Woman claims weight was reason she wasn't hired at Tilted Kilt pub


Unfortunately I can't embed the video. I suggest you visit the link to watch it, it's hilarious.

That's strange, I guess all the Tilted Kilt locations are staffed by androids.

Other urls found in this thread:



look at the schnoz on that one, plus the degenerate tattoo on the leg

half of them have tats now that I'm paying attention

If one needs clothing the size of a tent, why does one think it's unfair they aren't hired for a profession where they as a person are the representation of a business?

I'm so looking forward to seeing all these insane whales getting killed by their own fat one by one in some years and taking this bizarre "fat acceptance" dogshit with them

The bitch who was preaching for 'healthy at any size' died at 31 from a heart attack.


Top kek source me please

They tried this shit on Hooters in the 80's or 90's IIRC and I believe Hooters won in court and is still hiring buxom women to this day.

Fun fact, "fat" is not a protected class so you can legally discriminate against them from employment :^)

so much mystery meat…..
I suppose I should probably be glad it's mostly not white girls whoring themselves out like that.

Fat women are disgusting. The fact that it'd be at-all controversial to not hire a fat ugly broad in a position that relies upon sex appeal is laughable. This world is a joke.

I can't wait for the punchline.

Until they whip out the doctor's letter stating that it's a medical condition.
then you're fucked


Appears to be fake news. The woman in your pic is named Kelli Drinkwater.

Nah thats easy. Hire them, and schedule them to work open to 3. Every day. It'll sort itself out

damnit! I've been had.


I went to a Tilted Kilt a couple times with coworkers. I've seen cubby girls there before, they really need to step up their hiring standards.

A day ago some guy here said he was 5'9" and 270lb, and asked how to loose weight. I gave him a basic diet of 1200 calories a day, space out your meals, etc. and I got a few people saying that 1200 is "starving yourself". Now I realize 1200 is not really a good long-term nutritional diet but he asked about loosing weight. It was kind of jarring to see people saying that 1200 is this anorexic horrible starving yourself thing, so I gotta ask if they're just lardos who haven't eaten less than 4000 a day in their life or if 1200 is actually unreasonable?

She actually said "Those aren't real women".

Well okay, I mean they aren't real FAT women, so she might have a point there.

As an American I'm entitled to 5,000 calories a day!

More like Gulpcoke.


What they were probably referring to is starvation MODE, which your body (supposedly) enters when you are over 300 calories below your maintenance. When you enter starvation mode your body begins to cannibalize muscles as well as fat to acquire energy. I'm not sure if starvation mode is real or not.

reposting a informal about a weight loss drug:

Hungry on 2,4 Dinitrophenol or DNP


DNP is a chemical that does not occur in nature. Historically, it has served many purposes. It has been used to make herbicides, explosives, and works as an industrial dye. It can be also used for rapid fat loss.

- DNP is by far the most potent fat loss agent available. Nothing even comes close to comparing. Not clen, alb, EC, yohimbine, nothing.
- DNP is by far the most dangerous drug available to dieters.
- DNP increases your metabolism. One animal study showed a 64% increase in metabolism. The rate of metabolic increase is dose dependent. Formula: (dose/10)%, after full saturation.
- The primary side effect is heat. Another notable side effect is lethargy. The intensity of the heat, sweating, and lethargy is dose dependent.
- If you overdose, you will absolutely 100% positively die.
- DNP allows you to lose 1lb of pure fat every 1-3 days depending upon your dose.

- Consuming carbs will increase the intensity of the heat for 1-3 hours afterwards.
- DNP is usually capped as either crystal or powder. Figure out which you have. 250mg crystal = 187.5mg powder
- DNP will cause temporary water retention and glycogen depletion, making you look bloated with flat muscles (really great look). Within one week of cessation, this should be gone.


- It's recommended not to take DNP on an empty stomach. This may cause nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting in some users. Experiment with it. If you vomit while on DNP, it is recommended you discontinue use and focus on properly rehydrating for AT LEAST 24 hours.
- If you're on DNP, drink at least 3 liters (1 gallon) of water per day, more if you're sweating profusely. DNP blunts thirst. Be sure to get electrolytes and potassium in as well. V8 juice is a good source for this.
- Consuming an isocaloric diet at maintenance calories is standard practice. Eating pineapple is recommended for it’s fructose and digestive enzymes.
- ALWAYS start your first cycle at 200mg(powder) or 250mg(crystal) per day, then increase after 4 days OR keep it that way for the whole cycle.
- Risk of serious long term side effects increases along with dose and length of administration. Keep the cycle length under 3 weeks, especially if using a dose above 500mg/day.
- Don't drink alcohol or YOU WILL DIE - even after you stop taking DNP - look below for blood concentration after a typical 21 day cycle. Wait at least a week (on < 500mg ED, more if on 750mg+)
- Don't take more than 1 gram per day or YOU WILL DIE.
- Don't overheat or YOU WILL DIE.
- Don't go into a sauna or YOU WILL FOR SURE DIE.
- If you start feeling pins and needles in your extremities (hands/feet), they appear bloated and swollen and you start losing sensitivity, you got PN: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peripheral_neuropathy
- Drop DNP and blast NAC for a few weeks. Switch to a pure ketogenic diet (docs.google.com/document/d/1gZfJejOM8fJsX1iCilmnpp1qmT_KncJwWCR4-EsaEHc/edit?pli=1) and keep it until the symptoms of PN are gone. 6-8 months later you should be able to use DNP again
- Keep an anti-histamine on hand (ex: Benadryl). If you start getting hives/rashes on your first cycle, get off DNP and blast Benadryl for a couple weeks. After that, take 2 weeks of pause, then start cruising the anti-histamine about 3 days before starting with DNP and continue it all the way through the cycle, until 1 week after the last DNP pill.

Supplements (daily):
- 2g Vitamin C (antioxidant)
- 800iu Vitamin E (antioxidant)
- 1-2grams Pyruvate (may help prevent cataracts)
- 600mg NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) (liver support, may help prevent PN and cataracts)

Optional but recommended:
- Potassium gluconoate (prevent cramping)
- Magenesium (antioxidant)
- Taurine (prevent cramping)
- Grape seed extract (antioxidant)
- Selenium (antioxidant)
- Alpha Lipoic Acid (antioxidant)
- Melatonin (helps you sleep through night sweats)
- V8 juice (250ml ED)



- It is not recommended to take DNP during the summer or in a particularly warm climate
- DNP has a 36 hour half life, meaning it accumulates in your system. Check out these graphs for a better understanding of blood concentrations and effect on BMR:
- i.imgur.com/TUGgzjn.jpg
- i.imgur.com/zy9v7gG.jpg
- This shows a typical 21-day cycle on various doses. Note the blood concentration after you stop taking DNP - it remains high so don't do anything silly like drink Alcohol:
- i.imgur.com/OVAgNlS.png
- note that even though you're taking 500mg a day, you start to build up 1350mg of DNP in your blood.
- When running a low dose, just because you do not feel the heat right away does not mean DNP is not working. It can take up to 5 days to build up in your system. Do not be impatient or aggressive. This is a dangerous drug.
- If you are a fat fuck and don’t know how to diet, DNP will not help you. Because once you’re off DNP and have lost weight, you will get fat again because you do not know how to eat and how your BMR changes with weight loss. Learn to diet properly through calorie counting and caloric deficit or DNP will just be a miserable waste of time for you.
- Other side effects may include sore/dry throat, insomnia, nausea, headaches, or even yellow vision (obviously if you get yellow vision then you need to stop fucking taking DNP). Most other side effects are a result of dehydration.
- I’ve read online the fat to muscle loss ratio on DNP is 9:1 (not verified).
- EC stack or YC stack can help combat lethargy. EC is especially good at suppressing hunger.
- Working out should be fine on low doses (200/250mg per day). At 400mg+, you will want to keep workouts short and sweet. Do not lift to failure. Reduce weight and volume if you need to. You will not grow on DNP.
- Cardio is optional at low doses and not recommended at high doses. Sweat from cardio expends water and electrolytes in great numbers. DNP blunts thirst. This is a deadly combination at high doses.
- If you’re taking other medications, do your homework on possible drug interactions beforehand. This could save your life.


Short term, DNP is extremely dangerous as an overdose can kill you very quickly and THERE IS NO ANTIDOTE. If you find yourself overheating beyond control, GET INTO AN ICE TUB AND CALL AN AMBULANCE so that paramedics can watch you die.

Long term, no one knows for sure how safe DNP is. Anyone who claims one way or another is lying or overextending data. No one studies DNP now because it is not approved for human use in almost any medicinal application.

However, some ambitious people have put together a collection of all studies where DNP was involved. Many are old (1930s). These can reviewed in the resources links below. My personal take on the data is that short term, non-chronic use of DNP seems to pose little long term health risks. The primary concerns post-cycle are around cataracts and the impact of free radical spike as a result of extremely rapid fat oxidation. We can hope to mitigate these, at least in part, through proper supplementation.


You must weigh risk vs. reward. The answer is different for everyone. Personally, I made about 1 months progress in 6 days on 500mg/day crystal with 16/8 IF and yohimbine + caffeine in the morning. I had zero hormonal feedback (down regulation in natural anabolic hormones from prolonged calorie deficit). For fat loss, DNP is unbeatable.


Animal’s posts

T-NATION Everything DNP

- DNP.cc (site: dnp.cc, email: buy(at)dnp dot cc) - Canada-Based. (Usually active in DNP general)
- Dinitro (at AnonymousSpeech dot com) - US-Based.


I was about 50lbs overweight in my mid 20's, and I was able to drop 2-3lbs a week on about 1500 calories a day. There were times where it was unpleasant, I don't think I would personally do 1200 calories a day, but I suppose if someone is 270lbs, it's necessary to speed things up.

1200 is unreasonable. For somebody at 270, 2700 calories a day would be a good start.

The punchline is death, and it's coming.

sweet i know where the new hang out spot is gonna be, skanks at tight ends are b squad tier.


Whale should've read the damned application. It probably applied with intent of being turned down to issue a frivolous lawsuit. Reminds me of the fat cunt in pic related who scams people on gofundme claiming to be anorexic. (Abigail howel, aka "glor a linn") A fun one to troll on chatterbait too.

DNP is dangerous if you aren't careful with it, you can cook yourself with its metabolic effects.

So why did you apply then you stupid fat ugly bitch?

Cardarine is far safer and also has potent weight loss effects.

*turns head*
That looks like a man. What the fuck.

A person who is 5'9" 260 lbs is morbidly obese and DNP would negatively affect them by losing so much weight too fast.
They'd easily drop 60 lbs by just dropping soda and sugary foods and doing some walking.

You'd have to use a fork lift to find that one out. Some halfchanners were trolling it on Holla Forums a while ago, they confirmed due to webcam porn…

The punchline would've been hiring it and giving it the same uniform, allowing the customers to laugh and point til the inevitable suicide or heart attack.

Wait, that's a woman? KEK

Wait a minute. Why isn't this getting reported in the news? I know it's the lying media but not even on alternative news sites. That's pretty significant.

Feminists aren't real women either, user. They are traps with attitude.

I wouldn't take a no-source infographic at face value, user.

not saying it's not true but don't be this naive

How retarded are you? 2.4 million people die in the US every year, do you really think 20% are due to abortions? The only way this could possibly be true is if you're some christcuck who is counting the fetus as being an American who died.

Causes of death
Not causes of death to women
It's talking about the aborted babies

Is that an international number, because i know in third world countries and muslim countries where most abortions are done illegally, teenage girls pretty much die left and right.

Here's where I got the pic.

Jesus christ you are all retards, it specifically says "in the USA"

I've heard of people using WD40 for arthritis too.

Believe it or not DUDE WEED LMAO is a weight loss agent in quantity (as in you are so greened out you no longer get the munchies). It's not as degenerate as using dry cleaning chemicals for weight loss.

Anti-abortion christcucks lie all the time because they feel morally justified in doing so.

If you want to use weed as a weight loss agent, juice the leaves and consume them raw (non-psychoactive) and eat the seeds instead of cake and donuts all day, high protein, healthy oils, and lower carb.

This is the stupidest thing I've ever read. You'd have to be absurdly high 24/7 or you'd gorge yourself like a pig as soon as you start to sober up. Who the hell goes through life like that? Absurd.

Checked and true.

Meh. Some chub on a girl is okay. I.E. 40s pinup or classical art chub. Think of the beauty standards of a less pozzed era. Nature designed women to have a higher body fat percentage for a reason. They need to be fit enough to be mothers and homemakers, not soldiers and hunters. Besides, women are supposed to be soft for fucking and cuddling. They're a man's wholesome retreat from the hard reality of a man's duties. If you really want to stick your dick in something hard you may as well go fuck a dude. That bitch in the OP is a certified diabeetus rex though, and fat shaming is a virtue that should not be lost.

/fit/ regular here. It's not going to hurt him, but let's be realistic. If his self control was poor enough to let himself go that far, then he won't have the self control to to stick to a 1200 calorie diet. He would still lose weight at 2000 calories a day even if he didn't exercise at all. Add regular exercise with some strength training and a high protein diet, and he could still lose weight (even faster) at 2500 calories a day and not feel hungry. It depends on what is realist for the individual though. It only works if they actually do it.

You know what you were doing. Don't fucking lie about expecting to have gotten a response.

Also if there was no interview, how do they know she was fat?


What's next? Niggers applying to be lifeguards?

They saw the seismograph go nuts

Why not encourage feminists to get fat so they die earlier? We can kill feminists with food, and all we have to do is tell them they're beautiful. If we keep it on the internet we're not at risk of being squashed by a ham planet.

This is an opportunity Holla Forums, we encourage SJWs to become obese, they die in their 30s and 40s, and us healthy people can fix the world with them dying from donuts as they look in the mirror, crying and telling themselves they are beautiful and healthy at every size even though they barely made it out of bed without having a heart attack.

Bill Nye says science says healthy at every size, it's science, enjoy your food and remember you are beautiful no matter what you eat or how big you get!

No one besides cucks are going to reproduce with a fatty, I don't see the loss here. Let them have some obesity induced darwinism.

You can become fit and lean in 6-8 months with decent diet and exercise.


I'm attracted to chubby. Can't help it. Trust me, I've tried to stay away. Stick women do nothing for me. Mind you, obese women disgust me. Picture very related.

The thin girl i can see her thigh bones and ribs. They only ever really look good when they are standing straight. The second they move you start to see bone protruding everywhere. Knee's are fully visible, shouler bones protruding. Neck clavicle is sticking out. Disgusting. She's a got a nice rack though.

This chubby girl has got the full package,, love handles, nice round tummy, fattened up boobs, a little bit of back fat on the arms, nice fattened plump booty. the pubic area has a nice cushion, she has thick thighs. Inner thighs rubbing each other…. and boner achieved.

You don't actually say "we aren't hiring you because you're fat" you say something like "we've decided to move forward with other options" or something equally vanilla. But if you do fire someone who is a fat fuck you don't have to worry about legal recourse. It doesn't matter how many doctors notes they have they don't mean anything.


You people should be against this shit. This is exactly the kind of degradation the JEW intends for white woman. To debase and expose them sexually to all. To promote sexual deviancy. These women should be potential wives and child bearers, but instead they are just another pretty object to advertise to any scum who want it. Including non whites.

So in the United States are hospitals staffed with retards? Why would death from medical error be so high?

You have to go back, Mohamed.

t. Cuck

Fucking saving that one. Checked

Ok mate when are you gonna provide pictures of your exposed girlfriend or wife then ? cuck.

post-mortem liposuction should totally be a thing

You don't go to Hooters to fuck the waitresses, you fucking idiot, though I'll assume you've never even been to one because you wouldn't be able to stop blushing. There is nothing wrong with women OR men dressing to show that they are attractive, which biologically always means showing off signs of health and fertility. Demanding women cover up because "ONLY THE HUSBAND SHOULD SEE HER ANKLES" means you're either a mudslime or a sheltered homeschooled NEET who hasn't seen pussy since he was born.

Everything I just told ^ this guy? Replace "to fuck the waitresses" with "to see the waitresses' pussies", and the rest applies to you.

Christ almighty, most of those girls are okay until you get to the face, especially on pic 3. In other news, I wish women would wear less makeup, imagine if one of those chicks was in a relationship with you. I wouldn't want a girlfriend looking like some Vegas showgirl, I'd actually want to see what she really looked like.

Yes, they did, and it applies to this chain too. There's is essentially a loophole on the books regarding discrimination that goes something like "the business reserves the right to accept and reject applicants based on qualifications important to the foundation and wellbeing of the business."

That's paraphrased, but basically what that means is that if an organization has a position that requires someone be X or Y in order for the organization to properly function, they can reject someone on that criteria. For example, they won't hire an old one-legged half blind man to be a beat cop, because he could not sufficiently do what the job requires of him, and the organization of the police would suffer for it. The same concept applies here because Hooters argued "hot chicks are necessary for us because it's a part of our business model, and such standards are needed for us to properly function." They won that case, and so if you've ever wondered how they get around discrimination laws, that's it.

>you can be hungry absolute bullshit
what an absolute crock of shit. most of the physical symptoms of anorexia is from malnutrition, and after an extended period of time your body gets used to the diminished food intake and you kind of stop feeling hunger, just pain when you would get hungry because there's literally nothing left in you. Vertigo can be due to the weakening of the heart, which does happen, but judging by that fat cow's pic she probably had lightheadedness before supposedly developing anorexia. Exhaustion is a major part of anorexia, at least in my experience. However, when you're the size of a whale, you kind of have reserves of energy. That doesn't mean you won't feel tired, but it's not exhaustion in the same way as an underweight person would experience it. Think about driving a car that's loaded with luggage versus a car running on fumes.

Atypical anorexia is another name for EDNOS, eating disorder not otherwise specified. So basically, she didn't have enough symptoms to be diagnosed fully with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, but did have enough maladaptive eating behaviour to be diagnosable as having disordered eating. In my opinion, she probably has a mix of anorexia and binge eating disorder, feeling fat so she starts restricting, her body perceives that as a signal to enter famine mode and storing any intake as fat, then she gives in a binges while still in famine mode so she builds up more fat, and then feels fat again and starts the cycle over. Pretty shitty, but not 100% anorexia. That is assuming she actually has an issue outside of a lack of self control.

t. binge/purge type anorexic who's gone through treatment and is determined to never need to do it again also I completely doubt that that is a chick, I've seen trannies more convincing than that

They were also probably worried about her eating all of their food during her breaks

there are a lot of niggers who get through medical college and given jobs bc muh diversity and end up sucking at it. I used to work in a hospital, and the head unit secretary was a fucking kenyan nigger who would spend all shift doing med school homework online by looking up the answers. Plus we had another unit secretary who was a negress, and I swear the only thing she was good at was dealing with the black patients, who I honestly couldn't understand 95% of the time. Thankfully we didn't have any black providers, we did have a currynigger and I swear to god I'd rather deal with a projectile vomiting patient with halotosis than stand next to him for one second, god he smelled like crap. Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if those errors were majority committed by blacks, and the others would be a result of providers being so overburdened by the welfare state and the entitled nigger population who go to the ED every single fucking time they stub their toe or something and yet STILL manage to be the unhealthiest race ever

whalers did it, why not bring it back?

how about eltting women dress in a way that feels comfortable to them, instead of trying to promote jewish oversexualization or islamic style dehumanization?

Mystery meat and cheerleader effect.
Very few actually look attractive.

Do you have a girlfriend mate? because i would never let mine out dressed like that. She is mine. and i will have children with her to continue on my duty to my race. All those girls are wasted opportunity for marriage and breeding. Only cucks like you would want a woman like that. You dont go to hooters to fuck . thats exactly right. because those women arent worth it anymore. you dont go there to find a girlfriend either. Because those women are only worth a pump and dump. they have no value for marriage. wasted
potential. continuing our races decline.

First off, women are children in an adult's body. They are mentally children. Second, there's a big difference between the societal expectation of female modesty and forcing your women to wear trashbags.

How about I move it in the other direction, why shouldn't we all just be nudists then living like hippies in a communal space?

The thin one is obviously better looking, but the chubby one isn't bad either.

What percentage of your DNA is European?

I don't like the chubby one's face.

No, you don't go to Hooters and ask for a plate of hot wings and a side of her phone number. But I do have a girlfriend, and I have no problem with her dressing up in less than a fucking burka. She's faithful (in b4 bitter neets with incest hentai open in another tab question this), she's beautiful, and if other men look at her enviously as they walk their landwhales to the lasagna bar, good. But you, sir, are speaking exactly like a mudslime. So, Mohamed, like I already told you, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK.

Post a picture of your smoking hot GF then, since her body exists to be appreciated by strangers

Are you perchance the same faggot who got slightly angered at the proposal of marriage as a heirarchy in another thread? (The usage of "incest hentai" tips off. Just like another faggot on here with an obsession with mongaloid). If so, then you're a woman aren't you?

I just do ketosis.
No carbs, tons of data and proteins, plenty of veggies and I've lost 30 pounds since New Years.

stop moving the goal post . who said anything about burkas. The shit those girls are wearing isn't OK for a respectable women worthy of bearing your children. Is your mind actually incapable of understanding there is middle ground between tits and ass exposed to everyone and fucking burkas.

yeah post your girlfriend oh free spirited man. Dont let oppressive masculinity stop us from seeing her goods.

The undesirable trio deserves none.

kek, says the manchild fapping to cartoons in his mother's basement. Must be nice to not have to care what anyone thinks of you or have to live up to any expectations.

relax with the black and white thinking there m8, there's a huge difference between thinking women only exist to be sexual objects and being proud of someone you're dating looking good

see this is what I agree with,

Geez user, i really have to scratch my head and wonder what the root cause me be. Always get a white surgeon.

Buddy, you sound insanely fucking triggered. From what I can tell, some user or two disapproved of how the girls look in the OP, which, if you're looking for relationship material, is reasonable. They dress and look like whores and they're damaged goods, I've worked many years in the service industry and I know the type, white women should dress or look like that because it lacks class and beauty and it's nothing but lowbrow smut.

Anyway, some user said "modesty is a good thing" basically and it triggered you fucking hard, somehow making you conclude "OMG YOU LITERALLY WANT ALL WOMEN TO SHOW NOTHING BUT THEIR EYES!" Chill out brosephine. Sluts are not a good thing and neither are slutty looking women. You can have drop dead gorgeous girls who dress modestly, and in fact being modest makes them even more attractive and hnnnng material.

Don't misrepresent the argument simply because we don't want white women to be paraded around as sluts and whores. You sound like the kind of douchebro who'd have his girlfriend star in a porn flick.

Tippity top zozzle. I make 10 grand a month doing oil rig jobs for Shell. I don't even work on the floor, I do minor medical stuff. Post pics of your gf man, show her off to us, you said you have no problem with strangers ogling her.

I look at OP's pictures. I see no tits, I see no ass. I see clothes covering her tits rather than an X of duct tape. I see midriff and some cleavage, neither of which are obscene by any stretch. It would be questionable to wear to a grocery store (and uncomfortable in the frozen food section), but it's perfectly fine for a place of reputable employment. You are glorifying a woman in a goddamn photo shoot and acting like this is the way a girlfriend should (or at any time in history has) dress. Return from imagination land to reality. And Saudi Arabia, where you are from.

This stupid bitch. Empires don't have dictators, they have emperors.

I am europoor, family dates back to around 1260s, no records before that due to war.

Why am I not surprised?

Try not to jump to extremes famalam.

What's the difference? You don't have any say who sees her when you go out in public, no difference here. If you really don't care about other men ogling your gf dressed like a slut, post a picture of her. Otherwise you're a hypocrite who won't even follow his own rules of self governance.

show me your girlfriend dressed like that then please

I'm not "triggered" by these guys wanting modesty. What I'm bothered by, frankly, is right there in your second picture. These sheltered NEETs have overrun Holla Forums. Idolizing women in photoshoots, braided hair wrapped around their heads, standing like goddesses against sunny backdrops of rolling fields of green, draped in white silk, as if this is some threshhold of modesty that must be reached. The reality is, normal, non whore women still do dress to show off a little leg, or some midriff, or some cleavage. And there's nothing wrong with that. To claim there is, is to out yourself as either a mudslime or a sheltered virgin.

No you moron i have a girlfirned and i tell her to dress modestly in public because shes my fucking woman, and no one but me, the man who will breed with her, gets to see her in that state. Your just a degenerate brainwashed by kikes into thinking every woman is free reign to be oggled by any passing shit skin rapist.

To want what was in your referenced pic related doesn't make you a
It makes you someone with an ideal, something that represents the archetype of a perfect woman in the real world. To have ideals and hope for things that might not exist yet in this world is to be white. So kys. (I'll admit it might not exist, but to long for it is a natural desire of man).


don't worry, autists are normally pretty retarded about stuff like this

Want you claim is "idealized" is my reality , and what you claim is normal is just because you dont have the balls to control your woman.

ZOG has you so mindfucked it's not even funny. actually it's a little funny

What's the sheep's name, Mohamed?

Oh so your just another feminist who wants muh freedum to expose her body. Knew there was something fishy. and its probably your vag.

oh no a spelling mistake, suddenly the argument is meaningless! Jenaya actually, shes a red head Australian born dutch girl, and i wouldn't be seen dead with her dressed like that in public.

Femanon detected
Not a single man on here would get offended at the mention that women are mentally children, we all know this, it is what it is, not a big deal. Ironically, the only man who would get offended at such a statement is actually the one who would be in his parents' basement, a beta white knight. So, you clearly know nothing on that front, and I bet anything you're some chick with full blown PMS right now.

NOBODY fucking unironically expects that to be a reality, especially not these days, you retard. How out of touch are you? It's like admiring a picture of an angel or a unicorn, it's a beautiful thing that doesn't actually exist. I posted that picture as an example of how good modesty CAN look instead of your totally fucktarded strawman that modesty means a goddamn burka.

That my second image triggered you so hard makes me thing you might be a femanon too. Christ, how many maybe-women are lurking this thread? This shit seems to pull them in like flies to honey, I'm sensing sour grapes and frustration and bitterness


Dress modestly when your man tells you to or accept your role as a tool of ZOG to do exactly what you said, to turn women into sexual objects.

They're staffed with foreigners, chinks and shitskins! Even the fucking military has chink doctors who can't speak english. My friend in basic had a hernia bad enough it tore his stomach lining, and the fucking chink gave him a BAG OF GAUZE! Obviously, he threw it in her face and said "the fuck am I supposed to do, swallow this!?" and it stared back without understanding.

Lol you just lied about having a girlfriend. unless your a lesbian too. Does it make you mad that another fellow woman does exactly what this "man child" says

Proof of you being wrong is right here . This place is overrun by NEETs who think women need to dress like that, elsewise they're whores. And don't confuse my words as complaints. I find it hilarious, after I put aside the fact that they're making themselves forever alone and that means one less future generation. All I'm saying here is that there is nothing wrong with showing off biological attractiveness. People do that without instantly being whores and degenerates. To claim one has to come with the other is an instant sign of sheltered virgin and/or mudslime.

nowhere did I say I have a gf, I'm not a carpet muncher and I have a bf who tells me how to dress, but doesn't go full goatfucker and if he wants me to wear something a little more revealing than a nun outfit it's for his enjoyment. And no, I'm not mad that your mum brings you tendies when you ask, I pity her for having to deal with you.

but that's what I do, I'm not saying to dress like a whore but that the alternative isn't only wearing a burka

tits or gtfo

I couldn't agree more about your comments on spoopy skeletons. The girl on the right is a good example of the healthy sexy chubby size range I'm talking about too but her boobs are too small for her weight. Personally I feel a girl's ideal weight depends on her boobs. Skinny + big boobs = body looks like a tranny. Chubby + small boobs = boobs disappear into surround fat and start to look like man boobs. The more boobs a girl has, the more chub she can pull off. The less boobs, the better she looks thin. Also once her ass starts to get droopy and square instead of round she's officially too fat until she starts doing squats or something. Ass must be round regardless of size. /autistic rambling

So you're saying your enjoy showing off your girlfriend to Jamal and Juan? You think there's nothing wrong with parading around the woman who's responsibility you have to protect so niggers and other subhumans can check out her tits?

Is this some kind of next-level meta cuckolding?

you seem pretty burned up about it. you probably look like a whore and your boyfriend is too much of a pussy to call you out.

Its a female dude. She just trying to defend her right to slut about wearing almost nothing….you know. like a feminist.

Mohamed, how many times do I have to tell you that you have to go back? Do you need a plane ticket? I recommend Delta Airlines.

That's not the same person m8

No, cunt, not anyone who disagrees with me, you. Just you have PMS. As I said, not a single male on this board would ever be even slightly rumprazzled by the statement "women are mentally children." This is just how things are, it's always been this way, water is wet, the sun is hot, women are mentally children. Because you got offended by it, I know you're a woman. That's how, not because you "disagree." I know who and what Holla Forumsacks are, and they would not be flustered by such a thing.

No it isn't, he said it's his "reality." That implies he actually has a girl that looks like the one I posted. Reading comprehension m80.
Yeah, there's a limit to it. Retards like you would try to rationalize showing off said attractiveness like the disgusting smutty whores in the OP. That is not okay, it is not girlfriend or wife material. Those women are trash, and I KNOW they are because as I said I've been around many of those exact same kinds of women in previous years at my jobs. A woman showing off her natural beauty is okay, but there is a line you cross from doing that to "dressing like a whore" and that line shouldn't be crossed except for actual whores.

A woman can look absolutely stunningly beautiful in a nice kneehigh sundress, but fucking boy shorts or midtriff tank top or spaghetti strap stuff is going overboard.



There's a difference between showing off to your man and showing off to other people. If you wanna be a nudist in your house with your man I don't give a fuck, whatever gets us more white children. I'm saying that dressing intentionally provocatively, especially because your man wants to show you off, is the epitome of dysgenic sexual habits. And that doesn't mean wearing a trashbag, it means not showing off your midriff, not having a lowneck top, not having form fitting pants. That type of stuff. You can just wear a cute dress as long it's not a ZOG'd up hooker outfit.

ae1e8e is the chick. c8809f is the guy.

This is how i dress my girlfriend. its modest and tasteful and she looks beautiful in it. There is no burka. your argument is nothing.

That's a trap

solid argument


Nice strawman top cuck. If you're so proud of her, post pics. Shouldn't be a problem, you wouldn't post a pic of something she wouldn't wear out in public of course. If you think it's ok to parade her around for your own amusement IRL surely your NatSoc buddies will be able to appreciate a fine Aryan woman.

yes we're still buddies, we all here




I think he's just shitposting, because that user did seriously post an actual trap like a dozen posts ago

Thank you the dress was HER choice as well. And she payed for it too. Proof that this myth of women being a lost caused is absolutely false.

I agree but your standards are ridiculous. No tight pants? You can't do yoga in a skirt without much more exposure than would be appropriate. Lowneck tops are a matter of personal opinion, I don't think v necks are low necked but some of the more christiany women I know would say they are.

once again you're missing the fact that there is a middle ground, it must suck being this dumb

idk what children you know, but anyone who is mentally a child wouldn't be able to maintain a household, do nursing, raise children, etc. Someone who is mentally a child would probably sit in the basement all day wanting chinese cartoons



Yes, they would, you could easily teach a 12 year old to do all those things.

If your ok with your girlfriend dressing like Ops pic your a pathetic boyfriend. all there is too it. Grow some balls and take some control of your woman.

not even remotely true

Why is no one discussing the real issue?

Only men should be wearing kilts.



Yes, it is, and my father's own family when he was a kid is proof of it. Also shows you know fucking nothing about human history, especially not that of the rural farming families of white America from the early 1900s when families had 8 kids and the 10-16 year olds took care of the youngest while the parents worked.

Just because you don't want it to be true doesn't mean it isn't. This is exactly what I mean by you being mentally children, everything with you is based on emotion and feelings and wishful thinking, never accepting reality, everything based on desire. You also have horrible, horrible bantz, that helped to give you away too.

lol post yours

I realize women wear more revealing clothing for athletics you sperg. I'm not a 1910's beach cop arresting women for ankle-showing swimwear. I'm saying athletic style clothing when you go out to eat isn't acceptable. If you're in a European temperate climate you're covered up 8 months out of the year anyways so it's a moot point. The female body is wonderful, beautiful thing but if you show it off like an athlete everywhere you go the magic is lost. That air of modesty makes who you choose to show it off to that much more special.

Say for example there's an important social function and you go for a slightly more racy dress than usual because you want to show off. If you always dress racy, no one cares, it's not a special occasion. You see what I'm saying?

The Scotts are the niggers of the Europe, along with the other shit skins that those communist, EU loving cuck Scotts take in.

You ever heard of latchkey kids/eldest sibling? Yeah, no. A woman's job is an easy one, especially in the modern day where man effectively replaced the most difficult things for her with technology.


i think you quoted the wrong person

Men ogle women like your gf without their consent all the time user. Hell, I've might have even ogled your gf. The point is, neither you nor her control who looks at her in public, so there is no consent required to post it here.

No he's not. He offers up the dress as a middle ground between slut shit and a trash bag, unless you equate a fucking dress to a burka. Are you retarded?

ahah i thought so

If retarded nigger teenagers can look after their siblings while mom's working the track, then yes, it is remotely true.

Meant for

yeah dude im on your side

no shit. but I fail to see the problem.

That reminds of the nigger female that got run over by a train.



Stay mad

click2houston… some of these local cunts will print any fucking garbage.


no u.

Your argument is moot unless she shows up the social function naked. There's still plenty of female body reserved just for you, to be special.

Yoga is a shitty meme activity that you shouldn't be bothering with anyway. You don't get much exercise and the "spirituality" aspects of it are dumb oriental-tier trash imported by Jews. Find something else to occupy your time and effort.

Do fifteen sun salutes without breaking a sweat and post that again.

Keep that shit in your own relationship you degenerate. Not everyone wants the niggers seeing every inch of their woman.

Femanon men either idolize women or callously use them as cumbuckets. Ya got two choices, pick the one you like better.

that's bc my family was in Austria and Norway at the time dingus

I'm the eldest sibling in my family, I couldn't have done what my mother did when I was 12 back when I was 12

it depends on the dress, he thinks that anything other than a dress is haram which is stupid

there you go with the black and white thinking again, the way you talk makes it sounds like you don't think women should wear anything aside from a dress ever

if your standards for parenting are satisfied by a fucking retarded nigger teenager then I'm sorry but you're not in a position to say if someone is qualified to be a parent

like what, anime? yoga is great

Great minds think alike.

Gonna counter-signal you there bud. Yoga is a quality exercise, very Aryan. It's like a form of physical meditation. Flexibility is also the most important physical aspect for other activities and has to be maintained carefully and constantly. Yoga is a fantastic edition to a physically demanding lifestyle, or any life style for that matter.


She is, yes.
I don't think rational thinking is going to get you anywhere, noble as your efforts may be.

filter it already

Women shouldn't dress like sluts. That's the takeaway from this. Girls in the OP are dressed like sluts, and if you think those kinds of girls are wholesome relationship material, you're delusional and either have horribly shit taste or you have zero experience with women. Take your pick. What's needed to be said has been said, bottom line is white women should not be denigrated. That's not "women's liberation" that's "women's degredation" and being the fools they are, they buy it hook line and sinker because the kikes sell it to them as freedom.

That's just word play!

This bitches only arguments are straw men. You cant dress any other way except trashy slut or burka. Anyone who disagrees with me is a basement dwelling weeb. Just let her simmer in her period that white men are taking control of their women again.

You're missing the point about reinforcing an atmosphere of modesty and demureness. There's nothing wrong with dressing beautifully or dressing to accentuate that beauty. I just have more conservative standards when it comes to style than you, that's all. I think if you want a snazzy uniform you should volunteer for the post service or nurse's corps or something. Otherwise downplay it a little in public.

Where did he say that? I'm not getting that from his point. He would have to chime in, but I'm sure he would be fine with jeans, pants, knee length skirts, regular tee shirts, etc. The dress is his example of a middle ground, while you make it out to be that he's saying for women to wear bedsheets all day.

Look, when I say you have terrible, godawful bantz, the last thing you want to do is go out of your way to prove I'm correct. Sweet jesus.

Also, don't misconstrue the fact that I realize women are mentally children with the misinterpretation that I somehow have no interest in women. It's like owning a dog, dogs are great, as long as you're a great owner and you love dogs. If the dog has a shitty owner or someone who doesn't train it right, you wind up with a crappy dog and a bad relationship between dog and owner. Realizing a dog is a dog is not a bad thing, like realizing a woman is a mental child, it is simply a lens through which to properly view how to interact with them.

I'm not crazy about pants in general but if it makes your wife feel good to be well dressed then there's concessions that can be made for her happiness.

It's perfectly fine for sedentary people

This. modesty can still accentuate beauty without resorting to looking like the girls in OP

It's probably safe to assume that the majority of people here are university or trade school students

Law School good goy here

except that's what the virgins itt are saying

I guess that's true

he said something about not thinking tight pants are ok when that normally means anything that isn't two sizes too big is innapropriate when it comes to guys like him

that actually sounds kind of hot tbh

who else is saying that?

We have Tilted Kilts around where I live, if they started hiring fat pigs they'd be out of business in no time.

The hole had to be framed….

I agree, it's terrible for the children. It, however, does not discount the fact that they can keep a ghetto house in order for a few months, up to a year without CPS finding out. Because it's not that hard to do.

t. social services

Tight pants in the tech-wear athletic clothes/yoga pants department. Not a well fitting pair of jeans or khakis. Yoga pants during yoga is kind of a no brainer. Same with revealing track and field clothing or whatever. Since half the sport is showcasing Aryan beauty it rustles none of my jimmies.

Well, we have to know what "tight" means before we reach those conclusions, correct? Does tight mean "every inch of ass" yoga pants tight or "well fitting" tight? We would have to ask him, although I doubt he's talking about the latter.

Hope you're keeping a thick binder of all the pedo operations CPS runs and who's running them for the DOTR.


Find two people in this thread who have advocated wearing a burka or something even remotely similar (i.e. including headcoverings of any sort). I swear, is there a mental difficiency in all woman, retards, or humanity in general which, for some reason, presumes the Law of the Excluded Middle applies to everything, i.e. there is never a spectrum?

Those girls' faces are really ugly except for 3 in the 2nd pic and maybe 5 of 3rd pic. Good on them for compensating well instead of complaining like the porker bitch though.

Left, men want to fuck. right, men want to marry.


until this is understood by females there will never be a return of a strong family unit and white society.

That's fine user, but we're talking about pants. Women can wear a variety of clothing, not just dresses.

idk, it's hard to tell. men can be really irrational

I agree then I guess, that's just about what I was getting at

they're both meh, the girl on the left is way too sexualized and degenerate but the one on the right is wearing like a pound of makeup and a grandma tier dress

We're all on the spectrum user. Otherwise we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


Of course they can. If you were to equate ancidotal pictures as the only acceptable dress for women you would have to question the persons intelligence. Modesty is the integral point.
Again its just an anecdote. The integral point is that modesty attracts long term commitment. you might dislike the dress but im sure you agree with the concept behind the image.

Pick either/or my chum, not both.
If you wouldn't want random strangers to see your woman dressed like that then it's not modest. Actually you probably would though since you have mental illness.

i couldn't avoid laughing
the fact you made an edit for that made me laugh even harder

They opened up a tilted kilt where I live a few years ago.

They couldn't find enough skilled workers who could even fit the outfit. Kind of a bummer because the food and decor is remarkably unimpressive. Fuck everything.

Well, that's part of the problem. Men choosing to fuck around with whores rather than settle down with mother material. This leads to said mother material becoming similar to these whores, rather than staying modest. Which leads us to the situation today, where we have women IRL justifying showing midriff and their entire ass.

How are you going to attract black customers?

oh absolutely

what's that? The middle aged man's titty bar has remarkably mediocre everything? You don't say.

by opening a kfc next door

Thats exactly right user, which alludes to my original post. That men should be against this shit. men need to take responsibility of their women. start choosing quality girls to breed with and stop encouraging this kind of degeneracy. Women dress that way because men facilitate it and encourage it. and that needs to end.

Do not fucking take DNP and if you want to kill your self that's cool but don't recommend it to newbies you scumbag

Why are there no fat male models but there are fat female supermodels?

Well if the OP is anything to go by as far as looks, you didn't really miss much. The third image really makes you snap your head back when you see their faces, cheerleader effect for sure.

yes, there are a lot of interconnecting factors that give us the perfect shitstorm that is modern day's dating/relationship scene. I worked for a few years down in the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area in Florida. My fucking god, I cannot even begin to describe how horribly depressing it was to be immersed in such a culture. Shallow, empty superficiality everywhere, hookups, one night stands, everyone out for number one only, fucking each other over, and on and on. Atrocious place, glad I got out.

You know its faggots like you that make me question 3d

Sometimes life is suffering.
Jews have ruined a lot of things, including the amount of modest, cute women out there.

Holy shit consensus reached after arguing in good faith. This is an occasion worth celebrating.

faggot detected

truly it is

the autism spectrum

works for me, but then this means women are incapable of doing anything regarding self-control on their own. Hence, they should be subject to the will of men if, by your stating that they should take responsibility, since they're the only ones with agency. (do you want to go full Islam user? Although, I'm not sure if it's a purely Islamic notion for a daughter to belong to the father and then unto the husband).


Men are responsible. Men are the ones who need to take charge. It is the pussification of western males that has caused this. women are just following trends and doing what they can get away with. they are passive. Men are the ones who need to take charge of the,. that's how it has always been and needs to be. Women are like this now because men stop making them be respectful. men let their power soften.


No not full Islam because we have a perfectly good history to look back on that shows us how to do it. Tradition is the answer.

I work with elderly retards, not CPS. We have they same training courses and conferences, so we trade war stories to pass the time. You really think they'd let a FUCKING WHITE MALE work around kids? That exclusively for fat women.

Slutty women are simply taking advantage of thirsty betas that can't control themselves or their sex drives. In reality, Chad and other irresponsible alphas are the cause of this, because they failed to be a positive role for the betas/omegas/society at large and chose to be a degenerate, taking Stacy and Mary with him. Men need to start taming these betas so the sluts get their attention supply cut off.

Why not both user, because that sure seems to be what you are saying. Who's fault is the feminization of the western male?

I'll give you a hint user, it's three letters long and ends in _ E W .

*a positive role model

What is required isnt even control of women. Its ,mens choices that will define their behavior. if men show that dressing slutty and being a whore is not going to get their respect, sex or attention. than women will change to behaviours that do get those things. So if men place their values in tradition and marriage and are strong and steadfast in those beliefs. women will follow. thats exactly how it has worked with my girlfriend and countless over women. thats how it worked for our ancestors and its how it will work for us

Yes it was Jewish deception that got us here, but it is only the white mans will that will deliver us from it.

Jews need to be gassed, just like you.

Fucking guts man.

Uh…what? Where did that come from? What does that even have to do with his post?

Kikes played an important role in getting it all started, and still help perpetuate this shit to this day, but race traitors who sold out their people are just as at fault. If these traitors didn't take Moishe's money/bribes, we wouldn't have the problems we have today.

can confirm, I used to be super lefty and stuff bc that's what my family and friends were growing up, then I ended up dating a cop who was probably a Holla Forumslack in retrospect and after maybe a week or two of dating my political and social views were entirely reversed and aligned with him. One of the reasons I went for him in the first place was that he didn't put up with any shit testing, had a nice air of authority and control, and even though lefties hate cops and I used to too that just kind of stopped mattering

tldr strong men attract most women and can change their perspective, beta men fail to attract women and change their perspective in order to attract the bottom of the barrel women. now I'm sad bc tfwnobf

You respect your cum rag? I don't think so.

Sex, only for as long as it is novel and attention in regard for that.

Yes, so the white man needs to stop having so many white women. Gotta leave some for the niggers amirite muh bruh erie.

Ask me how I know you are not from here. It goes something along the lines of

Ahh so moshe is the white man's fault. Who knew. This thread really deserves the best shill of April award. I swear one cache server goes down and all of a sudden 4 shills need to get their quota in for the month.


to end the degeneracy of women, stop facilitating it.
Do not lust over slutty dressed whores
give them not attention nor validation.
Dont look at them , dont fuck them , dont give them the time of day.

Show women that only girls worthy of childbearing and marriage are worth your time.
Show women they must align with these traits if they wish to gain your partnership.
Once men as a collective are aligned with these values, women will have no choice but follow us.
And they will. Because they desire strength and discipline of men. They are attracted to power and control.
My girlfriend Asked to date ME not the other way round. That is what is the result of a steadfast traditional mindset.

Do not chase these whores.

devote yourself only to worthy women and you will find that women will devote themselves to being worthy.

Clothes are often an indicator of attitude, they're talking about the relative attitude that accompanies each style of dress.

My woman isn't a cum rag but is fit for bearing white children who will be raised to have more white children. Your nigger like strategy of impregnating every whore in eyesight and leaving them to be raised as lefties by single mothers and indoctrinated into the Jewish state is exactly what got us here in the first place. White men need one white woman to continue his line, and raise proper white children

Here is the thing. You have to think about the passage of time. Get the smallest girl you can and by the time they are 35-40 and have had 4-5 children for you they will be at the perfect plump size. Girl on the left will be a ham planet after a kid or two.

This. I am so sick of these women who plaster their face with makeup. They are like clowns to me. I sometimes think what would aliens studying our species think about one sex who painted themselves up like they do.

Women are a precious resource and Hitler realized this. A woman is a reflection of her man. If you don't respect your woman, you are either a shitty man or you have a shitty woman, and a shitty woman means you're a shitty man anyway. A real man doesn't view females as disposable cumdumpsters, that's nigger tier retardation and a worldview that is wholly fucking destructive to your race, you may as well be a traitor. Nignogs like you create nothing but problems for white society by acting like retarded muh dick chimps, treating our women like shit, producing single moms and children who will further become problem citizens.

You deliberately help in wrecking white society with such a fucktarded lifestyle and worldview and are no better than kikes and traitors in my eyes.

Sounds like a top lad, who ended it?

Whether your a woman or not is questionable but it has been my experience that women politically align with strength not who they logically process to be the best solution. Women want strong men and will follow strong men regardless of beliefs. FASCISM IS SEXY ask any woman and she will admit she is into dominance in males.

This. Women are a reflection of their men. Could not have said it better. Men need to understand that women are the passive sex. They are entirely malleable.

They will follow what is strong, and traditionally that has been men.
Men are losing their strength and thus their women

neither of us, I had to move back home to help with a family emergency

this is definitely true. for some people it's only in the bedroom but for others a strong aggressively dominant guy is the best thing ever yours truly included

Come the fuck on user. That may apply sometimes, but such a thing requires a woman have self awareness. If you have any experience with women, you know that their answers to any given question change with the wind. Yes, they DO all respond and are attracted to strength, but there are tons of women who either won't admit it or genuinely don't believe it's true. The former won't admit it because of "muh stronk independent" stereotype, and the latter have been so brainwashed that they themselves cannot for the life of them understand why they're attracted to "that fucking asshole over there, like oh my god i hate him so much" and yet they can't look away.

It is much better to learn and know the nature of women than to ask a woman directly about such a thing.


Thats exactly why we see the phenomena of apparent feminists aligning with what should be their worst adversary ….Islam. the reason is their is a biological attraction to dominance, and since they pussified western males they turn to the most oppressive people on earth to get the tingles back.

Get married soon as you meet a good man and have a large family. The matriarch of the family is the most respectable position a woman can have and you will be valued by your community and loved by your children and eventually grandchildren well into your old age.

Who cares what they will admit and what goes on in their heads dude. fact remains there actions will reflect my point and they will go coocoo for a dominant male every time.

I'm infertile since birth, I could always adopt or see if my sister would be willing to be a surrogate if she promises not to smoke weed or drink or fuck niggers during the pregnancy

I wouldn't trust your sister by the sounds of it.

Her blood type is Cheese Whiz.

Even more unfortunate. That's actually quite sad, I feel for you.
You can still contribute. There are tons of little White kids who have been abandoned that you could adopt. Make sure you don't get pressed into taking darkies. My own father was adopted into a loving and stable family as a child and ended up having a large family himself, so if you nurture them properly in a married home then they will still be worth it and their children will probably also regard you as family, speaking from experience as me and my family have always regarded my father's adoptive mother as our real grandmother. You could also try surrogates, but as user already mentioned you need someone you absolutely trust.

she's so fat she eats wheat thicks

There should be far more than enough available white children up for adoption. I would strongly advise that when you and your partner are ready, get one as young as possible. I don't know how adoption process actually works, but there should be some sort of way to ballpark the ethnicity of the child. Obviously try to get one that isn't mixed in any way, although I imagine that might be somewhat difficult with the lighter shade hispanic babies. Then again I don't know the demographics of your country.

Learn2read. Traitors who sold out their own people for kike money and praise are just as bad, if not more so, as kikes. Why do you defend traitors?

That isn't necessarily being a "role model" a man cannot teach a woman chastity by being chaste himself. That would be like a man convincing a woman to wear dresses by wearing a dress.

What you're describing is simply refusing to enable and validate their behavior, which is useful, abandon the idea that you can turn a whore into a red pilled wife, you're only fooling yourself.

What is really happening is that men need to make an EXAMPLE out of the garbage women so that those few decent women remain have something to mentally refer to if they ever decide to weigh their options.

your misconstruing what i have said, i agree with all of your points but my post was not at odds with them either. I am not saying we try and turn whores into housewives rather show those whores they aren't getting us anymore and devote ourselves to traditional women. IN THE LONG TERM. the result will be less slutty women because they will see the actions are fruitless and thus in time will abandon the behavior. Yes the solution does imply that there will be a generation of slutty women posing as housewives whilst this transition takes place but that is the price we pay for letting it get this bad.

And a strong and intelligent man will be able to recognise the difference between a truly quality woman and an ex slut pretending to be one. Because that's exactly what happens to beta men in modern marriages. Hence more alpha men. less slutty women settling down and still reaping the rewards of what quality women gain. Although a quality woman will have landed an alpha, where as the ex whore will have to settle for the weak excuse for a man that takes her into marriage despite her past.

I wasn't so much saying you believed in turning whores into housewives, I never got that impression, I was more simply adding that as side note and refining what your point was exactly so that others might not get confused.

Some men believe that you can lead women by example, and in those cases they believe you can turn a licentious woman into a wholesome wife. I was simply shifting the context to preclude that possibility.

This is the funny part anonfama. Instead of changing them selves, they try to change everybody else to suit their laziness.

I guess its a lot easier to whine on a tumblr blog about muh men not liking hamplanets than it is to exercise.

Fair enough. Its more about what they receive other than leading by example. If whores are no longer rewarded for their slutty behavior it will stop. They will realize i have to act a certain way if i want to fuck alphas.

my point in saying "male role model" is that if slutty women see strong alpha men only getting with traditional women, that will set an example of how they must behave to get with those men. A model relationship if you will. The women involved are always a reflection of the man, and thus whores will want to emulate those women who get these men.

I sort of hope this passes and becomes creates precedent. Than we can destroy every single (((modeling company))) by flooding them with hamplanets. After that nobody will want them and they'll all reach financial insolvency.

Its important not to feed slutty women attention, otherwise you're just encouraging them.

Especially not the ones that bare any of the three marks of impurity: Piercings, Tattoos, and dyed hair.

the drug is safe as long as you use it correctly. The drug is dangerous, yes, and my post says as much. It also gives any potential user rules in order to not die.

never heard of it, thanks for the info

DNP used to be sold for human consumption back in the day.

depends where you're starting from

That's how I know you're full of shit.

I don't know how they sat through that. I'd need 6 gallons of eye bleach if I ever see this thing do a webcam porn stream.

There's something wrong with that bitch on the left. She looks like a narcissistic coal burning psycho cunt. Something about her expression. The one on the right I kind I kind of feel bad for though. Look at her body language and expression contrasted with the crazy bitch next to her. She's only around to be the less pretty friend and she knows it. Looks fertile and white enough though, doesn't have any piercings or tattoos like her soulless whore friend. Isn't tainted enough to be feel too oppressed by the patriarchy to wear pink, feminine swimwear. Looks less damaged and more salvageable than most western women. Would still make white babies with/10.

DNP is a really common drug in bodybuilding for cutting. I wouldn't take it, but then again, I wouldn't take EPO or some of the other sport supplements that can kill you in your sleep (except if they have actual medical uses). There is stuff that you can take and manage or mitigate the side effects to a decent degree. But as with all things, I suggest caution and keep an important principle in mind: there's no biological free lunch.

Guys like to try to find new ways to do shit fast and free. It doesn't work really. If you're fucking with your hormonal system, you're generally going to do some damage. That goes double at higher doses and longer intervals. It's cool if your thing is to get big as fuck quick as fuck. You can do that. You just have to understand that loading your body high doses of sports supplements (e.g. tren, EPO, test, d-bol, HGH, IGF-1, etc.) will not only throw off your endocrine system, but it can lead to things like sterility, organ growth (which bro scientists claim is from HGH but might be from IGF-1 since they're usually stacked),

That said, I see no reason to stay natty for life, and if you do your research and stick to a low to moderate dose of test, HGH, d-bol, tren stack and avoid shit like EPO, IGF-1, and the rest, I think you'll avoid the worst of it and you'll be able to keep your nuts working for longer than a few years. Especially around 35-45 for most men, somewhere in that area your endogenous test, HGH, and IGF levels tank - and that's what puts muscle on. You're going to need to supplement them if you want to continue lifting heavy shit and staying strong into your middle age years or you will deflate like a motherfucker.

autism. severe mental illness. to a greater degree than anyone who's sat through this miserable thread which should have been deleted instead of anchored and the many shitposters banned, but (((they))) are fucking kike faggots

*teleports behind u*
Learn how to post faggot

They understand just fine. They know that they can get away with fucking around for as long as they want, and switch to "marriage mode" later with no consequences. They know there will always be thirsty men out there.

That's really not a choice that most men have.

that's just your opinion faggot

enjoy your whores user.

/fit/mod here,

even for a girl with an TDEE of 1,8kcal that would be 33% of her daily calories. This guy will get in all sorts of problems going on a crash diet like this, it will fuck up his metabolism - so that even the aminoacids with it's shitty energetic/digestionvalue will be used as a fuel which drops into fullblown kachexia.

he will lay in bed and feel drained all the time, he will feel cold, he won't be able to concentrate and nothing that he eats will make him feel "awake".

*33% of her TDEE cut off

If you weigh 270LB, which means someone needs 4000 to 5000 calories a day just to MAINTAIN their weight. Muscles increase your caloric burn, just as fat does but less. Everything they do costs a heck of allot more energy. Moving their 15 kilo fat arm requires triple the energy as a healthy person. This compounds itself. A 30 minute walk to a obese person carrying all that weight is far more energy intensive then a healthy person going for a 30 minute stroll. If one can keep the heart rate in and around the 90 to 110 it's perfect for attacking fat stores.

So when you do a cut from 5000 to 1400 calories, you send them into starvation, their body will begin a long process of storing fat rather then fat burning. Anytime they sneak on their diet they will store it as fat. Any relapse and they will gain far more weight then they previously had. Only few people will have the mental fortitude to maintain this sort of diet. Advice like stop drinking sugar drinks will have a positive effect in the long term. It might cut 500 or a 1000 calories out of their diet. Drinking water extensively will also decrease the hunger feeling and aid in eating less. Removing the insuline spikes will further increase their mental health and prevent the 'always tired' state. They have to be careful not to compensate the energy loss with eating more.

This caloric deficiency will then within 6 to 12 months seize the weight loss. After that food portion sizes should be lowered. Instead of making people think in calories, simply suggest they stop bulk eating and eat lesser portion on a smaller plate spread out across the day to prevent the 'hunger pains'. Instead of eating 3 sandwhiches, eat 2. Instead of having 5 potatoes, eat 3. Instead of filling your plate and stacking it in a mountain, make 3 corners out of it. One with potatoes, one with vegetables and 1 with a bit of meat. Eat from smaller plates rather then bigger ones. This has subconscious effects to simply eat less. People eat crap, because it's available to them. Stop buying crap and you won't be inclined to go to the store because your in a bulk eating mood halfway into the afternoon. You can still bulk eat other more healthy foods, but you will be less inclined to do so since there will be barely any sugar rush.

Obesity is 90% of a dietary problem, 10% is exercise. Going on walk for 15 to 30 minutes per day solves most of the cardiovascular issues and increases the metabolic rate for over a day. I've seen people lose tens of kilos without rigorous exercise by simple making radical changes to their diet and simply losing it long term.

If one builds muscle like body building, they simply create a higher metabolic baseline since the muscles crave energy and stored fat is the easiest to burn rather then digested energy for muscles itself. It does really make it easier to lose weight it's just that body building requires long term effort; which a obese person has shown not to have hence the reason why they became obese. Laziness, indulgence no motivation, emotional state are the root cause. Only a few have a eating disorder like bulk eating in order to get their happiness dose.


You think he's brit? Jesus christ.

this is the right way

-cut out carbs
-fast at least a few days a month
-drink all the water
literally all there is to it.