>you can be hungry absolute bullshit
what an absolute crock of shit. most of the physical symptoms of anorexia is from malnutrition, and after an extended period of time your body gets used to the diminished food intake and you kind of stop feeling hunger, just pain when you would get hungry because there's literally nothing left in you. Vertigo can be due to the weakening of the heart, which does happen, but judging by that fat cow's pic she probably had lightheadedness before supposedly developing anorexia. Exhaustion is a major part of anorexia, at least in my experience. However, when you're the size of a whale, you kind of have reserves of energy. That doesn't mean you won't feel tired, but it's not exhaustion in the same way as an underweight person would experience it. Think about driving a car that's loaded with luggage versus a car running on fumes.
Atypical anorexia is another name for EDNOS, eating disorder not otherwise specified. So basically, she didn't have enough symptoms to be diagnosed fully with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, but did have enough maladaptive eating behaviour to be diagnosable as having disordered eating. In my opinion, she probably has a mix of anorexia and binge eating disorder, feeling fat so she starts restricting, her body perceives that as a signal to enter famine mode and storing any intake as fat, then she gives in a binges while still in famine mode so she builds up more fat, and then feels fat again and starts the cycle over. Pretty shitty, but not 100% anorexia. That is assuming she actually has an issue outside of a lack of self control.
t. binge/purge type anorexic who's gone through treatment and is determined to never need to do it again also I completely doubt that that is a chick, I've seen trannies more convincing than that
They were also probably worried about her eating all of their food during her breaks
there are a lot of niggers who get through medical college and given jobs bc muh diversity and end up sucking at it. I used to work in a hospital, and the head unit secretary was a fucking kenyan nigger who would spend all shift doing med school homework online by looking up the answers. Plus we had another unit secretary who was a negress, and I swear the only thing she was good at was dealing with the black patients, who I honestly couldn't understand 95% of the time. Thankfully we didn't have any black providers, we did have a currynigger and I swear to god I'd rather deal with a projectile vomiting patient with halotosis than stand next to him for one second, god he smelled like crap. Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if those errors were majority committed by blacks, and the others would be a result of providers being so overburdened by the welfare state and the entitled nigger population who go to the ED every single fucking time they stub their toe or something and yet STILL manage to be the unhealthiest race ever
whalers did it, why not bring it back?
how about eltting women dress in a way that feels comfortable to them, instead of trying to promote jewish oversexualization or islamic style dehumanization?