The development of the North Korea issue over the past few months puzzled me. Why suddenly the saber rattling and the threats? Why the talks about military options? Why is China suddenly so keen on showing them who's boss? So I started to dig around and found this press release from 3 years ago of a company called SRE Minerals. They claim that during explorations in North Korea they found the biggest deposit of rare earth metals on the planet. The deposit is twice as big as all other known deposits combined. Some other articles (can't be archived properly) picked it up too:

Looking at the chart of rare earth prices one can see they have increased dramatically over the past 15 years. Prices went only down in 2014 after China eased on it's export restrictions. China controls about 90% of rare earth elements production. It's save to say that the demand of rare earth elements will increase in the future as they are needed for batteries and electronics. Taking future demand, current prices and the size of the deposit into consideration we could look at a value of about $100 trillion dollars over the next 50-80 years. This could transform North Korea into a petrostate-type country.

A 25 year joint venture between SRE and North Korea has been signed to develop the deposit. In October 2014, Russia agreed to invest $25 million towards upgrading the North Korean railway system in exchange for access to regions containing mineral reserves. So things are already moving forward which could mean that in the near future the REE dollars will start pouring in. I could imagine that the US, China, Japan and the other neighboring countries wouldn't be very happy if NK could acquire better military tech with all those dollars. I know there are sanctions in place but we all know if the money is just right, those can and will be circumvented. Also China can't be to happy to suddenly lose the grip on a very important market.

Wouldn't this be a good time to install a new (((democratic))) regime before they use this new money to upgrade their military? Also wouldn't it be nice if (((foreign corporations))) were allowed to participate (euphemism for plunder) these newfound resources? What you you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

sounds like kikery to fuck over NK
but whatever
i hope they do exploit resources and do well
though all of korea should belong to the nips tbh

don't they have a shitload of opium also?

Yeah they are a big heroin producer and are known to abuse diplomatic immunity to smuggle it into other countries. There are many cases where North Korean diplomats tried to buy tech with pure heroin. But you can't compare the two. The money that they could get from REE is another dimension. We are speaking trillions not millions. Also it's a legal and respectable business.

Its more likely ^

Throughout all of history there has been no better method to place a population in a stranglehold than to flood it with opium. And opium is kind of a difficult crop to grow, it will only grow well in the shittiest places available.

So conflict minerals in short… yeah that makes a certain sense in a way because if you cast your memory back you will find Afghanistan is sitting on top of a hell of a lot of lithium.

Rare earth exploitation is amazingly, amazingly polluting, google Lake Baotou.

North Korea doesn't have much space so if rare earths are being exploited, they will suffer from massive pollution. They won't be able to "quarantine" the pollution like larger countries like Canada or China can.

That's mostly A-stan

A-stan also has Silicium, supposedly.

From one of the articles:

they have lots of rarer stuff too, various minerals etc etc

The dollar is fucked. China and other trading partners are no longer accepting treasury bills, instead large corporations in the east are asking for RMB or Gold/Other currencies. The US fucked over the Saudis (who are now running out of oil and expanding into Yemen), Germans and Ukrainians on their Gold stores because they had none. The Chinese also got favoured nation status over Hong Kong because they offered to lease a shit-ton of gold to the US which the US then stole. This is why they were able to buy the Fed's HQ at a 3rd of its going price. The US needs a war to keep the dollar afloat but that war has been bought wholesale at junk prices. Gold and precious metals will be used in the new currency which is needed in order to support the new debt when they kill the current dollar. Except to see a world wide trading dollar, and a locally used dollar. Expect to have Chinese corporations pulling in en-mass. The City of London is pulling the same shit although the US man on the street is going to wake up only to be run by multi-national corporations because they've gone and fucked up by trying to play world police, global politics and the east is no longer falling for their 50 year old lies and theft anymore. The kikes (mossad and the US) are also fighting a huge war in trying to get hold of mining companies all across Europe and the rest of the world. Also look at big mergers and lots of mines buying out the smaller guys or else… Another lead is that the US needs Narco money which explains Afghan situations linked to H and the Zeta rebels guarding mines in South America. NK, Syria, Libya (gone), is just a golden goose that doesn't belong to the IMF and things need to happen in order for all of the above to sustain itself. The corpse cannot live and thus, additional and artificial movements, lies, wars and thievery must be produced in order to keep the facade up.

NK also doesn't have a Rothschild bank…

Iran and Syria don't have one either…


Correct user that is also an issue at play one would think

Yeah, definitely. NK isn't even a member of the International Labour Organization.

Quads confirm.

iirc earlier this year Germany returned 500 tons of gold stored in the US and all gold (100 tons) stored in France back home.

that poster had one job

Are you from the other timeline?

This is just pure speculation, but here goes.

I'd guess that North Korea is going to become the Asian version of Kosovo. Both are sitting on large reserves of mostly untapped minerals (little known fact, but Kosovo is the largest untapped source of coal in Europe), and both are tied with drug trafficking (NK for opium, while Kosovo is the stopping point for the Afghan heroin into Europe). So lots of money to be made there.

Another angle here would be that a freshly "liberated" NK would become the staging area for all sorts of military bases and activities, right next to China. Again, similar to Kosovo, you'd have a state that'd be under NATO occupation (Bondsteel, their largest or second largest (depending on your sources) base in Europe is built there, even though the state isn't officially recognized by the UN or a member of NATO, and the guys in charge look the other way all the time in exchange for some of that drug money) and which would allow the NATO forces to attack their enemies (Russia and China respectively). So you'd end up with a criminal state completely controlled by NATO, and China couldn't do anything overt over it, except going to open war (which would soon turn nuclear). Not to mention that having proper naval bases in NK would allow NATO to do "peacekeeping" tours of the South China Sea, which we all know is just a powder-keg waiting to blow up.

But I think the real reason is much more internal. If Trump wants to get war-time powers, NK would be the quickest way to get them. Getting war-time powers would allow him to go full Night of the Long Knives and take care of all the elements disturbing the peace at home. He'd get the chance to throw the faggots at Berkley into FEMA camps (for example, last time a president wielded war-time powers, we had Japanese interment camps), and so on. No more judges overruling him, just straight up executive orders to get shit done.

The downside? He can only get war-time powers if congress greenlights it, and to do that the US needs to be engaged in war. The trick here is, as a member of the security council, the US can only declare war if it's attacked first. So the whole deal with NK would be just to get them to strike first.

Eh, interesting theory, but it wouldn't explain why we're suddenly interested in Best Korea now. Personally, I think the story goes like this:

Why wouldn't you want to provoke the Best Korean hackers to crash the economy?

I don't think a Kosovo situation is wanted here. The South Korean government is securely in the pockets of the elite. A reunification with the north would extend their influence without much chaos. Putting a NATO base at the border of China would be very bold.

That sounds nice but I fear it is just wishful thinking. He's no Hitler.

I don't agree. Trump knows his followers don't want war. Even if he didn't knew that, after Syria he knows it. If he wants a win, he just needs to build that wall. Starting something with NK just for show doesn't make much sense.

I know how to do it.

As I'm not a milfag, any Holla Forums know where to best approach US mil with a novel solution?


You mean a nuclear false flag? Like the whole thing a while back in San Diego, or the test in NY about how the state would handle it?

^he's right

Far more subversive.
Along the lines of this but the 88D equivalent.

I didn't even think of that one. Interesting.

I was honestly expecting the nuclear option, considering the whole "NK HAS NUKES OH NOES" spiel that's been going on for a while now. You know, predictive programming and all that.

Good find OP, i always considered NK as a country naturally with little investment opportunity.
This does change the situation a little bit as when ever there is abundant of desirable natural resources there is bond to be conflict in the area.

The all out/open warfare option isn't really possible. Only way to defeat NK in open battle is nukes right up and down the border. Everyone forgets what 150k artillery pieces on the border facing Seoul can do. They are unstoppable and can level the city in 5-10 minutes flat regardless of Nukes.]
It's their biggest wild card and why people have never really done shit since. It is the ultimate test for Trump.

Nothing sudden about it. The current president doesn't take shit from tantrum throwing idiots. Talk shit, get hit. We don't kowtow to gooks running their mouths or throwing rocks.

We can declare war whenever we please, for whatever reason we please. I'm sure there would be mild consequences if we didn't play by the UN's rules, but don't pretend that we can't declare war.

The Congress of the US still holds the authority to declare war, our position at the UN is largely irrelevant. They would be free to kick us out or strip our security council credentials or whatever, but the UN would fall apart as soon as we left.

Good. Gas the commies.

That's equivalent to 'it can't happen here.'

literally trumps foreign policy

Varg is controlled opposition swedinstani

How has that foreign policy of letting the brats continue for the last 70 years worked out, Moishe? What's that. It hasn't? What? They're making nukes and threatening us with them?
We're done with your attempts to destroy our country, kike.

There is a reason bush called them part of "the axis of evil" a decade ago.

He doesn't like people copying his government style?

I wasn't in charge of fighting them in the first place, and I'm not sure what they've 'continued.' We 'continue' shit there as well, Team Spirit/Key Resolve. Besides starving them. Should have fought to win in the 50s.

I'm a burger, the only way a korean can threaten me is travelling all the way around the world and driving on my roads, or a bad batch of kimchi.


It is almost like you fucks can't into cause and effect at a fundamental level.

I hope you live in a coastal city when the kamikaze sub with a nuke goes off. Kikes deserve to be glassed wherever they are found.

So you think bombing 1/4 of Assads airforce and his stance on net neutrality are "smart"?

Korea War was awful

Looks like you took the bait just like the media

I've said before the only way they can do anything is to just accept that all they have are dirty bombs and put them on cargo ships. Since all their best targets are hotspots of jews, it would hardly make sense for me to not give a fuck.


Let me guess, it's because you say so and all caps red text, right?

\/ \/ \/


1/4 of the airforce is more than 6 planes lol. Even if you meant su24 or certain models it would be far more than that.

Implying he takes his followers' opinions into consideration in the grand scheme of things.

Another (((RUSSIAN))) propaganda thread. Allow me to explain

1. North Korea pulls these stunts every time a new Administration negotiates trade (most of you are too young to remember this but it happens a lot).

2. China plays the hero and (((helps))) us with N.Korean

3. China at the same time asks for a better trade deal.

4. It's a blackmail scheme past administrations were OK with because the Chinese paid them off through speaking arrangements and donations.

5. Trump calls them out on this shit through Twitter, calling their bluff every time. 88degree Chinese checkers.

All Communists. ALL OF THEM, deserve only death. There is no middle ground.


Disregard disinfo shills pointing fingers at Russia no matter what the thread is about.

ah, it suddenly makes sense.

nobody does. that's why they stage false-flag attacks.

(((rare earths)))

Or starve the population jewish style.

Fuck Commies

Trying this hard.

Reminder: Russia has Rothschild banks

If we wanted North Korea's rare earth minerals, we would need only sell them food in exchange. The real problem is that Kimmo is a mad man with a bomb.


This is EXACTLY why there is interest.

Mods pls sticky


It's an easy go to option to look presidential regarding foreign policy. Nothing will happen but it could drag on for a long time. Be glad he didn't opt for the "new 9/11" option.


Perhaps a mass education campaign on the (((City))) would be beneficial, no?

Congress already greenlighted it in the 50's, user. They have an armistice, there is still technically a war on. That meeting at the WH makes a whole lot more sense now.

NK is a major producer of meth and counterfeit currency too. They do whatever they can to get money in. They've been sanctioned for what, 70 years now?


Okay so basically

So what do I throw money at to come ahead of this? Electronics manufacturing? Some meme technology company? What?

Everything in the markets is more or less overbought thanks to central bank intervention. If you know of a small engineering company with valuable expertise that also happens to be public, invest in that, or buy corporate bonds of said companies. Anything in the S&P500 is way over P/E multiple, everything is overpriced.

h ttp://w

Noticed this while i was reading about government shutdown news.

Remember that Il's eldest son and next in line for succession was an environmentalist, and just so happened to be replaced with Un The Younger and was killed.

Can the mods stop being utter fags and stop pinning shill threads?

Why does shit like this get stickied? Anyone on Holla Forums should be able to tell you that the whole reason for this is because North Korea doesn't have a central bank so it's time to install one there.

Just clocked on lads? I know your shift has only started but you really should coordinate better.

The shills are the ones sucking communist cock, you faggot.


The Geneva Protocol forbids using Indian nukes

Kek irl

North Korea's lack of kike central banking is a good point, but mineral wealth is also a big driver that makes things more interesting and explains China's pivot.

Found the jew

OP you're embarrassing yourself here and looking underage. There is nothing "sudden" about this.

Any time there is going to be a big trade issue with the US and China the Koreans start acting up. And then along comes China to diffuse the situation, in exchange for a better trade deal with the US. That's it, that's the hustle.

Because it's hilarious.

Do you (or anyone) have any videos or articles that explain the Kosovo situation because I would love to learn more. Asking here first before jewgling because I want history not (((history)))

Yeah that's a hundreds years long happening in the kosovo. I have only cursory knowledge but know enough that fuck all muslim filth and kike filth. Let them starve

Just buy the rare earth metals outright if possible IMO. Also use recyclable batteries.


Drudge has had nothing but North Korean war mongering as his headline for a solid week now. The jews really want conservatives to support war with North Korea.

Something something 9/11 something Saddam Hussein something something Osama bin Laden something WHATEVER WE'RE AMERICA

Nice thread OP. Pic related.

There is no sudden interest.
Team America World Police was (((Hollywood Propaganda))) from 13 years ago. And that wasn't the beginning of the North Korea will blow us all up meme either.

This board is great.

We is not mainstream fake news.
We is alternative media.
We is underground edgelords.

…reports the same as (((mainstream media))) including using them as sources all day every day.

even a cross-eyed girl born in 2004…??? she deserves death too???



best korea should stop threatening other countries if it wants to not get (((democratized))).
there will be real justification to invade if they can afford a higher tier military to do the things it says it wants to do.
sabotage is possible.

good relationships means good times.

Holy shit that elephant fent got my so high I'm posting from outer darkness.

Death would be a gift to her.


Things have really gone down hill.

2004? She's a child, so no.


Yeah maybe, or maybe it's way less complex and way more obvious than you make it out to be. I've said it a million times and I'll say it again, North Korea is Washington's little paper tiger. They're the thing that they trot out when they need to distract the populace from other happenings and make them seem less important by comparison. North Korea exists as a state because they are a useful propaganda tool for American, Japanese, South Korean, and Chinese leaders. Their land is largely worthless and I sincerely doubt some magical new mineral was just discovered in their territory of all places. NK exists to justify military spending, our continued and massive military presence in Northern Asia, and to keep politically and economically illiterate plebs distracted.

TL;DR: They're a propaganda tool and their saber rattling happens at convenient times for Washington, the Soviet Union collapsed so the little Soviet Union will have to do…


Greedy gooks teaming up with greedy judens.

"Hello fellow Polacks, the Norks are ebil gommunists, don´t you hate gommunists??!"
"They have rape orgie camps where babies are eaten alive!"
"This NOT kikery of any sort, this is about liberating starving, oppressed PEOPLE from a dictatorial regime!"

"They will nuke San Fransico, Los Angeles and New York, goyim! We must not let that happen!"

752X318, really?

Because they need to wash money somehow. And the best way of doing it is by taking the trump way of getting free marketing and press.

North Korea's got nothing. They've got no economy, no friends, and nothing to lose. If we invade them, the war is over in under three months. Except if they're going to lose anyways, then why not nuke Seoul, throw a bunch of nukes at China and Japan for good measure and hope one takes out a major city, and then they can all die satisfied that it's all a pyrrhic victory as we've won some terribly shitty farmland, a ruined economy, and all it's cost us is thousands of soldiers station in South Korea and Japan, millions of civilians, plus almost all of the world's high-tech manufacturing. And hey, who knows, they might just piss off the Chinese enough that they start World War III because HOLY FUCKING CRIPES why does anyone give a great flying fuck what the little turd says or does inside his little nuclear-armed couch fortress? Rare earth deposits aren't the "secret sauce" that explains this stupidity.

Repeat after me: There's nothing of value in North Korea worth fighting the North Koreans. This isn't like the Middle East where they're sitting on billions of gallons of oil in some of the countries, or even Africa where you fly over some mud huts, drop a bomb and call your humanitarian mission a success.

If we want to overthrow the North Korean government the proper way to do it is to turn the military against the leadership and have it fight itself, because they're the only people who could possibly be attached to anything inside North Korea. They're not even useful to people as legitimate political footballs because they're run by people who are stripper-crazy.

If you guys want to start a war over marginal land in Asia, there's still Vietnam and Cambodia. Those are a lot better targets for…whatever anyone would want to choose to fight a war in Asia for. At least their populations are connected to the internet and don't believe that they invented Donald Duck or have moonbases. Fighting North Korea is kicking the three-year-old with the grenade. Sure, that kid's gonna fucking die. But he's got a grenade. You're fucking yourself. Just wait and hope he puts down the grenade eventually, stay clear of him, or wait until he's so desperate for a juice box that he'll give you anything.


They have China and they work together to blackmail America on trade every fucking Administration

If you paid any fucking attention at all, it's becausethey're getting too close to ICBMs. You really want an inbred retard like Kim having the capacity to bomb the US and Australia? This whole "Norks are actually the good guys" meme is getting bloody tired.

Yes. Fuck you subhumans. It is only justice that your "friends" repay your kindness 70 years ago.

You're both idiots. the Norks aren't our friends, but they're also not a threat.

Oh fucking please, I could care about communists even if you could conceivably describe any nation I talked about as communist without giggling. I mean China's about as communist you're a chick when you put on a skirt - just because you say it doesn't change the reality. Asia is Communist in name only - they might have nationalist controls over industries, but they're probably more aggressively capitalist than we in the west are these days.

Blackmail? What's North Korea actually gained from anyone? It's continuously under sanctions, utterly marginalized, and a dystopian shithole that even the most bleeding hearts of bleeding hearts pretty much waves off as "fuck those guys."

If it weren't for you guys inserting Trump's dick firmly up your backsides you'd not give a shit either. They don't have China. China probably wishes they would stfu and go away, especially in times like these where China would very, very much just like to get back to making money hand over fist like they were before the recession.

I remember discussions about minerals in NK. I swear someone on a chan talked about this a long time ago.

You are correct.

Koreans are historically and currently the archetype of "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing."

Rare earths arent rare, they are just spread out evenly.

The reason therd are few extraction/refining points is because they are literally everywhere, so factories get made in the lowest labor cost area that can handle the refining (China, India, Brazil…).

In the early morning of 8 October 1895, the Hullyeondae Regiment, loyal to the Daewongun, attacked the Gyeongbokgung, overpowering its Royal Guards. Hullyeondae officers, led by Lieutenant Colonel Woo Beomseon, an ardent supporter of the Daewongun, then allowed a group of Japanese ronins, specifically recruited for this purpose to infiltrate the palace, allegedly under orders from Miura. Upon entering the Queen's quarters (Okhoru Pavilion), the assassins "killed three court [women] suspected of being the queen. When they confirmed that one of them was Min, they burned the corpse in a pine forest in front of the Okhoru Pavilion, and then dispersed the ashes." Empress Myeongseong was 43 years old.

Yes, that is how I see it, too. How can you justify a $600bn defense budget and military bases around the world when there are no enemies? And what better enemy than a Stalinist regime with 60s technology? But as we have all seen in the middle east money from natural resources can turn a harmless caveman into a dangerous caveman.

In retaliation to China's new import limit to NK coal (it's most important export good), NK has stopped it's export of REE to China.

OP is a grotesque subhuman slav shit low IQ moron.

I can give you a longer version.

When they get cold fusion going, control over rare earth minerals will replace oil as the Geo-strategic goal of the Jews.

Never going to happen. Also fusion/fission mix? So they use all the power that it would take to create a fusion reaction with a fission reactor? Isn't that silly?

Vikernes was first on this, with a video about it

this and only this.

I know this is /nupol/ and we have been infested, literally infested by shills during the trump campaign and even shifted gears after the hack and US tomahawk attack on the syrian airbase. But don't lose sight on the real enemy. It's obviously about installing (((democracy))) and a central bank there, too.

Also, remember best korea is china's rabid dog. Going to war with best korea would be going to war against china, proxy-style. It wouldn't end well for anybody.

fuck I meant to quote this post.


Because NK is NK. NK has been shit for a long time.

There is absolutely zero hesitation to take them out, given we have a sound plan that would keep our casualties to a low and costs controlled.

WTF are you going on about OP? Do you not want to take out Mr. Piggy?

Ah, there it is again!
That all American, red-hot-blooded brand of Patriotard Jingoism!

go home, r/the_donald

Quads confirm this is a neocon board now

what a dumb douchebag, so willing to fight and die for the Jews.

Looks like he was right.


North Korea has been starving for a long time. The fact that china seems to be worried lately is the give away.

On the one hand - yes it is a non Rothschild controlled nation.
On the other - but their people are starving.

That said, I'm always weary of the narrative they spin about North Korea. If it wasn't for China's worries I wouldn't have believed the news at all.
Also, this deposit is probably non existent. They're just trying to get people with capital to get behind, tolerate or even fund a war in North Korea.

I bet they'll find nothing though. It's just bait to get capital and support for the war, because the situation is getting bleak and desperate in NK.

That is a lot of potential man power available that could be utilized to take out the rothschilds.
Sure, you're still outnumbered greatly, but it's better than not having those 20 million or so soldiers (which are probably malnourished and untrained)

That is not the full picture.

Let me explain something for the benefit of the plebs: "Opium" is a fancy name for the sap of a plant called the "Opium Poppy". Opium has been used and abused by Europeans since the time of Homer's Iliad, which contains a passage in which Opium is used by the Greeks after defeating the Trojans in battle in a rather Pyrrhic victory to raise the spirits of the troops.

Opium is stigmatized today because of the devastating affect it had on the orientals in the 19th century. Opium was first introduced to China by British merchants in the 19th century. For whatever reason, the Chinese race cannot take drugs and took very very badly to opium. Opium destroyed Singapore. For that reason, white's introduced international treaties that limited the manufacture and sale of opium in the early 20th century.

Because opium was used and abused in the west for a long time, its properties are well understood by medical men. Consequently, opium has widespread applications in modern medicine. Notably, Opium contains a drug called "Morphine" that is widely used throughout the west as a painkiller; as well as a drug called "Codeine", that is used in various pharmaceuticals. Not to mention others.

At the moment, most western hospitals and pharmaceutical companies continue to manufacture morphine and codeine for medical uses using Australian Opium. Opium is big, big business in Tasmania. At the moment, about half the world's opium is produced in Tasmania and sold throughout the world.

Heroin is a modified form of morphine that was invented in the late 19th century. Unlike morphine and codeine, it is illegal because it has no medical use. Most of the black market heroin in the west is made from Opium grown in Afghanistan. Something like 80-90% of black market opiates are made from Afghani opium.

My point is this: Almost all legal opium comes from Australian and almost all illegal opium comes from Afghanistan. In terms of scale, North Korea is a very, very minor player in the opiate industry.

North Korean diplomats might be using Heroin as currency but, if they are, it is probably because their currency is worthless, not because they are manufacturing the stuff themselves.

No part of that comment was patriotic. The guy was commenting on the state of north korea.

What he describes seems to be the reality. But I guess we won't know until the battle is won (or they win - unlikely).

Don't project.

Apparently you can't state the fact of north korea or it's "neocon" all of a sudden.
If Hitler was alive today and had sources that suggested Kim was a piggy dictator, he would state that he is a piggy dictator.

I don't know why acknowledging the fact of the matter is neocon.

I wish we could get money from REEEEEE


Not a bad theory at all I am impressed OP. Though in the thread the lack of rothschild bank, and a few other factors were mentioned. I think that its similar as it was in Iraq, sure the oil was important. But so what the opposition to the petrol dollar and the lack of rotschild bank.

What is a prelude to war is if the jews have interest, along with the capitalists…and the military industrial complex just happily organizes all of these interests so that they can keep on living as well. So if multiple big US parties have interest, then the drums of war start beating. And when war happens, the jew, the oil barons, or in this case mineral companies, the banks and the ones who make the bombs all realize that this war will benefit them all.

A bit of a double point in that post but, isnt it exactly this: A convergence of many different parties, who in their influence on the US gov, manage to become more than 51% in influence. The jew are probably 20% since they control the fed, the money and the streams.

The jew wants lebensraum or wants to destroy opposition in this case, and then the jew does what it does best: It tries to weasel itself into the minds of others, of industry heads, trying to persuade them that their support in this war is important. Once enough of these figure heads are on their side, they only need the public, at which point we will just expect a false flag?

this pic related but also for them?

so without fagging up the thread, to add to these posts: Arent we supposed to find opposing parties and inform them of what kind of group is being formed, without them being allowed on the inside? Surely there must be many different mineral companies. Letting them squabble, fight and disagree may be a good path to prevent war with NK. If NK only allowed actually one of them to help NK with extraction tho…

M8, I've been on Holla Forums long enough to know there are Russ and chink shills on this board. It's littered with them.

There's usually a current event they're trying to sway opinion on and they'll make a thread about it. If you ever give an opinion that's contrary to their narrative, they'll pile on you with Jewish/neocon insults and they'll never give an argument back for their side.

I'm honestly starting to believe the mods are actually Russians or chinks and that Holla Forums is a communist shill board. I mean this thread was stickied. It's a shit topic. A guy was banned previously for even suggesting that Assad should be deposed if he did use chemical weapons.

The lives of a few, even if they were hit by chemical bombs are nothing compared to the stake of the nation, and the resistance against the jew. Israel bombed nations with white phosphorous just for fun, and instead of being punished, it received more money. Israel did so many mean things actually, blatant military actions against the US even. Still getting dosh.

So spare us these moral high ground garbage things. If the same morals were applied to the jews, then the jews would have been invaded, and massacred 20 times by now probably.


Which country are you from? Russia or China?

So tell me, with the premise that we can depose Kim with a campaign that minimizes loss of life for us and our allies Japan and SK and keep costs controlled, why shouldn't we depose Kim?

We're talking about a legitimate dictator here. Irrevocably. No one can deny he and his family have oppressed North Koreans and have threatened nuclear holocaust on our allies. For what reason would you choose to keep him in power outside of the interests of China and Russia?

Your doughboys will come home in steel coffins, American.

$100Trillion you say?
Time to Make North Korea America Again!

Where. Are. You. From. ?.

I will never understand these shills. We Americans on this board GIVE NO FUCKS about the "ethics" of invading a foreign nation, THAT WE HATE, in order to rape it for it's natural resources. It's in our blood, it's WHAT WE DO!
Get fucked Shirrs, we're taking your metal!

most of trumps voters actually helped to elect him because they were tired of playing world police and actually just wanted peace, nobody wants war anymore really. Fuck off.

Rejoice, you'll get your very own white cross in North Korea!

Hahaha, we've been in conflict with the gooks for over half a century. Were not starting a war faggot, we're ENDING a shitting match. We will rain death upon your fatass commie leader the likes you've never imagined.
Arm the warheads!
Load all experimental weapons!
This is going to be fucking glorious! GENOCIDE! BLOODSHED! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I've never met another deplorable, nay, even Democrat that liked Kim or said that his regime falling would be a bad thing.

who cares about the gooks you dumb shill, if they oppose the jew, and his doctrine then they should exist as they do. The old idea of communism has more or less died out in the world, and the remnants are kinda becoming or are ethno states. North korea is very hostile towards Israel, just like Iran, and it also has no rothschild bank. So shoo with your shit and your pathetic attempts to incite a war. I am rooting for iran and that it may kill the jew, and if NK wants to do the same then I will also root for it.

t. proud ZOGcuck

Your mum will be so proud when they hand her a polyester flag in exchange for you.

The question is: why would the US want to fight a more powerful and nuclear North Korea later on? They're genuinely nuts (no one would deny this!), so why wait till it's too late? Serious question.

As a US citizen the interests of China and Russia are becoming more my own each and every day so I see NK as a litmus test for those that oppose the NWO I never voted for and do not agree with. NK would be no harm to anyone were it not for Foal Eagle and all of the back stabbing the US has been engaged in for 70+ years over there.
I deny, and millions of others deny.

Shills really doubling down today. Haha, you faggots afraid of getting blasted off the map now? Guess what, sixty years ago my granpappy killed you gooks by the score flying low and drunk off his ass, gunning down wave after wave in his mustang. HE CAME HOME alive and well, and his only regret was that he never got to FINISH TH JOB! In the name of my ancestors, by my saxon blood, YOU WILL DIE!

God, nothing as pathetic as Burgers LARPing as better peoples

how to spot a newfag/shill 101 lol, Nobody of us even uses these kinds of words unironically anymore.

When we look at movies like The Portuguese Falcon, we unironically like the fascist "dictators" (president salazar). Keeping the jew menace out is a heroic feat, on that alone kim actually has huge amount of respect from me. An iron racial will of some sort. Wouldnt want their immigrants, but would want them to keep on existing so that there are more parties on this planet who want to remove the jew.

also, not sure if this link is legit but


The Chinese, having lived next to Korea for thousands of years and having a population ratio of more than 100/1 against the Koreans knew it never made economic sense to invade. If I gameday this NK/US conflict I actually think Israel will get nuked, so surprising being against it, I'm more for it because those crafty Koreans could pull it off and nuke Israel if they put their minds to it.

They dont have the tech for it yet, their latest missile which many feared would spark shit, failed. Probably a couple of more years until they have a reliable supply, alongside enough quantities to put israel as one of the targets. They also dont have good subs I think. They need more time.

any MORON could have went to war with North Korea over all these years. I voted for Trump because he claimed with his business success he wasn't a MORON. I am disappointed because Trump seems to be proving himself to be a MORON and the shills that fill this thread and the others make me feel even less secure because it seems other MORONs voted for him…… sadly including myself, and yet only because no one has declared world wide war on the fucking kikes that control everything.

well its probably not that horrible as he is not a complete turncoat, but the chess pieces in his mind are tied to his kike family, and kike advisers. I dont think its a lost cause yet, but we are also supposed to keep pushing against the kikes to give trump a clear moral path to take. I think he can take it if we do our misdeeds against the kikes and the lefties more.

Remove his family, the remainders of obongo, the rothschild bankers and the rest of the swamp. Keep pressing against them, show our displeasure even more. Maybe then he too will think that we are reliable and a force of morality that has to be respected.

Who do these wars benefit? The average white American? Does capitalism in America lead to a war due to their holdings of rare earth minerals? As our demographics inside continue to dwindle, and Goldman Sachs continues to offer foreign policy advice, does the acquisition of foreign material actually benefit us? Its much easier to abandon South Korea, let North stay sovereign via the nuke defense option, and fix the nation's internal problems.

To add to that: I think trump, with his clover hat may have indirectly acknowledged us. But you have to recognize that we are still very weird people. Not entirely trustworthy. Just a month ago I for example was spewing some idea that we should just destabilize the world and let it all drown in nuclear hellfire because of the syrian strike…

and then there are the kek posters, the other doomsday cultists and just the pranksters. Yea we do have some power in the hearts of people, but its not exactly volkish.

Requesting anti-gook memes. Where's the pepes executing gooks? All commies must die, genocide NOW!

That movie with the pothead kike that was "hacked" too.

They said that about self-lacing shoes too.



Dont you hate them too though? The crypto kikes. The capitalists, internationalists who arent jews, but who may as well be. Those who are hollow on the inside, devoid of souls, of knowledge of their history for their nations, of respect for their race. Whois only motivation is the empty pursuit of dollar signs.

There used to be fascist, christian capitalists like salazar, but these days the only thing that we seem to get are nu cuck nihilist capitalists. I so fucking hate them so much.

The norks just suffered another ballistic missile failure.

iphones for normalfags require rare earths, your computer requires rare earths. wifi requires rare earths.


Oh shit.




They are using old Russian shit. I think there is a very good chance that the USA or someone has the codes to these things and is remote killing them.

Because he hasn't done shit on healthcare or taxes and it looks like the wall is never going to happen. Also because left wing cunts like him after bombing Syria which picks up the lost points due to the above mentioned. Easy fucking distraction.


reminder: they were brought in by the drunk cuck yeltsin and his mcdonalds friends

a short to medium range scud missile is now a ballistic missile????

the shanghai gold exchange opened last year.

the chinese yuan was added to the IMF's SDR basket last year.

gold is ~10% of the SDR.

i believe that the central banks will all push and
"agree" to use the SDR as the new world currency to absolve all debts- when the time is right.

pic related.

A Peace Treaty with North Korea is what needs to be agreed to by all parties. Otherwise it is going to become a bloodier mess than anyone can possibly understand for all invovled.

I doubt that. Such a combined currency has the same problem as the Euro. One partner (like Greece) fucks up and drags everybody down. I also don't think anyone really trusts China.

You stupid litle shit. These wars that you are so proud off, the only thing they have created is rapefugees and Greater Israel. Out fucking standing. Stop saying WE, because i don't think many of your fellow burgers, on this board at least share the same retardation as you. Do i like North Korea ? No. Do i like any of the sandniggers ? No. But you didnt just go in and exterminate the fucking places. No you did year and decade long fail campaigns that just instilled "democracy" , a rothschild central bank , and rapefugees to Europe. Just because Israel said march you faggots marched and didnt fucking exterminate that shithole even though you had a casus beli with what they did to USS Liberty ( and all the other shit they pulled on you and have pulled on you ) ( yes we all know they own you, it's a well known fact , but your soldiers still marched instead of kicking the shit out of the asshole who gave such command, in no other country , and i mean no other white country , the shit they gave you to march over there would fly ) . I would go on and on but it's pointless, so get it well through that thick fucking skull of yours and stop being proud of your stupidity.

There will be no massive invasion of SK by NORK troops. They will defect the second they are in SK out of Dear Leader's reach.

nice dubs

…or because they're about to nuke a bunch of rice, and everyone knows you can't reheat rice like that

I think "hurr durr let's roll 'murrica" stuff like is just a new flavor of shilling. Looking at your reaction it seems to hit the spot. Expect more. Nice dubs btw.

this shows how completely out of touch with reality you actually are. You really believe the NYTimes, the WashingtonPost, the NewYorker, CNN, FoxJews, anything the US media actually says?
South Korea will roast
the North Koreans will take out their rage for 70 years of South Korean betrayal, South Koreans will not ally themselves with the Japanese against the North. China will not partner with Japan. I'm telling everyone, whatever they thing this will be going in, it will be much different coming out.

you have no idea how the eurocrisis works do you? the problem wasnt the currency, but the bureocracy that put all countires on the same level of alleged financial capability, so poorer countries borrowed more than they could pay back.
that wasnt even the main reason for the crisis however, as the whole thing was an inevitable economic bubble. these things happen every few decades, but noone learns shit, because if someone decided to fix it it would mean death for private banking, fiat currencies, credit and the modern way of economics in general.

It definitely isn't a new flavor but just in case. There are many goons and shills that try to spread anti white american sentiments on the chans and i am pretty sure it's one of their tactics but, i am not sure anymore due to fucking redditors being here since the ellection. And i don't need to explain the mental capacity of a redditor. Calling them retarded i think would be some sort of compliment for them.

what was that clip from ?
LOOKS good as far as KUNG fu karate movies go .

you, and everyone else expect these "cyclical" events… and that is how worldwide zionism fucks everyone, every-time. Dumb shits

Any proof to back that up? I know they aren't the greatest but I'm sure it isn't Africa tier.


NK does not have a Bauer/Rothschild central bank under the control of the Khazar/Talmudics… yet… and hopefully never will. These talmudics plan on presenting the worlds' population to their FALSE messenger(moshiach) in physical and financial chains. Let the freedom warriors everywhere become redpiled on these facts and sabotage, meme, redpill others to prevent this from happening!!!

i crieh evry tiem ;_;

I wouldn't care even if this was why, if they're about to develop an ICBM we need to take them out before they do.

yeah, how dare they defend themselves.

/r/the_donald is calling you, run off you idiot we don't play that "based" nigger shit here.

Geologyfag here.
Good bread. China is also dependent on North Korea for anthracite, the highest grade of coal. Anthracite is necessary to make coke for steel production. And of course China talks a big ballgame about free trade, but controls REE exports and could raise the prices again on a whim.
Cutting the Chinks off from their anthracite wouldn't do much good anymore. The steel industry has gone to even shittier places, like Thailand and Bangladesh. But hurting their REE supply would be good. A ((democratic)) regime wouldn't entirely cut the chinks off from their precious lanthanides though, because they have deposits elsewhere in the country.

this too. Fuck commies. Fuck them all.

It's all about THAAD.

See the throttling we're giving South Korea right now?

This is the beginning of the NEW order of the world. 20th century liberalism has finally died, and Trump has killed it (whether he understands that or not).

Real politik will dominate the 21st century.

American democracy will die with this as well. There is no way a nation as large geographically and population-wise will ever be strategically agile enough or be able to execute strategy of such depth that requires all of our governing organizations to be on the same sheet of music.

The internet drew us so close together, we are now finally "seeing" how much each individual disagrees with the other. We have no values or soul to fall back on to draw us together.

The memes ended the New World Order. Praise kek, you won Holla Forums.

P.S. If Le Pen wins this will happen fast enough that you will even be able to see it completely in your lifetime.

Albanian muds breed like insects and spread islam while destroying slav culture. They must be irradiated. That is the story, fam. Based Serbs went to get rid of them all and (((America))) with (((NATO))) step in because muds are brown so they can QQ. They do so and the jews divy up the lands. Also Croatians are cucks and do not want or accept stronk Serbian pride so they want to cuck them and keep them from eliminating all albanians.







SAVE Holla Forums!







SAVE Holla Forums!







SAVE Holla Forums!







SAVE Holla Forums!







SAVE Holla Forums!

NK will never unfuck its shit up when the U.S is practicing mock invasions and aiming missiles at them. They saw what happened in Iraq under GWB and aren't going to let it happen to them.

Speaking of minerals, I saw this article yesterday.

Well actually all resources have already been exhausted and sit, naturally at least, in their oxidised state. We have to put effort into them to make them into their usable reduced forms. Doesn't really matter if it's part of a cell phone or ore in the ground, unless we're actively spacing our trash in such a way that its orbit won't decay and crash back into the earth, we can't run out. It'll just be in a form that's harder to get to (or just not in the usual places and using the usual methods of extraction/refining).

Or maybe because they threaten to nuke the us?

what else can plebs like us do? the only ones that turn the thing to their advantage are rats like soros (broke the bank of england) and rothschilds (the OG bankers).
if you go to the street and tell everyone that another one will happen youre a tinfoil.
if you go into detail youre a communist.
if you tell them the people behind it are jews youe a nazi.
then when it hits and you tell them you said so they just go


That's exactly what NK did. They stopped their REE exports to China as response to China setting a limit on the import of NK coal some weeks ago.

That's why Trump is so eager to start war with NK

That's not a thing. Rare Earth minerals are everywhere, the only reason we don't mine them ourselves is because it makes a mess and the EPA is so over-regulated all the mines went out of business. You could stick a shovel in the ground nearly anywhere in the US and get roughly the same mount of rare earth material as elsewhere on Earth.
NK is a Chinese puppet state, the same way most the arab world is a US, Russian or Israeli puppet. The Chinese are getting antsy about the south china sea thing and the prospect of losing trade negotiations so they're trying to distract Trump with NK and use it as a bargaining chip when in reality it's just China's low-quality bio-weapon.

Also, the actual rare earth shortage comes from decades of China undercutting the cost of rare earth minerals, then raising the price (unless you have your shit built in china so they can steal the designs.) Rare earths require huge pond/small lake size pools of toxic waste to process because one of the characteristics which make them suitable for a wide variety of technology is the ability to blend with other materials (even moreso than lead in most cases.)

Here is another version.

The name rare earth is a bit misleading. They are not that rare and are basically found everywhere. Even the rarest of them is 10 times more common than gold. BUT the thing with REE is the concentration. Find gold somewhere and you know you'll find more of it. Often concentrated in one vein which makes mining easy. Finding deposits of REE where the concentration is high enough for mining to become profitable is not so common. Of course there is also the extraction process which is more complex and often has a negative environmental influence.

China certainly manipulated the market to force companies to use REE within China rather than outside of China. I still think the demand of REEs will increase strongly in the future. Think of electric cars. We just passed the 1 million electric cars mark. Out of 1.2bn cars worldwide. The need for batteries alone will increase demand immensely. Even if NK gets just a small piece of this cake it could mean some serious cashflow.

True, but also Thorium regulations, and energy. Holla Forums needs to take the energy redpill to better understand rare earth element politics.

Thorium is found where rare earth minerals are found. Thorium is wrongly classified as nuclear source material, but is non fissile and not dangerous. Lobbyists keep it regulated harshly to suppress rare earth mining in USA. Manufacturing is cheaper if it happens closer to material sources. Globalists want the world reliant on China and other shitholes for rare earths and manufacturing to knock USA down a peg.

China is developing Thorium reactors. Molten salt thorium reactors are safer / easier nuclear fuel. USA developed them decades ago, but Nixon went with plutonium producing steam reactors instead. If we let China develop the next stage in energy production they'll have the patents on it.

Trump is well aware of the Thorium issue. I got a non-canned reply back from his team when writing him about it. I also acknowledged our ability to deregulate Thorium and bring MFG to USA is a gun to China's head. Pull that trigger and in one fell swoop USA becomes a manufacturing power house which quickly becomes energy independent and has no need for foreign oil. Politics means we don't do only what's best for ourselves, but also the world, shitty as that may be.

Thorium reactors operate at less pressure but higher temps and the heat can be used to refine liquid fuels. Turn coal and natural gas into oil or plastics.

USA has huge reserves of rare earth minerals, as does Russia. We're purposefully suppressing our energy and economy to maintain peace and allow other nations to prosper. We're politically navigating the energy market, squeezing as much civilization and territory out of oil and coal as we can.

Coal is made by covering a bunch of trees with lava… usually a cataclysmic event. Oil doesn't come from dinosaurs but from natural gas in the earth being trapped under heat and pressure. Oil is gas that's already cooked. We'll always need oil for plastic even if we stop burning it, but Thorium reactors give us a way to produce energy while we also create and refine oil from natural gas.

Many people are wrongly concerned with energy resources running out. All these material based energy production politics are just used to rule the earth through hydraulic despotism: (control through resource scarcity)

The ancients taught us how to harness free energy. Tesla was an occultist who researched their ancient lost technology, and discovered how to collect and distribute electricity out of thin air. We're swimming in electricity. Our astronomy and science is suppressed in order to create the energy scarcity problem to rule the populace. It's simple to collect "free energy", you don't need autists spinning magnets, just some wire and a tall pole (or kite). (small free energy collection) (bigger free energy collection)
Go to Giza to see even bigger scale…

Unless you understand the hydro-despotism and energy redpill, you won't make good analysis when it comes to REE politics. USA doesn't want to play the Thorium card yet. This is why they keep it regulated and seek rare earth minerals. If we go into NK, it won't really be for rare earths, per se, but to advance some political goal. Every time USA wants to sell new weapon systems to SK and others, NK starts doing missile tests and shouting about war… "as if on cue" as one US politician put it. Our rulers are not as antagonistic as we think. Politics is mostly rulers vs people, not nations vs nations, we're just beasts of burden to be slaughtered at will – esp. if we threaten their ability to rule us.

We are creating the rare earth shortage ourselves to prop China up. Afghanistan also has much REE wealth and China had their finger in that pie too. Everyone is suppressing energy and mineral access to leverage power through scarcity. Rare earths politics are intimately linked with the energy politics. All our politicians have been traitorous "globalists" for hundreds of years. Any "realpolitik" is bullshit unless it mentions hundreds of years of elites willfully suppressing tech, energy, and MFG sectors to maintain their hydraulic despotism. That's the energy redpill.

What are the chances it's not just strategic resource management? Make the other guy use up all of his resources while preserving your own for the far future.
How long will the chinese rare earth last? How long until it starts hitting diminishing returns and they start exploiting North korea?

vid related

Brings a tear to my eye.

"rare earth" refers to those natural resources that can be mined, yet are not valuable metals or stones like diamonds.

and the belief that these materials are evenly scattered across earth is retarded.
its just as it is with oil, tropical forrests, diamonds, gold, etc.
its related to a concept called "geology"

the US is playing that game with oil.
and china is already investing monolithicv amounts of financial, diplomatic, infrastructural and military resources to africa.
africa doesent have oil, but it has everything else that you dig out of earth and make money on.
but, since these minable materials arent exactly urgently rare yet and do not represent a pillar of currency economics, superpowers focus on the arab world with oil and the petrodollar

They're also mixing with a lot Africans. There are now fears in places like Guangzhou that there are too many Blacks moving into China.

china has a bit different approach to demographic problems than liberal western countries. they can handle it

i normaly dont give a shit about

shit, but is anything of that written down in some legit paper?
Is there one single evidence that Tesla worked on something that you mentioned?

Exactly. It's not the trick at all.

Not he, per se, but the people who write the grand scheme of things must take into account the reactions of the public. Why, otherwise, do you think they would go to great lengths to shape the public opinion? They cannot have the public revolt against them; likely the only thing that can bring about some actual change in the state of things.

Juche ideology is closer to national socialism than rotten neo-cohenism trotskyism combined with crony capitalism.

I want sodomites to leave.

That's not what it implied, are you implying that stalinism isn't what we need to fix things m'comrade?

So kosher natsoc? Sorry I don't like the taste of cock, comrade.

well upper class hipsters and bussinesmen can buy that wireless phone charger, so the roumor that tesla made wireless electricity networks in his lab is probably true. ofcourse when youre a monopolist that has invested millions in cable, wire and other related things for public lighting and telegraphs you wouldnt be so happy to see some immigrant just tell everyone they dont need to buy your crap.

stalin was not kosher. thats why the (((western))) world started the red scare after he purged the kosher elements in the 20s and 30s.
after france and britain experimented with hitler and the thing blew up into ww2, they needed him to take out the threat they let rise, and before ww2 even ended it was back to the old game.

Why do weak people love tyranny? Fuck off with your bullshit.

Fuck natsoc, fuck communism, fuck all that shit. I want some ability to choose my destiny. Shite mang. At least natsoc supports ethno-state, so i'll at least be cannon fodder for my own kind

fuck me and my plebbit spacing, i know.

The red scare was actually justified because the US government and Hollywood/media power structure was thoroughly infiltrated by communist-kike-USSR agents. That's just a fact. Also, the civil rights movement was in part a Soviet operation. In other words, the "based" Soviet Union was actively working to flood the western world with poz and multiculturalism. For this alone, the Soviet Union should be looked at with disgust and anyone shilling for it should be automatically labeled an enemy of Whites…and should be gassed and thrown into a ditch.

I got a similar question. Why have crazy scary clown attacks been replaced by various airlines companies competing for the title of worst pr disaster as the leading distraction news story?


so youre an ancap or some shit

so youre an ancap or some shit>>9826483

the red scare is older than ww2 tho. its just a continuation of pre ww2 politics towards a rouge commie dicator that stole the show

and it's totally justified to be "scared" of a completely Jewish "intellectual movement" financed by the kike bankers and facilitated worldwide by Masonic-Jewish "revolutionaries" to crush the goyim and any upward mobility that the working/middle class would have to challenge them.


Nigger, I'm not sure what your point is. They had to do that in secret during the Christmas break when most senators were a 3 day train ride from D.C…and didn't publicize it in the media because they knew the American public would have none of it. The fact that kike bankers controlling the central bank is equal to totalitarian blood thirsty kikes running a Jewish central bank communist regime that aims to crush the white population of having any kind of financial upward mobility and gulags or murders any kind of resistance is comparable?

pure jew distraction same as the russia bullshit deflecting the blame to who really deserves it RAT JEWS!!

no troops need sanctions by china US and russia will crush kim gook jong into compliance and could just bomb everything they the brainwashed fucks love then bounce and cut them out on trade S korea is capable of fighting whats left after we decimate them.NO white lives lost for jew bullshit.

jews intellectual ahahaaa that by it self is a joke completely broken down ..The jew is not higher IQ or more intellectual that whites but go ahead and keep swallowing that fallacy greasy rats.Fact is you jews are quite dumb and would never even be seen as an intellectual by merit instead use nepotism to further your retarded ideology of you being somehow better than whites LMAO about as stupid as a nigger claims of inventing stuff,fact is your just a mud chink mix and are completely inferior in every way to the Whites hence your hate of all things true and twist spin and lie any chance you get to deflect what you look at in the mirror …liars bwuhahahaaa the goy especially white goy are onto your bullshit you degenerate genetic inbred rejects.

I know this is irrelevant, but this gave me some Winston Smith feels. How far away are we from govt water licensing system? Why is alcohol and the carbonated jew the only kosher source of water for these plebs? Don't they know what an immune system is? Beware: Health is now a form of social occultism.

No shit j

who created communism ? those should all die and both china and russia are increasingly not commies as it isn't financially viable so Iran Russia China Israel all have ties to fighting jew banker ranks accept the later about we just quit fighting for a jew and kill them instead glass israel and send all dual citizens back to the rubble we leave behind they call holy land ….

trigger warning

"Another (((RUSSIAN))) propaganda thread. Allow me to explain

1. North Korea pulls these stunts every time a new Administration negotiates trade (most of you are too young to remember this but it happens a lot).

2. China plays the hero and (((helps))) us with N.Korean

3. China at the same time asks for a better trade deal.

4. It's a blackmail scheme past administrations were OK with because the Chinese paid them off through speaking arrangements and donations.

5. Trump calls them out on this shit through Twitter, calling their bluff every time. 88degree Chinese checkers.

All Communists. ALL OF THEM, deserve only death. There is no middle ground."

PDFs will triumph over kike mods.
Your suppression is futile, mudshit.

lets also look at this:
rt . com/news/386627-protest-okinawa-base-murder/

It could be another pretext to keep us bases in Japan, the us love gooks vs gooks narrative

some of that is true yet biased on a point of view seems vague especially putting Trump on a pedestal of righteousness when it all comes down to resources and power to project.Personally fuck all nations not US yet white nations should be first on the negotiation table second to jews and shit skins.

let them pretend power that at any time illusion destroyed and reality that whites are better than them and sick of the farce and will go militant against jews and their anti white agenda.WE ARE WAKING jew scared its going to get crushed yet again by whites

Whites Master Race isn't just a meme it's the truth shitskins and jews have a problem with it and try to tear us down because they will always be less than white lol

This is pretty accurate, but the rest of it is off a little. They are never concentrated enough to make mining profitable in the US (or NK, or anywhere with current market prices) - they are mined in third world shitholes by the locals for just that reason.

No, it doesn't. Rare Earths are a very specific set of elements - they are everywhere but they are very dispersed, the primary property which makes them useful is how easily they mix with other things - which happens to be what makes them hard to mine and process (they are very evenly distributed across Earth, moreso than any other resource, they never come in chunks or nuggets like gold and diamonds do, and they require huge stadium-volume pools of toxic chemicals to refine.

The issue with Thorium is that if it takes off it will become ubiquitous and you can use it to create fissile Uranium (that's actually a good chunk of the decay process involved.) If everyone had a Thorium reactor in their neighborhood you'd have the next "radioactive cubscout" story you read about being some self-indulgent little shithead who built a nuclear bomb and used it.

1/10, made me reply.

to your last reply electro kinetics makes fission obsolete so its all a shit show to suppress white ingenuity.Notice all the ppl come up with it are white and completely viable yet swept under the rug as a threat to jew rat supremacy grrrrrr hate is real

RIDF has tried unsuccessfully to convince Holla Forums that the USSR and communism was based and wasn't the primary facilitator of white genocide during the 20th century. USSR was absolutely behind Martin Luther King jr and the 60's civil rights shit stirring. They worked and coordinated with the international Jews to poz and crush white men in the "west". It was thier primary motivator for everything they did. Stalin chimping out on some Jews in his inner circle is irelavant to the fact that the soviets continued thier Jew masters mandate of destroying white nations…even after Stalin and his Jew wife had a hissy fit and killed all of the Bolsheviks…Stalin and the supposedly "based" Soviet regimes after him were balls deep in trying to fuck up white countries with cultural/subversion/perversion and funding and puppetering violent black revolutionary movements. Fuck Russia(for their sub 87 IQ patriotard population celebrating the USSR) and the USSR. They don't get nearly the blame they deserve in regards to our current predicament.

and let's not forget about South Africa. Afrikaners can directly blame the "based" Russians for that shit show. Putin was in the KGB during that time. Should raise some alarm bells…and the fact that he's banned antisemitiam
In any form. Posting an anti-Semitic meme leads to 2 years in prison.

only care about whites your point?

Are you Chinese? Or an alien? South Africa was a once propeserous white ruled nation. The Russians poured a ridiculous amount of resources into rabble-rousing communist blacks to overthrow the white government and the totally harmonious aparththeied system that was working great for the blacks and whites. Now Russian-backed and funded blacks run the government and are encouraging the murdering of white boer farmers. The country is in chaos and the blacks have a hard time even keeping the electricity and water running regularly. Thanks based Ruskies!

sound like some jew bullshit and NO don't listen anymore white ppl are not controllable you little rats,we are turning on you (SMUG)


you imply whites should give a fuck about niggers dying and them chimping out on boars yet you don't understand niggers and whites are not compatible neither are muds and you blame whites internationally when it was the jews propagating white boar destruction the entire time you fucking faggot

not only are you ot your a fucking liar with a lefty pol stance meaning totally false Word salad won't change the fact that jews are now and always will be a problem you heeb shitstain

Your grammar is fucking atrocious. It makes your post almost unreadable. The only reason I can imagine for it is that you're the laziest bastard on the internet.

But the thing is, what you said is correct. You're speaking the truth, but presenting it as a nigger would; that is, with total disregard for the language and with a bunch of words just jumbled together. Your post looked like every nigger Facebook post ever. Incoherent, fractured, manic and lazy

spoken like a jew first to cry about etiquette gas your self nigger

…are we seriously complaining about finishing off North Korea now? Yes, North Korea has retarded amounts of natural resources. It's how Korea was separated: The south had the farm lands, the north had the mountains with all the metals and ores. When time came to split, the commies thought they were clever for keeping the north. Now everyone in the north is starving to death while South Korea is one of the two countries in east Asia (alongside Japan) which enjoys a high quality of life. I mean fuck, the south has even begun ousting SJWs.

Meanwhile, people in the north are starving to death while their leader gets sick over eating too much cheese. And they keep threatening everyone around them. And even China is fed up with their shit and won't defend them anymore. And what, you think wrecking the Kim regime would be bad because someone is going to profit off of it?

I imply that English is your 4th language and that you don't understand nuanced arguments like blacks and whites can live harmoniously together as long as whites are running the government and have a racially realist pov towards blacks. Like keeping them separated from living in the same area as whites.

I shouldn't shit on you for being able to write and speak in other languages. I'm unable to have a conversation in Spanish even though I took 4 semesters in it.

and I understand that it's the Jews. However I'm countering the RIDF narrative of "USSR was Jew free post 1946 and was the most based pro-white government in the world until 1990. I'm trying to smack them in the head so they stop propagandizing this ridiculous myth.

if they was so starving why they have the 3rd largest ground force you spew liberation and nothing could be farther from the truth in US involvement you idiot morality left politics a long time ago tbh we can piss on their resources rare earth in the mean time it is a strategic out post against china as it is going to hit the fan and encroachment is happening thadd is on there now bitches like naysayers of US capability M rivero got another thing coming if you think the most evil military force ever constructed by whit men will fall to china or russia LOL BUWHAHAHAHAHAAA!! sounds good on your little radio show


the US is 150 years ahead of all foes think they will tell you that pleab.

plinkering around in the me is really a defense contractor arrangement true power level is not being exposed HELL ON EARTH in our hands so fuck you jews and shitskins and chinks and you diplomatic butt kissing fact is destruction is assured yet you have no idea how bad.150 years is a modest estimate

Why did cuckchill want to nuke soviet union?


Yet after ww2 he went full on support for globalism, he paid the way for that.
Anyway stalinists are quite similar to natsoc/nazbols, they just think Hitler was weak when in reality he did nearly the impossible task.

makes sense tbh

Underappreciated post and digits. Have a (You).

Thirding this. The reason shit's gotten so intense now is that Trump's not having it. And the big reason for that is less "his constituency" and more "the military". China is still assmad that the US kicked them out of it's "sensitive industries", even though they do they same thing for obvious reasons. Clinton was going to reverse that. It's a big reason why the military and some parts of intel threw their weight behind Trump in the campaign. All of this is easily verified in following the money flows and cabinet appointments.

China's actually the one that's been stirring shit and they may lose their puppet state if they keep it up.

North Korea can't do shit. Propped up as a bullshit buffer state by the chinks. North Korea is China's MSS moneymaker in the heroin trade. Also, DPRK makes a shit ton of quality counterfeit dollars and supplies meth to the Yakuza.

Fuck North Korea and fuck China.

(((The City))) or the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, House of Bourbon and House of Habsburg, House of Thurn und Taxis using kikes as front-men to invest all the money the royalty skimmed from their treasuries because Christians weren't allowed to participate in usury but royalty found a workaround.

Imagine the money a Habsburg would have made if they fronted kikes money for usury and loans.

You have a point about the weapon sales that's worth mentioning. Many anons fail to understand why the western powers allow the Norks to continue existing, and this is a big reason why. It also gives us an excuse to maintain a fuck huge military presence near China and Russia. If the Norks are actually gone, that becomes a bit more challenging legally and diplomatically. Remember, the Korean War never ended and our Founding Fathers had a big thing against standing armies.

So, we really don't want war with them, but if China keeps faffing about over there something might have to be done. Also, if the Norks really have REEs then that could be the straw that breaks the camel's back and makes invasion worth it from the MIC's perspective. Lose major client state vs. access to critical materials, access probably wins. Potential for WWIII may be the only thing staying the hands of the military for the moment.

Finally, that information about Thorium is interesting. Several family members of mine are in the nuclear energy industry. I'll inquire into this some more. I don't suppose you could post your non-canned response from the administration?

This guy.

The final redpill is actually purple and hails from Venice. The Eternal Venetian is the real reason why we can't have nice things. Also, "Game of Saturn" is now mandatory /fringepol/ reading.

I'd politely sage for not related to Norks, but this is a sticky.

Y'all are tripping. Rare earth metals? The international communist is mad that DPRK is one of the last places on Earth with ethnically pure Waifus.

They may be 100% Korean but that doesn't make them attractive. They're basically the Central Africans of Asia.

all non whites are ugly as fuck get in nigger we slaying globalist ;)

Those story always sound like over the top propaganda like the 6 zillion.
Do you get all your education from videos games?


get in the back of this limo we got guns whiskey and all kinds of white man shit .

do you even know what the october revolution was about?
the tsar had to go because he was the last european power that didnt yet have a bank owned by the rothschilds.
the revolution, besides solving that problem and the obvious problem of the tsars unpopularity and russias backwardness also aimed to emancipate the jews into a new society (or even better, put them incharge of it).
but when you have a former gangster using his old tricks, power and money (which he ironically gained helping them) and the deeprooted russian despise of jews to overthrow and them and take control of a superpower spanning over two continents, youre gonna have (((powers))) from all around the word flipping their shit.

youre the kinda guy that just hates jews but has no idea why or how things work are you?

youre probably the most autistic shill to post on this board.



why dont you invade detroit then?

it collapsed. the US didnt. the US is a bigger problem now.


no, he wanted to invade it (operation unthinkable),
tho this plan was older than WW2.
in both cases the generals just said
so they went about other ways to try and defeat stalins circus.
before WW2 they let hitler rise to power and counted on him picking a fight with stalin (whic as you know backfired in 1939)
and after ww2 ended they just stated the cold war.

so just being eternal anglo basically

So what? All dollars are counterfeit. All the jews and federal government should hang. All of them.

I would say the answer has nothing to do with rare earth minerals. Trump has said many time his main goal is Buy America, he is using the North Korea narrative to sell US military hardware to the countries in the south china sea. He has also stated point blank that he has no intention of going into North Korea. I suspect that this was a plan in the making long before he even had meet with China's leaders considering that Boeing stock price shot up even as they announced that they were going to charge less for the new air force one planes probable was leaked by Boeing's own CEO to some investors. But I think China certainly understands his goals now which is why they are all of a sudden telling Kim to stfu after years of doing the opposite. You see if Trump manages to sell military tech to the islands in the South China Sea, China's plans in the region go down the drain. So they have nothing to gain from North Korea now, but a lot to lose. If the goal was some rare earth minerals they would be taking them for them selves as they are one of the only trading partners that North Korea has.

Trump explicitely named "South Korea" in the third debate on NATO. There are 20K American soldiers in South Korea, and more than 50K in Japan.

His warmongering this month, right during the SK elections, will achieve two results:
- provide a reason for the ROK and Japan to "pay up"
- force the favorite candidate for President, Moon Jae-in, from the Mijoo party (left), to allow the THAAD radar system, which isn't as useful against North Korea as it is against China.

Or, in the case of a peace solution, provide a reason to downsize the military deployments. But the goal isn't a peace solution.

Considering how North Korea is situated on the Ring of Fire they'd have some cool resources, geologically speaking.
Makes sense. Dummies can't sell it, start a propaganda war so they can?

to get ships and planes closer to Russia for the false flag

I'm not advocating race-mixing. Quite the contrary. I'm stating the international jew is upset that there's an entire demographic of people that absolutely refuse to race-mix. The DPRK holds racial views that is the antithesis to the international jew. The DPRK is immune to Western economic pressure. They willfully isolate themselves. The IJ sees war as the only option.

First of all, this was the same conspiracy theorist reasoning behind invading Afghanistan, And exactly zero mines have popped up there.

Second of all, Rare Earths are not that rare at all.


Bullshit, it comes from decayed plant and animal matter.

You really are either a shill or completely full of shit.

Don't forget to buy some of those magic water filters.

Bruh, that's not even the final pill. The people that moved to London from Venice along with many other places on the way came from somewhere as well.


Thanks for posting this.

In return, corroboration:

Between the EPA and China dumping "rare" earth minerals on the global market, our domestic reserves remain largely unexplored and undeveloped. Cf. Elk Creek, Nebraska.

Suddenly? Where the fuck have you been?
Suddenly all of a sudden shit that has been happening for a decade is all of a sudden suddenly suspicious. I love how every dictatorship is always sitting on top of some kind of rich and plentiful resource. Whether it be oil, minerals, gold or whatever. Obviously it's the minerals we want, obviously the jews put this demigod wanna be in family in power just to sit on these resources and not do jack shit with it for 70 years until now. Yes that, it makes perfect sense.

mfw kikes

These people here couldn't handle that pill user, you're gonna break them.

No more sticky so I can resume polite sage.

North Koreas usual sabre rattling.

Contrary to popular belief there is a heavy business cooperation with China and it's not a pure commie we shun any kind of capitalism country.

I don't think China as their only viably trading partner will jew them that hard by starting a war instead of paying some government officials peanuts.
