About the Author: Nobel Prize winner for literature and considered to be one of the greatest writers of the 20th century.

en.wikipedia org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn

Why would the works of a titan of literature not be almost universally translated?

Well, About the book
In his latest book Solzhenitsyn, 84, deals with one of the last taboos of the communist revolution: that Jews were as much perpetrators of the repression as its victims. Two Hundred Years Together - a reference to the 1772 partial annexation of Poland and Russia which greatly increased the Russian Jewish population - contains three chapters discussing the Jewish role in the revolutionary genocide and secret police purges of Soviet Russia.

Other urls found in this thread:

truedemocracyparty YEARS.pdf

is this the one anons were trying to translate?

The book has no official English translation. I found a few incomplete translations online and some anons went on and found the missing chapters, or at least some of them.

thechosenites.files.wordpress com/2015/10/200-years-together.pdf

archive org/details/AleksandrSolzhenitsyn200YearsTogether

Links to the missing chapters are here.
truedemocracyparty net/2012/05/most-banned-book-in-the-world-200-years-together-aleksandr-solzhenitsyn/

The new censorship is to pretend an idea doesn't exist. I'm sleepy now time for sleep.

The pic is the amazon page for the book. 17 reviews? Also, read that bottom right review.
amazon com/Hundred-Together-Complete-Volumes-Dvesti/dp/5969707023

but I want it

Are you surprised?


Buy some guns, user. You already know the (((truth))).

I guess the board for it didn't survive the shoah.
RIP >>/200/

you're right, I don't. But that's what I'm saving for as soon as I get out of this shit state and get a real job

why not make a new one? I would but I don't speak russian


How about I do it right this time >>>/200/

There were people working on translations. Some Germanbros I think were there.
The first thread about the book here had someone saying we had to raise like $50K for a professional translator.

seems legit

Bump, We need to get this book translated and available in pdf form.

Is it only available in Russian right now?

it's about the history of how things became how they were in that geopolitical sphere (russia)… I miss the day when Holla Forums wasn't a foreigner to /his/

Amazing book. Poles and Ukrainians should stop spending all their time being mad at Germany or Russia and focus on kikes.

Oh and the fact that the book is so banned just proves all those "conspiracies" about kikes being true. Publishing companies, media, everything. Fuck jews.

It's under copyright so whoever translated it couldn't sell it. If it's just a regular guy with kids and a job, it'll probably be a pretty big task. A professional translator probably isn't cheap.

There are parts translated to English.
I think there is a full German translation.
People figured it out a month ago, but all the work was forgotten because of the (((hack)))

From what I understand, the translations are kind of shitty and I have no way to verify their accuracy.

I was just going off op's
for comedic value really. But I get your point. I'll take it easy with the shitposting.

It got axed before the hack. I don't know the drama behind it, but everything was deleted and someone was gloat posting in a locked thread.

A thread on /200/ put the figure more realistic at $2000, which is a lot more doable if you wanted to go that route.
There is also someone still at it anyway, I think he's affiliated with the daily stormer, but the translation was readable last time I checked.

forgot link
http s://

This one claims that a group of professors have gotten together to translate the book on their own. Problem is, this is the internet, and anyone can claim anything.

truedemocracyparty .net/2012/05/most-banned-book-in-the-world-200-years-together-aleksandr-solzhenitsyn/

Illinois? Specifically crook co?

my state makes Illinois look like Arizona

Not California. Tell me you're not trapped in this hateful place.

Not yet, but moving there for work

please kill me

also may a swift death meet you user. it's been good

aloha from the local white minority. And who knows? I think commiefornia might be the spark that sets off the powder keg of civil war 2

My county is only ~13% spic, so I shouldn't complain that much

Here are some translated chapters already. YEARS.pdf

Holy shit. Make pipe bombs i guess.

14% too spic

thx on behalf of all

are the crossed out ones the ones that are translated, or not translated?

The ones translated. There are 28 chapters in total.


By the way, this is the link that Kevin MacDonald links to on his site. It's much more polished than the Bible Believers one. The editing and footnoting is up to academic standards, and the wording seems to flow better as well.

Isn't there a board that is going this here?
Before the hack that is

I really REALLY want to read this book, but I'm to lazy to not read it in one sitting, I can't wait for it piece by piece.

It's around 1100 pages, user, and there's already around 400 pages released now.

The edition i have has 775 pages, and has the following in the introduction:
>This translation has been a combined effort by several people. Chapters 4 and 5 from Volume 1, as well as Chapters 13, 14 and 16-27 were translated pseudonymously by multiple people and posted online in 2010 at Some of these chapters did not have English footnotes.
>Chapters 2,3 and 6 through 12, as well as Chapter 15 have been translated between February and March of the year 2017. They were made available pseudonymously by David and Davina Davison at These chapters were translated from French.
for some stupid reason Holla Forums doesn't recognize the format of the pdf file

On the topic of books, anything else worth looking at?

can you gib pdf on this book?

I'm fucking dumb.

The book is on /pdfs/ you idiots.