Holla Forums btfo in one image
Holla Forums btfo in one image
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champagne socialists and liberals suck
what else is new?
yeah lemme just fund a revolution with my intern wages
Jason, what are you doing posting on Holla Forums?
more like first worldists BTFO
I'm not sure what it has to do with leftypol specifically (besides the che t-shirt), but I do get annoyed when I hear Americans complaining how tough they have it, and how their country is shit.
but leftists are the only ones criticizing those things/actually want to do something about it
Yes, first world liberals are pieces of shit. What's your point, OP?
these are things most people in the first world have access to, yes.
Is it trying to say socialist aren't grateful or something?
That if all you do is sit and cry about it you are complicit?
I don't get it.
I mean honestly it couldn't be any more obvious what it's trying to say…
It isn't the worst possible thing in the world but being working class or lumpen in America is still shit. It's also shit being a human being with working brain tbqh
Why hasn't the Third World risen up yet? You could say they lack correct revolutionary and ideological leadership but then the same thing could also be said about First World workers and then the whole "First Worldist" critique kinda falls apart.
lmfao if you don't think the poor live like shit in america
holy fuck
how will we recover?
The artist is pretty good. Even drawn that face annoys me.
Hell, most American workers are treated more like shit than pornstars, who usually make a lot of money. Hell, unless you're a bigshot male pornstar (which is rare), most of the men in porn flicks end up being paid like shit in comparison.
Seriously, complaining about how first-world workers are better off than third-world workers then complaining about the exploitation of pornstars is hypocritical. ALL wage-workers are exploited, just the payments vary. Complaining that first-world workers have better pay and conditions would mean that female pornstars would definitely be on the upper echelons of the list. In fact, she probably makes more money than the damn hipster with the Che shirt.
But yes, fuck hypocritical "leftist" elitists. The thing that the person who drew this isn't seeing is that a lot of them ARE women and "PoC". And, that person is probably one of them.
What frustrates me the most is the complete disregard for first-world workers that "leftists" have. Hell, they act like as if they don't exist and that everyone in the first-world is a well-off liberal faggot like they are. It's disgusting.
Fuck off, mate. Fuck your third-worldist garbage. Fuck your feminist "womyn". Fuck the latte-sipping faggot. And lastly, fuck you, dear artist.
Well, I'm off to bed.
lmfao if you think it even compares to what happens in the rest of the world.
you fucks complain if you can't afford enough heating to wear a t-shirt in winter
I don't think I will ever recover
There is only one alternative… become a fascist
I like the part where white women are only good for sex. Spot on.
agree tbh
can someone explain why she's so sad when her consumption is providing them poors with valuable income?
is western life so unfulfilling?
The point of the image is clearly that white women are the root of all evil.
Le bleeding heart liberal.
wait, it's a chick? i thought it was a stereotypical metro faggy guy, she has a man face.
I'm a fascist now
It isn't just America ya know…there's also this thing called the rest of the global north which includes countries with fairly miserable conditions like Eastern Europe, Russia, hell even large parts of China now but who are still relatively muh privileged on the global scale.
If you're living at the minimum wage or near it in America (especially if your not receiving government help) then your worried about food, paying the rent, whether you'll be able to go to the doctor etc. Basically, things that would be tallied into the most conservative formulation of a poverty line.
Even someone like Bromma admits that inequality within the Third World is at least as severe as inequality between the rich nations and the poor ones. So its no surprise that SJWs (and also some actual Third Worlders too) are beginning to consider all the poverty porn and victim advocacy to be racist.
I can't say I blame them tbh
I'd suck on her toes tbh
Yeah but if you can afford a DVD player then you're not really poor, obviously. What's that, rent and bills are far more expensive than the chinese-produced junk? Pff, whatever, if you have any entertainment in your life whatsoever you're not really poor donchaknow :^)
Jason Unruhe pls go
Not falling for it this time, Porky
Porn for women is one of the most consistently abusive industries, while men generally reap the benefits more because the ideal male body and sexual virility is harder to find.
That's why until the revolution comes I will only be watching gay porn and hentai.
They haven't risen up all at once, that would be insane, but they've had plenty of their own revolutions and they're almost always crushed by foreign interventions.
I can't tell if this is Third-Worldism or retarded rightism.
Because capitalism is inherently unethical, socialists in capitalist countries still benefit from imperialism. Because attempts to resist this system (making your own clothes, growing your own coffee beans) is not meaningfully impactful, there's no hypocrisy in opposing a system you are largely forced to rely on.
This whole "haha socialists are muh privileged" sentiment is absurd, because the alternative is much worse – uncritical support of capitalism.
Third World bourgs are even worse than first world bourgs
smh tbh fam
Sure. Arguably though First World people had plenty of revolutions in the 18th-19th centuries and even countries that can more or less be considered part of the Global North, Central & Eastern Europe, Russia, Korea, parts of China had revolutions in the 20th century. Even in the West in the 20th century Portugal, Germany, and France experienced revolutionary uprising however brief they were.
Porky always undermined them, tried to distort them or did his best to see that they didn't happen again etc. but its the same story in the Third World. If Third Worlders were the perfect revolutionary subject as MTWs and post-colonial idpolers maintain then we could expect the long awaited Third World revolt to manifest that would destabilize the entire structure of the West/the Global North.
Why can't Third Worlders unite with each other to bring down the global north when those breakaway nations do emerge? We're always told that the reason why workers from the rich countries are reactionary is that they cannot unite with the struggles of oppressed nations or pull off any kind of revolution themselves. The same logic would seem to apply to the large passive part of the Third World
me in the middle to be completely and unambiguously honest my filial relations
If anything, there ought to be more workers with the luxury of free leisure time, internet access, reading material, etc. It's the only way to educate oneself outside of state indoctrination systems.
If you keep a population poor and overworked, they usually remain stupid, uneducated, and passive. They might follow the first Great Man who comes along to "liberate" them, but that's about it.
Porky hates well-off workers ("middle class", "labor aristocrats", whatever-you-wanna-call-it) because dissidents typically come from this category.
Turd-worldist indentitarians (who hate labor) typically depict this category as more or less equivalent to the category of (obviously detestable) cishet (fucking) white males. The two categories are implicitly synonymous, in their worldview.
In fact, a lot of the idpol directed at denigrating (fucking) white males is really just a mask for hatred towards labor. They hate workers who have the potential to think independently; the only real "revolutionary potential."
you are just proving his point right, by proving that you, as an iliterate peasant, have revolutionary position
I honestly don't think OP was actually trying to allude to third worldism.