It's a little past the date of the OKC "bombing" and after a long while, I decided to revisit it and look closer at McVeigh and what actually happened that day in 1995.

But if you want to understand OKC, you should understand Ruby Ridge and Waco. We're absorbing a lot of newfag redditors who probably don't understand the significance of or have never even heard of Ruby Ridge.

TLDR for Ruby Ridge:
Randy Weaver, his wife and family are Christian/White Separatists/WN who go to live in rural Idaho. Their former Iowa school district doesn't allow homeschooling, so they go off the grid in Idaho in an area with other Christian/WNs.
Randy becomes involved in a local movement while the same movement is being infiltrated by alphabet. An agent offers him some money for a sawed-off shotgun and Randy may or may not have sawed off the barrels and gives him the shotguns.
In a series of events in exchange for Randy's freedom, they want Randy to become an informant. Randy refuses and is later scheduled to go to court, which he does not show up to.
Media gets ahold of the story and does what media does, puffs it up with all the usual imagery and they begin surveillance on Randy's home and family. Agents go up the hill, kill the family dog, never identifying themselves as agents, and a shootout ensues. His 13 year old son is shot dead and 21 year old man was shot. In a standoff involving APCs, snipers and helicopters, they kill Randy's wife also.
The details are foggy, but this documentary tells it pretty well, from what I can remember.

Dump any and all Ruby Ridge documentation, good documentaries or websites that shed more light on one of most blatant injustices against whites this country has ever seen.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck, I haven't heard either Ruby Ridge or Waco mentioned in eternity. Well Waco with regard to that motorcycle gang shootout a bit back if I recall, but not Waco as in Koresh etc. Have a bump for the youngfags.

The Jew faggots on Netflix have a (((documentary))) on it that recently came out. I can't even bring myself to watch it because I know it will be just another jew hitpiece full of specious slander and lies. I'm tired of being fucking pissed off 24/7 so I stop watching that stuff. I already know the REAL story.

Found a movie on Ruby Ridge available on JewTube. Haven't watched it yet, but here it is. Link is a playlist will all 5 parts.

feels good man.

Waco must be remembered, it is the ultimate evidence that the Government is a malicious entity that has turned against white Americans. Branch Davidians did nothing wrong.

If only there was a final solution to the jewish problem

I'm going to make a Waco thread after this one dies. I have to remember that anyone born after 1988 or so didn't see this happen. Any account of it is secondhand for anyone not 30 years old or older.

Going to watch the link, what is the connection between McVeigh and Ruby Ridge / Waco? Alphabet?

I was alive when it went down but I was literally seven years old. I remember my parents being mad as fuck about it though - was in important preliminary redpill.

if independence is considered a threat, who is it a threat to, who are we dependent on and why is it a threat to them?

The official story is that McVeigh was pissed about RR/Waco and committed the act of bombing the federal building in OKC because he was pissed at the government.
But that's the official story. I would urge you to look into it yourself. Will do an OKC thread as well after the Waco and RR threads die.

The system.

Because if more and more people show independence and strength more lemmings may realize they do not need the system to survive.

I know exactly what you mean. It takes a lot of energy to suppress the anger.

Everyone was pissed about RR. I was 13 at the time and I remember the propaganda against Koresh was really strong. People say he was fucking kids and had plans to blow up the governement and etc. I remember the feelings about Koresh in my community being very mixed.
No matter what you believe about Koresh, it was handled all wrong.
As far as RR, everyone was pissed about Ruby Ridge, even libertarian hippies.




Allowed Clintons to create anti-white Nationalist terrorist laws. That's why you're all on a list.

>Randy didn't want to make the SBSG short-barreled shotgun deal since he knew it was likely a bad deal
>FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi murders Vicki Weaver with a headshot while she is holding her baby. He is still in hiding, living on some military base with his family under an assumed name, not even kidding.

Randy Weaver is a fucking hero and truly dindu nuffin. I have a rifle with the stock autographed by him personally. Previous owner did it. Added no value except that I like it.

I'm fascinated with RR and Waco, lived through both, but have no redpill infographics about them. All I have is tales/stories from conversations with people who were actually there. Cooking dinner, so I'll be watching this thread.

Pic related, my Randy Weaver-autographed rifle.

so there is some small amount of justice left in theis world.

I've read reports by explosive experts that insist the Murrah Building was brought down by shaped charges on the front face of the building. Total false-flag inside-job by the Clinton DOJ under Janet Reno to demonize and cripple the militia movement or any explictly "Right-Wing/Constitutional" movement in the US. Note, a few years after that all went down, they went hard after the Montana Freemen and others who just wanted to be left alone. I'm generally of the opinion that "Sovereign Citizens" and "Freemen" are little loopy, but they just want to be left alone. As did Randy and the Branch Davidians. I'm seeing a pattern here.

No joke, the fear is that "someone" will kill him or his family as revenge for Vicki and Randy. It's what, 25 years later, and he's still in hiding.

Even now there is hope for man.

That's exactly it.
I mean… I'm a little loopy. I am a divorced 36 year old man and I would be more than happy to go live in the northwest alone on the side of a mountain and go to whatever white nationalist meetings are around and die alone.
I would join a militia if PatCon wasn't a thing. But the suppression of the militia movement was what this entire RR/Waco/OKC thing was about.
McVeigh may or may not have been an agent and may or may not be alive right now. It's pretty spooky if you look into it enough.

Which user here wouldn't, given the opportunity? He murdered a mother who was holding her baby.

Damn fucking right. That man deserves the rope along with whoever wrote up the ROE that stated to shoot anyone armed.

The kikes love false flags. Love them. They have the biggest false flags, they're huge. But we're going to expose them folks. They'll all be shown to be liars, trust me.

Shit, I kek'd at that.

Honestly his whole family line should be exterminated.

All of the people involved in that raid should be exterminated alongside their families.

Just keep a journal or a list. Add one to the list, when you ever have the opportunity, do something about it.

Channel that energy into training, lifting, acquiring assets to fund ammo/food for gains. I am an enraged motherfucker all the time for several reasons, but mostly because I deal with the general public in the chicago area. It makes me so fucking mad. Use it to your advantage and prepare.

Photo of a Ryder truck days before the OKC blast in a OK NG facility. Smoking gun? I dunno, but it's weird.

There were many reports of 2 trucks… Which makes that photo even more spooky and creates more questions than it answers.

I watched it, having been previously unaware of RR as a whole I was alive but not a sentient yet at the time and I perceived an obvious leftist/pro-Federal slant of the information presented.

I've been slowly redpilling myself, but I think I've missed the prescription on "American (((Terrorists)))"; can anyone point me in the right direction?

Are you me? Shit, that's uncanny.

Oh. I'm ready for it all. Probably more so than most on this site. I've even dropped OC infographs on here to help other anons. Those things take a surprisingly long time to create.

Nice dubs and thanks for the OC.

Kek, that was good.

Any suggestions for an unbiased Waco documentary? youngfag here

The whole line of RR/Waco/OKC threads I'm going to make is to perhaps stir that up and get some good OC going so that when normalfaggots wander in and have no idea, we don't have to spoonfeed them and get them to watch documentaries that they will never watch anyway.
So good on you for creating OC. I usually just make shitty memes, but these events are really important and explain a lot about who some of us are.

These were made in 1993 and 1994. Probably the best things you can watch about Waco.

newfriend who wasnt alive for this here, will be following your threads, watching the RR documentary now

all i can say so far is absolute_disgust.webm

Thanks, OP. I appreciate it. Downloading them now.

And the Ruby Ridge documentary you posted in the OP is the best one, too, that you know of? I'm pretty sure that's the one I watched a couple years ago, and it seemed okay for a Discovery channel docu.

I don't know what survived the recent database incident from this site. I'm on mobile now, but if this thread is still alive when I wake up, I'll post the stuff I got. I'll even post the new stuff I created but haven't posted yet.

Nothing too crazy and it shouldn't be any revelations to people with any sort of combat arms .mil background —- but should help out the younger folks that don't have any clue what they're doing. Its just a consolidation of first/second/third line gear, weapons choices. Brands, types of stuff, Etc. Been seeing a lot of fucking retarded loadout kits being posted on here and id like to post my knowledge as a former infantry squad leader.

Comms/tactics/etc are eventually what I'll be hitting next (there's a few decent tactics infographs I've seen already). But those are rather difficult to keep short and entertaining enough that the average 20yo pollack will be able to pay attention and glean useful info from. Plus obfuscating enough stuff so that I'm not (((generating terrorist material))) to the various alphabet fags we know frequent this community.

That's the most unbiased documentary I've seen. The agents in the documentary even say they fucked it all up. There's a good PBS one, too. Vid related.

Cheers, checked, and keep it up. Sieg heil.

Lots of bluepilled faggots in the comments.

The replies to the bluepills are dank though. I don't especially like it, but Randy's daughter is given a platform and so is Randy's defense attorney. So take from it what you will.

interesting. we should dump them into volcanoes and build giant soul catching machines in the sky so their souls don't escape. then we'll build soul brainwashing facilities and inculcate them with white nationalist propaganda and esoteric hitlerism. then we'll release their souls so they can wander the earth before latching on to host bodies and act as the very means to redpill the world.

I'm putting thumbs up on all of them, help me.

i just finished giving them thumbs up.

Me too.

Ooh, off by one faggot. Not a bad idea tho :^)

One thing is like to add is that Mr. Weaver was a Green Beret. On his home turf. He had all the weapons and training to be a formidable opponent.

And the Clinton led faggots rolled in heavy and killed his wife, kid, and dog. After trying to trick him into doing something illegal. Using court snafu technicalities to justify their actions.

This shouldn't be said, but I feel it has to be…….be very VERY suspicious of anyone telling/asking/requesting you to do anything that may be illegal at all. They love nothing more than busting WNs Becuase with the amount of blue pilled slaves out there…'s a huge PR victory for any department….and DAs/ADAs view them as a conviction slam-dunk. The media will Fucking crucify you in public and whether or not you're innocent or guilty wont matter. Your life will be fucking utterly ruined.

Just be careful out there anons. Until the day of the rope pops off.

Why would they even do that ?
It's not like Randy & his family were special, they weren't William Pierce or Normal Rockwell, they were just average jackoffs living a happy life innawoods.

I've read that someone in the Murrah Building (like one of the buildings in 9/11) was investigating the Clintons(?), and the bomb destroyed the evidence.
Sorry, more unsourced speculation, but I've also read that Koresh was rescuing child trafficking victims. There's a number of blogs that cite the adjacent location of an alphabet airstrip and the Davidians' use of go-carts to observe and log alphabet activities.

Never underestimate the tenacity of Jewry to be as parasitic against Whites as possible.

from my cursory research it seems FBI / CIA is obsessed with infiltrating and persecuting WN groups

There are a shitload of reasons. But it really boils down to the Clinton administration telling them to redirect prosecutorial efforts towards them and all WNs across the nation.

God bless McVeigh for getting at least some payback.

The "flamethrower tank" was a hoax. Linda Thompson (who produced those videos) was also responsible for the Beech Grove "FEMA Camp" video that Glenn Beck used to "debunk" their existence as a whole, and some of the more dubious names added to the Clinton Body Count lists.

That was something a cuckchan LARPer made up.

OKC was a Mossad false flag.

So OKC was manufactured to justify harassing the militias?

The ATF is a evil organization, it tramples the natural right to keep and bear arms, it jails and ruins people's lifes over the size of the barrel of a shotgun, they killed children and dogs, they prevent people from owning those sweet fully automatic weapons, they frame people over their ideology.
Seriously the ATF must be disbanded, that vault they have full of automatic guns be looted/auctioned and every single agent should be hang up and the current and former head of the organization boiled alive in water.
After that anyone should be able to own any machine gun they want and saw the fuck off their rifles or put a stock in any pistol they have.

If he was smart, he would have gone after the Federal Reserve. Instead, he went after a "literally who" insignificant federal building filled with wageslaves and normies with a daycare center. If it wasn't a false flag, it might have well been because it only hurt the militia movement and gave the government an excuse to monitor and infiltrate right-wing groups.

Partially, but it was also supposed to be a kind of proto-9/11 to justify Middle Eastern wars, but for whatever reason, Clinton didn't go along with that angle.

Funny how the Oklahoma bombings where memory-holed and nobody speaks about it as a propaganda.

Yes, that's what I take from it.
The militia movement was huge in the 90s and posed a real threat to the government. The militia movement today is even bigger, but the focus of militias in the 90s was political. Today, the focus on most militias is survivalist.
Militias have been totally subverted and you should never ever trust anyone claiming to belong to a militia. There are some real ones out there, but you're not going to stumble upon them on a social media site.

You know the most fucked up thing the system did in dealing out this false flag to demonize the militia and bring out to the average person that the militia had FBI plants in each one? They utterly destroyed the only thing that could have held back the savagery of a sectarian civil war unleashed wholly dependent upon individual discretion. With militias there was a pretty good chance nobody was going to rise up and fight shit unless the idealist sempai constitution was directly threatened openly. Meaning anyone in the militia started something over more extreme world views would be turned in by the other memebers. Militias were rather nationalistic and loyal to the nation, and the very concept of contemplating how to use the civilian population against it self to kill millions just to create more chaos as cover to attack ones real enemies would have been verboten to all of em. People would rally around the nation then in some way and actually believed the lies of their leadership even if blatantly obvious such were lies. Militias were the ultimate cuck cosplay shit.

Now? Hell, the shit we discuss every day is an order of magnitude more extreme and dangerous in any capacity. Back then they looked at the turner diaries as some extreme mass murderer insanity. Today most whom discuss such things consider it quaint and rather tame, completely lacking in any real depth and strategic understanding while holding strong to the thought that the system was in some way salvageable. The author would be called a fucking cuck at best or fanfic teen writer at worst here for most of his views when push comes to shove. Over ten years of taking notes and demonizing the vets whom fought that war by the system itself have created a monster than knows exactly how to undermine and destroy the military, no concept of it being overwhelming or unbeatable exist to the modern /k/ poster. While the old militia writings fears shit so quaint as blackhawks and some in person infiltration spying op. We know the fuckers watch us and we laugh in their damned face.

Before militias tried to organize locally and become a close part of their cities. They would figure out ways to help the government and cops in disasters and help local people effected by natural disasters. If you had discussed cutting the throat of the nation by immediately attacking and destroying the electric grid they themselves would have hauled your ass to the nearest FBI office bound and gagged for being insane. Today that is the most direct and commonly pointed out go to method of attack. Lone wolves the lot of us as well. They cannot really tell whom the fuck is shitposting or is amassing enough shit to take out a small third world nation. Back then, most militias were fucking fudds with little operator equipment and few supplies and even they looked at the M16 as over the top. Today the AR/AK platforms are the most popular rifle and in just one year civilians buy more small arms than the US made for the entirety of world war 2, or in comparison the fourteen largest armies on earth have the same number of small arms (combined) as US civilians buy every fucking year. Having thousands of rounds is considered shittier prepping, while back then having just a few thousand was seen as abjectly extreme even to militia members.

Those idiots created a monster that both considers itself cornered and no longer feels the system is part of its own tribe. And force the people into an far more combative and subversive stance by every measure possible.

Uhhh… I'm not going anywhere near that.

I'll break it down for you

Moral of the story, if somebody gets killed you have to go to the court of law, you HAVE TO GO THE COURT OF LAW. If the guy had done that the ATF might have sunk, the ATF fucked up and he probably had a lot of people on his side but he tried a standoff with the Feds and when you do that the Feds are going to have to show they don't tolerate that shit.

Weaver was a good guy and didn't deserve it.

Someone please screencap this post it is epic.
I would do it, but idk how to.

He isn't hiding out, and where the fuck have you been. For a while he was even the spokeman for the gun company HS Precision. His partner from Ruby Ridge ended up working as the spokesman for Troy Industries, another gun company.

Just crop in paint, newfriend.

I don't think you understand it that well. The solution to someone not going to court isn't to storm their property, shoot their dog, son and wife with tracked vehicles, sniper teams and the feds. Maybe the guy should have gone to court, but he knew what would have happened. Reminder that the feds never identified themselves nor did they formally ask him to surrender, etc.
I think your take on the events is inherently wrong. For the record, there were lots of people on his side, including the feds that didn't agree to the ROE.

I agree with what you are saying. I'm saying the whole mess was initiated with a fucked up operation to turn him into a snitch. Then the court date was small error that fucked him up even more. It was all snowballing into this huge mess that resulted from the government messing with a guy that was just trying to do his own thing. The FBI gets the rap because they were called in to wrap it up and they botched that.

If they didn't anounce that they were Feds, then yeah, I get what you are saying. I just think some people misconstrue the when they don't understand that it kicked off when they tried to turn him.

You haven't actually read the book have you? The guy is pretty good, but lets be honest. He had Ron Paul tier ideas on how this nation could be salvaged when it came down to the US. For the time nothing wrong, a lone voice warning of the dangerous times to come if things couldn't be stopped and turned. He had hope for the nation and whites. But I can almost guarantee you he would be rather shocked by our discussions. Tho clearly may not have been that surprised.

He had ideals ultimately that lined up closely to american nationalism. Can you honestly say we are the same? We created our own fucking full scale culture and religion with its own esoteric underpinnings and language. Our ingroup/outgroup organization is a thing of wonder and our view on the outgroup is wildly out of the norm. Maybe he would fit right in with us, but I personally think he would also be horrified by what our hive mind consensus has come to see as true and what is needed to move forward.

He didn't show up to court and they came in the middle of the night with NVGs. Weaver's dog heard them with Weaver's son and another boy that considered Weaver like a father to him.
They shot the dog immediately and the 12 year old son started shooting and it turned to shit from there.
They claimed they were "pinned down" for 12 hours, but that wasn't true and there's no evidence of it.
Weaver retreated to his house, his son died and they shot his wife in the head the following days.
They absolutely did not let him know who they were or why they were there.

Well, I've read TTD and Hunter, if that's what you're asking. It's also important to put into perspective when the books were written.
I know a little bit about him in general and he was a bit of a kook, but I'm not sure if I'd call him a cuck.
Hunter, after all, was about a man that went around killing niggers, in the beginning. Not sure why you'd think Pierce would find us shocking.
We aren't the same, but we are. Pierce also tried very hard to create an esoteric religion. I mean… Maybe you're thinking of someone else?

didnt know about the nvgs or raiding in the middle of the night.

was it true he was a green beret?

That's the first I've heard of it, but I don't doubt it.

No, but I do have a different view on his writings from you clearly. I am not saying the guy wasn't very much one of us. If you copy pasta some of the exerts of the book into our threads you could pass off as just another user no doubt. But if you didn't know it was him talking in a post, many things he argued for or against would be called out. And yes, I would blame that mostly on the timeframe and background of his life. He had far more reason to hope for the future and considered how to reintegrate into a new governmental system. Our position is far more tenuous in every measure. I can accept I may be wrong, I never met the man, and am going off my own notions of what and how he talked about aspects other than race and our common enemies. He was celarly a proto-poltard of the highest order, but I wouldn't assume either we or he would off hand accept the other without a syncing of the minds.

I can agree with this.

protips for newfags: make sure you resize your window so the horizontal dimension can still fit on a non-widescreen monitor without having to scroll horizontally to read it and just use the fucking snipping tool windows comes with.

Dude, what? It took me a day to get a hold of myself after that.

also check out McNulty's 'Waco: The Rules of Engagement'

should be on youtube, the single best investigative documentary I have ever seen


Here's what makes it creepier: that facility stored explosives specifically.

And if you really want to get pissed, look up "Vicky Weaver pancakes".

Yes, after FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Vicky Weaver in the face and trapped her surviving children in a small cabin where they had to sit next to her dead body, they taunted her children over a loudspeaker for hours, telling them Vicky had made blueberry pancakes for them if they'd only come outside where they could shoot them.

How fucking SICK do you have to be to taunt children whose mother and brother you just killed right in front of them?

Dude… Fuck.
I don't feel like getting that pissed off right now.

In the PBS documentary here
the FBI man talks about that incident as if they didn't know fully well what happened, and it was a tragic accident about the pancake taunting (he said they just wanted the girls to leave the house). What kind of so-called professional sniper doesn't clearly see where his reticle is aimed when he pulls the shot?

Even if he just wanted the girls out of the house, that's still fucked up because that meant they were obviously just going to kill Weaver. It had already been decided. Man, fuck this gay earth.

what is the jap sniper's account of this?

Welcome to reality, user. It is one fuck of a cunt.

they were easy targets that they wanted to make examples of

Only after he refused to do alphabet's dirty work for them.

Here's more… Haven't watched it yet, but it looks like it's the most footage of Randy talking that I've seen. It's two videos in one file.

It's Chinese.

are you fucking serious?

The federal government wanted to use the fate Randy Weaver not only to threaten WNs and militias but also to show anyone fed up with the modern world, the system, and the filth-promulgating media that there's no hope of going innawoods and having a white family free from their corruption.

They wanted to send a message that there was nowhere to run to, no where to hide, no chance to be left alone and live free, no free men to insignificant and autonomous to slip through their radar.

Unfortunately for them, it sent the message instead that if there's no hope to ignore the horrors of modern society and live a quiet, happy, peaceful life away from the filth, then the only option left is the openly oppose the our people's enemies no matter how far away victory might seem and work towards creating a better world where such a seemingly impossible dream as happy white family is a reality.


From what I remember from the PBS documentary, the sniper who killed Vicki was also present at Waco. Government almost assuredly has death squads that they conveniently cloak in various different agencies.

I remember when that happened, well right after it happened. Everyone was armed to the teeth, even the maid was walking around with an old side by side. I think I should count my blessings they didn't go after my family given what we owned at the time.

shortly after this movie was made the little girls father was killed by an undercover FBI agent. From there on out the little girl led a troubled life of drug addiction and prostitution. This is what she ended up like.

Nothing turned out "NEAT" as she had hoped. The Kikes made sure of that.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed faggot.

What's this from?

Here's a shitty greentext

Dont forget about Gordon Kahl.

Also to destroy documents on the Clintons from what I've heard.

Ahem, to be fair George H.W. Bush was president at the time. The Waco clusterfuck was on Clinton's watch though.

Clinton's Whitewater documents were there in the building, so this is an entirely plausible theory. That would mean that McVeigh is the ultimate good goy working for the CIA, like he alluded to in the letter he wrote his sister.
Probably means the entire death of McVeigh was staged, as witnessed by a woman who said he was still breathing when they said he was dead from the injection.
We can go into OKC after I make the Waco thread. Save your good stuff for the OKC thread and we can redpill newfaggots on militias/white nationalist movements and why they're honeypots.

Don't forget about Robert Matthews and the Order. and being killed the same way Gordon Kahl was by fire. Or the Aryan Republican Army. also remember OKC happened on the day of the execution of Richard Wayne Snell of the CSA who killed a black state trooper. he revealed that Bill clinton was involved in drug smuggling at the MENA airport. Also keep in mind Matthew Hale.

Horry shet, they let him back on and had him sniping again at waco, killing a bunch of fleeing whites after they set the building onnfire. Then names him immune from prosecution. The asian truly is a fifth column.

Alright I don't think the thread went this direction but I promised last night I'd drop the OC. And lying is for niggers, jews, and chinks. I got a friggin meeting in 30 minutes so let's see if I can get it all…..





Rifle crap….and that should be it for now. The pistol and other crap is still on the draft table

Being constantly angry does not facilitate learning or self-improvement, it is only a means to achieve destruction, be it of the self, or outward. It fucks with your heart and makes it impossible to enjoy anything. If you're so angry that you're just barely keeping it together, do you feel like eating a steak? Watching a film? Mowing the lawn? Hell fucking no. Something needs to be destroyed, and may god have mercy on the first thing that becomes the target of your wrath, for you will not.

The ATF, like the FBI, is compromised with corruption, with a peppering of competent and just people here and there to lend their respective organizations the air of legitimacy. We'd have fewer problems if we can get some housecleaning done. Corruption in government should be punished as treason. THAT would prevent a LOT of fuckery.

Nobody talks about the first WTC attack, either, or how much of a profit was made from the second attack due to the early warning that was the first.

The only bad shit I had to deal with in school in the early eighties was "the Nazis were concentrated evil". Everything else was pretty nice. Proper math classes, and the most liberal shit was home economics (how to sew, how to cook).

And here's one way to capture a post.

What was the government's angle for fucking with the Waco group so much? I can see why they would want to bring down Weaver, but why the Branch Davidians? They were a multicultural christian group…

"Construction of Destructive Devices"

As "The Story" goes The Branch Davidians were buying deactivated grenade bodies and then "reactivating" them, an ATF violation. The way they were discovered was a UPS driver was delivering a box, and a corner had broken open and he could see the grenade bodies inside. He flipped out fucking normalfags and called the cops. Nothing about child molestation or anything like that. That came later during the justification phase.

Now, the ATF got boners for this, because after the shitshow that was RR, they needed a "win", and that's why they went in heavy, and with tons of media presence, they wanted to make an example and look good. Also, they were up for a budget review for the next fiscal year, and so they wanted a big show to justify a big budget expansion.

As the footage from the disastrous raid shows, they were a bunch of clowns who got their ass handed to them. Then they moved the media 2-3 miles away, put the entire place on lockdown and the siege started. It was a total shitshow. They shut out local cops and sheriffs and bungled the whole thing. If they REALLY wanted David Koresh, he came to town 2-4 times a week for mail, supplies and to visit with the locals. Most folks considered him weird but generally nice and harmless. He could easily have been nabbed by local cops and handed over to the Feds. The locals knew this and when the ATF started to plan their move against the compound, the local Sheriff offered to arrest Koresh during one of his many trips to town. No mess, no fuss. He was refused and told that it was a Fed show, and they had "their own methods". It was a message, plain and simple. For example, Koresh had a nice vintage Camaro that he was proud of, and one of the first things the ATF did, was crush it under the tracks of an APC, (along with other cars parked at the compound), and taunted Koresh about it. The message is simple: defy us and we'll destroy everything you love, and then, we'll destroy you.

I read an interesting and terrifying book years ago by a FBI HRT sniper that was at Waco, called "Cold Zero" and it's all about being a government sniper. REALLY puts you into the head of these guys and it's fucking terrifying. The author, (and I presume, people like him), will have NO problem firing on US citizens if ordered to do so. They are True Believers, and whether they believe in the US, the "system", following orders, or just hurting people, they are who the alphabet agencies are recruiting and brainwashing. It's a rare glimpse into the mind of a TRUE zogbot, and it's scary.

My soul thirsts for vengeance anons

They wanted to be separate from the state.

Thanks, anons. That makes sense.

He asked him to saw the barrels off Im pretty sure, specifically. "Could you saw these ends off" sort of thing, not "Do you have any sawed off shotguns?"

Anyways, the whole story is absolutely disgusting, little boy sprayed up the back with an MP5 leaving his arm hanging off by a thread, the wife shot, unarmed, while holding her baby with both hands. Just sickening.

(which is entrapment, and he was never charged/charges were dropped)

Exactly. He was asked to saw off some shotguns, or otherwise provide sawed-off shotguns. Randy insists that the barrels were JUST at legal length when he delivered them and the ATF later shortened them, and the ATF insists that they were JUST under the legal length, 18" for those that don't know. It's truly a "he said/she said", since no one really knows, and at this point, it's largely academic.

Even if he DID do it, imagine having your life wrecked and your family destroyed over a half inch of steel or failure-to-appear, both reasons are totalfucked.

The NFA is such a shitfuck law. a shotgun with an 18" barrel is A-ok, but 17.9" and you get Randy Weavered. Jesus fucking Christ.


It was entrapment, he literally broke no laws. The government broke the law, and then killed his family over it.

Exactly. No one publically knows for sure, which is usually a really bad sign, which tells me that the government did it.

I think it was revenge of sorts. Randy was going to WN/militia meetings and was kinda put off by the whole thing, why I dunno. Maybe they were LARPers, not hardcore enough, too hardcore, whatever. He was basically disillusioned with the whole thing, and he got approached by some Feds to be an informant, and he flat refused, saying he wanted nothing to do with the organization(s) or the Feds, and just wanted to be left alone in his cabin in the woods with his family. After his repeated refusals and unwillingness to budge, that's when the entrapment began.

Anons, take this to heart; if you are asked to be a CI for anyone, and you refuse, and later someone wants to buy illegal guns from you, or otherwise have you modify firearms to an illegal configuration, DON'T FUCKING DO IT.

I think you hit the nail on the head.

Horiuchi is a sick fuck. Not only did he murder Vicki Weaver while she was holding her child, it's also reported he did a lot of the shooting and instigating at Waco.

This is a pretty interesting thought.

Check out the book I referenced above "Cold Zero". He describes the inner workings of the FBI HRT, and I never thought about it that way, but the HRT and other SWAT-style teams are very much in the "death squad" archetype and the members often cross agency lines for training and operations. Very interesting thought.

Terry sounds like he needs a bullet if he's not already dead.

Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the popular depiction of those atrocities were some of my first red pills, and they were big ones. Looking at that stuff woke me up to how ruthless the government could be, how dishonest media and advocacy groups (like the SPLC) could be, and how these powers really could push big lies on to the majority and get them accepted. And it made me angry. Especially Ruby Ridge. It still makes me mad.

I was in junior high during Waco. And remembering back to how absolutely fucking out of control the media was during the Clinton years was is incredibly insane. They had the branch davidians all painted as whacko religious child molesters who all deserved to die. Then the govt burned them all to death, including the kids, and their response was "well it's their own fault for not immediately capitulating to their Lord and sovereign (the govt) so they're the ones at fault here…..not us".

Seriously a lot of you anons aren't old enough to remember what a brainwashing goat fuck it was when you literally had NO other outlet for any news besides what the monolithic Jew entitys determined you were allowed and supposed to hear. There was no internet. No YouTube. No way of hearing or learning about anything else.

You can easily segue this into how the current censorship war the kikes are having against alternative news is about. They want, desperately, the news/informational environment of the Clinton 90s back again.

Everyone believed the narrative because any dissent was being dismissed as tinfoil-hattery. Back when there was no 24/7 broadband to keep you connected, people were deathly afraid of being seen as a paranoid delusional nutcase. Ah well, so much for not spending the whole day pissed off.

They need it to come back. That's why YouTube journalism is demonetized. It's that simple.

This. Back then, being called a "tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist" or being compared to Alex Jones or similar people was a killshot in a debate or argument. It just shut people down, and people would have a VISCERAL reaction to being called that. And even if you looked into shit and had evidence, everyone would dismiss it with a handwave and call it "conspiracy bullshit". It was legit.

Yep. They are trying to roll back the clock, but as they LOVE to remind us on social issues "you can't roll back progress". The difference is, with technology, you actually can't. You can't unsuck that cock, but it's funny watching them try.

First part meant for Can't believe I fucked that up

Nigger did you miss the part where they NUKED NEW YORK CITY AND TEL AVIV? It's very clear the Turner Diaries is a National Socialist ethnic cleansing campaign and revolution, not a libertarian McNuke jerkoff fantasy.

Where do you think the term "The Day Of The Rope"? Even comes from?

did you?

This has never been a problem for ZOGbots, as the Ludlow Massacre, Battle of Blair Mountain, the Homestead Strike, the Pullman Strike, Kent State, the Bonus Army Protest, and many other incidents prove.

ZOG doesn’t give a shit about human life, let alone American life.

You clearly haven’t read the book.


They'd decided to kill Weaver when they sent camouflaged agents to hide in the woods and ambush him without warning, provocation, or identifying themselves. Then they lied about it under oath after one got his ass handed to him by a 14 year old. A 14 year old they subsequently shot in the back with a machine gun. Then they shot Weaver in the back while he was unarmed and trying to see his son's body. Then they shot his unarmed wife in the face while she was holding a baby. Then they taunted his surviving children about their dead mother over a loudspeaker for days.

And prior to all of this, they deliberately gave him the wrong court date, then instead of notifying him by mail of the correct court date or rescheduling when he didn't show up, they sent camouflaged men into the woods to ambush him.

And prior to that, the ATF tried to entrap him by claiming he sold them sawed-off shotguns. And a court showed that there was no evidence Weaver had done that and it was likely the ATF had framed him.

And why did they try to frame him?

Because he had attended a single meeting of the Aryan Nation and decided the group wasn't for him, but the feds wanted him to join as an informant. He said no.

They framed him with an automatic 10 year prison sentence, then tried to murder him, then murdered his son and his wife and mocked his little girls about the death of their mother. Because he didn't want to be a snitch.

Oh, and Lon Horiuchi got away with murdering Vicky Weaver and wounding Randy Weaver and his friend. He's not hiding under an assumed name on an army base, he was actually the spokesman for a gun company until that created a shitstorm from people pissed off over Ruby Ridge.

The US Marshals who killed Weaver's son also got away with it (as well as lying under oath in court).

In fact, NOBODY went to prison or lost their job over Ruby Ridge OR the Waco Massacre.

They certainly tried that angle once it hit the media and they got a bunch of protesters up on Ruby Ridge, but it didn't start that way.

They decided to kill Weaver and his family purely out of petty spite because he told them to go fuck themselves when they wanted him to be an informant. He also warned the Aryan Nation that he'd been approached by the feds in a recruiting attempt, tipping them off and making the feds look like idiots.

The Powers That Be are petty, spiteful, bastards, but the one thing they absolutely will never forgive is embarrassing them.

I trained to be federal LE and graduated from the academy, but was never commissioned (graduated just in time for sequestration, then the government shutdown, and by the time I was able to get hired my certification had expired and I would have to pay to go through the academy all over again; fuck that.).

One of our instructors showed us a copy of the evidence manifest from Waco, and a copy of the warrant.

They had absolutely nothing illegal. No M16's like they claimed, no grenades like they claimed, and no .50-cal rifles like they claimed. They got tanks and helicopters from the National Guard by claiming the Davidians had .50-cals were manufacturing drugs (LE can only borrow vehicles from the NG for drug cases). Guess what was never on the warrant or the evidence manifest? Yep, drugs. They lied. And when public opinion was turning against them during the standoff, they told the media that Koresh was molesting kids to turn people against the Davidians. Again, no evidence of that. They just lied over and over again so they could murder a bunch of men, women, and children and get a media circus proving they needed their budget.

And then they posed with the burnt corpses of the people they murdered, like they were trophies. Yes, these people burned 82 men, women, and children alive and then thought the thing to do is to pose with a charred corpse.

Pic 1 is an FBI sniper; it's hard to make out, but the brown debris on his left is the burnt body of a Davidian.

Pic 2, another FBI sniper poses with the same corpse.

Pic 3, because bad taste and being an unmitigated bastard never go out of style for a government goon, a third FBI sniper poses with the same charred corpse.

Pic 4, one of the FBI sniper teams posing with a Barrett .50-cal. Note that one of the pictured snipers is the infamous Lon Horiuchi, who is confirmed as having fired multiple shots during the standoff.

Pic 5 is an FBI agent with an M60 belt-fed machine gun posing on a motorcycle belonging to one of the (now dead) Branch Davidians.

And remember, they shot at least half a dozen people and burned 82 more, including 20 children, alive, posed with their charred corpses like trophy hunters and stole their fucking motorcycles… on completely fictional criminal charges invented so they could create a media circus to show how necessary they were and how they needed a bigger budget for more weapons and vehicles.


To be fair, Kent State was less about ZOG gunning down innocent schoolkids and more about a group of inexperience, teenage National Guardsmen who'd never deployed before being sent to break up a bunch of rioting commies. They got surrounded by the 70's equivalent of ANTIFA faggots and pelted with rocks and bottles, tried to retreat but found themselves trapped by a chainlink fence, got corned by a howling mob throwing potentially deadly objects at them, and panicked. They fired a volley of warning shots over the heads of the rioters to disperse them… and hit a couple people they had no intention of hitting, mainly innocent bystanders.

That wasn't ZOG, that was a bunch of inexperienced kids panicking when confronted by violent commies and fucking up big time.

The others are out and out deliberate massacres by ZOG. Hell, at Blair Mountain the military deployed fucking BOMBERS and dropped MUSTARD GAS on civilians, then tried to charge them with insurrection and cover up the military's involvement. The strikers only avoided prison by showing a dud mustard gas bomb that had been dropped on them in court, proving their version of events was true.

In the Bonus Massacre, they deployed chemical weapons again (Adamsite, nasty shit) and killed at least one baby with it before they went through and burned the homes of the Bonus Marchers and their families.

One of my great-uncles was a WWI vet who participated in the Bonus March; they thought the troops marching down the street were holding a parade to honor all the WWI vets who were in Washington petitioning to get their bonus early and cheered and waved.

Then an officer on horseback broke his arm with a saber and trampled him with his horse. He got pulled into an office building by a secretary (who he later married) and was treated for a broken cheekbone, broken collarbone, broken arm, and a massive cut from the sword that scarred his arm and left it barely functional for the rest of his life. His buddy that he'd been with all through the trenches of WWI died when the army fired a volley into the protesters with no warning and charged. All because he was peacefully waving a sign asking Congress to pay him his war bonus early so he could feed himself and his younger siblings.

Anyone who says "it can't happen here" is a fucking idiot, because it can and HAS happened here, repeatedly, and quite recently.

and lets not forget that EVERY major american brass in WWII participated in the bonus march, and they all enjoyed it IIRC.

Patton and Eisenhower were Majors who led the cavalry from horseback. Patton gets a lot of love around here, and while I look up to his tactics, his grit, his fortitude and his eventual realizing that we were the bad guys in WWII, I can never forgive his participation against the Bonus Marchers.

Patton was unremorseful at first because he'd been told he was rousting out a bunch of commies who wanted to overthrow the government.

He was pissed off later in life when he finally admitted the truth to himself, right about the time he started to realize that Hitler had done nothing wrong.

Then he conveniently died in a jeep accident, right when he started going public with what he'd learned about ZOG.

So Patton I can forgive, at least to an extent, but Eisenhower and Macarthur were both rat bastards.

the theory gets even more interesting when you consider there were rumors of patton running for president.

There's something to be said about fucking up and realizing you fucked up. I can appreciate that. He was a leaders leader and one a soldier hates and later loves because of his personality.

I never knew he was remorseful about it. As was said, it takes a man to admit you fucked up, or were misled and acted in good faith from bad information. That shows character. I may have to revisit Patton, especially at the end of his life. I knew he was killed for figuring out the Germans were the good guys, and there was the rumored Presidential bid which terrified (((them))), but I never knew he might blow the whistle on the Bonus Massacre, among other things.

I recall reading an article about WWI, and how all the brass knew well in advance that the armistice would be signed at 11am on 11NOV, officially ending the war, but some American and British units still "went over the top" one last time at dawn on 11NOV, literally sending people to die in a slaughter for NO FUCKING REASON, since the war was over in 5-6 hours. Some refused the orders, but most went. One of the US Army officers who sent his men up to be slaughtered? 2LT Eisenhower.

So I guess he already had experience killing WWI vets for no reason.

a genius for war is a good book on patton. as for his view on the jewish question, the patton papers are what you want to look for

i don't doubt the story or anything, but why would they make a big deal over someone refusing their request?

did you not read the thread?

skimmed it. it's kind of a long thread, give me a break

As was mentioned, the Feds can put up with a lot. Lose a court case, get the wrong guy, miss the right guy, they can deal with it. But if you EMBARRASS them? They will put you down with the power of a Jillion white-hot suns. Ego is one of the most powerful forces around, and when it get bruised, and you have the power of the entire Federal Government behind you? Wars and genocide have occurred for less.

did you try reading OP?

Right on. I've got the Patton Papers on the HD somewhere, but I'll check out the other one. Thanks user

awfully fragile ego…

He not only refused them, he told the AN that they had Feds trying to infiltrate, so it fucked over the Feds in any future subversion efforts.

haha. sounds like he was a pretty cool dude.

Lel. Nope.
Tell that to the kids in the 70s who were on strike for niggers being bussed into their schools as part of the ZOG agenda.
I wasn't homeschooled by my parents will disagree with the notion that public schools were fine in the 80s. They were fucked and political even in the 70s.


Bombing white children /=/ did not nothing wrong. He's the scum of the earth

Also, just to add, maybe they didn't want their kids around degenerates who smoke cigarettes and weed. Maybe thy didn't want their kids around any negative influences. Even if it were true that schools were just fine in the 80s, remember that Randy and his wife were huge Christians that probably saw the same things Holla Forums considers degenerate and just didn't want their kids around it.
Smoking, smoking pot, sex… this is all part of public school and has been since at least the 60s.

They got away with it because this idiot blew up a building and ant-white Nationalist terror laws went into effect.

This entire thread is fucking disgusting

If we can blame the Boomers for anything it's allowing desegregation. Especially in the South where it was actually fought against hard.

likely a false flag, as others have said.

Well looks like we have a counter for when I make the Waco thread.

Funny thing is the motorcycle shootout is shady as fuck too. But more like a hoax surrounding police infiltrated MC gangs.

I was in first grade when this happened and my teacher told me they were making meth there (she went on explaining drugs and how bad this was, because as first graders we didn't know).

I don't remember a lot from the first grade but I remember that.

Pretty sure that's certifiable bullshit. The info the alphabets were given about drugs was from disgruntled ex members of the davidians. And if I recall correctly, Koresh had actually dismantled the lab and handed all the parts into local coppers a few years before the siege. Can someone confirm / deny with a source?

My dad taught me from an early age that they were a militant christian survivalist group and that the government wentry in to shut it down and killed a shit load of innocent women and children.

waco sounds like a pretty bad fuckup, but at least the basic story passes the sniff test.

ruby ridge is weirder.
We can do something about this.

I went to school out in the sticks, Herr Fuhrer, so my experience was as far from the ghetto as could be. Until I became a ward of the state in the nineties. Then it was NIGGAPALOOZA.

There is no escape. Holla Forums colony threads and homesteading threads are worthless. Unless the system comes down, you could very well be waco'd if the government hates you enough

do these men have names?

I remember when "right wing" individuals didn't suck cop dick. I really miss those days of militiamen, cringey but useful, would go out and actually try to expose government corruption and state sponsored police terrorism. Now there's this weird ass (((alliance))) among cops, right wingers and veterans. It's fucknig weird….

I did a little looking, and Troy and HS Precision caught a shitload of deserved flack for hiring the fucks involved in the clusterfucks that have us at full boil. Troy supplies Savage. Nutnfancy is very pro-Troy. That shit was just on the surface.

I never much liked nutnfancy. The only guncuck I really like is Hickock45. And that other old bastard, his name escapes me atm.

Iraqiveteran is okay too.

Wow that's fucked up. It sounds vaguely familiar, think I probably read a post about it on halfchan a long time ago. Yeah nobody under 30 has heard about this. I don't know anything about Waco or okc either. Former about cattle ranchers or something and latter was the Kazinski guy who wrote that primitivist manifesto?

Waco was about some people who were in a religious sect living on their own land. You'll find out more when I make the thread.
OKC was McVeigh. Find out more when I make that one.

So reminder. I know everyone is probably compiling their sources for Waco and OKC because this is all related, but let's all try to absorb these events one at a time.
Once this thread starts to die, I'll make a Waco thread and we can all dump the Waco stuff there. If Holla Forums was around in '95, it would have extended many many threads and so would Ruby Ridge. Then we will move on to OKC, which would have extended many many threads.
So let's absorb these things one at a time and keep RR related stuff here. You'll want to cross reference stuff from each thread, like the slant-eyed sniper from RR and Waco, for instance.
Don't make a clusterfuck thread about all 3. Each of these things is important enough for its own thread.

I watched it this morning.
It wasn't unbiased. The AE faggots insisted on bringing in a faggot with a blind eye that kept blaming the death of people on the dad following a dangerous ideology.

The daughter is the only one I trust in the entire docu.
They didn't kill Mrs. Weaver on accident.
They knew she was ded when they were blasting the Weavers with stories about how they were eating blueberry pancakes for breakfast.
Green Beret fag that talked down Weaver is an informant.
The kids were taught how evil the government is, and how right their father was.

The goal as per documentary was to flip Randy into an informant.
His military history and the fact that he was a family man lead feds to believe he was an easy mark.
Their ideal mole would be someone with spec ops gives the mole higher value in separatist groups that's easy to leverage offspring or immediate family in a bad situation.

Randy was both after the shotgun incident.

I realized the same thing after hearing about the guy on /k/ who shot someone in self defense at a BLM protest in Minnesota. They were able to see all his 'racist' text messages and use it against him in court.


I remember seeing videos they had made in the ride to the BLM protest where they were wearing facemasks, waving around their guns and joking about how they were 'going to go troll the dindus'.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Yep, they were fucking retarded. Without the social media they'd have been fine.

There was a ryder truck parked in the Federal Seige camp at Ruby Ridge too. Its like they were toying with us, letting us know what was yet to come… or maybe Ryder trucks were just commonly used as transport vehicles when the government swoops in and sets up camp somewhere, and saying "but there was a Ryder truck parked on some government lot" is literally the same as saying "but some Feds ordered pizza, isn't that fucking bizarre and unusual". Misinformation, fake conspiracy news.

Bumping this two days late, but it made me remember when the Breivik-thing was going down. There were reports of several people on the island going around shooting people. Not just one.

And what did they do right after it, they made laws regulating guns, amongst other things like making it legal for the government to spy on you without regulation etc.

Talk about an overreaction.

This is basically why we can't have nice things like white homesteading. The damn Feds are the only thing keeping us from dropping out of (((society))) and living off the grid.

Why not have trump run the BATF and the FBI through the mud with the truth?

because he's been compromised by (((them)))

That documentary is kiked. Directed by a Jew and paints the Weavers as the sole cause.


Drives me fucking nuts about this…
The US knows ahead of time when many legitimate non false-flag terrorist events are going to occur.



Ah fuck.

Betrayed (1988)

Why do you do that.

I was in the Charlotte airport walking down a terminal when I saw the compound catch fire as a tank smashed into the wall. It was live on CNN. I'll never forget that as long as I live, watching that building burn with all those people inside of it.

Ruby Ridge and Waco were like gas on a fire during a big 10th Amendment movement going on back then. The SC Attorney General was suing the Federal Government. There was the Prairie Grass Rebellion going on out west over Federal grazing rights. A sheriff in Texas threatened to arrest a representative of the Dept. of the Interior. Militias were sprouting all over the place; every state had at least one.

Then the Oklahoma City bombing happened, and it all died. Overnight nobody wanted to be identified with a militia.I still believe it was a false flag approved by Clinton to stop the 10th Amendment movement dead in its tracks, and it worked.

I've seen pretty convincing videos of McVeigh alive and well years after the bombing. There was all kinds of BS in that affair. The most notable being 1) the blast was later proven by experts to have originated IN the building, and 2) the BATF office was entirely empty; not even the receptionist was there. Those were McVeigh's "intended targets."

If it was a false flag, did Clinton/deep state agree for a bunch of daycare kids to be murdered, or was that faked?

it just shows how much the advance of the internet, smartphones and social networks have changed everything
I couldn't imagine something like the Waco siege happening now, it would be far more difficult to establish an information blackout than in the 90s
hell there would be amateurs flying their own drones getting video and other faggots on periscope filming

I would concur. Even in an almost 90% Southern White town the school district was full of low wattage, leftist teachers. Lots of political bullshit and proto-common core methods and that was in the mid to late 70's. It only got worse in the 80's.


Then why didn't we see that at Sandy Hook?

We are the final solution user.

Because Sandy Hook isn't a real place, user. :^)

my soul

wait he didn't die? and only got 18 months?
what did he do with his 3.1 million?

My question is why a guy given 3.1 million for the deaths of his family wouldn't hire hitmen to pay his family's killers a visit.

EXACTLY OR you know build a fucking bomb or fund a shitposting nat socialist website

HE didn't get 3.1 million at least according to wikipedia.

Didn't the first feds that went through the window get killed by friendly fire?

Probably, given pizzagate and the extremely long history of jewish ritutal murder of children.

Or perhaps they were moved to a different location before the destruction of the building and only announced to be dead so people wouldn't suspect anything?

I actually have had the opportunity to meet and talk in depth with one of the lead negotiators in Ruby Ridge who was with one of the alphabet agencies. He swore to me that eliminating the people there was accidental and that it was a huge break down in communication that caused it.

He was telling me that all these different agencies and government groups showed up at once and no one had real control over the situation from a top down perspective. One group was working on getting the folks inside to take down a .50 cal that they had. After they took it down another group would show up and be mad that they moved the .50 cal because they were about to capture it stealthily.

I have no idea if any of this was true or not but he seemed to be a genuine guy. I don't know very much at all about the history of the situation but it was interesting to hear from a guy who was intimately involved.


sad that nobody on here really talks about what happened at ruby ridge anymore. That shit should not be forgotten