AntiFa stabs Trump supporter at free speech rally

Not sure why I'm only finding about it now, but AntiFa fucking STABBED a Trump supporter at the Berkeley free speech rally:

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know what's more disgusting: the hanging shoulders or the reddit link

He says it happened when the camera turned away 30 seconds into this clip

Every dude I met with "hanging shoulders" could punch like a tank

His account of being stabbed doesn't match what's going on at :30 of that vid.

Is that you in the pic?

I also don't get why people are engaging in these retarded street fights instead of targeted action against antifa organizers? And to the faggot feds in Chicago that are in my internetz I don't mean violent action.
Anons did it at the beginning of chanology by publishing prominent CO$ member's names and info near church locations, why not do shit like that?
This way you just get painted as skinheads but with more American imagery instead of leather and friendship windmills and accomplish even less than skins ever did.

Don't worry, there are people fatter than him on Holla Forums. Like myself. I know you responding because you are a crypto-fatty too.

It appears this is a different stabbing

He is a fat kike but this can still btfo antifa if stabber is caught.


Someone else, possibly talking about a different knife wielding antifa

Win-win. Every ((civic)) nationalist casualty by these leftist thugs is a day closer to RWDS.

I kek'd reading the posts on there saying they should get cuckchan on the job to find the attacker. They think they're maleficent gods or something.

Too bad it wasn't fatal. This world needs less plebbitors


How do tanks punch? What does that even mean?

It means you're bad at your job, goldberg

I wonder what the niggers would think of us, heh.
Not like we can find this motherfucker though, not without at least a witness or possibly the retard shitposting online about stabbing a 'nazi'
Kinda fucked here. Dude should've worn a gopro.

they refer to themselves as "based centipedes"

Centipedes? What in the hell is that supposed to mean

from the cant stump the trump opening i think?

Nigger they stole that from us.


they stole the dubstep song centipede?

what do those dubs tell you user?
I think someone made one fucking meme and it got a few keks for a while, then The_Donald sperged out over it and started calling US centipedes and then themselves centipedes.

But I may be wrong

FFS why did I click the link.
This one here is pure cancer.

Those are correct, loose well rounded shoulders you imbecile.

Yeah that's what I thought. I remember the video about Trump with the centipede but I'd never seen anyone refer to themselves as centipedes, especially on Holla Forums.
Typical redditard behavior

better guess then mine

Every. Single. Time.

Every goy serves a purpose user. Some anons are into tech, some anons are into propaganda, some of us do things on the deep web, some anons fight, some anons judge, some anons prosecute, you get the point.

Since nobody else will thank you I will because I refuse to give those fags clicks and OP failed to archive

You can't into Reddit user, plebbitors make no logic seem feasible


Guy in blue plaid at 0:26 is Duerst the Wuerst on youtube, he may have better footage of the attack.

Isn't that guy a mestizo?

Police report or bullshit

Like this.

I know this guy, he posted about this on the MPC forums.

If tank trained seriously and was on gear he could have been GOAT.

The question arising here is if you will be hoping for rape before rope or rope before rape when the day finally arrives. Answer carefully….

Well he was nearly killed - that knife wound is right next to his heart and just as close to the spleen! Luckily, it looks like the tip of the blade was angled down rather than slightly up.

Definitely stole that meme from us during the campaign in order to appeal to the libertarians. It never really stuck here, but it did there.

The guy's a kike. I bet he's gearing up to collect some shekels from the civnat cucks.

What a time to be alive

That looks like the scar from a gall bladder removal went wrong.

fuck off jew

fuck off idiot

the only one getting the rope is you
those shoulders are subhuman and the skin is shit coloured

Nibble navigator you cunt.

that would be on the lower left hand side with another small cut about six inches above the belly button. The fact that he was cracked open down the middle suggests they had to put him back together to some degree, most surgeries that aren't fixing physical damage are done through 1-3, 1 inch long holes these days.

PEDs make the user fragile: not in the ring, but in life. If I know a guy is winning fights because he's on roids, I also know he's going to be shit in an crisis that tests a man's character. In the short term they'll be unreliable and selfish. In the long term they'll deflate.

In the end, I don't care about who racks up rankings in dog and pony shows. I want to see contests between great men, not drugged up thoroughbreds.

Forget the street: we have the web.

the reason our movement is so potent is that we have both, user

There's a contingent of anons who want to destroy everyone with a face on the street. They advocate for a web-only movement, and will post a hundred times in a thread to undermine our allies.

When you see these posts, think about whose interests they're actually serving.

Amazing, another "injured user" who just happens to be closely related to other high-profile performers.

This is exactly what I'm talking about here

A guy takes a knife for the white right, and all this user has to offer is smarmy insinuation.

Thanks for revealing yourself to be an assblasted shill.





Save your sanctimonious bullshit.
There's no evidence this Kike was even stabbed.
Of course, he is associated with other high-visibility actors like "based" "stick-man."
Next you will be saying that "based kikes are doing more for White survival than keyboard warriors."
So fucking predictable.
The "evidence" video shows nothing whatsoever, of course, "by chance" the cameraman turned away at the exact moment of the "stabbing", and the crowd didn't react at all.
Ahaha, ok.
Believe what you want but I hope others are less gullible than you are, lapping up this Jewish pantomine with captain America costumes, sticks and valliant Jews taking a knife for White rights.


Yes goy, just sit in your basement and don't do anything. Anyone who isn't pure aryan, over 6'5 and doesn't accept anything less than the extermination of every non-white should not be used as an ally to advance our interests.


It's a good feel.

nonwhite Holla Forums is so easy to spot.

Fuck off back to Reddit with your mystery meat people.
Even if he did get stabbed (very doubtful), it happened in the pursuit of Jewish interests.
He couldn't give a shit about White survival and you're an entry-level bluepill retard if you don't know the basics of the Kike.

What the fuck are you talking about? He HIMSELF ADMITTED TO BEING A KIKE.
Just go.
You don't belong here.

Shit Jewish thread anchored (if you Reddit fucktards need an analogy, think of it like a constant stream of Downvotes which never end until the thread is GONE.)
Mods based as fuck.
Kikes not welcome.
Thank you.

Again, if I were in Jewish CI this is exactly the kind of post I'd have my IDF shill teams making.

Yeah, nice try, you nasty little shit

Probably because they're not slouching.

The antifa scrapbook is getting interesting

confirmed for having been stabbed at the ralley


Priorities man. Reddit is full of faggots, it's so bad that Holla Forums would literally destroy the white race over it. Oh my soul, look at his slouching shoulders…. OMG, he's a redditfag, please holocaust the entire white race immediately because they're all gnaatzees. You fucking yids need to get with the program.