Dividing mongrels from Nigs and Gooks

Since Current Year, mongrels especially like identifying as "Black" or "Asian". They get diversity points and good goy attention–but this wasn't always the case.
In the antebellum south, plantation owners fostered the dichotomy between mulattoes and full blown spooks by treating the former better as house niggers, and the latter more crudely as field niggers. Thus, conflict was intelligently fomented internally, rather than outward towards whites. We see vestiges of this with the latent animosity negresses have towards light-skinned girls with "good hair", or fairer negresses getting more movie roles for not being "too black". Likewise, before things were totally cucked and BM/WF couples became furiously promoted, a quadroon girl was the highest aspiration for a nigger–having mostly white features, while being culturally black. Again, amongst the females, the mixed vs black conflict was constant.
Why don't we exploit this historical division? I propose a two-fold plan. First, promote the differences among mongrels and niggers. Namely, explain that every accomplishment that niggers claim is actually done by a mulatto (as a result of whatever white genes they had). Isolate the mongrels for being "better" than niggers by highlighting slightly better IQ, attractiveness, civility, etc. Expose the Kike plan for the Beige Blob. Essentially, do anything to make niggers chimp out for feeling inferior, and mulattoes to self-discriminate instead of augmenting the nigger horde.
Secondly, do preventative measures against mulatto production. Make niggers fear white people again; the movie Get Out is a good mechanism for this. Make them nervous around whites. Along with increasing visibility of uppity mulattoes, ensure niggers have decreased desire to make any mixed mongrels.
Also, engage in both for Hapas. Foster hatred from Asians on Hapas by pointing out that Hapas don't get the same smalldick/bad driver/calculator stereotypes. Deflate Hapa ego by showing how they're all doomed to be Elliot Roger-esque failures and how AM/WF pairings are better than their WM/AF counterparts.
Notice, I say nothing about welcoming mongrels or even doing so much as offering an olive branch. Anyone even suggesting that can take Civic Cuckionalism elsewhere. This is strictly making their insecurities work for us.

Other urls found in this thread:


But that’s irrelevant now, since we don’t care about keeping a slave class of them, much less a mollified slave class. We care about their total extermination.
I do like this, though. May as well use it.

So they spend more time arguing and killing each other. Any iota of effort they spend doing that instead of antagonizing us is good.
What about Divide and Conquer do you not understand. Why should the kikes have a monopoly on a historical effective tactic?
Of all the things to immediately grasp and get excited about, this? You're a strange cookie, user.

Hello, Eurasian Tiger.

You're on the right track. I've had many ideas and a lot of success exploiting this. This could easily turn into one of the greatest OPs Holla Forums has ever undertaken.

Mulattoes with a high percentage of white genes are very keen on picking up on the fact that they're very different from the rest of the niggers. What I found is that the best way to exploit this is to remind them that all of their accomplishments and positive attributes are attributed solely to their white genes and not their black genes. Meanwhile focus on the average nigger who has an already apparent level of low percentage of white genes. Those niggers are just aware enough to hold spite and resentment towards mulattoes even if they can't comprehend the exact reason why. Even mulattoes like Oprah has run specials talking about how lighter-skinned mulattoes have faced discrimination from their "fellow brothers and sisters."

The more feral of the niggers will actively isolate the mulattoes. That will incentivize the mulattoes to stop supporting their feral cousins. They will gradually and rapidly realize that they are distinctly different and stuck between black and white. Keep this in mind: All (((civil rights activists))) that are "black" are mulattoes. You can completely stifle (((civil rights activists))) from doing their work by causing a feral nigger uprising against them.

First "black" Secretaries of States, First "black" AG, First "black" congressman, etc.


One of the best things about the American racial caste system, as opposed to the Latin American system, is the one drop rule. We don't want these mongrels in our societies, and if they conveniently self-identify with subhumans, then all the better for us. I'm probably more moderate than the average white nationalist, I would allow most mongrels to live, we must acknowledge their European ancestry and consequently grant them some human rights, but any mongrel with more than 5% non-European ancestry surely must be sterilized.

Tyger from asianmasculinity spammed cuckspam with niggers too and also tried to invent the meme with the beta asians, it's usually a beta male jealous of white men, he produced thousands of anti-white male memes and spammed cuck porn and try to include beta asianmales on this.

White men being dominant male don't increase race mixing but make more white women feel proud of white men with the men of other races being betas, and losers for white men

The beta male of asiamasculinity works in places like buzzfeed and other anti-white male left-wing media, you need to demoralize the beta white male for the few weaboo and golddiggers white girls who the beta asian male want to feel proud like a trophy of his pathetic manhood, don't be manipulated by the beta of asianmasculinity, eurasianwriter who is a full blooded asian beta boy larping/pretending to be happa/mixed bullshit, and sometimes larping as niggers/white to make white men repulsive or spam anti-white male cuckoldry

Don't be manipulated by the angry loser of asianmasculintiy

White men being more dominant instead of have a beta culture increase the desire for sex who will make white men have more sex with white women for being proud of being dominant male and white women be more proud of be with white men because the men of other races are being losers for white men with the women of the same race tham them wanting white men to increase the sexualo, racial value of white male above the men of other races being losers for white men

But the demoralization and everything made by democrats party and their anti-white male haters decrease sexual value of white men, turn them in asexual males, with less pleasure in sex, with white women having less pleasure in being sexually dominated by white men (Women need to be fucked, who is basically being dominated in the bed) if white men is ridicularized, trashed, portrayed as cuck, instead of being dominant men fucking women and the men of other races being loser for white men

Don't be manipulated by the beta loser tyger of asianmasculintiy

I will post this but I'm not even wanting asian women, i want to trigger the beta male of asianmasculinity in this thread


why are you posting a bunch of interracial shit you retard

Please, i want white men with white women too, but don't let the beta of asianmasculinity subvert yourselves, this same beta of asianmasculinity pretending to be nigger spamming cuck and some useful white idiots go with him and become this forced shit, all his memes made to demoralize and shit in white men, all his jealous fantasies of push anti-white male white men asian women wiht nigger fantasies with white women, and them push the narrative of beta asian males with white women and create every projection of his own memes, insecurities, and shit to try to trashing white men

Don't be manipulated by these betas

Tyger from asianmasculinity/happa/aznidentity/eurasianwritter is a full blooded beta asian male in western country obsessed in create anti-white male memes, be a jew pretending to be white to write things and made white men repulsive, pretending to be nigger and cuckspam, he sometimes even try to include cuckspam with asian betas, he is the creator of all these memes who he write white men demoralized and since asianmasculintiy are the asians who have self-hate and projecting all their own narratives, insecurities and hatred against white men, they also drawn asian women like shit too, while larping, pretending, calling them self-haters, but at the same time what the betas of asianmasculinity wanted were to be dominant men above white men, the same time they push for anti-white male memes they wanted to push the meme with white women, so they try furiosy the few white women weaboos and golddiggers pictures who they search like some pride of asianmasculintiy against white men, and these white women are now viewed like pathetic jokes with any asian men who by default is related like the try hards over compensating betas of asianmasculinity like this autist obsessed tyger larping/pretending to be mixed and inventor of happa fanfics since he is a full blooded asian beta male trying to subvert people

Eat shit, rice cooker.

It's a fanfic made by a full blooded asian male called tyger, he is the beta anti-white male loser spamming anti-white male shit, inventing anti-white male memes even with niggers, and pushing his own insecurities and anti-white male garbage

It's a full blooded mediocre loser beta asian men larping/pretending to be happa/mixed and saying that is ok asian men and white women and is bad white men because the beta asianmale of asianmasculintiy is a full blooded beta autist obsessed loser on internet with some asian betas who follow him to make these things

Have a ex-pua pickup artist of asianmasculinity who is the same beta male with this obsession in against asian women and white men and asian men with white women, he is a left-wing obsessed, what the beta try hard asian loser make is try to get some pathetic white women who accept to make videos and things being trophy for the manhood beta affirmation of asianmasculintiy and the white women make the video with the asianmasculinity male for the other beta asianmasculinity men in the comments write about this, while they are inventing anti-white male memes, spamming shit, being jews in the internet all the time

But look at the face of the beta of asianmasculintiy, he is ugly, he is jealous of asian women, he is jealous of white men, and you people are being manipulated by them.

This happa/eurasian fanfic was made by the full blooded beta ugly loser asian male called tyger, i'm not sure i think he is mod of hapa/asianmasculintiy on reddit, not sure about aznidentity but are the same betas of asianmasculinity anyway

And have a loser forum called lookism who some other losers call each other incels but io think have some moderators of asianmasculintiy and these people who want to push these memes, normies asian men are much more angry, devoted on internet in produce memes and shit against white men than normies white men who only get the women for being attractive and they don't represents trophy and nothing like the betas of asianmasculintiy who want some women to represent trophy of their beta manhood and hatred/jealous against white men

Asian masculintiy invented the meme to make white men repulsive, white men can get white women easy, and asian women too, but the asianmasculintiy to feel better in their ego tried to say that white men is loser and other garbage only to demoralize the sexual/appeal value of white men while trying to shaming and demoralize asian women too while the asian men wanted white women, lol.

Understand, the betas of asianmasculintiy are capable of larping pretending to be white, niggers, invented the hapa/eurasian fanfic meme of the full blooded asian loser called tyger, and they have some communities even with old puas who are hardcore leftists, and work to racially trashing white men because of their jealousy and hatred.

You are being used and manipulated by asian betas of asianmasculintiy who had tyger as the main guy who created the fanfics and memes, and other angry beta asian losers who followed him and invented all narratives, projections of their own insecurities and jealousy in white men

Elliot Rodgers was a kike.

In my first pic in this post now, this is a rich famous girl who dated a british student. Make the asianmasculinity angry and don't be manipulated by them

Again, i support white men and white women, but don't let the betas of asianmasculinity brainwash you to demoralize, trashing white men to please the betas of asianmasculintiy

White men being dominant male, proud, means white men having more sex and wanting to have more sex, fuck women, white men having more babies with white women for being proud, and white women more proud to be fucked by white men for being dominant male over the men of other races with the women of the same race than them wanting white men, but white men demoralized, without pride, means less sex, emasculation, and all women are sexually dominated in the bed, if white men don't represent a alpha male and proud, if white men is demoralized for men of other race, even the own white women will have less pleasure in be dominated/have sex with white men with their sexual value trashed.

While they are pushing the memes with the betas losers of asianmasculintiy wanting asian men and white women and against white men, same for niggers who also make the same things in their forums.

Understand, human evoltuon was made to prize the dominant male, and the females go for the dominant man

Make white men loser for asianmasculintiy/niggers just demoralize and remove value of white men, make white men want to have less sex even with own white owmen, remove their pride, everything who end in white people having less children because don't enjoy sex so much anymore

The betas of asianmasculintiy are snake jews, who also know that the democrats party disgusting media who is owner of everything in the USA never will demoralize, mock and expose the betas of asianmasculinity (WHo don't need even to be in this reddit anymore, maybe in other places) who follow this narrative

White men never had no women of no race as trophy of their manhood, white men only date women because they are attractive or are nice to live with them or both, people are like this, the betas of asianmasculinity are obsessed in have some white women as trophy of their asianbetamasculinity manhood and obsessed in spam everything against white men

They are organized on this

White women prefer white men
Asian women prefer white men
All women prefer white men

And this means white people more sexually happy and having more children because they have pride in themselves, men and women, the women feel proud of the men of own race being dominant, attractive and the men of other races being beta for him.

Nigger women like like trash with niggers, asian women live like trash with asianmasculinity, arab women live like trash with muslims, but democrats party don't want to trigger their voting base of racists of other races who are the only racists allowed, the difference in the racist men of other races is that they at the same time want white women and anti-white men things and women of own race with themselves, the democrats party also wanted votes of white women, the racists of other races who are the only allowed to be openly racist and the democrats party media will try to cover up, create excuses, narratives for them because are their disgusting voting base and the democrats even fire more to create more racists of other races focused in be slave plantation votes for democrats party, this is why democrats party is so focused in race baiting, identity politics, and are desperate trying to turn white women in some propaganda pretending that white women is victim, worse than nigger women, asian women, arab women, women living like shit with the men of other race, because the democrats party want to make white women feel like part of other race, part of other tribe, part of other group, to try to make white women identity themselves with niggers or poc and with their identity politics, votes for democrats party, looks at the comics, media, industries, corporations, narratives, everything owned by democrats party trying to manipulate this social engineering

Where are the Ivanka wanting the import in rapefugee threads? Is calling attention to the very Jewish ideas of princess Ivanka not kosher around these parts anymore?

Thanks for getting my thread locked with your autistic racemixing pics, you faggot. You should know that (((they))) are notoriously fickle when it comes to "allowing" non-kosher threads.

Nope, you're a mediocre beta asian loser pushing the anti-white male meme, you exposed yourself with the hapa/eurasian fanfic made by full blooded asian beta male tyger asianmasculintiy and pushing the meme against white men and wanting the asian beta with white women. You're not subversive and will not manipulate everyone here.

These beta asianmales have one site that i don't remember, with a ugly beta asianmasculintiy loser pua, who they work every day projecting their own narratives, insecurities and everything possible to trashing white men, while wanting white women, they are the most mediocre losers beta possible who could exist. You're angry you mediocre beta?

What triggers asianmasculintiy and most men of other races, is

White women prefer white men
Asian women prefer white men
All women prefer white men

But democrats party tried to push the opposite anti-white male demoralization world, to please the allowed to be racist men of other race in western countries who developed racial fetish entitlement for white women and in the same time want white men trashed and not with the women of own race.

Democrats party for years tried to remove value and sex of white men in every industry, media, everything owned by democrats party just to please betas of asianmasculinity, niggers, and other anti-white male haters.

This emasculated culture forced by democrats party, make white people have less children because they have less sex, don't like sex so much anymore, aren't happy with each other, have not pride in themselves, while they are pushing for this

Remember, white men always was and still naturally the most desired men in the same way than white women, with the difference of years of democrats party trying to trashing white men in the media, corporations and every kind of industries owned by democrats party or following the anti-white male bias of democrats party to create every disgusting sad entertainment

White men and white women were naturally the most attractive for men and women of other race, but the democrats party only tried to create every kind of videos, media, propaganda, everything in hope of destroy, shit, demoralize, remove value of white men, and put top models white women for racial fetish with other races and be the only race producing things against men of own race for other race in racial american entertainment for years, everything to remove white men value

But white men still the most attractive and desired men even after years of USA democrats party trying to trashing them, put white women like fetish for other races and shit against men of own race in their actress and every industry following the anti-white male rules of democrats party who are owners of 90% of everything in USA

I'm not saying that all asian men are beta losers, usually have more normal asian men in asian countries and the asianmasculintiy are repulsive in asiancountries too, now every asian men with so much muscles will looks like someone trying to over compensate and related to asianmasculintiy, and also how they show any women like trophy for other betas of asianmasculinity collect and start larping, but these trash of asianmasculinity really make everyone feel disgust of asian men, they looks like try hards and weird now.

White women prefer white men
Asian women prefer white men
All women naturally prefer white men
But democrats party worked hard to shit in white men only for years in all their industries and corporations, to create a emasculated society of losers and try to keep votes of the men of other race in white men being trashed and in the same time having racial fetishes with white women and with democrats party directors, niggers directors, controled industry, producing things with white women against men of own race, but forbid asian women, black women, women of other race produce things against niggers, asianmasculintiy, or make them be exposed.

I support white women and white men, i will not date asian women anyway, but don't let betas of asianmasculinity remove sexual value of white men because they are jealous

White men proud, and white women proud of white men being dominant, make white people having more sex, more children, enjoy more sex with each other, than having a depressive, sad, culture around anti-white baiting and the haters of other race trying to trashing them.

Don't be manipulated by asianmasculinity pretending to be white/nigger/hapa to trashing white men. Make memes against asianmasculintiy, be seriously, asian people are a tiny minority group of people, this never will change mix or anything, and no white men will be dating asian women in the places living with white women only, what this will make is just remove sexual value of white men, please the betas of asianmasculinity, and make white people enjoy less sex with each other since white women will not be proud of white men being dominant to be dominated, and white men will also feel disgust of white women and in the same time not proud with some beta,non-dominant loser culture and being trashed by asianmasculintiy/niggers on videos, internet, media and everything.

Don't be manipulated by the betas of asianmasculintiy

What change the numbers of white people is white people having more childrens, white people will not become minority because are mixing and i don't support this, white people become minority if have less children and sex between themselves, their families have less childrens, and to have childrens you need to be sexually proud, happy, enjoy each other, and not live in constant apologetic, beta, loser, self-hater, demoralized, shamed, trashed and attacked way every day for years of anti-white entertainment, attacks, industries of every kind, with everything made to demoralize yourselves.

Never will have subversion of asianmasculinity in 8/pol.


Asianmasculinity on internet can pretend to be everything and they are autistics jews level of anti-white male obsession, the saddest thing is that for some time whites from Holla Forums weren't aware that these asians who are betas and have anti-white male obsession are doing these things and they are serious. They are passive agressive.

Beta Asian males blame white for why they can't get laid, and they won't hesitate to join up with shitskins and put us up against the wall when the time comes.

>"Tip of the spear, boys. Don't worry about our population size – combined with other minorities and true feminist white women, we have these racist fucking white capitalist patriarchs outnumbered and cornered. They'll either learn to be inclusive and break bread with us, or they'll learn that you cannot openly engage in suppressing the majority of this country without some REAL backlash ;)". r .com/r/AsianMasculinity/comments/5fkhci/comment/daodh7n

Most of these Asian women are unattractive and are dating out of their league, not only that but those women don't look like the brightest light bulbs.

And nope, i don't want asian women but i will not be subverted by asianmasculinity types

To find asianmasculinity go to:

Hapa around have many full blooded asian males larping as mixed
Eurasianwriter fanfic made by the full blooded beta asian tyger
lookism (It's a disgusting forum of puas, who call each other incel and shit)
And other websites i don't rememeber, but the cowards of asianmasculintiy pretend to be white, black, all kinds, they are shit

Get fucked asianmasculinity, asian men like you are disgusting for own asian women but you are the ones who are self-hating calling other self-haters, disgusting snakes.


Honestly, will all this unfiltered autism (which I haven't read and hope no one does either), I wonder if you're some frustrated Hapa/gook, or are with a chink. Notice how there's no discussion or frantic shitposting on the mulatto side of the thread. No normal or well-adjusted person with no personal connection to the topic would sperg out as you have.

Thanks for ruining the thread; it will live again. Nothing changes how worthless and assmad you are right now.

Oh boy, cuckpillcomics, the undisputed master of projection and defeatism.

'eurasiantiger' is his reddit account, he owns the reddit hapas board

he also goes by the handles 'leebyunghun' and 'copenhagen' on the puahate spinoffs sluthate and lookism

his real name is john bettendorf and he went to columbia university

he lives in china supported by his mother's rich family while he NEETs around in an apartment in beijing

he makes all the "red pill comics" and is OBSESSED with nigger cuck porn, he and his friend 'tyger' (30yo loser virgin NEET) from puahate spam 4chan and are the ones responsible for the blacked cuck spam on many of the boards, and them have some useful idiots, true cucks who fall for him, who are results of his constantly shilling for this for years

he's insane

Have other like him, full blooded beta asian males who invented anti-white male fanfics, pretending to be white, black, have even a ugly retired pua asian beta loser in some left-wing forum i don't remember, they get it serious

So sad democrats party are owners of every media and anti-white traitors who support this kind of disgusting people manipulation and even the leaders of democrats party in some democrats party reunion laugh of suicide of whites, make jokes, like the 70 year baby boomer or kike in some webm of some reunion of democrats party, same things who happened in a huffington post video around 2013, who they were happy with the possibility of democrats party be in the power forever with their race baiting strategy, illegal immigrants, manipulation, everything made for years with their disgusting monopoly and manipulation.

Sorry for post this pic on Holla Forums but it's only to you be aware of the people making these things.

Don't apologize, dickhead. Just sperg out on halfchan.
No. It's only to destroy good threads with inane irrelevant nonsense because you're an buttravaged faggot.