Is this game worth playing? Are there any other MMOs that worth time investment?
Is this game worth playing? Are there any other MMOs that worth time investment?
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Now that Guild Wars 1 is abandoned (still playable just minimal community), the only good active MMO left is EVE Online.
FFXIV is a great mix of MMO gameplay and actual gameplay and is a genuinely okay game.
Compare that to Tera, which has slightly better gameplay but the foundation itself is a shitty game.
No, played it when it launched for us westerners and it's yet another grindan for gear morp with both pvp and pve being dogshit with the only good thing being it's combat system but that's not gonna help much if rest of the game sucks.
And dont get suckered into
his lies.
FFXIV is heap of shit too with your usual mmo problems from boring world'n lore to crappy pve and… did that turd even have pvp? but nonetheless shit gaem dont bother trying.
TERA was ok when it launched but as of right now it's absolutely dogshit, especially if you don't live near the servers given how reliant the combat system is on a low latency connection (last I checked someone with low latency can literally attack more often in the same amount of time as someone living further away)
As far as (Korean) MMOs go, you could do worse.
You can solo your way to the level cap as any non-healer in around a days worth of actual play time and the combat is one of its saving graces, so it's not an absolute grindfest. Well, depending on what you play as.
I stopped playing between the gunner and brawler updates and tried my hand at every available class. Warrior is by far the most fun and probably the most difficult to play since it requires lots of different managements in terms of stacks and combos and whatever to grant absolutely no greater damage output or utility than a Gunner can do rhythmically tapping three buttons. The only thing Warriors excel at is dropping loads of DoTs and stunning the shit out of things.
Tanking and healing in the game isnt even all that boring either, but I didnt do much high level stuff as them so I dont recall all that much.
The end game is.. there. I think there was around 10 dungeons, some of which with varying difficulties.
PvP was unbalanced as fuck. Aforementioned Gunners could one shot anything but a Lancer. Sorcs were just about the same if you let them charge up. Reapers have so much DPS in a circle around them you dare not get close. Warriors had to close the gap and try to stunlock to even stand a chance, but latency issues make it sheer fucking luck.
Also the game has the shittiest UI in the world that basically prevents anything from running the game at 60FPS when it matters.
Oh, but you can buy any of the cash items from the in-game auction house. Making money isnt too hard either, so theres that.
I cant really outwardly recommend Tera, but if youve got an MMO itch to scratch then yeah its pretty okay.
i wanna use my dick to explore an elin honeyhole
Speaking of Korean MMOs what the fuck happened to Black Desert ?
Me too
It's telling how bad the MMO genre has gotten that the only oxygen this thread is receiving is image dumping of low quality lolis.
oh they fixed the UI issues in a recent patch.
But the balance got even worse. Brawlers are the second highest dps in the game, and they're a tank class
i don't even play tera :^^^)
What took them so fucking long? How was this not priority 1?
Basically what happened was
They are great conceptually but they look garbage in game.
Good gameplay.
Casualized dungeons.
Shit developers.
I enjoyed the fuck out of the time I played, but I couldn't stand them introducing an RNG-Boss Dungeon and unbalanced PvP as the only activities to do.
Every time these threads come up, I bitch about not being able to get into the Concentrated Smug mumble. When someone suggested I ask on Steam, I went to my friends, and realized I don't remember who's who because nobody's in-game names matched up with their Steam names. I miss you meme loving fucks so much.
Go home… umm Eseth, One Armed Guy who's name I forget, Takamori, Cricket, just send messages to random people or there's a steam group you can probably join
This. Most of the faces for Elin looks downsy as fuck in game.
I never bothered trying to get into the mumble, but that was in part because I was stuck in the range where I was either far above new people in levels, or too low of a level for the people that were there before me. I stopped playing because being a tank with randoms was fucking awful.
psh that's the best, you can just want to die constantly when DPS is somehow lower than yours and you being unable to die.
20 minute boss kills ahoy!
although it's stupidly easy to solo as a tank now, even lancers do… decent dps.
Don't know if I'll dip back in though, since it wasn't as buzzwords as I hoped.
roll a brawler you do more than every other class Except the new class, ninja in the game while tanking.
It's pathetic
I actually rolled a Brawler because punching everything is something I wish more games had and was bored as shit.
Shit developer.
I could, but I'd be so embarrassed to do so at this point that I'd probably spill enough spaghetti to put everyone off.
>They introduced another overpowered class
I think their entire class development process is just finding ways to make everything else useless. Just be glad you aren't so shitty at making friends that you drop all contact with people you've chatted with for months/years on a whim.
its a shitty korean grinding game
G-good one.
Maybe someday we'll get over it.
People got tired of hidden stats. Also someone discovered each character gets random stat increases on level up meaning no two classes have the same stats outside gear at the same level. Plus there's nothing in the world that actually engages the combat system.
Just add GuyWonder on steam, I'll hit you the info since I still log in
No and no.
Thank you anons, I don't even play this game I just care about those thighs.
Sure thing faggot. FFXIV is trash only rejects of WoW enjoy.
That's the stuff.
It's a WoW clone with good graphics and superior action combat.
If you're looking for something different it won;t be found here.
If you want something actiony with some sandboxy elements like crafting, housing etc Black Desert Online might be a good starter option. It has great graphics and actiony combat. The sandbox elements are not as full on as Ultima Online or Wurm thought.
Is skyforge any good?
It's free you bootlicking fuck. Download it and find out.
It is an MMO so you already know it is going to be shit. But just like JRPGs are shit it depends on how well it masks it, and a huge part of that masking is subjective.
For what it's worth, yes, I do think you should download and give it a shot.
I don't
If you like one of the starter classes, or can suffer through the years of grind to unlock them all, then yes.
Otherwise, no, it takes too long to get to the good parts.
Ever notice most MMO's have become "Like WoW but…" ? It's almost it's own genre at this point.
"Like WoW but…"
Part of that is because most people who would have an interest in an MMO have a background in WoW. It makes it much easier and quicker to offer an idea of what the game is when you can simplify the majority of it down to a single word/term and then add modifiers.
And it gives a good marketing teams a good quote to put on materials and draw more eyes.
Yah. It just always seemed like a bad idea since you aren't going to out-WoW WoW, if you know what I mean. Of the "WoW but" games, WoW is still better than them (well maybe not with last expansion when the game shit all over itself).
WoW has been sinking since Cata, quite a few MMO were honestly better options to play than WoW since then.
Blizzard was too busy pandering to soccermoms and milking the fuck out of the hardcore fanboys to actually keep the game entertaining.
it's not free in a country with download quotas.
every fucking MMO that i find somewhat playable that is not like wow or has little resemblence always has these shitters asking for WoW-like features. Why don't they just fucking play WoW instead of shitting up my game?!!
I said it for the longest time, the only thing that could kill WoW is WoW itself.
And look what happened, WoW Killed itself and all the "WoW killer" MMOs failed.
Speaking of which, remember the trainwreck that was wildstar? me neither
Ah, sorry to hear that. It was reletively fun blowing shit up as a gunner, but with all the F2P kikery it would be hard for me to justify a download with you circumstances.
even without tab targeting the retarded class system and mandatory story quests just kills it.
I'm glad you bunch of lolis haven't forgotten the taste of my thick healing goo and I'm sorry for dropping the game without so much of a goodbye, but I got a bit burned out and my rig was in no shape to handle Duncan on that airship. 13 FPS and 160~240 ping made it near unplayable.
I was hoping to get back in some day (hence why I'm lurking here) but it looks like the game has only gotten worse.
The one armed guy was Edgelord.
Here's one for the old times.
That was back when idolneal was worse than the 63 armor.
The damage race was actually hard because of how horrible all your gear was. not to mention >2 sorc dps
nobody cares, faggot.
This is from back when RG and BR were newly released, one of our first runs as well.
Could have been before the introduction of gunners as well, hell we were still in CHP on the EU server.
How's the situation in CS? Anyone still playing?
So, what about the other upcomming shitty mmos? Shit like Soul worker online, Bless online, Revelation online?
Peria Chronicles never ever
yeah it was before gunners, warap switched costumes after gunners got introduced
there's darkfall new dawn which is a remake of the old darkfall online but with some new stuff, like a reason to stay lawful and the title system that was promised when the original was still alive.
Haven't seen anything interesting past Blade&Soul and Black Desert.
There was maybe Everquest next, but I think it got scrapped.
A friend of mine has been shilling for Albion Online because it has full loot, but it looks like mobile shit.
Wasn't Darkfall online just a pile of broken shit though? Hard to imagine what anyone could add to that.
I swear this thread pops up every other week.
No. It's shit. There's still no end-game. Certain classes are so fucking overpowered it's pointless to play as anything else. The community, for the most part, is surprisingly not shitty but the game itself is a huge waste. It might be fun to level up a character to max level but there's very little variety after that.
well the first three weeks are free and it's coming out on tuesday so unless you can think of any other "decent" mmos there's no harm in trying
What does that mean?
full loot on death, kill fuckers, steal every shit they were wearing
Too bad Darkfall was a massive pile of shit.
The list goes on.
here's stuff there adding at early access
and this is the roadmap
So no or only little Ruskies or BR, right? Why? Because of hardware requirements?
Cool. Sounds like they're learning from their mistakes.
naw, plenty of BRs they just don't talk for whatever reason.
is it weird that I find a woman who can work a forge more attractive than a tart with now undergarment?
form follows function
It has BR's, everything has BR's, but they keep to their own groups and guilds. They talk very little in global chats and even less in groups of randumbs. They're actually tolerable in this game. It's also very easy to mute/block/ignore people.
Is there anything like Warframe but, y'know, good?
Why not have both?
The world needs more Elins being lewd for everyone's fapping needs. It takes teamwork after all for people to be happy, whether a war party dungeon crawling or the mysterious user focused in on a big fap.