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Wtf, is that real? Holy shit
what a fucking disgrace!!!!
Yup, and of course someone is capitalizing on its death.
fuck all of this shit fam.
Just nuke the Earth
Uh uhhh the gubbermand did it
When I hear things like this sometimes I think communism will never come about, and the world will die.
RIP old friend.
The place where I live once was jungle and had dinosaurs roaming about in it. Then it was under 200 ft of water, and later under 2 miles of ice, to now when it's once again habitable.
It's sad to see something so beautiful as the great barrier reef go away, but it serves as a reminder that nothing lasts forever.
Except the market.
how will cappies ever recover from this?
You are almost Jon Snow.
Another victim of dialectical materialism, thanks a lot Marx!
You are aware geological change happens over hundreds of millions of years which gives species a evolutionary chance to survive, where has humans causing climate change is done in just a few centuries causing mass extinction to occur.
do you see that yellow and white flag? it means he has autism
The blame falls to Australian voters, who chose Tony Abbott over Kevin Rudd
But his point is valid, things change. Prior extinction events have happened from rapid climate change, like meteors and volcanoes, and so on and so on. A ashcloud that blacks out the sun for a decade is much worse than some minor changes in earths atmosphere.
And it's not all bad, look at the ugly creature in the picture. It's the megaladapis, a 4 feet long lemur that lived in madagasar, until about six hundred years ago. When humans killed and ate them all.
I say, good job humans. That thing did not deserve to live.
We are different from other extinction events, but not because we are worse, on the contrary, we can use sience and arts to make new animals, better animals.
This climate change could prove itself a blessing in disguise.
Yeah… We kicked this faggot planet's ass.
The planet will be fine. It's gone through worse things in the past compared to our burnt farts. If anything we are fucking ourselves though. It may look like our only hope is getting insane/creative with mitigation methods and beyond. The biggest problem with climate change isn't that there are no solutions, it's the fact we don't want to/aren't allowed to. It's basically like we're sitting with our thumb up our collective ass, being told be someone who thinks they know better, meanwhile the house is catching fire.
Speaking of:
Except we're causing the decline of the earth's life support systems, which could cause our own extinction. The fact that you have to compare humans to meteors and volcanoes just proves the point. Put your flag back on, you moron.
sound design on this is trite af.
I really didn't need to read this after a long shift, this is just the worst. It really was beautiful. Gorgeous blue waters, all kinds of aquatic life flourishing within it, mysterious and entrancing. And now it's almost gone. Just like everything good this world, it's being taken from us little by little, one piece at a time. Soon there won't be anything left. Only capitalism; the world created after its own image.
Comr8s, I fucking hate this.
Time to kill may come in my lifetime.
Don't know what to feel about this.
who cares? This happened because Abbott opened up the area to the oil industry and this is partially the result of hydraulic fracturing
at the end of it the worker got a better deal, nature is secondary to the needs of the class
Are you australian, or is there some other explanation for you being a retard?
You are talking about the needs of the bourgeoisie, not the workers.
The needs of the Proletariat outweigh the desires of bourgeoisie greens.
Things change, and the world could recover, but not without communism.
Most Australians are ok
How does increasing the profits of the oil industry help the working class? You don't seriously believe in supply-side economics do you?
Do you understand that the Great Barrier Reef (and biodiversity in general) isn't just valuable for aesthetic or ethical reasons? The treasure trove of scientific discoveries (mostly biology and biochemistry) yet to be made there is justification enough to preserve it.
When people accuse the working class of being ignorant barbarians, they're referring to you.
I was actually considering my graduate studies in Queensland at one point due to the Great Barrier Reef.
Fucking brilliant blog, how do I subscribe?
Like and I'll send you a pizza roll.
This isyour logic
also, I'm not the flag fag.
I am going to blame capitalism for this and nobody is going to fucking stop me