We need to sort through this oceanography data archive as well as other climate sources. If we can put together a report based on this government endorsed data, the leftist climate hoaxists will be crushed.
He says he is not sure, but that if the scientists are correct that there is no way it can be stopped without massively removing CO2 from the atmosphere. This is not going to happen so if the scientists are correct our descendants are screwed.
Henry Wright
Matthew Thomas
The current sea level rise is about at the same slope as it was between 19k and 15k years ago on the Post-Glacial Sea Level Rise graph. It will likely look something like Meltwater Pulse 1A within a couple hundred years at the latest.
Also, I can be both a race realist and an antifeminist while understanding the simple science behind CO2 and climate. I don't need your fucking package deals. I am a climate realist in the same way as I am a race realist.
We gotta get on the stick and be ready for this extra complication that climate change is gonna bring on our heads. It is gonna be fucking nasty. One good thing is that India and the Persian gulf are going to be overheated death traps. The Wet Bulb temperature will be pushing 35 Centigrade which is 100% fatal without air conditioning.
Also, don't forget that the sun is getting stronger all the time, it is about 30% stronger than at its ignition and when it is ~10% stronger than now in 600 million years from now it will kill almost all life here. That needs to be factored with the very old CO2 and temperature correlations from 100s of millions of years ago.
Juan Lee
Ok, how much heat has gone into the ocean?
the rough fractions of heating that happens from CO2, methane and so on is about:
2% Atmosphere 2% Land Mass heating 2% melting ice 94% ocean heating
Luke Evans
Shit, I have links all the data you'll ever need aggregated and sorted into paragraphs, etc… but it's in Reddit formatting because I use it to blow the fuck out of the faggots there. Uh… The links are still useful, though.
Land “readings” are [diverging](i.imgur.com/8RwdDFT.png) from satellite data (which [NASA itself says is accurate](i.imgur.com/OISZ078.png) and should be the standard instead) because over 40% of land “readings” are estimates made for places *without recording equipment.*
To illustratively do something that the psychopaths love to do, I’ll cherrypick the last 20 years to show that there has [been no warming there](i.imgur.com/S4Kgh4k.gif), despite CO2 continuing to rise. Even using [just the satellite record](i.imgur.com/IF42Uf2.gif), the world isn’t warming. If we refer back to one of the hottest years in recorded history, [we see the difference.](i.imgur.com/4HWcKSz.gif) Never mind that there have [only been benefits to CO2 rising](edsanders.com/global/c02up2.htm).
It has been rising for 13,000 years. In that time, it has never risen more slowly than right now. Were our ancestors belching out CO2 faster than we were? Maybe they were farting a lot more. It’s rising more slowly than at any time in that history, and it’s also rising more slowly than [any claim](i.imgur.com/bNUCnvg.gif) made public by any outlet. [Here’s the source data](ftp://ftp.marine.csiro.au/pub/legresy/church_white_gmsl_2011_tg_list.zip) for that chart. It’s an FTP link, so it should automatically download the raw file (which you don’t need to worry about, as it’s a bunch of undifferentiated numbers). Turns out that [NOAA](i.imgur.com/H1JISaD.gif) marks the average as 0.63 mm per year. Not 3.3. Not 2.8. Certainly not a foot per year, which is needed for the most modern public “predictions” about this bullshit.
[They’ve been melting since at least the 1780s](i.imgur.com/UGMfILq.gif) when we started measuring them. I also have information for the Alps and other areas. Was our pre-industrial civilization responsible for “greenhouse gases” too?
Because there is no other record of meaningful scientific value anywhere. The GHCND set of stations has slowly been closed down… and what’s this! The stations being closed down ARE FAR FROM THE EQUATOR. What does that mean? The average latitude of GHCND stations IS [FIFTEEN FUCKING DEGREES](i.imgur.com/yvuGBwi.gif) CLOSER TO THE EQUATOR than it used to be. Do you imagine that might raise temperatures? If you answer no, don’t bother answering in the first place.
The United States has a network of [1200+ USHCN stations](i.imgur.com/lX30V8X.gif) with data going back to 1895 and earlier. The raw USHCN temperature record shows that there has been a slight cooling since 1920 (see above). USHCN is a subset of GHCND (Global Historical Climatology Network Daily.) Cooling doesn’t suit the needs of your masters, so [they cherrypicked a small subset of GHCND stations](i.imgur.com/zUywF21.gif) (which show a large amount of warming since 1920) for use in the global GSN temperature record.
So let’s stop this madness, right? What happens when we take data from [SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND SOURCES?](i.imgur.com/WxjeGtP.gif) That is, 1. stations active for a long time and 2. stations that don’t move (meaning keeping the same latitude). We see what I said above. [NO. FUCKING. WARMING.](i.imgur.com/sk2JZuI.gif)
Deal with it. Climate change is a fact and it's happening for as long as earth has existed.
What we must disprove though is human-caused climate change. And this is what media is telling us now… climate change is 100% caused by humans, which is total bullshit.
Elijah Hernandez
Sage for being autistic niggers.
Jackson Williams
Easiest way I have found is to point out that listening to climatologists on the subject would be better than politicians or celebrities. Then when they agree link them this video the end where he tries to leave with a joke is somewhat cringe worthy
Jaxson Sanchez
I would love to disprove human induced climate change in the same way that the wage gap is easily debunked.
But, your GOAL of disproving it because of muh media is fucking evil is not calm, rational or scientific.
Global Warming is unfortunately as case of a broken clock is right twice a day. The solid science behind it has been slowly developed for the last 200 year with Arrhenius in 1896 having the biggest breakthrough.
The full picture on long term climate that Arrhenius was looking for was completed by Milankovitch (others had same idea but not all the data) and his Milankovitch cycles:
Again, I am anti feminist because of facts and a race realist because of facts. I agree that climate change is currently man made because of facts. Climate has change in the because of Milankovitch cycle or plate tectonics and massive volcanism. But now it is CO2 for the most part.
Ryder Butler
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJfS5bvb6Yk
Earth Is Flat, Global Warming is a hoax just like NASA and the entire solar system.
Ian Kelly
anthropogenic climate change is bullshit for the simple reason that is unfalsifiable. The idea that there is a consensus on it is also bullshit - that study (on the consensus) was done by sociologists with extremely poor methodology (molymeme has a video on it). I am also dubious of AGW because there is a clear socialist (kike) agenda pushing for it whereupon they want to redistribute wealth from the huwhyte man and coral us further with agenda 21. Spooky shit.
Jaxson Ross
easy, stop asking the western world for taxes and go to beijing instead.
Parker Sanchez
The c02 level in our atmosphere is pretty low. If it does go up significantly it'll drastically improve crop efficiency and won't even effect the climate because it's barely a fucking greenhouse gas. The fact that everything involved in global warming comes back to taxing c02 should tell you everything you need to know.
Zachary Cox
So it's not happening. Got it.
There is no science.
Already been falsified.
Julian Brooks
I'm old enought o remember the 90's fearmongering. They promised to me, that in the 2000 there's no ice and snow outside freezers, and by 2010 everything is fried. Back then it made me terribly depressed and hopeless of the future, so basically those motherfucking assholes stole part of my teenage happiness.
Carson Young
Go back and look at climate predictions made in the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s. All wrong.
Climate change is a tautology. Climate is always changing. There will never be a point where the climate is not changing.
Furthermore, climate is a chaotic system. This means no testable predictions can be made based on any climate models. Error starts to increase with time.
Anyone telling you they can predict the future is lying.
Wyatt Hall
Climate change is just the left's version of a doomsday prediction that the fundies like to make to take more control. It gets pushed and changes every decade. The failure is of course memory holed and here comes the new narrative which is 180° from the old one. Rinse and repeat.
Everything so we get the technopriests in power and our carbon footprint decides how much we consume. Remember kids, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Luis Perez
nice way to kill all the forests; photosynthesis used to be teached in primary school, now what they replace that with? how to fist your schoolmate?
Jacob Baker
I'm old enough to remember the early 80's theories. Back then, every science magazine was talking about the new ice age about to come - some even proposed generating a greenhouse effect to counter the expected drop in temperatures (the 80's had very harsh winters in my neck of the woods)
Nolan Moore
Quints confirm photosynthesis replaced by schoolmate fisting.
William Carter
Yea but the co2 levels are being absorbed by the ocean are causing it to become more acidic. Just dump a few dozen tons of iron dust in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and we'll be fine.
Jayden Watson
The ocean is full of algae. In fact, some research says that algae are responsible of more O2 production then the forests. Guess the new liberal idea pushed also by odumbo in his last year - harvest algae for diesel. Is like some freaking alien race took over.
Also a large volcanic eruption like Pinatubo was can generate tremendous amounts of gases - is just how Earth works. Solution is not feeding the 3rld world parasites breeding like rats consuming everything.