OP Hooton Plan

This is it guys, RedPen here. I have the proof Russian collusion the MSM has been desperately trying to get for the last few months. I've passed it on to a few trusted anons. We're going to release it one week from today on May 3.

I'll just come out and tell you what it is. They're planning to implement the Hooton plan in the US.

To maximize the impact of this devastating proof of their plan to genocide our people. I propose an operation to get #HootonPlan trending on twitter, facebook, reddit, etc. 11 am eastern time May 2.

French and German speakers be sure to get it going there too.

This evil must be stopped.



The namefagging seems unnecessary, but godspeed OP. have a bump.

It would probably be easier to coordinate it on May 1st. May Day. That day has significance to commies so we could hijack it.

Once again OP is a massive faggot

bump for interest.

Stop namefagging though.

Kaufman-Hootin Plan would be a better name for naming the jew. He(Kaufman)wrote 'Germany Must Perish' in 1940. I'm nitpicking though. Looking forward to it. Good luck.

I am skeptical but patient. You had better deliver on the 3rd.

Nice OP. Bump for attention to actual online action against commies and anti-whites.

Great. Can't wait. I'm leaving this here for newfags.

lel file size


Never even hard of this. Great redpill.

for once I agree with a sageposter. this LARPER is a top retard.

Fuck kikes, niggers commit obscene amounts of crime, Trump has been goodgoyed by his traitorous son in law.

Heil hitler.

leredditor detected

Ah but if you can link the Hooton plan to the US, then it is a new topic. You're also saging a proactive meme warfare thread.

in other news, water is wet and puerto rico is a state

I think op is saying that Russia is colluding with zog/Israel/US/EU to flood Western Europe with muds. Is that right OP?


Any appetizers you can serve before the main course? I know Christopher Jon Bjerknes asserts this(Russia still runs the international Jewish communist cabal and is intentionally flooding the west with muds) but he doesn't source anything in his blog articles and radio interviews. It's a plausible theory though. I'm just looking for some hard proof.

I've got a red pen for you, you little faggot

He also says that Putin(communist Jews that he represents) runs ISIS and is working with Israel to destroy and destabilize Syria and flood Europe with migrants. Meanwhile he can tell his Russian patriotard neo-Soviet peasants that he's defending Mother Russia's honor from America, the great Satan and the "decadent" west. It would be a total 6D mindfuck if this is the case. Then again, what are Netanyahu and Putin talking about on the phone "several times a week"? They sure as hell aren't bickering. Those two clearly are close friends. Thick as thieves perhaps.

How is Russia, or Putin, at the top of this? It's just international kikery. It would seem like blaming Russia would play into a certain narrativeā€¦

Isn't Hooton some minor academic that sat on the Board of American negroes to figure out why they were shit. Tying real issues like mass immigration and replacement to Alex Jones tier shit like this just hurts the point and gives kikes an easier out by dismissing you as crazy.

Kalergi plan you faggot now fuck off

This is really good stuff. Does Ursula speak English at all? I would love to send her some supportive letters, what a fighter.

Thanks for the slide, fucker.

There is a book you can search that explains how the USSR got almost all their weapons, factories, and so on, in the middle of the cold war, form the USA.
I think its called something about the best enemy money can buy.
As long as money rules you cant trust anything.

Morgenthau Plan, Hooton Plan, Kalergiā€¦
Its all pretty much the same, the problem is the kikes.

Yes, she made a few vids in English.
