Dear Left Holla Forums.
See the pic I just posted and discuss.
Sincerely yours : Centerist Technocrat.
"For the left leg must work with the right to make a stride."
Dear Left Holla Forums.
See the pic I just posted and discuss.
Sincerely yours : Centerist Technocrat.
"For the left leg must work with the right to make a stride."
Other urls found in this thread:
you could've just said you were a faggot
No we cant rest until our enemies are defeated.
This is silly, both sides have usually opposing views and therefore cannot cooperate, especially in case of radicalization
For OP's sake, I'll explain further:
How do you expect people desiring the working class to control their workplaces to cooperate with people who, at best, view the working class as taking a back seat to corporate interests?
But anarcho capitalists can coexist with anarcho communists.
not in the same area tbh
True, but there is no reason they can't live in peace.
No they don't because they aren't anarchists they need to be hanged.
The fact that ancoms want to get rid of hierarchy and thus non-personal private property might be a problem.
there are a few instances when it actually work, but only for a very specific goals.
See europe, people who want to leave EU
I see, as always it's the left that wants to start a conflict.
Actually, yes.
The right's whole point is bowing their head in servitude and taking it up the ass.
There is no conflict in the right, only submission.
Ever heard of imperialism?
Why not use all that energy to make something beautiful instead?
Because they can be reasoned with.
Like a big tall beautiful wall with a beautiful door?
I am straight damnit!
Reasoned with for what? If these people started supporting ANY of our policies, economic or political, they would cease to be on the opposite end of the political spectrum.
Its a shit picture
For example, if the parliamentary conservatives were to start supporting worker's self management, they would cease to be conservatives. If they started supporting something not even explicitly socialist, like worker representation within the government, they would cease to be conservatives yet again.
There is no middle ground between "the working class owns the means of production" and "the working class does not own the means of production".
We are, a world free of capitalists would be a beautiful thing indeed.
When the status quo is imposed and maintained by the right (read:capitalists), of course the left will be the one to oppose it, are you fucking retarded?
you're not actually doing anything or making any tangible impact. you're as delusional as the deus vult crew.
Why don't you, hmm I dunno, just stop being a socialist? Ever think of that? Faggot.
Why don't you, hmm I dunno, just stop being a capitalist? Ever think of that? Faggot.
only when u stop succing dix bby
Don'y forget to thank us for the electricity and internet mine and my fellow capitalists investments are providing for you, and the device you're using that my capitalist friends made for you.
You're useless fucking parasites.
I only hear the sucking getting stronger. I guess I'll have to stay socialist for another day!
Don't worry kid, you're paying into my pension pot whether you like it or not, you dumb hippie fuck.
At least the old revolutionaries did something, whether I agree with them or not I'll give them credit for that.
You, on the other hand are truly pathetic.
Well at least he finally admitted capitalists are literal parasites
1000% WEW
Instead of acting butthurt on the internet fuck off somewhere and give your computer away - after all, all property is theft, right?
Guess what? The electricity and telecommunications you use pay into my pension fund.
Do you feel dirty now? Like you've been raped? You should do.
If he's not just a troll, he's probably some faggot who got some low tier supervisor position and now fancies himself a captain of industry.
I don't think anyone is taking this seriously, not even the dude in question. We all know nobody of importance is going to visit an irrelevant imageboard just to do this.
guess what, right now it's still a capitalist system and you guys are making me rich. I'm lovin it™ tbh.
I don't really consider myself someone of importance, certainly not a lord. But it's nice that you guys think so highly of me.
brb gotta make some trades :^)
M8 I have literally read like half a chapter of Prouhdon and even I know the difference between possession and property.
fuck off you part timers
It's an ameriblob thing. They think the (red) right wing Republicans and the (blue) right wing Democrats are the left and right.
Not particularly, especially now that multiple financial institutions have indicated a looming stockmarket crash.
I have a full time job, famalam.
sucking dick?
EVS at a hospital.
Oh never mind, hopefully one day you can become a wealth creator. At least you have a bank account to keep your private wealth in, so that's a start.
Bruh, those are called workers. He's already working.
I already am a wealth creator.
me the top hat reinvesting my profits
I feel bit insulted by american political idiocy.
me on the left lads
Everyone is a parasite, only we are open and unashamed about it.
Were not thanking you for shit. Fuck your hard word and innovation, we have no respect for it. We will leech off whatever we want to while you impotently bitch about the injustice of it all.
Don'y forget to thank us for the electricity and internet mine and my fellow workers labour are providing for you, and the device you're using that my worker friends made for you.
You're useless fucking porkies.
She needs the D.
if this is for "rigth wing" and "left wing" in the US right now i can agree, but for what i consider rigth and left wing i do not agree. you can't have both
But the capitalist owns the mine, thus everything in it is theirs, they are paying the miners to get their gold out of their mine.
Switch it around and say a workers cooperative owned the mine, by the logic in that image the capitalist, and for that matter anyone who decides to go down the mine to get the gold has as much right to that gold as the workers cooperative does.
If you don't agree then the gold miners have no right to that gold. If you do then the capitalist who owns the mine owns the gold.
Which is it?
It's like 10 year old terminology too. Fucking retarded.
yep, the coop didn't create the gold, they just extracted it, anyone else who were to come has as much right to it.
Although mutualist arrangements are really just super gay and it would be better if the fate of the gold were assigned by state authorities to suit public needs.
The ride… The ride. It never ends.
I agree to an extent, its just not that simple unfortunately but some form of syncretism should be a long term goal, the powers that be fear nothing more than traditional divides no longer working
lul, whatever floats yer boat homie
swerve nobl, P-steppin through
lmao look at yer ladyhands so soft haw haw
nobles lamao
*slaps chest violently
Some things must never be compromised.
Yeah, you're a typical rightist cunt.
M8, the only thing you can get anarchists to agree on is that ancaps most definitely do not belong with them. You clearly have never spoken with any anarchist who didn't take Ron Paul seriously.
Nice. Centrist technocracy is the most pragmatic position.
But I precisely don't want any of that.