How does this make you feel?
P5 thread
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I want to fuck that dress
which one is haru?
in fact what are the names of all the characters?
Looks like a lady. I don't see any problems here.
It makes me *tip* internally
Haru is the first pic, the second pic I just took from the wiki since it was faster that way.
Is anyone here in fear that this game will be localized just like #FE?
This, but I want to tip eternally
Did you make this thread just to desperately meme?
>tfw almost thought they made another Yosuke
Is that a squid girl on the middle left?
His mannerisms in the P5 poster makes it look like he might be more like Eikichi or Junpei than Yosuke. But that's just my guess since I haven't seen any gameplay where he interacts with the MC.
Nothing. It looks okay.
Hopefully this cast line of characters are decent. Majority of p4's characters were annoying as fuck.
These next 5/6 months will be nerve-wracking. Just remain cautious.
It makes me hattipy.
It would be poetic justice.
>i believed the hype
I'm not a weeb waifufaggot who only cares about moeshit so why would I care?
persona 5 is told to be closer to mainline smt rather than p3 or p4
from what we have seen so far with the negotiations it seems that way, however i don't want to be disappointed
I want it to crash and burn so that the franchise can rest in piece. There is no chance of it being good.
The six month wait between versions terrifies me. My only solace is knowing Nintendo is not involved in any way and they are the worst offenders.
Why would anything nice ever happen?
Nintendo is a close second only because they haven't released literally unplayable games
NISA is fucking terrible, but I don't know man, Treehouse showed me things I haven't seen since the 90s. I think I'd rather have my game be unplayable than be forced to listen to Pickleman.
You've got more than enough time to learn Japanese before the game releases.
I'm don't even know how to express my disgust at this kind of desperation. Especially after mainline pretty much became Persona 4-lite with SMT4 being as garbage as it was.
Strangely aroused.
What did he mean by this?
You could fuck her in public all while staying hidden under her dress
But she is the dress. Did you not notice she has no body?
That changes nothing
The lips on front are cute. Also I love dresses, so I'm indifferent. Don't really care about the name.
this is my fetish
But if you fuck a dress from inside the dress, your dick is going to stick out. That's not very hidden.
lmao fuckin dress virgin
Holla Forums has the weirdest fetishes sometimes.
But that's just having sex with some random girl under the dress.
That's pretty normal compared to getting off to a person changing shape or being flattened.
or having a giantess with acidic sperm melt 2 dudes and then bite the head off of another.
That was a funny doujin
Maybe it's just easier for you to hide your dick.
Feels like OP fishing for a quick jab at neckbeards
Go away faggot, stop repeating that shit.
No one likes your shitty waifu.
not that thread again…
I have to ask tho: is it really?
Everyone on Holla Forums is the quintessence of a neckbeard, yet i've never seen anyone on Holla Forums say "m'lady".
The usual terms i've seen here are "bitch" "whore" "slut" and "semen demon".
Who -actually- says "m'lady"?
I don't think neckbeards say "m'lady", ever.
That doujin wasn't that strange outside those few panels.
That's weird but not nearly as boner killing as the other one.
I don't have the Forrest Gump webm. Someone post it pls.
Can we go back to talking about dress waifu
Its more a jab at the betacucks on leddit. Holla Forums was never really like that.
oh fucking shit.
Universe confirmed for assplode back to Persona 2 because Demon contact is back
confirmed for Nyralathotep
tell me of the jester, why do they wear the masks?
I mean, Nyarlathotep was in P4A, so of course that shit's coming back.
Could p5 be the true p3? probably not, (i cant remember his name) isnt writing it
Kazuma Kaneko?
he was the director and leader for the early megaten games and nocturne, hence why they are so good.
he has gone missing, however
All I remember was that shitty fire demon.
He's apparently at the very end of P4A/P4AU. I don't have the second one but several people screamed at me loudly when he was reintroduced. He's apparently the one that made Sho or something?
wew lad
No, not kaneko, ther writer of the 1st 2 persona games.
Sure you're not mixing that up with Ikutsuki?
That's Ikutsuki silly
I mean, as I said, I don't have Ultimax, so I don't know for certain. Hell, it could be Philemon for all I know.
It's also a fucking tank
Fire God was Hi-no-Kagutsuchi(no relation). Ikutsuki made Sho. You were confusing both.
euphoric xd
he wasn't in it, we were given false hope with the "mysterious voice" at the end of P4A. turned out to be something stupid in p4au
Isn't he working on Calagula or something?
Yeah, he's credited as the writer for the game.
Deserves nothing less for ruining the mainline series.
Different doujin, the one with the sperm rape is about a futa mother and daughter. This one is about a giant futa magical girl who fights crime with acid cum.
2 nukes wasnt enough
They should have just nuked Tokyo instead.
Look at these normalfags who got lost on their way to Reddit.
She also eats people to replenish her supply too.
Weird time to remember I also have a fetish for the idea of cursed/living clothing forcing someone into wearing it. Certainly not as big as my latex fetish (unless the living clothing itself is latex, of course), but it's definitely up there.
Guess what company our favorite prostitute/PR whore got a job at.
Rapp works at Atlus now? I never saw that come up. Can I see an article or something? I figure that would have been all over the GG thread.
who is our favorite prostitute/PR whore? is Ashley burch?
Yeah, I hated arena for many reasons, but the worst was with that bait, making fans of old fans hope it was "him" but turning out to be a very generic shitty fiend that never appeared before and that is defeated by main protagonist ALONE with the power of friendship. Urgh…seriously, how can anyone like a game such as persona 4 with nonsense like this? I guess either you're very young when you played it or have a very bad taste in jrpg.
Take comfort in imagining that guy in despair, since he know the chances of a shitty character like Marie showing up in 5 are as good as of the remake of FF7 being better than the original.
We can only hope, but without satomi it's hard. Actually, I wonder if Caligula's story is even that good, maybe he lost his touch after not working in a game for what 10 years?
She works for Sega's localization team, not Atlus. Atlus's localization team is doing P5.
Thank you. Jesus, scared me for a second.
Yeah, no Sega leaves Atlus completely alone.
How the fuck did she get another job?
Just goes to show how unoriginal and talentless their "writers" are
Well, all demons in smt games are based on mythology, does that make the writers hacks?
I'm retarded, the article I saw it from was written on April 1st.
Thank fuck.
I can't tell if you're shitposting or are comparing classic lit references to fucking memes.
What are the odds of giant dickmonster hiding under there?
Literally what's the difference? Either way they're using someone else's work instead of their own original ideas. Persona is fucking cancer
Because one requires you to actually crack a book while another is aimed at blithering retards. But whatever, you already tipped your hand.
No it doesn't. You can look it up just like any other meme
There's still more going on in a book than there is in a funny picture, or four pictures, or a ten minute movie clip of guys yelling on a plane. There's more to work from.
You know what would give them even more to work from? Original fucking ideas
The MegaTen franchise is all about adapting other people's works by the hundreds. That's what it was founded on.
Game apparently is really good
Thankfully getting localized
Its 5 months because Japan would throw another hissy fit if they region lock the game, and SMT 4F has almost a 6 month difference
Mirai is my Stand.
The orange haired girl has the Necronomicon. I actually hadn't thought of a possible connection to Nyarlathotep…
Do you think they will say anything about the stallion of a man himself, the Doorman? Do you think that Autism Robot can save him? Does anyone actually want to save him because of the implications?
Door-kun can stay a door. There is no way thy'll try to tie P3's story into P5 considering it won't make sense.
fuck you
Ah, fuck you leatherman.
I'll show you who is the boss of this gym
Impatient for porn
What if the final battle of p5 used all the protags from all the persona games, and all of them could switch personas?
Too much work for atlus to do. Plus there would be players who wouldn't know who the first two protagonists are and would be confused.
what if their spirits fuelled your final attack?
They acknowledged the fedora meme!! That's insane, lmaoooooo
It's like they literally saw the fedora meme and said m'lady so they named a persona as milady XDDDD that's too much of a coincidence, obviously the devs know about EPIC memes. OMG EPIC CRINGE X'D
I recall Elizabeth was working to save him. Don't think that plot developed very far though.
Your waifu is a mary-sue shitter.
Kill yourself m8.
You know something? He looks a little like Serous Sam in that pic.
That P3MC stuff is a red herring. The real story will be about Igor bringing back his master.
>Want to be tied, gagged, and bound beneath the dress while it rides me through orgasm after orgasm
>It will never chuckle haughtily and tease me about being its little slut boi in public even though nobody can see me beneath it
What a gay lol
You're a good man user
>You will never be stealthily fucked repeatedly as the dress goes about its daily travels
>You will never hear her silky laughter as she fucks the last drops out of your orgasm only to tease you about how much you want her to fuck you more anyways
>You'll never be lovingly deposited on her bed beneath her, completely drained and half-mindless from constant orgasms, only for her to lean in close and whisper that a cute, commoner slut boi like you should be proud to be her personal sex toy just before she rides you again, this time even harder
No Marie, no buy.
>You will never be engulfed by the deep confines of her skirt
>Your body will never be drawn into place throughout her voluptuous form
>Her ballroom masque eyes will never seal themselves over your own
>You will never be the possessed host of her disembodied parasitic dress
This sounds rather unsettling.
How do you find this arousing?
Wardrobe and "Cursed Equipment" fetish. Not as high up on my list as latex (which Anne fulfills very well), but classy shit like that is really pleasing to the eyes.
I mean the idea of becoming a mindless sex drone, not the dress itself.
You can just wear the dress and jerk off.