This post is to improve our ability to disseminate stickers in the future

This post is to improve our ability to disseminate stickers in the future.

The 23rd was a great win for those of us who want to disseminate pro-White memes into the general populace. However I noticed a great many people who could have been far more effective at doing so. One person tried to make stickers but the glue wouldn't hold and was forced to use staples. Many others were forced to use tape. Taping a single paper to a poll or a sign is not an effective means of getting exposure to the maximum number of normies. Any passing degenerate can rip down such posters.

So the following is a step by step process for making stickers so you can post your favourite memes wherever you want and they will stay up for a long time.

First you must print out your designs. Print them out with LASER a printer so the ink doesn't run when the paper gets wet. You can usually find such printers in your local (((university))) and creating a guest account allows you to print for free. At least, such is the policy in my college.

Next you take clear tape and completely cover the paper like so. This helps protect the paper from faggots and also helps keep it waterproof.

Other urls found in this thread:
eggs gloves]

Next you create an adhesive. Mix Elmer's Glue and Vinegar together in a 2:1 ratio. Stir and then paint the back of the paper twice. Once in a horizontal direction and then wait for it to dry. Then paint it vertically.

Hang it up to dry and cut it out. Keep it dry.

To stick it somewhere, carry with you a travel sized spray bottle. Spray the adhesive side of your sticker and then place your sticker. Smooth it out and then appreciate your work.

Heil Victory.

fucking sick

Can we get a dump of some good propaganda examples? People were posting way too much shit that would make terrible posters.

Also thanks for the tutorial, hopefully we can get another day of the meme soon.

it's called wheat paste
its what people who know what to use instead of tape and staples use to hang their shit

Right-Wing Banksy when??

a few of my favorites

It's important that your design be good.


Here are some examples of memes that would make good stickers.

No. Wheat paste washes away in the rain. I never touch that shit. Tacky glue + water is a waterproof paste that lasts for months, even when scratched at by degenerates.

need cleaner designs

My intention were things that could be redone into a sticker.

I'm not a drawfag.

You have the right idea, however these posters would not work. Posters need to be very simple (as you said) and the less going on the better. The Mantra, given even without accompanying imagery is perfect.

Getting more people on a consistent message is critical. The more people posting the same image, the more often a normie will see the same image. Over and over and over again, the normie must hear and see that "Diversity is a code word for White Genocide"

Only then will it sink in.

Eggshell stickers are almost impossible to remove.


This is gold.

Here's a deportation poster I made myself.

There was a fella around election time that bought a dedicated sticker printer of sorts. That is another thing to look into.

Need a new poster with the message "WHITE GENOCIDE - Either your FOR it for AGAINST it." with the implication that there can be no denying it is going on, that denial is pro-genocide.


great work user, love it, saved

if I could make one suggestion, consider removing the two stickers and increasing the font size in the bottom, would make it easier to print and cleaner to look at

Does anybody have any good anti-jew posters? I'm looking for stuff that's printer ready, not just random redpills.

Need to make the message simpler to understand for the normie.

Either you're FOR it for AGAINST it

I'd suggest posting pro-white messages instead, more palatable to the uninitiated

On it. Good advice.

Hmm. I'll make that design and post it here. Gimme a minuteā€¦

How about this one

I need to grab photoshop but cant seem to safely find one without risking a virus. Ideally some work would be put into it so the visuals explain the concept, and the message grabs the eye. Maybe statistics showing the white population as a percentage of the world, and how were now shrinking below 50% in all our countries except a few. A map with the white replacement rates would make another good poster on its own, I have one in an atlas somewhere.

Might be able to adapt this into something.



It could use some more substance, like some kind of example - like a map showing all the countries that put people in prison for questioning it.

Concerning Printer Fingerprinting
In the past many anons have voiced concern over printing things out because some printers will "watermark" the pages with hidden codes made of yellow dots.
B/W laser printers do not do this.
B/W laser printers are the cheapest, fastest, and safest option available.

Breddy gud.

A couple of good resources:

Is that a good slogan?

And here is another design

Simple, easy to understand. Yep.

These are good. I have a similar one featuring those disgusting cucks in that second poster.

I'd replace "White guilt" with "Multiculturalism" or "Diversity" as we really need to seed the fact in people's minds that those nice sounding words are nothing more than a code word for our own extermination.

That's what I was feeling too, but then I was remembering Scott Adams and thought that sub-consciously having WG = WG is way more appealing to the brain, more likely to stick in the back of their mind.

Would be better if it were more straightened, symmetrical. I actually thought it up (the for it or against it part) right as I was going to go to sleep, and wrote it down. I put "pick your side" at the end, but figured just now itd be simpler without it.

One of the biggest walls they put in your way when arguing about it - is that they deny its even real, and then make you explain it in detail, trying to poke holes in it and refusing to accept basic logic. Its like being Jared Taylor and arguing with that beaner from Univision, Ramos. A big waste of time, he wants you to disappear. Anyways, off track - people need to be shut down, it needs to be accepted that its happening. We need to disarm that argument from their routine, which explains the "for it or against it". The message is that if you deny white genocide, youre for white genocide.



Interesting, why the vinegar though ?



Yeah. I was looking at it after I posted it and thinking the same thing.


If somebody decides to use this one, remove the Holla Forums reference first, and replace it with just a swastika. There is no good reason to send people here.

1, 3 are good
2, 4 are not



Here is a better version.


Schrodinger's Frog.


Sometimes the classics are best.

I'd strongly caution against using this poster. There already exists a huge movement that posts the mantra; "Diversity is a code word for White Genocide"
The purpose of this is to retake control of the language, the narrative, and thus the conversation on race. Such a movement simply doesn't exist to support that slogan.

Too, most civilians are utterly, utterly fearful of the Swastika. Posting anything accompanied by a Swastika is an excellent way to shut down the minds of the normies and thus ensure that you wasted paper and time.

This one should probably be re-made using colors more conducive to B/W printing.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I'm throwing it out there because there might be some regions where it would actually be effective. Some parts of rural PA or Idaho for instance.



I think the message of this sign is powerful, but it needs to be reworked into a poster format.

Here's a sheet of sticker to print on A4 paper.

I don't know about Idaho, but I can tell you from experience that rural PA is very "Christian"
And by that I mean Zionist.

Not a single one naming the enemy.
Why dat user?

I agree with what user said earlier, I'd avoid posting these IRL because people will immediately tune them out.

to appeal to the broadest audience. Do you forget just how brainwashed people are?

The underlined "against it" was better. It removes all doubt and possible confusion of the message we're trying to convey. I mean to us it's obvious what the agenda here is but I suppose in some instances it could be that a normie mistakes this as a pro-White genocide poster.
I don't know perhaps I'm over thinking things it just felt like the other poster was more assertive, had more strength about it. Showing we are not scared to speak out. That we are proud. That, yes this is a pro-White poster.

Anyway for the next poster run I think we ought to plan well in advance giving all anons plenty of time to source supplies and plan routes etc.

I grew up in rural PA. People there are Christian, but there are also a lot of openly fascist/NatSoc people too. Even the many of the Christians don't care much for jews, they resent urbanites in Philly and Pittsburgh, and are mostly ethnically German. It's fertile ground for conversions.



because real life isn't an imageboard, average Americans shut down their critical thinking at the sight of "anti-semitism"

did you forget redpilling is a journey, not a destination? start small

gas yourself

effective propaganda means reaching the largest audience possible.

you suit the content to the audience, not the reverse

This one is perhaps too wordy for a poster, but if anybody stops to read it maybe it would stick with them. It alone doesn't impose any conclusions on them, but they'd be left wondering why somebody posted it. Might work, you be the judge.





Not good, it doesn't promote ideals.

this is good, I'd make the text black too tho

this isnt halfchan, you can post multiple images per post

Yeah, I don't disagree with that either, but I think those stickers also have a place.
Depending on the area these are posted, they could get a positive, or at least an interesting reaction.

Where I'm from there are a lot of conservatives, traditionalists, reactionaries, Nationalists and Fascists who are pretty much afraid to come out in the open because they see the mess we live in. These people need to be assured that there are many like them, and that they should not be afraid to voice their thoughts.

Also, there are a lot of edgy Antifa faggots where I'm from. And those faggots need to understand that they don't rule this land. They need to understand that their reign of terror is coming to an end, and that Nationalism is finally on the rise. By using such "extremist" stickers we establish some sort of controlling territory. It's like tagging our "turf."

Yes indeed, those stickers don't do much for the normie-tier public, if anything they might harm our cause, but they can work wonders with the right target group.

That is fantastic. I wish I experienced the same.

This bodes well for us having a JQed population so close to the (((capital)))

lmfao, didnt expect this to be real.

might be funny to put up natsoc stickers around antifa hangouts

Designed for twitter.

I'd also change eradicate to exterminate for a sticker.

Agreed completely. Too wordy for posters, but if picked up and read by someone, it would explain a lot. I wish we could airdrop millions of these as leaflets.

That's the scary part.

Speaking of actual airdropped leafletsā€¦

Jews are an amazing bunch eh?

HRC branding

We should pick a time and a (slow news) day and work with cuckcan and T_D to get #HootonPlan trending.

These faggots freak out over everything. Their opinions are completely irrelevant. We must focus on the people who matter; the "neutral" Whites. Antfags will go to their deaths being sniveling tools for the Jewish elites. Triggering them is secondary to enlightening the greatest number of our people.

Superb entry-level redpill.


But this fags are the ones that spread cuck ideias, if we eliminate them, normalfags will be under our controll.

kikes will just fund a different group

remember BLM? I wonder where they wentā€¦

Those faggots don't educate, they are the "students" of the Jews. It is the Jews that are the problem.

You report, Ice deports is the only good one.

Everything else is niche stuff that makes no sense.

Your first pic was shown to my normie friend, and he thought it was a movie poster.

Also very nice.

Very nice. 3rd good one ITT.

post something better and I'll use that instead

I already pointed out which of your images is best dude.

Just dont use the confusing ones.

But somebody on the universities are close related to those groups, giving money it is not enogh to organize people, someone needs to be directly engaging in to this.

Antifa has leaders (or maybe, capitans of the boats), take them out and we can slow them forever.

Made with the current text of wikipedia, since that's probably what people will look up when they see it, and they'll see the exact same thing there.

This is a genius idea for propaganda for any term we want them to search

Of course it needs to be a term that Google doesn't return cucked results for.

Current arctive

I like this, except a lot of normies will be like, "so what? They were a bunch of ebil Nahtzees!"

Many who already know about the "migrant crisis" will be able to put 2 and 2 together.

You can't reach everybody.

have you listened to / read WLP?

he proposes only 10% of any population are potential radicals, and they are the ones propaganda should be aimed at


that looks much worse than the version he posted

I haven't read this specifically, but I understand AH's philosophy and the target audience. etc.

I think you're on the right track.

I used the font Tahoma Bold. I think it looks nice but honestly I know fuck-all about fonts and graphic design.


little better version

simple is best, i've notice a lot of people only glance at stickers so short and easy to read will be most effective

Which is why images are better than text.

I think we should try to get #hootonplan trending on Apr 2 at 11am est (5pm in Paris)

This should be in time to influence french elections and not get newscucked by anything else.

In addition to accusing merkel we should bait the MSM into covering it by claiming we have solid info that Trump and Putin are working to implement it in the US.

Can you put an image of a boatload of male somali refugees coming in with something about the Modern day Hooton Plan or something like thatā€¦

But it's already April 26
Perhaps you meant May?

yeah, may

I'll do a dedicated post in a few mins, lets see if we can get a sticky


That's kind of itā€¦
Put something like: You wanna help them?
Google the Hooton Planā€¦

I'll keep a note of it. Don't use the hashtag until that date. Use a picture and have people retweet it.



'Do you support mass immigration?
Then you support the Hooton Plan.
Congratulations: you support genocide.'


Here's my take



Op #hootonplan post is up





If you guys want to create clipart style graphics that pop, restrict yourself to a five-colour palette. Ideally, whichever colours you choose, the palette should still be viable when shown in greyscale, in case you find yourself restricted to black and white printing. With greyscale, you should have white, black and three shades of grey. The darkest shade of grey should be distinguishable from the black portions without being too light.

Read up on colour theory and study advertisements to get an idea of what works and what doesn't work for grabbing peoples' attention and drawing them into your piece. Also look up the "rule of thirds" to better understand how to compose aesthetically pleasing images.

t-thanks user

The left side of the Africa picture should be edited to be black-and-white.

Hey does someone have the file for those pepe tags? I want to print them out and spread them around. I'm in the Bay Area, so this should really fuck with those cuccs.


oh boy this will be fun

Post pics!

Good call.

Anyone have a good adhesive method that isn't time consuming?

Honestly OP's method is probably the most effective, but you could also check your local hardware store for spray adhesive. I don't know if this stuff would work well or not.


That stuff is something you do not want on your clothing, there is label paper in which you can print on.

This picture and video footage gives me fucking chills. Literally biological warfare, dumping them off of fucking cargo ships like they are some sort of weapon or force invading.

Negative version requiring less black ink

True, but you'll want to boost the black in the wolf more. has a good negative of it.

A guy from attomwaffen was arrested on felony vandalism charges for using that. I do not recommend

I hope you applied the adhesive to the paper BEFORE cutting it out. Applying it to every single Pepe would be time consuming indeed!


It seams that putting 2 strips of packing tape on it works pretty good. The only thing I'm worried about is fingerprints, the backs of them pick up fingerprints like crazy

Valid concern. Use gloves?

Nice post OP

Where are you posting your fliers, I wonder if you'll end up on the local news

To avoid finger prints (but still have ample use of your fingers) use the disposable plastic gloves. Often I just cut off the rest of the glove, leaving only the fingers covered for maximum movement.

However, I am not overly concerned with leaving finger prints when I flypost with normal posters because getting a print off of them is nearly impossible. Posters like these are the best.

Why do so many of these have poor design?


Hehe. Already have

Can you remove the bottom section of pictures and put in "Immigration is Slavery"

I want to trigger some fence sitters.

Kek, doing God's work user

someone ought to do some fashwave posters.

tried that, but the gloves that I have stick too much [ gloves]

Would latex gloves not stick as much to tape?


I'm not sure I follow

What a spoiled little brat. It's funny because they are all like this. They think that anything short of us telling them their shit smells like perfume is oppressing their special status.

The funniest thing about that newsclip my posters were featured in is how they say "under investigation" and "police have been notified"
They do not say it, but I know for a fact that the poster they were spazzing out over was hung on a fence. That is not illegal. The police do NOT launch investigations into things that aren't illegal. They are LYING to give the impression to the normies that thought crime is already illegal.

These people are the most disgusting scum the world has ever produced and I pine for the day that they all get the rope.

This is my gangstarap $90 tablet edition poster.

Something like this but better.

this is great, normies are already conditioned with an emotional response to slavery, subverting that is excellent

best Holla Forums thread right here lmfao too bad im a bloody leaf and i cant do shit..

You can cause asshurt. Go forth and do whatever.

try out a powdered glove and turn it upside down

Well, yes. It probably would. Personally, even with these stickers, I just don't use gloves for ease of movement. I'm not particularly concerned with the police launching an expensive investigation into the posting of a few stickers that they probably don't even get.

I think I will go on a fly posting run, snap some new pictures and give a tutorial on flyposting with a better version of wheat paste that I came up with. That is actually the best method to use if you're afraid of prints because the chances of leaving prints is almost zero and removing the posters is even more difficult.

I did a thingā€¦

rev 2

Shit leaf, get gimp and help us make shit.

I really like this but I think that it needs the context of the full slave ship. You overlaid the images so well that it looks like that boat is half empty and not juxtaposed with a slave ship.

I did a version where the it was split top and bottom, but decided it was better to have the slave ship under the word slave. I think that slave ship diagram is highly identifiable since it was pounded into our heads in public school.

That said, the image is probably most recognizable to Americans, not Europeans. Europeans should be the real target of the anti-rapefugee propaganda.


kek love it

I wish it was mine, but I saw it in another thread a few days back

Hail Hortler

I was wondering about that as well, I was skeptical that the police would be investigating something like this since, last time I checked hanging posters were not illegal, at least in the right places.

i like to imagine what would happen if someone were to put a few of these up around my university.

you might even provoke a mass email about diversity and tolerance and how this will not be tolerated.

Hail Hortler

Hold up. Ima make this look good

They're actually the same user!



This. Disposable plastic gloves are a few dollars, or just use washing up gloves.

do you have any anti-antifa links I can throw in?

Can we get these, but with a Color to B/W transition? Or will the text get washed out?


Already posted this in another thread, but I may as well put it here, too. I want to git gud at making materials. Any advice on future posters? Any particularly good phrases or images out there that really drive home for normies anyway that the Antfag skullfuckery in May is something to despise/fear?

Here's what I have so far. Any ideas for what to put after "Take a stand"?

This is good,



fuck whoops, fixed

The text is a bit washed out on color. Also I'm not sure how to do that in gimp. I'll try learning though.

looks good, how about

evil will flourish if good men do nothing

Fuck with heir minds.

Good meme, already used it on twatter

maybe a version where "A day will come when all speech is hate speech" instead of the antifa stuff.

that sounds pretty good. But I was talking about like a link or twitter page or something where normies can get red pilled about antifa. Like this

Nice idea, user. Keep it up. The colour thing seems like a good move if u can manage it.

This. Algiz rune hippie sign is a good memetic weapon.
I bet hippies turned that shit upside down to cuck it. į›‰


fuck I'm having a hard time typing today for some reason. Fixed



lookin good user.

as a small suggestion I'd
center TAKE A STAND or just left of center
move to the very bottom and center or slightly right of center

does the average normie even know what antifa is?

something a little lighthearted for your enjoyment
watch until end


So more like this? Also, is just a placeholder site

Not sure about the proportions of this, but I think the Algiz flag concept is a good one.

If we remove the "white genocide" they will actually google it. I say we do this.
What other entry-level redpill we got? Only other one I can remember is Plan Kalergi, tho this one may be too straight-foward..

yep, you're quick

no offense but people will glance at this and move along without a moment of attention.

true, let me rework things real quick

I agree that it's on the edge of too much, too busy but this is a meme workshop collaboration soā€¦
any constructive criticism is welcome

How about this? Or maybe just get rid of "Think while it is still legal", and spin that one off into it's own poster?

"Think while it is still legal" should not be the header. It should not even be large. Your main message here is to educate about Antifa, not assume your audience doesn't think. They'll be offended at the assumption.

"Antifa wants to abolish your right to freedom of speech" is too wordy for a main message. I don't know of an alternative, but someone reading this that doesn't know Antifa will say "Who? Why should I care?".

The flag. Seems like you're promoting it!

Basically keep the main message loud and clear. Don't have 2 different messages in giant lettering.

again, I don't mean offense, and I'm not a great designer/writer myself. It's just pretty easy to see effective messages vs jumbled, messy ones.

Vanguard America Does those.

This is good. The best visual propaganda uses as FEW WORDS AS POSSIBLE

NO you idiot, stop trying to beat the target over the head with a hammer. Wordy propaganda is utter cancer, it's like y'all have never into memetics in your fucking lives

Since i spent 2 posts criticizing, here's an idea to play with. Like has been said, less words, better message.

ooh, that's clever.


another thing, using fonts like Helvetica and other meme graphic design standards will attract the average person into reading it a lot more effectively than BOLD IMPACT FONT WITH LITTLE VARIATION.


I'm a leaf.
Go out and do something faggot. Don't get caught.
If you're afraid to get caught distributing posters then I don't know how you're going to handle the next steps.

Bringing out a potential sticky against homos. rate

Has anyone yet said if there was any reason the 23rd was chosen, by whom, and why Holla Forums just went along without getting any explanation?

I only saw one mention in media, and it was for (presumably) falseflagged anti-white stuff.

no offense taken user.

I like this one
if you could add the right picture as a backgroundā€¦

I have to point out something very important, because this poster is absolutely correct but it's missing something.
At the end of the day, the revolution can only succeed if it replaced their lemming systemā€¦. with our own. Lemming systems are fundamentally what societies are. Lemming management is the function of government, economics, and law and culture, religion, etc.

Lennin was a commie faggot but his concept of dual power had merit, in terms of revolution.
You need to provide the lemming normie with something, and deprive the system of the capacity to provide things to the lemming.
Revolution will have bombings and violence, sure.
But it also has soup kitchens, drug rehab systems, small businesses that can provide jobs to members, etc.
You have to offer the lemming the new world you're promising them simultaneous to smashing the old one, otherwise you're just a mad bomber accomplishing nothing. Carrot and stick.


How about that infographics with all the ship Pissrael pull off against the US - attacking the liberty, spying, theft, flase flags, etc..

If you're going to do flyers and posters, go all or nothing. Make TONS. Of all kinds. Spread them like a fag spreads STD's.



In addition to my Mantra posters, I make theseā€¦

Golden Dawn.
Once the time comes, we will need to organize into some kind of American Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn dominates Greek neighborhoods because they provide services & charities to the Greek people that the corrupt government cannot. They could potentially ISIS their way into controlling some serious territory if they wanted to. We should replicate their success here. Of course, that means no stupid divisions because of minor differences in ideology. The fbi has been very effective at dividing the various pro-White organizations against each other. We must put these differences aside for the sake of our own survival.

Of course, that is another thread entirely.

Good pic, your OC?


Why not say "search" instead?

Fucking Jewgle shills.

DDG & Master Race Reporting In btw

Also some pieces of advice to those wanting to make their own designs:

Use simple hand drawings, computer generated imagery (e.g. Pepe), or vectorized depictions if you must.
This will preserve the life of your cartridges in the long run. This goes for both laser and inkjet users, the latter of which is not recommended for this sort of thing.
No one will ever read anything written in Comic Sans.
A random QR code in the middle of nowhere will grab more attention than a run of the mill propaganda poster with 2 full paragraphs of text. Plus they can be made much smaller so you can spread them around more.


To add to that, no one will read anything in any of the fancy fonts. Keep the font as simple as possible.
These are good points. Keep it simple fam.

You're dumbasses, why didn't you use wheatpaste?

Would something like this be useful?

1. Because we're talking about stickers.
2. Because wheat paste is easily removed. This has already been explained at least 3 times already.

So OP is an antifa kike trying to get Holla Forums to kill themselves?

Ok then, I'm reporting him, for attempting to get Holla Forums anons killed and being an antifa.

Back to Holla Forums with you faggot.

I'm banned from there though for shitposting and calling them anti-white faggots.


Sure you are (((fellow Aryan)))

I'm going to go fishing with my Portuguese friend while discussing nigger-extermination. AFK. I'm Dutch/Boer master race btw.

Never heard of the hooton plan before. Thanks man.

So why'd your pussy friends at Holla Forums fail to show?

6/10 would recommend pic related instead

I can't in2 gimp too well, I might work on a few others later or smth

Just made these and posted them in a different thread, figured they'd be helpful here too.

This can be made into a sticker. The writing says "Warning! Carriers of tolerance."
Can be remade into "carriers of diversity" or "diversity promoters".

Or maybe something along the lines of "They bring diversity to your country and then flee it".


With that background on it, it would be pretty hard to change the text, at least for me.

Hey I'm back. I don't know what you're talking about. We didn't get any fish but we found a squirrel. The squirrel's tail is being salted now.

Don't you faggots think guns are scary and oppose hunting because you think meat is murder?

Made 'em easy to print.

Quit flirting and fuck eachother, faggots.

Had to tweak the aspect ratio a bit to get it to lay out well for efficient printing, but it still looks good I think.

Didn't like the background, here's a black and white (should print better too.) Also added some more printer friendly variants of the Trump swastika design.

I'm mostly trying to take established things and put them into a format that is easy to print and requires minimal effort for someone who just wants to get to stickering. All of it is in the right aspect ratio and resolution for high quality printing, and I'm trying to optimize for black and white to allow cheaper printing. Let me know if you have any content you would like this done with.

The edges on those B&W Trumpstikas look awful, here's a better version.


That's need to know user,and you don't need to know.

you can print straight on to USPS stickers
you can get packs of 500 for free

the only people who fucking investigates vandalism that thorough is the NYPD's vandal squad

they are literally the only retards who collect fingerprints

stickers will never reach anywhere near $500 in damages, even if youre being investigated unless your physically on camera putting stickers up, it doesnt matter, just make sure youre not a faggot who litters your materials when youre done with them

Just for the sake of my autism, it is illegal to use USPS stickers that way, and they could tack on a bunch of bullshit if some kike tracked you down.

More posters:

unless said stickers are swastikas and youre putting them on a synagogue, dont worry about it

something like this?

Fuck off cuck

Wait its ok to question the holohoax in Norway, Finland and especial in Sweden?

Hard to belive.

Don't hold the masses up to your own standards. You'll just come off as a elitist knowitall.

Much simpler.

checked. #4 gave me a good chuckle

Printing stickers with QR codes that link to non pozzed results?

And that is how you prove that you are a leftist shill who doesn't give a fuck about the White race. Piss off Holla Forums

Don't get caught. As someone else here said, the police aren't going to launch an expensive investigation because some random person posted a sticker on a flag poll.

You can grab the official installer from Adobe's website and either use PainteRs patch or just use the free trial period.

It is good opsec to format and reinstall your computer every few months. It takes very little of your time after the first few times you do it, is good for performance and allows you to keep using trial versions of AV software, for instance.

After that, do as this Jews says:

Even if you are stupid enough to buy it, and that is nigger stupid, put a minimal amount of effort onto not being tracked and shit.



Doesn't exist. Why did you include a URL to a nonexistent website?

I appreciate the feedback

Has anyone considered making "false flag" stickers? Something that's extremely anti-white or anti-american. It may serve to polarize the centrists and make them more receptive to a wave of right-wing stickers.


It needs to be normalfag friendly. That's why.

okay i get it: all good to get nazi presence on the street to normalise it yeah yeah
but most normies will be simply turned off by outright fullrp propaganda

more effective: posting subtle redpills that target weak points in their bp worldview, aiming to gain a foothold for the redpill; isolated from the full picture.

i mean they don't have to be as obviously presented as these examples
but the point is that you want to focus on an isolated argument

still can't find the very best one from this set. it said something like:
race builds culture

The first one is powerful. Makes the viewer question his assumptions.

Something for the retro hipster nerds

I should add the following recommendation as far as purchases of adhesives go - use cash and if you can't, wait one week before putting these things up so that it's not determinable when or where the purchase was made. Also wear gloves while preparing and applying these the entire time. Doesn't hurt to play it safe.

Would it be any smart to hide razor blades and such on the back of the sticker to cut any degenerates trying to remove it? Any countermeasures against removal?

This is what you want in your posters. Try to make them like how you make your memes; Speaking volumes without words. Let the images do the talking.

Also, try using any subtle variant of the swastika, or any other alternative symbols. Normies are magnetically repelled by swastikas, especially well-made ones.

This is what you want to achieve; Promote nationalism and our ideals as an ideal alternative to social justice.
Co-opting normie memes to also promote our ideals sounds fantastic on paper, but ultimately weak. Then again, since offensive/dank meme compilations are all the rage with middle/high schoolers, it wouldn't hurt to get them on the same path as ours.

Hmm. Well I'd say no for these reasons
1. It'd be difficult to actually stick a razor blade behind a sticker and expect it to stick. It'd ironically be easier to remove.
2. It is kind of really bad optics to be hiding razor blades in things (think of the ridiculous razor blades in candy meme).
3. Even if we did do this, odds are no one would be injured. In fact, if anyone was injured, it might be the janitors the SJWs call to remove the stickers. I don't want to injure random White janitors.

Fair enough, but are there any anti-graffiti sprays for our stickers?

Nigger please.
>spray it with glue shit's avaviple in spraycans
Shit takes a fucking sandblaster to get off.
There's actually an infograph or screencap with this, idk I'm drunk and tired, can't be arsed to look for it

A cursory google search tells me it softens the glue.

Don't be such a faggot and do your own research next time.

Yes but wheat paste washes off in the rain. Use tackey glue + water mix. It is far more effective than wheat paste.

I don't know. Don't overcomplicate putting up posters. If some faggots want to waste their time trying to remove them, nothing we could do will stop them. However, my tackey glue + water mixture makes it very difficult to remove posters. See this picture? This poster is still up. And they've been trying to remove it for almost three months now. And yes, I live in a very rainy area too so it has survived a lot.

Both are owned by jews and known to sell your data.

Follow the white rabbit