Just remember when you see antifa talking about arming themselves and using violence.
The people on the right side are
Better armed
Better trained
Better organized
Better numbers
And most of all a noble cause.
Lets hope these faggots escalate this anti trump violence. Because when they do, they are going to get destroyed. youtube.com
Bumping for high morale content.
webm, fgt.
Sorry im a pleb with no software will look into cant hurt for future posts
this. i mean hell, in michigan alone, we have several militias whove been training for decades. So let them come here and water our soil with their blood.
sounds like pre-nazi-germany. wonder what's the outcome. is deep state doing this deliberately?
if it was usa that mostly benefited from ww2, is it outside countries that are pushing this? russians? chinese? saudis? jews?
Mhm, pretty much all of the major militias above squad size are almost certainly infiltrated by at least one alphabet soup though, remember that. My solution is to have a loose network of friends and colleagues I occasionally go camping/shooting with in the understanding if shit ever pops off we're sticking together. Seems like a much more sensible course of action as it means we're largely invisible and can't be infiltrated. The downside of course is we're not as well trained or structured as a militia that drills regularly.
The Us from an outside perspective looks very much like Nazi Germany. Except you dont have the leader for it to go well. Trump is no Hitler, and although the climate looks similar the end result wont be the same unless trump intends to go full Reich anytime soon. Unless they are allowing these faggots to continue for the exact reason that the militias will end them. Perhaps they want to goad antifa into starting the fight so they can be removed.
Yeah they watch the groups for illegal activity but they aren't so concerned with individuals being involved. as long as they aren't behaving like domestic terrorists they let them continue. I see no problem in the government knowing you are armed and dangerous anyway. its your right.
When you say right wing militia, Betyarsereg comes to mind.
Uh, morale? wtf? Holla Forums really has become a safe space for kike loving faggots.
I'm not even going to bother saging. not worth it.
just so you know: barking too much makes you actually appear small. that you just bark about it just shows you're in a pansy position.
Anti-FA "won" with the Coulter being stopped. it doesn't matter how many other times they lost, they think shit is swinging their way. and aren't they?
cuckservatives, cucksical liberals… you got a taste of victory but you've ignored the war and you're going to pay the price. enjoy your days being called racist and traitors by a bunch of kikes and shitskins
Wtf are you on about.
How would Jews benefit from strong right wing militias taking over protest grounds?
I think we people need to be very open and proud of their chosen activities, and ideological leanings. Privacy is dead, so the only security is in normalizing your way of life. Pick your side loudly, so you can get help when needed.
Exactly, what use is privacy if you just go quietly into the night without making your stand in the greatest political upset in decades. You people have an opportunity to change the tide here. ITs not something you need to hide from. Its your right to assemble with arms and train yourselves. Unless you plan on blowing shit up you have nothing to fear. The government watches the groups and that makes perfect sense. But in the end your armed and as protected as you can so what does it matter. You can be under the radar and useless, or in plain sight and dangerous.
Make sure this is actually the case, so go fucking lose some weight and get ready.
download youtube-dl, it works with windows, mac os or linux. you can then chose the file extension (.mkv/.avi/.mp4/.webm…) and for converting the file use pic related.
I'll drop videos below
Every one here should be training their bodies regularly for strength and fitness.
Thanks user
imagine some another clash like berkeley but this time with guns. first some idiot antifa shoots someone and it escalates into something bigger. good reason for more gun control to avoid another incident, isn't it?
i'm not saying that it's what's happening and i have no proof but it might be
Of course the gun grabbers are going to use any fuel they can to disarm you guys. And that's another reason why these militias are important. To protect those rights. But i cant see you guys losing your guns with trump as president. And if it escalates into something bigger… lets say some kind of semi civil war. Then all bets are off and you gotta do what it takes to defend yourself anyway.
Fuck off
Shut the fuck up already with that shit
why are there so many of you faggots here lately jesus
why are so many of them fat?
t. Yuropoor
fuck off lad
They can afford more than one potato.
Can't tell if Holla Forums or goddamned idiot. Ann Coulter being given a soft shutdown from the Berkeley officials is an antifa win how? That's an example of their authoritarian manipulation and shows how unwilling they are to proceed on her terms. The antifaggots can go ahead and believe they _shut down the nazis_ all they like. They also believe the last Battle of Berkeley was A DRAW. They're fucking delusional.
TL;DR: They were going to believe they won either way, let's hope for more self-defense Trayvonnings.
then we lose.
strong men good times.
We overly emphasize on our firepower than our fitness when it comes to gun fights. At the same time nothing beats the side aches pinching half your body and your weak heart feeling like it's about to explode.
We're different in a stupid way that somehow works allowing us to inherit the earth.
Except that here, communists have had no rights for over 60years!
(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, § 3, 68 Stat. 776.)
If you can't blame communists, you'll have to start thinking who else is to blame. And that is unacceptable.
Any groups in South Carolina? Im ready.
8ch and their infighting over 'muh formatting'
Christ stfu already
Mein gott! Those double dubs. Hitler confirms, with jews you lose.
Worrying about spacing on a thread about militias and right wing resistance. Is the same as this on the left.
Interestingly, comic is from a left anarchist.
The people on the right are also not willing to break the law to enforce their ideals through force, so you can as well trained as you want if you refuse to act against/speed up the Kwa's degradation.
Heheh, exactly why we need to out these (((communists))) for what they are.
I think the (((news))) picked the least intimidating/most ridiculous militia they could find.
Might as well be Redcoats. It doesn't work for shit unless it's snowing outside. Dye it tan, buy some jungle pattern BDUs, or splurge for multicam gear. Hell, just wear flat tan/olive green clothes, it's better than unmodified digital shit.
Now that's the way to go. There's literally no excuse for failing to train your body. If anyone is unsure of the techniques, check out Convict Conditioning, which goes through progressions of most of the categories in that image. Youtube videos can also help.
But don't overthink it. If you're not in shape, just do some fucking pushups 3 times a week. Once you start your pride will push you to do more, but if you don't start, it's useless. Start somewhere, anywhere. Just start.
Bodyweight fags! It's free, and you probably have too much of it anyways.
Bullshit, you're on here, you have time.
You will once you start.
Kill yourself. You're doing it slowly anyways. Or you can man up and get shit done.
Just realized, pic in OP shows my point. The one guy in UCP digital stands out like a sore thumb (center-ish), while the people in flat olive green blend in. Don't go with flat black either, but it's still better than wearing white.
No user, we must do a rep between EVEERY shitpost! If we do that, we'll be killing machines!
fml doing a rep now.
Yep, and don't bother paying a dime to any gym. Your grandfather didn't need some pussy-ass, TV laden, supplement pushing gym and neither do you.
MWF, start at level 1, do 4 4 4 on Monday, 5 4 4 on Wednesday, 5 5 4 on Friday. Continue until you hit 8 8 8 in a few weeks. Still struggling? Continue to 12 12 12, then re-assess. Feeling like it is too easy? Congrats, go up a level, go back to 4 4 4 on Monday, 5 4 4 Wednesday, etc.
user, most of us who aren't on /fit/ have no clue what you're saying. You need to spoonfeed the neets.
retaliation will lead to kike media claiming the alt-right are extremists.
best option, no retaliation, allow antifa to shoot themselves in the foot, they become classified as a terrorist organization by the US government.
Great job at outing yourself as not from here
im sure an internet search will tell you dude
Intimidation oft requires no retaliation. ANTIFA are pussies, when they see these guys at rallies they are going to shit themselves.
The gym is good for strength and size, you will also notice the size of men these days is enormous compared to "your grandpa" and the reason is modern gyms…
How can people even see them as human after shit like that? How can you not want to just see them all killed?
Great infographic for someone trying to figure out the next steps for his bodyweight routine, thanks.
Modern gyms that come in a syringe.
We should form one but the problem is that no matter what it did, the rest of the people on Holla Forums would say the militia was a controlled opposition.
So no one here would do that.
Which is a shame because there are lots of thoroughly redpilled individuals here that would be e benefit to the overall #Wokeness of the militia.
Once you have an identity you cease to be one of us. Do whatever you want.
Lovin it. Keep Dropping the True red pill on these fucking larping minecraft playing 12 year olds.
they can't see the echo chamber past the fake plastic trees that they have constructed in these online right wing msg boards. They can't even fathom the containment that they are in.
If only they knew that it was they who are in the position of weakness.
I have an awful lot of tannerite, weapons, ammo, jamming devices, and straight up manpower in the form of my redpilled group of friends who train with me everyday for it to be LARPING
That tannerite is some fun shit
Except that there have been many powerful networks of crypto-commies in the USA for years, regardless of legality. Venona decrypts proved that Mccarthy was barely scratching the surface, yet we still hear about how awful his name-calling was.
Shit, just look at how many college professors openly identify as Marxist. John Brennan (director of the CIA) even voted for the communist party.
Well, sure, most of those Commies share a certain (((heritage))). That doesn't mean that attacking commies is useless rhetoric. Antifags are still waving red flags, and professors are still brainwashing normie kids with an ideology that slaughtered millions. Destroy their moral high ground, then when they spaz out they lose public support.
Rimfire formula can be set off with a c02 cartridge bomb, which in turn will set off normal formulation, which in turn will set off ANFO.
This let's you skip the danger of playing with shit like primaries to set off ANFO (which is legal as long as it's not transported and used on sight it's mixed at, at least where I live)
I want to dick punch whomever approved ACU's
user the former is a clothing design, the latter is the camouflage pattern.
user, when cianiggers throw out the "you ain't shit" lines, it's just bait. they want you to reveal your secrets and capabilities. there isn't anything to prove on here except malaysian macrame techniques
I've always referred to it as ACU (shorthand for ACUPAT) and I don't intend on changing my verbiage, faggot
And you're wrong. pic related, ACUs in multicam
I like it! I've done a version where it's a pullup after every bathroom visit. To really get in shape, eat gas station food.
If you like numbers, go for that, or time limits, or whatever. Otherwise, just go until your muscles refuse to work, then wait a couple minutes and do more. It doesn't have to be complicated. has a routine built right into the top of the image. (and a website worth checking out)
Weight machines isolate muscles and build up targeted areas. Gives fast results if looking good is your thing, but you need the whole muscle chain to do actual work. Free weights are better, but tend to not be as holistic as bodyweight stuff. The closer your training is to the real event, the better.
Me too, but I was wrong. Fucking army can't keep their acronyms straight.
those people are fucking retarded, but there are tons of places in the middle of the country where everyone talks slow.
quit being a fag, everyone called both the uniform and pattern ACU for years
only gaymers and airshiters. it has always been UCP
I was in when they introduced it, get the fuck out of my timeline.
timestamped DD214 or gtfo
It's just that I'm a cop so I don't care tbh.
Yup above 10 and you risk the Clinton mafia cartel infiltraitors. I mean.. alphabets.
throw one in with a mudslime in it just because
Um what? Do you mean if you want to get sick? Not all gas stations have sandwiches, and when they do they're awful food. I've gotten sick like twice from those. I'm trying to wrap my head around what the fuck you are talking about. To get in shape you go to a supermarket, you choose the real foods from around the edges and don't venture into the center, and you cook yourself.
Faggot, it was ACU till they finally scrapped it.
it has always been UCP, you were just too retarded to notice
In America, people who live inland seem to be obese. In southern California where I live there's a big fitness culture, probably due to living close to the beach since people want to show off to chicks. Fat shaming is common and accepted and most people work out or are physically active in some way. Only fat people are the spics due to their fat as fuck cuisine (beans, beef, and cheese in every possible configuration) but even many of them work out. Only fat people I see are a few middle aged white people, spics of all ages, and the occasional sheboon. White youth are in great shape altogether.
once you aren't a pleb working for and renting from and owing money to corporations, you won't need one to get you out of binds. Don't have a camera here anyhow.
That doesn't mean anyone called it that
jesus christ
noice dubdubs
4kdownloader is good as well for fire&forget. They keep pretty up to date at beating all the jewtube protection thrown at them.
Remember that they're actually indoctrinated away from that.
If you're already decently well off, work on agility to snag those wily wiry parkour pussies.
If anyone has a gym membership somewhere, and they live in a 'mixed' area they can probably back up that they cringe or outright turn up their nose in disgust at lifting.
They're more likely to favour aerobics, ellipticals, treadmills, etc.
if they're techies, cuz you can't shitpost and LIFT at the same time (unless you're working your legs).
I think even the wide loads posting here have more than enough strength to handle antifa, like how that one in france got punched like Spencer and he just straight up DIED on the spot. Like holy shit most of these fuckers are so puny. That's why they need to rely on groups so badly.
mustard race confirmed > master race
think we found the trucker
there's just something fucking weird about that posting style. did someone build a bot and feed it every socjus media site on the planet?
Like I never see anyone use Anti-FA since it's presumed if you know it then you're for it or against it.
That, and he listed off some normie shit. Only 7chan does minecraft (and that's what killed their postcount)
The English?
They are forming, and we are organizing. Many of us are prepping, some of us even making gear for our fellow anons. Keep the momentum, and stay HIGH ENERGY! We are with you!
Well if you really want to fit up try Russian Cuisine. I reccomend Life of Boris's cheborek and his kvass soup.
These people have been passive aggressive and fed affiliated since waco.
I disagree. The left's major strength is its powerful and adaptive organization structure, which has multiple tentacles, each helping the other. The right is far more disorganized and imho, inferior in that regard. The major obstacle to organization for rightist militias is alphabet infiltration and the lack of legal representation/power anywhere close to the left. The fact that militias often have to be between close friends and families for OPSEC is proof of this. Militias often suffer from financial support as well as a result, forcing each man to provide his own equipment while neglecting more expensive items like proper NVG/IR vision and heavy crew served weapons/vehicles.
You know it was a joke, right?
I can't even wrap my head around what's in pic #3.
Nothing beats a good homemade borscht, especially with fermented beets and proper chicken stock.
What in the name of Wolfgang Puck is that third pic?
It sounds a lot like Spain. The right side, the side that was on Franco was much better armed and destroyed the commietards in the country.
user, you are confusing centralization/decentralization for organization and the lack of it. These things have absolutely nothing to do with each other. HWNDU is a great if retarded example of just how fucking organized we really are, while being COMPLETELY decentralized. Fact is, we need no leaders but our own ethics and ideology. This is what has allowed us to become fucking immune to infiltration and attempts to coopt our operations. Fuck the commie Hydra, we're a god damned unstoppable shoggoth!
Detroit would be a damn good start, considering that's one of BAMN's hotspots
I use a modern gym and its good. no drugs just training.
You're up against kikes. A red pill you can't handle isn't automatically a black pill.
Newsflash: every ethnicity openly and secretly conspires with itself to gain more power, except the white one. And, the Jews continue to do so, while already having power.
The kikes when culturally by keeping conversations from taking place. Their power (and innocence) is always presumed in all discussion. Indifference is the sign of power.
Going on and on about how you're so great or how you're going to do anything or what the status of anything else, in an attempt to 'moralize' people is a way of indicating you've lost that indifference and the presumption of your power.
I've got a feeling its why they want internet kill switches so badly.
yup. but it won't work and there's already a network of really hardcore people on their own network that would continue operating.
Books are good.
Dubs confirm, they want them. Problem for them though is that the moment the net goes down, we all go RWDS at once.
lmao that guy looks 15
seems like your the only one who cant handle it faggot
And the cunt is already an E6.
Meanwhile in the Marine Corps you have 10 year TIS terminal lances with good cookies