Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Hamsa-Accents-Dangle-Belly-Button/dp/B011OWJ2CY/ref=sr_1_44?ie=UTF8&qid=1461909752&sr=8-44&keywords=belly button ring

Now now...

chafing happens when you shave your ass. inevitable really

A guy dating a MtF is still a fag.

just sit in a puddle of nair

I was scrolling and saw this. My god Soto, go outside

happens with nair too



can avoid it with lasering but who the fuck has that kind of funny money

which of you faggots have waxed before?

plan too when i run out of nair why

I'm betting ikt was the top with Soto.

He definitely has the bigger dick no homo

He probably just beat Soto into submission with it.


pimples come from ingrown hairs tho


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I am just mad it was not me

took every key off the keyboard and giving it a thorough cleaning, this is gonna take a while :\

i don't drink alcohol

how so? :(

have you guys ever thought thta ikt just has small hands

what if you get old and want some ass hair to show your maturity?

it's better than razors.

just, tedious though.


Did you at least call him oniichan?

*points and laughs*

Call me Emily from now on bae

you see me memein'?

right nair doesnt remove the hair completely it just burns whatever is out off so you can still get ingrown hairs

i am used to tedoius. nair is good to avoid tedium. i can put it on shave my face and by the time im down im ready to wash it off in the shower.

i have no desire to grow body hair it makes me feel dirty


Honky tonk donkey dong

have you gotten them from nair?
I thought they just came from hairs being cut too deep under the skin, then growing at a weird angle due to the cut

i have though less so.


that's a good bottom mentality.

nice and smooth~

do you moisturize?


i want to pump pickle-pee's rum

I just applied cocoa butter

good boy.

Don't you get that really annoying oily feeling afterwards?

mine is some weird argan oil thing


i rub it in until its not an issue

9 months

I don't how all you faggots are trying to be girls and I have a better ass than you

what properties does it give to skin?


It just is


hydrates and softens. high vitamin e content apparently from a cursory google search. i am not an expert in this topic though

You do, but it depends on the type of moisturizer.

Essentially, that's what it's supposed to do.

More expensive creams feel more like natural skin texture.

But technically Vaseline can work as a moisturizer, if it didn't feel so weird.

not if you react like that I won't.

but good boys need to be told they are.

just enough, but not too much.


you cant do this

Does this count as exploitation of a minor?

the thread has gotten even gayer than normal

Apart from soften, is there any real reason. Does your skin really dry out to the point that it needs hydration?

mine does, yes

I apply cocoa butter after a shave



Why the sad face?

That's crazy.

Does your face dry out? I'd just think it'd make it oily or something.

i take too many showers. drys it out

Semi-regular exfoliation is good for your skin, and dry skin is bad.

Avoid dry skin by moisturizing.

Asides from that, I'm not sure what's marketing or what's real.

I don't know what dry skin is supposed to feel like. mine always feels hydrated?


It's more like avoid dry skin by stripping oils.

*avoid by not stripping oils


Use toner for oily skin.

In Japan, male grooming is way more common in terms of stores having entire floors or sections dedicated to it.

Odds are it isn't. Unless you live in a humid climate.

I always oil up when I strip.

you should be rejoicing


I feel outnumbered and alone, moogs

Seems normal to me

I would say post tits, but im sure you're shy

can you post bust or whatever instead?

more skirt bulges

This part of australia is kinda tropical so it can get humid n stuff.

If you can't beat em

Tuschi loves to swim in that shit


Don't worry. You're not alone; they're all just as gay.

No thank you
I get enough crap for having posted pictures of myself

it's alright feel free to watch

Lol holy shit these people exist irl and they're in my town

holy sheet

I had to stop myself from laughing

His poor wife looked so embarrassed

Just get a moisturizer and exfoliater.

Everything else is optional, but those are not.

You have a picture of Samus with a bulge, don't you?

"Who's gonna pay for it?"


very funny


tsuchi does though

anything you post can and will be used against you

haven't seen you in a good ole Kentucky minute


It's Grim's favorite Samus.
He's getting Elma to cosplay as it.

Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention.

how long is one kentucky minute in indonesian second?

the bullshit is going too far, tsuchi

Hm... yea, that'd work.



well.. i took a shower.. so that might explain my 12 indonesian seconds disappearance


You guys hear about that furry getting sniped in the head over a bomb threat?

rip wallace

He's gonna slam dunk that pussy.

Gimme yo
gimme yo
gimme yo attention, baby



do you drive, ride a bike, or neither?

I have a ten speed bicycle

Or make tender, passionate love.

You're so crude, Gil.



radical dude

He's gonna lube up with some ketchup for a night of romance.

The video got taken down.

Furries will take the punishment for this one even tho it's a weeb outfit. rifk

I forgot how awful this "images named after posters" folder was.


How are ya revy

Now your turn
tell me something about yourself


Which posters have actually fucked?

Less than the furries and ponies, I think.

That's because the furries are on average more confident with their sexuality.

angel and manaka

keyboard keys are drying, can't find cotton swabs for the inside of keyboard, rip

I think it's more desperation than "confidence" in regards to meeting up with random ass people on the internet just for a lay.

in his ASS

I'm sorry for your loss.


It's going down, I'm yelling timber
You better move, you better dance
Let's make a night, you won't remember
I'll be the one, you won't forget
wooooo oooooh
The bigger they are, the harder they fall
This biggity boy's a diggity dog
I have them like Miley Cyrus,
clothes off twerking with my
bras and thongs, timber
Face down, booty up, timber
That's the way we like the war, timber
I'm slicker than an oil spill
She say she won't, but I bet she will, timber
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down
Swing your partner round and round
End of the night, it's going down
One more shot, another round
End of the night, it's going down

I want watch flan 2 hop around

i thought you two met

Hop around on dis dick

I can't speak for everyone, but I think the experience of being vulnerable around someone you can trust and be intimate with results in a certain confidence.

And you can't just get that from random ass strangers.

Unless you're a virgin with someone that is good at manipulation.

Manipulative people make you feel good, too.


-rolls around and out the window-

murder would have fucked flan but apparently he was too creepy


gg rip



Boo cucked himself.


More like half a year.

i had an experimental phase

All the best posters deceived.


I'm just going to assume it's desperation.

Now now. Down boy.

I never did, fact disproved

You pretended to be straight.

if the bottom half of a key on a keyboard wont stay down does the key need to be replaced?

Nigga you went full luka


You probably just put it in wrong.

it was much worse

Only they could say.

Your entire demeanor was about being average.

tfw you'll never fuck another poster


I did no such thing

It was awful.
Literally all the "intellectuals" wanted his dick because he was a girl.

Kermit was like, full force.

desu would be pretty easy tbh

It's not that exciting.

Like everyone here does that.

And I am the best at it. Still best

classic kermdog

helloo you wacky weasel

Ex-fucking-scuse you?


i dont think so, it was essentially doing this before just not as bad as now..... it was only clicking a little out of place before now every so often the back end of it literally detaches

i was a bitch

Did he ever come out of the closet?

I'm sure you've had a moment where you were fake-straight.

that changed?


i think bard wants to fuck squash but is too shy to ask

I wanted it as well.

Don't act like I didn't see that.



The best posters were essentially playing a game when they posted.

Did you ever? Or were you just yourself?

I will cede that.

t h a t f e e l

I've always been pretty adamant about my sexuality.
At least here that is.

You still do~


he won't even talk to me

he's cute but he's being a bully by pretending I don't exist

I just want to get close to someone :(
I have nobody in my life

I work saturday

Se what : ]

how are you today

-finishes off remaining caffeine-

try >>>/lewd/

squash only likes fatties I hear

I guess sometimes I cut ass on people Kanra

No comment.

Oh bard, my devious one. Why do you do this?

Go to a bar and meet people.

Well shit.

Don't worry.

The best posters were/are neurotic and it turns out they were all a little broken.

Love 'em all the same~


hahaha you goofy fucking canadian go sleep in your igloo

I'm not neurotic...



At best they were shoddily taped and glued and barely held together

That fist link was not supposed to be there.

But it is.




They're more just painfully normal that are trying so hard to be broken, unique little snowflakes.

need keyboard/mouse recommendations please

I did but everyone that messaged me was obese or super weird

I don't drink and therefore don't like bars

I was gonna post but then I got distracted because a song came on and now I forgot why I was going to post.

What is going on right now?

No I'm trying to be nocturnal.

Good morning btw.

No, it doesn't seem you are.

Whatever problems you have fall under a different category, but possibly not neuroticism.

They were together. Identifiable by their patterns of speech and mannerisms.

In fact, their personalities seemed so put together and thought-ahead, that they were a little sociopathic.

If they weren't put together, they wouldn't have existed or been recognizable.




Don't feel shame, love.

What do you call weird I wonder.

ah so you have slept today then
I was wondering why you were still here tonight

hi hello how do you do?

perhaps Guilt isa better woord

That too

I think you're putting too much thought into this

no, tonight is the night I BECOME nocturnal.

so I'm running on caffeine til 7am.

I'm normal.

For what? You have nothing to feel guilty about.

why even live bros

That was not an invitation to speak to me, plebeian.

Kanra in a sentence.

I don't have to, I've talked to these people during their performances and after they dropped their guard and attempted to become normal people.

As long as my thoughts are right.

But yes, I think a lot.

It just needs air quotes around "thought".

That image is literally the best thing I've seen in a long time.

Depression is normal of course
Good luck getting the day to work with it
When I find myself nocturnal my days run together and schedules clash
especially with work

Tell me about your day my friend : )

So? Do I need an invite? For what reason?

Quantity is not necessarily quality.

I always was good at distilling the essence of a person down to a sentence

Woah there Big Brother

Dumb thoughts are still thoughts

am i cute


No ur ugly and nobody likes you



Not when you ask losers in an Holla Forums thread if they think you are


Squash I reinstalled TERA but I want to play a Lancer and a Ninja when they come out.

Post face + bod

Are you being intentionally aggravating?



I need to work on my brevity.

I can't help the quantity, but I always try to work on the quality.

Just because we're not alone
you echo words you've heard
You let me go just to watch me discern


You're Luka-ing.


I'm making this a thing

did you call me a sociopath

okay :(


But we have the reliable source of Blood-chan saying that his dick is huge, so that counts for something.



Nothing too exciting. Slept a lot. Hung out with my brothers. Drank some bawls. Now drinking some stout.

How was yours, you deviant?

Shhhh, no tears

He's never told a lie so it must be true.

I can't access my lewds until I build my new computer

truecrypt won't open in safe mode

You say stupid shit like how serial killers are cool and sociopaths are interesting people. It may be too late for you.

noose yourself nezi

Don't post lewds, love.




I didn't know what to say, GarEE.

Just because it feels the same, 'til the morning comes
Even roads feel the sun so cold

had to work
but it was good i got to see mmy best friend and play my piano
we did some dabs :)

Woah who said anything about lewds


We are all, a little.

It's not a bad thing.

Just an umbrella term for those that lie, cheat, deceive, or manipulate for personal gain, which arguably the most narcissistic of the gfur posters embodied from time to time. People that tailored how they appeared that kept their real personalities and lives more removed from the threads than others. I don't think about these things anymore, but I thought about them back when.


Bit late for ya innit?

If your tears would save my life, I would die a happy man.

Some dabs? Also, you need to get your mic setup working! I wish to hear you!

Would you mind if I ask you something?

honestly lads mandy is a pretty cringy guy

kinda 12 year old tastes in memes

Don't worry he'll come back home.

That's quite an accusation to make from someone as unfeeling as yourself
Maybe if you were a bit more empathetic you could see how wrong you are

I just got home from work...

Kanrathink is informed and aware.

So it's sort of the best kind of thinking one can have.

Use it wisely, Col-bear.

how are you doing today?

I am interested, how sociopathic did you take me for? Assuming you remember me.

That is my charm. And you only don't like me because I spurned you. It's ok, love. Let it go.

well I was just gonna post tummy but it's with my lewds

Yes, I would.

Yes we did some shatter worms

More2 morrow
i would but its not configured to work with windows 10 :(

Pick a new belly button ring for me.

Prime-eligible preferred.

yeah thats DEFINITELY it

O-oh. I'll just go to bed then...

I'm doing good but the chlorine is killing all my body hair again.

Dang, your work is open late

Feeling okay?

You don't get to define it

I don't know what that means, but I think it is best that I don't. Just get the feeling.

That is quite the shame.

Meh. I don't spend a lot of time online anymore. My understanding or caring of all of your memes has long since gone out the window. Sorry, bud. I'll try to care more, but I don't think I can do it.

I'm very empathic.

It assists my understanding.

As well as my grounded knowledge.

Uh, hardly at all.

How often did you fight with people in the old threads?

seems like a bad thing. being called neurotic seems bad too.

that seems like an oxymoron, no?

Just til 11 on weekdays. Midnight on -ends. Plus however long it takes to shut that bitch down. 11:21 today^^

I'll lie and say yes tonight I hink.

Did you end up getting your call?

hmmmm, you're gonna have to post your bellybutton so I know what kind would suit you~

It's 12:45 there now, right? It takes an hour to get home?

And that's good, hopefully it stays that way. I never got a return call, nor did they answer my email. Kinda bummed about that

Not really at all, I believe. Not sure, to be honest.

How so? I would die knowing you never cried.

A lie isn't acceptable for me, love. You should be awesome.

if my tears saved you then why would you die

one sec I'll use mah phone.

Yeah, 45 minute walk home. Then I'll do my bathroom routine shit before hopping in bed/on computer.

LOL ok

Yeah, that sucks man. Did you try to call them though?

I was thinking of hopping into traffic, but like there were no cars out tonight lol

oh yes
what are you doing up so late mr mandy?

The pain felt by those given there turn on the roast and those who get attached to the community is real, and can only logically be put there because they findthemselves caring about the community
more than themselves

That sounds like a good thing TBH

Because I wouldn't ever want you to cry. Not even for me.

If it makes you feel any better, I sometimes feel like getting hit by a car.

But I hope things turn around, brightness.

Mislink, I think.

It is my day off, so I am taking it for what it is worth. Been doing good lately, honestly. Been happy, goofy, and all around in a more singy mood. Just need songs to sing that don't suck it out of me.

Dang, that's a pretty long walk. Maybe get a bike?

I couldn't call, we'd only communicated via email.

Neither are. I guess I'm coming at it from a psychological lens, so I think of these things as characteristics and descriptions, rather than social judgement.

Many great people were neurotic. It really just describes a tendency towards erratic patterns of thought, or instability.

Don't mean to be too romantic about it, but artists are one example. The same wiring that lends itself to creativity could be the cause for frequent depressive episodes or even suicidal tendencies.

As for sociopathic/psychopathic, those attributes are almost valuable in a selfish sense.
People in Wall St, CEOs, bankers, people driven by greed and ego, with the ability to remain calm under pressure, a tendency towards riskier behaviours.
It's not made up. It's related closely to the sensitivity and wiring/size of the amygdala, which regulates fear/stress/stimulation.

Sociopaths tend to have less-active amygdalas, which is perfect for surgeons, pilots, bomb defusers, or snipers.
It's all about the brain.

Just descriptions. Not judgement.

I don't like it but i'm in a pool like 5 hours a day so I can't help it.

Maybe it's the seasons!
I've noticed some changes in myself as well as of late

hi archives

that's fucking awesome
i havent been in a pool in forever lmao

have you grown to hate it?

No, I think I know the cause, but I am reluctant to speak of it here.

Regardless, I am glad for them.

So how have you been?

this is getting really really gay

the less i know the better

Believe it or not, many posted to feed their egos.

Believe it or not, they were playing a role that grew and sustained communities.

the trolls of the gfur threads come to mind.
that place would have died were it not for those posters.

One's relationship and dependency on a group can change or develop.

feeling sickish
bit of a restless sleep lastnight
when I wake up tomorrow I will go see my old friend
get the money for the reup and then ill get to hang out with my best friend when he gets off work


No I like water but I really HATE chlorine.

there might be some truth in that.

well mostly truth in my experience

Well, yeah. Is that surprising?

You seem to hang out with your friends all the time. I am genuinely jealous.

you are slowly and surely coming out of that closet and i am so proud of you


Yeah, I'm gonna treat myself soon so it'll turn around. I just wish I got some hours back at work tbh. I go wicked stir-crazy on days off and stuff.

I'm buying a car next week or maybe Saturday.

Ah, that's poopy. Hopefully they get back at you tomorrow before the weekend :p

what's good

Not enough yeses!

I cant blame you dude
that every day exposure must really fucing suck
do you ever get burns?

Well I only have 3 friends
1 is a business associate who was my firend since i was 5
the other is my best friend and I see him every day

the other quit hanging out with me when he got a gf and now i dont really see him anymore

Your community and ours are different places
While the old time superposters like Alice, Bern and Haikus are associated with our community, they werent the ones making up the backbone and heart and soul. The people dedicated enough to keep them going for us were the ones who had obvious genuine care
Although There were the cases of what you talk abotu scattered around, I don't think it's fair enough to say that everybody has these Antisocial tendences where we come from

Nice! What cars are you looking at?

I honestly doubt I'll ever hear from them again, but we'll see.

Whoa whoa whoa, let's be honest here. I am not coming out of that closet. I will, from time to time, peak my head out, but I am in that closet. I even have a fully serviced bathroom, pantry, and kitchen in that closet.

I know that feeling. Today I started getting so bored I wanted to just go for a ride doing nothing but waving at drivers and shit.

Even still, seeing them everyday is nice. I don't even see my brothers every day. Most of the time, but not ever day. And I literally live next door to them.

Can't rape the willing.

Alice of any kind are kind of retarded from what I see.

The Alices/Berns/Kuus of the community were always in the minority.

intend to get counseling when i move btw. also gonna try to get a weed card and xanax. since you brought that kinda thing up earlier

is there a glory hole?

are you fucking ready?

No my body hair just falls off and the tips of my hairs starts turning blond.

I just got done play league so not a lot.

I really need to shower though brb

bellybutton when?

that's...good to know?

me too actually

Thank you for reaching a middle ground with me

every now and then we take a one or ttwo day break
but it is so comforting to share a prescence with him daily
usually go half in and share dinner
kinda like him tbh but Im super happy just being friends

b-blonde tips

Still playing.

Youre into xanS?

Not that I am aware of.

Dude, now I really am jealous. I always end up paying. I have 2 brothers, and for the first year or pubbing, I paid it all.

as in get counselling, or the practice?

not for the sake of middleness, but because it's accurate.

Where'd Nezi go?

Go away.

I'm just gonna get a cheap one til I take care of some other stuff. I want a bmw soon though. Anything with a manual transmission will do for now.

I went into work like 4 hours early just to sit there instead. This is how much I dislike the dogs I live with lol

I used to go for cruises all the time. It's quite relaxing. Good to clear the head. But also costly for gas.

spoiler checkbox, pls


Shame shame
For my Brother I would spend to my last dollar and all of my drugs to the point i have none for myself

but for my actual blood brother I wouldn't

You know that feeling when you're watching a video and they use a small sound clip of a song and you really like it but you can't find what the song is called.

i havent tried it but it was recommended to me and prozac doesnt help at all so...

i dont understand the question. I AM GETTING A THERAPIST OR SOMETHING

Calm down.
Put it back in your pants.

I almost posted the one with boobies x_x

fuck, you look great

Best tummy NA

I hear you there. At least with a bike, it doesn't seem like that much when you feel up for 10$ tops.

They have since started kicking in. And I am the youngest, so there is that.

Don't get me wrong, I would do anything for my family. My brothers have been good to me, and my father has earned my respect and loyalty far beyond the day he dies.

Did someone say boobies?

Hey, come on, it's in my pants. Let me give compliments every once in a while.


woah now
What are you trying to treat here exactly
Prozac is an SSRI and isnn't comparable to Xanax at all
Do you have any experience with Benzoids or Benzodiazapines


Is that you again?

thanks :/

Ah, that's true.



Don't mind the shirt, just a huge one I sleep in. I don't do whiskey haha

would treat the same thing apparently.



Kinda wanna make this happen
Kinda wanna drink+smoke with the king of the trannies til I black out tbh

Sounds like a good plan. I never learned to drive stick, but I feel like they're less likely to be stolen since a bunch of people can't drive them

It has actually been awhile since I took off and went for just an aimless ride. Might do that soon.

Also, saying boobies when none are around is a criminal offense.

That's good. I avoid therapists for some reason.

The success rates of therapists correlates highly with how personable they are, and the willingness/openness of the client.

And whether they 'get' people. Which is why even religious pastors have high success rates.

as for a weed card, awesome,
and xanax, hope that makes easier whatever it's supposed to

No compliments allowed.

That's good
A father should be respected, and Brothers should be jsust that

Must agree
I love my family and would defend them til the end of the earth

oh god no i could not imagine doing that bullshit i hate working with people

Let me guess, it's because you consider yourself too special of a snowflake for another human being to categorize or diagnose you?

Sadly, my mother is in more of precarious position.

They're way more fun and I wanted a legitimate excuse to not have to loan it out to friends and stuff lol

They're still kinda small to post imo

The weather is right around the corner for cruises. Do it up^^

Maybe some people just hate talking about their problems.

therapists are paid to give you drugs lmao
they're not gonna truly have your best interests in mind 90% of the time

Just play the keep up game with me. It wont ake long.


you can just go to a doctor to get drugs

SSRI's are targeted at depression and imbalances while Benzos are targeted at Anxiety

if you do get prescribed them be careful
last time I had a script of benzos I started with just 3mg of what I had at the time, Klonopin, about equal to Xanax, and I woke up 3 days later with the whole script gone, across town with 30 dollars a lighter sunglasses and an led flashligth I had stolen from cars
I got set home from work that morning

it's easy to lose yourself and reality and completely be not there on benzos
ssri's are not comparable at all

I apologize mandy I'm sorry to hear that
I am a bit apprehensive and reserved in my opunioon of my om as well

Yes ipad posting and it won't remember my name lol

np your hair looks great too

HAHAHAH You fucking Canadian go Sleep i your igloo

He blogs constantly so that can't be it.

Alright there, Ron Hubbard.

i was prescribed prozac for anxiety as well as depression. i wont be alone for awhile so im not too afraid of going off the deep end.

sounds awful though

That's actually pretty well thought out lol

No it's amazing

Shit the weather is already getting bad for them here. It is hot as fuck.

Don't apologize for things you didn't do. Apologizing in general is a sign of weakness.

whos ron hubbard tsuchi

nevermind then i'll enjoy the ride

Yea, you sorta have to be capable of dealing with other peoples' bullshit on a daily basis.

Which, some people just naturally do.

I definitely don't have the personality for professional therapy.

Nah, I'm very human, and prone to fragile states.

I just don't trust therapists. And know that silly things like meaningful, helpful relationships work better than therapists.

I could probably figure out what my diagnoses would be. I've learned many psychological concepts and measures, and while I avoid diagnosing myself, there are some valid self-reporting measures that don't require trained interpretation, like the NEO PI-R or PPI. I think I'm on the spectrum, too.


the igloos melt in spring/summer time and we have to sleep in buildings instead

haha, you can barely see any in that, goober.

I like the pic with my curled hair ;3

That's completely different than being practically locked in a room to talk about it though.

I've been working towards a car for a while now, Colbs. I've thought of all this stuff.

Where you at?

Here it's perfect temp, kinda chilly with the breeze but in another month or so it's just gonna be humidity 24/7. rip good hair days

I find apologies to Allow myself to be seen as more humble, approachable person in general

Yeah I'm not really sure how I feel about it.


are you 10x


Don't apologize for anything.


eh i crack under pressure irl. i often think im not really cut out for like life in that regard.

Yeah, man.
Self-diagnoses are really accurate.

He will talk until the cows come home about himself, or a grandiose view of himself.
Sharing isn't the issue; it's him being unable to present himself as he wants the therapist to see him.

so now you're the therapist


Now that's just selfish

I wish I could have a stylish flare to my hair
It's a bit curly but I wish too have more colour than simple black

What about you
you dont enjoy it?

i just like your hair ^^

also bed now, nini

Yes bardy but now I am also sleep mode see ya around ^^

You could have a meaningful, helpful relationship with a therapist. In fact, that's kind of the point

I wouldn't have

Guess I just don't think of these things

*huuug* seee you 10x

Some people only have themselves ;3

But it also implies guilt, so be careful with that when you get busted with all your drugs :p

It goes along with the selfishness Bard kindly pointed out ^~^


Arizona. It is already hot. It sucks. Last couple days were nice though.

You don't need to worry about that, my friend.

It's a dry heat~

Don't be silly
I never actualyy have more than 3 grams in my possession unless circumstances conspire against me
but I suppose i will try to think of that in the future gracias

It's not as if I'm a saint, lol

I'm just kind of absent minded a lot

I would rather have jet black hair because thats my fetish.

Nighty night ooey


what I miss

Yeah, most of the time. Doesn't make it any less shitty. My bike overheats, I arrive sweaty wherever I go. My legs burn.

nothing ever


You could probably get the hang of it, even if it wasn't natural.

Just keep saying, "And how does that make you feel?"

Well, I do what a therapist would do.

Look at pervasive patterns of thought in different situations, and history.

I haven't been idle in my learning, Gil.
Especially in learning about what is called 'abnormal psychology'.
Which is essentially the study of disorders. Like autism or schizophrenia.

scrolling up I see pale people

Oh i mean i cant believe you missed it grim like oh my god



I see.

Yeah, I think too much which is why I hate everything. It's a problem and would gladly trade you.

Twas a joke.

Meaningful and helpful, but it costs money, which I think makes it less meaningful.

Again, I wouldn't dissuade others from it, but it's just not for me.

solve coagula,


CP front page


Oh, right. I hear that a lot. People try to dismiss the desert a lot.

beleive me I've been down and out

Do you have green eyes too?


actaully yeah

I wonder if opiates are fun.

I am a bit afraid of you


There's an innate bias is trying to detect patterns in regards to yourself.
You will either trivialize things you see as normal but anyone that isn't you would call indicative. Or the inverse: exacerbate otherwise petty neuroses because it's the ones you are aware of.
No, no one is very apt at diagnosing their own mental issues.

ive done it with friends.

its not a career move for me

iunno maybe interacting with others isnt so bad of a job when they dont feel entitled to treat me like shit. like customer service.


I tend to think less about what I hate and more about just negative things in general

I don't think I'd want that trade tho

Eh, I don't think the money makes it any less meaningful unless you make it so. But that's just me

Damn, fuckin' nice dude.

Oh yes
they are very
very fun

May I see yours

wow that brown is really strong. Mine is blue but the brown is so light it looks like orange.

show me urs fag
I bet they are grey


My eyes or my hair?

Mine look like s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/77/e2/4d/77e24df98dfd0549f7673336f7b77da5.jpg

They are if you like to feel nothing.

They are also pretty addictive if you're into kind of the high risk/high reward stuff.

Why? I'm just a pile of shit.

Ah. See I don't start off hating stuff I just over think everything and that's always the result. Kinda like that episode of south park where everything becomes shit.

Yeah, like that.

yours are?
That is not a surprise

Eyes :]

thats quite impressive central heterochromia
but those aren't your eyes
I want to see YOURS

caffeine isn't working

feel like death

checking out for a bit.

Customer service and retail are notoriously positions that foster inter-human resentment.

Doing with friends in an honest and understanding manner is one of the best things you can do.

Bard are you daft?

I feel an unbreachable social distance
Maybe I'm just autistic

No, that's me. I do that on purpose.

Oh you're stilll afraid of being dox'd or something I guess huh
Nothing happens

How did that one end again? Do that

Unless it was something shitty, don't do that


I agree with all that. I also know the nature of diagnoses, and only ever use them as a rough guideline, rather than a label.

Why is that?

I don't remember. I may have not finished the episode lawl

Too much caffeine mayhaps
enjoy the night

I just like my privacy

Retail hasn't made me resent people yet

Maybe I just need to give it time

I'll give it 3 more weeks maximum.

Just give it time.

Ah well

you are a strong man.

it's not because I don't trust you.

Retail hasn't really even made me resent people. Perhaps judge people more based on their actions, but not just outright resent them.

Ah no no it's alright I understand


i resent the human vermin. made me really racist towards asians and muslims.

so dark, also that ms paint action

Are we going to try and close this gap or no, Bardo?

Apparently it just kinda ended with Stan being miserable. Don't do that.

So soon?

I don't think so

I'm able to keep a relatively positive outlook but it takes a lot out of me

What a tasteful combination of colours
and a beautiful outlying ring of an all encompassing forest
How beautiful

I don't deal with asians or muslims. My demographis are blacks and mexicans.

oh. It's too late for that. Don't you know me at all?

Eh, maybe you like dumb people more than me. That's where the majority of rage comes from at my workplace anyway.


I am terrified of change and Idk if I can force this

Paint was the fastest and easiest.

Are you saying I have wild eyes? I hope so

big anime tiddies

i knew whenever a fucking muslim or asian walked into the store they would have a shit load of fucking coupons and would argue over fucking nothing in their FORCED ACCENTS. THEIR ACCENTS ARE FAKE AS FUCK AND THEY DO IT TO FUCK WITH ME AND GET THEIR WAY

why are there no games on xbox one still wtf
i am going to get 3months of live purely for gears 4 beta that ends in a few days

They are alluring and Deep

I do a fake scottish accent to woo women every now and then.

I don't particularly LIKE them, I just don't really dislike them. As long as they're not jerks I'm fine

w-what bard said.

What happened to Wish?


Well what do you need to know? You calling it what you did implies you want something so the ball's in your court.


yeah, 3 or 4 weeks :p

Her school

But they blush.

Thanks for the compliments then I guess.

sorry was busy fapping

also i know nothing about bellybutton rings

This doesn't satiate my thirst for dramatics.

I guess we'll see

The way it's going I won't end up resenting them, I'll just end up more miserable internally

I split her in half

Sorry I'm not good with words and I don't hope to achieve anything
Idk how to convey my feelings well but I feel very apprehensive right now

i guess you have more swag than i thought


Just pick a cute one for me, nigger.

Isn't that the same thing?

I found that song I was looking for

Mine where better.

Drama queen.

Blue eyes are best.

What does that mean?

Metal as fuck

But what of it

anything will look cute if it's on you and that sexy body

Maybe it is autism then, iunno.


you're still just a white male~

It's like the difference between hating someone and just being depressed lol



You're not even brave enough to post your actual eyes though.

I don't think so.


I still feel like they're correlated.

I am not

That's because you're the queen of drama.


Well, yeah...I'm irish....

I don't know where to get bellybutton rings

My eye's too dilated for the yellowish ring to be visible.

hello yes thats me

Fake eyes.

Amazon. Hence the request for Prime eligibility.

Maybe. I guess it just depends on the person

Get a long, dangly one.

the whitest of whites

I wouldn't mind being that, but I lack the components rn


It's all dead-ends from here, so I'mma hit the hay.


The coolest whites.

I'd get a belly ring but I have an outtie.

nighty night elmars

Yeah, I'm about out of steam too. Sleep tight

amazon.com/Hamsa-Accents-Dangle-Belly-Button/dp/B011OWJ2CY/ref=sr_1_44?ie=UTF8&qid=1461909752&sr=8-44&keywords=belly button ring

George, let's do this.

What is?

but in pink

because it's girly and cute

I dunno i'm going to bed though

Sweetest dreams sir



i'm sorry but imo innies are the best.

But outties provide so much productive activity

Thanks, Nezi.

ok nite



innies are far superior

productive activity is reserved for my penis.

outies should just ky tbh


That is not something I would have ever expected you to say
