movie """""""""news""""""""""
Movie """""""""news""""""""""
do you even xD
How do people all watch the same stuff, I get tired of being reccomended the same shitty shows and films by everybody
That's normalfags for you
Here's what you retards aren't getting.
All the other genres are dead. If you ask me these genres are as well, but the difference is they're still making money. Comedy is long dead, the likes of Seth Rogan and Adam Sandler killed it. Romantic comedies, stillborn. Dramas are all shit and stuffed with horrendous political messages. Action movies have the same problem for the most part.
Star Wars is already starting to collapse. All the merchandise is failing, Rogue One was the worst opening ever, the Han Solo film had to undergo massive reshoots, the actual hype for The Last Jedi is very low.
DC has failed miserably at everything that isn't Batman, and even that has had hiccups. Star Trek's dead too, and every other attempt at starting a sci-fi franchise (or continuing one) has failed spectacularly.
As for fantasy, The Hobbit was a failure that tarnished the LotR films, Harry Potter is starting to become unprofitable with the latest franchise being met with lukewarm reaction and criticism of the actor playing the main character from all sides.
Terminator, Avatar (both of 'em,) Ghostbusters, The Dark Universe, Robocop, Tintin, Pacific Rim, The Dark Tower, fail fail fail fail fail, all across the board. Every direction, total failure.
Even this season of Game of Thrones was *finally* criticized for total shit writing by even the most mainstream of audiences. All of western media is collectively dying.
Marvel is pretty much all there is making money right now. Those are the only films getting positive responses, and the studio is still beginning to show a ton of cracks. Inhumans was the most massive flop they put out, but their other tv offerings have been meeting increasingly lukewarm reactions. Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, The Defenders, Iron Fist. Are you even aware they have shows about The Runaways and Cloak & Dagger coming out? Don't forget, despite being one of the only supposedly successful studios Disney is currently operating at a loss. They're losing money every year.
It's all going to come down to Black Panther and Captain Marvel. This sounds counterproductive, but if you hate super hero movies (fuck your autistic 'capeshit' spam) then you want these movies to succeed. If Black Panther and Captain Marvel succeed, that will give them the greenlight on all their progressive bullshit. The current state of Marvel comics will become the state of the movies. Female Thor, and black Captain America making out, gay everything. I hate the sound of that, but if they go that route Marvel will die like every other studio.
If instead Black Panther and Captain Marvel fail, they're going to pull back. As it stands I think Black Panther will be moderately successful, enough for them to claim it's a hit when really it'll probably make less than Ant-Man.
Captain Marvel will fail. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind because the property was never that popular to begin with, and this is based off the least popular version of it with a cast of nobodies. Death by attrition.
So when you whine about "capeshit" the fact that you're not naming any alternatives at all spells it out. That's ten stories. I'm going to cut you some slack since three of them are about Justice League. Name EIGHT movies with no ties to comic books or super heroes that came out this year or are soon to be out in theaters that you wish they were talking about instead.
If you can't? Then quit whining and shut the fuck up.
learn brevity, faggot
go back >>>/reddit/
Learn to read and be less of a lazy nigger instead.
lol nope
You can't declare whether something is an "autistic spergout" until you actually read it, you stupid nigger.
Of course you can, only autistic spergs like you write tl;drs and then are assblasted that nobody reads them.
Why don't you go post your retarded manifesto on cuckchan instead, faggot.
This was a good post what's wrong with you retards
Stop whining, i'm gonna keep using capeshit to spite you.
1) The Beguiled
2) Loveless
3) The Florida Project
4) The Square
5) The Killing of a Sacred Deer
6) Radegund
7) Phantom Thread
8) Raw
That's at least 8. A mix of already out and coming soon. I wish they would talk about these, but they won't. Normalfags will not look for them because they don't enjoy good cinema in the first place. They don't want these films, they want more capeshit and starshit and 'Get Out' in their gullet. They have alternatives readily available, but they won't watch them because they are slower paced, 'boring', too inacessible or foreign.
Also I don't foresee crashing and burning or even a slow decline. It's gone on a decade it can go on. PC will not kill these films either, people will willingly swallow up pic related and enjoy it too because they average nerd culture lover is fucking cattle, stop sympathising and get on our bandwagon of tearing apart that shit they love.
Bonnet movie about a bunch of unattractive British whores all tripping over themselves to seduce a dude. No one will watch it.
A Russian drama film about how marriage is bad in which parents getting divorce briefly come back together when their son disappears, but he's never found in the film, and their lives are miserably destroyed. What the fuck is wrong with you? No one would want to watch that.
Jesus fucking christ, fuck off. Holy shit. Image posted is a shot from the movie. It's about a single mother who is unemployed and lives with her daughter in a motel eventually turning to prostitution, and how her six year old daughter escapes being taken into foster care by going to fucking Disneyland. I can't say fuck you enough.
"A suavely merciless takedown of the contemporary art world" you pretentious, tasteless hipster fuck. I read the description, boring all throughout, sounds like a poor man's Vanilla Sky in parts. The bit about the girl having a chimpanzee for a roommate no one acknowledges is artsy fartsy bullshit.
If you don't have a vagina, you definitely *wish* you did. Pretentious slop.
I'm not from Holla Forums, this movie seems like it was named specifically just to irritate someone from Holla Forums, but it still sounds like boring drivel to me. A conscientious objector refuses to fight for the Nazis and is executed by them for it. Whoop-ti-doo.
…A British dressmaker in the 1950's falls in love with a strong-willed woman…? Eat shit.
Alright, you're definitely a chick. I'd tell you to go to /girltalk/, but I wouldn't wish you on them. A vegeterian is forced to eat meat at vet school and turns into a cannibal and makes her gay roommate straight by fucking him while trying to eat him?
Funniest part is if you combined all 8 films, they wouldn't make even half of any of the super hero movies released this year. Your taste is pretentious hipster shit. Not a single one of these films offers an entertaining experience. Go menstruate somewhere else.
Cloak and Dagger is on Freeform though, which guarantees it's going to be trash.
You asked for films that look good, what more do you want? I don't like brainlet """"""macho""""" action flicks. Zvyagintsev, P.T.A, Malick and Lanthimos are all there. I don't know what more you want, that's some of the best contemporary talent around. If you're asking for shit that normalfags would like, I don't care they can eat shit for all I care until they get better taste. They deserve disney slop. And watching two decent films by women won't instantly shrink your balls dude, give it a try for once.
I don't even know why i'm having a discussion with a fucking pleb who reads synopses, fucking neck yourself or better yet go watch your capeshit that you love so much. Give me some suggestions if you know anything better coming out this year that isn't already on my list.
not the user you're talking with but you're cringy as fuck and I can smell your estrogen from here.
Your list is all garbage. Every single entry is a "feel-bad" movie. And I don't care whether the director is male or female, every single movie on that list is a chick flick. Like, not even one of the enjoyable ones. They're all miserable, they all glorify being a whore, they all focus on unlikable characters. Not a single one has an interesting plot. I'll watch a drama film if there's an interesting story there, but everything on that list is something either an ex would want to see (one of the ones that used tumblr) or my elderly mother would buy a copy of for five dollars at Wal-Mart.
Your entire way of arguing, using the term "brainlet" I'm surprised none of the films you mentioned had Emma Watson or Sophia Coppola involved (you're clearly that same poster.)
Brainlet isn't a valid criticism in and of itself. If it were, I could dismiss your list by just referring to it as "a list of brainlet films". You don't like machismo, you don't like masculinity, you want movies about bad people being sluts and whores seducing weak men.
I rate movies based on how much I enjoyed them, period. If I was bored for two hours it wasn't a good film, to me. I could name all the non-superhero films I saw this year, but truth be told I hated at least two thirds of them, and I see no reason to help you out. But the bottom line is, none of them made hundreds of millions of dollars. Websites post news about those movies -and yeah, some of them are shit- because that's what people are going to watch. No one's going to read an article about a movie no one watched.
lol normal fags are gonna flock and it's gonna me 1.5 billion. The main series isn't gonna bomb in sales. At least the new trilogy.
Black people will watch Black Panther just how they watch Get Out and Tyler Parry movies. It's gonna be a hit and make good sales. Captain Marvel might bomb but I doubt it. Wonder Woman didn't bomb.
Oh it's not going to be a flop, but it's going to make much less than The Force Awakens. Leia is a cgi ghost, Han Solo is dead, their last film had a mediocre reaction, all of the merchandise is selling like shit.
I don't think the third one will flop either, but it will make even less than this one. And all three will be forgotten shortly after.
If they made the movie for 40 million I could see that, that's why Ant-Man was still considered a hit, and Guardians of the Galaxy as well, they were made on comparatively modest budgets. I just checked though, and Black Panther had a budget of 100 mil. The black community probably isn't enough of an audience to get to 200 mil. No one's going to watch this film in most of the foreign markets, remember how they shrunk Boyega for the Asian releases of TFA?
I'm already annoyed though because either way, the response is going to be religious in nature. If the movie succeeds, there will be endless articles about how this proves them right. If the movie fails, there will be endless articles about how "America is a racist country". Heads we lose, tails they win.
BLM Panther has been getting some backlash for the 6 issue comic series that encouraged blacks to be violent, homicidal racists that attacked cops and raped non-black women. The BLM Panther movie poster had to be taken down because it reminded people how the Black Panthers were evil and militant, homicidal rapists. BLM Panther is probably one of the more hated Marvel heroes followed by Miss Mudslime: Defender of Arab and Muslim Rapists and Terrorists, Hellcat, Whorr, BLMIron Bitch the Racist Thug, and Tumblrsquirrel.
As long as you don't like cuckime.
Don't underestimate normalfaggots. The Fast and the Furious made a lot of money after Paul Walker's death. People will pay exactly because its Fisher's last performance. I fully expect this to make more money than TFA.