Fullderp is a game where one of us declares himself the champ and takes a ragtag team of six Pokemon assembled by anons into an online competitive Pokemon battling simulator. When the current champ calls "new champ", the first poster to claim it is our champ. The first six legal Pokemon suggested once champ has been claimed or "new team" has been called will be the team our champ uses to battle. Suggesters are not to make multiple suggestions for a team unless 10 minutes have passed since their last request. The champ will be battling in OU unless he specifies otherwise. ——————————— Showdown:play.pokemonshowdown.com / ——————————— Pokemon Premades: pastebin.com /f3CZVRx7 ——————————— RULES Failure to follow the rules will result in IMPEACHMENT and/or BULLYING. 1. The champ cannot forfeit or intentionally throw a match. 2. The champ is not allowed to timer stall. 3. All Pokemon must be nicknamed. ——————————— Thread Finder:boxes.andromeda.moe /showdown / This site will automatically redirect you to the current thread. Bookmark it so you don't need to waste time browsing the catalog! ———————————play.pandorashowdown.net / It's a Mexican bootleg, but it's good enough. 1. /roomvoice (username) This lets us talk. Do this for every single person. If someone's unregistered, tell them in chat. 2. /publicroom This lets us enter the room.
/dt Pokemon / Move / Ability / Item / etc. /weak Type(s) / Pokemon /coverage Type(s) /me unzips crogre
June 23, 2016 - 13:16
me chimpo give memes please
June 23, 2016 - 13:31
Slowbro the wary (Slowbro) @ Eject Button Ability: Regenerator EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Recycle - Slack Off - Ice Beam - Flamethrower
June 23, 2016 - 13:32
Anti-Free (Lucario) @ Life Orb Ability: Steadfast EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Aura Sphere - Blaze Kick - Flash Cannon - Nasty Plot
June 23, 2016 - 13:33
Discount Rotom-W (Lanturn) (M) @ Chesto Berry Ability: Volt Absorb EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA Relaxed Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Volt Switch - Hydro Pump - Scald - Rest
June 23, 2016 - 13:34
RIP me (Shedinja) @ Focus Sash Ability: Wonder Guard EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Lonely Nature - X-Scissor - Shadow Sneak - Toxic - Protect
June 23, 2016 - 13:41
It's manually updated (by me) so it's always gonna be on a bit of a delay.
June 23, 2016 - 13:41
Chernoball (Weezing) @ Black Sludge Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SpA Bold Nature - Clear Smog - Will-O-Wisp - Thunderbolt - Sludge Wave
June 23, 2016 - 13:43
one button bug (Heracross) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Moxie EVs: 112 HP / 252 Atk / 144 Spe Adamant Nature - Megahorn -
June 23, 2016 - 13:43
Cuckconqueror (Unfezant) (M) @ Silk Scarf Ability: Rivalry EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Giga Impact - U-turn - Detect - Wish
June 23, 2016 - 14:13
anything from LC named 'shit chimp'
June 23, 2016 - 14:13
SCREAMING BIRB (Altaria-Mega) @ Altarianite Ability: Pixilate EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Hyper Voice - Ice Beam - Flamethrower - Roost
June 23, 2016 - 14:13
Any Rotom form, including base form.
June 23, 2016 - 14:14
Edmund II Ironside (Nidoking) @ Black Sludge Ability: Sheer Force EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD Adamant Nature - Superpower - Poison Jab - Hone Claws - Ice Punch
June 23, 2016 - 14:14
★payapaberrydrink: new chimp ★payapaberrydrink: apologies for calling it early again
June 23, 2016 - 14:29
A musical warcrime (Kricketune) @ Focus Sash Ability: Technician EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Sticky Web - Taunt - Endeavor - Knock Off
June 23, 2016 - 14:31
CANTKILLTHEMETAL (Steelix) @ Leftovers Ability: Sturdy EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def Impish Nature - Stealth Rock - Roar - Stone Edge - Toxic
June 23, 2016 - 14:32
NOTHING GOES (Smeargle) @ Lum Berry Ability: Technician EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Imprison - Spore - Baton Pass - Power-Up Punch
June 23, 2016 - 14:32
Arceus isn't real and will never crush you with his considerable ass. That's the real ruse here.
June 23, 2016 - 14:37
Arceus does have a pretty nice butt, though.
June 23, 2016 - 14:40
LeoNERDo (Smeargle) (M) @ Focus Sash Ability: Own Tempo EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Counter - Mirror Coat - Taunt - Destiny Bond
June 23, 2016 - 14:40
Oh yeah, you can replace Taunt with anything. Like Magic Coat or Extreme Speed or whatever.
June 23, 2016 - 14:41
A lot of the legendaries do. The ones that are sort of scaly with a blubber ass. Lugia, Palkia, Giratina, etc
June 23, 2016 - 14:44
is that one of kawayoo's works? if so, pic related
June 23, 2016 - 15:14
First suggester decides if OU or AG.
June 23, 2016 - 16:16
We AG now.
Mohammad Wakeem (Glalie) @ Glalitite Ability: Moody EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe Adamant Nature - Explosion - Protect - Rest - Substitute
June 23, 2016 - 16:19
Anything goes away (Blitzle) @ Fighting Gem Ability: Sap Sipper EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Double Kick - Sleep Talk - -
It's slightly faster than smearlge, you can switch into it's spore and kill it or just outright remove it :^)
June 23, 2016 - 16:22
I'LL TRY SPINNING (Hitmontop) @ Chesto Berry Ability: Technician EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Def Adamant Nature - Rest - Sleep Talk - Mach Punch - Pursuit
June 23, 2016 - 16:25
Wait, this was removed in gen 5.
June 23, 2016 - 16:54
Champ it has been 30 minutes since the last sug. Enable re-requests already
June 23, 2016 - 16:57
You dont need my permission. Re-suggests open 15 minutes after your last suggestion. It's been like that for months.
June 23, 2016 - 17:00
r-remove team? (Malamar) @ Choice Band Ability: Contrary EVs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe Jolly Nature - Superpower - Sleep Talk - Destiny Bond - Switcheroo
June 23, 2016 - 17:00
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-anythinggoes-390564376
Fighting Gem is unreleased you fucking idiot. Replaced it with Black Belt. Also, you forgot to evolve him so I replaced him with a Zebstrika.
June 23, 2016 - 17:08
me chimp (Infernape) (M) @ Focus Sash Ability: Blaze EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Stealth Rock - Endeavor - Mach Punch - Overheat
June 23, 2016 - 17:45
El Rato Diablo (Linoone) (M) @ Salac Berry Ability: Gluttony Shiny: Yes Happiness: 0 EVs: 252 Atk / 200 SpD / 56 Spe Adamant Nature - Belly Drum - Last Resort -
June 23, 2016 - 17:45
Sleep tight opp (Sceptile-Mega) @ Sceptilite Ability: Lightning Rod EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Hone Claws - Grass Whistle - Leaf Blade - Dragon Claw
June 23, 2016 - 17:46
Flammenpupper (Arcanine) @Leftovers Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 Spa / 252 Spe / 4 Def Timid or Modest Nature - Sunny Day - Solar Beam - Fire Blast/Flamethrower - Morning Sun
It's flammenpupper, it puppers flammen
June 23, 2016 - 17:50
Re-requesting: BATON PASS CLAUSE (Scizor) (F) @ LeftoversAbility: TechnicianEVs: 248 HP / 60 Def / 200 SpD Impish Nature - Swords Dance - Tailwind - Bullet Punch - Baton Pass
June 23, 2016 - 18:05
This is why you need to rest before a match.
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-ou-390593355
June 23, 2016 - 18:30
DEATH EGG (Blissey) @ Life Orb Ability: Serene Grace EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Blizzard - Fire Blast - Thunder - Soft-Boiled
June 23, 2016 - 18:51
﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽ (Glalie) @ Glalitite Ability: Inner Focus EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Explosion
June 23, 2016 - 18:51
FOSS Dan (Liepard) @ Focus Sash Ability: Prankster EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 SpA Quiet Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Copycat - Assist - Dark Pulse - Encore
June 23, 2016 - 18:52
Popeye (Swampert) (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Torrent EVs: 252 HP / 244 Def / 8 Spe Relaxed Nature - Scald - Earthquake - Stealth Rock - RoarMega him if you don't get a mega.
June 23, 2016 - 18:52
Almost GNU (Bouffalant) @ Assault Vest Ability: Sap Sipper EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD Adamant Nature - Return - Earthquake - Pursuit - Megahorn
Lefties is also a viable item choice, champ preference
June 23, 2016 - 18:54
『MANDOM』 (Mew) @ Leppa Berry Ability: Synchronize EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 76 SpD / 4 Spe Calm Nature - Metronome - Recycle - Roost - Block
June 23, 2016 - 18:55
Addendum. Replace return with Head charge and Sap sipper with Head charge since there's gonna be little to no grass moves in OU
June 23, 2016 - 18:56
Holy fuck, Sap sipper with Reckless*
June 23, 2016 - 18:57
Champ challenged me to the duel. You can't blame me, motherfuckers For killing my memes and relying on Smogon to hustle my hunger All I wanted was a 1200 club membership And to see what it felt like to have a normal team Didn't realize this game fucked up some lives I'm not even claiming champ right now My conscience eats me up all the time but Other than that I'm fine
June 23, 2016 - 20:18
June 23, 2016 - 21:32
FUEL ME (Tauros) @ Focus Sash Ability: Anger Point Happiness: 0 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Endure - Frustration - Earthquake - Endeavor
H-here you go
June 23, 2016 - 21:37
n i can give you 6 mons though
June 23, 2016 - 21:38
Something with Anger Point or Endeavor
June 23, 2016 - 21:38
Mr. Bitesize (Dedenne) @ Petaya Berry Ability: Cheek Pouch EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Substitute - Recycle - Parabolic Charge/Thunderbolt - Grass Knot/Hidden Power Ice
June 23, 2016 - 21:39
give me one or two of them
June 23, 2016 - 21:41
BOOST FAST (Mew) @ Choice Band Ability: Synchronize Jolly Nature - Magic Room - Dynamic Punch - Hone Claws - Soft-Boiled/Rest
June 23, 2016 - 21:42
30% = 100% (Florges-Orange) @ Leftovers Ability: Flower Veil EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD Careful Nature - Grassy Terrain - Secret Power - Synthesis - Magic Coat
June 23, 2016 - 21:43
Sleep tight opp (Sceptile-Mega) @ Sceptilite Ability: Lightning Rod EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Hone Claws - Grass Whistle - Leaf Blade - Dragon Claw
June 23, 2016 - 22:18
REMOVE EOS (Pikachu) @ Light Ball Ability: Moxie EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Extreme Speed - Thunder Punch - Knock Off - Brick Break
we AAA now
June 23, 2016 - 22:18
BREXIT (Breloom) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Technician EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Mach Punch - Force Palm - Rock Tomb - Bullet Seed
June 23, 2016 - 22:22
viable y/n/y
Froslass @ Choice Specs Ability: Sniper EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Frost Breath - - -
June 23, 2016 - 22:22
they are in "Almost any ability" :^)
June 23, 2016 - 22:25
I didn't see chimp say that it's AAA.
June 23, 2016 - 22:27
specs weedle if you need another mon :^)
June 23, 2016 - 22:30
can't to get banned by eos for 'harrassment' again
June 23, 2016 - 22:30
its a fuggin dead mode fam
zero games going on right now
June 23, 2016 - 22:31
AAA? dureido duragon (Hydreigon) @ Leftovers Ability: Super Luck EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Focus Energy - Draco Meteor - Dark Pulse - Fire Blast
2ez lmafao (Mew) @ Rowap Berry Ability: Harvest EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spe Jolly Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Will-O-Wisp - Amnesia - Roost - Iron Defense
June 23, 2016 - 22:31
Alright change this to any mon with a similar moveset and technician.
June 23, 2016 - 22:33
kamp just turn modchat off
June 23, 2016 - 22:43
1. /roomvoice (username)
This lets us talk. Do this for every single person. If someone's unregistered, tell them in chat.
2. /publicroom
This lets us enter the room.
June 23, 2016 - 22:43
leppaberrydrink was muted by Zangooser for 7 minutes. (troll) OY VEY, THIS SITE IS ANTI-SEMETIC
June 23, 2016 - 22:52
June 23, 2016 - 23:00
Anything goes away (Blitzle) @ Expert Belt Ability: Sap Sipper EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Double Kick - Sleep Talk - -
I want to see it remove darkrais
June 23, 2016 - 23:02
FREE PICK but it has to have Magic bounce.
June 23, 2016 - 23:03
June 23, 2016 - 23:03
FUCK AG (Magmortar) @ Assault Vest Ability: Vital Spirit EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpA / 8 SpD Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def - Clear Smog - Focus Blast - Hidden Power [Ice] - Fire Blast
June 23, 2016 - 23:03
what is that ability? this is AAA, change that shit.
June 23, 2016 - 23:04
MemeEgg (Blissey) @ Leppa Berry Ability: Serene Grace EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD Bold Nature - Recycle - Minimize - Soft-Boiled - Metronome
June 23, 2016 - 23:04
Too late now you have to play in AG
June 23, 2016 - 23:08
AAAAAAAAAA (Dragonite) @ Focus Sash Ability: Anger Point EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Extreme Speed - Endure - Roost - Power-Up Punch
June 23, 2016 - 23:08
replace with .
This is a legit change request by the op.
June 23, 2016 - 23:10
Swap ability to Compound Eyes then.
June 23, 2016 - 23:11
If AAA, replace with:
A lot of days in AAA (Jirachi) @ Leppa Berry Ability: Shell Armor EVs: 248 HP / 228 SpD / 32 Spe Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Cosmic Power - Rest - Sleep Talk - Recycle
June 23, 2016 - 23:13
You do this every single time. I'm unoffically banning you from fullderp. Get the fuck out.
June 23, 2016 - 23:26
AAA never again just tell chimp to go to balanced hackmons if you want to fuck about with abilities
June 23, 2016 - 23:28
I'll be the chimp we need Mono First suggestion
June 23, 2016 - 23:37
I don't have any memes prepped yet but I'm thinking mono bug or steel
June 23, 2016 - 23:38
Big Bang (Snorlax) @ Custap Berry Ability: Gluttony EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD Adamant Nature - Belly Drum - Self-Destruct - -
June 23, 2016 - 23:39
any fairy with gay moves called "gay shit". If I think that the moves are not gay enough you'll get weedles next team
June 23, 2016 - 23:39
OPUFF (Slurpuff) @ Sitrus Berry Ability: Unburden EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Belly Drum - Play Rough - Drain Punch - Wish
Monotype, fairy.
June 23, 2016 - 23:39
shig, ok stall seed whimsicott if no mega, mega-audino otherwise
June 23, 2016 - 23:40
Flesh Ribbons (Sylveon) @ Leftovers Ability: Pixilate EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD Adamant Nature - Return - Quick Attack - Rest - Curse
June 23, 2016 - 23:41
June 23, 2016 - 23:42
Support Inc (Audino-Mega) @ Audinite Ability: Klutz EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD Modest Nature - Skill Swap - Substitute - Hyper Voice - Draining Kiss
June 23, 2016 - 23:43
The Chimp
His sweet, sweet bananas.
June 23, 2016 - 23:43
pls no, I already have an audino-mega
June 23, 2016 - 23:43
I have three fucking audinos stop this
June 23, 2016 - 23:44
You had an audino or whimsicott suggestion, make that one whimsicott.
June 23, 2016 - 23:44
Then make that a stall seed Whimsy, because now you have a Mega.
June 23, 2016 - 23:44
Because then Return wouldn't be a stab.
Plus then steel and poison rape.
Lax best normal.
June 23, 2016 - 23:44
I see nothing wrong with this.
June 23, 2016 - 23:45
What? Only two were requested, if you're talking about request and you deciding to make that Audino, well then tough luck nerd go make it like a fuckin Dedenne or something I don't fucking know
June 23, 2016 - 23:46
choice scarf Togekiss name it gameofskill
June 23, 2016 - 23:46
Guess you'll have to go AG
June 23, 2016 - 23:46
Uhh thanks but I know where the teambuilder is.
June 23, 2016 - 23:47
Champ, you're not even in-game and you're already shitting the bed
June 23, 2016 - 23:48
Did this Champ even exist? I feel like it was some sort of autistic fever dream.
June 24, 2016 - 00:15
This was Champ. He went MIA.
June 24, 2016 - 00:16
By the way, since this guy left and apparently so did the guy who hijacked his account to finish the game this guy is getting impeached.
I'll Champ in his stead, we'll go back to OU for a bit and then go to a different tier.
June 24, 2016 - 00:17
Mega Luvdisc (Alomomola) @ Assault Vest Ability: Regenerator EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 200 Def / 48 SpD Relaxed Nature - Knock Off - Aqua Jet - Mirror Coat - Scald
June 24, 2016 - 00:20
Jirachi @ Occa Berry Ability: Serene Grace EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Rain Dance - Water Pulse - Thunder - Moonblast / Wish
change item/evs/nature if you want. note that this is still a parafuse set though :^)
June 24, 2016 - 00:20
Sleep tight opp (Sceptile-Mega) @ Sceptilite Ability: Lightning Rod EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Hone Claws - Grass Whistle - Leaf Blade - Dragon Claw
June 24, 2016 - 00:24
Assisted Suicide (Bronzong) @ Rocky Helmet Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Block - Rest - Iron Defense - Confuse Ray
June 24, 2016 - 00:26
Smug Totem (Xatu) @ Choice Specs Ability: Magic Bounce EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Future Sight - Heat Wave - Dazzling Gleam - Air Slash
June 24, 2016 - 00:26
June 24, 2016 - 01:25
Mohammad Wakeem (Glalie) @ Glalitite Ability: Moody EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe Adamant Nature - Explosion - Protect - Rest - Substitute
June 24, 2016 - 01:25
Tentacle Joe (Octillery) (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Moody EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Octazooka - Protect - Thunder Wave - Substitute
June 24, 2016 - 01:25
r-remove team? (Malamar) @ Choice Band Ability: Contrary EVs: 52 HP / 252 Atk / 204 Spe Jolly Nature - Superpower - Sleep Talk - Destiny Bond - Switcheroo
June 24, 2016 - 01:26
aegislash with double team or protean greninja with priority and double team
June 24, 2016 - 01:28
resugg: lugia or whicheever of these you didn't use
June 24, 2016 - 01:46
New champ, I'm tired of this shit.
June 24, 2016 - 02:42
bunnies are cute they are bouncy dogs
June 24, 2016 - 03:50
I hate how Boogie draws penises, the veins are too fucking big, they ftreak me ou. Fuchur did this shit too.
June 24, 2016 - 07:38
I will champ a bit I guess.
June 24, 2016 - 08:08
Also meta is AG, AAA or OU. First sugg decides
June 24, 2016 - 08:08
balkgar if you know what's that, otherwise anything with reflect type
June 24, 2016 - 08:10
A Dancing Flower (Bellossom) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Chlorophyll Shiny: Yes IVs: 0 Atk - Giga Drain - Leech Seed - Synthesis - Toxic
June 24, 2016 - 08:14
Use this one A Dancing Flower (Bellossom) (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Chlorophyll Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Giga Drain - Leech Seed - Synthesis - Toxic
June 24, 2016 - 08:16
If you get a hazard setter, Merry-Go-Round. If you don't, a hazard setter.
June 24, 2016 - 08:17
A Pretty Flower! (Sunflora) @ Leftovers Ability: Early Bird EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Rest - Sleep Talk - Grassy Terrain - Leech Seed
June 24, 2016 - 08:25
Hyperspherical (Walrein) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Thick Fat EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Ice Ball - Earthquake - Rollout - Waterfall
June 24, 2016 - 08:35
Spamming chat is rude tbh
June 24, 2016 - 08:51
leppaberrydrink is a colossal faggot
June 24, 2016 - 09:12
'cuckchan' sounds like a really evil thing to call someone, are you all upset like this all the time?
Didn't even realize until now, feels gud
June 24, 2016 - 09:15
Call a duck a duck, call a cuck a cuck.
Enjoy your NSA spyware website.
June 24, 2016 - 09:15
You were owned by a cuck who sold you out to someone else, and you took it like the cuckolds you are.
June 24, 2016 - 09:18
owned by moot because I visited his website a few times?
this is insane, i love it.
you guys are obsessed with cuckoldry
June 24, 2016 - 09:20
new champ, I gotta do something But be glad, we beat cuckderp and they got so fucking flustered they came here.
June 24, 2016 - 09:31
Cuckchanner, ladies and gentlemen.
June 24, 2016 - 09:39
lol, y'all are some funny kids
June 24, 2016 - 09:40
heh .,.,., nothin personnel to you too
June 24, 2016 - 09:42
Glad to see Fullderp is still doing what it does best.
June 24, 2016 - 10:28
Cuckchan is just hilarious
June 24, 2016 - 10:31
Bullying is a valid strategy, though. It's just doesn't always work.
June 24, 2016 - 10:35
That was supposed to be bullying? It just looked like butthurt chat spam to me
June 24, 2016 - 10:37
Well, it was, but the term has broad definitions.
June 24, 2016 - 10:39
An exact copy of anything on your team, satan.
June 24, 2016 - 10:43
Oh hey. Satan Trips.
Guess you are getting a Giratina then.
June 24, 2016 - 10:44
anything with Seismic Toss or Night Shade and a combined HP/Def/SpD bulk of 300 or higher
June 24, 2016 - 10:52
Decided to make a small modification.
June 24, 2016 - 10:53
here 4 hazards only tbh (Skarmory) @ Life Orb Ability: Weak Armor EVs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Spe Adamant Nature - Swords Dance - Roost - Brave Bird - Iron Head
June 24, 2016 - 11:55
No chimp yet you facking morane
June 24, 2016 - 11:56
June 24, 2016 - 11:56
bump for chimp where chimp we need chimp
June 24, 2016 - 12:13
Sexyeon (Sylveon) (F) @ Pixie Plate Ability: Pixilate EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD Adamant Nature - Last Resort - Retaliate - -
June 24, 2016 - 12:57
I'm just in time
Primal fun (Sableye-Mega) @ Sablenite Ability: Prankster EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD Calm Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Flatter - Psych Up - Recover - Dazzling Gleam
June 24, 2016 - 12:57
SONG OF MY PEOPLE (Politoed) @ Leftovers Ability: Water Absorb EVs: 160 HP / 96 Def / 252 SpD Calm Nature - Whirlpool - Perish Song - Protect - Sweet Kiss
June 24, 2016 - 12:58
Fuck Zarel, I wanted to see the cucks ride the merry go round again.
June 24, 2016 - 13:04
trick room LO Slowbro called fastbro
June 24, 2016 - 13:05
spam is a legitimate tactic to hide one's shame it seems
June 24, 2016 - 13:13
so we cucked 4chan again? good
June 24, 2016 - 13:28
sub (°)> for benis' suggestion
June 24, 2016 - 13:32
tfw those damn kids get off your lawn so good
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-ou-390928283
June 24, 2016 - 13:49
My birb has the best boyfriend.
June 24, 2016 - 14:07
I SHALL CHAMP for a little bit
June 24, 2016 - 14:08
June 24, 2016 - 14:08
I know ;-; See Fucking cunts banned one of bug's best mons. Oh no, can't have mono bug getting too strong. Can't just ban it on steel teams, that'd be unfair, bug needs to suffer too. Fuck smogon.
June 24, 2016 - 14:18
Can we have another specs worm?
June 24, 2016 - 14:20
The double dubs wills it.
June 24, 2016 - 14:23
Sure. How about a specs wormadam? :^)
June 24, 2016 - 14:27
Still need memes? Have a Mew.
June 24, 2016 - 14:28
Wait, I wasn't paying attention. We buges? Have a Scyther.
June 24, 2016 - 14:29
If champ wants this instead of my wormadam, that's fine.
June 24, 2016 - 14:31
those two worms are a free pick if you win a game
June 24, 2016 - 14:40
KKKanada (Magmortar) @ Life Orb Ability: Flame Body EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Mild Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def - Fire Blast - Thunderbolt - Focus Blast - Hidden Power [Ice]
June 24, 2016 - 15:30
ok weedle Just kidding, get something with magic coat
June 24, 2016 - 15:30
Something with Reflect Type
June 24, 2016 - 15:32
Anything that's immune to (or at least resistant) to the biggest weakness of the rest of your team.
June 24, 2016 - 15:34
Winter-chan (Glalie) (F) @ Glalitite Ability: Inner Focus Happiness: 0 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Explosion - Frustration - Ice Shard - Avalanche
June 24, 2016 - 15:45
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-ou-390979682
We made it safely out of 1200. Now we're in IT'S A FUCKING HITMONCHAN territory!
June 24, 2016 - 16:00
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-ou-390986799
"One mistake and it's over against me… kid…"
June 24, 2016 - 16:19
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-ou-390987283
Why even chimp if no one wants to watch me play?
June 24, 2016 - 16:20
June 24, 2016 - 16:35
Kecleon @ Assault Vest Ability: Protean EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Sassy Nature - Fake Out - Shadow Sneak - Power-Up Punch - Drain Punch
June 24, 2016 - 16:35
Winter-chan (Glalie) (F) @ Glalitite Ability: Inner Focus Happiness: 0 EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Explosion - Frustration - Ice Shard - Avalanche
Re-requesting because the entire point of this set was the mega, and she only went mega in a battle we already won.
June 24, 2016 - 16:35
Forgot Name (Omastar) @ White Herb Ability: Shell Armor EVs: 20 HP / 252 SpA / 236 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Shell Smash - Wring Out - Brine - Reflect Type
June 24, 2016 - 16:36
I forgot to mention, give it King's Rock
June 24, 2016 - 16:38
The Metal (Aggron) @ Rocky Helmet Ability: Heavy Metal EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Careful Nature - Heavy Slam - Earthquake - Endure - Rock Polish
Finally caught it before the team was finished.
June 24, 2016 - 16:41
GET OUT (Dusclops) @ Eviolite/Leftovers Ability: Pressure Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA Quiet Nature - Metronome - Taunt - Torment - Infestation
June 24, 2016 - 16:46
This is not the greatest meme in the world.
June 24, 2016 - 16:47
This is depressing to think about. It's like seeing a leftovers Chansey, but worse.
June 24, 2016 - 16:48
Gave it protect.
Your meme waited like, three teams to see some action but at the end of the day you couldn't even be assed to test it first? Pathetic.
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-ou-390997650
June 24, 2016 - 16:49
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-ou-391001225
Maybe now he'll understand why I never megaed his shitmon.
June 24, 2016 - 16:59
Okay so, Turns out my version of The Metal is shit.
Also replace Protect/Endure iwth Rest.
June 24, 2016 - 17:04
Chimp, you can make it jolly if you want
June 24, 2016 - 17:06
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-ou-391010219
Mario isn't bad but I never liked the slippery movement. I'm more of a Megaman Zero kind of person.
June 24, 2016 - 17:24
play.pokemonshowdown.com /battle-ou-391016621
On the bright side, we're not getting back to 1200 any time soon. God I hate that place.
June 24, 2016 - 17:43
June 24, 2016 - 17:48
have a RU
Hotpocket-Unbound (Emboar) @ Leftovers Ability: Blaze EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def Adamant Nature - Heavy Slam - Heat Crash - Substitute - Focus Punch
June 24, 2016 - 17:51
Hank the Tank (Chesnaught) @ Leftovers Ability: Bulletproof EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Leech Seed - Substitute - Spiky Shield - Toxic
June 24, 2016 - 17:52
The Dude (Gliscor) @ Toxic Orb Ability: Poison Heal EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Swords Dance - Baton Pass - Fling - Acrobatics
June 24, 2016 - 17:53
Alternatively, if you're gay, you can have a Specs Starmie with Analytic instead.
June 24, 2016 - 17:53
Flesh Payot (Blissey) @ Leftovers Ability: Serene Grace EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpA Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Charge Beam - Flamethrower - Ice Beam - Soft-Boiled
June 24, 2016 - 17:54
Mightyena @ Choice Scarf Ability: Moxie EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Me First - Thunder Fang - Fire Fang - Ice Fang
Please give it a witty name.
June 24, 2016 - 17:55
NEVER EVER (Steelix) @ Leftovers Ability: Sturdy Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD Bold Nature - Block - Ancient Power - Taunt - Iron Head
June 24, 2016 - 17:56
June 24, 2016 - 18:53
Champ put up a valiant effort, but on Friday, June 26th, 2016 at 2255 hours, Smogon's Disease claimed his life. He will be missed.
June 24, 2016 - 19:58
June 24, 2016 - 21:43
three eyes :DDD (Magneton) @ Salac Berry Ability: Sturdy EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Naive Nature - Psych Up - Thunderbolt - Spark - Explosion
June 24, 2016 - 21:44
you know what, I haven't seen snips in weeks, have a snips
June 24, 2016 - 21:46
Thunder King Raou (Electabuzz) (M) @ Eviolite Ability: Vital Spirit EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk / 30 Def - Magnet Rise - Hidden Power [Ice] - Volt Switch - Thunder
June 24, 2016 - 21:58
what the fuck does snips mean, scizor?
June 24, 2016 - 21:59
Jesus christ summer is real.
June 24, 2016 - 22:01
Citizen Snips (Drapion) (M) @ Black Sludge Ability: Battle Armor EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Acupressure - Rest - Sleep Talk - Knock Off
June 24, 2016 - 22:04
someone else resuggest, i can't think of any good memes right now
June 24, 2016 - 22:12
tiny man in gay bug (Scizor-Mega) @ Scizorite Ability: Technician EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe Bold Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Baton Pass - Agility - Silver Wind - Roost
June 24, 2016 - 22:15
some things you always remember
June 24, 2016 - 22:39