Government shutdown imminent

The Democraps are in a bind now. Trump is going to pin the blame entirely on them, and he has constructed a good narrative around it. He temporarily inserted and then retracted a request for immediate wall funding, thus painting himself as being reasonable and compromising compared to the Dems who are willing to shut down the government if their thing doesn't go through. The problem is their thing here is being perfectly framed as bailouts for insurance companies rather than the usual 'funding for obamacare'. For the Dems, they're quite fucked if they can't get the bailouts through since that would mean Obamacare would quickly collapse and Trump would have far more say over the replacement policy than the last deliberate failure of a plan. More importantly, Trump has framed it so if they do shut down the government, all those nice parks and government services are going to go away (as they should anyway) because the Dems are insisting on sending free money to giant private insurance companies, which sounds like shit no matter how you slice it. They're fucked no matter what they do now.

I missed Trump's tweetstorms.

Other urls found in this thread:

that's how I read that move too but it doesnt make me happy

Still have 3 and a half years left of his term. He's been moving at lightning fast speeds with this shit compared to how fast this shit normally goes. In the long run I like to imagine this will pan out finely.

he hasnt repealed dreamers act either. james allsup has a good read on the situation I feel on how Trump hasn't lived up to a lot of expectations

The reality is wall prototypes are already scheduled to go up soon no matter what. You could argue he lost political capital with Holla Forums by bringing it up now even though he knew he was going to immediately pull it, but the actual situation hasn't changed from where it was before he said anything this week. As far as the general public is concerned, they don't understand complicated things but the simple narrative Trump presented this week looks pretty good to their eyes. Ultimately, it's normalfags that Trump has to persuade, as for us we're being expected to think through the situation for ourselves, which can result in the demoralization of anons but he's not here to hold our hand and walk us through his thought processes.

We always knew Trump would enter a melee in the political ring after getting the presidency, 100 days is nothing in that sense and he's dealt significant damage to them so far. Their narrative is falling apart.

how many dimensions does this chess move have?

Color me deebly goncerned.

Only 3 in this case. It's not a very complicated maneuver.

Dream Act is not law just something that's been brought up. DACA is what people are talking about and is an executive order. How are you that fucking ignorant about such an important matter?

Yeah this is the classic maneuver of having the general populace bully their representatives. I'm gonna call ted Cruz and call him a dweeb and tell him to put the el chapo money towards heroin treatment, mexico the government should pay for the wall then my shitty spic democrat congressman.

He keeps deporting the Dreamers anyway though.

The way it was implemented using budgetary measures means it needs to be repealed in part by congress you idiot. He's deporting the dreamer spics anyway, so its not like it fucking matters.

DACA is an executive policy implemented by the President. Congress has no say over the matter. You need to take a civics class.

en.wikipedia org/wiki/Deferred_Action_for_Childhood_Arrivals

you should read this after taking Trump's cock out of your mouth

Not according to the DHS or Trump

I don't target bugs when I drive down the highway, but plenty of them wind up spattered against my windshield anyway.

Yes yes Schlomo, he's only going after 'the bad ones'.

Turns out they're almost all bad hombres as a rule anyway; they're fucking spics. They will sit there committing crimes and getting themselves in the shit as a matter of course, that's what happens with subhumans. When they do (not if) that is the day the have to go back. I want them to all go back now, but the public are cucks and Trump doesn't think they'd accept that right now. And he'd be right.

DACA is not a law, DACA is an order for ICE to ignore the 800,000 dindu nuffin spics. At the same time Trump has undone Obama's previous refusal to deport anyone and is rapidly shipping beaners of all kinds out of the country.

There are multiple obvious reasons why DACA is still in place, anyone with half a brain can see that fuck McCain and Graham going "muh dreamers" and realize that Trump, being the man he is, is not undoing DACA specifically because he thinks it can be a negotiating card in getting McCuck and Seagrams to support his wider agenda.

You? You're either retarded or a shill.

Circling their camp with gasoline and gunpowder and giving all of them matches inside to either build a bridge or burn their own shit.

Not the best scenario, but this is playing politics and our guy gets to skip over the shit MSM and tweet to America who is obsessed with social media. This is really fun to watch.

The way he's been talking shit on twitter about dems almost strikes me as him wanting people to get upset over this.

He probably wants people to pay attention. Libs will get upset, conservatives will mostly agree with what he says. Moderates can choose to believe the president or the (((media))), but statistically no one believes the media anymore.

Why am I a shill for not liking the fact that Trump isnt making a concentrated effort to get rid of the millions of Dreamers in this country?

Why are you telling me that DACA is an executive order which is something I've said multiple times to the guy who thought that the Dream Act was actually implemented. Also you are right. If Trump does everything that McCain and Graham want like not building the wall, not deporting Dreamers, and bombing the Syrian government that would be 2432d chess lol

I mean it's just a theory, but it really feels, to me at least, like he's trying to get the people to use their voice so he has a leg to stand on. If his choices aren't backed by the majority opinion, dems have an open door to try and pull some shit.

I see so you're just a shitposting shillnigger from Holla Forums then good to know

Keeping this in people's faces so when Nov rolls around the Dems feel more American Freedom at the polls.

Why do you love illegals so much that you're willing to suck Trump's cock over his refusal to use his power to get rid of an executive order protecting them?

Trump is a genius, this is fact. Presidents like Trump- such as FDR in the 1930s- have historically gone over the news media's head directly to the media in things like the Fireside Chats. Teddy Roosevelt of course did major rallies constantly.

Trump of course combines these methods- numerous rallies while in the White House and constant updates directly to the people using Twitter. Doing so he circumvents the media and builds a relation of trust between himself and his constituents- the American people.

The result is that Trump has more power over the opinions of the average American than the USSR ever did over their own people through the state media outlets.

Obvious shitposting is against the rules, faggot.

oh you're from r/the_donald. guess having his children marry jews and stacking his admin full of jews was another genius move according to you lol

How's the pay lately CTR?

By betraying every promise he made during his campaign? Gas yourself, you fucking kike.

Go dream in your own country.

The election is over. Trump won, and he's had 100 days of nonstop cucking.


The only thing I'm seeing is how Trump was willing to say anything to get into office. He's now done a complete 180. What were the words he used? "Rest easy"?

Man they don't really give you many avenues of attack do they?

The blessings of Kek never cease.

Reminder unleashed at temporal intervals relative to the orbit of our world around Sol, that we have administration shills on Holla Forums
And that Ivanka Trump's children are all mischlings

Crocodiles and sharks haven't changed much in a very long time, evolutionarily speaking. That which works does not require changing, one assumes.

Every morning I hear every jew cry out in pain about the holocausts that Trump inflicts on them daily and simultaneously people like you tell me he's a jewish plant.

So tell me, was CNN based all along?

Kosher sandwich baby.

Obviously your commentary is retarded, but doubly so in that
Kekked and checked.

They go by 'ShareBlue' now, user.

Jesus Christ, WHAT YEAR IS IT?


While I agree with everything else you said, don't be a fag. If you are a real nationalist, you want things like national parks and land preserved for future generations to enjoy the outdoors.


You got it, this is why he gave it up so easily. he could have fight hard for it but he gave it easy, knowing that the Dems would try to push their luck too far. This was ordained.

Congrats on being one of the few to figure it out. Welcome.

kys redditfag

Where did you hear that?

While I agree with everything else you said, don't be a fag. If you are a real nationalist, you want things like national parks and land preserved for future generations to enjoy the outdoors.




you are no longer "playing dumb" at this point.

Off into the oven with you faggot

I wish we could get a nice career-wrecking scandal going with Ivanka and Justin Castreau getting caught bumping uglies, but it will never happen, what with Castreau being homosexual and everything.

It's the opposite of what he did to China. With China he went hard so they would soften quickly.

Here, he went soft so they would soften slowly. It's the overton window at play

The easiest/most realistic way to "kill" DACA is to ignore it for 1-2 years it seems:

Who the fuck are you and where did you come from? Go back to Brietbart you anti-American (((cuckservative))) fuck.


JIDF is still here too.

The shills are becoming desperate because they know Trump is a long term planner and the wall is going to be built and illegals deported.

Now I'm convinced that Kikebart is compromised.


Christ that eceleb looks like a massive fucking faggot, the fuck user.

Don't forget, Trump also spent a decade on TV prior to running for Pres. (((Media))) lies aren't going to work when you've been watching the guy in your living room for 10 years.

Most important info in this thread and of course, zero replies.

He's just going to let them expire.


This isn't muh chess, this is OBSERVING AND ORIENTING AND DECIDING.

Action? Expect it soon.

The way I see it is: The way the government itself and government budgetting work it would be idiotic to fund a project before it is ready to move forward cuz next time the budget rolls around >well you didnt spend all the funds allotted last time so you dont need as much this time.

The prototypes still have to be built, then they have to be tested for strength and efficacy, then the choices have to be weighed… THEN you fund the construction.

Even as a leaf I find that disgusting as I rightly should.

There is no Dream Act you retard. It has never passed congress. Obama, unconstitutionally, impelemented law that Congress specifically voted against. Obama should have been impeached and for it, but Republicans are cucks at best trotskyites at worst.

I am an AMERICAN Nationalist. Our founders did not believe in State owned land in thar sense. Learn your history you stupid faggot.

Close the national parks
Open the files on the missing
Warn people about the invisible things in berry patches, trees, swamps, rivers, and mountains

I wouldn't worry about it


I wish there was some martial law alert I could sign up for so I don't have to pay attention to this gay shit any more. Jews are gonna jew until someone kills them. You don't use logic to get rid of a roach infestation. You have to fumigate. There is no other way. There. is. no. other. way. How many more times are people going to try to reason with these "people".

Invisible things?
What like bigfoot?

It's like many have forgotten that Trump plays with the bigger picture in mind, but then again there's been a serious campaign to d&c, divide, concern shill, defeatist post, among other shit and flood various areas that clearly have support for him. 4d chess isn't just a meme, it's playing with the intent to reap the rewards right out from under the enemy's noses. But then again, the shills and goons at shareblue have been 1-upping their shill game by trying to beat Holla Forums to the media story to immediately hammer out their d&c angle right from the very OP get go. It's so forced and so obvious it's cringe worthy.

Hollow earth dwelling skinwalkers. What? You though /k/ was making that shit up? All these stories are piling up, and it's leading to murricans going missing everywhere, there's another fucking species on American soil, and it's been playing the populace for a trick since fucking Roosevelt.

other species, people missing, government complicit …..

Yeah those are called jews stealing kids for sex slavery. Also mexican drug cartel operating in state parks thanks to king nigger.

I honestly hope he learns a lesson from this. He isn't Reagan, and this isn't the 80s. The liberals aren't going to play ball. There will be no compromise. The art of the deal won't work here.

Aight, don't stock up on the White oak ash then, not like lizard chameleons are a thing or anything, let's not forget that incident that got reported to Roosevelt on a live encounter with one, nope, you're safe, Pedo CIA Moloch worshiping jews taking people in Open park areas to the public is the usual M.O and they don't operate urbanely using forested area in special events or anything.

I suggest you start making offerings to any wilderness areas near your house. Not sacrifices, offerings of plenty or hand-made crafts. In fact, you might even try sunwheels of friendship.

Yes, if by bigfoot you mean an elemental spirit of the land. Faeries, one of the previous root races before the emergence of Aryans. Sasquatch are likely a sort of archetypal hybrid representing primal man.

This is the phenomena from which the kikes learned their malevolent methods. Only some of the disappearances can be linked to such activities. Remember, kikes don't like to go out into nature to do their own hunting, they prefer to stay in their urban lairs.

jews use non-jews to do the dirty work. Faruk or Paco skulks around in the woods and steals white kids from families that visit national parks. Lets be honest only white people visit national parks so its a prime spot to kidnap people.

What is this off topic shit? Go make a new thread if you're inclined to post /x/ material.

You shills are so fucking weak and easily spotted.

The shit will expire and BOOM spics are back to rape land.
Fucking MAGA!

I'm sorry user, you're invisible.

Nope, 'cause the kikes certainly aren't sharing the knowledge of how to pull off these sorts of abductions with Mohammad, Jamal, and Carlos. If a kike goes hunting in the woods, it's going to be an actual up-to-the-elbows-in-infant-blood kike going out to the woods to eat people. Some Europoid race traitors might be let in to that level of power, but I doubt many are.
The data just doesn't fit "marauding shitskins in the woods." We would see a lot more obvious escapes and near misses with those sorts of idiots trying to conduct the operations. Plus the record of these sorts of disappearances goes back to the period between Europoid colonizations of the Americas as well as appearing in the records of other groups around the world before kikes infested their lands. This is the original folk religion of Europe before Christcucks destroyed our heritage.

We're coming for you.

Like pottery.

Then do it at the state level, this isn't a task for the feds.

It was one dude, no? Basically, Trump doesn't seem to be making any attempt to deport dreamers, but dreamers are not necessarily immune from the law in practice anymore.

A gov shutdown won't affect that, and if it's anything like the state parks, they do a shit job of it anyhow. A season without burning off a 1/4 of our parks on purpose would do more to preserve them than anything.



I love you user, god speed !

That's a breddy gud move, using Obama ammo against the dems.

100 shekels have been deposited to your account.

And again the drunk master effect of Trump rears it's head. He is literally their worst enemy, he thrives on their hatred and uses it to blind them. Their self righteous fury becomes the force he tosses them into the bar table with. That knack for utterly enraging people is doing him well.

After the cut throat world of business he must feel right at home.

Heck, longer than that.
Home Alone 2 had scenes in trump tower with the man himself.
He was even referenced in the golden girls and an older season of the simpsons.

He doesn't have to.
Just wait two years and 3/4 will be open to deportation automatically.

You've forgotten your heritage if you don't want to give unlimited power to a volkisch god-king, an aristocracy of clan patriarchs, and the shamans set to watch over all the folk. Americanism and all the ideals that come with it are TRASH compared to European traditionalism.


You progressivist traitors never cease projecting your insecurities onto society.

I think that's the real news here
TRUMP'S BACK BABY. Back from winning so much, he's here to chill and rub it in
When well the libtards in office realize that the more you bluff the more he will double down! And if it's not a bluff, well their hubris will fail them yet again as they will become the enemies of the country, the populace that have at this point already figured it out


Idiots can't understand basic strategy. It's not 1488D chess, it's just basic fucking 2D chess. He can use this opportunity to win more support from the center to improve his ability to convince Congress to pass the bills he wants. He looks better and less extreme in their eyes, but meanwhile DACA just ends up solving itself. Why spend resources for nothing? Why kill a dying enemy, when you can save your bullets for when it really counts?

It reminds me of one of my favorite passages from the Tao Te Ching:

He cleared the muddy water, by leaving it alone.

yea he probably died waiting for the mud to clear. why wait when you can WIN.
of course WINNING while your WINNING in the future is cool too

I died of a brain aneurysm from reading your post.

This is wishful thinking.

Not an argument. Present a more logical move for him to make. You can't, because you're strategically retarded.

That's one hell of an excuse for not staying the course and doing what you said you'd do.

Yes, goyim, move in a straight predictable line so we can snipe you, silly goy


Yea I was being facetious

Your analogy is flawed, because it doesn't apply to the situation. Trump is a smart guy, but he's not a genius super villain. Muh 4D chess isn't an argument.

It's wishful thinking.


I literally just explained how it's a good strategic move, and your argument is "I personally believe Trump doesn't understand the most basic strategic concepts and would lose a checkers game to a 4 year old, even though I have no evidence or argument to prove that he doesn't, so therefore letting DACA fail on its own is not a good strategic move, even though you've already proven that it is and I have no argument to prove that it's not."

I'm sorry but that is one of the most mind-numbingly retarded non-arguments I have ever witnessed. We're talking mega-kike levels of desperate hyper-shilling here. Truly embarrassing.

No, you are not. You're HOPING that it's a brilliant strategic move, so you don't have to stop sucking Trump's cock. It's totally unnecessary pandering that alienates the voter base.

It's the opposite of a good strategic move since it splits people all over the issue we thought was gone. Holla Forums has obviously been subverted by shills, but only kike loving faggots like the Trump IDF.

you faggots were claiming attacking syria was proof of his ooda speed, learn what the fuck it is, plebbitor.