This just happened today Holla Forums
Red Pilling the Mases
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But that's a photo of the mass grave created by the allies at Bergen Belsen. Those people died of Typhus or starvation.
Was just about to say pretty much this exact thing. You fucked up OP, you could have redpilled your whole class on the holohoax.
True but you're assuming the emotional mob logic won't completely ignore the truth in this scenario
Ya don goofed
Black lives don't matter.
you did good user
You dun good user.
While we user's may be far beyond such redpills and rather focus on other shit more interesting and entertaining. Or more true over all. You just dropped an hell of an redpill on their normalfaggot heads and shoved it deep into their inner mental processes at the same time. And coupled it with deep emotional responses already prepped by existing propaganda to make it stick. They can never forget it now, this is the most insidious and effective type of redpill.
And as we all know. Once you take one red pill, you cannot forget it, or be sated with just one. They may fight against thoughts of wrongthink for years but your words are always going to be there subconsciously nagging at them to think in a different way about things. You just called out an entire system's bullshit in the most perfect way to demolish the cult of indoctrination most simply absorb.
OP here, yeah sorry it was a picture of a mass grave so I just looked up one with Holocaust as the search term, it looked like the one on the slide so I used it.
Probably was the same mass grave, whose existence does not prove the mainstream narrative of the holocaust to be correct whatsoever.
He wouldn't have been able to push that narrative though, correlating abortion with the holocaust divides the liberals, that is what we want, the fact that its mostly black babbys aborted only helps the point.
It puts a divide between blacks and feminists.
You did nothing wrong. Abortion hits the white population harder.
Just showing them some of their students know more stuff about the subject than they do can destabilize them, if the teacher isn't prepared. In highschool (French highschool), one of my history teacher (which was the new age liberal we have here, all in the being, with good look, good face, but nothing in substance) used to inject his rhetoric and views into his teachings. Most time I'd talk to him at the end of the hours we had with him and voiced my concerns about his ways of teaching, I had every right to do so because I was the class representative, elected by my peers.
He turned down all of it until one day, we randomly came on the subject of Pre-WWII Era in class. He then said with the most pretentious smile "Thing is, the NSDAP attacked jews on no other bases than the impurity of their races, not the actions". I was kind of baffled to see most of my classmates not responding or just looking at him as if he said a common fact. I knew a lot about NSDAP at the time, mostly WWII, but I wasn't NatSoc, I wanted to mess a bit with him, to see how much I could push him.
So I raised my hand and it went like this:
I had a huge commie in my classroom at that time, she was on edge to fuck anyone who trashtalked about socialism. The common word for commies in France is coco, which is less negative than commie, so I used commie in order to mess a bit with her. The teacher knew her political stance so he tryed to calm things down.
At this point I knew I was going to get my ass whooped by the school's authorities. So I had to prove my point. I went to wikipedia, clicked on most of the commanders in the German Revolution page, ctrl+f 'jew'. No one knew about that, why ? Because the program schools follow goes really fast on this issue, you just hear about that Revolution for 5 minutes in a 2 hours class. The year I was in that grade, they removed a chapter about media/information and how it shaped our world, why did they do it ? I never had a full answer by anyone about that.
OP here, I just looked up Holocaust mass graves and selected one that looked close to the one on the slide. Teacher was talking about the Nazi invasion of other countries and looting/killing the Jews and dumping them into mass graves because they couldn't stay to make a baby Auschwitz.
Should have brought up how Goebbels had people arrested on Kristallnacht if they looted Jewish shops instead of just smashing them, also how everything beyond Poland was because of England and France refusing generous peace deals - pic related. France declared war on Germany, for example. Not the other way around.
were you in Premiere? i'm french too and when i was in this year, i used to redpill my class so hard during history class. the whole hour would go with my teacher and me just exchanging facts about Petain and how he wasn't the asshole we tried to make him be, or as you said the german revolution that led to the war. the feeling was incredible when the teacher was just looking at me saying "i'm sorry i can't continue arguing with you, i just don't know that much" with my redpilled friends nodding with respect at me.
OP here, yeah I just searched mass graves holocaust and posted the closest thing to what I saw on the slideshow in the story. The teacher was talking about the Jew looting/killing in the Soviet Union and other places by the Nazis that supposedly killed 1 mil of the 6 that died. He might have used the wrong pic or maybe I did. Point is that it was graphic and the people in my class were traumatized.
Oops mobile screwing up my replies…
The Poland excuse was ridiculous too. UK and France decided to attack Germany because it attacked Poland, fair enough, but the USSR was attacking Poland at the same time and somehow that was not a problem. Then of course they had to go and fuck over the Poland they were defending by sending no reinforcements whatsoever, so Poland naively waited for reinforcements that weren't coming and wasted many men in a war they couldn't win.
This sounds pretty cringe worthy user…
I don't agree with abortion being promoted for profit interests to people who may want to keep the child. I am fine with it being available though. At a higher level one of the best arguments against abortion is that it disempowers a woman's sexual agency and such a result is long term desirable for society. (Attempting to increase birthrates from society's dregs is not a good justification here).
I do not think one should be pro-life however unless there are GOOD alternative options like an easily accessible adoption system. From a libertarian perspective I kind of think abortion is fine. If I was a chick and I got pregnant I would definitely want to be able to get an abortion.
I feel like people who simultaneously argue against immigration and then come out as pro life and vice versa are pretty fucked up with their world views as they flip between rational/clinical platitudes and emotional/moral appeals on both these issues. I agree that abortion should never be socially acceptable but it should not be illegal. Going down the pro-life path is a shit idea for any movement not just because of how it isolates a lot of people but because the arguments and thought processes to justify it will ultimately affect other stances and points of view. There are a lot of benefits to a pro-life argument you can argue it emotionally and morally but if you personally are actually giving a shit about a fetus and claiming it is a human life and should be valued as such I think that is really fucking stupid.
You guys are all dumb niggers. Do you call sperm or a non-fertalized egg a human? That is the exact argument you are making fucking morons. You didn't redpill anyone in the class you made them all realize how retarded you are and you missed an opportunity to call out the holohoax for what it was. Pol has way too many christcuck niggers that don't understand how to critically think.
Sweet fuck the rekt age user! Lol
Abortion is excellent because she-boons are the number-one customers. In principle, if it is used to weed out the undesirables, then great. But there will come a time once all the undesirables have been expelled; when abortion is used simply because "waaa I'm a degenerate and I can't stop having pre-marital sex now let me run away from the consequences of my actions because daddy always protects me surely this is a good mentality to teach to adolescents", then I take opposition. For now, kill all the babies you want. I think I can teach some basic traditionalist morals to some retarded teen who got knocked up, but trying to teach niggers that killing your own offspring is antithetical to the development of your bloodline is both ridiculous (because who wants more niggers) and impossible (niggers cannot learn such lessons, anyways).
Also sage this gay blogpost.
It has the potential, time is a funny thing and I won't argue scientifically at which point it's alive or whatever because I don't have the verbal ammunition. However artificial wombs are an option in development, and option that will pretty much end the controversy if we can get it to enough people so hopes there, and sorry I'm too new here to call out holohoax.
Read that, and religiously I can have my beliefs about whatever but that doesn't cut it for the country as we are free to believe whatever we like. We don't really have the science to honestly and truly define life in its entirety, so making these kinds of judgments completely out of religion can really only go two ways, everything or nothing. I don't think we should slap a stupid date on things like 3 or 6 or whatever months because that's not addressing the true issue at hand. I already said artificial wombs will make things easier, but in my mind still only for rape babies, and regular people who mess around with things science doesn't have a full grasp on are sure to face a lot of controversy, with friends of mine saying that kids need to learn that actions have consequences or whatever.
What you're proposing is for the State to spend millions on creating more niggers (who are the majority of abortions in mixed countries like the US). So in your future here's the life-cycle of a nigger: sperm-9months: State nurtures the nigglet in its artificial womb. 0-18 years: State pays for the nigger housing, food, healthcare, education and welfare. 18-XX: State pays for the nigger housing, food, healthcare and, when it's not in prison, welfare checks.
While I support niggers getting abortions, you did good work.
Sage because this is a congratulatory circle-jerk thread.
Trade them for a cash reward.
Kikes go.
The first redpill is the Holohoax. Stop using the term like 4chan does. Once they have seen the matrix, then other redpills follow. But until they escape the lie of WW2, which our whole entire modern world is based on, they can't be redpilled.
What you did was to push a (((Conservative christian))) opinion with the Holohoax narrative, the way Sean Hannity does, and actually reinforced the Blue Pill.
Who linked this thread to reddit?
I'm relatively new here, this being my first post. My friend and I just started going deeper than reddit about a month ago. I'm sure in time I'll reach a higher power level or whatever. I'll just see how this post does and learn more about how you guys view the world.
Kikepedia claims:
Mentions Goebbels calling a stop to it, however.
I'm just swallowing the holohoax pill, and I want all the facts straight.
You need to think like a normalfag. They don't eat it when you say that. What OP did was a great thing, liberals preach for abortions but cry about mass genocide. Yet those two things are the same. Each time they think the holohoax they'll think about aborted babies too.
If you are not bullshitting I can advise you to lurk a bit more, you'll see what we see in time. Just understand that you won't be able to go back. Also watch:
abortion is a small issue. it gets disproportionate media attention relative to its magnitude. a distraction.
In America they go over none of the history in between, just jump straight to WWII from WWI and say the Germans were unhappy with the post-war deal so they flocked to Hitler who stole power from the Weimar and proceeded to gas Jews purely out of a random prejudice and of course because they weren't blonde and blue eyed (which we all know makes no sense as Adolf was neither of those things, it was merely the phenotypic ideal that ensured good genes).
No one is going to give a shit about niggers raping and pillaging when our women are having babies sliced up and vacuumed out of their cunts. Abortion is part of the culture of death put upon us by kikes.
You know she's had an abortion. BURN. Good job OP
You did fine. user criticising you is being a bit of a faggot as abortion is a bad thing, and is something that is plaguing our people as well as others (especially in Europe where there are not many blacks).
The real break-through you had was in making them see how the same brainwashing techniques supposedly used back then are in fact employed today to push 'the narrative'. If there is anyone potentially valuable to us in your class, they should immediately have been thinking about what other things these brain-washing techniques are used with. Interesting examples would be how Leftists see Trump with their recent 'punch a nazi', which then leads to how the world (and particularly hollywood) sees nazis: which is as inhuman monsters deserving death - exactly the propaganda that your teacher just told you the nazis used against their foes.
There's a whole rabbit hole to go down from there with the smart user seeking to discover all the ways in which he has been manipulated. You did good.
This op. You sean hannity'd, but it was a good effort and you proved that it can be done even if it was just to yourself. Too lazy to go get the source, but according to the kikes themselves there were only 3.4 gorillion of them in Europe at the time war broke out. Attack the number first, its important for two reasons
Next time don't be Sean hannity. Be George Lincoln Rockwell.
Lurk more. Check out the red pill threads.
You could've dropped some mega holohoax bombs but all good, just wait till next opportunity and be much better informed for it.
That said I think considering your power levels as you put it you
Leave while you can. Holla Forums functions much like the room in the movie "1408". The longer you stay, the more you change. It is pretty depressing to learn the truth and no longer be a puppet pleb.
Dig deeper and you have no one else to blame for your future rage.