What the fuck is this shit?
Fuck you blizzard.
90 minute wait time
Fuck you OP you liar
I know you are being ironic but I actually expect a bilizdrone to say thing like that
One, it's "blizzdrone", two you're the only person here playing shit made by blizzard.
overwatch is fun
More like waiting to play shit made by Blizzard.
It can be, with players that aren't retarded. Unfortunately the retard to competence ration is roughly 25:1 and that's fucking awful. Also they're releasing competitive mode, but still let players play multiples of the same hero as well as not fixing the bobblehead-sized hitboxes.
Overwatch is fun, but not 40usd fun.
Take your shit taste and get out
You chose to suck blizzard's cock, now deal with it when they can't get erect.
You deserve worse, faggot.
Battleborne shill detected, fuck off
Thanks for bumping the thread, retards
Thansk for saging the thread retard. Kill yourselff hasweioghaseki; guhasdk;jbgn al/;sdnhjksdkl'cfmbnz dfkl gjnsdfrl/'hjs'dbkio
Newfag detected, anti bump has been engaged and leveraged as downvote.
Wow, must be summer.
w-w-w-whats stealth sage my oldfig
counter bump deployed
Serves you well for buying cancerous games.
implying implications.
Nothing says shilling like shitting on the company
just because you are a retard instead of a paid shill doesn't mean you don't belong in the containment thread
Pot and the kettle etc etc