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How many times do you think Huma and Clinton dyked out

That manfaced Saudi mole will find some way out. Probably a flight back to her kingdom after she finished Estering that Jew husband of convenience of hers with the tiny rabbi sucked babyjewdick.

I'm so impatient. Sessions hasn't been in office long and trump has been stifled to death his first 100 days. (BTW We should find a way to sincerely thank him for continuing to fight on our behalf, it's gotta be exhausting). But I'm ready for the heads to start rolling…


Countless. It's completely obvious to anyone with a functioning brain. It's also disgusting to think about.

look at her sexy feet

What's a brother gotta do for a check these days….

This is one of those things that takes as long as it takes. It'll happen when it's ready.

(Heavenly Trips Check)
It's all ogre.



Anyone tired of winning yet?

Criminal prosecution is one of the most difficult legal processes in the fucking world. People were screaming for her to be jailed on the 21st of January, but putting together a RICO case this big is probably going to be one of the greatest legal challenges in U.S. history. There are simply so many people to be interviewed, patsys to be flipped, and moving parts to pin down. Patience is key, but I guarantee this is the start of the end of the whole charade. Buckle up boys.

She'll turn on her handlers for immunity and witness protection

The opportunity for SHTF type happening is real….

Inb4 suicide by 5 shots to back of head, while handcuffed and locked in a box dumped in the river…

I hope you're right. If I one day wake up in a world where Hillary goes to prison, I will never want again.



Huma looks so hot in this pic. God I just want to lick her feet so bad

I was briefly tired after passover, but I went to the range and found I only hungered for more. The Don' delivered, and he upsized my meal for free.

Top kek, at least if Huma gets black bagged it's pretty much an admission of guilt. She could be tried and hung within a month.

They scissored like motherfuckers

Still rolling for nailgun to the back of the head

good webm, but damn its loud

If you're going to be a footfag degenerate, at least be a footfag degenerate about someone other than a hideous sandnigger.

ay yo das racis

Is this website reputable? I cannot find this story anywhere else.

WND is strange. Even in the 90s they were kind of a mix of typical neocon filth and warning people about Agenda 21. Even now I'm not sure how such a thing came to be.


They scissored on multiple occasions. There is sig-int verifying this. Can't reveal my source. Source is "deep throat".

I love placeboing's stuff.

Wew. Checked.


It doesn't matter. Read the scripture (mein kampf but also the protocols), know your enemy, train your mind body and spirit, and be ready to eliminate luciferian fucking moloch kikes

The protocols?

protocols of the elders of zion. We all must understand how they operate.

Where have I heard deep throat before?

That's how hard it's been memory holed(?)

Is that some Talmudic shit? Or, better question, are translations readily available?

I'd like to know my enemy as best I can, but I refuse to learn jew runes

Shit forgot to check you im a nigger chink pekka carpetjockey potatoe faggot kike

I don't usually say this but google that shit. You kiddin m9? if necessary you're a fucking kike, keep attempting

The Protocols are required Holla Forums reading. Even niggers have read this as it is fairly short. Take your link and lurk moar faggot

if something's gonna happen, this is gonna be it.

Mea culpa
Thank you for your patience; I will continue to educate myself

I don;t know who, what or where the fuck you are but the best thing you can do with your life is make yourself stronger physically and mentally along with making the people you live your every day life with aware of the lies of history. Do everything you can. Even if you're a fucking brazillian.

Buying firearms if you can(or if you cant), becoming proficient, you already know this shit as well

Is a drunk faggot

you'd all hit it

With a canister of Zyklon B, maybe

Everyone said that Hillary smelled like shit, I wonder if Huma was turned on by it and how bad it smelled after they fugged.

hate fucked then dumped in a shallow grave

"hold your nose boys, we are going into the evidence room.."

and lest anyone forget, this leads to this…

I wonder if Rude Rudy is going to be participating in this at all if it goes to a RICO case. Trump would do good to have him make the rounds in the media discussing it since Rudy is famous for his RICO case against organized crime. The optics for it would be perfect for the normies and would make great material to mentally align all of the Clinton gang with organized crime. Rudy would be discussing the similarities on tv between CF and the mafia.

70s porn.

With a shovel before covering her with dirt perhaps.

Enjoy your yersenia and brucella. Hillary is enjoying hers.

I know I would.

… aren't these shits a little bit lethal?


don't forget to first genital mutilate it alive,cover in pigs blood then put it face down in the hole and after burial put the juden star over the grave.\m/

kosher nationalist memes are almost as bad as Holla Forums memes tbh

I want to hatefuck Huma.

Reminder that Trump will keep ALL of his campaign promises.

The wall is getting built.
The spics are getting deported.
The lugenpress is getting sued.
I(srael)SIS is getting BTFO with a MOAB.
The democrat vote-rigging and surveilance will be brought to light.
And shillary cunton and all of hers are going to jail.


That was a gif you thumbnail grabbing fucking newcomer

You do realize that a lot of these semetic dykes are created by daddy buggering them, right? They're dykes because they have been abused. In any event they are angry and need to be avoided.



this is why weiner wasn't satisfied, the marriage was just a political sham and she was a bitchy dyke at home that barely put out

I hope you're right man. If Trump doesn't deliver he won't just not get another four years in 2020, they will actually bump him off for fucking with their mafia.

It's pretty well known in Washington circles that she's Hillary Clinton's lesbian lover and has been for over two decades.

Bill and Hillary don't even live together. Same with Huma and Weiner. Huma lives with Hillary in their own lesbian love nest.

It's a beautiful thing. My first time voting and I assisted in making america great again. I think I'll tell my grand kids stories about going to his rally in person.
We are living in a historical time.
While all the other relevant countries rot from the inside out (read shitskin immigration).

Lover implies Killary is capable of love. You must mean the sandcoon she has completely emotionless lesbian sex with for the sole purpose of sexual deviancy that pleases Moloch.

shes arab, therefore used to bad smells

I've got my red MAGA sign from the last Denver rally framed and on my wall, with the ticket and some other memorabilia behind the backing.

One of my most prized decorations. Even if he is compromised by kikes, this was a victory of white unity, and it DID put a brake on the liberal poz train.

I wonder if this is how things will look when she gets carted off to prison.

I was too broke during the whole thing to even get myself a MAGA hat.

I was really jealous of people closer to the front rows who managed to catch free hats and tshirts the campaign staffers were tossing into the crowd.

I've volunteered for other campaigns in the past, and have a lot of election swag in the closet. I have to say, Donald's branding and logistics for this campaign were the smoothest and most professional I've ever seen. Most candidates go through several iterations of branding and styles as they try out new messages during the campaign. The quality between items varies widely as they source stuff from random manufacturers on short notice.

By contrast Trump picked out one set of designs and slogans, had his supply chain set up half a year in advance, and kept everything uniform and consistent from the day he announced until this very instant. You can still buy a hat from his web store. It's exactly the same.

I gave my hat to my dad for his birthday. He loved it. I wore it to a Pence rally first, so it has that little bit of historical magic for him.

Lurk for at least a year you faggot

Way off topic for the thread but I recently moved to Denver and holy fuck is this cesspool pozzed, where can even the slightest right leaning individual go to not be surrounded by utter Weimar tier filth?

like per day?






