4 AM

Losing control?

You going to play any British themed games today?

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Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)


Hey fags, what's up


Morning everyone~

I did the whole ATM thing today and found out I only have 50$ left. I need a job or a massive car wreck or something.

Good morning everybody

How was your day/is your day so far?

Looking forward to anything coming up?

Perfect timing OP


Depressed about my ex, in debt, losing control, etc

Did you remember to tell you're waifu you love her today?

Deus Ex, maybe.

Good luck to Britbongers. You're probably going to need it.

Been working on making something I've been putting off for a while. Might want some opinions on it.

Thanks m8

Whats got you thinking about her anyway?

Do you even love her?

Hey Hey.

Do the SAS Operators in Siege count?

It's going pretty good. Character design is a bitch, but whatever gets me some RPs. ATLA is pretty good.

I'm looking forward to a lot of stuff. New Total War stuff, Bannerlord, a little on the fence about Dishonored 2 and Deathwing.


What you working on user?

Works for me.

My mom said that if I fail getting into community college or getting a job she will have me live in Mexico again.

I'm reserved. No bully

Only on Hereford Base

I recommend No One Lives Forever 1 and 2.

That's fucked but the power of trips will save you

Good. Been rocking the shit out of Sledge as of late.

I got really into Tanaka-kun and it's the comfiest anime I've seen in a long time, but now it's almost over and that's going to make me sad

In any case,

I showered for fucking ages and treated myself to biscuits and tea after lunch. I've started lifting again, so now I actually have to eat more food so I don't die of exhaustion.

I've lost a total of 29 kilograms so far. One more kilogram and I am going to shave my entire beard off. Wish me luck, fags.

Multiple times per hour.

The Don will just send you back anyway. Stop fighting fate.

the new one?

What's going on with the Britbongers?

And post it, and i'll happily provide my opinion

I'm afraid Dishonored 2 is gonna suck ass. I like the first too.


The job thing I can understand, but community college shouldn't be that hard user. You did fine in highschool right?

You are only delaying the inevitable, come november its over anyway.

Looks cute, whats it about?

Does it have any male characters?

I just want a gf.

She's dating someone else now. We remained friends, but recently I guess she's been going through something and needed some assurance from me. Tl;dr she asked me it I really did love her when we were dating, and when I said yes she asked if I still did. I didn't answer her out of respect to her current relationship, but it made me realise I still did.

Get a fucking waifu faggot

I was gonna say. Typically community colleges will take you as long as you can pay

Yeah.Little worried though.

Be prepared for bitches then.

You have to go back.

In all seriousness though, how haven't you managed to get into community college? I didn't have much of an issue when I went. Took my grades from high school up there, took the placement testing, and got a 4 semester scholarship for up to 15 credit hours a semester.

Give me a few minutes and I'll post it.

Brexit vote. I don't want to try to discourage any Brits here, but I'm expecting the EU to find some way to rig it against Leave.

I'll have to look this one up.

I did. what matters is that I get accepted for finiancial aid, which shouldn't be hard.

write a note about the things you want in a gf then dotre it in a small box. then in a year you will get a gf. be weary though that it's kind of a monkey paw kind of deal but it worked for me

You the guy whos always talked about running to the beach and threw up the first time?

If so glad you are making such great progress.

Get a waifu instead, you will be happier in the long run.


And either push for her to dump the new guy and get back with you horrible idea but you might still go with it or cut her loose.

First question, was she a bitch and what ended the relationship
Second question, are you sure she isn't trying to play you?

thinkgen of upgrading pc, what's the most-high end consumer-grade shit right now in CPU and GPU categories?

If you're gonna post Chia lewd butt, at least spoil it nigga.


Yeah, I shitpost with a Simpsons image most days in here. Simpsons images are all I have to post.

Just wrapped up Dishonored today. Jesus, that fight with Daud

Order one on the internet.

Cut off all contact. They probably are getting off on cucking you right now.


Monkeys paw deal? So what do I lose? Dont I get 3 wishes?

just voted tbh lads
might as well have just stayed home in all honesty tbh

Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.

I finally came out to my dad with the help of Toranon helping me man up (Get the courage to say it). He told me that he always has my back, no matter what and he was proud that I built up the courage to tell him after years of hiding. The reason why it took so long is because my mom is a total ass, she hates gay people so I thought she'd throw me out onto the street if I came out. Dad told me that if she had anything to do to me, she'd have to get through him because he's in this marriage to raise a kid, that kid being me. He told me that he never really liked my mom, I never did as well to be honest, she'd always find a way to be unhappy, even in the brightest hours. I almost cried that night, knowing my Dad would do anything to protect his son, unlike my Mom. The reason why I chose yesterday to say it is because Mom fucked me and Dad out of a vacation to the Grand Canyon in September. Basically after months of planning, she finally decided "If I can't go, nobody can" and cancelled everything, even though I offered to hire a housekeeper to watch the house for a week with my own goddamned money if she wanted to go. It was my breaking point, Tor knew it and I did to. I said enough is enough that night and finally came out, mostly to spite her and to get it off my chest. The salt has been glorious because Mom knows she can't do shit about it because my Dad supports me. To be honest I'm not really sure what I am, all I know is that I like guys too. After five years, I finally did it. It feels so good. I am who I am and there isn't a goddamned thing in the world Mom can do about it.

Also if any of you want to play Terraria, leave your Steam ID, I got a server going, I'd prefer new characters


Unless you really are hurting, be prepared to not get any because of niggers and other objective based profiling.

*store it in a small box
also I don't know what you lose. I'm just but a begginer in meme magic and even then I learned this from my grandma.

Classics simpson pics are great. I usually get a chuckled out of them, keep it up!

What made your mum change her mind? That stupid MP shooting?

Don't worry, I'm praying for you niggas.

This is why the women having the right to vote is fucktarded. 1 household 1 vote made more sense.

um wat?

What's up niggers. I missed out on shit.

This meme needs to die.

>Does it have any male characters?
This will never stop being funny.

I'm a spic with autism I hope that's enough.
they said it was too high functional for NEETbucks so that concerns me

Gaining control

Neo 80's Noir writer guy trying to find GF here.

I'm gonna meet her next week. We've been talking on the phone for a few days and it's going so well. We video chatted tonight and she was even cuter then the pictures she had sent me. She also wore no pants.

We've basically already agreed that I'm gonna just ask her to be my girlfriend when we meet next week. We're gonna see a movie after I meet her family, and she wants to sit in my lap.

Pic very related.


I hope stuff starts to go correctly for you guys too.


Intel i7 is all I got off my head for a CPU, amd I heard was shit.
Check GPUs yourself they differ on what you want in them.

We all do

nah man, nah

wow, dont ever post a pic of that fucking slut wearing best girl clothes EVER AGAIN!

Whats new?


But you're already a faggot if you post Miku


It's about a sleepy boy

Every dopamine pulse or serotonin rush will be met equally with intense stress

Sounds cool, other stuff you said was cool but this is more cool

Everything was fine before this subject came up. To be fair, it was only natural I kept talking to her as I see her twice a week (we go to the same church). More on that, it wouldn't be the right thing to push her to dump the dude.

Nah, we ended on good terms all things considered.
I don't know. This is what I'm worried about.

If I had any reason to believe that, I would straighten up my back and get over her instantly. Momma ain't raise no anthony burch!

Speak for yourself


Do you even love her.

Oh well.

What a fucking SLUT.

I love using Simpsons reaction images, but I am terrified of becoming an avatarfag by proxy.

So, what are y'all watchan?

Maybe, haven't bothered asking, it's not like she can change her vote now.

Don't chat shit about my mum ever again

thankyou anime armpit poster

I doubt he does.

Eh, she asked me if it was ok if she didn't wear any. It's really hot in her room since it was an add on and doesn't have vents.

More like Sweaty tomboy poster and Yakuza poster, you're welcome.

once the music is over I'm going to go back to more BIBLE ADVENTURES

Damn Reggie…you're only hurting yourself, you know? If the relationship is over, why are you letting yourself get hurt even more like this? She definitely seems to have no problems with cutting off the relationship to nothing more than "just friends" and then having the gall to ask if you still love her or not.

god damn it why are women so cruel

A lot of folks seemed pretty mixed about Human Revolution, I've yet to play any of them though.

Brexit? I don't keep up with this type of news, let alone BritBong news.

Oh, I went full stealth for mine, I need to give it a go on a non-stealth though, see how it is. Plus I gotta get that bad ending too.

What a queer

Who cares about right or wrong when it comes to love. Do you want this 3dpd or not?

And the fact that you still love her and shes going to pound town with him every night means you are being cucked my friend.

Theres literally nothing wrong with avatarfaggotry in 4am

I'm kinda itching for a new anime but don't know what. Will probably just rewatch one I like and haven't seen in a while.

What's up guys? I've actually managed to get in here mid week, how nice. I was just playing some Sonic Transformed, that one Mario Kart clone that's probably better than MK8. God, this is so fucking fun. Seriously, I couldn't get enough of it. I think I find my new addiction.

Anyways, It's been a nice last couple days. Anybody having fun with the disastrous launch that was MN9? I thought SFV was gonna take the cake was worst game launch of the year, but nope, MN9 was worse. It's hilarious and sad at the same time. Something tells me the game isn't terrible, just mind boggingly average, the kind that makes you think "I could be playing a better game."

You could watch Fate Stay Night. I'm about to start it for the first time.

Hey there, Yoza. How have things been on your end?

Well then again, was she a bitch? Was she the type of person that would do that? Do you seem to have anything that makes you a nice target?
Gotta ask questions and get a firm stance on what is going on.
I'm skeptical on these things so yeah

It wasn't mixed more like alright.

I can't really talk, sometimes I talk to people on the phone when I am completely naked. It's just easier than putting on pants, you know?

Okay, here it is (had to toss a few text filters on them since I don't quite feel they're done yet). Been slowly working away at these for a while now, but felt like trying to actually get some more done with them the last few days. Not sure how many people have played them, but might as well get some opinions.

Bongistan is having a vote as to whether they ought to leave the EU or stay. If they manage to leave, it could set a precedent and get other nations to leave, collapsing the EU, which isn't what the EU wants to happen.


Drink some vodka fam.


Over the wall you go el' fam-o

I think it was just that combat in Human Revolution was shit while stealth was over powered.

I'd recommend reading the VN instead, but nowadays, the translation might not cut it for you. It was translated by a native Japanese speaker too, and he clearly has a hard time sounding natural.

Ay yang!

I always see you in waifu wed threads but I never make it in time for them

I'm always weary of shows that are advertisements for games or other stuff. But I might look into it.

If it's reaction images I don't see the problem. As long as it's not a single character.


That's like your opinion keonfag.

Nothing really. I may have fucked up.

This tbh fam.

I wanted to look into it after seeing this

Sup, Ritsu. How are things? Having fun times with your waifu?

The best part is at the end, where he's like "what the fuck did I just read?"

was nervous about voting but when i got there it was fine, the ladies were really nice.

one nagging annoying doubt I can't shake is that maybe I crossed the wrong box on accident. I don't think I did, but I also can't prove I didn't.

I didn't read over it but damn it looks nice. I really love how dedicated you are to shadowhearts user.

I'll give it a good look at after the thread though.

What'd you fuck up?

I didn't. I just said she shouldn't have the right to vote.

Reaction images are one thing (and if it's a thread for a particular series, images of characters from it are expected). It's when a certain character becomes ALL you post for images with EVERY post that it becomes avatarfaggotry.

Don't start watching it yet.
Is it the DEENS Fate Stay Night or its it the newer Unlimited blade works version?

It is a great show, but due to your shitty rules you won't watch it any way.

It was pretty nice.

They ain't coming in 2016 nigga.

Which fucked up the boss fights.

Hopefully they're smart enough to do this.

Brexit needs to happen but I know in my heart it won't. Doesn't help that my mother and sister are voting to remain. Giving women the vote was the beginning of the end.

You should know me better. I wouldn't have dated someone that wouldn't wait until marriage. This 3dpd is pure.
Love is patient. If we're meant to be, she will break up with him anyways. Otherwise, I get over it soon enough and move on.

No, she was genuinely a good person. I don't think that's what is happening. If I found out more about whatever is happening in her relationship I could deduct a better answer.
I understand that feel. I'm skeptical as well.

Nothing. I haven't watched anime or any sort of TV series in ages. I watched Cry_Wolf the other night, so I guess that counts. Predictable as fuck in the end, a few parts kinda surprised me, but the ending sure as hell didn't.

Hey Yangnon. No no, MN9 was definitely terrible, apparently it's even been bricking WiiUs.

And I've been pretty all right. Came back from my Knoxville trip this past Sunday. It was pretty fun. Went to Pigeon Forge and such, then to the West Town Mall and McKays. Then Church on sunday, which was actually pretty good. I managed to actually stay awake during the service

How've you been? Aside from your new game addiction.

Well fuck, that'd be glorious. EU is a fucking cancer. It'd be great to see UN crumble next.

Those infographics look pretty great to me user, design-wise. I've never played Shadowhearts before though.

Wait what. Why wouldn't they vote to leave? are they libtards or something?

Leave = Leave
Remain = Remain

How do you fuck that up?

Ha what the hell is this?

Me and Ritsu have been getting pretty close the last couple of weeks, its been nice!

You totally did and leave will lose by 1 vote too. Your fault!

We all need a code to live by

That's why electronic voting is better! :^)

I thought they improved that in the Director's Cut? At least they redid all the bosses.

Just fucked up something that it'll pop up soon. I am waiting.

Honestly you're better off playing ASSFAGGOTS 2's custom maps than LoL's special rule games. Then again.

I just can't wait to meet her. I don't feel nervous anymore, man.

She's thick but not fat (as I saw tonight) and I've motivated her to work out 3 times a week and eat better after she realized how /fit/ I was. She's already started hitting the gym.

Ya'll should get /fit/ too, it's a good step for getting your life in order.

Haven't played it to be honest.

Girls like that always break when pressured in relationships they've been in for a while. With a guy like you they stay pure but with 99% of guys, I'm sorry reg

A pimple?

I'm perfectly comfortable where I am in life.

Nigga pls.

Your code just spells out your own faggotry though fam.

same here actually, dad and I voted leave though.

this is why youre banned from replying to me

Yeah as long as you're not getting fucked it's all good. Emotions are a fickle thing so you'll have to find out what's up with her.
>tfw no gf

Forgot my own pic.

Thanks, maybe post some feedback tomorrow? Should be around.

Thanks. And yeah, the idea is to help get fellow anons interested in a series I think has been rather overlooked.

Can't speak for him, but I know that there's a difference in how men and women think. Men operate more on logic, women more on feels. I don't live in Europe, but talking with my own parents, Dad's pretty supportive of what Trump wants to do, meanwhile Mom buys into the whole "Trump is racist/sexist/horrible" shtick the media pushes (in particular she gets her news from CNN), and no amount of logic will change that with her.

Eh LoL is more casual and I have to worry less. Plus it's better to play with friends.



Oh but I do want to play that 2hu Dota again, fuck that was fun.

Jesus, how much of a fucking trainwreck does your game have to be to BREAK the goddamned platform it's intended? I mean, I hope at least the gameplay is passable.

You were on a trip though? Those always bore the shit out of me, always been more of a homely guy. I was never raised in a particularly religious environment, so I don't know what it's like to go to church regularly. I guess it feels like a chore.

I've been fine. Work has been steady which means money is steady too. I also got the Odin Sphere remake for the Vita. That is probably one of my favorite PS2 games, but I've never beaten it cuz it was hard as all hell. This remake feels a lot easier.

Wonderful! Such a healthy relationship. You two were made for each other, my friend~

I'm mustering the will to go to a gym.

I thought it was good. It's really easy to just lose yourself into it. It lacks the freedom of Deus Ex 1 aside from the sidequests, though.

Wheres my catbra? I paid for catbra? I demand catbra!

Pretty sure thats discrimination and banned by the EU, you better hope brexit wins or you are screwed.

Nigga I saw one trailer, I suspected it was still in development.

I'm talking Director's Cut.

I went bed early for the votes today later on and I dreamed about a kid who got caught up in something bigger then him and ended up taking a mech inorder to defend him self from attackers and in one of the better fights at the end of it it turned out that venom snake had hypnotized the kid and it was all in his head as a anti-hypnoses message to the world

You'll see it on the thread soon.

After all my friends stopped playing I spent like a good year just playing custom games. They were far more enjoyable soloing and you don't get punished if you start fucking with your team.

Kind of shitty, to be honest.

I'm probably going to do it tonight. I've been thinking about it for a while, and I really think my stop is here.

I've tried but I just keep losing the will. It feels bad after slowly stopping and realizing you failed again.
Don't make her work out too much, thick is nice- unless you're not into that.


Going to church doesn't feel like a chore, honestly. You just have to throw away any pretenses or preconceived notions you have when you go.

Sometimes it takes time to find the right church, man, but once you do, it'll be hard to ever match such a supportive community. Maybe it's time you went. Maybe you're being called.

For sure!

We really are. I got reminded shes a good cook the last episode I watched. I would die to eat that food.

They let mentally impaired people vote?

Are you being blackmailed or something?

Sittin here in Trudeau land… wishing I could support Trump and help fight against the EU

But there's no dying allowed.

Hey Holla Forums I don't browse these threads but I felt like blog posting since I'm too drunk to give a shit. Feel free to skip what I wrote if you don't feel like reading or just don't care.

Mid 20's fag here. Attending community despite my wishes to get more education. I just want to get a simple blue collar mid-wage job and live life without a dedicated degree. I'm told and have experienced first hand how empty the middle-wage area is and I just want to do something simple yet promising like welding. I live in a railroad town full of die hard liberals so it's a very underrated job

The problem is that my college education is being payed for in disability checks payed for entirely by the state. I don't like this but I was pushed in to it by everybody I knew despite me being adamant against it. Basically I said ok and enrolled. Thinking about it now I should have just forgone the artsy classes and just got the quickest degree I could find, but now I'm in the thick of it, and to make matters worse the school is highly liberal. So I have to hear about how the female to male wage gap is unfair and how sex is different from gender in every class, despite what the actual subject matter is from my cuck professors. It's not a huge deal because I can tune that shit out but it's a living hell to know I'm not even halfway done with this shit and I'm a year and a half in. Is it wrong that I shouldn't want to put up with this? Now I have to keep up a solid GPA and I have genuinely kind people helping me? I mean really hard working people just trying to make sure I have a decent future and I just find it hard to give a fuck. I'm trying but I'm just not happy.

I'm planning on taking more down to earth classes like welding and maths. It will probably elongate my college courses by months but I don't know what else to do at this point. I feel like at least then I can get a dependable amount of work where I don't have to worry about being creative or worrying about citation format every other day. I'de rather just hit a hammer against a piece of metal and feel satisfied that I did a job nobody else wanted to do. I don't mean to blog-post or anything and I'm sure I'll regret it in the morning but I'm asking for a different perspective here so I might as well. this might just be a man the fuck up situation but god damn it's chipping away at me.

I've turned away from LoL because of how shit the game is at it's core, not to mention it's normalfag cancer now- as well as esports greed.

My bad, didn't realize.

Wanna talk about it, user?

Nah, I've always been an atheist, really. I just can't really get into any religions.

Yum, a waifu that cooks can set you for life, amigo. What a keeper. What is her favorite dish, I wonder?

they would let dogs vote if it meant that they would vote for them

Have to say, Mighty Number 9 being so shit reminds me of the DmC and Tortanic debacles, in that Holla Forums's had a lot of enjoyable shadenfreude (or however it's spelled) moments from them being so bad. Main difference being that, what with all the delays, it's been a lot more long and drawn out.

She knows that I'm into a bit of thickness. We're both waiting til marriage, but we can still be honest with each other about that stuff.

She's involved in a lot of theater and is tired of being exhausted all the time. She's working out to improve her life, not just for relationship reasons.

It doesn't stop us from doing some ass grabbing or close cuddling, but we're gonna draw up what our boundaries are pretty soon.

Good for you yozanon. On a related note, my pastor likes keeping the congregation awake through some classic tricks like "If you're falling asleep say amen!". He's gotten a few people like this before.

I really am. Maybe I should just forget about her completely. I'm sure the perfect woman will come around soon enough.

Nice statistic, fag. Your logic is sound, but I'm inclined to not believe that for the time being. That being said, I have no idea how her boyfriend is like. Like I said, I might just abandon ship anyways.

I'll pull through.
I will always trust you guys for relationship advice, permavirgins or otherwise. :^)


Don't blame others for your own failings fam.
Its coming out this year so I am right, just admit it and you will feel better about being a weak, bitch ass nigga.

LoL used to be fun which makes it sad to play now.
And I always preferred ksing my friends while playing it, too fun making them rage.

It's okay, friend.

Hey look at it this way about the college being paid by the state, at least that money isn't going to some sjw taking those classes right?

And if you can still get the college paid for and can switch over to the welding classes go for it user. Practical skills are far more important than people give them credit for and pay well. Plus you can turn it into fun hobbies too.

I'm sorry user, maybe next election canada will wake up hahahahahaha

I'm not, you dumbass. I said I just thought it was coming out next year.

Eh, sometimes pulling the plug fixes the problem. Just make sure you decisively know that this is what you want. Don't leave any loose ends- tie em tight. Make sure you write down what you want to say on that note- get a good last meal, and don't hesitate. Fucking do it, or walk away and start right there what you're gonna do to turn yourself around.


She likes filling food and is pretty Nippon nationalist actually.

Eh I'm just saying don't get your hopes up

Of course. See this is why you never get together with anyone. :^)

I played regularly during Season 2 and dropped it by the end of season 3. A lot changed that I personally really hated and they made the game even more casualized than it already was.
Same thing has happened with me and ASSFAGGOTS, a lot of the changes have been driving me further away as well as the lack of friends to play it with.

I can see why a lot of faggots here hate it because it's the genre in general is basically a mini-casual-MMO in a span of 20-60 minutes with a lot of down time. But it's fun if you know how to play in the most enjoyable way like ganking all match or just keep being aggressive. That way the fights keep coming and there's minimal down time in between.

i'm too demotivated to get /fit/. I'm trying to improve my diet, swapping out frozen, read-to-eat shit for stuff like salads or homecooked meals

Pretty well done then I'd say. I'd be more interested if I knew they wouldn't just end up in my backlog again.

I don't even know about that, based on some shit I've heard about glitches or how easy it is to cheese the game at some points, but how ridiculous the difficulty gets at others, like with the ice level.

Yeah, it was pretty nice. I even got to hang out with Soritsu for a little while.

I've never been much of a trip-taker either, but I decided "eh, why not?" this time, and I'm really glad I went. It wasn't bad. The people were pretty friendly. The message was about Father's Day and Methuslah and Enoch and such.

Nice nice, I never played the original OS, but Leifthrasir looks fun. I just can't really into Vanillaware games. I always wind up dropping them, I love the art Kamitani does though.

Tell us about it user


Hahah that's pretty neat. My pastor at my church here at home is just so…boring, I guess? It's hard to pay attention to him, and the chairs in the sanctuary are soooo comfy. But I haven't been to that church in ages as it is anyway.

Attaboy Reggie. If she's just gonna keep you around as "just a friend" only for you to keep getting wounded like this, it isn't fucking worth it in the least.

Wait, for putting off sex? Fuck don't do that- that's a part of your love life that you need to match as well before you get married. I don't have references, but I swear to you poor sex life and mismatching of emotions in the bedroom account for quite a number of divorces. For the goodness don't put lewd times off because of >muh religion said so or >pressure of old values said so
Sex is part of a relationship too.

But I'm with Ritsu so

Love isn't real, but great friendship is, make sure to connect deeper than just petty words.

Well, it's been enjoyable at least. I dunno, all these threads gives me some mild curiosity about the game. Maybe I'm just too hopeful. I do have a friend of mine though who played the game and really liked it. I guess he just mustered the willpower to overlook its flaws.

Nothing beats Japanese food, really. Be it ramen or sushi or some tonkatsu. It fucking amazes how Japanese food manages to be so goddamned good!

Yeah, the art in OS is fucking incredibly. It's seriously one of the prettiest games I've seen. I do recommend the remake, though. They made it so it's a lot easier to rack up some CUHRAYZEE combos. Makes the game less frustrating too.

I've seen that webm of the guy using the sword weapon to basically make himself invincible and wail at the boss. And that was the final boss too, supposedly.

Did you and Ritsu talk about your favorite waifus, though?

Nah son. I'll be pretty fucking sad knowing I lost another user. I hate seeing people give up after I managed to dig myself out of a deep hole (with a lot of prayer, too) and start to enjoy life again.

If a hopeless sack of shit like me managed to get out of the pit and into some sunshine, you can get yourself there too.

Go learn to swing dance, man. Seriously don't kill yourself young, dude. Or at all.

I'm sure he means 3DPD.

I've never had anything close to authentic nip food honestly. My area is far too rural for something like that and just get generic "asian" places.

But it's >kill secured

The casualization was a good and bad thing. Lots of changes keeps making the game a chore to relearn. Wish they would figure out how to fucking balance the game already.

I didn't mean like that you faggots.

It isn't faggot. :^)

What did you mean?

why did people go early to vote everyone does that

Are you drunk? Is that why you fucked up?

I'll accept that if you mean 3dpd women.




I know it's not a super heavy weight, but damn does it feel good to make progress

I feel the same. I mean, it's people's choice to end their own lives, but still. I managed to crawl out as well, though I'm still trying to improve, bit by bit. I dunno, a combination of therapy and having something to look forward to, like games, can really help.

Yeah, they're more common in bigger cities. Thing is, there are a lot of nips here though. I think we have the highest number of Japanese immigrants in the world, so it's pretty easy to find actual Jap restaurants. Like the kind of place that makes you feel like you're actually there.

I always vote in the afternoon. There's never anybody around.

Eh, we're both into the same stuff. I have pretty good stamina and dong stamina. We're on the same page about most things, dude.

I'm a giver anyway. I don't ask for much except that the other person gets off, and she's somewhat fast in that regard.

Don't worry about me, man.

Which game? LoL or ASSFAGGOTS? Because the former just needs to make every character viable rather than the lel what's the 20 champs of the month? and the latter needs to stop listening to leddit for all the balance changes.

You know what I mean faggot.

No but I wish I was.

what is brain chemistry for 500, Alex

I'll have to give it a look then, I think PSN has a demo out for it but I have almost no room on my memory card.

Yeah, that's one of the things I was referring to. It's just a pile of shit, a big steaming delayed pile shat out by Jewnafune

we didn't. I know, a missed opportunity. We talked about games a lot though, or how great of a place McKays is.

so they don't forget to do so later I suppose


Thinking I might need to adjust the pictures on the second one; think including the section titles in the measurements for spacing throws it off a bit.

And yeah, my own backlog is tremendous. Sometimes you just have to sit down and get to playing stuff though. Part of what prompted me to start giving them a go was that a friend had picked up the first PS2 one for me a while back and I didn't just want to leave it hanging. Dumped Koudelka onto my PSP and gave it a start from there, really liked it, and just kept playing. Really enjoyable series in my experiences with it.

Went looking for more stuff on the series a while back and found the Japanese trailer for Covenant, which surprisingly had English audio (not even Engrish, either, but proper English; albeit not the dub voices the games went with) and Japanese subtitles. In retrospect it's a hilarious bait and switch trailer as to what the story seemed like it would be like; not sure if they intended for that, or if the story was reworked after the trailer.

Really like finding neat stuff like that.

I don't get going early for something that doesn't have a time limit.

It's noob gains. You can gain a lot of muscle quickly in the first 6 months or so, and then the process can slow down a bit. Keep at it and you might get to two 45's on each side like me in a few months.


But Ritsu is super skinny from being hyper active. Should have made fun of her forehead or something

I don't know if I've ever seen a nip here. We get some jungle asians that run those asian places but no real nips.



karen always wins

most people here do. that's why they post pictures of anime girls or make up waifus to fill their hearts.

I'll join you just this once, old friend.

Time flies when you deal with monotony, user. Bite the bullet and push on through. Your prospects will look better than mine once you have that fucking paper.

I was late.
Did you only stay for 10 minutes?

it kinda does but that's not the point

What do you mean, satan?

She's graduated already

I'm just posting. You shouldn't miss out on having those times with your hunnie for some stupid idea.

LoL, wasn't really into Doters.

Chemistry and Psychology are two different subjects, Alex.

Wait a second satan, weren't you going to go get drunk with shizune? WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO

Oh wait is this it?

Rules are meant to be broken, faggots.

I wouldn't describe it as a pain that causes me to be suicidal, it's just that I feel the purpose of the next level of education (college, graduated high school last year) has the sole purpose of breaking your will to accept a shitty 9-5 career. The current path I take in life seems romanticized, even in the age of billionaires supposedly weakening the middle class. My time seems like too valuable of a resource to give a company, even if it is something like survival.

Even if I were to get a high-paying career, I just find it stunning that I'm forced to give 40% of it simply because I was born into a world I never asked to be in. I could go further into "people sacrificing liberties for security" being astonishing for me, but that's another discussion for another time.

So even if I find something I can tolerate for 40+ hours a week for 50 years and justify income taxation to myself, I can't stand how everybody else seems to have some kind of optimism, or naivete, or even stupidity that pushes them forward. I simply can't justify my own existence. I could go on forever, but I think my main points are covered here.

It's more of a matter of "two people in a broken marriage had a child to fix it, I've never asked to be here" scenario.

Nigga, what version are you watching of this, its important.
and do what says and read the VN instead.

Don't get so defensive over being wrong fam, just say the magic words That I was right and you will feel better about being totally and utterly wrong.

Its more due to the community that the genre brings really, Dota doesn't get as much as a bad rep as LoL does, mostly because they always nerf champions in LoL because people are too retarded for counter play making LoL shit now.
And the set meta in LoL that hasn't changed for a few seasons

You don't need motivation to get fit just Start going for walks afew times each week then slowly turn them into jogs.

3dpd love isn't real fam

Its AP Ezreal ult from across the map to secure the kill.
A few times it was on accident after getting my own kill

come on fam.

Wrong you faggot.
For muscle gain heavy weight low reps.
For weight loss average weight high reps.

Been getting /fit/ recently. It feels good. Been pushing myself hard too. I actually dropped almost all of my bad eating habits right away, worked on sitting with proper posture for two weeks straight (was really uncomfortable but I've improved already), and have been going to the gym 6 days a week. Not just for "being healthy" either, I want to get yuge by next year.

>trusting 3dpd
I'm optimistic but not naive.

My entire church is Spanish, and pastor is a really lively guy who knows how to preach a good message mixed in with good jokes and interesting testimonies. Great guy. There is multiple instances where I stayed up until 4am talking about alternate universes and 4th dimensions with him + some other youth.

And I wouldn't worry about myself too much. I've a really strong backbone, I might feel a little sad right now but I can move on quickly.

Love is real, but you are right about the friendship.
In my culture, we forgo dating in its traditional sense and instead I would "court" the lady. We then proceed to engage in a relationship that isn't explicitly romantic, but more like what best friends would be like. It's after a period of time like this that the male (me in this case) would approach the lady's father and ask for her hand in marriage. From there, we would act like lovers.

Yeah, that's one thing I missed about being NEET was being able to shred through my backlog. But having a job forces me to prioritize the games in what I think will be the most fun, since I don't want to waste time playing something not-fun. At least when you're NEET, you have time to play things that may or may not be fun.


I was there at 7:20 and stayed until about 7:45. I was at the counter having a drink while I was waiting.
I was very out of place.


Daily reminder than 4 AM threads are cancer and need to die

Yeah, I was sure it would be busy regardless.

I already admitted I was wrong nigga, damn.

Do you have massive fucking moles on your face?
I swear to god if you do I am going to be so mad.


You should check who made the thread today

I think men can definitely love. I don't think most women are capable of it.

You can't make up love, pal.

So? You're here now. Why not try to enjoy stuff while you're here?

Literally NOBODY asks to be born, nigga.

no, you're a fattie right?


Please tell where this happens.
I'm assuming this is nowhere near burgerland.

Were you two meeting up at a bar somewhere?
Was the plan to dress up as 2hus?

Thats good at least.

Are you really going to ask the dad thing though?


I've been banned one time for not following the meta one time. That was fun because you're not allowed to tri-lane apparently. It's not like countering does as much as it does in ASSFAGGOTS because all the champs are fucking similar.

I 100% AGREE

I don't think so. Get on Cytube, we'll figure this shit out.

Memory cards. The one thing that makes me irate about the Vita.

I cannot stand that mongoloid anymore. The whole with Red Ash just made me despise him. You'd think Nips were a bit more humble about being jews, but goddamn this guy is shady as fuck.

Yeah, really depends on where you live. Here, it's pretty much impossible for you to walk down the street without seeing at least one nip.

I understand that. I always thought that life was like a product you're given, and if the product's defective, wouldn't you, the consumer, have the right to return it?

And yeah, a 9-5 can be mentally and spiritually draining, even if you're doing something you enjoy. I guess some people are just content with it. They'd rather have their lives move along like it's an inertia rather than stop and think if this is the right thing for them. Others can take it simply through trained mindfulness.

Have you considered going freelance? It could be an interesting alternative depending on the skills you have. Or even then, anything that can help you find more meaning in living this life you haven't ask for could help immensely, like creative activities.

This picture has helped me a lot recently.

Sami Zayne is also a legend.



All I see are people taking affection they want to give to a girl and putting it on virtual images on their computers instead. They're people who have never been with a girl, or those who have been burned and don't want to get hurt again.

Why the hell are nips flooding brazil of all places?

this tbh

attention whore/10

Then learn a trade and work with a union or something, and not some corporation that demands 9-5, 40+ hours a week.

that's the problem though. I can't even be assed to do that.

Alternate Universes and 4th Dimensions and shit? That sounds interesting to talk about, especially in church. As far as I recall, the Bible doesn't ever mention those things I could be totally wrong though, it's been a while since I last cracked one open

Best of luck to you then Reggie. No sense in suffering people that aren't worth suffering.

Kamiya warned us that Jewnafune was a business man and not a creator, but nobody listened well, none of the people who backed that shit anyway.

No kidding, I wouldn't trust Inafune with my pocket change.

Been with one, but not to the point of in a romantic relationship.
Weird childhood friend shit that went nowhere because I had no idea what I was doing

nigel would be VERY proud of me for voting

Yep. I kinda agree. Some women are susceptible to current trends and become shit, but come on, it's not like 90% of ladies are awful or anything.

There are definitely cool women out there who are cool with their man's hobbies and stuff. Don't listen to Holla Forums about everything, kids.

It doesn't really talk about other dimensions.

and 4am threads continue to get gayer by the day

All righty guys, it's about time I head off to bed

Sleep tight everyone, catch you guys on the flipside~

I didn't think it did

Never denied it

Eh if you ever can experience what its like to love a waifu you'll understand. Until then its meaningless to discuss it with people who don't know.

Nice dub dubs, night yoza~

Just wait for the qtboys to come

Come ride the happy vaporwave with me, guys.

Just listen to this song. Imagine sitting on a rooftop under some structure with your love, watching a city at nighttime as rain falls and falls.

I hate cunts who come out to their parents like their sexuality actually matters

Just because you're having doubts about your current path that's no reason to crash the car into the ditch. You can always take an exit off that highway onto another road.

Who says you have to work 40 hours a week? If you can find a cheap enough place you can maybe work part time somewhere that isn't very demanding. To cut cost even more you could find a room mate and share rent. If you have any friends >having friends you could ask them if they'd be interested in that.

Life is a strange road. Sometimes it's not even paved. You'll never know where you will end up, and it's never too late to change course. Sometimes you find you have no choice but to.

Here's hoping it's not rigged. Exodus to new zealand if the vote to leave fails

At least your culture isn't degenerate like most other places then.

You are probably right about that. see this youtube.com/watch?v=fy3K_KtR25w

Now you just need to admit I was right fam.

And you want me go down to dunedin to drink with you both when you can't even handle meeting up together you fags?

Bitch His W used to heal and damage while scaling with AP it was funner, and still was viable until they changed lich bane until they nerfed ap and turned him into AD only.

I passed the fitness requirements for the defense force, so no not a fatty.

And yeah they removed far too much shit from it and punish any "bad" behavior since they can just call it toxic.

Then Bribe yourself to get your ass outside like
"I have to walk for an hour before I can buy myself a bottle of vodka"
Or I have to do x amount of sit ups/push ups today so I can buy myself a bottle of vodka

I'm going to bed as well, may sweaty waifu be with me. Night fellas!


You don't have to work a nine to five your whole life, dude. There are ways to break away. Communities you can join. Ways to sustain yourself while still having internet.

Ever since I've been working out and eating less junk food, I've lost most of my appetite for sweet things and fast food. It doesn't taste as good as it used to anymore.

Because of the rise in population at the end of the 19th century and the onset of the Japanese empire, which forced many people to leave the country. That's how it seems, at least.

Our government was particularly receptive of Japanese immigrants because Japan thrived primarily on aggriculture for centuries, meaning they have techinques and methods that would help us immensely and boost our production. So, our government saw all those Japs boarding ships to South America and said "come along, we could use your help." Hell, even today, it's not uncommon to see someone of Japanese ancestry with a background in groceries and crops. Go to any major rural areas and check out a farm. Odds are, the owner's a nip.

I feel terrible for all the people who backed the game and are having to content with a product that's mediocre at best. It sucks because there have been some actually good Kickstarter projects, like Freedom Planet.

See ya, Yoza~

See ya, Yakuza.

Why not slave away and go off the grid?

Set aside enough money to pay land tax, buy some big stretch of land in the middle of nowhere. Set up some solar panels and learn some worth while skills?

Oh you're talking before they nerfed him hard, nevermind- yeah he used to be amazing, but now he's a weird ADC. Wonder if frosty Ez is still a thing.

That's that shit I don't like.

I'd much rather take to riding alone to something more fast paced, like Overdrive or Protovision.

what do this image express?

Yeah I knew exactly what you were linking before I even opened it. This guy gets it.

Night yakuza~

Well thats just damn interesting. Thanks yang, I love knowing weird facts like that.

My driving force is that I just wanna play vidya and chill with friends.
You gotta find something in life to do, as mine is chilling.
Doing a 9-5 isn't all that hard, just have to find the right job.

this image represents a carefree karen. she is falling, but shes too happy to care.


here we see karen do a pose

Lots of people with 2D waifu's have had experience with 3D's before. I personally have, and I thought love was bullshit from fairy tales until I realized I was in love with a cartoon character. You won't understand unless it happens to you.


Dude, once you learn how to do home cooking, you just can't go back.

Spaghetti with pesto, olive oil, parmesan, with a light sauce including some meatballs, tomato pieces, and something green in there, wow.

Grilling meat is easy as FUCK. Grilling a good steak takes only 20 minutes, you just set a timer and turn it over at the halfway mark and it beats the hell out of all fast food.

an excited karen. a very energetic photo.

Just avin a giggle m8

How long ago did you leave?

How'd you get your life on track?

Not even trying

I assume you meant to quote me.
Like said, it doesn't really. Was more far fetched theories than anything concrete. From what I recall though, he had some pretty good points to what he was saying. Pretty much a spiritual realm = 4th dimension or something like that. It was a long time ago.

It's actually less about the country more than it is being a christfag. I live in Canada, but my family and the girls I have dated all share the same south American culture mixed with Christian teachings.

When the time comes, it's important to have her parents permission before I ask her. It shows a lot of respect as well. So probably yes.

My culture has degeneracy running through its veins as well, I just choose to actively avoid any trace of it.

Why are you posting random anime shit, again?

another excited karen. she's also wearing an apron, is she baking something? I suppose that is left up to the viewers' interpretation.

yup differently a fattie

And when you get high grade steaks, the entire thing is tender. Hell, even the fat tastes good since it dissolves in your mouth. I'm getting hungry for steak and crabs.

a sleeping karen. sleeping in public isn't necessarily taboo, but is seen as rather odd. this shows she feels comfortable in her surroundings.

Say you absolutely fall for a girl

Shes that perfect qt pure christian girl of your dreams. You ask the dad and he says no. wat do

Huh strange but interesting. I'm assuming it's a bit similar to those blind date things in Japan? I'm guessing every culture has something like that.

Alright thanks. I'll push onward. I guess the worst that can happen is I fuck something up or don't put enough effort in to my schedule and disappoint people who don't deserve to be disappointing. I might be a hermit but I know I can accomplish things a parroting leftist can. That being said I'm to big to fail. I hope it works out. I hope things work out for everybody here

Yeah, it's actually a pretty interesting thing. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but it's more or less the gist of it. Even today, Japan has been one of our most trustworthy economic allies.

No-one gives a fuck about your waifu

That's entierly my fault for trying to get pre-sauced before I left and ending up late because of it and also never getting his phone number or asking him what he looked like.
Good chance we were at opposite ends of the bar while drinking or that he left as I was arriving.

Heh, whoops.

karen with her tummy out. again, this shows she's comfortable enough in her surroundings. very interesting


I haven't played him in years, he was viable again as a mage for a while in S2 or S3 but I have no idea how long ago that was.

Yeah he is pretty great, shame I haven't seen any news about new comedy tours he has done, I need more.

night fag.

Japan does what it wants and doesn't give a shit about things that do not matter/ not part of their country. Which is fucking amazing in this day and age.

a sad, crying karen. a good thing to post when someone insults your waifu very nastily. excellent.

I'm sure you'll be able to make it user as long as you don't give up. And hey worst case scenario is you fail this college you don't want to go to. That sounds horrible but then you have all the options in the world still open to you in trades like you wanted to learn anyway. Tons of things like apprenticeships etc

You'll be fine!

Alright, perhaps the 9-5 was a bad example.

I just can't justify why I should have a "daily routine", a schedule that will be the same for years on end. Especially considering that I have serious problems operating on a day-to-day basis. I have no motivation to do anything, I have serious mood swings, I can't pay attention to anything, and I'm many times cold and verbally abusive. My friends also call me the embodiment of stress, and most of it is self-caused, but it's just so difficult to relax about issues and not overthink them until they're rubble. The point of worry and anxiety over this is actually obsessive. Life isn't just a struggle, every little decision is like a choice between two people you love equally - and thinking in your head that the person who designed the cruel device forcing you to select rigged the machine so both of them will die no matter what.

Because that doesn't sound interesting.

She should learn how to take an insult
So should you


here we see karen is shocked, while also dressed as a detective. perhaps she's found the shocking conclusion of the case?

Why haven't you joined Freech yet?

It's like /4am/ except it's all day long.

You should bang a qt nip girl for me.

See this is why me and yoza just bit the bullet and traded numbers.

I've only ever seen that one bit honestly. The rest as good?

Here we see a very high speed Karen. where is she going? why is she running? is this the first time a karen at such a high speed has been documented on camera?

I don't remember to be honest. It was likely about a year ago. I got my shit together by landing a warehouse job. It was temp work, but it was something to put on a resume. I'm actually starting on a new temp-to-hire position in 2 hours. Maybe I'll be able to save for a new ride. I was considering investing in a Honda Vultus, and doing a sort of pseudo batman for the kids in town since the batman that used to drive a lambo up in the North East US died.

Here we see a very patriotic Karen. Surely she'll be voting 'leave' today at the referendum!

Did you two meet up?

To think, I thought I'd be the worst thing in this thread


Here we see a Karen that was born in London. Very interesting, notice the adapted skin and hair colours to suit her environment.

Sounds fun to me.

You wouldn't like drive kids on that right?

But damn that thing looks pretty cool. Hope you can get it. What kind of bike you on now?

Last weekend yeah

sorry for blogost
I stay up all night and wake up and immediately start drinking. after searcing for a job for 6 months I can feel myself losing grip on the sanity I have left living this awful neet lfestyle. Even my only good friends on skype are starting to stop talking to me because of how intoxicated ive been getting recently. i still miss her so much after 2 years


He's pretty flexible in some ways last time I played him.

Here we see a Karen talking about the EU referendum result.

welp, just failed my first exam this semester
i'm still waiting for the result on two others, and i'm almost certain i've failed one of them
that leaves me with 4 exams to redo (since i already failed two last semester). and if i fail 3 or 4 of those, i drop out
and i've still got the geometry exam left, for which i'm entirely unprepared for, although i've got two weeks till it, gonna go get lessons till then
if i fail geometry and one of the exams i'm still waiting for results, i'd end up with 5 exams to redo, and at that point i think i'll definitely drop out on my own. there's no way in hell i'd be able to study for that in only a month and a half
really wish programming courses didn't have math in them, so far they've been 90% separate things that don't work with each other. literally only vectors have been useful

How long were you with her? It took me about 2 years to get over my ex of 7 years. You'll get her out of your head some day user, trust me.


That's what I admire the most about them. Japan has managed to stick to some of its traditions even today, and that takes a lot of willpower from the general population. There's a lot to learn there.

I mean, ignoring the fact that their birthrates are declining and less and less people are getting married, and also the high number of sucides, but hey…

Thing is, we have been educated under the illusion that our lives are steady, that once we have a daily routine, we will fulfill it for the rest of our lives. But it's not really all the simple. Every day is different, and the things that happen around us may change our lives before we even realize. Hell, we may not even realize our lives ARE changing. Things change everyday, and you are a new person everyday. My therapist once told me that people today live with the illusion of control. People like be in control of their lives. But nobody has any control. Every choice we make is influence by our environment, by the greater scheme of things in the universe. The more we grasp for control, the further we get away from it, which adds to stress and anxiety, and of course, depression. It just goes to show that, on a greater scale, our lives aren't truly all that big. But that doesn't have to be a problem. This is why a lot of Asian philosophies talk about the idea of letting go, to be like water. Just take things as they go, one by one. We have rigged ourselves into thinking solely with the future in mind, and while that can be useful sometimes, it's a double-edged sword.

That's why they say it's important to be "in the present". To appreciate the things you have now, and focus on the things you can do now, at this moment. Like, right now, I could make a sandwich and go to bed. Step by step. That's how things are to be taken.

That's my life goal. I don't think I'll ever be truly satisfied with a girl unless it's an Asian.

Stop drinking so fucking much. It really doesn't compare to how much better you feel making the changes you need to make.

Here is Karen being chased by my nigga Jamal.

Fuck Karen.

I'll just be leaving this post here as a punch card. Sleep tight anons, and be safe

Fine I will stay in shaky town while you two autistic fail at drinking together

Ever place has degeneracy in it, just the main dating culture is the main point though.
Hook up culture has ruined women and turned them into whores.

Well since its your fault you should drive both of you's up to shaky city and shout us all free booze.

He doesn't go on about women much after that but if you liked him in black books you would enjoy his stand up.

His AP side still should be average, but his Q used to get a 1.2AP scaling with a ~2secondish cooldown with old lichbane.
Not as good anymore

Usually a routine would allow people to not think of making a new one every day. It lets you think about other things, like what you want to eat for dinner or what vidya you'll play with friends that day after work.
If you've got that many problems and think you do not have the will to get better- you already have the solution in mind. Just make sure you're 100% ready to go.

I've been thinking about this actually. Funny you should bring it up, my pastor mentioned it too recently. If I go through and marry her anyways, did I even really care what their parents said? It would be a tough position. I would probably work towards changing their parents opinion, holding it off until then. Something like Jacob working 14 years in order to marry Rebecca (might have messed up the names). If she is the perfect one, she would be worth it.
I have a lot of heart. I hope I don't end up getting screwed over by a woman.

Perhaps. It's just a Christian thing to do things properly, as shown in the Bible. Which within, it was very strict about the "no being lovers until you are married" rule (this actually goes beyond just sex). Since those days things have changed massively and people don't get married as early, so tradition had to change a bit to stay 'correct', in a matter of speaking. Now, we would spend just about as much time as a couple would before getting married, but we never actually had a time where we actually 'dated'.

Sounds really rough user. Do you like computers? Do you like what you are studying and want to keep up with it?

Ok now that ones pretty damn funny.

Its on my bucket list but Ritsu now so.

Night user~

Sleep well

6 months
and it was strictly platonic

After we stopped talking I just started living more and more unhealthier. she unded up becoming full sjw and diehard liberal shortly after


at this point i already feel like dropping out
the programming is not worth being tortured with math
i'd much rather just look for a job already than spend years doing this

You gotta do what everyone else in this uncaring chaotic universe does. Take things one day at a time. One decision at a time. One fight at a time.

Of course it seems overwhelming when you consider you have 50,000 days or whatever left to deal with, but you gotta just deal with them as they come. It's OK to not be in control of everything. Not every decision you make will be the right one. It's OK to make mistakes. And you're going to make plenty of mistakes in your life, believe me. But it would be an even bigger mistake to throw everything away now before you even know what you're trying to run away from.



I hated what little I saw of black books

Thats a britbong show right?

The only bong show I like is peep show.

Would you get the daughter to like work on the dad or keep it secret from her?

Well looks like you avoided a bullet but I know how the heart wants what it wants.

Would bang

Dumping Rare Richard Spencers

Also, why is Guts so perfect?

Japan has it's problems like the rest of the world, granted though it's problems that can be solved a bit more easy than others.

This is the containment thread for that user.

You should probably see a therapist. You would be surprised how much it helps just to tell someone all that shit.

I ended up leaving college for the same reason. Just don't go full NEET user.

here we see karen give a cuddle to her little sister

karen hugs are said to melt even the iciest hears

Go to craigslist and copy paste a cover letter a paragraph long into every opening w/in 20 miles. Do this for every job. Apply to shitty retail jobs on their main websites. Warehousing is more fun than cashiering and helps you get in shape. Having a job, any job, makes it easier to get a job. Think of it like grinding.

Hmm so just switch terms around to get around the contract basically.
Eh what works works. Sounds kinda warm and fuzzy.

Alright, that's my cue for the night. Gonna go play some more vidya, then sleep. I'll see you all later.

Yes it is a britbong show, and peep show is too boring for me to watch.
Black books is a great show, its about an alcohol book shop owner making his simpleton acting assistance do all the work.

I might see if I could get a small fullface for kids them and take them around the block at slow speed. As someone that assisted my mom and stepdad on training ranges for motorcycle classes, safety's my number 1 priority. Right now I've got an old '02 Ninja 250. My first, and she's been through hell and back with me. Managed to snag it at 326 miles and i've dragged her through over 15k of Florida's rain and humidity in the last few years.

I can't find a good search to yield more neo 80's style bikers with full face helmets for fuck's sake.

But user is a certified therapist!

A scary Karen.

I agree. The 21st century is one of the worst things to happen to family and relationships.
Just gotta hold out and preserve the goodness where you can.

I want to fhug Karen

Keep it a secret. For sure. Maybe. Screw your hypothetical questions.





Have fun~

Cya next time yang!

I fucking love peep show. I watch shows for the characters whether its SoL or anything else and jezza and mark are fucking hilarious.

I might give blacks book another try it was years ago I tried it and things change. I'm actually craving a good tv show right.

No kidding. Theres another guy in the thread who lives in florida and rides bikes too. Think its on a honda rebel right now IIRC

Having any experience will give you a huge increase in potential for getting hired into jobs.
If you can prove that you aren't a retard and can get to work in the morning every day on time, employers will show interest in you.

Grind some pubs for us.

Cease this activity at once, heretic.

Goodnight fags.

I'll probably just think about her until I fall asleep. It was the first time I'd really seen a girl in her underwear that was not on accident.

She's such a sweetheart though, and we both are long term people.

I hope you guys who are looking for GF's will not only develop yourselves as men to become a catch, but that you find someone wonderful too.

i dont care about your stupid rules

Just need to wait till Waifu bots really.

My favorite Brit bong comedy show would be Red Dwarf which is kinda a scifi SoL.
Just depends on what type of comedy you like really.

Do everything well.
I hope so too user ;-;

thanks for the advice niggas, I normally work out everday but im gonna try and stay in shape and quit drinking and smoking. I have some volunteer firefighting and boxing lined up in the next 3 months so until then I guess i can try and put my life back on track

The best possible thing you can do is turn the fact that it's going to suck and you're going to hate it into a way to hone your discipline and patience. Read old as books and lift and run too.

If all else fails, you can always be a pawn for ZOG. Military discipline, if done honorably is universally beneficial for a man, regardless of its direction (this citation provided by Lord Krishna)

What does he look like?
what do you look like?

Yeah well my car won't start.
Also it turns out we were probably just over a meter from each other at the bar and I even said obnoxiously loudly to some random "OH HEY I'M SUPPOSED TO BE MEETING SOMEONE HERE…" then he probably didn't even hear me and fucking left and stood outside for a while while I went out back and searched in the smoker's section.

Just fuck my shit up god damn.

Hey guys, what's going on. I talked to the volunteer coordinator at hospice care today. Going to start training next tuesday. It's going to be an interesting experience.

Would volunteer experience help? I just need to get my foot in the door.

Night user~

Hope you can forget soon

Yep. Go work to an animal shelter and walk dogs and clean cages. Since most HR people are women, they love that shit.

No shit. I guess I'll have to keep an eye out here in the threads if I can. Doubt I'll be able to with my upcoming work schedule though. Speaking of, I've got to get ready. I suspect it'll be at least a 40 minute ride to work since it's in the next town over.

Sleep deprived here.

Should I play subnautica to kill the time?
Is it really that scary to dive to the deep?
I know that there's that reaper faggot down there and I have an extreme fear of the deep but it looks like a cool builder explorer type game.

I also don't wanna buy it because it's still in alpha, anyone know what the current version so I can pirate it?

i like red dwarf but i cant watch it after season 2 they completely change it and it loses its lonely in space feel

Meetups are so awkward.
Meetups are so fucking awkward.

Hell yeah, shows you give back to the community. Sometimes you can even land a job where you did that volunteering- literally where my first job was.

Like I said before. Characters. I love when the comedy is derived by interactions of personalities.

I've been meaning to watch red dwarf, it always get mentioned whenever farscape is brought up and I love farscape. I don't think they are similar though.

Damn user sounds like you got a good plan. Keep it up!

Ask him.

Are you not able to go to sleep?
You should try to get a bit of sleep every day at least user.


Cya next time you pop in user. Hes known as octo here. Shows up on weekends usually.

it doesn't matter, I'm always sleep deprived even when I wake up after a full night.

I just wanna know if subnautica is good enough for a play and what version to kill time until hopefully one night I don't wake up.

Maybe he got stagefright and bailed.

It was all a part of my ruse.
Just cuck my Anthony Burch fam

Nothing really fam. So far it's just been shitposting.

I just wanted to show him my album of waifu pics :^)

Well then I can't answer that since I haven't played it.

Perfect. Guess ill stay up listening to some horror stuff and talking to you fucks until I inevitably crash and wake up well after I would have enjoyed doing so.

You can always fix your car, not sure about fixing your stupid though.

Its not really "alone in space/ lonely" its more last human trying to get back to earth and fucking everything up on the way.

why would a porn board meet up for a movie?
I think that was the reason why it was so fucking awkward.

Its nothing like farscape, but Farscape is amazing.
They might be making another movie for Farscape some time soon which I need and hope its not shit.
Amazing how do you have such good taste by liking farscape
And its rather hard to describe Red Dwarf, kinda like Fuck up Number 1 is the last human alive and Fuck up with a stick up his ass Number 2 gets turned into a hologram too keep Number 1 from going insane from lonelyness.

What does ritsufag look like?
Did you show him your pics?

I dunno, I'm pretty good with people and I want to help those that are dying. Is hospice care a bad thing? I'm just there to comfort them a little, I'm not going to do any medical stuff.

no its about the cold openness of space

I'd be willing to join a meetup just to enjoy the awkwardnees.
closest thing I got to meeting a polack in real life was when I went to the trump rally.

Or you could just go to bed, if you were really that unhappy about it.

O-oh. Then continue.

That's what we are here for. I might install AoEII on this laptop I found to have something to play from the comfort of my bed.

Well I found the most autistic looking person and it wasn't him so I don't know if that's a good sign that there's someone out there more autistic than him or a bad thing because we didn't actually meet.

Nah it's terminal.

Nothing wrong with losing a little control if it doesn't happen too often.

My taste runs the gamut from pure shit to only the best. Its the most balanced way to experience life.

And damn another movie? Didn't it end forever ago, I bet they are all old and shit now.

Its just pretty gross. Ever been in one?

The smells.

No not really. Doesn't hospice care take place in the patients home usually?

Secret Santa on /a/.
And it was weird because I accidentally posted my address in the thread and realized he lived in my city.

Don't watch Red Dwarf. It has an all male cast most of the time. It's actually a really entertaining show.

You sure it wasn't the MOST autistic looking person?

You better of voted exit

Sometimes I guess but I assumed you meant a hospice center. Basically a hospital/retirement place for people on their death bed. Room after room after room of dying people. Not fun.


I cant bring myself to sleep at the moment
I waited a tad too long and now hit a second wind because of it and dont feel like lying down bored in the hot summer night for way longer than I should again

I suppose so. Been happening a couple of nights in a row now. I hope I dont sleep in when it hits my work days

Just messing with you, but your anime rule is weird as fuck. Why? You sound like a huge casual to be honest.

He's a fat burger. What more do I have to say?

He has a case of bad taste. That's all family.

Thats a big part of the reason I can't hold down a job.

I don't like anime really only really specific kinds and even then I'm very picky

No its about Wanting to lie, shipwrecked and comatose,
Drinking fresh, mango juice,
Goldfish shoals, nibbling at my toes,
Fun fun fun, in the sun sun sun,
Fun fun fun, in the sun sun sun.

Do you have any more stories about the trump rally or just trigger that one fag with the "holohoax"

Feminists will try And have already to ban sex bots, but Japan don't care, Japan makes finest quality Waifu bots for order.

Can I get all your alcohol in your will then?
Just write "All my remaining alcohol shall go to one user who lives in the shaky city that posts cat bra's in my 4am"

Listen to me for animu recs
And the movie did end awhile ago but it was a very open end and they are actors so they wouldn't look that much older.

/ss/ Straight Shota
Ok that is far less awkward but you really should of said /a/.
And thats a stupid idea posting you address in the thread instead of emailing it to the secret santa organizer.

You are right again?!
Is the world gonna end tonight?


Well he was hiding behind a pole apparently so we'll never know. Until the next attempt at least.

Honestly I can't remember too much about the last bit of the show. Its been a long time since I've seen it. Might just give it a rewatch.

Heres to hoping.

About to play some dick kickem 3D with my gf

That's as American as it gets son.

one of the spics gave me the evil eye and called me a race traitor

I shooked hands with a libertarians
some tall aryan guy prayed for me that I can help get a job

I learned that you don't need a liscence to carry so I plan on getting a gun soon.

I convinced other spics that trump is the way.


Cool, I'm not the only one.

I don't even.

Sounds pretty comfy fam. Hope it goes well.

I can assure you that I look fucking autistic. After all I am a disgusting degenerate waifufag.

Get ready for me to pick up a rocket launcher and BLOW OFF YOUR ASS

It's not my fault both words start with S.
Plus it was a mistake, posted the package I received from my /ss/ partner. The organizer just gives you addresses.

Cheese-chan is cute!

sup lads

Playing va11-hall-a right now. Pretty damn comfy and the music is great.

i planned on checking that out is it any good?

Well I mean I like a very tiny subset of anime. The rest is garbage imo

Hows her foot game?

Whats with that name?

That's casual as fuck, famiglia. Why the waifu if you don't like anime?

You maybe try a night shift or maybe some sort of at-home job to fit your sleep schedule better?

Not if you hide your powerlevel, most anons are very normal looking.

That you may be but don't insult peoples waifus by equating the rest of us with that.

I only just started playing it, but the music is really good. The art style is cute too. Don't know about the story yet though.

It's totally schway

Maybe you just have shit taste and can't into general anime. Or that you're one of the vintagefags that doesn't like anything made after 1999.

I've rewatched the series 3times already just as great each time so worth the rewatch.
And I would say watch the first three episodes of Red dwarf too see if you like it.
Also watch Senki Zesshou Symphogear for cute singing girls saving the world
Nukes that turn the world into fallout when

Sounds like a great time for you, most legal legal spics seem to like trump and hate illegals more then other people which is always great.
And don't you only need a license to conceal carry? while normal carry is still allowed.

it is you should really take a break from the /ss/ board since it seems to be seeping into your mind too much.

please ritsu and you had such good taste for most of the thread.


Sun is up, it's already light in my room. Maybe it's time to sleep. Goodnight everyone. Jesus loves you unconditionally. Seek him out today!

Who are you trying to fool?

I wish.

Moe anime had a few good years. Maybe mid 2000s to early 2010s. Thats about all I like.

Not surprised a nzfag would like farscape, makes sense.

And yeah I'll give red dwarf a try if I can find a decent torrent.

there was no good anime after 99.

do you really have 133 images of this character, you faggot?

How does one look "autistic"?

Sure but if I realize I'm about to die I'm chugging everything I have.

Good night/morning.

ho boy you haven't seen shit yet

More like 3000. And 600 screenshots I cropped too. Plus probably another 1500 screenshots I didn't crop.

Why would a nzfag like Farscape?
Is it just my great taste showing?

What if you die due to being killed and don't have enough time to chug it all?

I never go ass to mouth for less than $200, personally.
Anyone else here spending the day in wistful nostalgia for internets past?

I'm just having fun. The only noticeable feature I have is that I look fairly young. I can shitpost however I want fam.

I do hide my powerlevel fairly well. I only talk about anything I'm interested in if they bring it up and try avoid fairly old or not well known shit that most normalfags don't know. I know one fag who showed me 8ch despite that I already shitpost here. That was possibly the hardest time to keep a straight face.


I don't know, I need to look more into it. I really need a weapon soon since I discovered that
I live a few blocks away from a mainly muslim neighborhood


I thought he had around a thousand now.

Jesus christ, you look like Chris-chan?

Do black underwear make girls horney or something? Why's she blushing on the left image.

I don't know, people are weird sometimes.


Well I mean ausland is right next door so.

Love user.

Pretty sure that's my job ;^)

how would you define love?


I even cross-dress and sell my own brand of fanfiction mash ups merchandise I call Five Nights in Vice City. A GTA and FnaF mashup.

Prove it. Show one! Like a teaser photo to promote revenue.

Better check your state user, rules differ.

I find it hard to steel when I hear reddit shit. I have to catch myself when I slightly freak out seeing rageface shit.
Have shared about vidya with coworker that had shared job of valet as me. He's a cool dude and fucking gets it.

I'm up to 6530. I'd have more but sorting them is more time consuming than saving more.

Well then you'll have to trust my next of kin not to chug everything before my will gets settled.

pisses me off every time.

You know, if you're actually telling the truth I bet you're making a killing off it.
Poe's law is one hell of a drug.

can you see yourself stopping? under what circumstances would you stop?

why do you continue collecting them? what started this?

Oh, don't be so anal.

I see how it is.

Watch your back.


This is some advanced autism commitment


Ha-hah! Nice try but I know your dirty tricks. You're just going to steal them and sell it as your own merchandise.

I only have one friend who I watch animu with sometimes and I've recently discovered one other guy who's got breddy gud taste in animu. Other than that all the guys I know browse leddit and funnyjunk.

I don't want to add le smart arse face to every post. Speaking of which.


Just buy bacon and hang it out of your window until you can get a gun.
Should keep all the dirty mudslimes aways for now.
Or put a pigs head as a barrier where their block ends, or just throw it in where they live

White Underwear is pure, while black underwear is when you are going to hold someones hand, of course she would be blushing.

Yes just like USA and canada we get good taste from learning how shit ausland is.

Not in the foreseeable future.
Heaven forbid, it would mean our love is no more.
Love of course.

I plan on capping all her frames in the anime then starting over again after getting the blurays and doing it in png next time. And I aim for 10k images by the end of summer.

Ha! That really puts it in perspective. I understand NZ now.


going to bed

what time is it over in fat ugly obnoxious gross burger people land?

I live in Texas and the Trump rally was in dallas.

Maybe if there were a market. But then for variety i'd have to kidnap you and keep you in a basement and stuff. I doubt you'd complain if I threw some anime and internet in there but it seems like too much work.

The sectret to keeping muslims away is make them think you're possessed by a Jinn.

For what purpose? I dont see how you could need that many pics?

6:15. Am.

A thirtieth post.

wouldn't that make them more likely to shoot you?


Every time I see her I'm instantly filled with joy. Its why no matter what direction I look in my room I see her face.

Yes New Zealand is almost a mini Freedom land, while Aus got cucked out of its own guns.

Jinn? Like a genie or a demon type thing?
They are stupid enough to believe in their book, they are stupid enough to believe that.

That would get fucking boring fam. Internet and animu would just blend together into one smudge of just shit.
I'm going to get raped aren't I?


But there's no piss involved :^)

What kind of gun laws you have anyway? I assumed it was euro levels bad.

This must be suffering.
I'm being pulled all over the place.

This actually works- truth be told.

I imagine white would be more concerning because you don't know if there will be any stains or spots you don't know about.


I should go vote now but I kinda can't be asked


Nah, you cant kill a jinn and attacking a jinn would make an enemy of it. They'd avoid you like the human embodiment of pork. Absolute terror.

Well at least you're not sad anymore, thats definitely good.

Yep. I remember a while back reading they refused to stay in one of the refugees centers because apparently a jinn was in there. Theyre the equivalent of demons for them, and theyre horrified of it. Convince em you're a jinn and they will run. Fast.

You got internet nigger, stop complaining.
Internet is unlimited.
Your mind goes to dirty places man.

Go vote you lazy nigger

Go save the EU, vote #remaIN because we are stronger together

go when i went there were two really nice ladies and they were lovely to me and it cheered me up


Well that one friend I watch animu with lurks cuckchan's quest board but he's not too bad except his sense of humor can be fucking grating sometimes.

And I only assumed rape because I'm being kidnapped.


I once tried doing that
my boner prevented me from peeing properly and it got awkward

How do I pretend to be possessed by a Jihn?
can I dress up like a wizard

I wish I had images to express what I'm feeling right now.


Shes been helping a lot lately. We've grown a lot closer in the last couple of weeks.

Maybe you would if you spent all day saving pictures of your waifu like I do.

Sure you do you neet. You wouldnt leave the basement even if I left it unlocked.
Stop making it dirty, its not dirty.

I have no idea, maybe act "off". Youd have to read islamic texts to see how genies act. Maybe you need to act like Robin Williams?

I was the one who originally posted it.

Those are the worst ones since you don't wanna seem like an asshole so you just kinda let it go.

I'm at work you nigger. I don't have access to my images.

Go piss on your gfs feet then.

Living the dream.

Good to hear bud, so long as you're happy.

Well then why not aim up a bit and pee on her snatch? What were you thinking?

Someone post more perfect sized boobs like these ones

I work the graveyard shift. It's the best like I mentioned before.

No way near Euro level of bad, just need a license to get a gun, with that you also can make/repair your own gun.
Then need another one for concealed carry.
I think, our weapon range won't be anything like USA though.

I remember reading a news story where someone threw a pigs head on ground which a mosque was going to be built, which they couldn't use anymore which was great.

Wouldn't stain spots be more concerning?
While nothing lewd happens while wearing white underwear too

Kek they are all so retarded, just need to convince them that there are Jins all over the west and hope they will run back to their shitty land.

Just start putting on better shows for that one friend till he gets better taste fam.
Its what I've done too one friend who mainly watched idol shows not that they are bad

I'm not a NEET! Stop assuming shit.
Why else would you take me against my will then?

I kind of want to tell him that shit's really fucking cringey but it's something I can hand wave since it's rarely that bad.

Like these family?

please tell me you at least have some kind of script to automate this autism

he doesn't

Didn't you say you had a waifu once?

I'd be too afraid of missing the thread. Plan on avoiding graveyard.

In my state you can just make a gun whenever you want as long as its not for business. Kinda want to get in on that, looks like a fun hobby.

Its all lovingly done by hand thank you very much.

The worst part is that if you got rid of the pissing part then it would be nice, tame vanilla (which is basically the only thing I can get off to now)

news to me.

Good idea, hell if we could convince them women are so decadent because the jinn have possessed them they might run like hell. No one wants to fuck a genie.

Oh, and what do you do?
You just said that you made decent photos I could sell. I have an entrepreneurial spirit. You're an untapped market for fetishists. There will be no lewd stuff, so stop that.

Nope, never. Its not my kinda thing.

Oh right sorry. I meant husbando.

Maybe do like a "eehhh you didn't hit the nail with that joke" kind of face while rolling your hand extended out with the pointer finger as the axis and bending the wrist a bit.

Slightly too large, like not full Cs, but A-B.

Fucking rekt

Well I mean weird stain spots (the erotic kind) end up giving me an insta-boner, moreso than sexy lingerie. Whatever floats your boat I guess.

Or live the life and have a job that you can shitpost while doing said job like the example right here.

His taste isn't that bad. He has a thing about not watching and playing anything that looked like it's from anywhere before the 90s which is irritating but tolerable.
I didn't know our laws were that free. Well fug I might try get a hunting rifle if I ever go hunting again.

Don't twist what I typed! I would never do something like that faggot.

I've learned to just live with it. It doesn't help he has other friends that have that same kind of humor.

Nope, no husbando either

But then how will I avatarfag!


I do want to get round to designing a weapon myself but I want a GIANT FUCKING RAILGUN but working on guns does sound fun.

I looked it up, don't really have as many niggers here so we don't have the main problem that usa does though.
Also looked into the gun laws due to going into the defense force

Ha should try that, "don't fuck western women since they are all possessed and will murder you if you try"
Should try spread that around sweden and see the rape rate drop suddenly

But there are no stains on white panties since they are pure
And as long as its your own stains from the previous night/earlier I agree

Always try get him to watch early 2000 shows then move him onto the good 90s ones.
I do need to see more 90 shows but I need to power through Gundam before I add more to my backlog
I think its one of the better gun laws of the western world ignoring USA, I need to go for my license in that but I doubt I will get my own gun any time soon.


But you suggested it! I just wanted photos to sell.
And then shit got weird there for a bit.

I'd fucking laugh. Then we get all the reports of a somehow increase in single mothers :^).

I forgot about the thread, what I miss?

I wouldn't have any clue how to railgun. I'd love to get into really nice metal and wood working and build a really fancy double barreled shotgun by hand.

I thought all you can really get is hunting gear because we seem to have a pretty decent hunting culture. I probably won't get myself one anytime soon but maybe when I manage to find a stable job it'll be a consideration.
I'm trying to get that friend to watch LOGH which has been a pain in the ass to get him to watch because he says the battles aren't impressive enough. To be fair from an animation stand point I can't blame him for that. Maybe when the remake comes out I could get him to watch it since he really enjoyed Space Battleship Yamato 2199.

How about we drop it okay?

pissing in pussies.

Body does what is wants regardless of what you're thinking. Body was made to do those things.
And it's super hot

Carry your waifu folder with you I guess?

Heh, okay, you perv.

Nobody uses that face on me, NOBODY.

How can you forget?

Oh shit Ritsu on the go, that'd be nice thanks

Great, watersports

Love it when artists do this.

I dunno, I was watching Jojo


Someone please tell me how to stop this churning anxiety feeling in my stomach, I really want to die when this happens?

is it a sign? is the brain telling me it's my time to die?

It's just depression

make it stop user, it's been like this for the past 7 months.

Ain't no single mothers with no rapes yo, Although someone could always convert, say wife is crazy harpy possessed by a Jin then leave

Railguns are really simple in basic, two parallel rails connected to a power supply, having a conductive bullet inserted in the rails complteing the circuit and causing both the electronic and magnetic effect launch the bullet forward.
But in practice there is a bunch of shit you have to deal with which makes it a bitch.

Have a look on gun city, decent range you can get here.
Even saw Nazi handguns with the prints on them


No stopping now
Look for meds if you can

I talked to my doctor and he gave me cymbalta and that shit made everything worse.

I fucking hate new doctors.

Nah, that'd be weird. I'd rather just trigger you.

Well you are going to do engineering right?

Maybe you can play around with it.

I've got the vid thats from somewhere.

The pure ones are the best to lewd though. You just get the urge for her to make funny faces while she loses to the pleasure that comes with corrupting the pure soul. Plus she'd do kinky shit without even wondering what it is and with no resistance.

Then just try to stay alive I guess
Unless you want to die


You mean the Luger?

I want to not die but I want to die.

Then live

shut up

What's up user? Anything going on in your life?

no u :^)

I already am an engineer, I just really don't know were railgun falls in, in the firearm law.

No lewding allowed
Only allowed to hold her hand after marriage.

Yee guncity.com/9mm-luger-p08-1938-nazi-marked-matching-313171

the burning in my stomach and depression apparently.

I do what I want. I'll lewd my pure waifu however I please. And she will feel amazing while being lost in the pleasure

Help I can't stop drinking water even though I feel like my stomach is about to explode.

I also just ate a huge meal and I have no idea why I still feel hungry

I also want to fall back asleep even though I slept all fucking day yesterday

Drink more I fucking dare you

we posting porn now?

I mean… I guess the thread is pretty dead enough now



I thought you liked what I posted :^)

Who said I don't?


problems with railguns mostly revolve around power storage and delivery and wearing out the rails, right?

o.k I voted to leave

what did you vote

to leave

when do the polls close for that brexit referendum?
7 bong?


it's 7am to 10pm

GOOD porn is always welcome.

kek sorry bout that, I'm barely reading right now.



Define good

French **Vanilla


I guess you aren't allowed to spoiler one after another.

You want vanilla?


Haven't got much of that surprisingly

But that's wrong you retard

Look at him an laugh.

You posted those last time. But leg locks and preg press is pretty nice when it's consensual.


f-fuck off





Uh oh. You dun goofed.

Someone has their panties in a twist~

Someone has to remind you you're being bad satan.

I've already gotten this one, but everytime I see it it's fucking magical.

I'm always bad, my dear user

Then you should be punished.

You're implying that's a punishment

Wait, you like being spanked? Why didn't you tell me this sooner?

I can already see whats in your future.

But I don't have a boypuss

rimming my ass is an objectively good thing to do

I think if anyone rimmed you ass they would immediately be transported to the 9th circle of hell from the smell alone.

You never ask if someone likes being spanked? You just do it.

Sure you dont.

Thats fuckin gay fam.

Well she never brought it up. Now I'm curious what other kinks she's hiding from me.

But I do. ;^)

don't you want to go to hell with me though?

you're fuck'in gey

Can vouch for me here. No boypuss.

You just do it. Its part of being a man during sex. Like pulling hair or shoving faces into pillow.

There are no girls on the internet. It is known.

I aint the one asking for a rimmie here spider. Just steal a muslim boy before they all get deported and keep him in your dungeon

that makes you even more gay

You were the one who brought up pegging m8

Wat. Explain pls.


how can this be seen as nothing but gehyay

Can confirm, we cam like 2-3 times a day. maybe even right now
Definitely no dick, unless you want to count this one :^)

Pretty sure not asking you is a sign of having good taste.

I thought you stopped with the thirst eh! Did the gay man a few days ago bring it back?

Never saw the point myself, better to just do shit in person.
At least its nutritious I guess.

I'm positive you're taste's are shit

I'm not being serious


why? do you want to rim me like

>tfw you make a girl to cum 15 times in a row without even touching her.


I'm not the user who needs to forget. I'm the user who is about to get a gf.

Literotica stuff?

My soon to be is like that too.