The God Emperor is giving a big middle finger to the (((MSM))) and its annual cucked White House Correspondents' Dinner by staging a rally at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex & Expo Center in Harrisburg, Pa. on Saturday, April 29. The event will mark Trump's first 100 days in office and is the second time he will be speaking at the New Holland Arena, dating back to his August campaign appearance in which he likened the POS city to a "war zone."


Like clockwork, Antifags from around the region are surreptitiously planning on slithering into town and starting some shit. Their plans aren't immediately clear, but messages posted on FaceFuck show some sort of action is being planned. Trump has made several appearances in Central PA in the last year, and generally Antifa has stayed away. Something tells me this time could be a little different.

I'm calling on any anons within a 3 hour radius to make their way to the Burg to stand in solidarity as people wait to enter the Arena. And if the cockroaches clad in black and masks do decide to show up, maybe a little based stick action can be had by all.

If you can't attend, any doxing of PA antifags would be helpful. Right now it looks like a contingent from the East Shore Antifa, Lehigh Valley Antifa, Philly Antifa and Pittsburgh Antifa may be coming. More than likely they'll puss out, but anything can happen these days.


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If only the president of the united states would crack down on these terrorists.

Do they realize this is a secret-service protected event? Do they not know that rioting by a secret service event is a 10 year felony? Didn't they learn from the inauguration?
Anons, if you go and you're asked to disperse, GTFO immediately and make sure you have a buddy or group. The last thing you want is to be caught in the crossfire.

The secret service won't fuck around, those faggots will get slapped with felonies thanks to a law barry signed

Any Pittsburgh area anons?


nowhere near hburg

There's a few other groups I've been monitoring.

I'll be sending a list of people to watch to the Secret Service.

let them have their fun user
(nice id dubs)

Pitttsburgh antifa my ass, probably every one of them is from "greater new jersey" and just going to college here.

I'm pretty damn sure PA has a "stand your ground" law, but then again, I'm in a town in PA. I stay the fuck away from the major cities. Not surprised Antifa and libs would amass in the cities.


I could go to Harrisburg on Saturday but I don't see a point aside from just documenting and filming. Like has already been mentioned, this is a Secret Service shindig and shit will go down hard, not really looking to be caught up in the crossfire.

Just kinda have a bad feeling about this event, if shit goes down the cops and secret service are going to fall back on a single goal of protecting Trump and his people, they're not going to care who is instigating the problems, both Antifa and Trumpers will probably get targeted with crowd dispersal tactics/weapons if it gets out of hand.

Hard to tell for sure though, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and Philly are liberal bastions in an otherwise good place to live. Pittsburgh isn't as bad as the other two though, while it is liberal in the sense that most bigger cities are, it has a more balanced split of red and blue than a shithole like Philthy.

Also lmao at the commies planning shit in an open carry state. I think if they manage to show up in decent numbers they are going to be really BTFO and easily spooked in PA where the average redneck from Pensatucky won't put up with their shit. I expect a lot of New York antifa to be involved in something like this and I don't think they're going to prepare at all for how much PA rednecks hate their faggotry commie bullshit.

And of course none of the redditors here are planning to protest the growing Ivanka+Kushner influence on Trump, righto?

Go play with your antifa buddies, that will surely help us take back the presidency from those 2 kikes.


Heres to mass chaos in the streets!

Correct, fellow Commonwealth bro. We have SYG and Castle Doctrine w/ extension to vehicles in PA. Also open carry is legit here as you know even if you don't have your LCTF.

However I'd not touch carrying, open or otherwise, at an event like this where Trump and the secret service are going to be involved. I recommend if any anons are planning to be in Hburg in the name of kek, just prepare to observe and report and document, let the alphabet boys deal with antifa and protecting Trump.

And if the commies getting armed and wanting "training" decide to try and show up here with their rusty WASR-10s and Mosins…oh boy, S.S. won't play around.

unironically considering the 7 hour drive to go to this. I have nothing else to do I guess but will it be worth it?

The funny part is they only think (and know) that they're safest in the cities. Coming all the way out here in the keystone state? They go anywhere near the towns or villages, they're in for a world of surprise. I mean fuck, I'd bet they'd be retarded enough to try and fuck around with one of the forest black bears because "Look at me, I'm fighting the nazis". Plus, in towns and villages I've visited, it's very much a "you treat our people right, we'll treat you right" and that's the way it ought to be. You come around acting all entitled, if they don't run you out or beat your ass, you're just becoming bear bait or amish fertilizer.

whew lads.


what do they mean by toothbrush?

They're talking about the hitler 'stache.
Basically how they're going to scalp our hitler/fascist mustaches.


Shh let it happen……

unrelated but thought it was funny, specially the blackie

Knock yourself out with the protests and matter absolutely nothing. When all Holla Forums can do is wish on the DOTR, with no strength to mount the simplest protest to their own president, then it is truly dead. Redditors larping nazis, who sad is that?

tfw Antifa meme so hard that Trump becomes literally Hitler. That's how I'd write my fanfic at least.

They look like a bunch of fags.

Moishe, you're not convincing anyone.

Quick vid for you lads. Get buildin'.

I don't think I'll ever get the chance to experience an antifa battle outside of a Trump rally so I implore everyone who can to go. I live in a red southern state and at our Trump rally it was nothing but guatemalans and gender fluid dude weed people. The only person there that would have actual fought would have been the I LOVE ANIME TITTIES republican dude.

Are they seriously planning on involving children and young teens in their deviant plots to cause trouble? This is sick.


Harrisburg is an enclave of niggers and liberals in an otherwise white rural area. The people attending these rallies are going to be gun-toting, law abiding, red-blooded conservatives from the surrounding small towns. You ever wondered what would happen if Antifa ever entered a red state? Here is your chance to find out. It's going to make for comfy live streaming.

I can't remember the last time Antifa pulled their bullshit in a "red" area. Pennsylvanians aren't California incognito faggots who need to wear masks to save their jobs and identity. PA is wall to wall Trumpville, USA until you hit the 3 big cities.

Here is why I think this will be a fail for Antifa
Angry niggers and spics may join in on the action if there is enough chaos. Check the racial dot map. Is it going to be warm and sunny out? Watch out because the warmer it is out the higher the chances of a chimpout.

This is a problem for both Antifa and the Trump supporters. You can't tell me that niggers know the difference between a white man in a red baseball cap and a white kid in a black bloc uniform. They are both white and angry. The difference is the communist have to explain to niggers their retarded economic and social theories in order to prove they are "allies" and we all know you can't reason with chimps. Patiently wait for the day their pet chimps turn on their masters. It will happen.

Which is bad news for any protesters. Things just can't get out of hand without intervention.

Wew lads. As mentioned before this isn't going to be a repeat of the California events. Local Trump supporters are locally employed in and living in an open Trump supporting environment. Antifa are closer to the belly of the beast than ever before.

This is going to be interesting.

Use their own slogan "No to fear, yes to love".
Because loving ones nation and people is a great thing is a great thing

Get gassed

except that we are using terrorism to achieve our goals. fucking leftyfags are domestic foreign if you look at who's funding this terrorists and should be viewed as so.

Good vid. Funny moments.
Ofcourse the bee is communist, they're related to ants



Does anyone want to go up there with some pro-White flyers/posters/stickers and salt the area BEFORE antifa shows up?

That would send them into a frothing rage.


If you think the government is on our side in PA, you're sorely mistaken. A lot of schools out in the boonies are democrat indoctrination camps, especially if they're middle and upper middle class. I had a teacher once that use to give loooong speeches about how the south was evil and would poke holes in your gas tank if you had a license plate from a northern state. Or make you disappear and bury you in the desert.

This fucking nutcase was someone the faculty bragged about as a great social studies teacher and a reason to attend this school. Why? Because democrats give the schools giant piles of money, which is then skimmed by mobster faculty. All they want is students to grow up to be democrat voters to keep the cash flowing. PA is the most corrupt state in the union hands down and I wouldn't doubt for a second a bastion for human trafficking and pedo-ring activity.

I have a feeling this event will unmask a kraken of a monster far, far worse than the one that rose from the depths in Berkeley.

Can we play this one differently? Harrisburg is a city of pimps and whores. Literally, go to the train station, you'll see cliche pimps like the old days with canes and hats and such. This one is fuckin nasty. So, instead, let's just buy a bunch of whores as dates to the event and let the negress kick the shit out of antifa. If they lay a fucking finger on those whores, their pimps will open fire. I'm dead serious, for a thousand bucks we could have 20pimps and 100whores stabbing the living shit out of these commies. I know that shithole, this will work.

I was wondering why there were so many advertisements for prostitutes in the weekender.

On that note, there are a lot of black Trump supporters lurking in PA. Probably why they're bringing kids out to hide behind, they can't try to frame the narrative as them being attacked by white supremacist nazis.

I actually know a few. I have a friend who's a mutt out there who is as honary as it gets who's been on the trump train since day #1 who might show if not working. He's fighting to force maryland to recognize PA's concealed carry permit or allow out of staters to get a MD CC permit. Look up "we the people, not we the peasants" on gofundme if you want to boost that one. Complete infowarrior "KILL ALL COMMIES" type. I'd like to see him lead the honary divisions someday, he's got the guns for it. One day he might even be an 88er despite his racial handicap.

Well relationships between the north and south are a lot better now, but back during the Vietnam (and a little after that), I had family members from Pennsylvania stationed down south and their only saving grace was an army sticker on their windshield or an ID card of some sort proving they were in the military.

Getting fucked with used to be a pretty real risk.

Caution: Stadium agitation scenario in Soros playbook
While stadiums are high security buildings it is not outside of the playbook of Soros to agitate the stadium crowd.
Take a look at the politicization of black athletes. Look at them disrespecting the flag and anthem.
Stadiums have been known to turn into hooligan type confrontations.
Google Ukraine Odessa Massacre and see how Soros and Oil Barons created an agitation from the stadium. The stadium agitation caught the crowd unaware.
I do not expect Antifa to go so far, but it is still something to consider as it has been used in the playbook recently.
Look for large groups of politicized mobs being brought into the stadium, or large blocks of tickets being purchased by "community organizers". Look for an unusually large politicized mob and offensive far-left banners being displayed. Look for an unusual demographic in the stadium.
The stadium agitation scenario could occur when a game is played between a red city team and a blue city team.
Look at the historical scenario where a mob turned violent in the Circus Maximus/Hippodrome at Byzantium (The Nika Riot).
https:// en.wikipedia .org/ wiki/Nika_riots

It is also possible a false-flag right winger would be the spark of such an agitation.

It is my hope that by sharing such a scenario that Soros will abort such a play from consideration and security forces will take appropriate precautions.

Be vigilant.

God Save America.

To follow up, after the civil war, southerners were beating the fuck out of northerners coming in to fuck with their economy and political system. That attitude kinda did a dead cat bounce until it fizzled out, but to think it's that bad now is a little dumb. Besides, I think the south rightfully should have been pissed and chasing down these people, it's a pretty fucked history if you know it.

Great trips confirm. We must prepare to turn these tactics against the commies. Also, remember, COMMIES HAVE NO RIGHTS!

(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, § 3, 68 Stat. 776.)
Be sure to us classic anti-communist slogans and rhetoric at the rally! Show the world who they really are! (((COMMUNISTS)))!

This is no bullshit. I was afraid of this. I knew it would come here eventually, but I never imagined it might be the grand finale.

Us coal crackers just want to be left alone, which allowed all this cancer to fester in the cities for decades regrettably. My advice, don't go to this potential shitstorm unless you can document it with a camera. We just don't know the extent of what we're dealing with due to inactivity and won't know until after the fact.

God forbid something does happen, at least after the smoke clears we'll be far more informed and able to prepare accordingly.

It was the darkest time of our history. I've never been to the south beyond Florida and Nevada, but I've met tons of truckers from the south. Even the odd cowboy visiting here and there.

They're always surprised to learn just how much they have in common with Pennsyltucky 'rednecks.'

When I lived in PA, the most shocking phenomenon was just how common it was to see men with the stars and bars tattood on their bodies.

Funny story, I use to live in a we'll say, "heavily mixed" urban area. Then one day, I was walking home from work, took a short cut through the back lot of some run down warehouse by an abandoned railroad.

I saw that flag flying from a tree and beneath it, were about five old beards sitting in lawn chairs sipping beers. I was well and fully discombobulated by a sight like that outside the boonies.

So the AntiFag commies are planning an all-day rally within walking distance of the Farm Show Complex. They're setting up their "safe space" of an afternoon of activities and food. The mooches also encourage people to bring food for the commies.

If you look on a map, their encampment is literally on the wrong side of the tracks. I know the bridge crossing the railroad yard in between their "safe space" and the Farm Show Complex well. I can just envision a Burnside's Bridge-type Civil War battle ensuing on that street. Turn it into a new historical landmark.

There's nothing "great" about new jersey, user.

t. never been there but watched an episode of jersey shore user

Ask a friendly farmer to cover the bridge in chicken or pig manure.

According to a friend of mine, Jersey Shore is an understatement.

On my way.


No, seal the bridge about 20 yards from the "good side" opening
Create a chokepoint. By the time dumbfuck antifa realize what's going on, the majority of them will be trapped on the bridge

Then simultaneously send squads over the train tracks to approach from both sides of the "bad opening" like a pincer. If you do it right you end up sealing them in on the bridge.

Somehow unrelated, but you can do a simple trick to minimize publicity and attendance of such events that get posted mainly via antifa pages.
If you got a Faceberg account, you can report content that you think they'll take down from these antifa pages (incitement of violence, terrorism etc.). If you frequently report shit that ends up being taken down, the page gets 'depublicized', i.e. one can't find it in the 'recommended' or 'search' features anymore but only by a direct link.

This actually happened on a page I monitored and frequently reported shit from. They cried about it on their timeline, thus making a page of 3.000+ followers to effectively stagnate.

Think your time is more valuable than that user.

I normally disavow any youtube cucks but this dude went undercover as antifa. He noted that the women are the ones controlling everything, now you know why it is so aggressive and fucked.

And this video is worth a watch too. It's good to know your enemy

This better not be bullshit.