer too.... which sucks if i do, what about you?

beat ds3. dunno what to do now

send me nudes

It is a weeping and a moaning and a gnashing of teeth
When it comes to my sound which is the champion sound, believe believe

oh congrats sebs

hi bardo

Hey dags how are you doing

youve seen it already

meh i barely did anything

He let me and the other phantoms do the heavy work. As always.
Even I fight in my host bosses.

Though I can survive more than one hit.

you still beat it

nots bad, bored and cold and cold and cold and drinking some emus smoking some homegrown pretty chilled cold and bored o:


new ones, obvi


Watch out for those emus dude
They win wars
siunds like a good night my dude
I am listneing to music about to smoke my buddha hash and keif
I got dabs to do with my nigga tomorrow and picking up another qp this weekedn
times is alright

dag? wtf you're still posting damn son

lazy i'll fish around i think i have a pic with my dick blacked out

thought they werent in this game

aw noice, i'ma blast tomorrow i chewed through 6 grams of bho in half a month woops..

sometimes! when i'm bored and drunk, not much though /;

hahaha god damn dude
My best friendade his last gram of crumble last for 4 weeks but we got shatter this week and we're already through 3 gs

They are, but you can't increase how many frames you have through AGL. That's why I never take damage against invaders or bosses most times.

still beat it lol

a win is a win?

here's my sarong bulge

okay sf

thanks for the beratement


/vr/ has devolved.

L-Dash and Wave Cancel are the peak of gaming.


im going to find a different game to play now.

Tis the season for flaring hormones

Up to you.
Once I move on from DS3 I'm playing N64 or something.

you recommended i move on anyway

It bothers me to hear you get so mad at little things.

im tame compared to reid

He's gotten better in some regards.
At least with LoL.


I might go to bed. I'm not in a good mood and have no real reason to be up.
What do you think?

what has you down

I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with my life.

do you have to do anything with your life? i certainly dont

I don't really have the prospects for it.
I mean, I'd like to do something.

right nowwwww

I guess not.

probably the fatigue talking

My life is a litany of dog penis and memes.


im envious. i have to sleep though. goodnight

Isn't it?

I'll try to cheer up by tomorrow.

I hope rest can bring you ease friend

I've been having vivid dreams again.
So they are very enjoyable.

that picture always makes me laugh/

Sadly it's one of 12 on my computer.

Remember any?
I dreamt vividly recently too


Almost always.

Would you regale me?

Why did you delete the rest?

These shadows are getting me kinda emotional tbh

Perhaps another time.

New computer. Nothing was moved over.



hi gogs

All I have.


Hey Dags

nice catnip, whatsup

watching adventure time!

aw noice, what episodes !

panda panda panda panda


Propaganda straight outta Uganda.




Better call the firefighting department!

pretty good~

I thought I had linked it a few times already, but I could be wrong though.

this is the first time you ever linked it


Odd, I could swear I had done that already.

Just recalled I had to link this to you.

you hadn't ;~;

The sweet sweet key of E
I like this

Oh well, Illenium's a pretty good "new" artist.

Knew you'd like it.

they are new?

oh btw do you paly league?


Well, they've been at it for 2 years so pretty new at it.
Barely, last time was that game I played with Manaka and Subtle.


caffeinated then passed out a couple hours later.

my body hates me.

head and tummy.


still up i c

I'm having trouble sleeping again
It will go away in a month or perhaps a few weeks

How is your morning

started with me posting more than I have in months until 2am,
passing the fuck out because it was my second XL coffee and there was a diminished effect,
and falling asleep in all my clothes with the lights on
feeling hungover for no reason.

So... shit. Hopefully it passes.

Good luck with your sleep troubles.

post the cute girl version pliz

we should paly sometime ;~;

i'm've just've been wtching this strange vid right now!

'overdosing' not OD'ing on caffeine is pretty bad
I was in a bad habit a month or so ago of a pot or two and I almost fell asleep before work a few times
You aren't needing to go to class or anything surely right?
Don't let the caffeine crash get a theree



Guten tag

Class is over. I'm a NEET.

So I'll probably go for a bike ride and see if endorphins help.

I don't usually caffeine crash. This was very irresponsible of me and I will not allow it to happen again. This feeling is literally misery.

Neet you say
Biking sounds so loveley at this time
what a good idea


Alright, but for now I'm off to take a nap since I'm still tired and got gym later on today.
That's a pretty odd looking cake.

I forgot I was supposed to link this to you too.

Morning and bye.

Yea. Just gotta power through this.

You completely nocturnal, then?

rip canary didn't reply ;~;


nap well~

Yay brb lunch

Hmm a bit too soulful for my tastes ahaha
But well produced
Thank you :) I always love hearing new tunes

No, I usually find myself asleep by 4 a.m and I enjoy waking up anywhere between 11 and 1
What is your preferred schedule?

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