DailyStormer under Attack by SPLC (MODS please sticky)

Source: dailystormer.com/splc-is-suing-anglin-donate-now-to-hold-back-the-night/


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Tanya Gersh was making statements against Sherry Spencer in the media to further this campaign, making her a public political activist legally subject to criticism from the public.

Thus in response this website's editor Andrew Anglin invited his readers to make legal, non-threatening critiques of Tanya Gersh's politically motivated extortion scheme:

Tanya Gersh is now suing Andrew Anglin with the Southern Poverty Law Center for hundreds of thousands of dollars for daring to invite the public to comment on her despicable extortion scheme.

If Anglin doesn't get money for a legal defense, The Daily Stormer will disappear. Unfortunately, lawyers from an arbitrary jurisdiction can't appear pro hac vice without appearance of a local counsel per the rules of Montana District Court, so we have to come up with a king's ransom for Anglin to fight a federal civil case.

Stormer needs a six figure sum to survive.
This matters to everyone on the Internet

Gersh v. Anglin is a flagrant violation of the rights of the whole Internet to criticize public figures

Tanya Gersh attempted to extort Sherry Spencer out of a building, and yet she gets to play the victim and try to silence her critics? In the complaint Tanya Gersh makes risible lies about how she was simply just trying to help Sherry Spencer after making public condemnations of her building funding racism in the press.

If this is not fought, a major alt-right press outlet will die and history will record Gersh's wicked lies of just being a helpful realtor trying to faithfully assist Sherry Spencer, instead of the truth of her being a contemptible manipulator trying to steal from the mother of a man she would see silenced. Constitutional scholars unaware of the lies of Tanya Gersh are already noting the Constitutional problems with the case:

The biggest problem for the Southern Poverty Law Center is that the worst comments are not made by Anglin himself, the defendant, but by third parties, Banville said. Legally, under the Communications Decency Act of 1996, anyone who publishes online isn't responsible for comments generated by others.

Beyond that, the complaint doesn't even establish that authentic Stormers are even responsible for any of the threatening language Gersh took issue with. Just last month, ADL's Director Oren Segal was attempting to pin the blame on a contributor to The Daily Stormer for a series of bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers. The FBI later discovered that these bomb threats were made by an Israeli national. We all know who is really responsible for violent anti-Semitic threats all around the world. It is the same people every time. Gersh's own people forged any and all threats to her.

This case will be blown open so hard when Tanya Gersh's lies are revealed in a court of law.

This is the last stand of the alt-right. Democratic process has failed us, and only our memes remain. Do not let the meme wells die by the perfidy and lies of the wicked. The indictment has loads of issues. If this is fought hard and well, Anglin will win and Gersh will be forced to pay out all the cash for the legal fees. Let us fight together now to see Gersh crushed and a lien put on her house. Gersh should be made to lose her home, just as she tried in wickedness to force Sherry Spencer's loss of hers, and now the Stormer's loss of his.

Don't let the SPLC outspend the lulz

You're clearly not from here and I suggest you fuck off

Good luck Anglin.



you're clearly not from around here
but it'd be massively shitty if the SPLC won this case
it'd be a big step to "ending trolling" and it'd set up a precedent of mean words on the internet being criminal in real life
but i won't donate until anglin designates an attorney to fight this

My biggest beef with dailystormer.com is Anglin's constant references to halfchan.

If Anglin would quit sucking fagchan cock and instead support 8pol, maybe 8pol would support Anglin.



They'll help, won't they?

we have enough newfaggot cancer. Also.. >implying any oldfag does it for attention and recognition

either fuck off or lurk a hell of a lot more

Nobody mentions hatechan on purpose, you're obviously not one of us. Go back to m00t's cuck shed.

Your response literally made no sense. Jewish derailing tactics do not work here.

Anglin, if you are reading this you faggot, name your lawyer and do proper crowdfunding by showing amount reached versus amount needed.

Holla Forums doesn't care about any other site, just Holla Forums
Holla Forums are hypocrites if they suddenly defend stormer.

I always scroll past and ignore stickied threads. Mods are not Gods.

Couldnt be more transparent if you tried

if the SPLC wins against the anglin the exact same argument could be used in a suit against Holla Forums

i'm not saying give anglin money, but these splc kikes are going to have a field day if they win this one

Oh you fucking small dicked retard, I've been here for years. This is the point where you would go kill yourself, but me encouraging you would only be a waste of my time.

Jews attacking DailyStormer.com and trying to derail this thread. So obvious.

It's not just about that, it's about some fucking kike who tried to fraud someone and is using the muh holohoax and help from various 5th column israeli trash orgs to get away with it.

On the one hand, alt kike.
On the other, kikes.
Shitty place to be I guess. You wont get my shekels, but I won't shit all over this thread either. That's the best concession I can make.

After reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra I was on the dark path of becoming a self-respecting and honorable Übermensch… if Anglin' hadn't shown me the way of fucking thai ladyboys, shaving my head, and hating the shit out of my own races women, where would I be now? No place good, that's for sure. I might even be a fanboi of some shitty faux-news site that exploits Germany's sacrifice for profit! Eee-gads! $5 donated Andy, I got your back & Hail Hortler!

Then why do you sage this thread?

Kill yourself

There's a wesearchr on it

LOL What a retard.

I second this.

Oy Vey Goyim!
Give me your shekels.


False flag post to D&C Holla Forums and the Daily Retards.


The only one who's D&Cing is you, retard.

i never liked andrJew Anglinstein and his watered-down version of nationalism that consists of memes & nigger aesthetics and his support of the rothshield sockpuppet, donald trumpstein. so good riddance! maybe now the movement can start act in a serious manner, and not like a bunch of schreeching niggers at kfc

You may not like it but it has mainstream appeal.

They were obviously attracting a lot of normies with the university speaking events.
We know they were becoming successful because the SPLC went after them.

Boy, it sure does smell like stale matzo in this thread.

no, the "normies" is the people i want to embrace nationalism. what i don't want is a bunch of no-good-for-nothing, basement dwelling pussies that obsesses about gook culture, memes & nigger music

Looks like your handler didn't gave you a proper briefing, kike shill.

fuck off jdif, nobody cares about kikes

Nice dubs but our power relies on us not giving shits about popularity.

Well, good luck.

First (((they))) came for the DailyStormer… but we did nothing for we were not the DailyStormer
Then (((they))) came for the alt-right… but we did nothing for we were not the alt-right.

Finally (((they))) came for Holla Forums… and there was no one left to stand for us.

What does the Fasces symbolize?


Our mods are jews. Why would they fucking care?

Hey no ones stopping you from joining the GOP and cucking for their anti white horseshit you stupid whore.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet? You won't be missed.

This. It would be a major hit for all those considered "politically incorrect". Jews playing jew games. Regardless of your feelings towards Anglin, this is an attack against the speech of all burgers as our courts rule the law these days by judicial rulings. They also love not thinking, hence the reliance on previous rulings. If we let this happen, then the precedent can be used against any endeavors we make, personally(anons) and as a whole(right wing organizations, and yes, I know but I'm using the right-left dichotomy for simplicity sake).

If only someone could find out where Gersh lived and pay her a visit.
You can't reason with these people. You can't outsue them. They've made it illegal to even look at them funny.
There is only one solution.

Amazing how regularly the controlled opposition finds itself "under attack" just long enough to run an "emergency" funding campaign.
They keep running this scam because White altruism is a gaping wide WEAKNESS that the Kike can exploit with ease.
2016, Sinead Mccarthy:
Kyle Hunt:
Millennial Woes:
Sinead Mccarthy, again:
>claims that a "psychopath" is stalking her, threatening her non-existentchild and setting fires in her garden.
Many more Red Ice/Rebel Media affiliates have utilized the "a patriot is being attacked, please help (by emptying your wallet in our direction) method, in fact it is almost a rite of passage and how they move new recruits to high-gear, regular donations.
Now Daily Stormer is using the method.
Predictable and repeatedly used exploit.
And the longest running example, Stormfront.
Duke and Black need $15,000 a month for "server costs and DDOS protection."


Why the fuck would you donate even then?
Do you really not see the problem>reaction>solution at work here?
Kikes desperate to stifle free speech but unable to come up with an example of a high-volume site promoting the most crass sort of incitement to violence.
And you want to donate to this.

this shit always makes me fucking kek, I no doubt get way more usage than them and way the fuck more random Holla Forumstard ddos 'for the lulz' and it's only $200, $500 if it was a particularly bored Holla Forumstard

altho the evalion one is technically legit, I mean the dumb fuck basically documented his exploits for all his tardo fans but that doesn't rule out the possibility they were working together.

Anglin's costs are at least easier to believe because he has that stupid BBS full of half/pol shitposters. Every other post is some goddamn unrelated image, it's worse than reading actual half/pol/

while this case irks me, i cannot and will not donate. anglin has made me laugh a few times, but he's said many times that its ok for white men to practice miscegenation with non-white women. Also, this stinks of a money grab. My jewdar is going off.


I am disappointed in the fags in this thread.

If the kikes over in the (((SPLC))) win this court case, it will set a precedent that can shut down 8/pol/ and leave the Internet with only 4chan.


Do y'all really want to be forced to go back there?

Eventually the kikes will shut 4chan down too. They will shut EVERYTHING down that isn't (((approved))).

If you faggots actually care about Holla Forums than donate!
Even $5 goes a long way to stomping out these kikes in the (((SPLC)))


money grab? i mean, the suit is definitely happening.

Face it, the authentic 8pol's death certificate was signed with Infinity Never while Hiroshima Nagasaki was just the guy we needed.

Stickied right now:

Anglin learned how to extract shekels from the shekel extracting master, David Duke.

That's always been the one AWM that I found to be inaccurate. Duke has put his neck out for us for a half-century. He's done more work than any living figure that I know of.

I think he may've done that one just cuz of those mid 90s sitewars, really. Everyone was accusing everyone else of being feddie plants. (With a 60% success rate, well, yeah)