The left is turning to desperate tactics to stay cool with the general public. They have sunken to the low of making cringe inducing rap songs to spew their agendas and ideals not unlike the christian rap videos of the 90's. We need to take this opportunity and capitalize on their embarrassment. We need to start equating these desperate measures as their movement losing steam and losing their grasp on the general public. They have given us a massive amount of ammo and we can take their propaganda and turn it against them. The more we do this, the more redpilled people will become and the more retarded they will look.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good idea. What do you propose (in terms of meme style and structure)?

We can start with the obvious correlation with cringe rap.

Shit title pedo and shit thread

Yet these morons still think they are fighting against some boogyman, when they were in power for decades.

Well do you have anything to add to the conversation? Or would rather just spew shit like an indian negro?

One thing I've found is that when I tell a Liberal that they're not the cool rebels anymore they fucking rage. This is definitely something to continue shoving in their faggot faces.

Exactly the narrative is writing itself and nobody seems to want to exploit it.

Laughter is what wil kill their ideology. Sam thing happened with religion.

Oh my dear! We need to make parody out of this silly raps.

Your idea is stupid and autkike tier plain and simple

Top Kek.

Sick reference op, I dont think we need to do much but signal boost and laugh. All the kikes seem to know how to do is double down even harder. I have a feeling the next epsiode of Bill Bye the bachelor of arts guys show will be just as bad if not worse.

How so? This is such a genius way to shift public opinion and the best part is the left is doing it to themselves. If you we don't jump on it now we'll lose this opportunity. I say we go in for the kill.



You don't get people to accept White Nationalism because it's """"cool""" and even if you barely manage to recruit a few they will autistic sub-culture co-opts filled with embarrasing shitskin sympathizers and homos like the aut-kike. The aut-kike is quite literally this.

People accept the truth only when they themselves want it. It only works that way, and it always will.

second part of my post
TL;DR what I'm saying is, what you're talking about has already been tried millions of times and all it produces is useless modern world junk that helps nothing and nobody

Its a south park meme from the 90s.
The clips not actually that funny on its own, so heres a better clip from the same episode.

Burn the anime. Burn it all.

We have nothing to lose, why not make a spectacle out of this? Imagine all of the butthurt from the left as we gloat at their failure (which they currently think is a victory). Don't be a pussy lets punt them while they're high on illusions of grandeur.

You sort do have things to lose but your species of dumbassery won't listen to shit so I won't bother no more

we need to get rid of emasculation.

anything to do with warriors in image searches just gives you a fuckton of stronk wimmins.

I can't really blame the Jews for this one.

All artists today are influenced by jew subversion, so of course they're keeping up the narrative of "stronk wimmens". Gas yourself, kike.

That's a problem with how Jewgle search algorithm is designed to work. Not with the art itself existing. Fictional stories have had female warriors for thousands of years, because the idea is attractive. Women only should not be soldiers in real life, but in art and books, it's good.

Additionally, masculinity is about overcoming feminity. Men also like challenge and competition… so depictions of shield maidens is a direct appeal to a mans desire to overpower and conquer a challenging woman (in both a sexual and spiritual sense). These paintings are quite erotic in that sense.

Hello kike. Now hold still while I gas you.

Qui Bono?

this type of detachment from reality is derived from cultural decline.
this idea would be amplified hard by anyone wanting to strip the warrior identity from men.

i don't even think about fighting women because winning is a given.
maybe 0.005% of them, if steroids or aikido master, could win.
thinking about a woman winning is either funny or shocking.

there's so much in media that alienates an intelligent viewer.

here's a rare.

it's what i'm looking for.

LMAO, this kike is scared shitless that the jig is up.

Our memes are just supperior.

Your reaction to my post makes no sense. Secondly, your Jew-Jitsu team has the Boy Lovers logo.

it was a random google image i found of something along the lines of "bloodied warrior keeps fighting" or something that turns up images that are nothing of the sort.
i'm nowhere near there.

Why the fuck does the embodiment of socialism getting sexually abused gets me so damn riled up?

No, no it's not. It's the laughable fantasy of failed men.

Nice reference. Good luck finding a decent south park clip. One of the compromises the south park creators faced when hosting the site with free episodes and clips was that the parent company to CC got to take down all of the clips posted on jewtube. Rarely any survived. Doesn't matter at this point anymore since there are no more free episodes and clips on their site. Now you must get a (((hulu))) subscription.

See his other posts. He was pointing out that jewgle images keeps giving warrior women images instead of warrior men.
I haven't seen that FBI-wikileaks infographic in a while. Can someone verify? Maybe this is another missing piece for pizzagate people to look into.

I want more like that pic user, everything you have right now.

I am not a drawfag. Sorry user, but Holla Forums is the place to ask for more like this.

It looks like the blue triangular pedo spiral.


Because your enemy being conquered is very arousing.

Here you go.

No, it's not. It's always been a great topic for art and myths. Are you saying Valkyries are a "laughable fantasy of failed men"? You're a dumb cuck, nothing more.

Remember the amazons, faggot? There are tons of myths like that. And if you weren't such an uncultured swine, you'd know that the idea of the warrior woman in its original form had nothing to do with female empowernment, but rather expressed a sense of tragedy about women who can't follow their natural paths in live and become mothers and wives.
Read a book, you troglodyte.

So basically we need to just create blackpill and despair propaganda.
The only problem is it'll likely have to be placed in all their usual public spaces because they're heavily insulated in bubbles online.

It's more like

Nah, this is the original

That kid on twitter looks like a shy temperamental faggot.

I miss the first exodus

This is great for us. Push the idea that anyone on board with this faggot shit is an out of touch retard or a mine-craft playing 12 year old. It'll make the left in general look fucking stupid and even if they try and disavow it they'll be eaten alive by their more radical constituency.

Gee we did it 8gag, we filled our board with even more plebbitors.

I do too user, I do too…

South Park was one of the first shows I pirated back in the day from FTP sites in crappy RealVideo even.

t. now fucking lives in the Rockies, but the leaf version with LDS harems

Hi freech.not wrong though

I watched that entire video. I've never felt exhaustion like this. Polite sage.

Now all we have to do is shine a spotlight on this shit and increase public interest in the fact that these people are completely out of touch. LET THE MEMES FLOW!

What's really weird is that they are still doing this kind of rap when it made you the butt of jokes 25 years ago.

Irony is cyclical, user. Shift your perspective and this might just be funny.

I remember seeing these "Say no to drugs" shows in public school back in the day. I never thought they'd end up being used as a means to promote the gay agenda.

Maybe Ill rewatch the original seasons and make some webms myself of particularly worthy parts. The new stuff is complete garbage, I think it was about season 10 or something where it went really bad.

Pic related is who turned SP into marxist garbage. I havent watched it in years. Even Pierce goes on about Sumner Redstone in at least one of his broadcasts. Owns Viacom, hes the kike behind Jon Leibowitz and Colbert etc, those new niggers who replaced them.

Holy shit, they holding that lower jaw on there with glue or what?

Now if we could get some memes going we'll be set for something good.

trumps america is a land of wonders


inb4: "it's just r/the_donald who likes her".

But it's true?

Are redditors really not cable to tell that things is male?

I guess that what old timers meant when they said that masturbation will make you blind.

I've seen so many people on here moaning about wanting to see her boyclit, calling her a nationalist trap, calling her a based trap etc. Same with that faggot Milo and Paul Joseph Watson.

Common Filth is right when he points out the links between white nationalism on the internet and degenerate deviant lifestyles and that the same people would accept every degenerate shit as long as it votes for the same people. Just look at richard spencer defending pederasty, trannies and faggoty and calling all a white tradition.

Won't take long and Holla Forums starts to worship a "based cuck" and when being called out they will say "only redditors on r/the_donald do that"
like this fellow here

Same with Trump trying to appeal moderate to get his ratings up.

Yeah that is complete and utter bullshit, find me even one example of that shit happening or fuck off you CF worshipping nigger.

Can you read, dumbass? Or do you only read/see what you want to read/see…

Awaiting answer..

Kek, remember that. Their best attempt was this song in which they labeled themselves to be "freaks too, kids"!

Now they just shitpost on chans I guess.

Look good but in real life it smells and tastes like too much perfume and a gas station hotdog

Yeah, get the fuck out.


Spoiler that shit faggot.

Come on faggots, where are the memes?!

Guys like you really want others to be gay. I don't know any gays, I don't watch porn, I don't associate with gays or tranny freaks but guys like you keep pushing it don't you. You would just love it if even one of us was a homo wouldn't you. You just won't take no for an answer.

Watch where you point that thing!

Shut your mouth.

Aikido is bullshit I'd argue it's like negative fighting experience.

Crowder just did an interview with him. He's almost based considering he's a dude with tits.
The tranny was okay, as well.

No idea…

T-that filename user…surely you merely jest…

Much appreciated.


gracie has the fucking boy-lover logo? seriously?


Nice one.

upvoted xDD

Thank you.


Thats weird because I literally have never seen that on here. get the fuck out kike

listen here standard sodomite supporter, fuck off back to your gay porn reviewing YT chode-god and leave this place; you stand out too much.
Implicity Dickity's comments are forever being taken out of context by spastic goons that cant into context.
