
How did America not become communist in the 60s/70s? They seemed pretty close.
This was typical anti-American propaganda on TV:

Nowadays if someone tried to air that on TV, they would be rightfully compared to the Soviets.

Other urls found in this thread:

America is closer to commies now. The only reason it aired is because hollywood is commie bastards.

(((They))) were never able to disarm the population.

McCarthy was right.

Their subversion has been so subtle that (apparently) people don't realize it happened.
Read "The Ordeal of Otto Otepka" for a civil servant's firsthand account of how internal security and vetting government employees for commies was dismantled by FDR and continued by "based" JFK. you won't though

Are you fucking retarded? America needed the Unions, why are all jobs so fucking shitty now?

You can have a good economy without worker's council, you red piece of shit.

sage before replying to a dogshit thread

faggot, there is a difference between being a red and standing for workers rights. do you even know where the fuck you are? we're socialists, nationalist (etho-nationalist) socialists for white volk only.

if you want to make the greedy rich who don't give a fuck about race and would embrace a nigger with money before they embrace you, then you can fuck right off to

or any other ancap or cuckservitive thread

fuck off and never come back


user the unions were in conjunction with the corporations and the government in fighting communism in Vietnam like they fought the Germans in (((WW2))).

They locked out blacks and young people didn't support the war so there wasn't a connection between the hippie shit and the actual workers.

Half the people in that syndicalist propaganda are literally niggers.

yeah but they were second class citizens back then

Implying we didn’t.

Get out.

Yes, goy, the unions are fighting for the worker´s rights. Trust me.

It's ironic. It's always the well-off that want to be Marxists and the poor and dumb as shit that want total capitalism. You need fucking unions or you end up with exactly where we are now, most people barely having enough to get by. Yes you get Tammany Hall corruption but it's a fucking shame they tore that shit down because workers wages and bargaining power has plummeted like a fucking rock. Then you add globalism onto that and a global market of employees and everyone gets fucked. At least Trump is fighting globalism and canceling shitty trade deals, but we need unions to come back and come back strong and if you faggots want to work at a gas station for $9 an hour and get robbed by niggers you can.

Because few people int he US have had it bad enough to seriously become commies. The only commies are contrarian upper middle class kids.

That commercial is from 1978 so it would have been after the cucking, since your OP made it seem like you were asking why didn't America have a socialist revolution in the 60s.

By the late 70s the Arabs had crashed the economy with the oil embargo, (((affirmative action))) had been brought into existence, Jimmy Carter was president and the rot was everywhere in American society.

And one case doesn't show an antecedent. The one good "nigger" argument doesn't excuse other niggers and one lazy piece of shit that sits comfortably doesn't disclose the fact that people need the ability to unionize and tell rich cocksucking boomer greedy faggots (and kikes) to fuck off and pay better wages and give better benefits for low level jobs.

Trade unions are inherently Marxist. They want to unite workers. Be it within our borders or even internationally.
Having all white union is not foreseeable any time soon. So that means dealing with at best an American-centered union with a bunch of niggers and spics competing against white people for decent jobs.

I completely agree but unions, the ability to have fair pay and get training and be treated like a person and not a slave should be a right (for whites) in a white nation. Have you ever worked a shitty factory job?

I fucking have. I hurt my back after four months hauling heavy steel shit hundreds of times a day. It's fucking slavery. Oversees companies set shit up, make thousands of dollars and give out pennies to gangbangers, single moms and anybody who desperately needs a job and a way out. Now I work a lowly government job that unionized and can sit back and chill.

This is why communism never works.

No you kick all the spics out and tame the niggers and crush trade deals. Then you reinstate unions.

Let me ask you this. Unless we go heavy-handed Keynesian and force the economy to be fixed with massive infrastructure and labor reward programs like Hitler did (as well as abolish the central bank), there is no legitimate way for now, for a dumb as shit person to argue for a living. Protesting won't work either.

The thing is, you live in your little fucking bubble, thinking that all socialism is bad. Marxism is fucking terrible. Socialism has a few merits FOR WHITES, you cum guzzling nigger.

Never said it did, but I believe 90% of all jobs under $14 should be unionized. Above that, nah, you can live decently if you try above that. I don't know what fucking jobs you guys work now. It's crazy. How the fuck do you not want the right to argue for a decent wage? I'm so fucking confused man, this is lefty-pol level of stupidity.

yes mr. shekel man, enslave me… let me work super hard for you in a super competitive market… please dont fire me… pay me just the minimum you can becuz im a wage cuck

oh wait… ur all fucking neets (like i was) and the laws of economics and basic human rights dont apply to you.


im not arguing that, that ad was good. it was dogshit propaganda, im arguing for the right for unions for poor people to stand up to abusive elements of capitalism that naturally stand out. is marxism preferable. no… of course not…

but capitalism like all systems has its goods and its bads… fascism is preferable… but if ur stuck with what ur stuck with, you need some level of unionization

Make it some sort of heritage group, the blacks and the mexicans have their advocacy groups. The Irish and the Italians used to have their shit in the past before being absorbed into the (((melting pot))).

Watching that union vid, it's all so clear now how unions basically imploded here in the US. You can't get all those gibs for free, the money has to come from somewhere. Problem is, a union-saddled company can't compete against a non-union one, since it has a much lower operating cost. That's why most unions that exist in the US nowadays are in state and federal areas, since they don't care about their budget as much/at all.

Unions are much more common in (((Europe))). Now they're getting overwhelmed by Muslims.

an alternative to unions is possible.
When you consider the makeup of the board of directors of a corporation you instantly see that the worker has no representation. If the workers of a corporation had direct and significant representation on the board the effect would be similar to that of unions.

Get out, kike. Global report.
Nah, can’t possibly be the Federal Reserve’s fault or anything…
Get out, kike.
So marxism. Get out, kike.
Get out, kike.

False global reports result in dismissed valid local reports. Dont do that.

The unions used to actually work with management to get shit done for a while before being taken over by criminals who striked all the time. The automotive industry was being destroyed by the Germans and the Japanese, and in the case of the Germans they had an integrated union-management structure (though they had advantages with a lower currency value / making of smaller more efficient cars).

Then they became decadent.

And thus user you hit the nail on the head.
Workers can never compete with slaves in terms of economics.
This is why the developed nations need to cut off trade ties with nations that have weaker workers rights.
Cut all trade ties to China except for resources we can't get, then we can start getting wage increases that at least match inflation along with better working conditions.

Opinion discarded.

Trump supports Right to Work laws and for a good reason. Unions should be weakened. It only ends up supporting lazy brown people.

user, stop letting them get away with this.

The mega unions need to be broken up.
Unions like Unite over here in the UK are absurdly big and cover too much. Uncle of mine got fucked by them when he took a union solicitor to handle his injury claim against the local council he worked for and later the NHS hospital that fucked his treatment up.
Cos Unite represented him and the people he worked for AND the staff at the hospital it didn't want to fuck any of them over.
So it just fucked him instead. Leaving him with no compensation and permanent damage to his leg.

But if we cut off the access to slave labour?
Unions need to do less as employers have to compete to obtain workers in the developed world.

I guess you must have missed the last tree decades, america is currently one of the most communist countries on earth. No privacy, welfare state, social control disguised as "social justice", crumbling economy, jewish military dictatorship behind the scenes, emasculation of males, priviledged minorities, unnacountable bureocrats, central planning…

Thank fucking god.
Any union that forces people to pay fees or be fired is a union that shouldn't fucking exist.


It's an issue with the size of the union. Unite is massive and covers everything from council binmen to doctors to aircraft technical manual writers.
If it didn't represent so many people it wouldn't have to do shit like that.
A union should cover a single place of work or a group of similar workers in a set geographic area.

Too many people who had fought in WW2 and Korean War still alive. People hated Communists more than the Nazis for the most part. That's why they turned to mass indoctrination into the holohoax at that time.

user how can you get more union dues if you don't expand like a cancer?

Nigger you don't need unions in a nationalist system. Kill yourself. I have worked in a trade union and they are all ran by Marxist faggots who rent seek on their membership who are usually not as left leaning.

That's right, things just happen to you. Don't get any funny ideas about agency, goy.

It's full of delusional retards who think that identify politics isn't going to isolate the working class and chalk up another reason why Communism is retarded.

More like gouging retards who are being conditioned to sabotage any legitimate efforts to awaken the working class to try a different ideology.

It seems you cant. What, your rich boyfriend didnt marry you after taking your money?. Ooh, too bad for you cucks.

The name of the book escapes me now but it was something like "the conservative legal movement ". In it, they described that the big institutions of the time, led by the Ford Foundation, recognized that they'd have to give voting women and minorities something.

To ensure that the women and minorities chose the right path (not economic communism) the institutions ideologically steered the country toward the path we're on now - a sort of social communism - through sponsoring professorships and grants to universities - especially top law schools etc.

They saw themselves as saving the country at the time.

yeah, yeah germany does that. I actually forgot about that, that works too.

europe is fucked

this is the sort of cuckservative imbecile we get crawling up here. fuck off trash, back to whatever ancap forum you feel most comfortable

this is what I hate. I don't think half these idiots recognize social communism. Instead they want white men competing with each other and the global market. The whole world knows what happens once white men unite, we take it over and quick.