Wow, fascist art sure has come a long way since Marinetti
Wow, fascist art sure has come a long way since Marinetti
literally what
Milo went completely off the rails ever since being banned from Twitter
Wait, what? What the fuck is this?
Well yea, how else is he going to get attention?
Him getting molested as a kid kickstarted an accelerating spiral of insanity
I thought that turned him gay as well.
It's the Jewish blood sacrifice.
his parents obviously never gave him any attention as a child
It's like a poststructuralist college girl performance art piece. The irony.
y ikr
i find it funny because majortiy of his conservative supports would find this disgusting most likely lel
He's a vampire
Milo is not alt right. He's a pro Trump version of Ben Shapiro. He's a basic bitch conservative thats gay and edgy. Please do not associate him with us, we dont associate Rachel Maddow with you
If that was a college girl making the very same art to protest police killings of black people or whatever Holla Forums would lose its shit. But I bet they're praising that nonsense.
A lot of Holla Forums has actually turned on Milo as made evident by this post.
When Holla Forums and the alt-right hates something, the like/dislike bar becomes fucking grey. In that video it's like 75% blue rn, so I'm not giving them a pass.
Fucking disgusting faggot, he needs to be lined up against the wall and then shot.
you can't line up one person dipshit
then he gets the rope and you too as well for complaining.
The Alt-right has been taken over by the alt-light which is fucking hilarious.
It took the Alt-right way too long to realise what was happening and now it is too late. Seriously surprised that they kept Milo completely oblivious to what he was doing.
The "true" alt-right is fading into obscurity now and it is amusing to see.
Fuck off dick.
Cuckservatism has always been there. A lot of pro Trump people started calling themselves alt right after hillarys speech.
We don't need everyone to completely understand our ideology. We just need a conspiracy at the top to do so. Milo being so popular with slightly edgy conservatives is a problem for this reason.
soon comrade
Meh, pretty cliché imo.
what's going on in the second webm?
Oh it is amazing how defensive you are when faced with the facts. It won't be long before those Milo worshipping conservatives are considered the real alt-right and people like you are the fringe outsiders.
This is already happening Milo and his gang are currently seen as the alt-right, you have become vastly outnumbered by those "cuckservatives" that were "always there" and dare I say it is only a matter of time before Milo's faction gives you the boot out of the movement you guys started.
I would feel sorry for you if it wasn't for the fact that you are a stupid fascist.
I am not a fascist, I am a n. socialist. There is a difference. Do you want a better future for yourself? Then don't support the side that wants unleashed neoliberalism. Please help me.
Why would we ever help nationalist porkies?
he was never in Holla Forums's softspot
the only """"""""""""alt-right""""""""""""" place he was accepted in was the the_donald subreddit, and even now they have turned on this faggot cuck jew
It's the same shit if you're a Hitlerist
HAHAHAHAHA never change Holla Forums
Yeah, most of Holla Forums is fascist too. What's your point?
wew lad
You're delusional
How is that? I thought you people loved fascism.
There really isn't.
Fascism seeks to work with kings and big business. There's a reason the German monarch hated Hitler. He was a deadly enemy of their power structure.
Hitler gained power directly through the support of big business by promising that he was in fact not a threat. Support that was contingent upon the removal of Rohm and the Sturmabteilung, the only tendency in the party that could in any way be seen as discernibly anti-capitalist.
Am I the only one who despises milo's politics but really apprecitates the aesthetic of a good bath in pig blood?
most socialist elements in the NSDAP died in 1934 though
Pretty much this. Hitler basically invented neoliberalism.
The only real difference between Fascism proper (Italian) and not socialism is that actual fascists don't have a whole bunch of nonsensical pseudo-scientific racial hierarchies governing everything they do. They are actually slightly less spooked than Nazis.
-Noam Chomsky
Mussolini was against race because he was a capitalist. Hitler was not.
Mussolini was more of a socialist than Hitler could ever be. Shit, he started out as one, and at least the Fascists actually had theory unlike Hitler who just had feels. Plus he was willing to privatize just to win Porky's favour and purged all the Str*sserists. Why do you cling so desperately to this notion that you're a leftist? There's nothing left about Hitlerists.
Congratulations, never have I seen someone try so hard to so spectacularly miss the point of something.
Was Hitler overly concerned with a single minority group and ended up making decisions about them that fall outside of rational economic sense? Ya, He was a fucking lunatic.
His whole pitch was that it wasn't some systemic economic problem the Germans were facing but rather the interference of Jews. The solution in his mind was not to change fundamental power relations (because he didn't) but rather to the impediment to 'proper German' capitalist institutions.
Hitler was a meth head with bad autism.
Stop trying to make rational sense of what he did.
Is Milo isn't alt-right, who or what is? Anything you happen to like is alt-right?
yeah p much. you underestimate how retardedly pragmatic the alt-right is
Milo says that all the nazi stuff is just a joke to scare old people and that we're all just edgy republicans that hate muslims and sjws. Which is not true.
Try Richard Spencer for a better personal representative
You guys might as well just start a new movement, whether you like it or not. You've been hijacked by normalfaggots who are trying to seem more moderate want the alt-right to be more mainstream.
But then again, you backstab the ones who display your views publicly. Very self-defeating mindset you cuckolds have.
So, apparently the entirety of American history, from the moment Columbus set foot on Hispaniola to the resent day is an anomaly in Chomsky's book. The fucking 14th Amendment was deliberately penned so as to continue allowing super exploitation through the prison labor system.
you missed the first part of that sentence.
say it with me Holla Forums
so is rebel media more your speed ?
This is EXTREMELY hypocritical coming from a left.
I caught it.
My point is that this situation (utilizing racism, sexism, castes, nativism, classism, etc to create super exploited captive workforces) is not anomalous or periodic. It takes only a passing familiarity with American history to see that.
Unless you are going to define "all of history under capitalism" as a period.
w o o s h
it's also hypocritical coming from the right
it's ACTUALLY hypocritical coming from the right. it's only "hypocritical" coming from the left considering the right's uneducated 'not reel gommunism xD' meemee
Wait, isn't Milo Jewish? Isn't pork just as offensive to them?
He's Jewish, but he's not of the Jewish faith.
Don't forget, this isn't the only masterpiece Milo has gifted the world with.
Degenerate art, amirite?
cr1tikal's voice really complements his sarcasm
top kek
read a book
wew mike dece is prime meme material
Sauce on these?