Why did Trump bring in this shit pajeet again? This seems like just another means to pander to shitty corporates that want nothing but money, even if it means shitting on the peoples rights. Are we really going to have a crippled internet thanks to this poo-in-loo mother fucker?
So Net Neutrality is gonna die
Other urls found in this thread:
The net neutrality debate is a false dilemma.
Posting cause OP is a lazy faggot
every fucking time
Thanks man. Appreciate it.
So what the fuck can be done? Why did he even bring this cuck in? I didn't vote trump for this shit man.
While it is something ti definitely keep an eye on, I'm not all that worried about it. we can easily rile up the lefty horde to go nuts about this not to mention we've won practically every battle for the internet this far. And if all else fails we can spam le popular rationalist centrists/ widely followed trump supporters themselves to cover it. So we have plenty of options. I'll be damned I some poo in the loo can get away with this but after all
I don't think he knows who he's fucking with
Because Trump's a con man who played us. Many of us suspected when he started with such garbage appointments but gave him the benefit of the doubt. Big mistake.
I'm sorry, but something just doesn't add up here.
While I would usually agree, I don't think we should be lax like clitarry and think it'll be easy winning this shit. It looks like these cucks now are more resilient to budging as opposed to the last admin. Is there anything we can do to hurt them?
Gee, I wonder who the kike cuck really is here.
Trumps always been openly wrong about the internet in general. This here isn't anything surprising and has been our biggest collective gripe with him since the campaign. We were all for him for everything else.
Don't we have a dedicated shill thread?
This is the problem right now. Why is it that regardless of who the admin is, we will always get fucked in the end? What happened to the values our forefathers held dear to them?
With all the flak they're getting I can see this being a legitimate problem. When you're constantly being criticized for everything you do, it's hard to make out whats constructive and whats just virtue signaling
Man you faggots must be mad Huma's under investigation huh?
Long dead I'm afraid. It's up to us to forge new ones I guess.
I wouldn't know, you tell me.
True. Though do they even have anyone that they listen to?
Couldn't care less tbh, her cousins screwed some kikes out of shekels and now they are bringing legal action. Woo. Tell me when the Clintons or anybody who actually matters gets put under investigation.
Like I said earlier, a good start would be to send it to people on jewtube with large followings of normalfags and/or loud people who care about this kinda shit
Hell even pewdiepie
But riling up without any actions to take will just create the same angry mob that they already ignore right?
Again, let me know when something actually happens. Hillary and the weiners were under investigation during the election and they got off clean.
If Trump wasn't elected, TPP would ahve been the law of the land, shlomo. When are you shills going to give up?
These types uaully go for mass emial/ real mail campaings, petitons, "be sure to share this video" and the like. But don't underestimate an angry mob.
Sure, whats the area code for tel-aviv?
On the day before the Inauguration, I actually approached my State Rep, Marsha Blackburn about it, and she kind of avoided the issue…but was more interested in talking about tort reform - gee whiz. go figure
holy shit, you aren't even trying anymore
Not even pretending to not be new.
O now i'm laffin
shhh he thinks he's doing well and I don't argue will shills often out of principle, but this thread needs the bumps. Also where is everyone tonight? Holla Forums seems slower than usual.
Go look at the Huma thread, it's 100% quiet, while the shilling everywhere else picked up about 20 minutes after it hit the board. It's late and they're scared.
Actually, in regards to petitions and letters. Do they even read them and listen to them? I'm even starting to think a march and protest wouldnt work as well anymore because those whiny bitches keep protesting every other thursday.
Other than the dotr, and harassment of government officials (which I do not condone whatsoever, hi cia) I can't think of much else aside from petitions, letter campaigns, marches, and general spreading of awareness.
thousands of actual letters are a huge hassle as is an inbox of 10000+ new messages. They won't read all of them, but the message is definitely made
Man this country really needs some work if we can't even voice out properly. Sooner or later we might just turn into the fucking shitskin down south.
Yeah, been postin in it hence the question. I'd like to believe most anons are resting for the roit tomorrow and all day shitposting that comes with it. We'll see
When does that start? I'm wagecucking all day. I have a feeling it's gonna be a fun day.
It said they're "Looking to undo the regulations put in 2015"
Who was President during 2015 again? And what kind of congress did we have?
yeah me too. and dunno tbh. gonna check in here throughout the day and beg for recaps when I get home. Antifas pretty riled up though if the past few threads on there are anything to go by
on them*
So you mean this? archive.is
So basically prices will go up for certain internet usages?
Like streaming, torrenting, etc?
He want's to allow throttling?
Does he not see the economic impact of throttling? People that rely on unthrottled internet for their business now face decreased efficiency and the possibility of increased cost for specific usages.
This also seems like an attack on darknet services.
It's annoying that there are issues for and against this. But if the debate is so even on both sides - why alter the status quo?
Are they getting paid by ISPs?
fuck off KIKE
Looks like it. This basically means your ISP can choose which services they want to throttle and which not to throttle. This could lead to some serious biases like throttling access to site that have a different political leaning that is seen as "problematic" or throttling competitive websites like Netflix and unthrottle Hulu. It's absolute bullshit and it treats their users, whom are already treated like trash, into even worse. They basically get to control what we should and should not browse and they can make extra money with it.
It's one of the most jewish moves I've seen and it fucking pains me that this is the fucker that Trump brought onto his team. I wish someone would tell Trump to kick this guy out and send him back to fucking india.
Shit I just realised that you were replying to that cuck. I'll just swallow a shotty shell.
I don't think that would occur.
This is more of a threat to sites that use specific mediums, such as images, webms, videos, music, etc.
It would also impact financial traders who may face increased cost due to their type of internet usage. It would be more time consuming to keep track of your trading while at the same time accounting for the different internet usages and the differences in costs.
Jewishness doesn't come into it. In fact, jewish traders and web service providers will be hit fucking hard by this. Wall street itself will be impacted.
Furthermore, it's the republicans, not Trump himself that is pushing this.
Trump needs to step in. I don't think his jewish connections will be that pleased with this.
It's just bad all around except for a couple things:
Good. Let the socialists cry.
Bright Line Rules:
No Blocking: broadband providers may not block access to legal content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.
No Throttling: broadband providers may not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.
No Paid Prioritization: broadband providers may not favor some lawful Internet traffic over other lawful traffic in exchange for consideration of any kind—in other words, no "fast lanes." This rule also bans ISPs from prioritizing content and services of their affiliates.
lmfao they don't follow these fucking "rules" anyway what the fuck are you on about?
its almost like (((capitalism))) is bad because it doesn't care about the people. If only someone warned us about this…
for bittorrent, didn't comcast get smacked down for using sandvine to throttle it prior to the 2015 rules? Didn't they get so much heat for it that they changed their name to xfinity?
Also, legitimate groups and companies use the bittorrent protocol(WoW, facebook, Amazon, unis, some governments). How would a mass throttling of the protocol by an ISP work without messing with businesses?
Net Neutrality is unfeasible under current infrastructure and routing protocols. Without meshnets with advanced routing protocols it was bound to happen.
Isn't that all that net neutrality was ever supposed to be?
Thanks, kikes, for fucking that up for us.
What part of the 2015 regs is it that Jews like the ACLU and Faceberg seem to love so much?
A poo-in-loo is put in charge of the internet, he shits in it, and you're surprised?
This is bad news, OP. It is not, however, surprising news.
Source on that they do not follow the rules? Regardless, having rules in place allow the offended party to fight back. No guidelines all together allows these already offensive party to becomes worse.
What's happening isn't capitalism, it's corporatism
That track record looks grreeeaat
Was expectin that Trump would at least place someone more responsible. Not a fucking pajeet.
Net neutrality is a non-issue, there was a time when it didn't exist and everything ran smoothly just as it does now.
It's just kids who get uppity about Net Neutrality. The internet was better before Net Neutrality anyway. Those of us who lived through 56k or god forbid 28.6k, know that only being able to stream 780 instead of 1020 or whatever unless we paid the ISP a little more is totally irrelevant. And that's a worse-case scenario that probably won't happen anyway.
For those unaware, no site has ever been throttled. Netflix may or may not have been warned that they might get throttled if they kept sucking up so many resources. Keep in mind that they were first streaming service big enough to actually cause a problem with modern high speed infrastructure.
Also keep in mind the result of not throttling them would have had if they had indeed drained way too much of the available resources. Because even though they didn't, some new company in the future may present the same problem, and actually cause unbearable congestion.
Right, so lets just pretend that we keep net neutrality, and some new site opens up in like 5 years. And they offer some sort of Ultra-HD 3-D VR hologram streaming service. And it's takes something ridiculous as far as data transfer goes. It requires 5GB/sec download speeds to function. Well since we have Net Neutrality, the ISPs can't throttle these guys. Nor can they charge them more. So basically everyone gets a super shitty connection to the internet at large, because 99% of the bandwidth is being taken up by this service and some of it's users.
Or we can let the market function, and let the ISPs find a solution. That solution will probably be one of 3 things:
The Reddit crowd here would like to have us believe that out of nowhere, for the first time basically ever, ISPs will just decide to ban 8ch or throttle 8ch to 1kb/sec speeds or something. Even though the ISPs never did this for 25+ years of existence before Net Neutrality. The ISPs don't give a shit, and never have, and the only reason they would is if the feds told them to. Pro-tip, if the feds tell them to pull the plug on us, Net Neutrality isn't going to save us, you dumbfucks. The government doesn't give a shit about it's own laws.
The only reason ISPs would censor, throttle, or charge fees is because of the feds, or because of a specific service taking up too much of the available resources. And if somebody is taking up too much bandwidth, you want the ISPs to be able to deal with the problem. Because if they can't, you basically end up with a socialist internet, where by the resources available resemble the amount of resources left available on a Venezuelan supermarket shelf.
ISPs throttled the fuck out of torrents. Though to be fair net neutrality wouldn't help because the feds would view the situation as piracy.
The problem is that ISPs market themselves as having no bandwidth cap and then they decide to throttle. Services like netflix, which is a garbage company but I digress, are being used by people who each have paid money for access. Throttling netflix when their customers are already paying for access is horseshit.
I don't know where you came from with these talking points but you have to go back. The ISPs have done everything in their power to avoid improving their infrastructure in order to squeeze as much money out as possible. Frankly they deserve to be shattered into pieces with antitrust, with the eventual company that winds up owning the physical infrastructure being declared a utility that sells access to the lines to other companies that in turn deal directly with consumers.
No but seriously, I haven't torrented anything since like 2008, but back then it was all P2P and it was about as fast as your would expect when you consider up speeds are pretty much always slower than down speeds.
What the fuck are you on? The ISPs market themselves as being above the laws of physics? Get the fuck out of here retard. You know they transfer data over lines, and you know those lines have physical dimensions, and you know that they experience losses.
Your last bit isn't even an argument. You are bitching about monopolistic internet providers, which I think we can all agree suck. But that has nothing to do with Net Neutrality. Even if we had super awesome ISPs and tons of competition, there would still be technological limits, and theoretically somebody could hog the bandwidth.
Do you want to institute rules that force them to treat everyone equally, so that we can all have shitty internet? Or do you want them to figure out how to charge assholes who want to stream HD 4k movies to millions of people more money so that we can all still have high speed access?
First post every fucking time
Are you going to keep screaming that even as he's killing the Internet as we speak?
Listen, asshole. When an ISP sells "no cap", it means no monthly cap. Of course there's a maximum data transfer rate, per second. The ISP's implying that the user can keep his home line maxed out all day erry day if he wants. Real ISPs get pissed off if you do this.
Shit I gotta be careful
Don't pretend to be ill informed, this isn't anything new.
I don't give a shit if its physically impossible, if they market themselves as providing unlimited data then they better goddamn well fulfill that promise. If not they can get sued for false advertising. And comcast isn't the only provider that does it. I have a grandfather in unlimited data plan with verizon that when I hit roughly 24gigs per month they start throttling the fuck out of.
If they are running into issues with providing the service they can upgrade their infrastructure. They've been permitted sole access to do so by municipalities and even financial incentives, but they haven't done so because they're trying to maximize profit.
I want them to fulfill their contractual obligations. People who are streaming movies are already paying for access, if there is a physical impediment to providing it they should upgrade the infrastructure. The problem though is that they've managed to carve out regional monopolies so they do whatever they want, in which case the only feasible solution is to hit them with antitrust.
Exactly. The problem though, is almost everything he does is hard to criticize on our side, because we spent so much time lifting him up.
He also gave ISPs the right to sell our information.
Sadly, you're right; however, sargoy never critizes Trump on anything, not even when Trump gave ISPs the right to sell our data. I do agree with h3h3 doing something about it though
This was liberal propaganda. The only thing the vote did was prevent the FCC from implementing new rules. Literally nothing changed.
That aside, even if Trump reneges on every campaign promise, another conservative on the supreme court was worth it. Not flipping the switch on mass amnesty was worth it.
Does that mean we have to agree on everything Trump does? I thought we were just using him for OUR AGENDA, not worshipping him for his own.
We have to steer him in the right direction.
Honestly, Trump could end up destroying even Holla Forums if companies decide it shouldn't get good speed for "hate" reasons.
People have no idea…. No idea… how dangerous it is to give away privacy rights, and power to ISPs.
Wake up faggots!
ISPs paid so much money to Republicans (and some Democrats) to put out propaganda so that we would willingly give up everything to them; they convince us that this shit is for our own good.
Remember the internet is a target. They want to CONTROL it completely.
This should be a MAJOR ISSUE for Holla Forums, but most of us were programed to roll over and except party propaganda.
We are fucked… Sadly I'm counting on the left-wing faggots to save our asses on this shit. Cause us being on the political Right means ignoring and excuses threads like these.
Fuck off shill. You faggots will never understand Holla Forums.
Every side has an agenda, and yours is getting upset when Trump needs to be steered away from this shit. This isn't hate for Trump, but rather disagreement.
It doesn't benefit Holla Forums if they can cut the speed to the website. Why do you think the Right is constantly under attack by censorship police? Everything is about control.
Again, you assume Holla Forums takes a side. It doesn't. This is a board for discussion and challenging one's beliefs.
I will always fight you shill on this.
NN died the second they allowed isp's to ZERO RATE trafffic
It's already gone. These neutered regulations are just being used as a wedge issue to separate Trump from the internet people.
When you elect a Republican, don't be surprised when they do Republican shit. This isn't a "be sorry" post, but a plain response to OP.
Actually it's strange how the sides fall on it. The poz pushers would benefit the most from this, but I suppose virtue signalling as the good guys is more valuable.
Of course it does you idiot. It took Trump's side over Hillary. This isn't up for debate if you were here during the campaign.
You're too stupid to fight anyone on anything.
You'll self-deport from this place soon.
Get the fuck out.
To top it off, the new regs the FCC was proposing didn't even do anything to improve customer security. It was just a rule allowing them to draft requirements for an expensive and pointless "privacy framework" which each ISP would then have to implement.
There's probably a company poised to build and sell such frameworks to ISPs, and people at the FCC were positioned to make good money from stocks in it. That's usually the way these things work.
And you've outed yourself again, Holla Forums. You got banned because you're a shitposting nigger, who can't handle having his beliefs challenged without responding with ad hom.
Ban yourself, communist retard
First reply, every fucking time.
Come on. Don't lie so blatantly. Any arguments that support politically incorrect views are bannable offense here.
I was ill informed, assuming your link is correct, that is the first instance of actual throttling of a site I've ever heard of. I heard of threats to Netflix, but otherwise I don't torrent stuff and haven't for a decade. I don't keep up with how the feds or ISPs deal with piracy anymore.
We are talking about bandwidth, not total data usage. Getting a window that says, "Sorry you have used all 100 Gigs of internet that you paid for this month" is different then everyone trying to stream HD movies at the same time. Most ISPs (except satellite based providers) will give you unlimited data. That they can deliver. They can't necessarily deliver it to everyone all at the same time, all at the same speed, all at the same price. To even imply that they can is absurd.
Nobody is talking about throttling mobile data plans. That is the norm. Most of the time you buy X Gigs of 4G and the rest gets throttled to 3G. Net neutrality has nothing to do with this, and in fact, allows it. However, if you are one of the lucky few to have a grandfathered plan that gives you unlimited 4G they should fulfill their contract. But again, this has nothing to do with Net Neutrality. This has to do with contract law.
That's fine, most people would support that. That's not net neutrality though. It's a completely separate issue. Net neutrality doesn't in anyway shape or form, punish Comcast. It punishes consumers who want faster internet, unless you are a netflix/hulu/[insert streaming company here] junky, in which case it subsidizes your viewing habits.
I assume you meant "don't" support politically incorrect views, and if so you're wrong. I made arguments against Trump before, and I've made arguments for weed before. I was never banned, because I present my arguments in a decent fashion, and I don't shitpost or spam.
Unlike you are your commie friends. Die slowly and painfully
I meant you and your commie friends
It doesn't matter anyway, you'll go back to Holla Forums at some point
Of course. After I get banned for trying to explain things. Shitposting gets tolerated, but not actual arguments.
You're not even talking to the same ID anymore, but you still think that's me.
Holla Forums has been compromised months ago, your arguing with a mod sockpuppet
At least now he is talking to the "commie".
And where are the real discussions happening?
try exploring other boards on 8ch first but not the leftshit then check deeper sites
Screaming into the void.
Except there is a lot of boards and I don't really know "deeper sites".
AnCap from /liberty/ don't make much sense, if you are talking about them.
I hate jews lol
Would be nice to not be called names just because you point out at the orange man doing very annoying things. Some times, you can shift you views from sanctimonious to dubious.
Net neutrality is a sideshow, a distraction, a hobby horse. The reason people want net neutrality is because ISPs throttle data. The reason ISPs throttle data is because they don't want to upgrade their infrastructure, and since they have regional monopolies they face no outside pressure forcing them to do so. Thus some yid comes along talking about net neutrality complete with marxist talking points about treating all packets fairly or some bullshit. We understand that net neutrality is the camel's nose under the tent when it comes to regulating content on the internet.
The real solution, unfortunately, also requires government intervention, but not in a way that goes about regulating data. The government needs to break up the monopolies so that these companies are forced to actually upgrade their infrastructure. If it requires making the owner of the lines a utility in order to cut through the massive amount of local bullshit when it comes to running lines or whatever that is what needs to be done, then so be it. Prior to antitrust laws there was some real crooked shit being done by private companies, which the government was forced to step in and fix.
There is no such thing as Net Neutrality. We are talking about something that doesn't exist.
All those things add up to packets having different priority and being routed differently depending on who owns them. There is no such thing as net neutrality now.
Netflix hosts servers right in your ISP's headend. When you watch a Netflix movie its not going across the internet in most cases. Same goes for Youtube. They will always have an advantage over any new comer since they get to bypass the above listed things.
8ch is on CloudFlare. There are 6million other sites on that service. They would be shutting down a big chunk of the internet by doing that.
I don't think they give a shit; they want more control so that such options available to choose from. It's all about gaining more control slowly enough so that we don't object.
They will take our freedom, by calling it freedom. Everything they do and say is a lie.
came here to say this; you explained it better than I could
especially this bit:
the rest of this thread is retarded leftypol rejects
Trump was never going to save you lad. He is part of the end of a civilzation not its savior
This isn't about throttling after a certain amount of data. False advertising is a problem, but that's not what the net neutrality debate is about.
Net neutrality is, like someone already said, about blocking, throttling, prioritization, and altering some data. An ISPs job is to route packets based on their IP headers. Not more, not less.
ISPs might block or throttle access to certain IP addresses, ports, protocols, or content. This is bad. Blocking or throttling any content is bad, whether legal or not. As soon as you allow your ISPs to fuck with your data packets, they'll do it, and they'll do it excessively. In it's literally none of their business to decide whether what you're doing is legit or not. In the past some ISPs throtteled Bittorrent. In the UK porn is blocked unless you explicitly opt in when signing your internet contract. Think this can't happen in the US? Heh.. Of course it will. They also might accidentally throttle Tor or 8ch because only evil nazi perverts use that stuff. As soon as they have the necessary tools, they'll use them. And no, TLS+Cloudflare isn't going to save 8ch. You can still detect if a connection goes to 8ch or something else. Look up SNI.
Prioritization: Who wouldn't want video streaming that doesn't add to their monthly usage? They say it's to provide a better (((media experience))), but their intention is to discriminate against competitor's video streaming services.
Altering data: Imagine you don't get any standard "nxdomain" error responses from your dns server any more if you try to access a non existent domain any more, but instead an IP address that shows an advertisement infested 404 page. Yet another way to shove their mind fuckery down your throats.
Communication without being filtered or spied upon is literally the base of everything we do
Memetics wouldn't work without our freedom to communicate whatever, whenever and how much we want. Your government already eliminated the anonymity part, so not being filtered is the only thing that keeps us from slowly, subtly going china tier. Controlling the masses is the jews wet dream. Controlling the masses' communication is the way to do it.
If Trump doesn't understand this then I'll forgive him because nobody of you seems to get it either.
Throttling, schmottling. Net neutrality is a wedge to bring in government regulation of the internet. How dumb are you cucks not to see that for what it is?
If your elected government doesn't regulate, then jew corporations will (((regulate))). Both can fuck you badly, it's just two faces of the same coin. However a government can, in theory, act in your best interest, while corporations never do. But deciding whether governments can be good is not the point.
The point is to get ISPs to treat all packets equally no matter what headers or content.
Net neutrality is convoluted as fuck. After all the threads and articles Ive seen on it both sides sound just as bad as each other so fuck em both.
Nice false consensus, fag. You must've missed the threads when he said he wanted to censor/limit the internet.
The only thing I hate more than this "collective" bullshit is false history. Consider arsenic.
On top of that, if you aren't using a vpn at this point, you are retarded (or really poor).
yeah, letting me use netflix instead of paying $2 an hour at redbox is really just a scheme to spy on me
Are your parents using a vpn? Are your neighbors? Do you want them fucked by greedy ISPs?
and how, exactly, is that useful?
It prevents kosher packets from being favored over non-kosher packets, to put it in Holla Forums terms.
False comparison Chiam.
Actually anyone with a functioning brain knew that the internet was tapped at the root level. Go look up Inslaw PROMIS and Project Greenstar, shit that happened when REAGAN, CARTER, NIXON and JOHNSON were in power.
This is actually a very good way of putting it.
thanks for putting it in terms that we can understand fam
no one here would be interested in a well-reasoned fact-based argument
Of course the Trump shills in charge of Holla Forums ignores thread like this, which should be the ones pinned.
They hate freedom now, because Trump hate it too. The cuck level has gone over the one of the leftists.
Americucks enjoy internet freedom and this imageboard while it lasts. Don't think that after the plan of this stupid shitskin passes you will find an ISP that will let you access this website.
Stupid cunts.
Most trump supporters are just classical liberals anyways.
I remember making a thread about trumps kike connections well before he was elected and being written off with posts like "who even cares about jews" and other shit that implied most of them didn't actually hate kikes. The vast majority of fucks here and on half-chan unironically believe in the "black but not a nigger" mindset.
They are unprincipled faggots that stand for nothing. Which is the same kind of centrism that killed my country.
To be fair though, when Obama was in power even the Anti-War Left went mostly silent. It's just politics, sadly.
They'll just read propaganda from ISPs sent to Republican websites, that explains why this is good for them, and that it increases their freedom.
It'll be a Freedom Act, or something. Reminds me of the Patriot Act.
as others have said before, net neutrality wasn't even in effect and never has been. this decision literally changed nothing, in fact it stopped a change. i wouldn't say it was a predictable move but it was understandable from the basic conservative "less government power" standpoint. saying that overnight this will suddenly make the internet go to shit, doomsday is upon us, and we'll be paying $6 mil/month for the 8ch channel from your isp, is just fear mongering/blackpilling and accomplishes nothing. if it was going to happen, there were many many opportunities for isps to go that route, and it just hasn't panned out that way. the most effect you'll see within the next 20 years might be that your router firmware prioritizes youtube and netflix over other traffic if you're accessing those and anything after the next 20 years doesnt matter because society will collapse by then.
If it LITERALLY changed nothing, nothing would need to be done.
I honestly think this is a matter were we need to listen to both sides (meaning also listen to left-wing sources), rather than the bubble of our right-political leanings. For it may be true that the right wants smaller government, but that is also an excuse to remove something from us by corporate influence, which can also harm us. Corporations are motivated by profit; not on whether or not the individual should have a say.
Well great, I was forced to listen to a left-wing lesbian softball couch (video related) because people like you exist. I know Trump is not perfect, so I'm forced to hear outside perspectives I should be getting from the Right.
What this fucking lesbian gets wrong however, is he thinks the Right will disagree with Trump over this. WRONG.
Hard to know what the truth is exactly, but at least I heard a side that didn't suck his dick on this particular topic. I honestly hope the left wins the particular topic. Fuck you who disagree.
Here's an "outside perspective" from within the right: this is all political posturing. Trump and the republicans did not sell us up the river. They merely rejected an FCC proposal for NEW rules. No existing rules changed at all.
These new rules proposed by the FCC would have required ISPs to adopt "privacy frameworks" with specs laid out by the FCC. When you read those in detail it becomes obvious all they wanted was to make ISPs add a layer of technical beuracracy to what they were already doing. In fact the new imaginary privacy frameworks could easily have been implemented in such a way as to allow ISPs to sell your data legally.
Look up the House rule and read the corresponding draft proposal by the FCC. I'm the only one I know who actually bothered to. If you bother to as well you'll see what I'm talking about.
As they always do.
what is bad about not allowing your ISP analyzing your traffic and treating it accordingly?
I heard that one already. The argument from the right has always been less privacy rules (less government) = more freedom for you. It was the same for when ISPs wanted to sell our data. Less government = more freedom! I don't believe it.
I honestly don't look at this as a left or right issue, while you seem to care how it makes Trump look. Well in that case, the polling for the last one was said to be 6% in favor (selling our data), so why bother? I know you can say because it wasnt as it seems, but why do it anyway? Why not just leave it all the same? Because ISPs are paying money to influence politics, that's why.
No, it hasn't, it's been that net neutrality is not about privacy, it's about price controls, and will eventually become about "single payer internet" like healthcare.
If you're about privacy, call yourself a privacy advocate. Net Neutrality is a whole basket of stuff.
I'm saying they try to apply less government = more freedom, even when it applies to privacy. Getting rid of this net neutrality (regardless of what you think of it) will be about "freedom" as it always is to them. They sell us shit through "freedom" and "patriotism", like the "Patriot act"
Shoo-shoo shilling Jew
How many times do you have to be told that the internet commercially existed for like 25+ years before net neutrality went into effect? Do you remember the internet from before 2015? Was it really that scary and horrible? Quit acting like there was this massive problem that was fixed by net neutrality. There wasn't a problem. Some piracy sites got throttled and Netflix was threatened that they might get throttled.
In exchange for being able to pirate vidya 10% faster if you use Comcast, you let the government regulate the internet. And open the internet up to bandwidth abuse.z
Or maybe you understand that, and are pissed that Trump let the ISPs sell your data. Well guess what? They've always been able to sell your data. Again, for 25+ years the ISPs have been able to sell your data, and they either haven't or they do so in a way that barely effects you. They just stopped a bill that would ban the practice, they aren't repealing a bill that has been protecting you.
Don't get me wrong, I would have loved for that to be passed. I would love if they passed a law that forbid ANYONE from selling user data. I'm so sick of the internet running off from personalized ads, and weird creepy predictive algorithms. But other people seemingly love it. They love being the product, and letting Google link all of their accounts. They would honestly fight to maintain the ability to have their data sold and passed around. Eventually, this is going to have to be dealt with in a way in which you hopefully have to opt in to data retention and sharing or transfer.
But be that as it may, it's not the end of the world or the internet to keep the status quo for now. And internet privacy is not exactly the reason I voted for Trump, in fact I went in knowing that he had shitty ideas about "the cyber".
Don't you amerifags have any privacy laws?
The rules that were made were to keep the internet as it was. The internet is a public utility. The point would be to prevent it from changing.
Trump will continue to do the opposite. If Google can sell data, he wants the ISPs selling it as well.
Look we disagree. And both sides (right and left) have different stories to tell us. But one thing I know for certain, is that many of us knew Trump was bad on these sort of issues before he was elected. It's the main reason Jim (IA) gave for not voting for Trump.
Sounds to me Trump is actually a lolbertarian who isn't a retard
I've never been banned on Holla Forums don't try and deflect the fact that you're a triggered faggot.
I don't know if any of you ever had one, but the old satellite dish networks use to work a lot like the internet. Long as you had the equipment to bounce a signal off a satellite, you could have your own TV channel. If you had a receiver, you dialed up the code for a satellite, the dish moved to face it and you could watch anyone beaming a signal to it. I remember when I was a kid I'd find all kinds of crazy stuff, military TV broadcasts for mess halls on bases, evangelists having sermons from their basements. Even animu dubbed in arabic.
First they started 'scrambling' channels, then made you pay a monthly fee to unscramble them. (Initially, it was a one time purchase for the giant dish and box.) Then they started bumping off channels the big names didn't want to compete with. It went from limitless channels to the shitty overpriced channel packages you have today. Buying the equipment was pretty ridiculously expensive, so not many people know it was ever like that. My parents only had one because the old man won a big settlement in a lawsuit.
What does this even prove? This is just them giving their customers no charge when using their data. It's not giving that false "fast lanes", it's not throttling connections to other sites, it's not outright blocking other sites. The issue here is outright throttling other sites all together while only allowing theirs to be unthrottled.
Yea getting blackmarket satellites stealing channels from other countries used to be a huge thing since it was a legal grey area
Not sure what this has to do with anything though. Can we go back to the golden age of satellites?
Net neutrality is why US internet still blows compared to Japan and South Korea. Once it is dead you can enjoy your 1Gb/s+ speeds and flawless streaming content and quit bitching about muh fast lane.
It is unnecessary to regulate the Internet unless widespread abuses occur. Arguments for regulation are assumption and speculation on what companies might do. In all countries where Internet regulation has occured, the state has implemented draconian laws to make certain content illegal. I understand that some anons are not proponents of freedom of thought, but I will warn you that nothing good comes from Internet regulation. We know the slippery slope is not a fallacy. If the Internet is regulated, it should be passed as a law like HIPAA and CAN-SPAM and only concern itself with addressing current problems.