h ttp://w ww.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-26/us-consumers-tap-out-credit-card-defaults-surge-4-year-high-and-its-getting-worse
Credit Card Defaults Nearing 2008 Rates
Does that mean people, such as myself, with no debt whatsoever will be morally justified in murdering anyone with more than one credit card in their wallet should the economy crash and my savings become worthless?
I suppose if you plan to murder the entire world for the most part. This is widespread user and its only going to accelerate once the fed raises rates. September shemitah may not have been a meme after all
h ttp://n ews.morningstar.com/all/dow-jones/us-markets/201704078797/americas-credit-card-tab-hits-1-trillion-update.aspx
Shemitah was not just a meme, 2008 was never fixed, only papered over and replaced with an even larger debt-based bubble. Collapse is inevitable at this point, although exactly when it will happen is anyone's guess so the whole September bullshit is just that. This among other things indicates that it is more likely to happen sooner, rather than later, I would guess 2020 at the very latest. The exact manner in which the crash happens is extremely important and could change the course of history for decades to come. (((They))) would prefer to pin the crash on the ebil gnatzees and "fix" the crisis with a global digital NWO currency and mandatory RFID chips to access it. If there are enough of us willing to redpill others on the Fed and use anger from the crash as a catalyst to go full Hitler then the collapse could be totally worth it and start a golden age of NatSoc and interest-free currencies.
Reminder, the FED hiked the interest rates when Trump was elected. Now that people are going to have to pay more on their outstanding debt. Most people took on debt due to there being barely any interest. They will all eventually default on it and the cracks are already beginning to show.
everyone should apply for the highest spend limit credit cards they can. max them all out, then not pay. ;)
Stocks went up, but the fundamentals of the economy haven't changed. We are still due for a massive bubble burst.
$405 billion spent to stabilize shemitah because Holla Forums had our full focus on it
Neither were the preceding bubbles. If you knew anything about how the bubble economy works, you would know this is on purpose. The entire system is based on kicking the can down the road while robbing as many working people of as much money as possible
FED lowers interest rates and creates a bubble. Loans made out of pure inflation drive the economy. Inflation gets above the target inflation rate of 2%. FED hikes interest rates. The pure inflation driving the economy goes down. People stop taking loans and default on the loans they already have. You are now in a recession/depression. Mask the bubble you caused and "recover" the economy by starting another bubble. Lower new interest rates to below what they were before the initial bubble. Rinse and repeat until you are at 0% interest.
Prop up inflation/demand by being a central bank and printing money out of thin air, which you then use to buy the country whole. Because you know, if you can't prop up fake demand for your over-saturated fake economy with loans, just buy the economy yourself. Rinse and repeat until the economy becomes so bad, you have to resort to Zimbabwe-tier money printing. Use crisis to promote "stable" one-world currency.
Blame the Federal Reserve, not the lemmings. They're the ones distorting market behavior and incentives with their malevolent scheming.
duh? The system was always doomed. I think at this point Trump is just pretending everything is normal and hoping to survive a single term; obviously it won't work out that way.
shit like this helps me rationalize blowing part my savings on car stuff, tools, and guns, I'm already expecting no real retirement and any money I throw into it to be completely worthless by the time I'm 30-40.
any oldfags care to tell me how hard 2008 was for the average normalfag? I was just young enough where I didn't notice much
It was pretty fucking awful for a lot of people. And the coming recession will be much, much worse. I mean look at how bad the foreclosure rates were across the nation. You dont need oldfags to tell you how bad it was. Just read and see how many people lost everything. And the same exact thing is happening today. Look at one of canadas mortgage lenders who just lost 60% of their stock today. They only have 1.5 million in assests to cover the 3.5 billion debt they have. Its a horrid mess.
I only have myself to blame I suppose.
On the bright side, I'm going to cash out the rest of it and let it default secured credit cards can't negatively effect my credit score so lol who cares.
They will send a couple letters with the "postage guaranteed" on it, and I have to now figure out what to put inside a box besides rocks
Seeing how many peoppe defualt already and that the bubble is popping, you may as well let ot defualt. Fuck the kikes and fuck this entire system. People on here may tell you your credit score matters but it really doesnt. Dont listen to any goldman kikes who tell you it does.
Of course I'm going to let it default, I'm just trying to figure out the best way to piss in these faggots cheerios. I need to ship something in the U.S. that will cost more than the $150 they've stolen from me already, their account numbers on their little "return service requested" envelopes mean they'll pay the postage; if you tape that to a box they'll ship it.
I'm trying to figure out if I should put rocks and dead fish in the box, or what.
As far as defaulting, literally don't care. Everyone should default, the U.S. should default. It's meaningless, anyone who does business seriously in the U.S. does it through either an LLC or a charitable organization and basically uses that to both evade tax laws allowing themselves to amass wealth quicker as well as allow them to take out loans and shit without worrying about actual consequences.
Buy gold then, gold will hold its value long term much better.
Do you plan to declare bankruptcy or do you plan to try and settle the debt?
He knows what's coming. I suspect he's waiting for it to happen. It should've happened 2 years ago, but right now they're desperately trying to hold it up lest they give Trump an excuse.
I don't understand why people don't do things like this. The important part is to not let anyone know you've sunk the money into metals, or they'll repossess it.
I would but you posted that anime pedo shit. I had a good story too. It destroyed my life
the owner of your CC debt can always come back and take your house/car whatever 15 years later.
never go into debt like that, it's stupid to do.
Dont be a faggot, let us hear your story unless youre just larping
please, I don't even care if you are a goon like i suspect you are, Holla Forums is dreadfully slow at the moment
The fuck are you going on about user? Post animuu idc i asked that user to tell his story regardless of what someone posts
Would this actually work, or would one day my car just dissapear?
Its a pretty risky move and can result and banks repossesing shit. Best option is doing it as a neet with zero assests
If you do do it, you'll want to file for an LLC in Nevada you don't need to report ownership there and then use that LLC as a front to launder the money to yourself.
I was referring to the post you responded to, and included yours because you were asking for the story. It's common knowledge that most goons hate anime and lurk/post here occasionally.
The plan is to blame it on Trump, then Bernie saves the day.
Truth is by that point the kikes control means of production.
If the situation is bad enough where you'll be able to get away with such a thing, the money would be better spent on land, food, and guns. The only way you get away with that is if the whole system crashes.
Trump can preempt that by nationalizing the federal reserve and issuing arrest warrants for the bankers something a kike like Bernie would never do, forcing them to take extreme measures in order to stop him.
Interesting the note that in 1979-1980 the white birth rate fell below 2.1 for the first time ever.
That right there is the only instance of being a concern fag that is justified. Its how the kikes operate.. >dissent is on the rise? >let the populist win and then let the ashes fall at his feet
When it goes down dont wait for permission to turn the ovens on.
Its almost like Holla Forums put too much attention on the shemitah shit and the kikes got nervous.
the town that I lived in at the time had such a high cost of living that the effects on the economy werent all that noticeable. But then once you left the area youd see nothing but abandoned shopping centers.
if you ever have the chance.. drive through georgia, take I95 through the whole state… get off at every exit… To this day most of that stretch of georgia along I95… you get off the highway and you will find a decent little town, theres even a couple of resort type towns with the big outlet center and fun outdoors mall type set up.. well anyway the only thing still in business will be a gas station and maybe a wendys… for about 100 miles worth of georgia along 95. Its a fucking travesty. The next one will be much, much worse.
I swear to everything I hold dear if the kikes fuck this shit up on me….
Comapnies are hitting people with stealth layoffs that they dont report in the news but add to the unemployment numbers.
I was 21 in 2008 and just got my AA degree and started serving and bartending. I never saw the effects personally.
I just paid off my student loans and saved up 30,000 as an emergency fund. I would be pissed if it disappeared
I had just gotten my electronic engineering degree, only to hit the market right when nobody was hiring. I've been working in a call center ever since, and there still has been fuck all for electronic engineering jobs anywhere near me. In before some faggot says to move, like doing so is free, and as if call centers pay enough that I could have F&L rent, security deposits, and other funds ready to go. Since 2006, most of the small businesses in my corner of the state have all gone out of business so hard that the buildings they had occupied have since been demolished. Empty lots where houses used to be, all over the area, with hundreds more slated for demolition every year. (((Banks))) won't give small home loans to anybody who isn't already eye-deep in usury debt. My bank refused to give me a $15k loan to buy a crackhouse, claiming that my job didn't qualify as stable employment, despite the fact that I've paid over $50k in rent in the past decade with that job. I think my monthly rent payments being cut down to a third, for a 5-10 year mortgage could be piss-easy to pay off., but the bank assumes that everyone is a drug addict or something.
Oh nooooo banks are making slightly less funny money :( :( :( :( :( :(
Profits are down from $2.7 trillion to $2.55 trillion :( :( :( :( :( :(
Whatever will we do :( :( :( :( :( :(
Maybe if you tried to buy a normal house instead of a crack house user?
I don't trust my job to last much longer, since it's mostly been outsourced to the fucking Philippines as it is. I call cheap houses crackhouses, because that's probably what they were before being repossessed. City with THREE dead steel plants, right next to a city full of corrupt officials and police? Yeah, not going to be much in the way of employed and law-abiding home owners. Since I'm not retarded, I figured I'd buy the cheapest house without structural damage/black mold that I could, and fix it up while living there. My mortgage payment would have been something like $180 a month, which is FAR less than what I pay each month to rent a house that's caving in. If I stomped on my bedroom floor hard enough, I'm sure all of the plaster on the living room ceiling would fall down.
tl;dr: My job is shit, I need a house I can pay off quickly. My needs are few.
was 35 and earning £500 a day sorting IT for banks, now I'm 43 earning more still doing same job differnt bank, nothing really changed in the UK tbh wasnt even out of work throughout the whole recession despite being a contractor. No-one I know suffered at all afaik, only welfare parasites who had their gibs cut were crying
Good crash the bank's keep on maxing them out. Make em lose money.
Guess I'm an oldfag, because the dotbomb crash of 2001 fucked me then, too. I'll describe commonalities of both.
Keep in mind that both crashes truly started 12-18 months before. It absolutely hits the normalfags hardest – solid, qualified people who are having too much trouble getting basic work, then as it gets worse, layoffs and restructuring. The amount of work you have to do can easily double or triple.
After the dot bomb, I was stuck in my call center job for 4 years with not even a cost of living increase. In this time, gas went from $1.25/g to $4.5/g… as did everything else.
You go from being a valued employee to "contractor scum who is lucky to have a job."
Even as things get better, depending on your organization, they may pretend that they're not. They'd rather keep people scared, dependent, unmotivated, and overworked.
The stigma that gets attached to your work/industry never quite goes away. I've worked jobs outside of IT and was paid more for far less work that required far less knowledge and credentials.
In 2007, I came to work in the morning and the financial/mortgage place next door… had a shitload of cops in the parking lot, just in case the scores of people who'd been warning about the potential issues and got canned anyway ended up snapping after getting their pink slips. (Of course on a Friday to avoid "incidents")
People's lives were destroyed. I didn't know many home owners, but people with no skills who earned $40k/yr salaries handing out bullshit zero-interest mortgages got shitcanned and… well, lost everything – cars, homes, etc.
By 2009 I was leading expeditions in Central America, and… even that work dried up. People don't feel financially secure to pay for nice vacations in times like this.
Blog post over.
Look into military contracting. It'll be a rough start but might just be what helps you out, especially if you go to Iraq, Afghanistan, Q8, etc.
Some companies will sponsor you for a clearance. That will be more valuable to you than your degree.
You will be paid well, tax free, possibly be given free housing/car/food, etc.
No guarantees but I was in the same boat, and this changed my life.
Ineligible for military anything due to health issues on record. Almost blind in one eye, and arrhythmia not only keeps me out of that, but anything else that requires any kind of physical activity because no one wants my death on their OSHA report just because my heart stopped for more than the usual couple minutes while carrying a heavy load. Not to mention I'm nearly 40 now. I didn't buy a 12 gauge for home defense. Really depends on how slowly or quickly everything falls apart.
user you had better be meaning you intend on going out in a blaze of glory having taken down one of the boss kikes with you.
The people who ruin everything live well away from those who would oppose them. Why the fuck do you think Soros still lives? Oh right, organs stolen from children.
Holla Forumsacks, this is a huge deal - you need to be fiscally prepared/stocked with resources for the coming crash, or we will all be so busy working/paying shit off that we won't have the energy to organize.
This may be the ultimate kike D&C tactic known to mankind.
Its it kinda ironic though? Usury was scorned upon many times through the history, and now, the tool of the jews, and of the whites who fell to sin now comes back to bite them. Id almost wanna say good riddance.
What are you going to organize for?
It boils down to the dilemma of whether or not kike-tricked normies are worth attempting.
I say that white children (as we are seeing today) are quite capable of being redpilled, and so for that to occur, white children must exist in the future.
Is this website itself not a congregation?
Fuck off, Benedict Arnold
This really isn't a bad idea. Essentially money is just an inbetween for your time and physical objects. Keep whatever you need to live, but guns and Mad Max Thunderdome car supplies are also a good investment.
Not FBI. I'm the one you are supposed to be organizing against (not the liberal variety, who are - in my opinion - similarly Right-wing). Except I don't understand what exactly are you organizing for.
I mean, it makes no sense. Yes, you can gun down workers who will attempt to strike or take over factory/city, but then factory will be shut down and capital will move to China or Indonesia or wherever. And your glorious "small-time enterprise" will suck balls, because nobody has any money to spend.
So explain to me, what the fuck are you even trying to accomplish here?
good point yea, but I cant help but to feel contempt at the previous generation who did not guard their own blood. At some point, they were in power, and they had a choice, live virtuous lives, or be complete shitbags. Well we know what kind of choice they made.
If you have no idea what we have accomplished here, then you are truly oblivious.
You're right D&C shill, we should completely abandon all resistance and let the Jews complete their destruction of the great cultures and peoples who have created the most beautiful arts in the world, the most advanced science, the most civilized societies, etc.
Seriously, you fucks are way too new at this, but thank you for bumping the thread.>>9811901
"Elected" Trump with frogs? I've heard about that, but what I'm interested is this militia thing. It makes even less sense than Black Bloc.
Some form of punishment should be made to them yea. They are all self to blame for it. Nothing d&c about it buddy. If you do evil things, you are supposed to pay for them. Maybe reality wont care, but I certainly do and I dont want to help them. Let them drown in their creditcard debts
We're trying to light the world on fire so we can see faggots like you burn
hahaha I assumed that was what you would immediately go to, and I assure you, that is absolutely not something we are responsible for. You have no idea what you're talking about; how utterly satisfying to see you actually show your hand.
We should stop replying, as they're successfully de-railing.
How much savings do you currently have, Anons? How much of your income/tendie allowance can you convert to emergency goods?
FYI student loan defaults have also increased by about 14% over last year iirc.
you are a jew perhaps?
no, you're getting the oven when it happens.
So we're essentially circling the drain, at this point.
We need to start prepping.
Agree apart from the bitcoin, that's just the jews first step at a 1 world currency. Yeah yeah I know they say it's not them…. but ask yourself this "when in the last 2000 years hasn't it been them?"
Lies. They have 7 years to try. Yes, they can attempt to garnish wages and get your tax returns - but the trick is to absolutely max everything out and have income that can't be fucked with - like military retirement, SSDI, Disability payments, off the books employment, etc.
I took a nice 7 year vacation from the ratrace. It helps if you have family you can put some of your possessions in - like a joint bank account/Safety Deposit Box, home, vehicle and so on.
I met a guy in Maui who bought a boat with 100K in loans/credit cards, sailed to Caribbean, incorporated into a shell corp to protect the boat and checked out from society.
I strategically defaulted on my mortgage and lived rent-free in my own house for 8 months, paid the utilities. The house's value was going down a thousand dollars a month and no one was buying, it was pointless - I was also getting divorced - I saved 1300 X 8 ( I even kept paying my home insurance - which really fucked them up and put me to the back of the list of defaults to go after) and ran up 60K in debt while working full time and getting my monthly check from Uncle Sugar for ruining my body.
BUT - of you don't have to go into debt, don't do it, be self sufficient, have backup cash - AND GUNS - they can always be traded for cash or work on your car/home.
your meme is shit and you should feel bad.
Tell me, why do all you commies engage in poly-amorous cuckold relationships? Does your hate of the "right-wing lower your Testosterone so that you like the taste of semen.
Just curious.
at least none of us fell for the credit card meme, we all have no constant debt outside of the student loans my sister took and a small amount from the ones I took, I got a lot of scholarships though so that helped. I had to go into the red last month to cover some car repairs, but that should be repaid by the end of this month. I don't know if my experience being affected by the recession is typical, but it fucking sucked. If I had to give advice maybe try making sure you can be at least somewhat self sufficient, I've started a garden this year and am trying to find someone to go hunting with so I can learn to at least sustain myself foodwise. I've put time into learning knitting, sewing, cooking, animal care, basic medicine, etc over the last year while I wasn't employed. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best basically, when times are good prepare for when times will be bad and when times are bad be glad you did.
is there are a character limit on Holla Forums? I don't think I've ever reached it if there is
Because atheists are in a very low state where they don't feel like they deserve to have a loving relationship.
How did your dad seem to fucking win life's lottery while the rest of the family cratered? Why didn't you go live with your dad? Why did your mom fail so bad? Usually women are the ones who make out in divorces, and in post-divorce life, but it sounds like she was an outlier on that statistic.
The largest economic collapse in the history of the world is going to be this year. In the next 10 we will have a new major war, and in the next 30 the US will have the bloodiest war of this century.
now now user, it's not JUST atheists - it's about morals too. Just because I spend my Sundays and Saturdays working on my yard/house/truck doesn't mean I want to have meaningless sex with single mothers.
Ah that's because you don't realize that you praise Him in your works on the made up by man sabbaths. Your morals come from a higher place user whether you know it yet or not.
because he divorced my mother, allowing him to get away with only paying child support which was much less than it would've cost to pay the mortgage, for food, clothes, school costs, everything else plus he only had to pay it until we turned 18, then he had no legal financial obligation to help us so he didn't. By essentially reducing the money he had to spend outside of himself to nothing after 2012, he did better than my mum who had a mortgage on top of helping me and my sister buy college stuff when we first moved in, not to mention he didn't take either of the dogs we had so she had to pay for their food and vet bills, etc. My dad remarried which increased the money coming into his household, and my mother hasn't.
He's a right cunt that's why. Who fucking stabs their family in the back like that? I asked him a year ago or so what made him leave my mother without even putting any effort into fixing their relationship and he just said he realized he didn't want to be in the relationship anymore and that he probably never loved my mother in the first place. He even said that in the first and only marriage therapy appointment they went to the therapist noted that he seemed checked out and so for him that meant it was ok to not put any effort in.
because normaly after divorce the husband has to help maintain the same standard of living for the wife as before the divorce, i.e. alimony. Because they settled without lawyers and because he consulted a lawyer anyway who helped him get the most out of it while putting the least in my mum didn't get any of that. Not to mention he blindsided her with it and it was emotionally crushing for her because she thought the marriage was workable even if it had got a little cold.
I kind of wish this would happen, I'm already at such a shitty point that it couldn't get much worse. I've been focusing on learning self sufficiency just in case, it would be interesting to put it to the test. Not to mention that a guy who I'm good friends with not dating though, he could do better than someone as broken and messed up as I am is an outdoorsman with a lot of experience being away from humanity for months on end.
Thank you usurers, for this ABSOLUTLY HAPPENING HAPPENING
Its more of a doom and gloom prediction maybe not the biggest economic collapse ever but definetly another recession. Maybe not a world war like something with China but probably an ill advised adventure that will get the US in over its head probably Iran or North Korea. We might now have civil war 2 electric boogaloo but civil unrest and an erosion in trust in goverment for sure.
Sounds like it. Sorry user, that's a fucked situation and it must be rough. I noticed in the story, all kinds of clues of his assholish behavior, and while I can understand wanting/needing to get away from a spouse divorced myself, though it was amicable, I could NEVER see doing that to children. No kids here, yet think I found the one though and want to put 2d6 White babies in her.
Most of the time, we hear about the women in a divorce being the shitty one, and for sure that's the norm, but sometimes the guy can be the shit one too. Damn, that's a mess.
Keep it up user, learn from his shitty example, and be a better man. We'll see things get better or at least worse for (((them))) before this is all over.
If it's any consolation (it shouldn't be) your father is not happy now, the evidence is in what you say about him. 4 motorbikes and cars eh? As someone who loves cars and bikes as much as you can love an inanimate thing, you only need 2 of each tops. He is filling a hole with materialism and the fact is none of that goes with you. You are operating at a higher level of conciousness than your father, be thankful and learn from his mistakes.
I can state this is total fact. About 10 years ago, I was literally trapped in a job I hated, and so I turned to "retail therapy" to make myself feel better. I'm also a motorhead, so I bought the shit out of toys. Cars, bikes, a boat, etc. I had an enviable stable. Then, I came to realize that the toys didn't change my mind-state, which was fundamentally unhappy and not "right". Once I changed jobs, moved, decompressed, and started unfucking my mind, I started selling off the collection. I'm down to 2 cars and 3 bikes, (all of which have emotional/special meaning to me, so I don't see selling them unless it's a survival issue, and I have the room to keep them), and I'm very happy and satisfied.
This is true. Once I unfucked my mind, the toys' importance in my life reduced big league. When I see someone who is toy-obsessed and spends money on bullshit, I KNOW they are fundamentally unhappy and something deep (mental, spiritual, whatever) is messed up with them.
I use debit card, not credit card so is that good?
go for it user!
am grill
I can only hope so
I would be inclined to agree with you, but he does seem to like working on mechanical things like that. Like he has some bmw that was automatic but he's changing out the transmission thing to make it manual, he changed the engine in a thunderbird, rebuilt a couple motorbikes, etc.
debit cards are like nigger proof cash, if they get stolen you don't lose the money but you still can't spend money you don't have
It sort of sounds like there's something up with your dad. Does your dad work in an industry that gives him a reason to travel a lot?
Definitely this. TBH you are in a better place than your dad it sounds like. What does it profit a man to have cars and bikes if he can't find it to love his family?
We are able to make something of our life experiences, and even if they were shitty the fact we can still find a way to use them to do good means those experiences are, in a way, redeemed.
he's a home health physical therapist
he does seem to love his new family tbqh, and he's not as harsh on my sister as he is with me. As to the learning from bad experiences, I think you're on to something. If I hadn't had that shit happen who knows, I could've ended up a normie or something
I am happy that I don't use the credit card.
I forgot to add this post into my other post>>9814101
Northern Ontario and the maritimes are the same in leafada too user.
That's your problem, goy. We want you in a McMansion with a 30 year mortgage!
I was a farmer then. I still am a farmer.
Except now I have to fucking pay GST.
Well that would be stupid. Right wing saving money take out squats is where it's at. In my country you can even get imprisibed for declaring that people should withdraw money from banks.
If you truly want to ruin banks organize a protest to withdraw money.
Your dad's living the dream. He ditched the lame ass family and upgraded to the deluxe version.
Looks like its mostly in the south. Good it will be the same as 2008 and we will buy more southern real estate.
Why do you want to buy the houses in southern USA? There is a lot of niggers in there so how do you keep the houses away from the nigger. You know it is illegal to refuse them based on the race so maybe offer the white people living in the extremely remote/improverished area the cheap rental houses to keep the houses unavailable for the niggers.
I don't want to say zerohedge is bad information, but the tone of the website is unrealistically dour.
I wouldn't even liken them to chicken little. I would say zerohedge is more like the edgy faggot who tries to 'be cool/appear informed' by always being jaded and negative.
Obviously there are huge problems with the nature of our economy and the state of our economy, but I stop taking someone seriously when they cry wolf as often as Peter Schiff or zerohedge has.
SAVE Holla Forums!
SAVE Holla Forums!
The 'workers' arent in danger, hell most of us are the workers or they are NEETS, unless they try to defend the people we want to go after we could care less, hell taking over the factory from the Jews would be a good thing.
2008 wasn't all that bad for my little town, it actually seems worse now, people have jobs but people are also moving away, one of the bigger good employers, the rail yard, laid off a bunch of people and is in the process of closing their office. We were doing well during the oil boom and when prices dropped that all stopped and people were hurt, oil was still high in 2008 so the jobs were still around.
The normies at my workplace know a crash is coming, and a bad one, I would think most people can tell the question is who will they blame it on.
Learn from that mess and try to be a good wife or gf.
Also dont date druggies unless you want you car stripped.
All that is left is for the housing market to crash so I can but something dirt cheap. Hell, I've save up enough that I can probably buy a vacation home as well if things drop to 2009 levels.
It hit us pretty hard because business dried up and my son got cancer around the same time, so MASSIVE deductibles piled up (to be able to afford insurance while not in any corporate group plan, I just insured my wife and kids & maxed out the deductible…and it was still killing me every month).
So debts piled up, tried to work when I could, almost got thrown out of "my" house because the tax boys hated not being paid their extortion money for 2 years…but finally things got a little better, livable at least, even though they never got back to where they were before the crash.
Kid beat cancer, by the way, money well spent. But the economy has never really recovered from the crash, we make do by being as frugal as possible, growing a lot of our own food, keeping chickens (we eat a lot of eggs), cutting our own hair, etc., so we get by.
But about the last two years things have been slowing down again, so it seems something bad is on the horizon. At my age, getting a job would be extremely difficult, and I am all out of plans.
I might try politics, as there are going to be opportunities in that when the populace is in pain and blaming the current politicians for it.
Plus, it would give me a chance to directly fight the ZOG, although I'd have to hide my power level while positioning myself, of course.
Sometimes you're limited in your options, and you simply have to hope for the best and not give up.
Boomers man. Filled to the brim with boomers. Tho there are a lot of Holla Forums tier faggots there making it better, but they are mostly all boomers whom are only moderately better informed than the average faggot on FB and they love their namefagging shit on that site like any fucking shittier normalfag on reddit.
So take it all with a big dose of salt. Most of them are plugged and invested fully in this system and are nothing but crotchety old men with no goal or common civic vision. A good gage of how the slice of the population that leans our way sees things tho.
Any economic depression is a slow burn where people eat their seed corn. Slowly get broker and broker, then niggers burn down the neighborhood.