So this is happening at Penn State

So this is happening at Penn State.
Professor crucifies Frog combining 2 things the left hates, Christians and Frogs.

The professors are holding teach-ins, it teaches what if Jesus was a frog?

Other urls found in this thread:

Quality thread, now kys.

He died for our digits.

This might have been interesting in 1960 or so.

Bump because it obviously triggers you.

We're legitimately living in their heads rent free. The kikes are losing it.

I'm not sure how to feel about this.
On the one hand, they are mocking Jesus by depicting him as a frog.
On the other hand, they are elevating a frog figure (Pepe/Kek) to a God status.
As usual, leftists don't know what they're memeing themselves into.

Kek is a god, and a far stronger one than Jesus and Yahweh as well.

We should complain. Get this faggot fired.

Fuck Jesus Christ and all his hypocritical followers.


How about you provide an article about it instead, nigger?

Kek is, fundamentally, a god of chaos. He would be the god of chaos, but that wouldn't be chaotic enough.

The question is not, "how does this make us feel," but rather: "how can we use this to damage our enemies?"

If there's a Jew behind this lol, of course there is we can make like outraged Christcucks and demand he gets fired – or raise consciousness about how much kikes fucking hate Jesus. If this proves to be popular with the normalfags, we must meme it and thus spread Kek. If it's a dead end, we may freely mock lefty art-cunts for their weakness.

Chaos opens many doors. Walk through the one that leads to more doors, and you shall conquer.


Kekistan faggots deserve defenestration.

The future is so bright I dont't need eyes


Pennsylvania anons – Go to this place and be photographed in prayer.

They can't even get the most basic shit right can they?

it would be better to be outraged Kekistani and demand he gets fired for insulting our God by the insult to his Prophet and lowering Him to the rank of a mere Djeezus

kikes would laught at the mockery we launch at christianity and wouldn't know how to answer, because if if they defended their "artist" it would make them appear defending Christianity, which is a thing they are thoroughly incapable of doing
so they would have to say it's a meaningless joke, which would considerably lower the shekels value of this money-laundering attempt, which is something elder kikes are wired to never allow
so they will have to attack US and KEK, in the name of "modern art" and "religions", confirming for everyone through their shhh, they're rumored to be fake news (((media))) that the highest authorities have ordered to the herd they are appointed to lead that they must non-believe in Him

which would increase our prestige and the power of our memes to levels human mind was not meant to understand

Jesus, Yeshua, also didn't die.
Not just because of the "resurrection" after 3 days but because Yeshua was just a showpiece.

If we entertain the notion that Christianity is real and not just the jew cult that it is:
Yeshua died for our sins, they say.
Elohim sent his son to earth to die for our sins so Elohim can forgive us in that roundabout way.

Thing is.
This plan would not have been possible without Elohim forgiving Christcucks already, aka, thinking about it.

You cannot set a plan in motion that has a specific goal (especially when omniscient) without knowing the goal and being okay with the goal.

To rephrase it for the simpleton Christcucks.
Elohim forgave you before he sent Yeshua down, or else he wouldn't have had a reason to send Yeshua down.

Also, it was back in the days where one could easily die of a simple infection during childhood.

This would ruin Elohims plans, therefore Yeshua was not at all just a regular man, but a puppet. A puppet that felt no pain, merely acted like it felt pain (real pain might make a human faint or die of shock).
It had to survive everything, the entire passion so the goyim would believe the whole story.

Nobody would have given a shit if a letter fell from heaven and said "you're forgiven, signed Elohim".
No, ancient Hollywood had to bring them the passion of Christ.

…but none of that is actually real, it's a story to begin with.
I'm merely arguing from "benefit of a doubt", for arguments sake.

Praise Kek!

Copying Crowley, cept he did it better in Liber Σταυροσ Βατραχου sub figura LXX which is "the Ceremonies proper to obtaining a familiar spirit of a Mercurial nature as described in the Apocalypse of St. John the Divine from a frog or toad.”

that would be nice
and lulzy

protest when they tell you that your Shadilay on the boombox is too loud

An ominous portent.

Seriously this is a great idea. Can you imagine how triggered that commie professor would be if groups of people started showing up to his exhibit and holding mass? Openly praising Kek and worshiping The Frog God? It would tear his asshole asunder. Perhaps halfchan should be enlisted in this venture for their numbers. Flood this exhibit with those faithful to Kek and watch the lefties lose it.


This is a fantastic idea. Would do it if I lived close enough. Imagine the outrage.
Sage for doublepost

This is what I have been thinking too, but he was nonetheless a very special showpiece. I think the Gospel reports of his activities are basically true.

If Yeshua were a showpiece, then it is a production they might choose to stage again.

this copypasta stinks of reddit.

Hello newfag. Kek is a god, always was. How did you not know this? And he's a far more powerful deity than the Jew rat called Jesus.

Just more Talmudic anti-Christ rhetoric.


Fucking lazy post, OP.

Muzzies went ape shit over cartoons. We need to play the Christian angle and start going ape shit over shit like that too. Not directly of course. Indirectly, by complaining to Christian groups and let them do the dirty work.

This is true. Jesus was in fact a Jewish con artist of the time. It's so obvious that his goal from the very beginning was to create this cult that would spread into Europa and make Europeans weaker. That is why Christianity teaches its followers to become passive weaklings. His goal was to collapse Roman civilization, and he succeeded. Indeed the king of Jews, similar to someone like Soros in our time.

Yeah, sure. Jews really "hate" Christianity, a religion that they have controlled for thousands of years. A religion that they started and intentionally spread to Europe. The messiah, first pope and all the first missionaries were all Jews. And you think that the Jews 2 000 years ago were good and just wanted to give Europeans a Semitic religion out of the kindness of their hearts? Who's the Jew of us after all? Pretty obvious really.

Yes! that's precisely with this sort of arguments that Kek will pierce the veil of normalcy through jewish-controled media
the fact kikes hate Jesus and that Christians are gaining the right to get pissed at the insults will be the gravitational slingshot we can use to let ourselves be launched to the Heavens

Back to >>>/cucktianity/ LARPagan.

Holla Forums is not a Christcuck board and will never be one, worshiper of Jews. You do realize this is a pagan board in fact, right? The majority religion here is worship of Kek.

actually, that's false
there were no "Jews" in Jesus time, there were Judeans (those who lived on place) and members of the Judah tribe
their priests became rabbis later, after they had been kicked out for douchebaggery, then they wrote the talmud which is basically a hit-piece on Christianity

Kek is better

ITT: kikes, fedoras, reddit.

Back to your dead board. We all know you're not originally from here.
You regularly shill against Trump with bullshit blackpills and encourage anons to leave the board. You also shill for mudslimes.

desecration of christian symbolism is such a fucking cliche i don't understand why they even bother anymore. it was edgy decades ago but we're now at a point where filming yourself shoving a crucifix up your menstruating cunt is the goto project for every feminist art student.

This is actually incredibly wrong.

To begin with there is the name meme. The reason we use the name God is because it is the most accurate way to phrase his nature in English. The second-most accurate would be to directly translate his title as "I AM THAT I AM" (given as YHWH in Hebrew). You could also use "Lord", "Father", and other phrases to stand-in. "Jesus" or "Christ" are acceptable as phrases for the Son because they are how the Anglo tongue best presents them. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Now, as for the forgiveness of sins, it is important first to understand that God does not do something "before" or "after". God is not a part of the natural world. He is part of the supernatural world. He does not exist within the dimension of time as humans do. He is outside of time. When God intervenes in in the year 2017 he is not doing it before he does something in 2025 or after something in 1257, he is simply doing it.

God created mankind in his image. However, he did not create a mankind that was like him. He created a mankind that did not comprehend good or evil, that did not have understanding of sin. Most importantly, it had no knowledge of death, despite living within the flow of time. And it had free will. The animal mankind committed the original sin through its own will and in doing so gained knowledge of what was right and what was wrong. As an aside, it is important to note that while God is all powerful, that does not mean he can do everything. As God is by nature good, he cannot do evil. As God is by nature all-knowing, he cannot discover new things. Humans are limited. Humans can do these things. Essentially, humanity is the creature like God but which can do those things that God cannot.

This is where Jesus comes in. God followed Adam and the children of Adam down the centuries (and there is much evidence to suggest that, contrary to common interpretation, the generations of Adam were but one of many anatomically modern humans which existed on the Earth), to Abraham, and his descendants. The Old Testament depicts the history of the Israeli people, and their constant defiance of God. When they honored him, they grew in power. When they turned their backs to him, they suffered. And so this continued until something else happened - the Roman Empire.

Jesus was incarnated into flesh as a descendant of the Line of Adam. He was God but he was also man. He had his own body, and could feel pain, but was without sin. However, while he was without sin, his nature as man was that of a creature which could sin. By his nature, God could not disregard a sin. But by becoming a creature which is able to sin, God - as Christ - could take the sins of mankind upon himself. That this happened when it did was not a matter of God deciding it one day, but rather, that it fit into His plan at that essential moment. Had Christ come earlier or later, it would not have been at that specific moment, when the Line of Adam and the Sons of Rome were intersected in the world. It was this which permitted Christianity to spread.

Now where do the Jews fit into this? The most essential thing about modern Judaism is understanding that they truly consider themselves the Chosen People. In contrast, Christianity expresses the belief that all of mankind has been chosen by God. Jews believe that God is separate from mankind, but may intercede to aid them. Christians believe that the veil between God and mankind has been torn away, and that everyone from an innocent child to a convicted murderer may be received equally in his eyes. Their arrogance led them to reject Christ and all he taught. It led them to write the Talmud. It has led them to plot about the systematic destruction of the West. It has led them to do everything they can to subvert Christianity. They don't want to see it gone, of course. They just want to see it stripped of its hard and degenerated, to be employed as a useful tool, just as Islam is. They are terrified of the thought that they might be wrong.

It is also worth noting that the top Jews, such as the Rothschilds, work directly for the Dragon and the various lesser Beasts he has given his authority to. They have been given great power and wealth in the world, so long as they further the agenda of keeping as many people as possible away from Christ. Every person they turn away from him, or prevent from turning to him, is a victory.

he is anti-Christian, shills for Paganism AND for mudslimes at the same time?
what could his religion be ?!?!?


And he gave you doubles.


Lol, they wouldn't fire someone calling for white genocide on twitter. Civility and rules are for whites only.

Fuck, if it's this bad now here, imagine when summer really kicks in and every fucking school-age retard with access to a keyboard is here? Place is going to be fucking unbearable for oldfags. It's already stage 2 cancer, by June it will full stage 4….

You're an idiot. Jews aren't evil because of their religion, but because of their Semite genes. So yes there were Jews back in Jesus' time. Doesn't matter what they were called, they were the same evil rat species that they are now.

You are hilarious. Everyone can tell you are the one not from here. Did you think it's normal to shill for Christcuckery here? It's not a tolerated religion on Holla Forums, no more than Judaism or Islam. None of those three are European religions, you filthy kike worshipper.
What on earth are you talking about? You're just linking to some other persons posts and claiming I am him, are you fucking stupid or something?

Another blind retard?

Listen you two newfag shills. We have a thing called ID's here. You completely outed yourselves as subversives that have just arrived here, you can't even compare IDs it seems.

It seems like there's no real defense against this in paganism. Our colleges worked well when they believed in a universal truth which they could work towards discovering, which underpinned science and rationalism.

Now that the pharisees have taken over the universities, they believe that they can reinterpret facts into whatever they want. Now we've got 67 genders and every culture is equal, but whites are less equal than others.

Lest we feel too special, the (((advisors))) in China got Mao to destroy traditional chinese culture and starve 60 million peasants to bring in their utopia. Any bloodshed is justified so long as they're the ones on top.

They truly are the cancer of all civilizations.

You aren't fooling anyone fagget


Are you illiterate? I literally proved I was right and those two were shills, they didn't know about IDs. Are you just one of them? Lately we are under constant attacks it seems.

look kike turd, you can be as much a larper as you want, but there is no religion more European than Christianity
the pre-jews kikes hated the concept so much that they killed Jesus, and the free men of Europe liked it so much that they adopted it
go fuck yourself with an uncircumcised cactus

I see nothing but an opportunity to not only befuddle the masses - but to actually scare them into believing that we aren't just "trolling" anymore We aren't and I am not about KEK.

Poo poo pee pee his vehicle up. Penn State has faculty stickers and faculty parking, epoxy some chicken nuggets to his hood.

Quality post. To add a small amount of insight into the magnitude of Jesus' first coming. Before the covenant with Jacob, when Abraham was Abram. Abram had just defeated the alliance of the 5 kings of Elam. He had a meeting with the King of Salem (basically Jerusalem's city-state), Melchizedek. Melchizedek was a theocratic priest-king, who blessed Abram, and Abram gave him a tithe, a show of deference.

Fast forward to when David became King. He composed a Psalm. He is speaking of Jesus who "sits at the right hand of the Father", and prophesied that he will assume the mantle of High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, and then strike down the enemies of the one true God.

This is very important because if you look at YHHWism and Judaism there, several pillars stand out

1) The KOHEN (rabbinical) and Levitical priestly order
2) Animal (GOYIM) sacrifice
3) The covenant of supremacy

Jesus, with his crucifixion and resurrection simultaneously destroyed these 3 pillars. By assuming the perpetual title of high priest of the order of Melchizedek, an order without genealogy, he destroyed the spiritual authority of the inferior priesthood of the Jews based on lineage. His death was the ultimate sacrifice, nullifying the justification for blood rituals, and fulfilling the covenant made with Abram, providing a clean slate for all to be saved.

When he comes a second time, he will assume the eternal kingship, and wipe the Talmudists', and their spiritual father Lucifer's, rebellion from the earth forever.

That is why they wrote the Talmud, because they realized that if Jesus was who he said he was, they were rendered not only obsolete, but they were now found to be in rebellion, and their shenanigans of the past 500 years would be accounted for. Isaiah, one of their most revered prophets, said that they would be blind to the Messiah when he appeared, and that they would be sold into bondage for their worship of Moloch.

Jew lover. It is a Semitic religion, therefore 0% European.
Romans killed Jesus because he was a subversive Jew who was spreading anti-Roman, anti-white propaganda in their empire
This ignorant of history? The cult was forced on Europeans by sword. VAST majority of the European population was given a choice, convert or die.

You're a kike or a good goy who loves the Jews. Filthy creature.

I'm not the slightest bit religious but you are so wrong it's suspicious

Yeah, you're not from here and you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Either on purpose or through ignorance. Either way you're a fag and you should shut the fuck up

My god, you really aren't from here. The context I used "we" in was correct. You've clearly just seen some other shill get called out for using it the wrong way, but failed to apparently understand the context.
You're a Jew and should end your miserable life before we put you in the oven and do it for you.

Dumping my Christian folder to trigger the anti-Christ spirits ITT. Holla Forums was, is, and will always be a Christian board.

The Jews had Jesus killed by the Romans because he was a subversive Jew for trying to subvert them into a state of humanity.

kek. I'm not even going to call you out on being new anymore because it's fucking obvious.
Holla Forums is not one person you absolute fag. And it never was against Christianity. Keep outing yourself though


false, the pharisee priests did
false, because he was kicking merchant-priest asses who were selling their religious "cleansing" to degenerates
the romans didn't give two shits about Jesus
false, the cult was opposed by roman polytheism and conquered the hearts and minds by making Christians better persons
false, not only conversion was voluntary, but most of the rites, feasts and pagan ceremonies were imported into the new worship

you know nothing

and got the IDs exactly right when I answered the user who called you on your bullshit and shilling

Christianity didn't end with Jesus's crucifixion, it exploded




You should sage this shit thread tbh

I hate most modern so-called "artists" so much. It used to take a lot skill, years of training, and they used to produce something really neat to look at. If this frog on a stick is art I'm Michelangelo.
It isn't even edgy, it isn't pushing any limits. It's tame. Even Jesus being fucked in the ass by a dog wouldn't be edgy, you can see that on Netflix. You want to be edgy you show Mohammed. So the frog is just boring. No edginess, no skill, no beauty.

get rid of the 3rd image, it's false and the conclusion is retarted
it's been screencapped by a teenage wannabe philosophery expert who deleted his (you) like a noob

If you ever get the chance to see you are going to feel so stupid


Gas yourself

Nah, the fight between pro-Christ and anti-Christ is, essentially, everything Holla Forums is about.

Are you talking about the image with the owl, Christianity vs SJW? I'll review it.

Meant for
brb, gassing self


THis is ancient.

I agree that it's important subject matter but I just can't see discussion coming from this besides anons shitting on kikes and larpfags trying to weave a scene of false agreeance. Oh well, nice dump anyway

Hi JIDF. Your ancestors nailed your saviour to a cross. Repent of your sins and turn to Christ. Even jew souls can be saved.

The Romans were far more human than your Semitic race ever was.
Never said it was, but you're legitimately too fucking stupid to shill here if you don't realize "we have been under a lot of attacks lately" is referring to Holla Forums being a target of organized shilling operations more lately. It was not an incorrect use of the word "we" regarding Holla Forums. You're so fucking unintelligent holy shit, how have you not died from stupidity yet? It makes sense that you got hired as a shill though, only morons would ever do that line of work.
Except it always was, and is now more than ever before. It's a Jewish cult, and you outed yourself long ago. Cry more Rabbi.

Hahahahah holy shit. What are you doing here you bluepilled moron? You're an average Jew worshipping Cuckservative, this clearly is not the right place for you.
And no you didn't get the IDs right you illiterate newfag, the guy the other shill was linking to was not me and you would see that if you weren't so fucking incompetent. Good god the shills are getting dumber by the day.

Yeah, time for you to go back to The_Donald?

but, little kike, this applied to you

Okay. I'd like to evaluate how important religion is for anons here.

Would you rather have religious Muslim president, or Atheist president?

Would it matter is Muslim is black, and Atheist - white?
If both are white?
If both are black?

Jesus was a rat creature. He was not human, since Semites are not a species of humans. He was a worthless subhuman kike, not even worth a single hair on the head of any Aryan.

You're deluded.

You're so shitter shattered Rabbi. The time of your Semitic cults is ending soon. All three of them.

So who wants to go steal it in three days?

They DO realize the significance of the cross to Christians, right? I'm no follower of the faith, but I'm pretty sure misuse of the cross only emboldens christians because it's a symbol of the very persecution Jesus himself suffered.

sage for dogshit OP


you want copypasta?

Nigger fights niggers: Nigger remains a nigger.
Chink fights chinks: Chink remains a chink.
Beaner fights beaners: Beaner remains a beaner.

Kike fights kike: Kike becomes gentile European spiritual figure despite being born a kike and coming from a kike god.

Only in Christianity.

Christianity has very little to do with todays state of affairs in the west, and pretty much everything to do with Judengolem allied forces (which the Frenchmen were, as well) smashing the immune system of the west.

Eastern Europe is better because it's orthodox!

No, Eastern Europe is better because it was either their own faction (comintern), out for the count immediately (poland), or not seen as quintessentially western and therefore was more or less "forgotten" by the main war forces beyond obligatory war measures.

No, WW2 was a western brother war, the infected golems vs the immune system.

The golems won.
They established Israel.
They sheltered jews.
They established the holohoax narrative.
They castrated germany with treaties and occupation.
That said, Christcuck exploitation was one of the biggest hooks to lure them in against their pagan brethren.
Just like when Cucktianity first arrived.

To clarify, if you're an atheist or secularist today isn't the reason why the west sucks.

It's WW2.

And, in fact, the churches are still traitors, feeding countless shitskins, advocating against nationalism, et cetera.

And to elaborate on this even further.

Symptom of the immune system smashage.
But, in great juden tradition, they offer their own ((( solution ))), as always.
((( Christianity ))) even though it was instrumental in the downfall of our defenses in the first place.

Don't fall for Abrahamic infections.

Neither "march to zion" nor "muh paper that we wuz the true isrealites" is the cornerstone and foundation of Christianity.
The Bible is, nothing else. And the Bible is fully jewed, just like ((( Christianity )))

It's a time-waster faith. A lot of nonsensical pseudo-philosophy that's been built up over time to try and justify the magical thinking of a bunch of desert semites.

Praise Kek

i know these Pepes are worthless on the market right now but all my good ones are on my pc, these are all I have access to right now

I guess kek is ok with them, I'll just do some lashes to make up for these wasted dubs instead of outright killing myself

Listen my rabid like friend, this blantantly obvious technique hasn't worked for the past decade. It didn't work on cuckchan it it won't work here.

You're so neurotic and yiddish that you don't even realize that when the goyim see you claiming that Jews run Christianity it only makes you seem jealous and vindictive


It's both. Jewish rejection of Christ led to their inbreeding, which led to them becoming the genetically deformed parasites they are today.

PizzaGate is real. PRAISE KEK!!!


You're not exactly preaching asatru faggot.

Is there a divine or not? If so what prevents it from manifesting in Jewish territory and literally standing against everything they represent. I don't know the answer myself but you're a fucking retard if you think that supernatural events necessarily fall under your assumptions and cultural preferences. Either you're an atheist a kike or a larpfag grandstanding like he has an idea of what the fuck ancient European religions meant or why societies voluntarily converted to Christianity. Tell me why would your European ancestors allowed themselves to be dominated by Christianity. Weakness? Stupidity? Perhaps they weren't as frail and stupid as you assume.

You really give the Jews this much power over your ancestry? Pathetic.

Is that what you think, pleb? kek

Because Christianity isn't the source of Jewish power in the West, right?

Because Jews always control non-Christian Nations right?


Actually, they just paid off some ruler.

Norway was converted when Christian ships captured a Viking king, and offered him death or 30,000 pieces of silver and baptism

Like Jews, Christians killed and bought their way to power. Now Jews rule over Christians – same God – same books — all they have to is convert to hide their (((intentions)))

There really is no limit to the cognitive dissonance of Christcucks

Correct, it's not. Jews subvert some Christian churches (subversion of evangelical Protestant churches in America is probably the single biggest driver of popular support for Israel today), but not to any greater degree than they subvert cultural institutions in general.
Why do you think Mark Zuckerberg's kids are half-Chinese?

Having trouble reading? You replied to my post yet in no way was I offended by this "crucifixion of Kek" nor did my post in any way make it seem like I was. It seems you have a wild imagination.

They control Saudi Arabia.

can you take closer pictures. also, you should leave a tribute, like some chicken tendies.

This is your religion? lol

It worked with the Murdercube.

Back to your dead board.

I already said I'm an atheist, but go and ahead keep pissing into the wind retard

You literally never did that. All you're doing is sperging over Jesus like a kike

Saudis are Jews. And Islam was created by Catholics.


The left's last ditch attempt to harness meme magic. Low energy, very sad.

The House of Saud is. The majority of the population is not.

What dead board? /christian/?

Nice trips user.


a better pic of the sigil on Pepe's chest plz?
and what's with the 3 frogs on coals? is it a bible burned in there?

Hahaha nice anons really are everywhere

check em

Praise kek. leave an offering.

You realize that was a lament that Nietzshe said right? Not an exultation?

There is this comic book they wrote, the student artists. In the comic book this Priest's wife commits suicide. In the end of the book he turns into a Pepe. The book is a "Welsh/English Bible." It is a relic the priest uses before he turns into a frog. The story doesn't make sense because it's a collaborative effort for their "Transmedia" thingy.

You're on the list too, Sargon.

Why didn't he just "convert", take the money, and not actually change anything?

you sound like a kike to me

Awesome job, annon. Kek be praised.

But a word of wisdom, avoid photographing your finger prints. No telling what the fucking alphabet agencies might use them for. Just a head's up for next time.

Shit Nigger, wtf.
Is the left finally playing its role and will bring the second coming of the messias. Time to join the witnesses.

I'm pretty sure making his word worthless was against everything he believed unless he was Jewish. The right answer would be to take death. It'd be bad for him, but it'd show his kingdom cannot be intimidated and his heirs would be pressured in doing the same the next time it happened.

Offering to him my boy while we get the digits going


but from what he>>9813274 says, it's from the ashes of "liberal college commitee comic-book"

too bad it's burned, it was surely full of memes

God had already forgiven Adam (or the First Man, whatever his name may be)
Kikes in the form of the (((Christian))) bishops just make it all up already

Well, I had a warning for you, but I can't get the image from my phone to the computer to post it at the moment. So just imagine an image of the May/June 2015 cover of Evidence Technology Magazine, the cover story and image being "Fingerprinting with Photography", overlaid with my own timestamped note that says "Please improve your OpSec."

This, they've been infected by the power of memes.

Our memes are not dreams
We made our memes real
We just did it.


Too late. The alphabet agencies have been on my case for something else for years. I Particularly the Pedo mafia connected to the Philly DHS. I use gloves for my espionage now, I'm sure several local police have my finger prints already, they can't do much to me. Many innocent people had their childrens taken away from them and given to pedos. Faruq Robinson was one that had his kids stolen if you want a pedogate lead, he's black though. I'm trying to lay low for now. I strike this summer at new targets. ……different story though.

Here is the sigil. I thought it was the alchemical symbol for sulfer/satan at first. But it's something else. It's an anchor. It doesn't appear in the comic.

If I'm lucky I'll have a copy of the comic tomorrow.

They are getting suspicious of me now. I'll leave an offering to this KEK when I can.

The Jews were a corrupting influence well before people decided to start pretending Jesus was real. In the 16th century BC, the hebes took over Egypt and built a corrupt dynasty there. The Egyptian called them the Hyksos, which may be derived from the name of their language.

After just 200 years, even the servile peasants of Egypt had had enough usury and lies* to rise up and expel them. They probably took as much loot as they could carry along for the trip back to their native Canaan. Today's yids celebrate this as the Exodus, when cruel-for-no-reason Pharaoh tried to kill them off. They may have killed a bunch of innocent Egyptian children, reading between the lines of the first Passover.

A couple centuries later, after the proto-kikes were back in the saddle in Palestine, every civilization within chariot range of Jerusalem collapsed into a 500-year-long dark age. When their homeland (suitably cleaned of non-chosenites) was inevitably conquered by Babylon, they made trouble until the place was sacked by the Jews heroic defenders, the Persians. This was the first Diaspora.

The Persians were good shabbos goyim, so Darius let the hooknoses go back to Jerusalem and build a temple. He also purged their old racial enemies, the Amalekites, because one of them was mean to Mordechai. The blood-soaked massacre is now commemorated as Purim.

When a real white man, Alexander the Great, came along and permabanned Darius III, he mostly left the sheenies alone in their shithole because he had bigger fish to fry. They rewarded the Greeks for bringing their superior memes by forcibly circumcising non-pozzed residents of Jerusalem and fucking killing everybody who could read or who liked Greek wine. The revolt of the Maccabees is now remembered as the origin of Hanukkah.

Then the Romans had to step in because the fucking Jews were provoking fights with the Parthian Empire. The Jews revolted against Rome, got b&, and then were scattered across the Empire. To this day, young kikes are taught from the Talmud that the )))Romans((( shoahed 40 million Jews. This was the Second Diaspora.

The Jews Have Been Our Misfortune Since 1700 BC

*Monotheism, Baal worship, degraded art, high taxes, a million little moneymaking scams like forcing farmers to buy grain from the government, sell the crops to the government, and charging a fee for it. . . sound like the Jews we know?



Remember to keep your fingertips out of the image

Checked for the Frog God!

That's pretty funny.

Ha'Adam was his actual name. Adam were Semites before him. Ha'Adam was created by Elohim and his sons (Sumerians) in the garden of Eden (Edur, a Sumerian town) to "tend to his garden".

Ha'Adam and Eve were essentially Mexican slaves there to work the garden until they had sex and covered themselves with fig leaves.

It was always a slave cult. Jews are slaves to their father Abraham (see meme). Only the Aryan is master

Christ Kek looks like he's about to be dissected

Not Catholic, but I've got no problem with anyone who is pro-Christ.

…you don't even know where the fuck the word Semite comes from, do you?

It's just a shill. They've been hitting the anti-Christian angle in multiple threads today.

Retard, I was simplifying it for you.
Adam = man (6th day). Ha'Adam = soil or ruddy man (8th day). He was a slave to the Sumerian king's garden.

what a supportive thing to say, user.


French user here, it's weird it look like a lot like this , it's supposed to represent faith, hope and the three marys and globaly Camargue ( a french region). Don't really know why it's here might be because it's a christian symbol.

I'm not a christian nor am I a "pagan" but that is a golden opportunity for maximum lulz and spread of a dumb Holla Forums meme.

Though tbh the Scrotum of Mossad would probably make a visit and shit up the shrine with his centerist cuckoldry and shit up the place with his dune quadroon heritage.

If it's going to be done we need to emphesize that the shrine is done by WHITE SUPREMACISTS and not normalfag sargon users that like to latch onto originally Holla Forumsock memes.

They didn't.
Why do you think there are so many protestant/orthodox denominations that eshew catholicism?

Because it's the most pagan denomination of them all.
And pagans are still around.
Christianity never truly conquered Europe.
At all.
It's 2017 and in a few days the guys in my village will still hang up a Maibaum.
Weekdays are still pagan named.
Countless pagan customs are observed.
Even if they hang a little yeshua up on the wall.

Also, Judaism (and therefore Christianity) started as just another sun worship cult.
And therefore it was readily accepted in Greece, who, in their naivity, thought it was just another one of those, of which there were many back then.

Also, no the jews themselves didn't fight other Europeans, golemized Europeans fought other Europeans.

But, they didn't succeed. Else you wouldn't have to kvetch to me that I should worship your jew god as zealously as you are.

He's not dead.



But since you are speaking about "weakness".
On which side do you want to be on?

And utterly splintered kike globalist religion that thinks you're the same as a nigger before (((god)))?
Like every jewish plan, alien and incompatible with the west, so confusing and outlandish that it requires 6 gorillion denominations who are all splintered up because they're trying to step around and mental gymnastic about the desert portions of the book.

Or a native European religion that has toughed it out until today and is on the rise again?
That has infiltrated the kike religion and made it "adopt" its customs or be rejected?

OF course you choose the jew religion, because it has you by the balls.
You swallowed the solution to the problems it created hook line and sinker and wouldn't even know what to do without your jewish savior who will lead you into an eternal hangout with him after your death.


Translation of symbol:
Loving Jewsus pulls you down

Bear in mind that Christianity is basically a continuation of Egyptian and other near-East religions.

The "Old Testament" should be thrown in the trash though.

idk, Ecclesiastes is breddy gud tho

What's going to stop their enemies from coming in dressed as monks and knights taking pictures of themselves kneeling before this?
This is just another weapon in the Kek cult's meme arsenal.

Sadly untrue,
When I was growing up I went to a sorta hippy party with my father on may day (father was basically a degenerate dead head hippy) and they participated a may pole. Also the Maypole is actually kinda degenerate i nodern interpretations because the pole represents a phallic symbol i.e. the spring representing rebirth
And? our months are named after roman gods and emperors, I highly doubt you worship Jupiter.
Oh and I seem to remember our year system being based on christianity and how long ago Jesus had died.
These customs are pagan but arent neccesarily still associated with what ever origin they actually had with any kind of pagan beliefs. Any association that still exists has been christianized. Also pagan practices and beliefs werent exactly as standardized as they are in christianity so theyres plenty of different interpretations and variations of stories.

Note that I'm not a christian nor am I 'pagan' btw. I mainly just think you can have pagan traditions but not signal against christians and christians will pretty much leave the pagans alone as long as theyre isnt any direct discourse about or infighting because it really is just annoying autism, I get the arguments of both sides its just dumb, I myself don't argue about it but I actually could argue either side because Ive head every argument for both sides.

'pagans' can continoue to larp their dead religion and theologically mongrelized all 'pagan records' were written by and interpreted by christians religion

and christians can continoue to pray to rabbi yeshua in hope that he'll get revenge on the wicked Jews who he himself technically is.


Real translation: The love for jesus is a safe haven, where you can anchor.

Angry LARPagans and fedoras in 3, 2, 1…

To put this into perspective.
If you went and asked a representative of each and every denomination about which one is the real one and which ones are fake.

Then you would arrive at the following result:
Each denomination would get 1 vote for being true, themselves.
And as many votes that they are false as there are other denominations.

And there are a lot of denominations.

So even Christians are overwhelmingly sure that your denomination is a cult, a sect, heretical out the ass.
As per 5999999 votes for 'nay' vs 1 for 'yay'.

A haven is a haven.
An anchor is thing you throw into the sea.

Yes, it keeps you in the safe haven of God after a long odysee of searching for truth.

Come at me, gentiles.


Three for three

The only way to be free is to reel your heart back in, which was supposedly better off on the sea floor because it kept you near ((( Christ ))).

I'm liking your analogy, thanks.
You can only be free if you remove your heart from ((( Yahweh ))).


Yeah, we know. Your point, Schlomo?

Crowley thinks getting poopdicked give you magical powers. Like the freemasons.


lol wat?
Yes I'm sure the person created it not as a dumb art project but as literal excercise of religious freedom. I seriously can't tell if this is clever bait or that you're actually autistic
Holla Forums frog meme co-opted by the alt-kike somehow implys its not our meme anymore. Thats the same logic as blacks saying the white man literally 'stole what they think was 'their' technology.

praise Kek and his smug prophet Pepe

Stop posting Eagles lyrics user.

Original sin is a good concept.

Also, i think the heart is supposed to symbolize the love of God which keeps you safe.

Christianity was a based religion. They expelled jews, Luther named the jew vehemently and demanded synagogues to be burned, and they wiped out mudshits in the holy war. The subversion of the church itself made the religion into cuckoldry for the kikes. LARPagans or any other religion is as fine as christianity, as long as you are redpilled and act accordingly.

Not even a Christian, just using logic here.

When will you fags learn?

Just because he didn't like kikes doesn't mean his Church was good for Germany/Europe.

Enemy of my enemy is NOT my friend.

I've actually thought a lot about starting a legitimate kekstianity religious organization, after this blatant display of amphibiphobia I will be doing so, I'm in the process of writing a letter right now.

Kek sacrificed himself so that we may eat tendies in our anime heaven forever.


Kek, let's do it


Anons, christians and kekstians alike; stop the D&C you nigger faggots.
Bend the knee to kek and Natural Law.
let's get this thing going
imagine the triggerings that will occur
I know I will be going to PSU to pay homage to Kek


fuck you, my weaponized autism needs ammo from time to time
I don't give a fuck if it triggers no-fun shills

there's stuff already
if you make a schism, you better increase fun

Kek is a God of peace.

When they actually start murdering frogs they will know Kek's wraith

Why does the arguing with Christians picture show a Muslim?

If he truly is the son of dubs, let him come down from that cross and save himself, and then we shall believe

Because Christianity is an Eastern faith, and Catholics created Islam by "converting" Mohomo.

Yes, peta is a good angle. Let the left continue to eat itself.

this is nonsense

It's funny, and the left will grow even more deranged because of it.


When will the pilgrimages begin?

I know location. Just outside philly, NYC to Virginia anons its one train ride an hour or so away or bus.

I gotta get a MAGA hat I think for this but gotta find out if this installation is even accessible to the public or just in some backroom somewhere.

Former Penn Stater Alum

If they have the desire to raise children of a different subspecies then we're better off without them.

This is the shit I can't get past. Hiding shit shit from the get-go. The fucker denied us immortality, too. So how do you feel spending eternity worshiping a being like that? Suckers.


No. I feel as if Kek wills we migrate to the Northwest Front.

He did not "deny us immortality" he revealed to us through acquisition of knowledge that we were mortal
the state of paradise from before the fall was the state of animality, ignorant of the inevitability of our own death, ignorant of our own suffering because of the forgetfulness in the moment of a time when we didn't suffer, ignorant of the fact that others were able to suffer too because of our own actions, ignorant of sin because every single act was in complete obedience to our pre-human's instincts
knowledge brought us all this shit
and free will, too

it's to be able to go kick His ass that we've done everything we could since then

The Dragon was a symbol of Rome's military. Revelations is literally anti-European Zionist (Zealot) propaganda

The Bible does tell us about a plague of frogs

Have religion threads on 8/pol/ always been this bad or have they actually managed to get worse since the April Fool's Day """hack?"""

Nigger, religion threads were this bad since before Holla Forums even existed. 10 years ago on /n/ and /new/ they were this bad.

Why would the left become more "deranged" if you act like an autistic mongoloid? Did we become "triggered" when hundreds of witches cast a spell on Trump? No we didn't, because weirdos indulging in magical thinking is not a cause for worry.

In short, take your "kekstianity" crap back to cuckchan.

Do you even weaponize confirmation bias?

Posting shit anime and complaining would you could learning.

Back to cuckchan sand nigger worshiper

It is painfully obvious you don't belong here. Actually maybe you do belong here, and that's exactly what's wrong with this place nowadays.


2D multicultural pedo memes never belong on Holla Forums. Not until this place went to shit were you fuckers allowed her.

You must be paid to do this because even goon trolls are not as stupid as you.

Are you the moderator?


/k/ did this with some lefty's anti gun thing and you knowit you fucking copycats

Change through chaos is not peaceful

lt hasn't just degraded visual art…

Compared to the old screeching from five years ago these new religion threads are pretty damned epic. Old ones were cringe worthy as fuck on all sides.

It used to be atheists vs Christians, but now it's almost all Kek vs Christians. I think this makes the Christians somehow even more upset than ever before. It genuinely is amusing.

Spent 5 minutes on a christian board. Found out they fear the internet. Imagine what Kek makes them feel, lol

there is no evidence that the juden were ever in egypt aside from that old testament thinger.

The Camargue cross is an emblem formed with a Latin cross whose upper ends represent a three-pronged fork ( a working tool used by "gardians" (cowboys) ) and whose lower end is a sea anchor topped by a heart.

It stands for the three cardinal virtues :

The cross for faith
The anchor for hope
The heart for charity
The 3 extremities of the Cross end with tridents representing the Camargue gardians and soul.

The Camargue cross was created by the painter and sculptor Hermann Paul in 1924 at Marquis of Baroncelli's request.
The first one, forged in 1930 was put in Saintes Maries de la Mer, near the Maure bridge not far from the Simbeu farmhouse where the Marquis of Baroncelli used to live. Today, it is still there.

The Camargue horse is the traditional mount of the gardians, the Camargue "cowboys" who herd the black Camargue bulls used in bullfighting in southern France.

Since the 1500’s the men (and more recently, women) of the Brotherhood of the Camargue Horsemen have been tending to herds of horses and bulls in the unfenced coastal region of the Camargue in southern France.

More on the symbology
The Camargue Cross is adorned with three tridents at the top, a heart in the centre and fish-tails at the base. This cross is the emblem of Saintes Maries de la Mer in the huge Camargue river delta, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France.

Three Marys
Mikolaj Haberschrack (Polish, 1450–1484)
'Three Marys at the Tomb', ca. 1470
(Click photo to enlarge)
Maries de la Mer means 'Marys of the Sea', which was named from medieval legends of the voyages of the three Marys: Mary of Cleopas, Mary Magdalene and Mary Salomé, mother of James and John (see Mark 16:1).

Yes, it is true that the cross was designed as an instrument of torture. But today, in Maries de la Mer and everywhere else in the world, the Cross is a symbol of love.

Yes, it is true that the cross was designed as an instrument of torture. But today, in Maries de la Mer and everywhere else in the world, the Cross is a symbol of love.

you suck, you have the exact same tone in all of your posts since the begining of the thread, stop flipping ips through your vpn to make believe you're a crowd of morons trying to herd Holla Forums to your failed consensus

Gotta check em and agree.

Heil Hitler

Except for the Semites who moved in and ate all the food and stole the money before getting kicked out. There's that.

Thanks for the rabbinic perspective, in which the yids can do no wrong, though. Look forward to getting tenure at Tel Aviv U for your contributions to demoralization of the goyim.



I wonder if he even knows the memetic shitstorm he's unleashed.

/christian/ is raiding us again


/chrisrian/ must be stopped in their raids

It's shills. You can tell because they're complaining that anime is allowed as well.

Try harder, intl.

Hi there, imkikey.

Ignore the religious d&c

According to tards kek speak with digits…

i still dont get the obscure french cross on the chest they chose.

There is no evidence that ever happened. The jewish priest class fabricated Exodus for political reasons during the Exile in Babylon. Exodus is the original Holohoax.

its def a hoax i aint buying they wandered around in some desert like tards they coulda just crossed in 11 days instead of 40 years it just makes no sense as to why and no evidence of them being missing by any other group documenting some massive group going missing for 40 years from that period by surrounding cultures and civilizations.

It's 1000% a hoax. The "moral" of Exodus is that the god jewish priests have access to is always more powerful than other gods, even when in foreign lands. To polytheists like the jews, this was a novel concept, the prevailing wisdom was that when you were in foreign lands, you worshiped foreign gods. Well the jewish priests were in foreign lands (Babylon), but wanted to retain their political power. That's why they wrote Exodus.

The theology of Jesus dying for the sins of all mankind is based upon the Jewish ritual of the "scapegoat" where a Jewish community would imbue a sacrificial goat with their sins and drive it over a cliff to it's death, hence dying with their sins.

In the 1st century AD basically every pagan religion in the Mediterranean had ritual animal sacrifice, so the story of Christ taking up everyone's sin and ritually sacrificing himself made an intuitive sense to the early Christians in a way that it doesn't to us and so we have to rely upon historical knowledge.

In Classical Antiquity rather it be Judaism, early Christianity or various pagan religions rituals weren't merely symbolic but were believed to have actual power. Ritual sacrifice is like sympathetic magic. You can't get something for nothing. In this case it is God who gave up something to give to mankind, rather than mankind sacrificing to get something from God.

Ironically I think the finality of the crucifixion in ending a need for ritual sacrifice hence leading to an end of the traditional understanding of its' meaning has made the concepts upon which the crucifixion story rests nonsensical to modern people. Another example of a Christian own goal alongside making the truth holy.


All this namefaggotry
hating anime is a strong sign of being a cocksucking goon

IMkampy never sleeps

I highly doubt it.

The 'draco' banner was an emblem used by Dacian, Sarmatian and Scythian peoples. They were a late addition to Rome's auxilliary forces, but were using this symbol for centuries before the Romans incorporated them.

I believe the main reason why they hate Jesus so vehemently and why they try to subvert Christianity so fucking hard is because it's literally one of their own who betrayed the tribes for the better good of the world. It shows their weakness in ways that centuries of subversion just cannot beat.

It's so petty and pathetic. It's like drawing a picture of the school bully and then stabbing it with a pencil.

I thought it was the brimstone at first

Do you mean before Rome fell? Most of their armies were barbarians.

Yes and no.
They are who they are due to their genes, but their religion hones their genetic dispositions to a fine edge.
The talmud is literally a giant encyclopedia of the best ways possible of how to jew.

That's pretty much what is happening today with islam in europe.

you're thinking of Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh. nobody knows what YHWH is supposed to mean, and western occultists made up their own symbolic explanations for it. It's just "the name that should not be spoken.
Then he's not infinite, is he? Set theory, bitch.
These two things cannot be simultaneously true.

he doesn't know about overloading your yang chi to shoot meme lightning bolts at the muggles, lmao fkn noob


Isn't it odd how people make anti-Christian rants in the facade of being Kekians, shit on latent Holla Forums culture like anime (evidence earlier in thread), make baseless claims they can't even prove, then they turn around and try and blame Christians for "shitting up Holla Forums/trying to raid"?
It's literally cry out as you strike them kikery.

And for some reason they're still given the free pass by mods.

I am close enough to do it.
I am so fucking tempted.

But it would bust my gasoline budget. Living on the edge, right now.

Not to mention that Jesus is supposed to be God on Earth, so God actually sacrificed himself to himself, as Odin did before Jesus.

Since when is removing jewish things D&C.

That's literally .net/pol/ in a nutshell idiot…

Good to see you in every thread that mentions the words Christianity, Religion and Jesus.

Hitler dubs confirms.

Second coming of Pepe?


no, you

/ intl/ had way too easy of a time on the fedorafags here

Don't even try, Christians are the most bainwashed of all.
They even think "all are one in Christ" and the tribes can intermingle if they're all Christian.
All of history screams how wrong they are, but they still believe what they've been told.

Their religion tells them to eschew worldly goods, but their church constantly wants money, and when they're out of worldly goods and shekels, they turn to the church and the government for more.

There's no logic to the dogma, and they've literally been waiting over 2 thousand years for the return of their messiah.

Just accept them if they're white, and don't worry about their beliefs.

Holla Forums invaded this place during election season and caused heavy d & c between Christians and Kek-ists, and enough anons fell to the shilling to the point where its impossible to have a thread involving Christianity at all. In 2015 and earlier it wasn't nearly the case as it is now. Religion threads used to be at least average quality.

I swear I've seen this exact same post before (word for word).

It seems that whenever the topic of religion is ever even marginally discussed, it tends to cycle between Christians, Atheists, and Pagans as the initial shitposter. Almost as if by design.

On topic, this is one dank meme and the fans don't even comprehend what they've done unless the Penn state artist collective is truly based. Between the whole kek Christ and what can be construed as a metaphor for the death of the West and the faithfully devoted turning into pepe, there's more than meets the eye here.

That's because it is, intl must be getting lazy so they recycle pasta every now and then.

Global report for intl.

The one thats atheist and white
Fuck mudslimes and blacks shouldnt be 8n charhe of anything

T. Christian

A foreign implanted desire.
It's still a GODDAMN SHAME.

Holla Forums, don't say you are a fan of KEK, unless you have read the manga.


None of those images said those other things IMKampy

Reporting anons for logical arguments again IMKampy?

white atheist > white muslim > black atheist > black muslim

but it depends circumstantially on how destructive each candidate could be. just because whitey's an atheist doesn't mean he isn't going to push kike agendas any less than the others


if you don't believe in kek, you are not my nigga

These rat bastards, they don't understand the Ogdoad or Gnostic esotericism at all. What's the opposite of illuminati? Maybe the Obscured. Whatever it is, these pretenders aren't it. But I suppose if they want to spread our religious symbols, let them do it. I guess that's why 'illuminati symbols' get plastered everywhere.
