Antifa are domestic terrorists.
Antifa are domestic terrorists.
Antifa are domestic terrorists.
Antifa are domestic terrorists.
Antifa are domestic terrorists.
Antifa are domestic terrorists.
Other urls found in this thread:
Racist. Hand. Symbols.
More and more armored /ourguys/ showing up. I wish a commie would.
What a fucking faggot. Need new stream.
We meme'd too hard.
At this point, I'm curious to see what's next we'll meme into existence. Can we get antifa to give up pork and chicken, because "it's white meat"?
what a pussy
Anyone have a new stream?
I wonder if this guy will be there again?
kek what a fag
Dude literally cannot stop camwhoring though
Isn't there like 4 antifa? What riot is there going to be.
This streamer is a fucking faggot.
Nathan really, really needs to lay off the weed. He just went full stoner retard.
That's a better stream. Thanks m8.
low energy
Gandhi is an ineffective statist patriarchal racist confirmed.
I'm watching the Tim Pool stream, and it might just be what he's showing, but it doesn't seem like anything is going to kick off. It seems like Antifa is outnumbered the our side is just too prepared for it.
For sure even I didn't expect this many people. Antifa is FUCKED! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
if they do show itll be all at once
now this will be a good test to see how quickly they can organize considering this event was planned last minute
Are they forcing people to remove masks?
If so, that will BT everliving FO of antifaβ¦
No just the Asian guy because we want that yellow fever bird flu to spread
Oh god, is this nigger serious? Does he ACTUALLY believe that they'll make antifa remove their masks?
At work, can't follow. Will things escalate? Antifa sighted?
its pretty gay so far brah
Aren't there e-celeb fags speaking at some point? I assume Antifa will come then
Anifa are there if you can call it that. THere are maybe 5 plus crowd scouts in neon green hats and a few other spies. It really looks like they are pussing out.
I heard someone else say that, so maybe
no, they pussed out hardcore. Offhand reports of a bust of some fags with m80s, uncorroborated
If they won't remove them, we will do it for them
Timmy has gotis man.
Literally reddit.
Damn. Had Ann not canceled I'm sure things would have faired differently. But Antifa sure is letting Nazis walk their streets so here's to hoping they can't help themselves and things pop off.
Yeah, the whole lot of Twitter royalty will be there attention whoring. I personally don't give a fuck about any of them, or whatever book they're selling. I'm watch purely to see unrest.
Tim should just find someone debating and film it, even if they don't want to be filmed. Give us the debate.
why are asian americans so gay? grorious indigenous nippons aren't that gay
Go figure, AAPA on the scene.
The piercing would suggest no.
Tim is dead.
Jesus fuck Tim's shitty stream sucks someone post a better one
thank you user, I love this guy
Bless you user! great stream. Any guesses on how many of us are there?
Not a livestream.
thats a law? wtf?
no sign thats 30x30 or larger without prior auth? that sounds like bullshit
Why don't they just ban fun
cam whore and ased stick man on water filter mans channel
If they could they would
got it from Jack Posobiec twatter
My guess: They'll show up after the speeches are over, and start attacking small groups of people going home with their guard down.
There's gotta be like 300 of our people there at least.
what is this sorcery?
sage for off topic kinda
This is what I see happening. A line of people all in black "protesting" and one will step out and hit a random person with a flagpole or something, then slip back in the crowd.
He's probably a hapa and thus mentally unstable.
Oi Vey, goyim! How dare you care about something?! Why don't you nihilism, you oppressive shitlord!
Might as well go naked.
sage - from old thread, my bad
Let's see them criticize the antifa who come in from Portland and Seattle.
Since talk has started about tactics and strategy going on, I think a ganksquad of RWDS members who grab, restrain and photograph as many antifa people as possible.
Maybe ziptie their hands behind their back for good measure.
An obsolete adblocker
Screwed quite a few hapa chicks, can conform
Don't you understand, they're here to stop hate. It's totally different.
Ms.Petmybone very nice.
Lauren Southern now live on periscope:
Antifa are Liberal Terrorists
Push the #LiberalTerrorist branding rather than 'domestic terrorist'
That would be nice. Is that from today?
I hope Antifa shows up and beats on these cucks
2 birds, 1 stone
I know it isn't ideal.
normally there's only 2 max so something out of norm happened
recs for alternative?
That's rich coming from a POS probably supporting mass immigration
Liberals? #triggered
if dubs Shabbos McInnes gets into an actual fight and cries
I've been informed by someone in the military that they are on standby for any domestic issue not national guard, military/army etc. that if the cops can't handle any of these antifa they are ready to deploy to handle it.
Gavin McFaggot has such little self restraint. I'm amazed he hasn't gotten himself killed yet.
That is fake.
Liberals are trying to disassociate themselves from Antifa. We need to keep them linked together.
No it isn't. That's a common commie phrase.
You better not be teasing me boy.
Antifa does actually hate liberals, though. They see the liberals as holding them back because they aren't pro violence enough.
I'm 100% not joking at all, He just absolutely confirmed it with me, his unit is on standby for domestic riots
Trust not the MAGA thot.
Jesus christ those teeth
Big Boss: Cake Eater
Which unit
can we stop doing this
The 151st LARP squad.
Any stream where the streamer isn't a camwwhore
car full of antifa Arrested LMAO btfoed b4 they could even start apparently
nigger man
nigger man
does whatever a nigger can
They may very well be on standby, but I doubt they will actually be called to action even if things get fairly bad.
The Liberals are very pro violence. I think wikileaks clearly showed that.
Why can't these assholes hold nigger hours? Not near as comfy without a scotch.
oh shit, KEK'd
top kek is Brittany dare I say?
he doesn't want me to say, but he said that I can tell you its 10th mountain
Expect the mayor to step down soon.
Name confirmed.
none as of yet just here say
It was said on the stream, supposedly police scanner.
Looks like a cross of fetal alcohol syndrome and the downs mate.
Eh, everything went right until this.
Boredom dubs say Antifa gets obliterated
Why would the mayor step down? He probably made the police actually do something this time because we spread the word that he was a commie sympathizer. Now he has to make an example of Antifa to prove his "innocence".
hes stage 3 right now, so 36 hour notice
neat, they're evolving
Checked for truth.
You don't beg for dubs, nigga. Kek decides to give them to you.
They'll attack the people on their way home.
So which part is stationed in Cali?
thanks 4chan
Like to stream
Whats the best stream currently?
More people need to call Tim a spic.
not stationed in cali but ready to respond in the case of a domestic crisis
Definitely a bomb sniffing dog.
Thanks mate!
He's worse than a spic. He's hapa. He said he was at least part Korean in one of his recent videos.
Kek confirms antifa ambushes on homegoing patriots. Stay safe, anons.
I hear bagpipes
Is it just background music?
imagine if antifa never shows
im gonna need evidence for this
yea, take the scenic route home
But it's their streets. They must defend them!
Reminder that some of us can't into periscopes or even streams, please be kind and occasionally describe what's going on for the tube impaired
fucking hell millie weaver is annoying. that voice is shrill as fuck.
It's their getup. Notice how they're always hanging around the antifa-like folks with masks around their necks. I participated heavily in Occupy in Chicago and NYC for the first year; they were there to give legal advice for those that were being violent and those who chose not to. Discussed red and green zones, et cetera.
Tim rambling on like a faggot, panning the camera around with nothing happening.
Don't worry, if something big happens there'll probably be a bunch of posts about it
They were following people at Gainesville yesterday. I got the cops on one group that was following someone to their car, and then they tried to follow me when I left. Gave them a good runaround.
i got u coverd
cheers somthing to be noted for future digging
Here we fucking go boys!
Which stream is the best right now?
I'm concerned they've convinced themselves of using guerilla tactics after getting high and staring at someone's Che shirt.
Expect attacks to not be covered at all and dismissed as conspiracy theory or "lone wolf" when they are.
I hope you faggots are ready
Nothing happening yet. People keep saying "Antifa is coming" but they haven't showed yet.
Journalism at its finest
left it inside yer mum's cunt you illiterate cancer
Who else is /plugged-in/ here?
Ann Coulter 5 minutes out. Surprise speech.
I would be, but I'm at work. I'm stuck on one monitor for both productivity and fun.
I just got home. Have i missed anything? Any Clashes? Any lel's and keks?
There are cops scattered around and a helo watching the place
I got 3 monitors of autism
aww shit nigga
Thanks bud
Gas yourself kike.
No clashes. No big keks. Tim Pool is using the port-o-john.
You need tiling WMs for full happening HQ autism.
dat generator
Apparently Police reporting a 242 over the radio, meaning a battery has occurred.
it was only posted 5 times you meme spouting mongoloid. how's it feel to want to fit in so badly and yet stick out like a tumor?
get off the steps dummies
Wow, a lot more people showed up.
seriously consider finding a rope
Fucking feels good.
antifa has arrived?
Dude better not be lying, I'm fucking excited for this shit.
smart broadcasters would roam the perimeter, not the speech that's getting covered 5 times over by better cams
Can't antifags just do something and get their ass kicked already?
based e-celeb man
What is the Pepsi meme? I'm out of touch with this e-celeb shit
wasnt there an user the other night saying to watch for him in the KEK cape?
Rumor has it that a bunch of them got v& on route.
This fucking speaker is cancer.
I feel nothing but shame.
I thought that our speakers were going to be better than the lefties.
Call them what they are, (((COMMUNISTS))) at every opportunity!
(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, Β§β―3, 68 Stat. 776.)
We must have them recognized as a communist organization! Communists have NO RIGHTS OR PROTECTIONS under US law!
She's 14 but not 88.
in b4 whole event was sponced by Pepsi
the religion of Kek is spreading fast, we will soon be a national religion
I know that, but they can't be the only ones.
Mocking recent pepsi ad featuring protests.
that bad huh? it's cool, i'm sure your social media friends are impressed.
So I was away for half an hour, is there any chance for violence left? Seems pretty boring right now.
He just said the oath keepers are there. I wonder if they're strapped?
Cucked Alaska.
fucking normies
I hate normalfags
Baked Alaska could have much better talking points tbh. this whole thing reeks of normies
Degenerate Alaska.
Care to start up a discussion on >>>/tok/
Brilliant marketing campaign.
It actually reeks of people who either believe they're bigger than the concept, or people trying to get some e-fame.
e celebs are worse than hollywood celebrities
it had to be said
Holla Forums is controlled by shills and Tavistock. Their main goal is to d&c. Exodus is necessary.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Fuck these trump cucks
civic nationalism is disgusting
tok doesn't seem to active, but I'd be glad to drop by and maybe discuss how to spread it.
well alright
e-celebs probably don't rape children
nigger, what are you doing?!
here we go
kill yourself
God damn it.
Small userbase, highly dedicated.
Off yourself
I am getting the feeling antifa will not show
all celebs are cancer though
Gavin is in the bathroom inserting his buttplug
get the fuck off this board, civic nationalism is cancer
Are you stupid or something? Antifa actually does hate liberals. It's possible for a group on the left to hate another group on the left, just as its possible for you to hate cuckservatives
Same. Antiag's cucked out.
stop shilling your board in antifa threads
he probably bought a communist made MLP one for irony.
I wouldn't be surprised if he got up to speak and spread his asscheaks and shit out a dildo.
so what's the point of this rally?
Trying to bait antifa.
To sell books.
Probably making out with Milo again
A big fat fuck you and waving our free speech dicks in antifa's faces. Also e-celebs plugging themselves.
I wonder if the Berkeley Police finally got the message that they need to prevent Antifa from starting violence.
Attention whoring circle jerk.
To do cringey cucky speeches.
This is how we know Brittany is for real, she holds her phone properly.
its a point that antifa wont shut down free speech with terror tactics
mainly coz they where gloating that terror tactics worked to shut down Ann Coulter
(see pic related)
I have high hopes for May Day.
It really makes me sad that Luaren Southern's a kike. I'd let her sit on my face tbh.
Is this cunt from rebel media?
Next your going to tell me water is wet.
Holla Forums ANTIFA alliance to crush the moderates when?
where the fuck do you think you are right now?
Faith Goldy looks like an anorexic tranny
hello trs
Make Antifa look weak.
reddit pls go
>The next battle, as far as I'm concerned, is labeling Antifa a terrorist group.
Every war needs dumbass ground troops
So is /berkeley/ the new Chanology or am I looking at this all wrong?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Demonizing, demoralizing and/or baiting antifa.
The Alt-Kike is the new Chanology.
Onward Christian solider! Fight Israel enemies!
Deus Vult
Lel, where did you come from?
who is this bog dwelling sodomite?
This is way bigger than anything any previous user activities. This is the prequel to Civil War II.
I was thinking, even if it resulted in antifa getting beaten again, it doesn't actually accomplish anything. It is just amusing for us and those involved.
Smashing that report button
I understand BAMN is basically Antifa, and they Berkeley mayor's a member of BAMN. Don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon.
Who's this blonde guy with the arab scarf?
These would make great stickers to put up around campuses.
Mike Enochβ @MikeEnochTRS
"Looks like antifa is learning. Let the alt-light and cucks actually speak and they just repeat left wing pieties. Berkeley is embarrassing."
Nope. It's not just Berkeley, though. hwndu too. rip in pasta
Milo Jr
A decent leader wouldn't hurt this shitshow, wheres sam hydenberg or Jim when you need them.
Yeah I was going to say milo's down syndrome cousin?
His name is Mike Tokes, but I dont' know anything about him.
HANG ON is Ann coulter going to show up?
this is gonna be self defeating if she doesn't show
Gas yourself you thirsty fucking cuck.
shes already been claimed mate
That's a great idea.
That's a horrifyingly accurate picture.
she's mine
Did Tim's stream just go down?
Fucking Tim Pool garbage connection
stream ded
Get in the oven, and then fill the oven with gas. Have a friend hang whats left of you.
lol 'antifa is organizing all this stuff'
you found a link and samefagged 9 seconds apart? get bullied, faggot.
β¦good point.
How far cuckpol has fallen. It really wasn't until hwndu that it became obvious how bad it really was.
4chan already belongs to the normalfags. let them have it if it helps them get redpilled.
gas yourself
Who would you have then faggot, at least those two are well spoken and name the jew.
there are two speeches?
Well, no, she canceled, didn't she?
How so? It's about taking a stand against commies.
I dunno, but watching this right now and seeing the controlled op e-celebs preach down to the mass of Trump supporters/WN's (while pushing "muh-based colored people for trump, muh diversity" talking points), I'm getting a small, yet unnerving Occupy-Wallstreet vibe. Need I remind anyone here what happened to that movement.
Maybe the lack of Antifa is for a reasonβ¦..maybe they've changed tacticsβ¦β¦.
Horribly far.
Let's be frank here, they only reason the cops shut these faggots down so quick it's because they KNOW antifags are too stupid to tell a tΔ₯reat and would just get slaughtered if they tried anything.
They are merely protecting their pets
It's not supposed to promote, it's supposed to get under their skin. Nobody will know what it means but Holla Forumsacks and antifa types
why the fuck aren't antifa attacking, these fucking niggers. They need to instigate
whos jim?
It's been obvious shit since 2014 at the very latest
speaker then autist.
Youtube one is delayed.
They'll strike at night.
I have a feeling most of us here now are East Coast fags. Lots of them are still in school/work β¦ maybe in a couple hours they will attack.
not that antifa works
lel antifa finally showed?
Outright censorship is easier to push than the progressive stack, I guess.
People are saying that Antifa are about to show up.
Ann Coulter missed a huge opportunity today. She should have just showed up and made her speech, it would have been a mainstream blow against antifa and communism. Instead we just have a huge crowd of autistic retards spouting nonsense. She pussied out in true GOP fashion.
Well, I can't disagree with him there.
You think so too?
I'm pretty sure that's why there's been such clamoring for e-celebs and leaders. The moment some faggot decides to be the "representative of anti-antifa" he gets taken down, and then it all breaks apart. Pretty sure the same will happen here.
Brittany getting the hell out of there haha. Good, the battle is no place for a woman. Especially if they are cute.
It's probably repeating older footage
Every stream is fucked it seems
filterman's whores mentioned Holla Forums
mr metokur.
is it happening actually?! are we finally going to get a fight? we need this to happen.
dead link mates
Tim is back up but the quality is awful.
I wish antifa would make their move. We might have scared them off by doxing the mayor.
Checked. I'll always remember the good days.
True but it made it obvious how much mystery meat was browsing 4cucks.
Race war T-minus 60 seconds
People there are unironically calling cuckservatives based and naming the jew is a very rare occurance. Nobody is getting redpilled on 4/pol/.
that's a good point, maybe pin up out some non-rare pepes or something. pepe is a hate symbol, after all.
Tim Pool is running.
thats not how dubs works
but this
All streams are laggy as fuck
Tim needs an external battery or something.
NM, it's gone. Did someone crash the feed?
Yea it was canceled but i thought that was due to the rediculas rules they tried to put in place as well as the groups who backed her pulled out
by self defeating Antifa still stoped the one talk they wanted to stop
Americans are so dumb.
checked n keked
Time is back.
Back up
Tim seems to be back up
Filterman says Pettibone is back up too
Kill yourself bongistan.
I head sirens a minute ago.
check it out for fuck sake
Here we go
They're gearing up for the NYC riots. They'll convoy downstate.
explosives arrested
Better stream
they are gearing up for any domestic riots/crisis
He told me that it doesn't matter where its happening in the US they are ready to deploy within the US to deal with it
Nothing interesting is happening, I want Antifa to take it even further so we can crush them without any hesitation, and round up Berkeley's mayor for sponsoring terrorism.
Thanks for proving my point burger brains.
Has any Antifa been seen?
It sounded like the siren on someone's bullhorn.
Berkeley's shitty infrastructure can't handle this many e-celebs
probably m80s
good stream, thanks user
Spartan man is back
This is about as awkward as a furry convention.
this is most stable stream. I think they got satellite
I'm bored.
Biome Defenseβ’
Bio-True Seleniumβ’
Vitamin Mineral Fusionβ’
Joint Formulaβ’
Living Defenseβ’
Deep Cleanseβ’
Brain Forceβ’
Liver Shieldβ’
Child Easeβ’
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Oxy Powderβ’
Occu Powerβ’
DNA Forceβ’
X2 Survival Shieldβ’
Super Female Vitalityβ’
Lung Cleanseβ’
Silver-Bullet - Colloidal Silverβ’
Super Male Vitalityβ’
Survival Shield - Nascent Iodineβ’
Patriot Blend 100% Organic Coffeeβ’
Immune Support 100% Organic Coffeeβ’
Not on camera. Some mentions of them.
where the fuck are the streams covering antifa? I thought they were finally here?
he said his phone overheated. is that common? pic not related
cops would stingray the streams if violence started up
antifa pussied out
looks like we won the war for berkeley
These people are idiots with their LEGAL IMMIGRATION IS FINE
just remind them all Europe's Muslims are LEGALLY THERE==
all you have to do is change what legal means
Thanks, forgot about fox10
Seeing references on twitter to antifa showing up. Apparently they were sighted on one of the streams?
lol, fun day for the folks at city hall
They all crowded the cell tower's capacity.
Some scouting wouldn't hurt, though.
Thanks, seems they arew afraid of the demonstrated doxxing skills. Might get interesting when the sun sets.
No idea, m80.
I'm out.
guess antifa wasnt ready to defend their communities after allβ¦
Kike d&c detected, posts discarded.
I-is that a fluffy pig? It's so cute!
Haven't watched them since the Trump rallies. And we haven't had a good BLM happening for a while.
They got lost coming in from out of town
Alt lite is confirmed the new chanology/occupy wall street.
Fucking Sargon of cuckad finally does something big with his platform and its as fucking faggy as you'd expect. I hope he finally gets raped to death by a paki soon
We can't win the war if Antifa doesn't make the populace outraged for their actions.
soros is funding antifa now instead
I am so fucking sick of CivNat faggots.
We need to start having our own rallies without these fag lords.
Checked, obvious d&c kike indeed .
I do knot think that's possible
You have legit autism my man.
Is my stream behind, or is sprayed cuckman speaking right now?
Large if accurate. user on 4chan claiming that antifa may be pussying out.
Tim Pool:
The Alex Jones Channel:
FOX 10 Phoenix:
This what we get for letting joe bumfuck do the work we should be doing ourselves.
The we are change stream passed by someone in a "fuck trump" shirt
Thanks friend.
Meaning no streams that could upload video evidence of conservatives shooting communists?
Untill then I'll happily see him struggle to maintain his stance as a leftist and I will drop redpills on his audience.
Tim Pool:
The Alex Jones Channel:
FOX 10 Phoenix:
Somebody on PursuitOfLiberty just mentioned somebody apparently got pepper-sprayed somehwere by somebody, but no other violence. There was a photo in a previous thread of an asian guy supposedly getting arressted for refusing to remove his mask. Tim Pool mentioned a Trump supporter had some heated words with a liberal earlier, but it ended in civil conversation and a handshake. That's it.
classic tactic: attack the person, not the message.
You should stay there user
thanks, m80
Yea he seems to be following the gommies
Antifa won't show up. If they do, they look like villains in front of too much media coverage.
Of course, that's why I've been suspicious as fuck about the aggressive pro-e-celeb (((anons))) here. If an e-celeb isn't being constantly castrated by the MSM, slandered, basically their life isn't being visibly ruined or attempted to be ruined non-stop by (((them))) than they're controlled op.
Think about it, If someone with the power to influence a mass group of people is speaking out against the jew and yet, besides a brief smear campaign, (((they))) aren't actually trying to completely eradicate him, basically attempt to destroy any possibility he could ever hope possibly pose a threat to them whatsoever, every single day until he either relents and runs off into the hills, crying for mercy, and or commits suicide, than he's a controlled-op.
If you actually threaten the jew and your full identity is publicly known, they'll either try to buy you off or destroy you. And yet all these e-ecelebs are still walking around in broad-day light, seemingly with no fear of reprisal from them whatsoever.
Because they aren't really (((their))) enemies.
Based stick man really just needs to shut up. He's not even articulate reading from notes. You are there to hit people. Nothing else.
Jack Posobiec poasted that cap on Twitter.
Thanks, appreciate it.
Wouldn't it be funny if antifa ended up pepperspraying their own undercover agents as they try to rejoin the bloc?
Why can't we send any of our guys to the free speech event and not let it get completely hijacked by alt-light/CivNat faggots?
whos lng?
Is Damigo there?
That would definitely be lulzy.
They always ruin livestreams. It's usually just them sitting at the desk, Lee Ann Macadoo and that other dude, talking about Bone Broth or some shit and not actually showing the stream.
National Lawyer's Guild. See my previous posts about them in this thread.
Tim calling out National Lawyers Guild.
Stickman is a massive CivNat faggot.
Are any of /ourguys/ in the enemy ranks?
By attacking the person I am attacking his message you retard.
High energy
Yes. He's the one who just called out an antifa sighting.
Good, he'll get close to the action.
sonely antifa spotted
oops, *lonely
NLG donated to an ANTIFA organization
There are but they are smart enough to keep their presence on the down low.
Pretty sure these civnat faggots wouldn't even let a faggot like SPencer speak.
He's a racemixer after all.
I like that all I can make out on his sign is "NO!"
The faggot should get up in their kike faces if he wants to call them out.
Why doesn't Identity Europa or any of those groups have actual NatSoc rallies? This is such a shitfest.
That's because we were familiar with them in Occupy. It's weird being on this side of the fence this time around. That being said, NLG deserves smashed heads more than antifa faggots.
There's probably lots of /ourguy/s there, but they're afraid to speak a proud WN perspective. It's much easier to go along with the herd, and in any case, you're not going to convince race-mixing lolbergs like Stickman with a speech.
hello FBI, yes we will send our best to make your job even easier
Since when are they natsoc?
stick man doesn't represent Holla Forums by any measure, but i like that he is being aggressive in his speech against Berkeley and speaking the truth. i don't like him calling on degenerates to help us fight though.
NLG is the legal defense wing of communist groups led by Soros, BAMN, and Maoists.
family friendly
These are Legal Immigrants in EU.
all they will do is change what legal means.
When Holla Forums sends their people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people who have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with them. They're bringing civic nationalism, they're bringing racist liberalism, they're cucks, and some, I assume, are bad goyim.
But it's a free speech event
I want NatSoc rallies sooooooooooo bad.
who are u preaching to your on pol
It's a free speech event.
Fucking speak up faggots.
I previously got banned here for saying that Stickman was doing more than most Holla Forumslacks and we shouldn't be shitting on him. Good luck getting people to rally around you in the U.S. if you're openly white nationalist.
Sure, but god forbid antifa calls them a racist.
I'm out. Maybe there will be a happening later.
Yeah our ancestors would of physically removed you beaners.
Probably me too. The stream I'm watching is just some guy talking about Jury Nullification.
I don't know. I thought they were at least ethno-nationalists. It's hard to keep up with all of the groups these days.
me too user
Would have*
Anyone else watching the wearechange stream?
This guy lul.
Couldn't you at least try and talk a bit about all the anti-white rhetoric that's coming from the left?
Waterfilter man's stream
There's that one in Pikeville. Following their training camp, they're having a general rally. Since Heimbach is a Pikeville boy, he has a decent amount of support among the community, even to the point where they passed an emergency ordinance preventing antifa from wearing masks.
Tim just pointed out on Pursuit of Liberty that NLG claims to be neutral but is only hanging out with Antifa.
Because going around the place saying "Im NatSoc an please use the politically correct term for me all the time" will make everyone go against you. Very few people actually want to be associated with the nazis and Hitler. Regardless of your political perspective telling people you are a nazi is fuckin retarded and will only serve to divide people who could be on your side. Look at the rally for instance, if that was a NatSoc rally nobody would show, not even Holla Forums, most people there are just opposed to authoritarianism and restriction of free speech so why would you presume they are all nazis who want to do the same? Having a NatSoc rally would be the surest way to get everyone on top of you and attacking you. The media would easily label you as whatever they want and many people who support these types of movements would actually become more distant. Also you'd give antifa a hell of an excuse to assemble if its violence you want just go out and attack them. Of course you wouldn't be going to any of these rallies yourself just sitting at home and waiting for Lauren Southern to do a live stream.
Well I'm 3,000 miles from Berkeley, so no can do. But yeah I agree with you, unfortunately most of us are still too afraid of societal consequences to publicly avow white nationalism. It's frustrating, but that's the truth.
The last few million of them aren't - Merkel unilaterally tore up the Dublin III agreement and the cucks leading other countries didn't call her out.
Most of the million of pakis in bongistan, the turkroaches in germony and the niggers in baguettistan are legal though true enough.
Stingrays confirmed
Is it just 50% them sitting at a desk and giving commentary on a stream you can't even see, while plugging snake oil?
I don't think they're natsoc, damigo is buddies with spencer.
Yeah. Kek. That cubby lolbertarian for president.
We can at the very least bring up anti-white racism.
For fucks sake.
Im looking forward to this one the most.
Yeah, absolutely. I wish they would. I mention it to people when I talk politics. They are playing it too safe.
Flipside: Without enforcement of immigration, it doesn't matter what the definition of legal means. Wall now, quotas later is a constructive strategy.
what the fuck is stingray?
Who are the whores?
Yeah, I heard that. Honestly, it doesn't shock me. They aren't neutral. They lie to the useful idiots about the legal risks. They only appear to help leftist, connected organizations.
What will the Oath Keepers do now that I have posted pic related?
Used to intercept/disable cell signals.
I won't deny its a possibility, but even so certainly not every one of them. The MSM not doing any real reporting is a real problem and naturally people will step up to fill that void. People want to see reporters on the ground of these events and they've failed to deliver.
That said, the reason these e-celebs aren't targeted more vehemently is probably because they thrive on the abuse. It just makes them stronger. A half hearted effort to starve them out by not engaging.
People are paying close attention, I think antifa harassing people trying to film them hurt them far more than bikelock guy. They probably caught on to this.
Talking about jury nullification and the buffer zones courts have set up to prevent people from talking about it outside of courthouses.
It's like a signal blocking device.
Its what retards who don't understand cellular data yell when their streams timeout.
chant USA USA USA a lot
There are some beaners harassing OK now
Sensible post
that guy is autistic as fuck lol
but wouldn't surprise me with the Police are doing what are doing and cataloging everyone who has turned up for future cases
this will never be a meme circles man
couple of antifa fags
I agree. I wish these folks would talk about the drumbeat of anti-white rhetoric, propaganda, and law.
A tool the size of a suitcase that piggy backs off of cell phone towers, capable of intercepting or shutting down electronic devices
lol I heard that.
The oathkeepers are a bunch of pathetic bitches who did nothing in the military and are searching for any form of validation. Bunch of pogs
God I am so fucking sick of CivNat cucks.
Just say that Mexicans can fuck off.
these lot are straight up pussies
I was just thinking the same thing. A rally where there is no beating around the bush about things. No calling on degenerates for help. Just self confident and well spoken white people bad assedness. Niggers or spics trying to get up and talk are politely, yet forcefully told to go to the back and let the whites talk. No pandering, no caricatured skinhead angry bs. It's hard to imagine, because all we see are fake moments or water-down shit like this gathering. It's a start, but not good enough.
Deaf friend of mine is currently there, here's hoping he doesn't get caught up in ANTIFA shit.
Oath breaker user should show up to one of these events with his image on a sign, and hold it up when these oath keeper groups speak
Want me to post some holohoax stuff too you dumb old burger faggot.
wtf I love CivNat now.
Different oath. The oathbreaker is used to break the Masonic oath, whereas the Oath Keepers are people who have pledged to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, such as police and military. They believe that they should continue to keep that oath afterwards, and dedicate themselves towards defense against domestic enemies.
That's a beautiful thought user. Soon.
I wish one of these streamers would go into the city buildings and interview civic employees.
Sweet Jesus spoiler that shit.
The riff raff on the sidelines of the event
its good that America is trying to sort out is immigration problem. But what helps the US is not going to work in Europe. I think i may have to make a few Generals about it, White EU for White Europeans.
Lauren Southern is hanging out with Damigo. Lends credence to the theory that she quit (((Rebel Media))) because she started to come over to our side.
bahahahahaha the oath cucks getting cucked by some beaner whore
the point is that they can be used as stepping stones, and treating them as pure enemy is ignoring resources. or did you miss the 6 gorillion overton window posts?
Who here actually supports the first ammendment and free-speech anyway? Is it just opposition to antifa that is being hyped here? I don't think the vast majority of people at this rally resonate with fascism and authoritarianism. The closest people here resembling Holla Forumss typical views are antifa. The rest are just normal people; libertarians, centrists, conservatives, trump supporters etc.
yeah you can say pr all you want but at the end of the day you haven't actually said why shit wouldn't of worked out exactly the way I said it would. Sure, out you go and tell everyone you want to have genocide, I'm sure it will work out really well for you and the support will grow so fast, it won't, you know, make people side with antifa or divide the right in the slightestβ¦. Jesus Christ you are slow aren't you.
throw me a link
Dubs confirm average american nignog
No he didn't, he laughed about how so many women WOULD consent with no questions because he's rich.
Watching people argue on the sidelines is so fucking annoying. It's just two idiots yelling shit at each other and no one is actually listening to the other. Pointless.
Doesn't she have jewish ancestors?
That's good. We need more based Jews on our side
We are watching
Holy fuck lefties literally make up the concept of funny money in their own heads, that's amazing.
Lmao this cunt can't even pronounce Dubois right.
This is some silly shilling.
They've been infiltrated
then make a thread about it
Mike Wilson?
when the best speech is made by a nigger..
these smug beaners
Sounds like peak Horseshoe Theory to me.
You seem frustrated. Have you let Muhammad fuck your wife's son today?
And they will be initiated.
Tiny beaner contingent having words with Oathkeepers.
There that fuck is. I think it'll be gearing up soon.
I cringed fucking hard when I heard "Based Black Man". And then even worse, he's giving the best speech so far.
Hey, this is better than nothing, though. This is us bleeding into the normiesphere like never before.
sure, when i have time to high energy it i will,
Looks like Karl Wolf, some Middle Eastern rapper.
There were a few deleted tweet by analdildo McBeardy that suggested that as well.
If I have to start supporting richard spencer over these fags I'm going to be very pissed
These nogs
Why do we let these uninformed fucks argue with eachother. They know so little they wont get anywhere.
No; her grandparents fled the Nazi regime, but not because they were Jewish.
I'm not saying that these guys aren't somewhat useful, but we can't stop here. We need to continue to push the overton window towards the right.
Are you being obtuse on purpose? White nationalism is about protecting white people, not "kill anyone who isn't us".
Also, here's a pro-tiop:
Using the word "nazi" unironically is a great way to let everyone know that you aren't from here and that you are trying to push an agenda.
Don't forget they are part of the southern poverty law center as well
dumb people all around
Stupid fucking bitch.
You can trip if you want to⦠shadilay won't mind
That I did not know.
Shit didn't know autistic leftists could live for centuries.
The whole anti-white cabal can get confusing at times.
I feel my IQ lowering just listening to these fags argue in circles
Is there any chance there's actually going to be a riot today, I just want to watch some commies get btfo some more but it looks as if antifa are pussying out.
Plus with the police are looking like they're ready to step in this time.
"we where angry for 800 years" ow fuck im pissing my self with laughter
But what about Mexican spiders?
These mongrels make Dicky look like George Lincoln Rockwell. Dicky has an IQ over 100 at least.
lol triggered, I like that you posted Belgian music in some attempt to show how cool you are?
I do like gesaffelstein though.
Lauren is coming in, someone who knows something. Christ that standard is low.
All this marxist shit this spic is spouting is upsetting me.
Never said otherwise. Keep in mind, you can't build a bridge while cutting out the middle. Holla Forums was highly lolberg a few years ago.
That Id, Those Dubs
This spic bitch is about to go full "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS" because Lauren is blowing her the fuck out. You can see her getting fucking mad.
Bean bags getting challenged now.
Want to bet that she's illegal?
Find her and report her to ICE.
800 years of anger goy
It's probably not happening. The footsoldiers didn't show up
These Mexican twats.
jesus fucking christ
Any fuckin retard can say "shill" how about you actually make a contribution instead of make some mental nigger comment? I'd say antifa do actually resonate more with Holla Forums than anyone there because like I said (since you can't read and shit) everyone else there wants peace, anti violence, advocate freedom of speech, don't want an authoritarian government, normal people. People here however want a fight and a war, they actually want what antifa does just a different colour. Racial genocide, authoritarian regime, restriction of individual freedom for the sake of the collective. Its actually something to keep in mind, just because people are opposed to antifa doesn't mean they will agree with you, in fact they are probably just as against either side of the dichotomy which goes as far as those points.
yeah so you want everyone to use the word NatSoc instead of nazi? The politically correct term? Perfect example of what I am talking about, why are you hyped for this rally if you want to take away freedom ofg speech and dictate how people should talk? You are on antifas side on this one. And you say its not about genocide? Well many on this board would disagree along with on /polk/ and stormfront where they have many threads advocating genocide all the time. You can say "that makes you a shill" and that would make you a retard because all I am saying is how it is. Implying I am this or that is stupid and circumventing the point.
Keep the Irish out of your mouth ya filthy beaner whore
I wouldn't let Battered Sausage Man MC an amateur wrestling gig.
since 1217, I didn't know antifa lasted this long.
I'm not against the middle. We need to keep pushing, though. Don't let the shift in our political zeitgeist end at center-right.
No action, just blather.
Who are all these cucks? This is pathetic, I have been looking forward to this all week.
You stupid bitch, it was 3/5ths. Are Cali schools this shit?
Arguing with these scumbags is useless. Niggers would bash skulls in an instant if they had the numbers.
I'm back from work. What'd I miss?
I wouldn't let Battered Sausage Man MC an amateur wrestling gig.
Jesus Christ, what the fuck is all this shit being spoken..
these shrill voices are giving me a headache, let me know when it's happening
Can you imagine that guy's dick after he goes home and jerks it to the selfie he got with her?
It is literally just civic nationalists plugging their patreons.
RESEARCH well i have i go to UC Berkley Ow god the keks are real
This kike trying to throw around a bunch of bullshit to confuse the goyim
The guy with the Holla Forums sign was the only interesting thing to happen
Oy vey, can you believe that negroes were once only 3/2 of a white person? How racist.
We're meant to be better than niggers.
Honestly yes.
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When did this dirty spic bring up the Irish she is going to get famined so hard.
A little while ago saying the Irish had a cake walk throughout their history.
I hate the bay area
I'll use every tool at my disposal to help us. Never stop pushing, mien volk.
the circular Circle jerk is real right now
I like this guy so far. Dropping some red pills. Who is he?
this scholar goes really deep.. wonder how he can speak with his head so far up his ass
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I am angry now.
Now I'm going to bed mad and there's a kike still yapping and my point of view is being represented by some dumb woman.
Something, something.
Flipped over to WeAreChange's stream to see Lauren southern arguing with some faggot who says we can't allow free speech because UC Berkley has to spend money because of the riots protests.
What stream? Most of us are watching retards debate
the only form of acceptance and encouragement he's gotten is from pushing this shit
What's up AntiFa? Enjoyng Holla Forums?
Is this true?
California is physical proof that the nicest things go to the worst people.
What a waste of beautiful and rich land.
run it back a little
Why does this faggot think that him using words that no one but him knows makes him smart. He is only giving confuzion.
"minutia of the details" what a fucking inteluktual
Trump owns some really gorgeous land on the coast. It has a nice hiking trail on it
"Polemecist" is a label used to stop discussions.
Classic kike, starts losing debate so starts trying to appeal to the crowd and talk in circles.
say that with a real ID and not on Tor and see what happens m8
So very true, a great land. Detritus-tier people.
Yes I found that out today they advertise it on their website
Absolutely nothing.
Then stop taking taxpayer moneyβ¦
I don't get it.
This guy just jumped from "financial consequences" to "we can't allow right-wingers to speak here because the bay area hates conservatives and they should know we're all violent retards"
On it's head, in bold text, and they're proud of it.
(checking those trips)
The Hibernian conspiracy isn't real but it will be .
An oath broken is only a threat to the malicious and wicked. An honest man uses oaths to pledge himself to a higher cause, and thus his oath is largely a symbolic gesture. An evil man uses oaths to trade power, usually through some form of two-way extortion and secret blackmail. Thus, a "broken" oath for the honest and pure-hearted man does him no lasting harm since all he needs to do is re-affirm his devotion. Whereas a broken oath for the wicked man often spells disaster for him, since it undoes manipulative leverage and upsets carefully-laid webs of deceit.
When he will be doxxed, we can all enjoy his twitter feed asking for rightwinger scalps; also the "muscle" niggers behind him I bet are some of the most violent when masked.
You're a rat.
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Pedro is losing it
Gotta love his "well in a perfect worldβ¦" argument. He's already defaulting to direct insults.
I couldn't find it. This is of interest to me because I've gotten people away from the SPLC before by showing them how they lie about patriots and government abuse of power, so if the NLG are connected, I can do the same to them.
Only invite Conservatives that we approve goy that way we wont protest
But WHY do we need to give the free speech to people I don't like!? We just need to give it to the people that I'm okay with!
Not necessarily. Ethno nationalist, white survivalist, the term itself doesn't matter as long as the message stays the same.
What the fuck are you blathering about? I never said anything against free speech.
you very clearly are an outsider who doesn't understand anything about Holla Forums Holla Forums please do yourself a favor and stop commenting.
I strongly suggest listening to your own advice.
And now he's screaming gibbering nonsense about how everyone he disagrees with is a retard.
We could have had another brawl instead of this shit.
Currently unable to watch, keep updating. Sucks that it sounds like antifa got cold feet.
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fuck this guy
All these cucks, I wanted escalation.
stupid jew just said niggers kill white people
It's a tax-payer funded forumβ¦ And tax-payers want classical liberalismβ¦
how do you do, fellow whites
top kek