A reconnaissance ship from the Russian navy's Black Sea Fleet has sunk after colliding with another vessel off the coast of Turkey
sooo, too much vodka or something else?
A reconnaissance ship from the Russian navy's Black Sea Fleet has sunk after colliding with another vessel off the coast of Turkey
sooo, too much vodka or something else?
independent.co.uk /news/world/europe/russian-navy-ship-crash-black-sea-liman-istanbul-coast-livestock-vessel-a7705401.html
bbc.com /news/av/world-europe-39735778/footage-of-sunk-russian-spy-ship-liman
You can take the Russian sailors out of Russia, but you can't take the vodka out of the Russian sailors.
They've weaponized heifers. Kek.
Fucking WEW. The last time Russians in boats was anything other than comedy gold was during the Kievan Rus and that was because of the fucking Varangians.
Odd how all these are saying the same thing essentially.
Odds that you're a retard who can't take a joke?
Russia's navy has been garbage for literally thousands of years at this point; that's historical fact. In the Baltics during the Kievan Rus, they used Karelians and Finns. The first three-masted ship "built in Russia" was built by a Dane. When the Imperial Navy was formed, they had to import dozens of specialists from all over Europe to teach them how to into Navy because they had no idea. They lagged far behind the rest of Europe in steamship production and later got BTFO by the fucking Japs who, literally a generation earlier, were living in the middle ages. In WWI the only thing of note they did was lay mines and in WWII they were locked up by the Germans. During the Cold war everything but their subs were outdated and ineffective and ever since the collapse of the USSR they've gotten worse.
Russia's navy always has been and probably always will be a joke.
Slavs cannot into war if it doesnt involve brutal hand to hand combat in the dead of winter
Joking around is being a shill apparently. That screencap is pretty funny.
user… what timeline are you from? This ain't it.
What did it crash into? Why did it crash?
Look up the history of Russian naval warfare. Give me something significant they have ever won
No such thing, comrade. The captain of the other ship didn't take his daily ration of vodka and was sailing too straight. A collision was unavoidable.
You hear that, Sweden?
Congrats user. You now realize there's about five Ukrainians posting here only to shit on Russia all day long. Something about an IDF cyberwarrior unit based in Kiev.
Funny as fuck if you ask me.
Russians are truly the niggers of the north
Anything over a thousand years may be pluralized as "thousands".
Got rammed in heavy fog by a sandnigger sheep transport. The Russian ship sank, the transport was undamaged.
Just keeping up with the proud tradition.
Yep. They basically just shook it off and kept going on their route.