BREAKING: Reports that Israel air raid strikes Damascus International Airport

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I wish this would result in Russia glassing Israel. If dubs, it will.

Dubs are granted as a blessing, not given to those who beg.

RT confirming blasts and fire, no mention yet of the cause

What did kek mean by this?

Possibly the main fuel tanks got hit.

Seems to be mostly speculation at the moment. I would really like to know if any anons are familiar with the credibility of OP's source, as I have never heard of it. There seems to at least have been an attack of some kind, waiting on confirmation that it was an Israeli air strike. If so, we got a first class happening thread incoming

The video in the RT article has a camera (with sound) pointed directly at the site, just before the explosions. Then the operator zooms a bit. This makes me think ISIS, as I have not known IDF to do such things

IDF strikes happen way too often to get a first class happening just from this single event. There's now some other reports from Syria claiming it's a gas line explosion.

AMN isn't exactly a solid source for anything but the same can be said about the majority of news websites. They claim to be independent but there's definitely some money behind it. When a media organisation claims to be objective/neutral or independent it should be considered a red flag.

Al-Masdar is to be trusted. The deep state kikes DDoSed it after (((Trump)))'s "muh beautiful chillens" airstrike because of its incisive reporting. It is pro-Resistance to Zionism and Wahhabism.

Pic related, their members are memeing the next Hitler.

They're pro-Syrian government, but typically one of the earliest to report events in Syria and usually one of the more accurate news organizations

and every one (in Syria) escalates the situation a bit more, to the point where Syrian regime forces fired on Israeli jets. Also, this is an international airport that still technically services civilian flights.

If the conflicts between our greatest ally and Syria escalate further, the US will have to take a position, on one side or the other. I would say this definitely has happening potential.

Don't hold your breath, comrade.

They already fired on IDF jets in the previous attack. It created a media buzz for about a week, Putin called and told Bibi to calm the fuck down and the response was "We're planning to do more airstrikes in the coming weeks/months. No one can tell us what to do ect…"

…right, and now they may have bombed an airport. Are you agreeing with me? How can you not see this as an escalation, if Russia drew a line in the sand and Israel blatantly (and allegedly, at this point) crossed it?

It was Syrian anti-aircraft systems that fired on Israelis last time and drew the line in the sand so to speak, the Russians likely don't want to start WW3 over a proxy war but its depressing to see Syria ripped apart and balkanized in such a way.
To make matters worse, I've asked an Iraqi what his opinion was about chemical weapons and the US claims of WMDs after they surrendered most and the response was "If the outcome is the same, why the fuck did we give them up in the first place" and cant help but draw parallels with Syria.

If they actually kill Russian soldiers one day you will be able to talk about an escalation of some sort taking place.

Killing Russian soldiers is a significant further step but its hard to deny that this isn't a escalation

Im not talking about instantaneous ww3. Russia sits on the UNSC, and has enough clout to make a big deal out of a coalition power attacking what technically amounts to a civilian target of their ally. I am no expert in internation law, but I am sure there are laws against it. War is not a spark in a powder keg, is is a slow burning ember. All I am saying is that this means the ember gets that much hotter.

How would Russia retaliate? Politically in the UN? They could also heavily target ISIS forces in Syria, since everyone but the American people knows they are allied with israel. Im not saying "omg ww3 imminent," just that if this was Israel, it is indeed an escalation.

Fair enough but the chances of spiraling out into all out war is likely why Russia wont directly engage Israeli aircraft
Likely both, after the bus bombings recently of pro-government refugees trying to escape the rebels the Russians started using thermobaric weapons especially heavily lately
This i agree with, and it was an escalation due to the fact that Damascus international airport has almost never come under attack during the war and these Israeli airstrikes are becoming increasingly frequent

To summarize: gas the kikes, race war now.

I doubt that Russia would ever engage coalition aircraft. Think, however, of how they would if they did. The point is that they have the means to do so, and they are heavily invested in Syria. All they have to do is provide the means to the Assad regime. They are intent on winning this proxy war, and the first one to force the others' hand into an OPEN attack, will be seen as the victim, or defender.

Whatever Russia can do, they can give Syria the means to do.

Not really, Russia has never given its highest end equipment to proxy states and has a long history of making "monkey models" for export which are less capable than Russian models


That may be true, but consider that this proxy war is perhaps more important to Russia than others. First, imagine the respect they would lose if they sat back and allowed the US to topple the Assad regime after all their expenditures. Consider also, that russia is running out of allies in the region. We all know damn well that if Syria falls, Iran is next. Then there is the pipeline to think about. I don't think you can compare this conflict with past proxy conflicts, simply because of the severity of the economic qnd political ramifications for Russia. I think they are more serious this time.

Pic related

The threat of toppling Assad is mostly off the table at this point, however if Kurds get a part, then the Turks establish a DMZ in the north and the US puts bases in the East as Israeli's start operation even more in the Golan. The sooner the war stops the sooner the turkroach sultan in Ankara loses his "I'll let refugees through" card and the sooner Constantinople comes to being liberated.

glass the kikes


If syria falls, it will fall to the west, no matter which proxy takes credit. You want Erdogan to have any more power than he has? He leverages political power against how many "refugees" he could flood Europe with. Love him or hate him, Assad is the best thing for everyone right now. Well, except western globalist governments that want to breed their native populations out of existence and take conteol of precious oil pipelines and subject free countries to the system of fractional reserve banking.

implying they're two separate entities.

Nah, I'd love to more see usa end up bombing israel in retaltiation for its bombings.

Not necessarily, even worse and a much likelier probability is falling to the Gulf Arab Sunnis instead and becoming a puppet to the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia and Qatar
Where did i imply that i want Erdogan to profit whatsoever, if anything this statement makes me think you are a turkroach shill.
If anything I support Assad or a Shiite Baathist/SSNP leader in Syria regardless of what the majority of the population (Sunni scum) think

Yeah that'll never happen as much as I'd want it to. It would throw kikes around the world into disarray. I'm hoping Iran somehow managed to get a hold of nuclear materials somehow. Once Assad is overthrown they'd have no problem nuking Israel/Saudi's.

I hate turks as much as anyone, but there is no denying that without the west and Russia, they are the main power in the region (besides Israel.) The only reason they are interested in Syria is to further their political power between the EU and Russia, and they stand the most likely chance of succeeding, if the superpowers just magically decided to all pull out at once. Thankfully that will not happen.

I would be a bad turkroach shill to advocate for anything but Erdogan winning in Syria.

So ISIS or a western ally. You are being redundant, user.

Further defending Turks makes me more suspicious of you as a shill,
That would have far less consequences for Russia than it does Europe/the US, also it is always going to be easier to expand local Russian influence due to geographic location.
Confirmed, Erdogan winning would go against both the US and Russia since the US supports the Kurds as the #2 option for D&C if ISIS isn't successful and Russia values Assad and their control over Syria over Erdogan.
Western ally does not mean they are strictly aligned to the US/NATO or Turkey for that matter, nor are ISIS or associated groups an "ally" according to kike controlled media.

What I said was that I want Assad to remain in power so that Erdogans power would NOT grow, because of the way he uses refugees as leverage. That was clear in my post, so at this point you are just name calling. Didn't read your post past then, so you are filtered like Alex Jones' tapwater, friendo. Learn to make an argument.

A cockroach colony is not a "country"
If you read my posts you would see that i already said "The threat of toppling Assad is mostly off the table at this point" and "The sooner the war stops the sooner the turkroach sultan in Ankara loses his "I'll let refugees through" card and the sooner Constantinople comes to being liberated." in

meant for

Russia cannot allow syria to fall, it will be the death of their economy and then country. Kikes are already planning their gas pipeline through to europe

How new are you? That'll never happen under Shadow President Juden Kikener

Watch Trump renew america's unyielding support for israel.

Assad will do literally nothing about this because he is a pussy
Putin will do nothing because he is a kike
Iran will do nothing about this because they fear Trump's threat to reimpose sanctions

Glass the kikes.

yea well those 'roaches' have a fucking airforce. you europeans need to spend a little more time retaking your country and cut back on larping over some city that you were content in seeing destroyed dozens of times before its fall.

Your tears will neither slow nor stop the coming dawn.

I found it weird how they would still risk attacking in Syria despite the warning by Russia/Syria last time but kikes gonna kike.
h ttp://
Trying to jew Trump into their war as always.

Did ISISrael shot down a Syrian jet?

Its a shame we created nuclear weapons, I think that is the only reason israel isn't already obliterated and has everything locked up to where no one can do shit because of m.a.d.,it also fucked up the natural cyclical process of purging the (((rats))) once they become to much of a problem.

It is an interesting point you bring up. Something always seemed off to me how there has been this meme throughout media about how man is surely one day going to destroy the world through use of nuclear weapons. However, it suddenly makes a lot more sense when we take kikes having nukes into consideration.


I hope he does, that would quite literally be an act of war and in the numbers he's described, it would force a substantial reaction from European militaries.

well it is the only reason I believe the jew has been allowed to exist in one place ie israel and the US as well as other euro nations with the support base of their stolen palestinian land as their hub of op.Nuclear weapons broke the cycle of purging them and scattering them out where they start all over again yet weakened as had happened 100 something times yet weakened their infestation throughout history.Now they are just running out of control with no real militaristic way to get rid of the pests other than turning public opinion against them at this point opposed to outright removal so I conclude that nuclear capability has actually cost more white lives fighting wars for jews when if we kept them in a constant state of diaspora like in the past they never could bring their sick plans to fruition because they where always thrown out when it reached a breaking point.We are way past that natural point.Not to sound black pilled but we need a solution without glassing the earth suggestion welcome.

too offensive.

To be fair, Iraq/Saddam did have a stockpile of yellowcake uranium that we found after the invasion. Rofl, instead of using it as evidence of WMDs, the USA just quietly sold the Uranium to Canada for a nice profit.

if only more people would realize that those sorts of posts are cancer, like the stuff that old Holla Forums would've called cancer

perhaps there'll be more attacks by the country called Israel against Damascus
and maybe the end times are coming soon

sightly unrelated, but you really can't make this shit up.

that would be the best conclusion for the heeb state, being destroyed by it's golem

Damascus is fated to be destroyed by sunfire at the hands of the kikes first and Russia will lead the march into Israel to cleanse the land by hand to prove a point?

Are their big macs in concentration camps?

You need to read more Evolas. There is no such thing as the end times.

No, those are only in FEMA camps thanks to a partnership with Mc Donalds©.

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes (you)

Try again. Please.

falling on deaf ears and a responsive body of whites that KNOW =dead jew power/manipulation time to go back to the sand dunes or like ashkenazi up in asia mountains they proly kill you nevertheless where you belong.

you didn't create modern human life your stake in it is minimal at max cred you should go to israel jew we don't want your multi culti bullshit and you shouldn't try to convince any white of it until open borders for israel is in effect then talk bitch.

all; this behind the scenes um thats over with jew we see you and regardless what your media tells you we will fight Whites BANNNED from watching jew tv?WHITES BANNED from going to jew marxist controlled schools?Those children suffered it get rehabilitation and become white again not your cuck you little worm.etc etc WE KNOW !! and mater of time we come to free the world of your sickness as so many times before. ./init/jew/0

The worse kind of larping.

Spark a Nationalist fire under their asses.

tell you what WAS happening and they still trying is to ride the wave of anti white lefty concocted sex change letting a man in a bathroom your daughter regardless of a claimed or operational change NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU degen pervert confused pos you not getting any where near my kids which was the whole ploy for pedoesta types and abedins jew convenient marriage to a kike no problem with her when her mother and cousins brothers all genital mutilation practitioners KNOW THAT ABOUT HUMA LICKING HILLARY ABEDIN CHILD PEDO HUBBY UMMMMMMM NO NO AND NOOOOOOO SOME MORE you islam bitch your done ….failed asset /termination advised/If I was deep state beeing my job your ass would already be dead of accidental manslaughter framed the pedo for it.maybe some don't think the way I do yet if she gets off free just list no indictment of hillary playing their game will never work Trump is protecting those rats heads should have rolled already and not no lackey big heads all involved

Nice dubs. I've never seen this copypasta before.

Hitler Dubs you trump me!! SIEG HEIL!! wasn't pasta had i big long fuck you jew typed out responded to this to give props to Hitler dubs and lost it MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok messhugah bleed is is then that one and break the bones and the sinews that sent them not exact something like that DEATH TO ALL NON WHITES NO MATTER WHAT A JEW SAY THEY ARE NOT YOUR RACES FRIEND !!!G$RRRR

waiting for the day this white power coursing through my veins can eliminate the jew and all our enemies,yes like me are lefty in abundance I am nothing unique or oc or whatever 10s of millions of us ready to war these uppity jews and niggers and any other chink or shit skin gets in our way WE KNOW YOU KNOW WE KNOW little rats keep pushing making it so easy cuz shtf you will die or leave as white men clean up your jew mess once again …go back to israel you didn't earn it we gave it to you remember that thou so giveth thou so taketh away little rats you want the wraith of your enemy the WHITE RACE that always shit on you no matter how rich you get ? could keep going maybe I should your out matched jew you think you have won yet obviously are no fan of history little kitchen mouse

any confirmation yet on the latest terrorist attack by ISISrael?

you know what is really amazing rat is how much better whites (my people) live without out you time for you to go back to the desert so the entire world evacuates palis and glassed your disgusting parasitic race for ever and ever SHALOM BITCHES!!

funny you jews try to pass laws to restrict our soldiers when they come back and lucky enough to see their family again you JEW scared go pushing legislature typical kike bs won't mean nothing if shtf yet you still try to disarm our soldiers FUCK YOU JEW our soldiers and civi's armed form life ready to rock you just letting you know little fry your bank ain't big as you think it is neither is your failing media control you lost the narrative cats out of the bag you fight no wars use predominantly white men to fight with efficiency other wise you are shooting in the dark without us jew yet again the White Pure Race has to come wipe your intelligent diaper and clean up shit no white should ever die for being your stupidity as in no one fucks with us we don't need wars we have plenty of our own resources how about we cut you off rat jew let you fend for yourself you don't help us in anyway so fuck you uss liberty …lavon …can go on with you mossad fucks fuck with out country we should glass you world would be awesome without you parasitic no right to life orcs everything you push on us is poision you don't push on your self you macron = globalist jew rat Have I called you out enough sure an user can really lay into you jews and should do your worst against these fucking rodent .

uss liberty is war you rat fucking jews and not signing the nuke agreement after you stoled nuclear weapons tech from us you should be immediately glass …no official excuse yet had to admit it the day you admitted would have been the day I reigned hell on you and shown you your GOD semite sandnigger asian wanna be whites FUCK YOU!!

Are you OK user-san? Do you smell toast? Afu-fu-fu~

Go easy on the poor guy! He only just figured out the reply function a few days ago.

Shes right bully is wack yo.

problem nip pretending bitch or you really don't like my english calling out a hive of rat jews or you play nip to be a fucking cunt and never address a real issue other than a weak shit post let me tell you this jew you do not have as much power as you think you do and should be very VERY afraid.;)

not me but you are awakening some shit you reaaaaaaaly don't want to come at you you are a minority, a little weak race of influence peddlers and make no mistake the sheets pulled back you will be slaughtered without mercy and we catch you fucking jew pedos death is the least of your worries in fact you will beg for it when pol gets done with you until then KEK RULES YOU AND YOU KNOW IT!!

borrowed time send em explain dead bodies live streamed I aint seth rich there will be fireworks you brainwashed paid by soros shit fucks you have no idea what your asking for your to stupid white men sit back watch you starve gl with that then when your out of you mind with hunger and thirst (TARGET PRACTICE) maybe even cannibalism you ready for that you little jew paid rats soooo not going to work in your favor without starbucks and a bagel THINK THINK o wait you got to much jew cock up your ass to see reality yet we are here with a boiling pot be soup or introspect a bit and see you on has always been on losing side we (all not you) will kill everything you love if you get just a 4th of what you claim to want apparently you have never starved little antfags .It is not fun to say the least truth be told you will be on the menu shtf enjoy you wifi bitches

you think you are entitled you think because soros funds you now your solvent he is shorting you as we speak idiots don't like any of you you are anti good wholesome America instead you want to kill babies because you to irresponsible to deal with life and want to be a whore instead of usher a life into this world if you got impregnated by a nigger you might as well abort it and kill yourself

I love you, punctuationless poster. Never stop being you.

Is… is this performance art?

fact is no life matters except WHITE life your shitskins are irrelevant like that half white nigger said to us he while never be white and but hurt so they need safe spaces for rejects any white has a breed of non white the IQ drops drastically and so on an so forth just because you are stupid don't mean you need to subject your child of a life being a nigger

He's new.

race mixers kill your babies they are worthless sperm worms not good for society only good for a nigger notch in belt if thats the case any woman that does that should be publicly hung along with the nasty monkey she fucked and thats REAL YOU FEEL ME NIGGER!!

you think it is ok shtf you are getting butchered along with you nasty offspring lol nigger soup

It's a bot, don't worry about it
Also thank you to whoever keeps getting banned on my VPN

cat fish or gator tail still be better but I will not hesitate to put your black ass and your nigglets in the deep frying NIGGER!

It's not actually a bot. It can adequately respond to bot accusations.

you are live stock k I stop pointing out I will eat nigger stew along with you disgusting niglets mmm half white meat you getting consumed have to hang out no more welfare let you all die then come in and hunt nigger meat all cutesy of your local jew yet you will still blame whitey cuz you programed gl with that

imagine it will be like a muddy ass carp you fuckers don't eat right anyway still deep fried but you bout it bout it LMAO nigger you have no idea the atrocity we will visit on you and NO ONE WILL GIVE A SHIT

bots are probably prepared to do that. it's weaponized tay

oh but you had a show um millions of pissed off angry hungry whites but you was a nwo shill kick those space rocks nigger with out whites you are nothing not the jews pushing you to peddle nigger smut so you never be a real artist just a jew puppet with some change you dumb nigger you and russel butt fucked by jews and the only race that freed you is the whites your jew fat nastys push you to attack dumb niggers


I am not a bot think anyone will care about your nigger ass if shtf nah you and your ugly sheboon wife are disgusting to white ppl and even more so to those jews you think paying you niglet ass I am lying motherfucker bet $ think they give a shit about you leave you with this AS Above So Below amd you will end up soup nigger not even main course at least you fucked a sheboon kept in real race mixing is for pleabs that deserve to die anyway

dude he clearly stated right here that he's not a bot

people don't just go on the internet and tell lies

Reminder that getting Assad to give up the gas was all part of the kike's plan. His chemical weapons acted as a deterrent. in the same way that israel's nukes act as a deterrent. "invade our country and we'll shower the yids with sarin", more or less.

Now that the chemical weapons have been disposed, Assad no longer has a bargaining chip. If the civil war fails in a win for israel/ISIS/USA, then they'll still have won because of Assad's lack of ability to fight back against external threats. Israel will find another way to steamroll in and take it over themselves (using some sort of false flag to justify it, of course) UNLESS Assad makes sure to build up his chemical weapon supply ASAP after the war.


Can someone save these for posterity? It's really quite something. I don't know what, but it certainly is "something".

eh thought an educated user would offer solutions so since that isn't the case bunker down stothack up food water etc all that because the JEW has to fucking go on way or another it cannot steal the white mans future I would rather burn this shit to cinders than ever bow to a kike hope you understand


FUCK NK PR CHINA IF IT will get rid of you parasite jews LET GO Launch now all jews have to die period there will never be peace until they are gone

jews are a fucking plague KILL THEM AND ALL INFECTED WITH IT

Meshuggah - Bleed ty that to lazy to webm and fuck all niggers and shitskins there are ppl out there like you yet not so stupid enjoy all that epic

WHITE PEOPLE SHOW THEM SHITSKINS WAR THEY ASKED FOR IT we are the absolute best at it why the jew latches onto us silly goy

bite your head off jew then piss on your corpse and bury it and put the JESUS cross over your body you theist rat

you !! jew are the problem lets not disillusion ourself and claim otherwise you are like a fucking disease the white man can only stand so long little rat and didn't lie


come up with some word salad tomorrow think long and hard about it You styw or varg impress me at all like to hear you talk when I am board yet you have to understand why you are pussy fuckers and your women will be raped as you stand by and do nothing with your civ nat and isolationist shit neither of with will work long wrong short term lucking you you live in the woods or half way up a mountain and thing you can grow your own and hunt maybe varg can but Styx you will be eating you cats if you ever known starvation so don't high falute your toot because soon as the redbull runs out you just might have a moment of clarity that old varg had will you where still a sperm worm boy yet VARG entire world collapse you claim to be self sufficient just asking because all hell will break loose and no matter how off the grid you are when the useless eaters get hungry same goes for styx you going to fire to protect yourself first and by proxy extension of you your family if the shitskins come sniffing and fk civ nat that is cuck galore styx.

no more time for pussy word salad either fight or die THOR IS WATCHING !!!!!!!!!!!

let starving nigger's in your nice cushy VH house let them civic national niggers set right up in be your fire place when ofc you coukld have just shot them for tresspassing on your property but now let them economic migrants rape and kill everything you love in your brief non combat life that civ nat is going to rape your gf you cool with it tho cuz yer a civ nat how about it they did your daughter like that cool right you a civ nat I get you can't just come out and say like most of uf FUCK JEWS AND FUCK SHITSKINS GO AWAY WE DONT WANT YOU LEAVE!!!!

just dropping in to check those sweet thunder god trips



if you want to play geopolitics on that kind of scale and time period you should probably do more than just shitpost on an anime forum

chem weapons are meme weapons

fresh OC


I just hope the U.S. will stay out of this.
I don't want our guys to die trying to defend Israel, and I don't want to create a U.S. vs. Russia hot war.

Israel has never done the U.S. any favors, and has actually murdered our servicemen (USS Liberty). They have also sold U.S. military tech to China, and have been caught spying on us numerous times.

Fuck Israel.

You've worded this in quite the normie friendly way.

Everyone post the link with that description/status update. I fucking dare you goys

bruh look what I found in the other thread
