A false-flag falseflag?

German Army officer disguised as Syrian refugee arrested over suspected attack plot


So, what game is being played here? Is this legit? Or is this possibly the beginning of a new narrative - poor refugees being blamed for attacks committed by evil nazis?

Other urls found in this thread:


he was trying to control the opposition is my guess

Expect false flag trying to frame Le Pen

More refugees ito the Bundeswehr now.

My bet is he did this to amplifies the refugee hatred, but failed miserably by doing so.
that's their plan but you can't blame 'evil nazis' for all the shit muhamedins did in the last 15 years. Trying to paint al-qaeda/al-nosra/boko haram/isis as 'evil nazis' won't work.

Does that mean I could get in?

This is what I'm afraid of. Doesn't matter if it's a COINTELPRO tier op, or just an idiot from reddit fucking up, it will give the kikes plenty of PR ammo to use right before a crucial election.

In case any of you anons are thinking about pulling shit like this - why? Muslim attacks happen with such regularity that false flagging is completely unnecessary.

The sad thing is that if this remains an isolated incident then the refugees are "martyrs" in this case.

Just like a politician, judge, mayor, priest, whoever is a traitor/cuck would be a martyr if they got killed.

But only if only one or two die. Make 50 of them martyrs then that would still change some things.

Increasing the cost of their actions is the only surefire way of ending them.

You assume too much. This is exactly the kind of thing I would do if I wanted to start a witchhunt for crypto nazis. If you see a bunch of headlines like "FAR RIGHT CONSPIRACY BEHIND FALSE FLAG TERROR PLOT", they could be trying to spin this as a massive underground plan by bad goyims to frame the refugees. It would be like muh russia, just ten times worse.


RT released this 43 minutes ago. If past experience is anything to go by, the MSM might be prepping a headline deluge. Usually takes them about 40 minutes to an hour after RT breaks the news to spin some event properly.

Wasn't there some news a while back out of Germany that they were looking for cryptonazis in their military?


9-11, Bataclan, Nice, Stockholm and many others.
Yeah..no. They won't be able to make this a 'bad goyim' plan.

Just point out that the muslim world is in conquest mode, jihad is the keyword.

On the one hand, a red nazi scare might be annoying, but on the other hand, considering how paranoid they already are it could be more detrimental to them than it is to nazis.

Doesn't mean they will not try. Still nothing on western MSM, which means possible flood soon.

Either he was an Russian or Le Pen plant, expect those kind of stories to come.

Also the story makes no fucking sense at all even if he had prints registered as a rapfugee the moment forensics get his hands on him the real identity will be clear.

Several other points about him hiding/ stockpiling guns dont ad up either.

There is something else going on and he is the fall guy.

Besides geramn government would never admit that even a german can fake rapfugee status (thus admitting that IS and econimic leeches can register as well without being checked) if it wasnt necessar to cover for something much bigger.

He wanted to prove that the vetting process is a joke

They're evolving

Yes, if you speak french you could, ah fuck it just say you only speak english and try to sound like a nigger this convince them.

They have to before they can go on with their plan and flood the Bundeswehr with 3rd world muds.
When everyone is looking at the bad Nazis nobody is going to notice the shitskins in the army ranks till there are too many to "just fire them" and till "they are an integral part of the culture"

Useless without also naming the jew and jew councils who cuck everyone by crying Hitler whenever borders are to be closed, etc.

It's not a redpill contest alright. of course we know who's behind all of this, but when confronted by the media you don't want to be labeled as a revisionist or holocaust denier ok. specially in germany where it's illegal to do so.

It's plain and simple and I already gave my opinion about this above.
these names came from the MSM (we know bin laden couldn't be the sole responsible, the MSM don't apparently), you won't be able to paint it as a white-nationalist crime wave, do you understand ?

Why couldn't he have tried to assassinate Merkel?

A trend that needs changing.
And not just in my "shill world" (you know, hey kid, wanna bomb some government building? which I'm sure some people might think of me here, with my martyr talk).
Times of Israel closed down the comment section on their "Israel turns silent in the remembrance of the holohoax" just yesterday, after getting BOMBARDED with anti holohoax speech and general insults of a tired out western hemisphere.

Fuck em all.

I think you are on to something.

They don't need to. People have the memories of goldfish. So long as they can get a streak of nazis doing reprehensible things, like false flaggig poor refugees, they can spin this away. Look at 9/11 - how often is it mentioned with regards to Islamic terrorism these days? Outright ignored - what with all the "more killed by skinheads than muslims" studies.

And here we go.


Anyone know of any jewish influence in this guy or the student?
Essentially the entire modus operandi of Mossad is

Obviously the jews in this thread make it crystal clear we must never ever upset the jewish media narrative because it will off-balance the normies knowing that jews were behind it all…or somthing equally illogical that I see they are trying to argue here, in the jews defence…

Has the "it's just a prank, bro" angle been explored yet?

Or, "It was just a social experiment, mein freund".

Does Holla Forums even consider that an angle?

In all probability there's kikery afoot, but we can never totally eliminate the social experiment/prank possibility.

I should look into this then. I've always wanted to find out if there was really a family treasure in Titisee.

Judging by its coverage in the media its a perfect story to use against the German people as being racist. And I bet it'll bring up as many questions about the low degree of vetting as as many questions were brought up about Britain and France declaring war on Germany for invading Poland but those same countries didn't declare war on the USSR for doing the same thing, not to mention Katyn.

That was fucking glorious and it was in no way just us doing it. I saved some comments just before they got shoa'd.
Infowars videos also often getting bombed for not answering the zionist question in last while.


just noticed one comment had 'highlighted reply'… Does that mean the channel owner highlighted it? WTF

Merkel and the (((deep state))) is behind this, now they can blame every immigrant terrorist attack on 'neo-nazis' in the bundeswehr.
How many times are the kikes going to stab the German people in the back?

I would like to wait and see a picture of him and his name.

Jup thats the kind of stuff I suspected they would go after, they have to the Nazi gas all kiks bogyman is not real enough for their agenda so they have to come up with hatecrimes.

Hah! Great work. Really warms the heart.
The fire is rising and the parasite is finally starting to feel the heat.

I love you guys so much.

what are the chances that the guy is a mud with a german passport? i mean germany is handing them out to everyone who once took a dump on german soil

They already have a video in the working and I wouldnt be surprised if the literally use thi speech

What really pisses me off about this is that, let's just assume the story is 100% true. The media around the world will focus entirely on this one story, ignoring the assaults, rapes, and murders committed by those poor innocent refugees every single day. This officer could have dragged an imam into the street and burned him alive and it still wouldn't have been as bad as what those fucking Syrian ANIMALS have done to Europe, our ancestral homeland.

1.Why has this retard done that shit anyway? Since it is pretty obvious the braindead part of the left will use this for self reinforcement and will exploit this.
2.You can thank the european politicians, the big cooperations, the americans, and the leftist dogs on the leech of said mentioned for that first and foremost.

Looks like it at first glance, but whatever the case: The establishment media is going to exploit this from dusk to dawn.

The german news already jump on the racist shit, while nobody even dares to question how he could be considered Syrian.
If you look at the timing, only September could've been better.
Schulz is momentarily losing, same with Merkel/CDU, while the AfD had good chances for the next state election NEXT FUCKING WEEK.
I don't know if that dude was simply an idiot, or a planted idiot, but I know for sure how the media and politicans will try to spin the story.

particular case X
who does X benefit?

follow the money.

Scroll down to related contend.

Not xenophobia, more like xenorealism if you look at the data

found the pic of the soldier in question. She remains in custody.


Yep next week election in the biggest state that are considert a simulation of the national elections.

And I think he just has to be a planted idiot, like I said jsut the fact that the admit of fucking up by giving him refugee status implies that there has to be some real sit going on.

reeks like the monthly "oy vey, how can germans be so evil"-Op.
did erikas popularity coincidentally rise the last days, by any chance?

This seems to stupid to really be some psy-op. I think that provided the guy even exists that he was some kind of asset in a failed intelligence agency operation. This is also why they don't reveal his identity.

I think someone failed to accomplish whatever they were trying to do and now they just roll with it to blame evil rightwingers or something.

do you have sauce for either your bold claim or your shitpost to dilute the thread?

The guy was white, you Mongolian idoit.

How would that work if the guy isn't even a nigger?

Erika has always been best garupan, my man

The key here is that they refused to reveal his identity. It basically means he's an agent working for the government. Giving away his real name would probably tie his handlers into the picture and others implicating that the government is behind this.

either that or Merkel is trying to shill shitskins into being good goyim (she's retarded enough)

why bother? that's like painting asphalt black

this is David S. all over again

I doubt this is some elaborate false flag, just some retard taking chances and the state controlled German media making shit up to fit their narrative yet again

By far one of the most obvious false flag in the last few years. I hope most Germans living outside urban areas will second guess the official story at the very least.


pick one

user gets it

Because he was a shitskin who looked arab, so they ignored that he couldn't speak arabic. You goys should be picking up on these details immediately.
No no no – an arab, probably mudslime, infiltrating refugee centers??? He was trying to infiltrate that population to lead jihad. Why isn't anyone noticing the fucking obvious here, all of you should know how Euro media mangles facts to obscure things that will set people off.

Maybe he was trying to make the population wake up.

Doubt it. U.S. runs and owns Germany. There's probably more than just a little truth that a lot of the terrorist attacks are somewhat orchestrated by government agencies for specific purposes. It's a double edged sword. On one hand they're mostly bullshit IMO that can easily be prevented if the governments did their fucking job. On the other hand it suits our cause and just speeds up the inevitable (race against demographic displacement), which I think is what (((they))) want all along. They don't have time to do the long game, in fact they're decades behind schedule already, hence speeding up the clash of civilizations with the last ditch hope to sweep the world in the aftermath simply by surviving with all the resources they've already accumulated.

He wants to blame it on the refugees.

Yet aparently looks Arab enough to pass as a Syrian.

Since when did you think that anything was real?

Could be an earlier immigrant or secong generation, who doesn't want to see his home turn in to a shit hole. Plenty of secular immigrants who are afraid of muslims.

Germany = Sweden with less bragging rights. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Germans should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this. You're all a bunch of punctual faggots. There are no longer men left in Germany.

This, even as a Burger with only cursory knowledge of the middle east i could probably do better

A lot of the more nationalistic and pro-German immigrants which have been there for years and came legally are pissed off about the recent refugees, like you see with some of the Mexicans that came to the US
I actually know an Iraqi through online games who used to take vacations to Europe pre-refugee crisis that now refuses to go due to "too many fucking Sunnis" and of all people has been complaining about the Swedes being leftist "cucks".

Such a technology exists?

No, but it gives shitlibs an impressive-sounding "gotcha" line that they can spout and convince idiots.
Me: Muzzies come here and commit terrorism - why should we put up with it?
Lib: It's not muslims who commit terrorism. Remember that time a FUCKING WHITE MALE in Germany did a shooting and tried to blame the dear sweet refugees?
Me: Muslims do this shit all the time; that was single incident.
NPC Onlookers: Oh, snap!

It doesn't matter that it doesn't make logical sense - it sounds good. It's exactly like the Native Americans and the smallpox blankets.

Me: Yeah, Europeans did horrible things to the natives, no question. But the vast majority of the devastation was caused by disease, which you can hardly blame the Europeans for.
Lib: But you can if we gave them SMALLPOX BLANKETS!
NPC Onlooker: Oh, snap!

Now obviously, that's a load of shit, and you can explain why, but it looks and sounds weak, defensive, and weaselly.

The best justification for the government to expand its own powers, is to make people fear so demand higher security for the price of their own privacy and freedom.

Operation Gladio



he probably just wanted free gibs

I think there's more here than a first glance might give you.

let's consider the facts as reported by these articles
1. As already pointed out the guy was able to just get rapefugee status without speaking Arabic at all, and being not just a German citizen but a military Lieutenant which should have shown up on cursory background check

2. there's a ~2 year span from getting the status to this incident

ergo the German government is of course lying about motive here… but this gets more interesting

3. The various articles on this subject have declared that the pistol that he was caught digging out was 7.65mm, which we can reasonably assume to be .32 ACP. .32 ACP generally speaking implies a small gun, something in the compact to subcompact size like i.ytimg.com/vi/8NdzdkaZB1c/hqdefault.jpg or files.harrispublications.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2015/08/Beretta-3032-Tomcat–661x496.jpg

This isn't something you're going to be shooting up an airport with, these are guns designed for concealed carry, something that can be very easily hidden away.

Now let's think about this… why would you be retrieving this kind of pistol, hidden in an airport bathroom? The obvious thing to me is an assassination / abduction plot.

Now alright what if that's just what the government gave him and this is just a rabbit trail? Well this is where we come to the next factoid we know.

4. A 24 year old "student" in Austria was arrested in connection to this incident, and was "found" due to communication between the two, and apparently had a stockade of "illegal weapons" implied to be firearms (can you say handler).

Why arrest him if they're German state agents? No, CIA, GCHQ, or friends makes more sense with an arrest based extraction with either things having failed (with cover having been blown when he was caught getting the .32 ACP) or succeeded, and this is simply a good excuse for the German establishment to discredit Islamic terror as an issue.

Does anyone know if there were any high profile individuals that might be targets that would be passing through Vienna at that point?

i think it was legit and he just was misguided
all the same - incredible effort and unimaginable pressure to pull even half of this off

germans on halfchan were claiming he was part jewish.
no source sorry

Some detail I heard on the news mentioned that he wrote a "far right or racist thesis" for some army class or graduation.
His superiors did not see a problem with this.
It also mentioned that about 100 or so staff was being interviewed at a base.

I'm surprised no one has suggested that it was a Turkroach.

IDs are a thing m8

Bullshit, those cucks on cuckchan are talking out of their asses.
Want some real insider information?
The guy's last name is "Albrecht", but that's all you're getting

The dude was placed to watch over the refugees and give intel to german high command. Something somthing von der Leyen. He now arrested.

Just so you know no white man is going to be able to stay at one of those refugee camps. Even if bureaucrats let you through the migrants in the camps will kill you if you're white.

Threads prior to the IP hash update all show the same ID. Check /sudo/.

cheack um

Sounds to me like a soldier proving how weak the defense is. Then getting shut down with bullshit allegations they probably drew from 1 speculating, strangely interpreted conversation.