BAMN is an actual cult with survivors trying to speak out

New tack: exposing BAMN as a real-life cult that separates kids from their parents:

They're not just a cult in the usual social justice way; they're really a fucking cult!

Survivors of BAMN are trying to speak out but nobody will hear them. Maybe some minor YouTube peeps can help break the silence

Other urls found in this thread:

Also on zuckbook:

possibly interesting but you're going to have to present this better, OP.
Are there any testimonies or anything other than some social media groups?

Video related, which has one testimony.

Mayor of berkeley is in bamn

nigger, I don't have an hour to kill.
something more easily spoonfed pls



cuckchan cross posting? Thread already exists right next to this one

what the hell there are other threads about this christ.

Kike on stick


wow, sargoy of cuckkad actually put out some decent content. Still can't forgive him for forcing all that kekistan cancer though.

hello fbi here….


Lots of absolute faggots can make decent shit sometimes. This is a lesson I learned when I realized James Rolfe was a massive fucking faggot IRL.

None of us will ever forgive the demi-nigger. Interesting look at lefty cancer though. Part of me jut wants to let them fester so we can have an easy negative-object lesson.

I don't see a problem advocating the departure of this cruel world.


This is literally the same as fucking Scientology!
What the fuck?

chanology 2.0 when?

Please no

Its hard to watch his videos now knowing he is a giant cuck IRL. At least he didn't apologize about that Ghostbusters bullshit a while back.

He's alright when it comes to digging and when he doesn't turn what should be an entirely fact based video into an op ed, but those are few and far between. To get back on topic though, did anything come of exposing the mayor of Berkeley as a member?

Why do they hate Trump so much though?

Not that I know of. And Tim Pool tried to make it seem lIke a dumb conspiracy. Video related.

Sargon (like him or not) made a good video on it by comparison.

I know Sargon is largely disliked around here, and for good reason, but he put in some actual fucking work on this video. He tracked down Yvette Felarca's actions over the past several years, and dug deep into BAMN and found numerous instances of overtly cult-like and illegal behavior.

This is somewhat harder to explain, but listening to Yvette Felarca run her mouth makes it somewhat clearer: They believe the MSM. More precisely, they bought in 110% on the idea that Trump is a racist, sexist, islamophobic fascist who wants to kill trannies and faggots with his bare hands. They know nothing about Trump or his policies, but they believe anything he does is pure evil.

Kind of like all the "politically aware" normalfags who are flipping their shit about everything Trump does, even though he's just sitting back while stuff Obama put into place implodes, these people don't care what he's doing as much as they care about the fact that it's Trump doing it…
tl;dr - they hate Trump because he's Trump, and TRUMP = BAD

Everything else about them can be explained by identity politics and progressive ideology delving too far into post-modernist madness. They've been running in circles for so long that they've devolved into a sort of self-devouring madness spiral where illegal immigrants not being given more free stuff than anyone else is a form of murderous oppression and thus they must stage a violent, militant revolution.

Sargon makes a fair amount of decent videos, the problem is he also makes a fair amount of bullshit.

That can be said of a lot of people.

It will be good to remain neutral on them, neither for or against; use them as needed. People on Holla Forums who want to destroy them all, probably aren't Holla Forums because it tosses out the baby with the bathwater.

Most e-celebs don't want approval from Holla Forums anyway because they think it makes them racist. But most of them also don't want war either.

I tried liking this guy, but his centrism is really irritating. He thinks because he lacks the ability to pick a side that he's able to see the blind spots nobody else is aware of. In one video he uses a video of a Trump supporter getting punched in the face by a girl and retaliating by pepper spraying her as proof that left and right wing media only print their biases despite both sides being wrong. While it is true that the media is biased, this particular incident was pretty black and white; punch someone in the face unprovoked and you open yourself up to retaliation. If there's one thing antifa is right about, it's that centrist are fucking cancer.

Communists lie. She doesn't believe the MSM, *OR* the things she says. She's thrilled she can manufacture more excuses than usual to commit crimes, though, and she hopes some idiots will believe her and the MSM. Notice it's not Trump that turned her violent; she has assault convictions from before he was elected. She's also working in an organization that might as well be named "The Ends Justify The Means." Which leads to the observation that they also have evil ends.

and leftism is a mental disorder.

thread with 138 reply here

both threads ending in 51, spooky

Yeah Tim Pool is a bad centrist; however, there are good ones as well. You can be a centrist while picking sides on different issues; saying this particular issue is right or wrong given the side. A bad centrist thinks the point is to take a middle position all the time.

I'm actually glad I watched that. I was oblivious to the whole molyneux-tier family abandonment. I'd always wondered how those fucks could act like that and then face their families. Turns out that bamn has taken care of that problem. Multiple school teachers involved in what can only be actual brainwashing and recruiting of children from the public school system.
I realize they're bused around a lot for protests but what the fuck are they up to for the rest of the time in their bamn commune housing?
I'd love someone with the relevant skills to find some of these bamn cunts 'escorting' pages/profiles. Moldylocks is clearly fishing for a specific perverted clientele. Is this part of her bamn job? Without any further evidence, I'm semi convinced they're out there and are used as a blackmailing tactic - all those underage recruits and all that inaction by officials. Plausible?

Yeah, they bus around their brainwashed child slaves. It's like they create a zombie army.

because he's white.

Because cults are important part of (((their))) operations, foot soldiers, sex slaves etc

Out of curiosity, I checked the other one… and the OP is far worse than this one. In fact he has like a single sentence with a single question. Doesn't seem to know what to even say.

noice, zombies shooters are popular for a good reason; they are easy to kill once the boss is gone

I'm just very curious to see if anything comes to light connecting them to the South Korean cult. I heard that the priestess advising the president fled to germany using Soros funded channels to escape being lynched. It's only something I read in passing however and don't think there was a source. It's just hearsay for now.

BAMN does have some striking resemblances to the SK counterpart. What does establishing activist cults across the west and westernized countries really accomplish though? That's another question I'd really like an answer to. I find it hard to believe the goals are as simple as they seem, especially with who their backers are.

I recall seeing a post related to HWNDU, musing that Shia is being used to 'train' those involved. It makes sense to me. Why all the running around making it seem like a game? This is wild speculation but, what if these cults served a similar purpose, to create a more powerful counter movement.

Which can then be used to garner more power and influence for whatever their long con might be. Probably warming the public up to more mass surveillance and police state nonsense. Obama did at one point say, he worries of home grown terrorism in the future. That would be some neat foreshadowing.

Shame we don't have any activism demanding repeal of the patriot act.

I like your post, but i think it is a little more difficult than you say. I think there are certain mechanisms that would give fertile ground for cults, esp. given the current situation of economic uncertainty which makes people more prone to certain ideas, doesnt matter which political spectrum they belong to because then the "kikes play" or perceived play would be amplified and other factors would receive less attention.
I think that cults thrive on emotional investment which can only be released if a certain goal is met.
Speaking of the surveillance state: The state wants the role of the good mother or father in that case that protects the goyim from the perceived dangers that said groups represent.

Then you can look at how those cults are created and how they want to gain legitimacy by drawing in public figure heads of entertainment and/or drawn in intellectual figureheads.

The internet makes it a lot easier to play with these like a mixing pult.

So in essence speaking of the general perception you theoretically amplify certain shit and then get a certain expected reaction to this.

Trying to dig up relevant info on bamn. Seems pretty strange that shanta driver doesn't have a wikipedia page considering the amount of time she's been active and the amount of awards she's been issued by other fuck-whitey groups, over the years. - Article from 2006 - 2003 article
Smells like alphabet soup…

Not all of them, but probably a few running around are legit mind control slaves. It's very easy for them to end up in cults just like this, either on accident or on purpose. Multitasking porn and protests? Underage recruits? I smell CIA.

Speaking of CIA, this coheres with my theory that they end intend to stage a civil war in order to get around the problem that they'd lose a real civil war.


kind of sounds like south korea and the eight sisters shenanigans

Maybe we should tell them the heat is for free.

Wanted to reply to another post.

it's called humor it keeps you from being as crazy as BAMN

Fellow Natsoc here.
What is your favourite way to kill a nigger?

But I agree with you nonetheless.
People should tell the mayor and other bamn member that the oven is free.

Survivors of BAMN are still communist faggots. Let them suffer.


accessible through google cache however
cache also gives access to, despite it being locked down to non-members
peeking around so see if there's useful info

why are you spamming this moronic picture in several unrelated threads?
are you trying to push a leftist-engineered meme to make Holla Forums look as stupid as you?
are you a kike?

fyi, christ was the original anti-semite

He's in multiple threads doing this. Just report or filter all of them.

Nigger fights niggers: Nigger remains a nigger.
Chink fights chinks: Chink remains a chink.
Beaner fights beaners: Beaner remains a beaner.

Kike fights kike: Kike becomes gentile European spiritual figure despite being born a kike and coming from a kike god.

Only in Christianity.

Also, his name is Yeshua Bar Yosef, earthly aspect of Jehova.
Sent to the middle eastern town of Bethlehem.

maybe he's a goon trying to shit some d&c just to take screenshots proving his edgyness
happened in several other threads with a couple new ips to samefag like a pig

Probably someone trying to make a day out of it in overlap with the Berkeley goings-ons. Maybe this is their impotent effort to join in in spirit.

As usual.

Shillin confirmed

Pretty good vid. A bit long for most people but it's well sourced and thorough.

Actually, I just thought it would be a funny comment. I didn't even expect a reply to it.

It still amuses me somewhat. Don't take life so seriously. This is Holla Forums after all.

survivors trying to speak out
well whats stopping them?

I think this is actually important. People think Antifa is obnoxious and awful, but exposing BAMN as a cult could create a backlash that not even the media can ignore. They might try to cover it up but that will only tip people off to the truth.
If we could find something to charge Driver and the other BAMN higher ups with, I think a Rudy Giuliani style take down of the organization would be the best way to destroy them.

You know (((who)))

Take the caches and archive them. Quick, it may soon be removed from the cache.

I took my own advice and archived the first couple of pages.

Main page:
Nationwide Attacks:
Abuse Studies:
Alex' Testimony:
Yvette Felarca:
