Norway General: Can we please have a thread about how based this country is?
Norway General: Can we please have a thread about how based this country is?
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Can you please fuck off back to cuckchan and take your pointless slidethread with you?
what's wrong with my country?
Norway could be the bleeding edge model of a white nationalist ethnostate and your OP would still be shit.
Make a thread nigger, put some material in the OP.
If you want to talk about it post some news facts info something we can post about. A one line text is not enough
If you wanted such a thread you should have written up a decent OP
We might not be Sweden tier bad yet, but don't fool yourself into thinking that we're far behind. It's just a matter of time.
What's based about it?
behead those who insult Varg
Norwegian here, things here are pretty bad to be honest. There isn't really any true right-wing parties here and there isn't a single political party that wants out of EFTA which pretty much has been fucking Norway in the ass since Norway voted no to EU.
Varg fucking despises what's become of his country. vid related.
Also, shit thread kill yourself.
I like Norway it's downright beautiful. Regarding how things are with nationalism and such, Yan Petrovsk - Veliki Slovan, explains it pretty well:
Most of what he says is BS.
Normal tax rate is 33%
Your buying power is greater than most of EU.
They don't send cars to Africa, however you get 300 euro to deliver them into demolition.
The Nor food mafia keeps the EU food mafia away.
Based Varg
Certainly, avoid Oslo (and all major cities of Europe/USA) But as always, there are still plenty of areas that are overwhelmingly White, outside the cities.
Why are whites so cucked? Was it our constant warring that culled all the masculine men?
Norway is communist.
Yes, in ww2. Also the jews won ww2 and now youre paying the price.
other than
we have the highest empathy of any race and most people are stupid and think having empathy for foreign races is a good thing
So Norway is less gay than Sweden because Norway has it's pozzed cock in Sweden's boipussy. Just because you're in 2nd place in scandanavian degeneracy and multi-culti cucks, doesn't mean you should brag about it. Besides, Finngolia are the real based bastards. Please lurk more mohammed.
Yeah i'm getting tired of this shit. Especially now that goychan is even more unbearable than ever since it's shilled nonstop, so i assume alot more refugees are making their way over here post-election.
It doesn't help they poisoned us as children both with unnecessary medical procedures and incessant media/academic brainwashing. Pretty stupid to kill your dog so you can adopt a coyote though.
only cucks use
in their OP
OP is shit. We're not here to fluff your ego about the retarded tag-along kid brother of the Scandinavian nations. If you're a Norwegian, and not just a sliding timewaster, then offer the rest of us a perspective on your country the normie media don't allow us.
Add value or GTFO.